{ "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning" } }, "AllowedHosts": "*", // Configuration for the proxy "MxApiExtensions": { // WARNING: this exposes user tokens to servers listed here, which could be a security risk // Only list servers you trust! // Keep in mind that token conflicts can occur between servers! "AuthHomeservers": [ "rory.gay", "conduit.rory.gay" ], // List of administrator MXIDs for the proxy, this allows them to use administrative and debug endpoints "Admins": [ "@emma:rory.gay", "@emma:conduit.rory.gay" ], "FastInitialSync": { "Enabled": true, "UseRoomInfoCache": true }, "Cache": { "RoomInfo": { "BaseTtl": "00:01:00", "ExtraTtlPerState": "00:00:00.1000000" } }, "DefaultUserConfiguration": { "ProtocolChanges": { "DisableThreads": false, "DisableVoip": false, "AutoFollowTombstones": false } } } }