diff --git a/docs/client-server/OLD_specification.rst b/docs/client-server/OLD_specification.rst
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index 425ae57d93..0000000000
--- a/docs/client-server/OLD_specification.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-Matrix Client-Server API
- This specification is old. Please see matrix-doc/specification instead.
-The following specification outlines how a client can send and receive data from
-a home server.
-[[TODO(kegan): 4/7/14 Grilling
-- Mechanism for getting historical state changes (e.g. topic updates) - add
- query param flag?
-- Generic mechanism for linking first class events (e.g. feedback) with other s
- first class events (e.g. messages)?
-- Generic mechanism for updating 'stuff about the room' (e.g. favourite coffee)
- AND specifying clobbering rules (clobber/add to list/etc)?
-- How to ensure a consistent view for clients paginating through room lists?
- They aren't really ordered in any way, and if you're paginating
- through them, how can you show them a consistent result set? Temporary 'room
- list versions' akin to event version? How does that work?
-Outstanding problems / missing spec:
-- Push
-- Typing notifications
-Stream Tokens:
-An opaque token used to make further streaming requests. When using any
-pagination streaming API, responses will contain a start and end stream token.
-When reconnecting to the stream, these tokens can be used to tell the server
-where the client got up to in the stream.
-Event ID:
-Every event that comes down the event stream or that is returned from the REST
-API has an associated event ID (event_id). This ID will be the same between the
-REST API and the event stream, so any duplicate events can be clobbered
-correctly without knowing anything else about the event.
-Message ID:
-The ID of a message sent by a client in a room. Clients send IMs to each other
-in rooms. Each IM sent by a client must have a unique message ID which is unique
-for that particular client.
-User ID:
-The @username:host style ID of the client. When registering for an account, the
-client specifies their username. The user_id is this username along with the
-home server's unique hostname. When federating between home servers, the user_id
-is used to uniquely identify users across multiple home servers.
-Room ID:
-The room_id@host style ID for the room. When rooms are created, the client either
-specifies or is allocated a room ID. This room ID must be used to send messages
-in that room. Like with clients, there may be multiple rooms with the same ID
-across multiple home servers. The room_id is used to uniquely identify a room
-when federating.
-Global message ID:
-The globally unique ID for a message. This ID is formed from the msg_id, the
-client's user_id and the room_id. This uniquely identifies any
-message. It is represented with '-' as the delimeter between IDs. The
-global_msg_id is of the form: room_id-user_id-msg_id
-REST API and the Event Stream
-Clients send data to the server via a RESTful API. They can receive data via
-this API or from an event stream. An event stream is a special path which
-streams all events the client may be interested in. This makes it easy to
-immediately receive updates from the REST API. All data is represented as JSON.
-Pagination streaming API
-Clients are often interested in very large datasets. The data itself could
-be 1000s of messages in a given room, 1000s of rooms in a public room list, or
-1000s of events (presence, typing, messages, etc) in the system. It is not
-practical to send vast quantities of data to the client every time they
-request a list of public rooms for example. There needs to be a way to show a
-subset of this data, and apply various filters to it. This is what the pagination
-streaming API is. This API defines standard request/response parameters which
-can be used when navigating this stream of data.
-Pagination Request Query Parameters
-Clients may wish to paginate results from the event stream, or other sources of
-information where the amount of information may be a problem,
-e.g. in a room with 10,000s messages. The pagination query parameters provide a
-way to navigate a 'window' around a large set of data. These
-parameters are only valid for GET requests.
- S e r v e r - s i d e d a t a
- |-------------------------------------------------|
- |_______________|
- |
- Client-extraction
-'START' and 'END' are magic token values which specify the start and end of the
-dataset respectively.
-Query parameters:
- from : $streamtoken - The opaque token to start streaming from.
- to : $streamtoken - The opaque token to end streaming at. Typically,
- clients will not know the item of data to end at, so this will usually be
- limit : integer - An integer representing the maximum number of items to
- return.
-For example, the event stream has events E1 -> E15. The client wants the last 5
-events and doesn't know any previous events:
-S E
-| | |
-| _____| |
-|__________________ | ___________________|
- | | |
- GET /events?to=START&limit=5&from=END
- Returns:
- E15,E14,E13,E12,E11
-Another example: a public room list has rooms R1 -> R17. The client is showing 5
-rooms at a time on screen, and is on page 2. They want to
-now show page 3 (rooms R11 -> 15):
-S E
-| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | stream token
-|-R1-R2-R3-R4-R5-R6-R7-R8-R9-R10-R11-R12-R13-R14-R15-R16-R17| room
- |____________| |________________|
- | |
- Currently |
- viewing |
- |
- GET /rooms/list?from=9&to=END&limit=5
- Returns: R11,R12,R13,R14,R15
-Note that tokens are treated in an *exclusive*, not inclusive, manner. The end
-token from the intial request was '9' which corresponded to R10. When the 2nd
-request was made, R10 did not appear again, even though from=9 was specified. If
-you know the token, you already have the data.
-Pagination Response
-Responses to pagination requests MUST follow the format:
- "chunk": [ ... , Responses , ... ],
- "start" : $streamtoken,
- "end" : $streamtoken
-Where $streamtoken is an opaque token which can be used in another query to
-get the next set of results. The "start" and "end" keys can only be omitted if
-the complete dataset is provided in "chunk".
-If the client wants earlier results, they should use from=$start_streamtoken,
-to=START. Likewise, if the client wants later results, they should use
-from=$end_streamtoken, to=END.
-Unless specified, the default pagination parameters are from=START, to=END,
-without a limit set. This allows you to hit an API like
-/events without any query parameters to get everything.
-The Event Stream
-The event stream returns events using the pagination streaming API. When the
-client disconnects for a while and wants to reconnect to the event stream, they
-should specify from=$end_streamtoken. This lets the server know where in the
-event stream the client is. These tokens are completely opaque, and the client
-cannot infer anything from them.
- GET /events?from=$LAST_STREAM_TOKEN
- REST Path: /events
- Returns (success): A JSON array of Event Data.
- Returns (failure): An Error Response
-LAST_STREAM_TOKEN is the last stream token obtained from the event stream. If the
-client is connecting for the first time and does not know any stream tokens,
-they can use "START" to request all events from the start. For more information
-on this, see "Pagination Request Query Parameters".
-The event stream supports shortpoll and longpoll with the "timeout" query
-parameter. This parameter specifies the number of milliseconds the server should
-hold onto the connection waiting for incoming events. If no events occur in this
-period, the connection will be closed and an empty chunk will be returned. To
-use shortpoll, specify "timeout=0".
-Event Data
-This is a JSON object which looks like:
- "event_id" : $EVENT_ID,
- "type" : $EVENT_TYPE,
- "content" : {
- }
- An ID identifying this event. This is so duplicate events can be suppressed on
- the client.
- The namespaced event type (m.*)
- Path specific data from the REST API.
- The event content, matching the REST content PUT previously.
-Events are differentiated via the event type "type" key. This is the type of
-event being received. This can be expanded upon by using different namespaces.
-Every event MUST have a 'type' key.
-Most events will have a corresponding REST URL. This URL will generally have
-data in it to represent the resource being modified,
-e.g. /rooms/$room_id. The event data will contain extra top-level keys to expose
-this information to clients listening on an event
-stream. The event content maps directly to the contents submitted via the REST
-For example:
- Event Type: m.example.room.members
- REST Path: /examples/room/$room_id/members/$user_id
- REST Content: { "membership" : "invited" }
-is represented in the event stream as:
- "event_id" : "e_some_event_id",
- "type" : "m.example.room.members",
- "room_id" : $room_id,
- "user_id" : $user_id,
- "content" : {
- "membership" : "invited"
- }
-As convention, the URL variable "$varname" will map directly onto the name
-of the JSON key "varname".
-Error Responses
-If the client sends an invalid request, the server MAY respond with an error
-response. This is of the form:
- "error" : "string",
- "errcode" : "string"
-The 'error' string will be a human-readable error message, usually a sentence
-explaining what went wrong.
-The 'errcode' string will be a unique string which can be used to handle an
-error message e.g. "M_FORBIDDEN". These error codes should have their namespace
-first in ALL CAPS, followed by a single _. For example, if there was a custom
-namespace com.mydomain.here, and a "FORBIDDEN" code, the error code should look
-like "COM.MYDOMAIN.HERE_FORBIDDEN". There may be additional keys depending on
-the error, but the keys 'error' and 'errcode' will always be present.
-Some standard error codes are below:
-Forbidden access, e.g. joining a room without permission, failed login.
-The access token specified was not recognised.
-Request contained valid JSON, but it was malformed in some way, e.g. missing
-required keys, invalid values for keys.
-Request did not contain valid JSON.
-No resource was found for this request.
-Some requests have unique error codes:
-Encountered when trying to register a user ID which has been taken.
-Encountered when trying to create a room which has been taken.
-Encountered when specifying bad pagination values to a Pagination Streaming API.
-All content must be application/json. Some keys are required, while others are
-optional. Unless otherwise specified,
-all HTTP PUT/POST/DELETEs will return a 200 OK with an empty response body on
-success, and a 4xx/5xx with an optional Error Response on failure. When sending
-data, if there are no keys to send, an empty JSON object should be sent.
-All POST/PUT/GET/DELETE requests MUST have an 'access_token' query parameter to
-allow the server to authenticate the client. All
-POST requests MUST be submitted as application/json.
-All paths MUST be namespaced by the version of the API being used. This should
-All REST paths in this section MUST be prefixed with this. E.g.
- REST Path: /rooms/$room_id
- Absolute Path: /_matrix/client/api/v1/rooms/$room_id
-Clients must register with the server in order to use the service. After
-registering, the client will be given an
-access token which must be used in ALL requests as a query parameter
-Registering for an account
- POST /register
- With: A JSON object containing the key "user_id" which contains the desired
- user_id, or an empty JSON object to have the server allocate a user_id
- automatically.
- Returns (success): 200 OK with a JSON object:
- {
- "user_id" : "string [user_id]",
- "access_token" : "string"
- }
- Returns (failure): An Error Response. M_USER_IN_USE if the user ID is taken.
-Unregistering an account
- POST /unregister
- With query parameters: access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN
- Returns (success): 200 OK
- Returns (failure): An Error Response.
-Logging in to an existing account
-If the client has already registered, they need to be able to login to their
-account. The home server may provide many different ways of logging in, such
-as user/password auth, login via a social network (OAuth), login by confirming
-a token sent to their email address, etc. This section does NOT define how home
-servers should authorise their users who want to login to their existing
-accounts. This section defines the standard interface which implementations
-should follow so that ANY client can login to ANY home server.
-The login process breaks down into the following:
- 1: Get login process info.
- 2: Submit the login stage credentials.
- 3: Get access token or be told the next stage in the login process and repeat
- step 2.
-Getting login process info:
- GET /login
- Returns (success): 200 OK with LoginInfo.
- Returns (failure): An Error Response.
-Submitting the login stage credentials:
- POST /login
- With: LoginSubmission
- Returns (success): 200 OK with LoginResult
- Returns (failure): An Error Response
-Where LoginInfo is a JSON object which MUST have a "type" key which denotes the
-login type. If there are multiple login stages, this object MUST also contain a
-"stages" key, which has a JSON array of login types denoting all the steps in
-order to login, including the first stage which is in "type". This allows the
-client to make an informed decision as to whether or not they can natively
-handle the entire login process, or whether they should fallback (see below).
-Where LoginSubmission is a JSON object which MUST have a "type" key.
-Where LoginResult is a JSON object which MUST have either a "next" key OR an
-"access_token" key, depending if the login process is over or not. This object
-MUST have a "session" key if multiple POSTs need to be sent to /login.
-If the client does NOT know how to handle the given type, they should:
- GET /login/fallback
-This MUST return an HTML page which can perform the entire login process.
-Type: "m.login.password"
- "type": "m.login.password",
- "user": <user_id>,
- "password": <password>
-Assume you are @bob:matrix.org and you wish to login on another mobile device.
-First, you GET /login which returns:
- "type": "m.login.password"
-Your client knows how to handle this, so your client prompts the user to enter
-their username and password. This is then submitted:
- "type": "m.login.password",
- "user": "@bob:matrix.org",
- "password": "monkey"
-The server checks this, finds it is valid, and returns:
- "access_token": "abcdef0123456789"
-The server may optionally return "user_id" to confirm or change the user's ID.
-This is particularly useful if the home server wishes to support localpart entry
-of usernames (e.g. "bob" rather than "@bob:matrix.org").
-Type: "m.login.oauth2"
-This is a multi-stage login.
- "type": "m.login.oauth2",
- "user": <user_id>
- "uri": <Authorization Request uri OR service selection uri>
-The home server acts as a 'confidential' Client for the purposes of OAuth2.
-If the uri is a "sevice selection uri", it is a simple page which prompts the
-user to choose which service to authorize with. On selection of a service, they
-link through to Authorization Request URIs. If there is only 1 service which the
-home server accepts when logging in, this indirection can be skipped and the
-"uri" key can be the Authorization Request URI.
-The client visits the Authorization Request URI, which then shows the OAuth2
-Allow/Deny prompt. Hitting 'Allow' returns the redirect URI with the auth code.
-Home servers can choose any path for the redirect URI. The client should visit
-the redirect URI, which will then finish the OAuth2 login process, granting the
-home server an access token for the chosen service. When the home server gets
-this access token, it knows that the cilent has authed with the 3rd party, and
-so can return a LoginResult.
-The OAuth redirect URI (with auth code) MUST return a LoginResult.
-Assume you are @bob:matrix.org and you wish to login on another mobile device.
-First, you GET /login which returns:
- "type": "m.login.oauth2"
-Your client knows how to handle this, so your client prompts the user to enter
-their username. This is then submitted:
- "type": "m.login.oauth2",
- "user": "@bob:matrix.org"
-The server only accepts auth from Google, so returns the Authorization Request
-URI for Google:
- "uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&
- client_id=CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&scope=photos"
-The client then visits this URI and authorizes the home server. The client then
-visits the REDIRECT_URI with the auth code= query parameter which returns:
- "access_token": "0123456789abcdef"
-Email-based (code)
-Type: "m.login.email.code"
-This is a multi-stage login.
-First LoginSubmission:
- "type": "m.login.email.code",
- "user": <user_id>
- "email": <email address>
- "session": <session id>
-The email contains a code which must be sent in the next LoginSubmission:
- "type": "m.login.email.code",
- "session": <session id>,
- "code": <code in email sent>
- "access_token": <access token>
-Assume you are @bob:matrix.org and you wish to login on another mobile device.
-First, you GET /login which returns:
- "type": "m.login.email.code"
-Your client knows how to handle this, so your client prompts the user to enter
-their email address. This is then submitted:
- "type": "m.login.email.code",
- "user": "@bob:matrix.org",
- "email": "bob@mydomain.com"
-The server confirms that bob@mydomain.com is linked to @bob:matrix.org, then
-sends an email to this address and returns:
- "session": "ewuigf7462"
-The client's screen changes to a code submission page. The email arrives and it
-says something to the effect of "please enter 2348623 into the app". This is
-the submitted along with the session:
- "type": "m.login.email.code",
- "session": "ewuigf7462",
- "code": "2348623"
-The server accepts this and returns:
- "access_token": "abcdef0123456789"
-Email-based (url)
-Type: "m.login.email.url"
-This is a multi-stage login.
-First LoginSubmission:
- "type": "m.login.email.url",
- "user": <user_id>
- "email": <email address>
- "session": <session id>
-The email contains a URL which must be clicked. After it has been clicked, the
-client should perform a request:
- "type": "m.login.email.code",
- "session": <session id>
- "access_token": <access token>
-Assume you are @bob:matrix.org and you wish to login on another mobile device.
-First, you GET /login which returns:
- "type": "m.login.email.url"
-Your client knows how to handle this, so your client prompts the user to enter
-their email address. This is then submitted:
- "type": "m.login.email.url",
- "user": "@bob:matrix.org",
- "email": "bob@mydomain.com"
-The server confirms that bob@mydomain.com is linked to @bob:matrix.org, then
-sends an email to this address and returns:
- "session": "ewuigf7462"
-The client then starts polling the server with the following:
- "type": "m.login.email.url",
- "session": "ewuigf7462"
-(Alternatively, the server could send the device a push notification when the
-email has been validated). The email arrives and it contains a URL to click on.
-The user clicks on the which completes the login process with the server. The
-next time the client polls, it returns:
- "access_token": "abcdef0123456789"
-N-Factor auth
-Multiple login stages can be combined with the "next" key in the LoginResult.
-A server demands an email.code then password auth before logging in. First, the
-client performs a GET /login which returns:
- "type": "m.login.email.code",
- "stages": ["m.login.email.code", "m.login.password"]
-The client performs the email login (See "Email-based (code)"), but instead of
-returning an access_token, it returns:
- "next": "m.login.password"
-The client then presents a user/password screen and the login continues until
-this is complete (See "Password-based"), which then returns the "access_token".
-A room is a conceptual place where users can send and receive messages. Rooms
-can be created, joined and left. Messages are sent
-to a room, and all participants in that room will receive the message. Rooms are
-uniquely identified via the room_id.
-Creating a room (with a room ID)
- Event Type: m.room.create [TODO(kegan): Do we generate events for this?]
- REST Path: /rooms/$room_id
- Valid methods: PUT
- Required keys: None.
- Optional keys:
- visibility : [public|private] - Set whether this room shows up in the public
- room list.
- Returns:
- On Failure: MAY return a suggested alternative room ID if this room ID is
- taken.
- {
- suggested_room_id : $new_room_id
- error : "Room already in use."
- errcode : "M_ROOM_IN_USE"
- }
-Creating a room (without a room ID)
- Event Type: m.room.create [TODO(kegan): Do we generate events for this?]
- REST Path: /rooms
- Valid methods: POST
- Required keys: None.
- Optional keys:
- visibility : [public|private] - Set whether this room shows up in the public
- room list.
- Returns:
- On Success: The allocated room ID. Additional information about the room
- such as the visibility MAY be included as extra keys in this response.
- {
- room_id : $room_id
- }
-Setting the topic for a room
- Event Type: m.room.topic
- REST Path: /rooms/$room_id/topic
- Valid methods: GET/PUT
- Required keys:
- topic : $topicname - Set the topic to $topicname in room $room_id.
-See a list of public rooms
- REST Path: /public/rooms?pagination_query_parameters
- Valid methods: GET
- This API can use pagination query parameters.
- Returns:
- {
- "chunk" : JSON array of RoomInfo JSON objects - Required.
- "start" : "string (start token)" - See Pagination Response.
- "end" : "string (end token)" - See Pagination Response.
- "total" : integer - Optional. The total number of rooms.
- }
-RoomInfo: Information about a single room.
- Servers MUST send the key: room_id
- Servers MAY send the keys: topic, num_members
- {
- "room_id" : "string",
- "topic" : "string",
- "num_members" : integer
- }
-Room Members
-Invite/Joining/Leaving a room
- Event Type: m.room.member
- REST Path: /rooms/$room_id/members/$user_id/state
- Valid methods: PUT/GET/DELETE
- Required keys:
- membership : [join|invite] - The membership state of $user_id in room
- $room_id.
- Optional keys:
- displayname,
- avatar_url : String fields from the member user's profile
- state,
- status_msg,
- mtime_age : Presence information
- These optional keys provide extra information that the client is likely to
- be interested in so it doesn't have to perform an additional profile or
- presence information fetch.
- join - Indicate you ($user_id) are joining the room $room_id.
- invite - Indicate that $user_id has been invited to room $room_id.
-User $user_id can leave room $room_id by DELETEing this path.
-Checking the user list of a room
- REST Path: /rooms/$room_id/members/list
- This API can use pagination query parameters.
- Valid methods: GET
- Returns:
- A pagination response with chunk data as m.room.member events.
-Users send messages to other users in rooms. These messages may be text, images,
-video, etc. Clients may also want to acknowledge messages by sending feedback,
-in the form of delivery/read receipts.
-Server-attached keys
-The server MAY attach additional keys to messages and feedback. If a client
-submits keys with the same name, they will be clobbered by
-the server.
-Required keys:
-from : "string [user_id]"
- The user_id of the user who sent the message/feedback.
-Optional keys:
-hsob_ts : integer
- A timestamp (ms resolution) representing when the message/feedback got to the
- sender's home server ("home server outbound timestamp").
-hsib_ts : integer
- A timestamp (ms resolution) representing when the
- message/feedback got to the receiver's home server ("home server inbound
- timestamp"). This may be the same as hsob_ts if the sender/receiver are on the
- same home server.
-Sending messages
- Event Type: m.room.message
- REST Path: /rooms/$room_id/messages/$from/$msg_id
- Valid methods: GET/PUT
- URL parameters:
- $from : user_id - The sender's user_id. This value will be clobbered by the
- server before sending.
- Required keys:
- msgtype: [m.text|m.emote|m.image|m.audio|m.video|m.location|m.file] -
- The type of message. Not to be confused with the Event 'type'.
- Optional keys:
- sender_ts : integer - A timestamp (ms resolution) representing the
- wall-clock time when the message was sent from the client.
- Reserved keys:
- body : "string" - The human readable string for compatibility with clients
- which cannot process a given msgtype. This key is optional, but
- if it is included, it MUST be human readable text
- describing the message. See individual msgtypes for more
- info on what this means in practice.
-Each msgtype may have required fields of their own.
-msgtype: m.text
-Required keys:
- body : "string" - The body of the message.
-Optional keys:
- None.
-msgtype: m.emote
-Required keys:
- body : "string" - *tries to come up with a witty explanation*.
-Optional keys:
- None.
-msgtype: m.image
-Required keys:
- url : "string" - The URL to the image.
-Optional keys:
- body : "string" - info : JSON object (ImageInfo) - The image info for image
- referred to in 'url'.
- thumbnail_url : "string" - The URL to the thumbnail.
- thumbnail_info : JSON object (ImageInfo) - The image info for the image
- referred to in 'thumbnail_url'.
-ImageInfo: Information about an image.
- "size" : integer (size of image in bytes),
- "w" : integer (width of image in pixels),
- "h" : integer (height of image in pixels),
- "mimetype" : "string (e.g. image/jpeg)"
-Interpretation of 'body' key: The alt text of the image, or some kind of content
-description for accessibility e.g. "image attachment".
-msgtype: m.audio
-Required keys:
- url : "string" - The URL to the audio.
-Optional keys:
- info : JSON object (AudioInfo) - The audio info for the audio referred to in
- 'url'.
-AudioInfo: Information about a piece of audio.
- "mimetype" : "string (e.g. audio/aac)",
- "size" : integer (size of audio in bytes),
- "duration" : integer (duration of audio in milliseconds)
-Interpretation of 'body' key: A description of the audio e.g. "Bee Gees -
-Stayin' Alive", or some kind of content description for accessibility e.g.
-"audio attachment".
-msgtype: m.video
-Required keys:
- url : "string" - The URL to the video.
-Optional keys:
- info : JSON object (VideoInfo) - The video info for the video referred to in
- 'url'.
-VideoInfo: Information about a video.
- "mimetype" : "string (e.g. video/mp4)",
- "size" : integer (size of video in bytes),
- "duration" : integer (duration of video in milliseconds),
- "w" : integer (width of video in pixels),
- "h" : integer (height of video in pixels),
- "thumbnail_url" : "string (URL to image)",
- "thumbanil_info" : JSON object (ImageInfo)
-Interpretation of 'body' key: A description of the video e.g. "Gangnam style",
-or some kind of content description for accessibility e.g. "video attachment".
-msgtype: m.location
-Required keys:
- geo_uri : "string" - The geo URI representing the location.
-Optional keys:
- thumbnail_url : "string" - The URL to a thumnail of the location being
- represented.
- thumbnail_info : JSON object (ImageInfo) - The image info for the image
- referred to in 'thumbnail_url'.
-Interpretation of 'body' key: A description of the location e.g. "Big Ben,
-London, UK", or some kind of content description for accessibility e.g.
-"location attachment".
-Sending feedback
-When you receive a message, you may want to send delivery receipt to let the
-sender know that the message arrived. You may also want to send a read receipt
-when the user has read the message. These receipts are collectively known as
- Event Type: m.room.message.feedback
- REST Path: /rooms/$room_id/messages/$msgfrom/$msg_id/feedback/$from/$feedback
- Valid methods: GET/PUT
- URL parameters:
- $msgfrom - The sender of the message's user_id.
- $from : user_id - The sender of the feedback's user_id. This value will be
- clobbered by the server before sending.
- $feedback : [d|r] - Specify if this is a [d]elivery or [r]ead receipt.
- Required keys:
- None.
- Optional keys:
- sender_ts : integer - A timestamp (ms resolution) representing the
- wall-clock time when the receipt was sent from the client.
-Receiving messages (bulk/pagination)
- Event Type: m.room.message
- REST Path: /rooms/$room_id/messages/list
- Valid methods: GET
- Query Parameters:
- feedback : [true|false] - Specify if feedback should be bundled with each
- message.
- This API can use pagination query parameters.
- Returns:
- A JSON array of Event Data in "chunk" (see Pagination Response). If the
- "feedback" parameter was set, the Event Data will also contain a "feedback"
- key which contains a JSON array of feedback, with each element as Event Data
- with compressed feedback for this message.
-Event Data with compressed feedback is a special type of feedback with
-contextual keys removed. It is designed to limit the amount of redundant data
-being sent for feedback. This removes the type, event_id, room ID,
-message sender ID and message ID keys.
- ORIGINAL (via event streaming)
- "event_id":"e1247632487",
- "type":"m.room.message.feedback",
- "from":"string [user_id]",
- "feedback":"string [d|r]",
- "room_id":"$room_id",
- "msg_id":"$msg_id",
- "msgfrom":"$msgfromid",
- "content":{
- "sender_ts":139880943
- }
- COMPRESSED (via /messages/list)
- "from":"string [user_id]",
- "feedback":"string [d|r]",
- "content":{
- "sender_ts":139880943
- }
-When you join a room $room_id, you may want the last 10 messages with feedback.
-This is represented as:
- /rooms/$room_id/messages/list?from=END&to=START&limit=10&feedback=true
-You may want to get 10 messages even earlier than that without feedback. If the
-start stream token from the previous request was stok_019173, this request would
- /rooms/$room_id/messages/list?from=stok_019173&to=START&limit=10&
- feedback=false
-NOTE: Care must be taken when using this API in conjunction with event
- streaming. It is possible that this will return a message which will
- then come down the event stream, resulting in a duplicate message. Clients
- should clobber based on the global message ID, or event ID.
-Get current state for all rooms (aka IM Initial Sync API)
- REST Path: /im/sync
- Valid methods: GET
- This API can use pagination query parameters. Pagination is applied on a per
- *room* basis. E.g. limit=1 means "get 1 message for each room" and not "get 1
- room's messages". If there is no limit, all messages for all rooms will be
- returned.
- If you want 1 room's messages, see "Receiving messages (bulk/pagination)".
- Additional query parameters:
- feedback: [true] - Bundles feedback with messages.
- Returns:
- An array of RoomStateInfo.
-RoomStateInfo: A snapshot of information about a single room.
- {
- "room_id" : "string",
- "membership" : "string [join|invite]",
- "messages" : {
- "start": "string",
- "end": "string",
- "chunk":
- m.room.message pagination stream events (with feedback if specified),
- this is the same as "Receiving messages (bulk/pagination)".
- }
- }
-The "membership" key is the calling user's membership state in the given
-"room_id". The "messages" key may be omitted if the "membership" value is
-"invite". Additional keys may be added to the top-level object, such as:
- "topic" : "string" - The topic for the room in question.
- "room_image_url" : "string" - The URL of the room image if specified.
- "num_members" : integer - The number of members in the room.
-Getting/Setting your own displayname
- REST Path: /profile/$user_id/displayname
- Valid methods: GET/PUT
- Required keys:
- displayname : The displayname text
-Getting/Setting your own avatar image URL
-The homeserver does not currently store the avatar image itself, but offers
-storage for the user to specify a web URL that points at the required image,
-leaving it up to clients to fetch it themselves.
- REST Path: /profile/$user_id/avatar_url
- Valid methods: GET/PUT
- Required keys:
- avatar_url : The URL path to the required image
-Getting other user's profile information
-Either of the above REST methods may be used to fetch other user's profile
-information by the client, either on other local users on the same homeserver or
-for users from other servers entirely.
-In the following messages, the presence state is a presence string as described in
-the main specification document.
-Getting/Setting your own presence state
- REST Path: /presence/$user_id/status
- Valid methods: GET/PUT
- Required keys:
- presence : <string> - The user's new presence state
- Optional keys:
- status_msg : text string provided by the user to explain their status
-Fetching your presence list
- REST Path: /presence_list/$user_id
- Valid methods: GET/(post)
- Returns:
- An array of presence list entries. Each entry is an object with the
- following keys:
- {
- "user_id" : string giving the observed user's ID
- "presence" : int giving their status
- "status_msg" : optional text string
- "displayname" : optional text string from the user's profile
- "avatar_url" : optional text string from the user's profile
- }
-Maintaining your presence list
- REST Path: /presence_list/$user_id
- Valid methods: POST/(get)
- With: A JSON object optionally containing either of the following keys:
- "invite" : a list of strings giving user IDs to invite for presence
- subscription
- "drop" : a list of strings giving user IDs to remove from your presence
- list
-Receiving presence update events
- Event Type: m.presence
- Keys of the event's content are the same as those returned by the presence
- list.
-The following example is the story of "bob", who signs up at "sy.org" and joins
-the public room "room_beta@sy.org". They get the 2 most recent
-messages (with feedback) in that room and then send a message in that room.
-For context, here is the complete chat log for room_beta@sy.org:
-Room: "Hello world" (room_beta@sy.org)
-Members: (2) alice@randomhost.org, friend_of_alice@randomhost.org
- alice@randomhost.org : hi friend!
- [friend_of_alice@randomhost.org DELIVERED]
- alice@randomhost.org : you're my only friend
- [friend_of_alice@randomhost.org DELIVERED]
- alice@randomhost.org : afk
- [friend_of_alice@randomhost.org DELIVERED]
- [ bob@sy.org joins ]
- bob@sy.org : Hi everyone
- [ alice@randomhost.org changes the topic to "FRIENDS ONLY" ]
- alice@randomhost.org : Hello!!!!
- alice@randomhost.org : Let's go to another room
- alice@randomhost.org : You're not my friend
- [ alice@randomhost.org invites bob@sy.org to the room
- commoners@randomhost.org]
-POST: /register
-Content: {}
-Returns: { "user_id" : "bob@sy.org" , "access_token" : "abcdef0123456789" }
-GET: /rooms/list?access_token=abcdef0123456789
- "total":3,
- "chunk":
- [
- { "room_id":"room_alpha@sy.org", "topic":"I am a fish" },
- { "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org", "topic":"Hello world" },
- { "room_id":"room_xyz@sy.org", "topic":"Goodbye cruel world" }
- ]
-JOIN ROOM room_beta@sy.org
- access_token=abcdef0123456789
-Content: { "membership" : "join" }
-Returns: 200 OK
- feedback=true&access_token=abcdef0123456789
- "chunk":
- [
- {
- "event_id":"01948374",
- "type":"m.room.message",
- "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org",
- "msg_id":"avefifu",
- "from":"alice@randomhost.org",
- "hs_ts":139985736,
- "content":{
- "msgtype":"m.text",
- "body":"afk"
- }
- "feedback": [
- {
- "from":"friend_of_alice@randomhost.org",
- "feedback":"d",
- "hs_ts":139985850,
- "content":{
- "sender_ts":139985843
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "event_id":"028dfe8373",
- "type":"m.room.message",
- "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org",
- "msg_id":"afhgfff",
- "from":"alice@randomhost.org",
- "hs_ts":139970006,
- "content":{
- "msgtype":"m.text",
- "body":"you're my only friend"
- }
- "feedback": [
- {
- "from":"friend_of_alice@randomhost.org",
- "feedback":"d",
- "hs_ts":139970144,
- "content":{
- "sender_ts":139970122
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- ],
- "start": "stok_04823947",
- "end": "etok_1426425"
- access_token=abcdef0123456789
-Content: { "msgtype" : "text" , "body" : "Hi everyone" }
-Returns: 200 OK
-Checking the event stream for this user:
-GET: /events?from=START&access_token=abcdef0123456789
- "chunk":
- [
- {
- "event_id":"e10f3d2b",
- "type":"m.room.member",
- "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org",
- "user_id":"bob@sy.org",
- "content":{
- "membership":"join"
- }
- },
- {
- "event_id":"1b352d32",
- "type":"m.room.message",
- "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org",
- "msg_id":"m0001",
- "from":"bob@sy.org",
- "hs_ts":140193857,
- "content":{
- "msgtype":"m.text",
- "body":"Hi everyone"
- }
- }
- ],
- "start": "stok_9348635",
- "end": "etok_1984723"
-Client disconnects for a while and the topic is updated in this room, 3 new
-messages arrive whilst offline, and bob is invited to another room.
-GET /events?from=etok_1984723&access_token=abcdef0123456789
- "chunk":
- [
- {
- "event_id":"feee0294",
- "type":"m.room.topic",
- "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org",
- "from":"alice@randomhost.org",
- "content":{
- "topic":"FRIENDS ONLY",
- }
- },
- {
- "event_id":"a028bd9e",
- "type":"m.room.message",
- "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org",
- "msg_id":"z839409",
- "from":"alice@randomhost.org",
- "hs_ts":140195000,
- "content":{
- "msgtype":"m.text",
- "body":"Hello!!!"
- }
- },
- {
- "event_id":"49372d9e",
- "type":"m.room.message",
- "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org",
- "msg_id":"z839410",
- "from":"alice@randomhost.org",
- "hs_ts":140196000,
- "content":{
- "msgtype":"m.text",
- "body":"Let's go to another room"
- }
- },
- {
- "event_id":"10abdd01",
- "type":"m.room.message",
- "room_id":"room_beta@sy.org",
- "msg_id":"z839411",
- "from":"alice@randomhost.org",
- "hs_ts":140197000,
- "content":{
- "msgtype":"m.text",
- "body":"You're not my friend"
- }
- },
- {
- "event_id":"0018453d",
- "type":"m.room.member",
- "room_id":"commoners@randomhost.org",
- "from":"alice@randomhost.org",
- "user_id":"bob@sy.org",
- "content":{
- "membership":"invite"
- }
- },
- ],
- "start": "stok_0184288",
- "end": "etok_1348723"