using LibMatrix.Responses; using LibMatrix.StateEventTypes.Spec; using MediaModeratorPoC.Bot.AccountData; using MediaModeratorPoC.Bot.Interfaces; using MediaModeratorPoC.Bot.StateEventTypes; namespace MediaModeratorPoC.Bot.Commands; public class BanMediaCommand(IServiceProvider services) : ICommand { public string Name { get; } = "banmedia"; public string Description { get; } = "Create a policy banning a piece of media, must be used in reply to a message"; public async Task CanInvoke(CommandContext ctx) { //check if user is admin in control room var botData = await ctx.Homeserver.GetAccountData("gay.rory.media_moderator_poc_data"); var controlRoom = await ctx.Homeserver.GetRoom(botData.ControlRoom); var powerLevels = await controlRoom.GetPowerLevelAsync(); var isAdmin = powerLevels.UserHasPermission(ctx.MessageEvent.Sender, ""); if (!isAdmin) { // await ctx.Reply("You do not have permission to use this command!"); var logRoom = await ctx.Homeserver.GetRoom(botData.LogRoom); await logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync("", new RoomMessageEventData { Body = $"User {ctx.MessageEvent.Sender} tried to use command {Name} but does not have permission!", MessageType = "m.text" }); } return isAdmin; } public async Task Invoke(CommandContext ctx) { //check if reply if ((ctx.MessageEvent.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventData).RelatesTo is { InReplyTo: not null } ) { var messageContent = ctx.MessageEvent.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventData; try { var botData = await ctx.Homeserver.GetAccountData("gay.rory.media_moderator_poc_data"); var policyRoom = await ctx.Homeserver.GetRoom(botData.PolicyRoom); var logRoom = await ctx.Homeserver.GetRoom(botData.LogRoom); await logRoom.SendMessageEventAsync("", new RoomMessageEventData { Body = $"User {ctx.MessageEvent.Sender} is trying to ban media {messageContent.RelatesTo!.InReplyTo!.EventId}", MessageType = "m.text" }); //get replied message var repliedMessage = await ctx.Room.GetEvent(messageContent.RelatesTo!.InReplyTo!.EventId); await policyRoom.SendStateEventAsync("", new MediaPolicyStateEventData() { Entity = (repliedMessage.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventData).Url!, Reason = string.Join(' ', ctx.Args), Recommendation = PolicyRecommendationTypes.Ban }); } catch (Exception e) { await ctx.Room.SendMessageEventAsync("", new RoomMessageEventData { Body = $"Error: {e.Message}", MessageType = "m.text" }); } } else { await ctx.Room.SendMessageEventAsync("", new RoomMessageEventData { Body = "This command must be used in reply to a message!", MessageType = "m.text", }); } } }