diff --git a/webclient/room/room-controller.js b/webclient/room/room-controller.js
index 5a2f06d8ee..39f8635d76 100644
--- a/webclient/room/room-controller.js
+++ b/webclient/room/room-controller.js
@@ -313,32 +313,44 @@ angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'matrixFilter', 'mFileInput'])
case "/nick":
// Change user display name
- promise = matrixService.setDisplayName(args);
+ if (args) {
+ promise = matrixService.setDisplayName(args);
+ }
+ else {
+ $scope.feedback = "Usage: /nick <display_name>";
+ }
case "/kick":
- var matches = args.match(/^(\S+?)( +(.*))?$/);
- if (matches.length === 2) {
- promise = matrixService.setMembership($scope.room_id, matches[1], "leave");
- }
- else if (matches.length === 4) {
- promise = matrixService.setMembershipObject($scope.room_id, matches[1], {
- membership: "leave",
- reason: matches[3] // TODO: we need to specify resaon in the spec
- });
+ // Kick a user from the room with an optional reason
+ if (args) {
+ var matches = args.match(/^(\S+?)( +(.*))?$/);
+ if (matches.length === 2) {
+ promise = matrixService.setMembership($scope.room_id, matches[1], "leave");
+ }
+ else if (matches.length === 4) {
+ promise = matrixService.setMembershipObject($scope.room_id, matches[1], {
+ membership: "leave",
+ reason: matches[3] // TODO: we need to specify resaon in the spec
+ });
+ }
- else {
+ if (!promise) {
$scope.feedback = "Usage: /kick <userId> [<reason>]";
case "/ban":
- // Ban a user from the room with optional reason
- var matches = args.match(/^(\S+?)( +(.*))?$/);
- if (matches) {
- promise = matrixService.ban($scope.room_id, matches[1], matches[3]);
+ // Ban a user from the room with an optional reason
+ if (args) {
+ var matches = args.match(/^(\S+?)( +(.*))?$/);
+ if (matches) {
+ promise = matrixService.ban($scope.room_id, matches[1], matches[3]);
+ }
- else {
+ if (!promise) {
$scope.feedback = "Usage: /ban <userId> [<reason>]";
@@ -348,29 +360,35 @@ angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'matrixFilter', 'mFileInput'])
// FIXME: this feels horribly asymmetrical - why are we banning via RPC
// and unbanning by editing the membership list?
// Why can't we specify a reason?
- var matches = args.match(/^(\S+)$/);
- if (matches) {
- // Reset the user membership to "leave" to unban him
- promise = matrixService.setMembership($scope.room_id, matches[1], "leave");
+ if (args) {
+ var matches = args.match(/^(\S+)$/);
+ if (matches) {
+ // Reset the user membership to "leave" to unban him
+ promise = matrixService.setMembership($scope.room_id, matches[1], "leave");
+ }
- else {
+ if (!promise) {
$scope.feedback = "Usage: /unban <userId>";
case "/op":
// Define the power level of a user
- var matches = args.match(/^(\S+?)( +(\d+))?$/);
- var powerLevel = 50; // default power level for op
- if (matches) {
- var user_id = matches[1];
- if (matches.length === 4) {
- powerLevel = parseInt(matches[3]);
- }
- if (powerLevel !== NaN) {
- promise = matrixService.setUserPowerLevel($scope.room_id, user_id, powerLevel);
+ if (args) {
+ var matches = args.match(/^(\S+?)( +(\d+))?$/);
+ var powerLevel = 50; // default power level for op
+ if (matches) {
+ var user_id = matches[1];
+ if (matches.length === 4) {
+ powerLevel = parseInt(matches[3]);
+ }
+ if (powerLevel !== NaN) {
+ promise = matrixService.setUserPowerLevel($scope.room_id, user_id, powerLevel);
+ }
if (!promise) {
$scope.feedback = "Usage: /op <userId> [<power level>]";
@@ -378,11 +396,14 @@ angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'matrixFilter', 'mFileInput'])
case "/deop":
// Reset the power level of a user
- var matches = args.match(/^(\S+)$/);
- if (matches) {
- promise = matrixService.setUserPowerLevel($scope.room_id, args, undefined);
+ if (args) {
+ var matches = args.match(/^(\S+)$/);
+ if (matches) {
+ promise = matrixService.setUserPowerLevel($scope.room_id, args, undefined);
+ }
- else {
+ if (!promise) {
$scope.feedback = "Usage: /deop <userId>";