using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using ArcaneLibs; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State; using LibMatrix.Helpers; using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Extensions; using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services; using LibMatrix.Responses; using LibMatrix.Services; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.Rooms; [ApiController] [Route("/_matrix/client/{version}/rooms/{roomId}")] public class RoomTimelineController( ILogger logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore, HomeserverProviderService hsProvider) : ControllerBase { [HttpPut("send/{eventType}/{txnId}")] public async Task SendMessage(string roomId, string eventType, string txnId, [FromBody] JsonObject content) { var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext); var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token); var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId); if (room == null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND", Error = "Room not found" }; if (!room.JoinedMembers.Any(x => x.StateKey == user.UserId)) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_FORBIDDEN", Error = "User is not in the room" }; var evt = new StateEvent() { RawContent = content, Type = eventType }.ToStateEvent(user, room); room.Timeline.Add(evt); if (evt.Type == RoomMessageEventContent.EventId && (evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventContent).Body.StartsWith("!hse")) await HandleHseCommand(evt, room, user); // else return new() { EventId = evt.EventId }; } [HttpGet("messages")] public async Task GetMessages(string roomId, [FromQuery] string? from = null, [FromQuery] string? to = null, [FromQuery] int limit = 100, [FromQuery] string? dir = "b") { var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext); var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token); var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId); if (room == null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND", Error = "Room not found" }; if (!room.JoinedMembers.Any(x => x.StateKey == user.UserId)) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_FORBIDDEN", Error = "User is not in the room" }; if (dir == "b") { var timeline = room.Timeline.TakeLast(limit).ToList(); return new() { Start = timeline.First().EventId, End = timeline.Last().EventId, Chunk = timeline.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToList(), State = timeline.GetCalculatedState() }; } else if (dir == "f") { var timeline = room.Timeline.Take(limit).ToList(); return new() { Start = timeline.First().EventId, End = room.Timeline.Last() == timeline.Last() ? null : timeline.Last().EventId, Chunk = timeline }; } else throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_BAD_REQUEST", Error = $"Invalid direction '{dir}'" }; } [HttpGet("event/{eventId}")] public async Task GetEvent(string roomId, string eventId) { var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext); var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token); var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId); if (room == null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND", Error = "Room not found" }; if (!room.JoinedMembers.Any(x => x.StateKey == user.UserId)) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_FORBIDDEN", Error = "User is not in the room" }; var evt = room.Timeline.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EventId == eventId); if (evt == null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND", Error = "Event not found" }; return evt; } #region Commands private void InternalSendMessage(RoomStore.Room room, string content) { InternalSendMessage(room, new MessageBuilder().WithBody(content).Build()); } private void InternalSendMessage(RoomStore.Room room, RoomMessageEventContent content) { logger.LogInformation("Sending internal message: {content}", content.Body); room.Timeline.Add(new StateEventResponse() { Type = RoomMessageEventContent.EventId, TypedContent = content, Sender = $"@hse:{tokenService.GenerateServerName(HttpContext)}", RoomId = room.RoomId, EventId = "$" + string.Join("", Random.Shared.GetItems("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".ToCharArray(), 100)), OriginServerTs = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() }); } private async Task HandleHseCommand(StateEventResponse evt, RoomStore.Room room, UserStore.User user) { try { var msgContent = evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventContent; var parts = msgContent.Body.Split('\n')[0].Split(" "); if (parts.Length < 2) return; var command = parts[1]; switch (command) { case "import": await HandleImportCommand(parts[2..], evt, room, user); break; case "import-nheko-profiles": await HandleImportNhekoProfilesCommand(parts[2..], evt, room, user); break; case "clear-sync-states": foreach (var (token, session) in user.AccessTokens) { session.SyncStates.Clear(); InternalSendMessage(room, $"Cleared sync states for {token}."); } break; case "rsp": { await Task.Delay(1000); var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // await Task.Delay(100); // InternalSendMessage(room, $"{i}"); var url = $""; for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) { url += chars[Random.Shared.Next(chars.Length)]; } InternalSendMessage(room, url + "&i=" + i); if (i % 5000 == 0 || i == 9999) { Thread.Sleep(5000); do { InternalSendMessage(room, $"Current GC memory: {Util.BytesToString(GC.GetTotalMemory(false))}, total process memory: {Util.BytesToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64)}"); GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Aggressive, true, true); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); InternalSendMessage(room, $"GC memory: {Util.BytesToString(GC.GetTotalMemory(false))}, total process memory: {Util.BytesToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64)}"); await Task.Delay(5000); } while (Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64 >= 1_024_000_000); } } break; } case "genrooms": { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var count = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var crq = new CreateRoomRequest() { Name = "Test room", CreationContent = new() { ["version"] = "11" }, InitialState = [] }; if (Random.Shared.Next(100) > 75) { crq.CreationContent["type"] = ""; foreach (var item in Random.Shared.GetItems(roomStore._rooms.ToArray(), 50)) { crq.InitialState!.Add(new StateEvent() { Type = "", StateKey = item.RoomId, TypedContent = new SpaceChildEventContent() { Suggested = true, AutoJoin = true, Via = new List() } }.ToStateEvent(user, room)); } } var newRoom = roomStore.CreateRoom(crq); newRoom.AddUser(user.UserId); } InternalSendMessage(room, $"Generated {count} new rooms in {sw.Elapsed}!"); break; } case "gc": InternalSendMessage(room, $"Current GC memory: {Util.BytesToString(GC.GetTotalMemory(false))}, total process memory: {Util.BytesToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64)}"); GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Aggressive, true, true); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); InternalSendMessage(room, $"GC memory: {Util.BytesToString(GC.GetTotalMemory(false))}, total process memory: {Util.BytesToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64)}"); break; default: InternalSendMessage(room, $"Command {command} not found!"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { InternalSendMessage(room, $"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); } } private async Task HandleImportNhekoProfilesCommand(string[] args, StateEventResponse evt, RoomStore.Room room, UserStore.User user) { var msgContent = evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventContent; var parts = msgContent.Body.Split('\n'); var data = parts.Where(x => x.Contains(@"\auth\access_token") || x.Contains(@"\auth\home_server")).ToList(); if (data.Count < 2) { InternalSendMessage(room, "Invalid data."); return; } foreach (var line in data) { var processedLine = line.Replace("\\\\", "\\").Replace("\\_", "_"); if (!processedLine.Contains(@"\auth\")) continue; var profile = processedLine.Split(@"\auth\")[0]; if (!user.AuthorizedSessions.ContainsKey(profile)) user.AuthorizedSessions.Add(profile, new()); if (processedLine.Contains(@"home_server")) { var server = processedLine.Split('=')[1]; user.AuthorizedSessions[profile].Homeserver = server; } else if (processedLine.Contains(@"access_token")) { var token = processedLine.Split('=')[1]; user.AuthorizedSessions[profile].AccessToken = token; } } foreach (var (key, session) in user.AuthorizedSessions.ToList()) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.Homeserver) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.AccessToken)) { InternalSendMessage(room, $"Invalid profile {key}"); user.AuthorizedSessions.Remove(key); continue; } InternalSendMessage(room, $"Got profile {key} with server {session.AccessToken}"); } } private async Task HandleImportCommand(string[] args, StateEventResponse evt, RoomStore.Room room, UserStore.User user) { var roomId = args[0]; var profile = args[1]; InternalSendMessage(room, $"Importing room {roomId} through profile {profile}..."); if (!user.AuthorizedSessions.ContainsKey(profile)) { InternalSendMessage(room, $"Profile {profile} not found."); return; } var userProfile = user.AuthorizedSessions[profile]; InternalSendMessage(room, $"Authenticating with {userProfile.Homeserver}..."); var hs = await hsProvider.GetAuthenticatedWithToken(userProfile.Homeserver, userProfile.AccessToken); InternalSendMessage(room, $"Authenticated with {userProfile.Homeserver}."); var hsRoom = hs.GetRoom(roomId); InternalSendMessage(room, $"Starting import..."); var internalRoom = new RoomStore.Room(roomId); var timeline = hsRoom.GetManyMessagesAsync(limit: int.MaxValue, dir: "b", chunkSize: 100000); await foreach (var resp in timeline) { internalRoom.Timeline = new(resp.Chunk.AsEnumerable().Reverse().Concat(internalRoom.Timeline)); InternalSendMessage(room, $"Imported {resp.Chunk.Count} events. Now up to a total of {internalRoom.Timeline.Count} events."); } InternalSendMessage(room, $"Import complete. Saving and inserting user"); roomStore.AddRoom(internalRoom); internalRoom.AddUser(user.UserId); InternalSendMessage(room, $"Import complete. Room is now available."); } #endregion }