1 files changed, 27 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/util/caches/ b/synapse/util/caches/
index 408c3b5e65..83bfec2f02 100644
--- a/synapse/util/caches/
+++ b/synapse/util/caches/
@@ -341,6 +341,33 @@ def cachedInlineCallbacks(max_entries=1000, num_args=1, lru=False):
def cachedList(cache, list_name, num_args=1, inlineCallbacks=False):
+ """Creates a descriptor that wraps a function in a `CacheListDescriptor`.
+ Used to do batch lookups for an already created cache. A single argument
+ is specified as a list that is iterated through to lookup keys in the
+ original cache. A new list consisting of the keys that weren't in the cache
+ get passed to the original function, the result of which is stored in the
+ cache.
+ Args:
+ cache (Cache): The underlying cache to use.
+ list_name (str): The name of the argument that is the list to use to
+ do batch lookups in the cache.
+ num_args (int): Number of arguments to use as the key in the cache.
+ inlineCallbacks (bool): Should the function be wrapped in an
+ `defer.inlineCallbacks`?
+ Example:
+ class Example(object):
+ @cached(num_args=2)
+ def do_something(self, first_arg):
+ ...
+ @cachedList(do_something.cache, list_name="second_args", num_args=2)
+ def batch_do_something(self, first_arg, second_args):
+ ...
+ """
return lambda orig: CacheListDescriptor(