#include "TimelineModel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ChatPage.h" #include "EventAccessors.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "MatrixClient.h" #include "MxcImageProvider.h" #include "Olm.h" #include "TimelineViewManager.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "dialogs/RawMessage.h" Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QModelIndex) namespace std { inline uint qHash(const std::string &key, uint seed = 0) { return qHash(QByteArray::fromRawData(key.data(), key.length()), seed); } } namespace { struct RoomEventType { template qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &e) { using mtx::events::EventType; switch (e.type) { case EventType::RoomKeyRequest: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::KeyRequest; case EventType::Reaction: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Reaction; case EventType::RoomAliases: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Aliases; case EventType::RoomAvatar: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Avatar; case EventType::RoomCanonicalAlias: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::CanonicalAlias; case EventType::RoomCreate: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::RoomCreate; case EventType::RoomEncrypted: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Encrypted; case EventType::RoomEncryption: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Encryption; case EventType::RoomGuestAccess: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::RoomGuestAccess; case EventType::RoomHistoryVisibility: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::RoomHistoryVisibility; case EventType::RoomJoinRules: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::RoomJoinRules; case EventType::RoomMember: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Member; case EventType::RoomMessage: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::UnknownMessage; case EventType::RoomName: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Name; case EventType::RoomPowerLevels: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::PowerLevels; case EventType::RoomTopic: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Topic; case EventType::RoomTombstone: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Tombstone; case EventType::RoomRedaction: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Redaction; case EventType::RoomPinnedEvents: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::PinnedEvents; case EventType::Sticker: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Sticker; case EventType::Tag: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Tag; case EventType::Unsupported: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Unsupported; default: return qml_mtx_events::EventType::UnknownMessage; } } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::AudioMessage; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::EmoteMessage; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::FileMessage; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::ImageMessage; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::NoticeMessage; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::TextMessage; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::VideoMessage; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::Redacted; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()( const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::CallInvite; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()( const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::CallAnswer; } qml_mtx_events::EventType operator()( const mtx::events::Event &) { return qml_mtx_events::EventType::CallHangUp; } // ::EventType::Type operator()(const Event &e) { return // ::EventType::LocationMessage; } }; } qml_mtx_events::EventType toRoomEventType(const mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents &event) { return std::visit(RoomEventType{}, event); } QString toRoomEventTypeString(const mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents &event) { return std::visit([](const auto &e) { return QString::fromStdString(to_string(e.type)); }, event); } TimelineModel::TimelineModel(TimelineViewManager *manager, QString room_id, QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) , room_id_(room_id) , manager_(manager) { connect(this, &TimelineModel::oldMessagesRetrieved, this, &TimelineModel::addBackwardsEvents, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect( this, &TimelineModel::messageFailed, this, [this](QString txn_id) { nhlog::ui()->error("Failed to send {}, retrying", txn_id.toStdString()); QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, [this]() { emit nextPendingMessage(); }); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect( this, &TimelineModel::messageSent, this, [this](QString txn_id, QString event_id) { pending.removeOne(txn_id); auto ev = events.value(txn_id); if (auto reaction = std::get_if>(&ev)) { QString reactedTo = QString::fromStdString(reaction->content.relates_to.event_id); auto &rModel = reactions[reactedTo]; rModel.removeReaction(*reaction); auto rCopy = *reaction; rCopy.event_id = event_id.toStdString(); rModel.addReaction(room_id_.toStdString(), rCopy); } int idx = idToIndex(txn_id); if (idx < 0) { // transaction already received via sync return; } eventOrder[idx] = event_id; ev = std::visit( [event_id](const auto &e) -> mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents { auto eventCopy = e; eventCopy.event_id = event_id.toStdString(); return eventCopy; }, ev); events.remove(txn_id); events.insert(event_id, ev); // mark our messages as read readEvent(event_id.toStdString()); emit dataChanged(index(idx, 0), index(idx, 0)); if (pending.size() > 0) emit nextPendingMessage(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect( this, &TimelineModel::redactionFailed, this, [](const QString &msg) { emit ChatPage::instance()->showNotification(msg); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &TimelineModel::nextPendingMessage, this, &TimelineModel::processOnePendingMessage, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &TimelineModel::newMessageToSend, this, &TimelineModel::addPendingMessage, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect( this, &TimelineModel::eventFetched, this, [this](QString requestingEvent, mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents event) { events.insert(QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::event_id(event)), event); auto idx = idToIndex(requestingEvent); if (idx >= 0) emit dataChanged(index(idx, 0), index(idx, 0)); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } QHash TimelineModel::roleNames() const { return { {Section, "section"}, {Type, "type"}, {TypeString, "typeString"}, {IsOnlyEmoji, "isOnlyEmoji"}, {Body, "body"}, {FormattedBody, "formattedBody"}, {UserId, "userId"}, {UserName, "userName"}, {Timestamp, "timestamp"}, {Url, "url"}, {ThumbnailUrl, "thumbnailUrl"}, {Blurhash, "blurhash"}, {Filename, "filename"}, {Filesize, "filesize"}, {MimeType, "mimetype"}, {Height, "height"}, {Width, "width"}, {ProportionalHeight, "proportionalHeight"}, {Id, "id"}, {State, "state"}, {IsEncrypted, "isEncrypted"}, {IsRoomEncrypted, "isRoomEncrypted"}, {ReplyTo, "replyTo"}, {Reactions, "reactions"}, {RoomId, "roomId"}, {RoomName, "roomName"}, {RoomTopic, "roomTopic"}, {Dump, "dump"}, }; } int TimelineModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return (int)this->eventOrder.size(); } QVariantMap TimelineModel::getDump(QString eventId) const { if (events.contains(eventId)) return data(eventId, Dump).toMap(); return {}; } QVariant TimelineModel::data(const QString &id, int role) const { using namespace mtx::accessors; namespace acc = mtx::accessors; mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents event = events.value(id); if (auto e = std::get_if>(&event)) { event = decryptEvent(*e).event; } switch (role) { case UserId: return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(acc::sender(event))); case UserName: return QVariant(displayName(QString::fromStdString(acc::sender(event)))); case Timestamp: return QVariant(origin_server_ts(event)); case Type: return QVariant(toRoomEventType(event)); case TypeString: return QVariant(toRoomEventTypeString(event)); case IsOnlyEmoji: { QString qBody = QString::fromStdString(body(event)); QVector utf32_string = qBody.toUcs4(); int emojiCount = 0; for (auto &code : utf32_string) { if (utils::codepointIsEmoji(code)) { emojiCount++; } else { return QVariant(0); } } return QVariant(emojiCount); } case Body: return QVariant(utils::replaceEmoji(QString::fromStdString(body(event)))); case FormattedBody: { const static QRegularExpression replyFallback( ".*", QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption); bool isReply = !in_reply_to_event(event).empty(); auto formattedBody_ = QString::fromStdString(formatted_body(event)); if (formattedBody_.isEmpty()) { auto body_ = QString::fromStdString(body(event)); if (isReply) { while (body_.startsWith("> ")) body_ = body_.right(body_.size() - body_.indexOf('\n') - 1); if (body_.startsWith('\n')) body_ = body_.right(body_.size() - 1); } formattedBody_ = body_.toHtmlEscaped().replace('\n', "
"); } else { if (isReply) formattedBody_ = formattedBody_.remove(replyFallback); } formattedBody_.replace(" 0 ? prop : 1.); } case Id: return id; case State: { auto containsOthers = [](const auto &vec) { for (const auto &e : vec) if (e.second != http::client()->user_id().to_string()) return true; return false; }; // only show read receipts for messages not from us if (acc::sender(event) != http::client()->user_id().to_string()) return qml_mtx_events::Empty; else if (pending.contains(id)) return qml_mtx_events::Sent; else if (read.contains(id) || containsOthers(cache::readReceipts(id, room_id_))) return qml_mtx_events::Read; else return qml_mtx_events::Received; } case IsEncrypted: { return std::holds_alternative< mtx::events::EncryptedEvent>(events[id]); } case IsRoomEncrypted: { return cache::isRoomEncrypted(room_id_.toStdString()); } case ReplyTo: return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(in_reply_to_event(event))); case Reactions: if (reactions.count(id)) return QVariant::fromValue((QObject *)&reactions.at(id)); else return {}; case RoomId: return QVariant(room_id_); case RoomName: return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(room_name(event))); case RoomTopic: return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(room_topic(event))); case Dump: { QVariantMap m; auto names = roleNames(); // m.insert(names[Section], data(id, static_cast(Section))); m.insert(names[Type], data(id, static_cast(Type))); m.insert(names[TypeString], data(id, static_cast(TypeString))); m.insert(names[IsOnlyEmoji], data(id, static_cast(IsOnlyEmoji))); m.insert(names[Body], data(id, static_cast(Body))); m.insert(names[FormattedBody], data(id, static_cast(FormattedBody))); m.insert(names[UserId], data(id, static_cast(UserId))); m.insert(names[UserName], data(id, static_cast(UserName))); m.insert(names[Timestamp], data(id, static_cast(Timestamp))); m.insert(names[Url], data(id, static_cast(Url))); m.insert(names[ThumbnailUrl], data(id, static_cast(ThumbnailUrl))); m.insert(names[Blurhash], data(id, static_cast(Blurhash))); m.insert(names[Filename], data(id, static_cast(Filename))); m.insert(names[Filesize], data(id, static_cast(Filesize))); m.insert(names[MimeType], data(id, static_cast(MimeType))); m.insert(names[Height], data(id, static_cast(Height))); m.insert(names[Width], data(id, static_cast(Width))); m.insert(names[ProportionalHeight], data(id, static_cast(ProportionalHeight))); m.insert(names[Id], data(id, static_cast(Id))); m.insert(names[State], data(id, static_cast(State))); m.insert(names[IsEncrypted], data(id, static_cast(IsEncrypted))); m.insert(names[IsRoomEncrypted], data(id, static_cast(IsRoomEncrypted))); m.insert(names[ReplyTo], data(id, static_cast(ReplyTo))); m.insert(names[RoomName], data(id, static_cast(RoomName))); m.insert(names[RoomTopic], data(id, static_cast(RoomTopic))); return QVariant(m); } default: return QVariant(); } } QVariant TimelineModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { using namespace mtx::accessors; namespace acc = mtx::accessors; if (index.row() < 0 && index.row() >= (int)eventOrder.size()) return QVariant(); QString id = eventOrder[index.row()]; mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents event = events.value(id); if (role == Section) { QDateTime date = origin_server_ts(event); date.setTime(QTime()); std::string userId = acc::sender(event); for (size_t r = index.row() + 1; r < eventOrder.size(); r++) { auto tempEv = events.value(eventOrder[r]); QDateTime prevDate = origin_server_ts(tempEv); prevDate.setTime(QTime()); if (prevDate != date) return QString("%2 %1") .arg(date.toMSecsSinceEpoch()) .arg(QString::fromStdString(userId)); std::string prevUserId = acc::sender(tempEv); if (userId != prevUserId) break; } return QString("%1").arg(QString::fromStdString(userId)); } return data(id, role); } bool TimelineModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &) const { if (eventOrder.empty()) return true; if (!std::holds_alternative>( events[eventOrder.back()])) return true; else return false; } void TimelineModel::setPaginationInProgress(const bool paginationInProgress) { if (m_paginationInProgress == paginationInProgress) { return; } m_paginationInProgress = paginationInProgress; emit paginationInProgressChanged(m_paginationInProgress); } void TimelineModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &) { if (m_paginationInProgress) { nhlog::ui()->warn("Already loading older messages"); return; } setPaginationInProgress(true); mtx::http::MessagesOpts opts; opts.room_id = room_id_.toStdString(); opts.from = prev_batch_token_.toStdString(); nhlog::ui()->debug("Paginating room {}", opts.room_id); http::client()->messages( opts, [this, opts](const mtx::responses::Messages &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->error("failed to call /messages ({}): {} - {} - {}", opts.room_id, mtx::errors::to_string(err->matrix_error.errcode), err->matrix_error.error, err->parse_error); setPaginationInProgress(false); return; } emit oldMessagesRetrieved(std::move(res)); setPaginationInProgress(false); }); } void TimelineModel::addEvents(const mtx::responses::Timeline &timeline) { if (isInitialSync) { prev_batch_token_ = QString::fromStdString(timeline.prev_batch); isInitialSync = false; } if (timeline.events.empty()) return; std::vector ids = internalAddEvents(timeline.events, true); if (!ids.empty()) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, static_cast(ids.size() - 1)); this->eventOrder.insert(this->eventOrder.begin(), ids.rbegin(), ids.rend()); endInsertRows(); } if (!timeline.events.empty()) updateLastMessage(); } template auto isMessage(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &e) -> std::enable_if_t::value, bool> { return true; } template auto isMessage(const mtx::events::Event &) { return false; } template auto isMessage(const mtx::events::EncryptedEvent &) { return true; } auto isMessage(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &) { return true; } auto isMessage(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &) { return true; } auto isMessage(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &) { return true; } // Workaround. We also want to see a room at the top, if we just joined it auto isYourJoin(const mtx::events::StateEvent &e) { return e.content.membership == mtx::events::state::Membership::Join && e.state_key == http::client()->user_id().to_string(); } template auto isYourJoin(const mtx::events::Event &) { return false; } void TimelineModel::updateLastMessage() { for (auto it = eventOrder.begin(); it != eventOrder.end(); ++it) { auto event = events.value(*it); if (auto e = std::get_if>( &event)) { if (decryptDescription) { event = decryptEvent(*e).event; } } if (std::visit([](const auto &e) -> bool { return isYourJoin(e); }, event)) { auto time = mtx::accessors::origin_server_ts(event); uint64_t ts = time.toMSecsSinceEpoch(); emit manager_->updateRoomsLastMessage( room_id_, DescInfo{QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::event_id(event)), QString::fromStdString(http::client()->user_id().to_string()), tr("You joined this room."), utils::descriptiveTime(time), ts, time}); return; } if (!std::visit([](const auto &e) -> bool { return isMessage(e); }, event)) continue; auto description = utils::getMessageDescription( event, QString::fromStdString(http::client()->user_id().to_string()), room_id_); emit manager_->updateRoomsLastMessage(room_id_, description); return; } } std::vector TimelineModel::internalAddEvents( const std::vector &timeline, bool emitCallEvents) { std::vector ids; for (auto e : timeline) { QString id = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::event_id(e)); if (this->events.contains(id)) { this->events.insert(id, e); int idx = idToIndex(id); emit dataChanged(index(idx, 0), index(idx, 0)); continue; } QString txid = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::transaction_id(e)); if (this->pending.removeOne(txid)) { this->events.insert(id, e); this->events.remove(txid); int idx = idToIndex(txid); if (idx < 0) { nhlog::ui()->warn("Received index out of range"); continue; } eventOrder[idx] = id; emit dataChanged(index(idx, 0), index(idx, 0)); continue; } if (auto redaction = std::get_if>(&e)) { QString redacts = QString::fromStdString(redaction->redacts); auto redacted = std::find(eventOrder.begin(), eventOrder.end(), redacts); auto event = events.value(redacts); if (auto reaction = std::get_if>( &event)) { QString reactedTo = QString::fromStdString(reaction->content.relates_to.event_id); reactions[reactedTo].removeReaction(*reaction); int idx = idToIndex(reactedTo); if (idx >= 0) emit dataChanged(index(idx, 0), index(idx, 0)); } if (redacted != eventOrder.end()) { auto redactedEvent = std::visit( [](const auto &ev) -> mtx::events::RoomEvent { mtx::events::RoomEvent replacement = {}; replacement.event_id = ev.event_id; replacement.room_id = ev.room_id; replacement.sender = ev.sender; replacement.origin_server_ts = ev.origin_server_ts; replacement.type = ev.type; return replacement; }, e); events.insert(redacts, redactedEvent); int row = (int)std::distance(eventOrder.begin(), redacted); emit dataChanged(index(row, 0), index(row, 0)); } continue; // don't insert redaction into timeline } if (auto reaction = std::get_if>(&e)) { QString reactedTo = QString::fromStdString(reaction->content.relates_to.event_id); events.insert(id, e); // remove local echo if (!txid.isEmpty()) { auto rCopy = *reaction; rCopy.event_id = txid.toStdString(); reactions[reactedTo].removeReaction(rCopy); } reactions[reactedTo].addReaction(room_id_.toStdString(), *reaction); int idx = idToIndex(reactedTo); if (idx >= 0) emit dataChanged(index(idx, 0), index(idx, 0)); continue; // don't insert reaction into timeline } if (auto event = std::get_if>(&e)) { auto e_ = decryptEvent(*event).event; auto encInfo = mtx::accessors::file(e_); if (encInfo) emit newEncryptedImage(encInfo.value()); if (emitCallEvents) { // event room_id is not set, apparently due to spec bug if (auto callInvite = std::get_if< mtx::events::RoomEvent>(&e_)) { callInvite->room_id = room_id_.toStdString(); emit newCallEvent(e_); } else if (std::holds_alternative>(e_) || std::holds_alternative< mtx::events::RoomEvent>( e_) || std::holds_alternative< mtx::events::RoomEvent>( e_)) { emit newCallEvent(e_); } } } if (std::holds_alternative< mtx::events::RoomEvent>(e)) { // don't display CallCandidate events to user events.insert(id, e); if (emitCallEvents) emit newCallEvent(e); continue; } if (emitCallEvents) { // event room_id is not set, apparently due to spec bug if (auto callInvite = std::get_if>( &e)) { callInvite->room_id = room_id_.toStdString(); emit newCallEvent(e); } else if (std::holds_alternative< mtx::events::RoomEvent>(e) || std::holds_alternative< mtx::events::RoomEvent>(e)) { emit newCallEvent(e); } } this->events.insert(id, e); ids.push_back(id); auto replyTo = mtx::accessors::in_reply_to_event(e); auto qReplyTo = QString::fromStdString(replyTo); if (!replyTo.empty() && !events.contains(qReplyTo)) { http::client()->get_event( this->room_id_.toStdString(), replyTo, [this, id, replyTo]( const mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents &timeline, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->error( "Failed to retrieve event with id {}, which was " "requested to show the replyTo for event {}", replyTo, id.toStdString()); return; } emit eventFetched(id, timeline); }); } } return ids; } void TimelineModel::setCurrentIndex(int index) { auto oldIndex = idToIndex(currentId); currentId = indexToId(index); emit currentIndexChanged(index); if ((oldIndex > index || oldIndex == -1) && !pending.contains(currentId) && ChatPage::instance()->isActiveWindow()) { readEvent(currentId.toStdString()); } } void TimelineModel::readEvent(const std::string &id) { http::client()->read_event(room_id_.toStdString(), id, [this](mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to read_event ({}, {})", room_id_.toStdString(), currentId.toStdString()); } }); } void TimelineModel::addBackwardsEvents(const mtx::responses::Messages &msgs) { std::vector ids = internalAddEvents(msgs.chunk, false); if (!ids.empty()) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), static_cast(this->eventOrder.size()), static_cast(this->eventOrder.size() + ids.size() - 1)); this->eventOrder.insert(this->eventOrder.end(), ids.begin(), ids.end()); endInsertRows(); } prev_batch_token_ = QString::fromStdString(msgs.end); if (ids.empty() && !msgs.chunk.empty()) { // no visible events fetched, prevent loading from stopping fetchMore(QModelIndex()); } } QString TimelineModel::displayName(QString id) const { return cache::displayName(room_id_, id).toHtmlEscaped(); } QString TimelineModel::avatarUrl(QString id) const { return cache::avatarUrl(room_id_, id); } QString TimelineModel::formatDateSeparator(QDate date) const { auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString fmt = QLocale::system().dateFormat(QLocale::LongFormat); if (now.date().year() == date.year()) { QRegularExpression rx("[^a-zA-Z]*y+[^a-zA-Z]*"); fmt = fmt.remove(rx); } return date.toString(fmt); } QString TimelineModel::escapeEmoji(QString str) const { return utils::replaceEmoji(str); } void TimelineModel::viewRawMessage(QString id) const { std::string ev = mtx::accessors::serialize_event(events.value(id)).dump(4); auto dialog = new dialogs::RawMessage(QString::fromStdString(ev)); Q_UNUSED(dialog); } void TimelineModel::viewDecryptedRawMessage(QString id) const { auto event = events.value(id); if (auto e = std::get_if>(&event)) { event = decryptEvent(*e).event; } std::string ev = mtx::accessors::serialize_event(event).dump(4); auto dialog = new dialogs::RawMessage(QString::fromStdString(ev)); Q_UNUSED(dialog); } void TimelineModel::openUserProfile(QString userid) const { MainWindow::instance()->openUserProfile(userid, room_id_); } DecryptionResult TimelineModel::decryptEvent(const mtx::events::EncryptedEvent &e) const { static QCache decryptedEvents{300}; if (auto cachedEvent = decryptedEvents.object(e.event_id)) return *cachedEvent; MegolmSessionIndex index; index.room_id = room_id_.toStdString(); index.session_id = e.content.session_id; index.sender_key = e.content.sender_key; mtx::events::RoomEvent dummy; dummy.origin_server_ts = e.origin_server_ts; dummy.event_id = e.event_id; dummy.sender = e.sender; dummy.content.body = tr("-- Encrypted Event (No keys found for decryption) --", "Placeholder, when the message was not decrypted yet or can't be decrypted.") .toStdString(); try { if (!cache::inboundMegolmSessionExists(index)) { nhlog::crypto()->info("Could not find inbound megolm session ({}, {}, {})", index.room_id, index.session_id, e.sender); // TODO: request megolm session_id & session_key from the sender. decryptedEvents.insert( dummy.event_id, new DecryptionResult{dummy, false}, 1); return {dummy, false}; } } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { nhlog::db()->critical("failed to check megolm session's existence: {}", e.what()); dummy.content.body = tr("-- Decryption Error (failed to communicate with DB) --", "Placeholder, when the message can't be decrypted, because " "the DB access failed when trying to lookup the session.") .toStdString(); decryptedEvents.insert(dummy.event_id, new DecryptionResult{dummy, false}, 1); return {dummy, false}; } std::string msg_str; try { auto session = cache::getInboundMegolmSession(index); auto res = olm::client()->decrypt_group_message(session, e.content.ciphertext); msg_str = std::string((char *)res.data.data(), res.data.size()); } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { nhlog::db()->critical("failed to retrieve megolm session with index ({}, {}, {})", index.room_id, index.session_id, index.sender_key, e.what()); dummy.content.body = tr("-- Decryption Error (failed to retrieve megolm keys from db) --", "Placeholder, when the message can't be decrypted, because the DB access " "failed.") .toStdString(); decryptedEvents.insert(dummy.event_id, new DecryptionResult{dummy, false}, 1); return {dummy, false}; } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical("failed to decrypt message with index ({}, {}, {}): {}", index.room_id, index.session_id, index.sender_key, e.what()); dummy.content.body = tr("-- Decryption Error (%1) --", "Placeholder, when the message can't be decrypted. In this case, the Olm " "decrytion returned an error, which is passed ad %1.") .arg(e.what()) .toStdString(); decryptedEvents.insert(dummy.event_id, new DecryptionResult{dummy, false}, 1); return {dummy, false}; } // Add missing fields for the event. json body = json::parse(msg_str); body["event_id"] = e.event_id; body["sender"] = e.sender; body["origin_server_ts"] = e.origin_server_ts; body["unsigned"] = e.unsigned_data; // relations are unencrypted in content... if (json old_ev = e; old_ev["content"].count("m.relates_to") != 0) body["content"]["m.relates_to"] = old_ev["content"]["m.relates_to"]; json event_array = json::array(); event_array.push_back(body); std::vector temp_events; mtx::responses::utils::parse_timeline_events(event_array, temp_events); if (temp_events.size() == 1) { decryptedEvents.insert(e.event_id, new DecryptionResult{temp_events[0], true}, 1); return {temp_events[0], true}; } dummy.content.body = tr("-- Encrypted Event (Unknown event type) --", "Placeholder, when the message was decrypted, but we couldn't parse it, because " "Nheko/mtxclient don't support that event type yet.") .toStdString(); decryptedEvents.insert(dummy.event_id, new DecryptionResult{dummy, false}, 1); return {dummy, false}; } void TimelineModel::replyAction(QString id) { setReply(id); ChatPage::instance()->focusMessageInput(); } RelatedInfo TimelineModel::relatedInfo(QString id) { if (!events.contains(id)) return {}; auto event = events.value(id); if (auto e = std::get_if>(&event)) { event = decryptEvent(*e).event; } RelatedInfo related = {}; related.quoted_user = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::sender(event)); related.related_event = mtx::accessors::event_id(event); related.type = mtx::accessors::msg_type(event); // get body, strip reply fallback, then transform the event to text, if it is a media event // etc related.quoted_body = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::body(event)); QRegularExpression plainQuote("^>.*?$\n?", QRegularExpression::MultilineOption); while (related.quoted_body.startsWith(">")) related.quoted_body.remove(plainQuote); if (related.quoted_body.startsWith("\n")) related.quoted_body.remove(0, 1); related.quoted_body = utils::getQuoteBody(related); // get quoted body and strip reply fallback related.quoted_formatted_body = mtx::accessors::formattedBodyWithFallback(event); related.quoted_formatted_body.remove(QRegularExpression( ".*", QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption)); related.room = room_id_; return related; } void TimelineModel::readReceiptsAction(QString id) const { MainWindow::instance()->openReadReceiptsDialog(id); } void TimelineModel::redactEvent(QString id) { if (!id.isEmpty()) http::client()->redact_event( room_id_.toStdString(), id.toStdString(), [this, id](const mtx::responses::EventId &, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { emit redactionFailed( tr("Message redaction failed: %1") .arg(QString::fromStdString(err->matrix_error.error))); return; } emit eventRedacted(id); }); } int TimelineModel::idToIndex(QString id) const { if (id.isEmpty()) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)eventOrder.size(); i++) if (id == eventOrder[i]) return i; return -1; } QString TimelineModel::indexToId(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= (int)eventOrder.size()) return ""; return eventOrder[index]; } // Note: this will only be called for our messages void TimelineModel::markEventsAsRead(const std::vector &event_ids) { for (const auto &id : event_ids) { read.insert(id); int idx = idToIndex(id); if (idx < 0) { nhlog::ui()->warn("Read index out of range"); return; } emit dataChanged(index(idx, 0), index(idx, 0)); } } void TimelineModel::sendEncryptedMessageEvent(const std::string &txn_id, nlohmann::json content, mtx::events::EventType eventType) { const auto room_id = room_id_.toStdString(); using namespace mtx::events; using namespace mtx::identifiers; json doc = { {"type", mtx::events::to_string(eventType)}, {"content", content}, {"room_id", room_id}}; try { // Check if we have already an outbound megolm session then we can use. if (cache::outboundMegolmSessionExists(room_id)) { auto data = olm::encrypt_group_message(room_id, http::client()->device_id(), doc); http::client()->send_room_message( room_id, txn_id, data, [this, txn_id](const mtx::responses::EventId &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { const int status_code = static_cast(err->status_code); nhlog::net()->warn("[{}] failed to send message: {} {}", txn_id, err->matrix_error.error, status_code); emit messageFailed(QString::fromStdString(txn_id)); } emit messageSent( QString::fromStdString(txn_id), QString::fromStdString(res.event_id.to_string())); }); return; } nhlog::ui()->debug("creating new outbound megolm session"); // Create a new outbound megolm session. auto outbound_session = olm::client()->init_outbound_group_session(); const auto session_id = mtx::crypto::session_id(outbound_session.get()); const auto session_key = mtx::crypto::session_key(outbound_session.get()); // TODO: needs to be moved in the lib. auto megolm_payload = json{{"algorithm", "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"}, {"room_id", room_id}, {"session_id", session_id}, {"session_key", session_key}}; // Saving the new megolm session. // TODO: Maybe it's too early to save. OutboundGroupSessionData session_data; session_data.session_id = session_id; session_data.session_key = session_key; session_data.message_index = 0; // TODO Update me cache::saveOutboundMegolmSession( room_id, session_data, std::move(outbound_session)); const auto members = cache::roomMembers(room_id); nhlog::ui()->info("retrieved {} members for {}", members.size(), room_id); auto keeper = std::make_shared([megolm_payload, room_id, doc, txn_id, this]() { try { auto data = olm::encrypt_group_message( room_id, http::client()->device_id(), doc); http::client() ->send_room_message( room_id, txn_id, data, [this, txn_id](const mtx::responses::EventId &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { const int status_code = static_cast(err->status_code); nhlog::net()->warn( "[{}] failed to send message: {} {}", txn_id, err->matrix_error.error, status_code); emit messageFailed( QString::fromStdString(txn_id)); } emit messageSent( QString::fromStdString(txn_id), QString::fromStdString(res.event_id.to_string())); }); } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { nhlog::db()->critical( "failed to save megolm outbound session: {}", e.what()); emit messageFailed(QString::fromStdString(txn_id)); } }); mtx::requests::QueryKeys req; for (const auto &member : members) req.device_keys[member] = {}; http::client()->query_keys( req, [keeper = std::move(keeper), megolm_payload, txn_id, this]( const mtx::responses::QueryKeys &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to query device keys: {} {}", err->matrix_error.error, static_cast(err->status_code)); // TODO: Mark the event as failed. Communicate with the UI. emit messageFailed(QString::fromStdString(txn_id)); return; } for (const auto &user : res.device_keys) { // Mapping from a device_id with valid identity keys to the // generated room_key event used for sharing the megolm session. std::map room_key_msgs; std::map deviceKeys; room_key_msgs.clear(); deviceKeys.clear(); for (const auto &dev : user.second) { const auto user_id = ::UserId(dev.second.user_id); const auto device_id = DeviceId(dev.second.device_id); const auto device_keys = dev.second.keys; const auto curveKey = "curve25519:" + device_id.get(); const auto edKey = "ed25519:" + device_id.get(); if ((device_keys.find(curveKey) == device_keys.end()) || (device_keys.find(edKey) == device_keys.end())) { nhlog::net()->debug( "ignoring malformed keys for device {}", device_id.get()); continue; } DevicePublicKeys pks; pks.ed25519 = device_keys.at(edKey); pks.curve25519 = device_keys.at(curveKey); try { if (!mtx::crypto::verify_identity_signature( json(dev.second), device_id, user_id)) { nhlog::crypto()->warn( "failed to verify identity keys: {}", json(dev.second).dump(2)); continue; } } catch (const json::exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn( "failed to parse device key json: {}", e.what()); continue; } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->warn( "failed to verify device key json: {}", e.what()); continue; } auto room_key = olm::client() ->create_room_key_event( user_id, pks.ed25519, megolm_payload) .dump(); room_key_msgs.emplace(device_id, room_key); deviceKeys.emplace(device_id, pks); } std::vector valid_devices; valid_devices.reserve(room_key_msgs.size()); for (auto const &d : room_key_msgs) { valid_devices.push_back(d.first); nhlog::net()->info("{}", d.first); nhlog::net()->info(" curve25519 {}", deviceKeys.at(d.first).curve25519); nhlog::net()->info(" ed25519 {}", deviceKeys.at(d.first).ed25519); } nhlog::net()->info( "sending claim request for user {} with {} devices", user.first, valid_devices.size()); http::client()->claim_keys( user.first, valid_devices, std::bind(&TimelineModel::handleClaimedKeys, this, keeper, room_key_msgs, deviceKeys, user.first, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); // TODO: Wait before sending the next batch of requests. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); } }); // TODO: Let the user know about the errors. } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { nhlog::db()->critical( "failed to open outbound megolm session ({}): {}", room_id, e.what()); emit messageFailed(QString::fromStdString(txn_id)); } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical( "failed to open outbound megolm session ({}): {}", room_id, e.what()); emit messageFailed(QString::fromStdString(txn_id)); } } void TimelineModel::handleClaimedKeys(std::shared_ptr keeper, const std::map &room_keys, const std::map &pks, const std::string &user_id, const mtx::responses::ClaimKeys &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("claim keys error: {} {} {}", err->matrix_error.error, err->parse_error, static_cast(err->status_code)); return; } nhlog::net()->debug("claimed keys for {}", user_id); if (res.one_time_keys.size() == 0) { nhlog::net()->debug("no one-time keys found for user_id: {}", user_id); return; } if (res.one_time_keys.find(user_id) == res.one_time_keys.end()) { nhlog::net()->debug("no one-time keys found for user_id: {}", user_id); return; } auto retrieved_devices = res.one_time_keys.at(user_id); // Payload with all the to_device message to be sent. json body; body["messages"][user_id] = json::object(); for (const auto &rd : retrieved_devices) { const auto device_id = rd.first; nhlog::net()->debug("{} : \n {}", device_id, rd.second.dump(2)); // TODO: Verify signatures auto otk = rd.second.begin()->at("key"); if (pks.find(device_id) == pks.end()) { nhlog::net()->critical("couldn't find public key for device: {}", device_id); continue; } auto id_key = pks.at(device_id).curve25519; auto s = olm::client()->create_outbound_session(id_key, otk); if (room_keys.find(device_id) == room_keys.end()) { nhlog::net()->critical("couldn't find m.room_key for device: {}", device_id); continue; } auto device_msg = olm::client()->create_olm_encrypted_content( s.get(), room_keys.at(device_id), pks.at(device_id).curve25519); try { cache::saveOlmSession(id_key, std::move(s)); } catch (const lmdb::error &e) { nhlog::db()->critical("failed to save outbound olm session: {}", e.what()); } catch (const mtx::crypto::olm_exception &e) { nhlog::crypto()->critical("failed to pickle outbound olm session: {}", e.what()); } body["messages"][user_id][device_id] = device_msg; } nhlog::net()->info("send_to_device: {}", user_id); http::client()->send_to_device( "m.room.encrypted", body, [keeper](mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to send " "send_to_device " "message: {}", err->matrix_error.error); } (void)keeper; }); } struct SendMessageVisitor { SendMessageVisitor(const QString &txn_id, TimelineModel *model) : txn_id_qstr_(txn_id) , model_(model) {} template void sendRoomEvent(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &msg) { if (cache::isRoomEncrypted(model_->room_id_.toStdString())) { auto encInfo = mtx::accessors::file(msg); if (encInfo) emit model_->newEncryptedImage(encInfo.value()); model_->sendEncryptedMessageEvent( txn_id_qstr_.toStdString(), nlohmann::json(msg.content), Event); } else { sendUnencryptedRoomEvent(msg); } } template void sendUnencryptedRoomEvent(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &msg) { QString txn_id_qstr = txn_id_qstr_; TimelineModel *model = model_; http::client()->send_room_message( model->room_id_.toStdString(), txn_id_qstr.toStdString(), msg.content, [txn_id_qstr, model](const mtx::responses::EventId &res, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { const int status_code = static_cast(err->status_code); nhlog::net()->warn("[{}] failed to send message: {} {}", txn_id_qstr.toStdString(), err->matrix_error.error, status_code); emit model->messageFailed(txn_id_qstr); } emit model->messageSent(txn_id_qstr, QString::fromStdString(res.event_id.to_string())); }); } // Do-nothing operator for all unhandled events template void operator()(const mtx::events::Event &) {} // Operator for m.room.message events that contain a msgtype in their content template::value, int> = 0> void operator()(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &msg) { sendRoomEvent(msg); } // Special operator for reactions, which are a type of m.room.message, but need to be // handled distinctly for their differences from normal room messages. Specifically, // reactions need to have the relation outside of ciphertext, or synapse / the homeserver // cannot handle it correctly. See the MSC for more details: // https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/blob/matthew/msc1849/proposals/1849-aggregations.md#end-to-end-encryption void operator()(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &msg) { sendUnencryptedRoomEvent(msg); } void operator()(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &event) { sendRoomEvent( event); } void operator()(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &event) { sendRoomEvent(event); } void operator()(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &event) { sendRoomEvent( event); } void operator()(const mtx::events::RoomEvent &event) { sendRoomEvent( event); } QString txn_id_qstr_; TimelineModel *model_; }; void TimelineModel::processOnePendingMessage() { if (pending.isEmpty()) return; QString txn_id_qstr = pending.first(); auto event = events.value(txn_id_qstr); std::visit(SendMessageVisitor{txn_id_qstr, this}, event); } void TimelineModel::addPendingMessage(mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents event) { std::visit( [](auto &msg) { msg.event_id = http::client()->generate_txn_id(); msg.sender = http::client()->user_id().to_string(); msg.origin_server_ts = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); }, event); internalAddEvents({event}, false); QString txn_id_qstr = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::event_id(event)); pending.push_back(txn_id_qstr); if (!std::get_if>(&event) && !std::get_if>(&event)) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); this->eventOrder.insert(this->eventOrder.begin(), txn_id_qstr); endInsertRows(); } updateLastMessage(); emit nextPendingMessage(); } bool TimelineModel::saveMedia(QString eventId) const { mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents event = events.value(eventId); if (auto e = std::get_if>(&event)) { event = decryptEvent(*e).event; } QString mxcUrl = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::url(event)); QString originalFilename = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::filename(event)); QString mimeType = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::mimetype(event)); auto encryptionInfo = mtx::accessors::file(event); qml_mtx_events::EventType eventType = toRoomEventType(event); QString dialogTitle; if (eventType == qml_mtx_events::EventType::ImageMessage) { dialogTitle = tr("Save image"); } else if (eventType == qml_mtx_events::EventType::VideoMessage) { dialogTitle = tr("Save video"); } else if (eventType == qml_mtx_events::EventType::AudioMessage) { dialogTitle = tr("Save audio"); } else { dialogTitle = tr("Save file"); } const QString filterString = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName(mimeType).filterString(); const QString downloadsFolder = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation); const QString openLocation = downloadsFolder + "/" + originalFilename; const QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( manager_->getWidget(), dialogTitle, openLocation, filterString); if (filename.isEmpty()) return false; const auto url = mxcUrl.toStdString(); http::client()->download( url, [filename, url, encryptionInfo](const std::string &data, const std::string &, const std::string &, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to retrieve image {}: {} {}", url, err->matrix_error.error, static_cast(err->status_code)); return; } try { auto temp = data; if (encryptionInfo) temp = mtx::crypto::to_string( mtx::crypto::decrypt_file(temp, encryptionInfo.value())); QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return; file.write(QByteArray(temp.data(), (int)temp.size())); file.close(); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { nhlog::ui()->warn("Error while saving file to: {}", e.what()); } }); return true; } void TimelineModel::cacheMedia(QString eventId) { mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents event = events.value(eventId); if (auto e = std::get_if>(&event)) { event = decryptEvent(*e).event; } QString mxcUrl = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::url(event)); QString originalFilename = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::filename(event)); QString mimeType = QString::fromStdString(mtx::accessors::mimetype(event)); auto encryptionInfo = mtx::accessors::file(event); // If the message is a link to a non mxcUrl, don't download it if (!mxcUrl.startsWith("mxc://")) { emit mediaCached(mxcUrl, mxcUrl); return; } QString suffix = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName(mimeType).preferredSuffix(); const auto url = mxcUrl.toStdString(); QFileInfo filename(QString("%1/media_cache/%2.%3") .arg(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation)) .arg(QString(mxcUrl).remove("mxc://")) .arg(suffix)); if (QDir::cleanPath(filename.path()) != filename.path()) { nhlog::net()->warn("mxcUrl '{}' is not safe, not downloading file", url); return; } QDir().mkpath(filename.path()); if (filename.isReadable()) { emit mediaCached(mxcUrl, filename.filePath()); return; } http::client()->download( url, [this, mxcUrl, filename, url, encryptionInfo](const std::string &data, const std::string &, const std::string &, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->warn("failed to retrieve image {}: {} {}", url, err->matrix_error.error, static_cast(err->status_code)); return; } try { auto temp = data; if (encryptionInfo) temp = mtx::crypto::to_string( mtx::crypto::decrypt_file(temp, encryptionInfo.value())); QFile file(filename.filePath()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) return; file.write(QByteArray(temp.data(), temp.size())); file.close(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { nhlog::ui()->warn("Error while saving file to: {}", e.what()); } emit mediaCached(mxcUrl, filename.filePath()); }); } QString TimelineModel::formatTypingUsers(const std::vector &users, QColor bg) { QString temp = tr("%1 and %2 are typing.", "Multiple users are typing. First argument is a comma separated list of potentially " "multiple users. Second argument is the last user of that list. (If only one user is " "typing, %1 is empty. You should still use it in your string though to silence Qt " "warnings.)", users.size()); if (users.empty()) { return ""; } QStringList uidWithoutLast; auto formatUser = [this, bg](const QString &user_id) -> QString { auto uncoloredUsername = escapeEmoji(displayName(user_id)); QString prefix = QString("").arg(manager_->userColor(user_id, bg).name()); // color only parts that don't have a font already specified QString coloredUsername; int index = 0; do { auto startIndex = uncoloredUsername.indexOf(" 0 ? startIndex - index : -1) + ""; auto endIndex = uncoloredUsername.indexOf("", startIndex); if (endIndex > 0) endIndex += sizeof("") - 1; if (endIndex - startIndex != 0) coloredUsername += uncoloredUsername.midRef(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); index = endIndex; } while (index > 0 && index < uncoloredUsername.size()); return coloredUsername; }; for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < users.size(); i++) { uidWithoutLast.append(formatUser(users[i])); } return temp.arg(uidWithoutLast.join(", ")).arg(formatUser(users.back())); } QString TimelineModel::formatJoinRuleEvent(QString id) { if (!events.contains(id)) return ""; auto event = std::get_if>(&events[id]); if (!event) return ""; QString user = QString::fromStdString(event->sender); QString name = escapeEmoji(displayName(user)); switch (event->content.join_rule) { case mtx::events::state::JoinRule::Public: return tr("%1 opened the room to the public.").arg(name); case mtx::events::state::JoinRule::Invite: return tr("%1 made this room require and invitation to join.").arg(name); default: // Currently, knock and private are reserved keywords and not implemented in Matrix. return ""; } } QString TimelineModel::formatGuestAccessEvent(QString id) { if (!events.contains(id)) return ""; auto event = std::get_if>(&events[id]); if (!event) return ""; QString user = QString::fromStdString(event->sender); QString name = escapeEmoji(displayName(user)); switch (event->content.guest_access) { case mtx::events::state::AccessState::CanJoin: return tr("%1 made the room open to guests.").arg(name); case mtx::events::state::AccessState::Forbidden: return tr("%1 has closed the room to guest access.").arg(name); default: return ""; } } QString TimelineModel::formatHistoryVisibilityEvent(QString id) { if (!events.contains(id)) return ""; auto event = std::get_if>(&events[id]); if (!event) return ""; QString user = QString::fromStdString(event->sender); QString name = escapeEmoji(displayName(user)); switch (event->content.history_visibility) { case mtx::events::state::Visibility::WorldReadable: return tr("%1 made the room history world readable. Events may be now read by " "non-joined people.") .arg(name); case mtx::events::state::Visibility::Shared: return tr("%1 set the room history visible to members from this point on.") .arg(name); case mtx::events::state::Visibility::Invited: return tr("%1 set the room history visible to members since they were invited.") .arg(name); case mtx::events::state::Visibility::Joined: return tr("%1 set the room history visible to members since they joined the room.") .arg(name); default: return ""; } } QString TimelineModel::formatPowerLevelEvent(QString id) { if (!events.contains(id)) return ""; auto event = std::get_if>(&events[id]); if (!event) return ""; QString user = QString::fromStdString(event->sender); QString name = escapeEmoji(displayName(user)); // TODO: power levels rendering is actually a bit complex. work on this later. return tr("%1 has changed the room's permissions.").arg(name); } QString TimelineModel::formatMemberEvent(QString id) { if (!events.contains(id)) return ""; auto event = std::get_if>(&events[id]); if (!event) return ""; mtx::events::StateEvent *prevEvent = nullptr; QString prevEventId = QString::fromStdString(event->unsigned_data.replaces_state); if (!prevEventId.isEmpty()) { if (!events.contains(prevEventId)) { http::client()->get_event( this->room_id_.toStdString(), event->unsigned_data.replaces_state, [this, id, prevEventId]( const mtx::events::collections::TimelineEvents &timeline, mtx::http::RequestErr err) { if (err) { nhlog::net()->error( "Failed to retrieve event with id {}, which was " "requested to show the membership for event {}", prevEventId.toStdString(), id.toStdString()); return; } emit eventFetched(id, timeline); }); } else { prevEvent = std::get_if>( &events[prevEventId]); } } QString user = QString::fromStdString(event->state_key); QString name = escapeEmoji(displayName(user)); QString rendered; // see table https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/latest#m-room-member using namespace mtx::events::state; switch (event->content.membership) { case Membership::Invite: rendered = tr("%1 was invited.").arg(name); break; case Membership::Join: if (prevEvent && prevEvent->content.membership == Membership::Join) { bool displayNameChanged = prevEvent->content.display_name != event->content.display_name; bool avatarChanged = prevEvent->content.avatar_url != event->content.avatar_url; if (displayNameChanged && avatarChanged) rendered = tr("%1 changed their display name and avatar.").arg(name); else if (displayNameChanged) rendered = tr("%1 changed their display name.").arg(name); else if (avatarChanged) rendered = tr("%1 changed their avatar.").arg(name); else rendered = tr("%1 changed some profile info.").arg(name); // the case of nothing changed but join follows join shouldn't happen, so // just show it as join } else { rendered = tr("%1 joined.").arg(name); } break; case Membership::Leave: if (!prevEvent) // Should only ever happen temporarily return ""; if (prevEvent->content.membership == Membership::Invite) { if (event->state_key == event->sender) rendered = tr("%1 rejected their invite.").arg(name); else rendered = tr("Revoked the invite to %1.").arg(name); } else if (prevEvent->content.membership == Membership::Join) { if (event->state_key == event->sender) rendered = tr("%1 left the room.").arg(name); else rendered = tr("Kicked %1.").arg(name); } else if (prevEvent->content.membership == Membership::Ban) { rendered = tr("Unbanned %1.").arg(name); } else if (prevEvent->content.membership == Membership::Knock) { if (event->state_key == event->sender) rendered = tr("%1 redacted their knock.").arg(name); else rendered = tr("Rejected the knock from %1.").arg(name); } else return tr("%1 left after having already left!", "This is a leave event after the user already left and shouldn't " "happen apart from state resets") .arg(name); break; case Membership::Ban: rendered = tr("%1 was banned.").arg(name); break; case Membership::Knock: rendered = tr("%1 knocked.").arg(name); break; } if (event->content.reason != "") { rendered += tr(" Reason: %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(event->content.reason)); } return rendered; }