diff --git a/synapse/storage/_base.py b/synapse/storage/_base.py
index 32089b05e5..556aa3b523 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/_base.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/_base.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import logging
from synapse.api.errors import StoreError
from synapse.util.async import ObservableDeferred
+from synapse.util import unwrapFirstError
from synapse.util.logutils import log_function
from synapse.util.logcontext import preserve_context_over_fn, LoggingContext
from synapse.util.lrucache import LruCache
@@ -231,6 +232,101 @@ class CacheDescriptor(object):
return wrapped
+class CacheListDescriptor(object):
+ def __init__(self, orig, cache, list_name, num_args=1, inlineCallbacks=False):
+ self.orig = orig
+ if inlineCallbacks:
+ self.function_to_call = defer.inlineCallbacks(orig)
+ else:
+ self.function_to_call = orig
+ self.num_args = num_args
+ self.list_name = list_name
+ self.arg_names = inspect.getargspec(orig).args[1:num_args+1]
+ self.list_pos = self.arg_names.index(self.list_name)
+ self.cache = cache
+ self.sentinel = object()
+ if len(self.arg_names) < self.num_args:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Not enough explicit positional arguments to key off of for %r."
+ " (@cached cannot key off of *args or **kwars)"
+ % (orig.__name__,)
+ )
+ if self.list_name not in self.arg_names:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Couldn't see arguments %r for %r."
+ % (self.list_name, cache.name,)
+ )
+ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
+ @functools.wraps(self.orig)
+ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
+ arg_dict = inspect.getcallargs(self.orig, obj, *args, **kwargs)
+ keyargs = [arg_dict[arg_nm] for arg_nm in self.arg_names]
+ list_args = arg_dict[self.list_name]
+ cached = {}
+ missing = []
+ for arg in list_args:
+ key = list(keyargs)
+ key[self.list_pos] = arg
+ try:
+ res = self.cache.get(tuple(key)).observe()
+ res.addCallback(lambda r, arg: (arg, r), arg)
+ cached[arg] = res
+ except KeyError:
+ missing.append(arg)
+ if missing:
+ sequence = self.cache.sequence
+ args_to_call = dict(arg_dict)
+ args_to_call[self.list_name] = missing
+ ret_d = defer.maybeDeferred(
+ self.function_to_call,
+ **args_to_call
+ )
+ ret_d = ObservableDeferred(ret_d)
+ for arg in missing:
+ observer = ret_d.observe()
+ observer.addCallback(lambda r, arg: r[arg], arg)
+ observer = ObservableDeferred(observer)
+ key = list(keyargs)
+ key[self.list_pos] = arg
+ self.cache.update(sequence, tuple(key), observer)
+ def invalidate(f, key):
+ self.cache.invalidate(key)
+ return f
+ observer.addErrback(invalidate, tuple(key))
+ res = observer.observe()
+ res.addCallback(lambda r, arg: (arg, r), arg)
+ cached[arg] = res
+ return defer.gatherResults(
+ cached.values(),
+ consumeErrors=True,
+ ).addErrback(unwrapFirstError).addCallback(lambda res: dict(res))
+ obj.__dict__[self.orig.__name__] = wrapped
+ return wrapped
def cached(max_entries=1000, num_args=1, lru=True):
return lambda orig: CacheDescriptor(
@@ -250,6 +346,16 @@ def cachedInlineCallbacks(max_entries=1000, num_args=1, lru=False):
+def cachedList(cache, list_name, num_args=1, inlineCallbacks=False):
+ return lambda orig: CacheListDescriptor(
+ orig,
+ cache=cache,
+ list_name=list_name,
+ num_args=num_args,
+ inlineCallbacks=inlineCallbacks,
+ )
class LoggingTransaction(object):
"""An object that almost-transparently proxies for the 'txn' object
passed to the constructor. Adds logging and metrics to the .execute()