# Rory&::LibMatrix An extensible C# library for the Matrix protocol. Primarily built around our own project needs, but we're open to contributions and improvements, especially around spec compliance. The library primarily targets .NET 7, but will update to .NET 8 once that's released. Preferably, we like to follow the latest release of .NET. # Installation Probably add as a submodule for now? NuGet packaging still has to be implemented. # Contributing Any contribution is welcome, even if it's just documentation or recommended git practices! We're not too strict on code style, but we do have a few guidelines: - Use spaces, not tabs - Use 4 spaces for indentation - Use the C# naming convention for variables, methods, etc. - Wrap lines at 160 characters, though this value can be changed if it's too lean or strict - Use the `#region` and `#endregion` directives to group code if you're adding utility functions ```sh # Prepare patch set mkdir patches git format-patch --output-directory "./patches" @{u}.. # Send patches ... ``` You can send the patches to [@emma:rory.gay](https://matrix.to/#/@emma:rory.gay) or in the [Rory&::LibMatrix room](https://matrix.to/#/#libmatrix:rory.gay). ### Developer utility commands Error reporting upon file save (may not work): ```sh inotifywait -rmqe CLOSE_WRITE --include '.*\.cs$' . | while read l; do clear; dotnet build --property WarningLevel=0; done ``` Hot rebuild on file save: ```sh dotnet watch run --no-hot-reload --property WarningLevel=0 ```