diff --git a/changelog.d/10496.misc b/changelog.d/10496.misc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d0d3e5391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/10496.misc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Extend release script to also tag and create GitHub releases.
diff --git a/scripts-dev/release.py b/scripts-dev/release.py
index cff433af2a..e864dc6ed5 100755
--- a/scripts-dev/release.py
+++ b/scripts-dev/release.py
@@ -14,29 +14,57 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-"""An interactive script for doing a release. See `run()` below.
+"""An interactive script for doing a release. See `cli()` below.
+import re
import subprocess
import sys
-from typing import Optional
+import urllib.request
+from os import path
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
+import attr
import click
+import commonmark
import git
+import redbaron
+from click.exceptions import ClickException
+from github import Github
from packaging import version
-from redbaron import RedBaron
-def run():
- """An interactive script to walk through the initial stages of creating a
- release, including creating release branch, updating changelog and pushing to
- GitHub.
+def cli():
+ """An interactive script to walk through the parts of creating a release.
Requires the dev dependencies be installed, which can be done via:
pip install -e .[dev]
+ Then to use:
+ ./scripts-dev/release.py prepare
+ # ... ask others to look at the changelog ...
+ ./scripts-dev/release.py tag
+ # ... wait for asssets to build ...
+ ./scripts-dev/release.py publish
+ ./scripts-dev/release.py upload
+ If the env var GH_TOKEN (or GITHUB_TOKEN) is set, or passed into the
+ `tag`/`publish` command, then a new draft release will be created/published.
+ """
+def prepare():
+ """Do the initial stages of creating a release, including creating release
+ branch, updating changelog and pushing to GitHub.
# Make sure we're in a git repo.
@@ -51,32 +79,8 @@ def run():
click.secho("Updating git repo...")
- # Parse the AST and load the `__version__` node so that we can edit it
- # later.
- with open("synapse/__init__.py") as f:
- red = RedBaron(f.read())
- version_node = None
- for node in red:
- if node.type != "assignment":
- continue
- if node.target.type != "name":
- continue
- if node.target.value != "__version__":
- continue
- version_node = node
- break
- if not version_node:
- print("Failed to find '__version__' definition in synapse/__init__.py")
- sys.exit(1)
- # Parse the current version.
- current_version = version.parse(version_node.value.value.strip('"'))
- assert isinstance(current_version, version.Version)
+ # Get the current version and AST from root Synapse module.
+ current_version, parsed_synapse_ast, version_node = parse_version_from_module()
# Figure out what sort of release we're doing and calcuate the new version.
rc = click.confirm("RC", default=True)
@@ -190,7 +194,7 @@ def run():
# Update the `__version__` variable and write it back to the file.
version_node.value = '"' + new_version + '"'
with open("synapse/__init__.py", "w") as f:
- f.write(red.dumps())
+ f.write(parsed_synapse_ast.dumps())
# Generate changelogs
subprocess.run("python3 -m towncrier", shell=True)
@@ -240,6 +244,180 @@ def run():
+@click.option("--gh-token", envvar=["GH_TOKEN", "GITHUB_TOKEN"])
+def tag(gh_token: Optional[str]):
+ """Tags the release and generates a draft GitHub release"""
+ # Make sure we're in a git repo.
+ try:
+ repo = git.Repo()
+ except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError:
+ raise click.ClickException("Not in Synapse repo.")
+ if repo.is_dirty():
+ raise click.ClickException("Uncommitted changes exist.")
+ click.secho("Updating git repo...")
+ repo.remote().fetch()
+ # Find out the version and tag name.
+ current_version, _, _ = parse_version_from_module()
+ tag_name = f"v{current_version}"
+ # Check we haven't released this version.
+ if tag_name in repo.tags:
+ raise click.ClickException(f"Tag {tag_name} already exists!\n")
+ # Get the appropriate changelogs and tag.
+ changes = get_changes_for_version(current_version)
+ click.echo_via_pager(changes)
+ if click.confirm("Edit text?", default=False):
+ changes = click.edit(changes, require_save=False)
+ repo.create_tag(tag_name, message=changes)
+ if not click.confirm("Push tag to GitHub?", default=True):
+ print("")
+ print("Run when ready to push:")
+ print("")
+ print(f"\tgit push {repo.remote().name} tag {current_version}")
+ print("")
+ return
+ repo.git.push(repo.remote().name, "tag", tag_name)
+ # If no token was given, we bail here
+ if not gh_token:
+ click.launch(f"https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/releases/edit/{tag_name}")
+ return
+ # Create a new draft release
+ gh = Github(gh_token)
+ gh_repo = gh.get_repo("matrix-org/synapse")
+ release = gh_repo.create_git_release(
+ tag=tag_name,
+ name=tag_name,
+ message=changes,
+ draft=True,
+ prerelease=current_version.is_prerelease,
+ )
+ # Open the release and the actions where we are building the assets.
+ click.launch(release.url)
+ click.launch(
+ f"https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/actions?query=branch%3A{tag_name}"
+ )
+ click.echo("Wait for release assets to be built")
+@click.option("--gh-token", envvar=["GH_TOKEN", "GITHUB_TOKEN"], required=True)
+def publish(gh_token: str):
+ """Publish release."""
+ # Make sure we're in a git repo.
+ try:
+ repo = git.Repo()
+ except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError:
+ raise click.ClickException("Not in Synapse repo.")
+ if repo.is_dirty():
+ raise click.ClickException("Uncommitted changes exist.")
+ current_version, _, _ = parse_version_from_module()
+ tag_name = f"v{current_version}"
+ if not click.confirm(f"Publish {tag_name}?", default=True):
+ return
+ # Publish the draft release
+ gh = Github(gh_token)
+ gh_repo = gh.get_repo("matrix-org/synapse")
+ for release in gh_repo.get_releases():
+ if release.title == tag_name:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ClickException(f"Failed to find GitHub release for {tag_name}")
+ assert release.title == tag_name
+ if not release.draft:
+ click.echo("Release already published.")
+ return
+ release = release.update_release(
+ name=release.title,
+ message=release.body,
+ tag_name=release.tag_name,
+ prerelease=release.prerelease,
+ draft=False,
+ )
+def upload():
+ """Upload release to pypi."""
+ current_version, _, _ = parse_version_from_module()
+ tag_name = f"v{current_version}"
+ pypi_asset_names = [
+ f"matrix_synapse-{current_version}-py3-none-any.whl",
+ f"matrix-synapse-{current_version}.tar.gz",
+ ]
+ with TemporaryDirectory(prefix=f"synapse_upload_{tag_name}_") as tmpdir:
+ for name in pypi_asset_names:
+ filename = path.join(tmpdir, name)
+ url = f"https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/releases/download/{tag_name}/{name}"
+ click.echo(f"Downloading {name} into {filename}")
+ urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=filename)
+ if click.confirm("Upload to PyPI?", default=True):
+ subprocess.run("twine upload *", shell=True, cwd=tmpdir)
+ click.echo(
+ f"Done! Remember to merge the tag {tag_name} into the appropriate branches"
+ )
+def parse_version_from_module() -> Tuple[
+ version.Version, redbaron.RedBaron, redbaron.Node
+ # Parse the AST and load the `__version__` node so that we can edit it
+ # later.
+ with open("synapse/__init__.py") as f:
+ red = redbaron.RedBaron(f.read())
+ version_node = None
+ for node in red:
+ if node.type != "assignment":
+ continue
+ if node.target.type != "name":
+ continue
+ if node.target.value != "__version__":
+ continue
+ version_node = node
+ break
+ if not version_node:
+ print("Failed to find '__version__' definition in synapse/__init__.py")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Parse the current version.
+ current_version = version.parse(version_node.value.value.strip('"'))
+ assert isinstance(current_version, version.Version)
+ return current_version, red, version_node
def find_ref(repo: git.Repo, ref_name: str) -> Optional[git.HEAD]:
"""Find the branch/ref, looking first locally then in the remote."""
if ref_name in repo.refs:
@@ -256,5 +434,66 @@ def update_branch(repo: git.Repo):
+def get_changes_for_version(wanted_version: version.Version) -> str:
+ """Get the changelogs for the given version.
+ If an RC then will only get the changelog for that RC version, otherwise if
+ its a full release will get the changelog for the release and all its RCs.
+ """
+ with open("CHANGES.md") as f:
+ changes = f.read()
+ # First we parse the changelog so that we can split it into sections based
+ # on the release headings.
+ ast = commonmark.Parser().parse(changes)
+ @attr.s(auto_attribs=True)
+ class VersionSection:
+ title: str
+ # These are 0-based.
+ start_line: int
+ end_line: Optional[int] = None # Is none if its the last entry
+ headings: List[VersionSection] = []
+ for node, _ in ast.walker():
+ # We look for all text nodes that are in a level 1 heading.
+ if node.t != "text":
+ continue
+ if node.parent.t != "heading" or node.parent.level != 1:
+ continue
+ # If we have a previous heading then we update its `end_line`.
+ if headings:
+ headings[-1].end_line = node.parent.sourcepos[0][0] - 1
+ headings.append(VersionSection(node.literal, node.parent.sourcepos[0][0] - 1))
+ changes_by_line = changes.split("\n")
+ version_changelog = [] # The lines we want to include in the changelog
+ # Go through each section and find any that match the requested version.
+ regex = re.compile(r"^Synapse v?(\S+)")
+ for section in headings:
+ groups = regex.match(section.title)
+ if not groups:
+ continue
+ heading_version = version.parse(groups.group(1))
+ heading_base_version = version.parse(heading_version.base_version)
+ # Check if heading version matches the requested version, or if its an
+ # RC of the requested version.
+ if wanted_version not in (heading_version, heading_base_version):
+ continue
+ version_changelog.extend(changes_by_line[section.start_line : section.end_line])
+ return "\n".join(version_changelog)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- run()
+ cli()
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 1081548e00..c478563510 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
+ "commonmark==0.9.1",
+ "pygithub==1.55",
CONDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS["mypy"] = ["mypy==0.812", "mypy-zope==0.2.13"]