using ArcaneLibs; using LibMatrix.Helpers; using LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot.Interfaces; namespace Jenny.Handlers; public static class CommandResultHandler { private static string binDir = FileUtils.GetBinDir(); public static async Task HandleAsync(CommandResult res) { { if (res.Success) return; var room = res.Context.Room; var hs = res.Context.Homeserver; var msb = new MessageBuilder(); if (res.Result == CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_Exception) { var angryEmojiPath = Path.Combine(binDir, "Resources", "Stickers", "JennyAngryPink.webp"); var hash = await FileUtils.GetFileSha384Async(angryEmojiPath); var angryEmoji = await hs.NamedCaches.FileCache.GetOrSetValueAsync(hash, async () => { await using var fs = File.OpenRead(angryEmojiPath); return await hs.UploadFile("JennyAngryPink.webp", fs, "image/webp"); }); msb.WithCustomEmoji(angryEmoji, "JennyAngryPink") .WithColoredBody("#EE4444", "An error occurred during the execution of this command") .WithCodeBlock(res.Exception!.ToString(), "csharp"); } // else if(res.Result == CommandResult.CommandResultType.) { // msb.AddMessage(new RoomMessageEventContent("m.notice", "An error occurred during the execution of this command")); // } // var msg = res.Result switch { // CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_Exception => MessageFormatter.FormatException("An error occurred during the execution of this command", res.Exception!) // CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_NoPermission => new RoomMessageEventContent("m.notice", "You do not have permission to run this command!"), // CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_InvalidCommand => new RoomMessageEventContent("m.notice", $"Command \"{res.Context.CommandName}\" not found!"), // _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException() // }; await room.SendMessageEventAsync(msb.Build()); } } }