using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using ArcaneLibs.Extensions; using LibMatrix; using LibMatrix.Homeservers; using LibMatrix.Responses; using LibMatrix.RoomTypes; using LibMatrix.Services; using LibMatrix.StateEventTypes.Spec; using MediaModeratorPoC.Bot.AccountData; using MediaModeratorPoC.Bot.Interfaces; using MediaModeratorPoC.Bot.StateEventTypes; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace MediaModeratorPoC.Bot; public class MediaModBot : IHostedService { private readonly HomeserverProviderService _homeserverProviderService; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly MediaModBotConfiguration _configuration; private readonly IEnumerable _commands; private GenericRoom PolicyRoom; public MediaModBot(HomeserverProviderService homeserverProviderService, ILogger logger, MediaModBotConfiguration configuration, IServiceProvider services) { logger.LogInformation("MRUBot hosted service instantiated!"); _homeserverProviderService = homeserverProviderService; _logger = logger; _configuration = configuration; _logger.LogInformation("Getting commands..."); _commands = services.GetServices(); _logger.LogInformation("Got {} commands!", _commands.Count()); } /// Triggered when the application host is ready to start the service. /// Indicates that the start process has been aborted. [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "FunctionNeverReturns")] public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Directory.GetFiles("bot_data/cache").ToList().ForEach(File.Delete); AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric hs; try { hs = await _homeserverProviderService.GetAuthenticatedWithToken(_configuration.Homeserver, _configuration.AccessToken); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("{}", e.Message); throw; } BotData botData; try { botData = await hs.GetAccountData("gay.rory.media_moderator_poc_data"); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is not MatrixException { ErrorCode: "M_NOT_FOUND" }) { _logger.LogError("{}", e.ToString()); throw; } botData = new BotData(); var creationContent = CreateRoomRequest.CreatePrivate(hs, name: "Media Moderator PoC - Control room", roomAliasName: "media-moderator-poc-control-room"); creationContent.Invite = _configuration.Admins; creationContent.CreationContent["type"] = "gay.rory.media_moderator_poc.control_room"; botData.ControlRoom = (await hs.CreateRoom(creationContent)).RoomId; //set access rules to allow joining via control room creationContent.InitialState.Add(new StateEvent { Type = "", StateKey = "", TypedContent = new JoinRulesEventData() { JoinRule = "knock_restricted", Allow = new() { new JoinRulesEventData.AllowEntry() { Type = "m.room_membership", RoomId = botData.ControlRoom } } } }); creationContent.Name = "Media Moderator PoC - Log room"; creationContent.RoomAliasName = "media-moderator-poc-log-room"; creationContent.CreationContent["type"] = "gay.rory.media_moderator_poc.log_room"; botData.LogRoom = (await hs.CreateRoom(creationContent)).RoomId; creationContent.Name = "Media Moderator PoC - Policy room"; creationContent.RoomAliasName = "media-moderator-poc-policy-room"; creationContent.CreationContent["type"] = "gay.rory.media_moderator_poc.policy_room"; botData.PolicyRoom = (await hs.CreateRoom(creationContent)).RoomId; await hs.SetAccountData("gay.rory.media_moderator_poc_data", botData); } PolicyRoom = await hs.GetRoom(botData.PolicyRoom); hs.SyncHelper.InviteReceivedHandlers.Add(async Task (args) => { var inviteEvent = args.Value.InviteState.Events.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "" && x.StateKey == hs.WhoAmI.UserId); _logger.LogInformation( $"Got invite to {args.Key} by {inviteEvent.Sender} with reason: {(inviteEvent.TypedContent as RoomMemberEventData).Reason}"); if (inviteEvent.Sender.EndsWith("") || inviteEvent.Sender.EndsWith("")) { try { var senderProfile = await hs.GetProfile(inviteEvent.Sender); await (await hs.GetRoom(args.Key)).JoinAsync(reason: $"I was invited by {senderProfile.DisplayName ?? inviteEvent.Sender}!"); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError("{}", e.ToString()); await (await hs.GetRoom(args.Key)).LeaveAsync(reason: "I was unable to join the room: " + e); } } }); hs.SyncHelper.TimelineEventHandlers.Add(async @event => { _logger.LogInformation( "Got timeline event in {}: {}", @event.RoomId, @event.ToJson(indent: true, ignoreNull: true)); var room = await hs.GetRoom(@event.RoomId); // _logger.LogInformation(eventResponse.ToJson(indent: false)); if (@event is { Type: "", TypedContent: RoomMessageEventData message }) { if (message is { MessageType: "m.text" } && message.Body.StartsWith(_configuration.Prefix)) { var command = _commands.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == message.Body.Split(' ')[0][_configuration.Prefix.Length..]); if (command == null) { await room.SendMessageEventAsync("", new RoomMessageEventData { MessageType = "m.notice", Body = "Command not found!" }); return; } var ctx = new CommandContext { Room = room, MessageEvent = @event, Homeserver = hs }; if (await command.CanInvoke(ctx)) { await command.Invoke(ctx); } else { await room.SendMessageEventAsync("", new RoomMessageEventData { MessageType = "m.notice", Body = "You do not have permission to run this command!" }); } } } }); await hs.SyncHelper.RunSyncLoop(cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } /// Triggered when the application host is performing a graceful shutdown. /// Indicates that the shutdown process should no longer be graceful. public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { _logger.LogInformation("Shutting down bot!"); return Task.CompletedTask; } private async Task CheckMedia(StateEventResponse @event) { var stateList = PolicyRoom.GetFullStateAsync(); await foreach (var state in stateList) { if(state.Type != "") continue; var rule = state.TypedContent as MediaPolicyStateEventData; rule.Entity = rule.Entity.Replace("\\*", ".*").Replace("\\?", "."); var regex = new Regex(rule.Entity); if (regex.IsMatch(@event.RawContent["url"].GetValue())) { _logger.LogInformation("{url} matched rule {rule}", @event.RawContent["url"], rule.ToJson(ignoreNull: true)); return true; } } return false; } }