using LibMatrix.Filters; using LibMatrix.Helpers; using LibMatrix.Homeservers; using LibMatrix.LegacyEvents.EventTypes.Spec; using LibMatrix.LegacyEvents.EventTypes.Spec.State; using LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot.Interfaces; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot.Services; public class CommandListenerHostedService : IHostedService { private readonly AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric _hs; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IEnumerable _commands; private readonly LibMatrixBotConfiguration _config; private readonly Func? _commandResultHandler; private Task? _listenerTask; public CommandListenerHostedService(AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric hs, ILogger logger, IServiceProvider services, LibMatrixBotConfiguration config, Func? commandResultHandler = null) { logger.LogInformation("{} instantiated!", GetType().Name); _hs = hs; _logger = logger; _config = config; _commandResultHandler = commandResultHandler; _logger.LogInformation("Getting commands..."); _commands = services.GetServices(); _logger.LogInformation("Got {} commands!", _commands.Count()); } /// Triggered when the application host is ready to start the service. /// Indicates that the start process has been aborted. public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _listenerTask = Run(cancellationToken); _logger.LogInformation("Command listener started (StartAsync)!"); return Task.CompletedTask; } private async Task? Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger.LogInformation("Starting command listener!"); var filter = await _hs.NamedCaches.FilterCache.GetOrSetValueAsync("", new MatrixFilter() { AccountData = new MatrixFilter.EventFilter(notTypes: ["*"], limit: 1), Presence = new MatrixFilter.EventFilter(notTypes: ["*"]), Room = new MatrixFilter.RoomFilter() { AccountData = new MatrixFilter.RoomFilter.StateFilter(notTypes: ["*"]), Ephemeral = new MatrixFilter.RoomFilter.StateFilter(notTypes: ["*"]), State = new MatrixFilter.RoomFilter.StateFilter(notTypes: ["*"]), Timeline = new MatrixFilter.RoomFilter.StateFilter(types: [""], notSenders: [_hs.WhoAmI.UserId]), } }); var syncHelper = new SyncHelper(_hs, _logger) { Timeout = 300_000, FilterId = filter }; syncHelper.TimelineEventHandlers.Add(async @event => { try { var room = _hs.GetRoom(@event.RoomId); // _logger.LogInformation(eventResponse.ToJson(indent: false)); if (@event is { Type: "", TypedContent: RoomMessageLegacyEventContent message }) if (message is { MessageType: "m.text" }) { var usedPrefix = await GetUsedPrefix(@event); if (usedPrefix is null) return; var res = await InvokeCommand(@event, usedPrefix); await (_commandResultHandler?.Invoke(res) ?? HandleResult(res)); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Error in command listener!"); } }); await syncHelper.RunSyncLoopAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } /// Triggered when the application host is performing a graceful shutdown. /// Indicates that the shutdown process should no longer be graceful. public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger.LogInformation("Shutting down command listener!"); if (_listenerTask is null) { _logger.LogError("Could not shut down command listener task because it was null!"); return; } await _listenerTask.WaitAsync(cancellationToken); } private async Task GetUsedPrefix(LegacyMatrixEventResponse evt) { var messageContent = evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageLegacyEventContent; var message = messageContent!.BodyWithoutReplyFallback; var prefix = _config.Prefixes.OrderByDescending(x => x.Length).FirstOrDefault(message.StartsWith); if (prefix is null && _config.MentionPrefix) { var profile = await _hs.GetProfileAsync(_hs.WhoAmI.UserId); var roomProfile = await _hs.GetRoom(evt.RoomId!).GetStateAsync(RoomMemberLegacyEventContent.EventId, _hs.WhoAmI.UserId); if (message.StartsWith(_hs.WhoAmI.UserId + ": ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + ": "; // ` ` else if (message.StartsWith(_hs.WhoAmI.UserId + " ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + " "; // ` ` else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomProfile?.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(roomProfile.DisplayName + ": ")) prefix = roomProfile.DisplayName + ": "; // `local bot: ` else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomProfile?.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(roomProfile.DisplayName + " ")) prefix = roomProfile.DisplayName + " "; // `local bot ` else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(profile.DisplayName + ": ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + ": "; // `bot: ` else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(profile.DisplayName + " ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + " "; // `bot ` } return prefix; } private async Task InvokeCommand(LegacyMatrixEventResponse evt, string usedPrefix) { var message = evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageLegacyEventContent; var room = _hs.GetRoom(evt.RoomId!); var commandWithoutPrefix = message.BodyWithoutReplyFallback[usedPrefix.Length..].Trim(); var ctx = new CommandContext { Room = room, MessageEvent = @evt, Homeserver = _hs, Args = commandWithoutPrefix.Split(' ').Length == 1 ? [] : commandWithoutPrefix.Split(' ')[1..], CommandName = commandWithoutPrefix.Split(' ')[0] }; try { var command = _commands.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == commandWithoutPrefix.Split(' ')[0] || x.Aliases?.Contains(commandWithoutPrefix.Split(' ')[0]) == true); if (command == null) { await room.SendMessageEventAsync( new RoomMessageLegacyEventContent("m.notice", $"Command \"{ctx.CommandName}\" not found!")); return new() { Success = false, Result = CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_InvalidCommand, Context = ctx }; } if (await command.CanInvoke(ctx)) try { await command.Invoke(ctx); } catch (Exception e) { return new CommandResult() { Context = ctx, Result = CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_Exception, Success = false, Exception = e }; // await room.SendMessageEventAsync( // MessageFormatter.FormatException("An error occurred during the execution of this command", e)); } else return new CommandResult() { Context = ctx, Result = CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_NoPermission, Success = false }; // await room.SendMessageEventAsync( // new RoomMessageLegacyEventContent("m.notice", "You do not have permission to run this command!")); return new CommandResult() { Context = ctx, Success = true, Result = CommandResult.CommandResultType.Success }; } catch (Exception e) { return new CommandResult() { Context = ctx, Result = CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_Exception, Success = false, Exception = e }; } } private async Task HandleResult(CommandResult res) { if (res.Success) return; var room = res.Context.Room; var msg = res.Result switch { CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_Exception => MessageFormatter.FormatException("An error occurred during the execution of this command", res.Exception!), CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_NoPermission => new RoomMessageLegacyEventContent("m.notice", "You do not have permission to run this command!"), CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_InvalidCommand => new RoomMessageLegacyEventContent("m.notice", $"Command \"{res.Context.CommandName}\" not found!"), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException() }; await room.SendMessageEventAsync(msg); } }