using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using ArcaneLibs.Extensions; using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services; using LibMatrix.Responses; using LibMatrix.Services; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers; [ApiController] [Route("/_matrix/client/{version}/")] public class SyncController(ILogger logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore, HSEConfiguration cfg) : ControllerBase { [HttpGet("sync")] [SuppressMessage("ReSharper.DPA", "DPA0011: High execution time of MVC action", Justification = "Endpoint is expected to wait until data is available or timeout.")] public async Task Sync([FromQuery] string? since = null, [FromQuery] int? timeout = 5000) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext); if (token == null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN", Error = "Missing token" }; var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token); if (user == null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN", Error = "No such user" }; var session = user.AccessTokens[token]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(since)) return InitialSync(user, session); if (!session.SyncStates.TryGetValue(since, out var syncState)) if (!cfg.UnknownSyncTokenIsInitialSync) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN", Error = "Unknown sync token." }; else return InitialSync(user, session); var response = new SyncResponse() { NextBatch = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DeviceOneTimeKeysCount = new() }; session.SyncStates.Add(response.NextBatch, new() { RoomPositions = syncState.RoomPositions.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => new UserStore.User.SessionInfo.UserSyncState.SyncRoomPosition() { StatePosition = roomStore._rooms.First(y => y.RoomId == x.Key).State.Count, TimelinePosition = roomStore._rooms.First(y => y.RoomId == x.Key).Timeline.Count, AccountDataPosition = roomStore._rooms.First(y => y.RoomId == x.Key).AccountData[user.UserId].Count }) }); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(since)) { while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < timeout && response.Rooms?.Join is not { Count: > 0 }) { await Task.Delay(100); var rooms = roomStore._rooms.Where(x => x.State.Any(y => y.Type == "" && y.StateKey == user.UserId)).ToList(); foreach (var room in rooms) { var roomPositions = syncState.RoomPositions[room.RoomId]; response.Rooms ??= new(); response.Rooms.Join ??= new(); response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId] = new() { State = new(room.State.Skip(roomPositions.StatePosition).ToList()), Timeline = new(events: room.Timeline.Skip(roomPositions.TimelinePosition).ToList(), limited: false), AccountData = new(room.AccountData.GetOrCreate(user.UserId, _ => []).Skip(roomPositions.AccountDataPosition).ToList()) }; session.SyncStates[response.NextBatch].RoomPositions[room.RoomId] = new() { StatePosition = room.State.Count, TimelinePosition = room.Timeline.Count, AccountDataPosition = room.AccountData[user.UserId].Count }; if (response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].State.Events.Count == 0 && response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].Timeline.Events.Count == 0 && response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].AccountData.Events.Count == 0 ) response.Rooms.Join.Remove(room.RoomId); } } } return response; } private SyncResponse InitialSync(UserStore.User user, UserStore.User.SessionInfo session) { var response = new SyncResponse() { NextBatch = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DeviceOneTimeKeysCount = new(), AccountData = new(events: user.AccountData.ToList()) }; session.SyncStates.Add(response.NextBatch, new()); var rooms = roomStore._rooms.Where(x => x.State.Any(y => y.Type == "" && y.StateKey == user.UserId)).ToList(); foreach (var room in rooms) { response.Rooms ??= new(); response.Rooms.Join ??= new(); response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId] = new() { State = new(room.State.ToList()), Timeline = new(events: room.Timeline.ToList(), limited: false), AccountData = new(room.AccountData.GetOrCreate(user.UserId, _ => []).ToList()) }; session.SyncStates[response.NextBatch].RoomPositions[room.RoomId] = new() { StatePosition = room.State.Count, TimelinePosition = room.Timeline.Count, AccountDataPosition = room.AccountData[user.UserId].Count }; } return response; } }