#include #include #include #include "SnackBar.h" constexpr int STARTING_OFFSET = 1; SnackBar::SnackBar(QWidget *parent) : OverlayWidget(parent) { bgOpacity_ = 0.9; duration_ = 6000; boxWidth_ = 400; boxHeight_ = 40; boxPadding_ = 10; textColor_ = QColor("white"); bgColor_ = QColor("#333"); offset_ = STARTING_OFFSET; position_ = SnackBarPosition::Top; QFont font("Open Sans"); font.setPixelSize(14); font.setWeight(50); setFont(font); hideTimer_.setSingleShot(true); auto offset_anim = tweeny::from(1.0f).to(0.0f).during(100).via(tweeny::easing::cubicOut); connect(&showTimer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this, offset_anim]() mutable { if (offset_anim.progress() < 1.0f) { offset_ = offset_anim.step(0.07f); update(); } else { showTimer_.stop(); hideTimer_.start(duration_); offset_anim.seek(0.0f); } }); connect(&hideTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideMessage())); hide(); } void SnackBar::start() { if (messages_.empty()) return; show(); raise(); showTimer_.start(10); } void SnackBar::hideMessage() { stopTimers(); hide(); if (!messages_.empty()) // Moving on to the next message. messages_.pop_front(); // Reseting the starting position of the widget. offset_ = STARTING_OFFSET; if (!messages_.empty()) start(); } void SnackBar::stopTimers() { showTimer_.stop(); hideTimer_.stop(); } void SnackBar::showMessage(const QString &msg) { messages_.push_back(msg); // There is already an active message. if (isVisible()) return; start(); } void SnackBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) { hideMessage(); } void SnackBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event) if (messages_.empty()) return; auto message_ = messages_.front(); QPainter p(this); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); QBrush brush; brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); brush.setColor(bgColor_); p.setBrush(brush); p.setOpacity(bgOpacity_); QRect r(0, 0, boxWidth_, boxHeight_); p.setPen(Qt::white); QRect br = p.boundingRect(r, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop | Qt::TextWordWrap, message_); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); r = br.united(r).adjusted(-boxPadding_, -boxPadding_, boxPadding_, boxPadding_); const qreal s = 1 - offset_; if (position_ == SnackBarPosition::Bottom) p.translate((width() - (r.width() - 2 * boxPadding_)) / 2, height() - boxPadding_ - s * (r.height())); else p.translate((width() - (r.width() - 2 * boxPadding_)) / 2, s * (r.height()) - 2 * boxPadding_); br.moveCenter(r.center()); p.drawRoundedRect(r.adjusted(0, 0, 0, 3), 3, 3); p.setPen(textColor_); p.drawText(br, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop | Qt::TextWordWrap, message_); }