diff --git a/ArcaneLibs b/ArcaneLibs
-Subproject 7c6627c1311dbaea9a6f488334c71c10990ab3d
+Subproject ca63a0d5524793d1d76c071e5002173a2651bc7
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Extensions/HttpClientExtensions.cs b/LibMatrix/Extensions/HttpClientExtensions.cs
index 60b1fc1..598f8e5 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Extensions/HttpClientExtensions.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Extensions/HttpClientExtensions.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+using ArcaneLibs;
using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
namespace LibMatrix.Extensions;
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ public class MatrixHttpClient : HttpClient {
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Sending {request.Method} {BaseAddress}{request.RequestUri} ({Util.BytesToString(request.Content?.Headers.ContentLength ?? 0)})");
if (request.RequestUri is null) throw new NullReferenceException("RequestUri is null");
if (!request.RequestUri.IsAbsoluteUri) request.RequestUri = new Uri(BaseAddress, request.RequestUri);
// if (AssertedUserId is not null) request.RequestUri = request.RequestUri.AddQuery("user_id", AssertedUserId);
@@ -97,6 +99,16 @@ public class MatrixHttpClient : HttpClient {
SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUri), cancellationToken ?? CancellationToken.None);
// GetFromJsonAsync
+ public async Task<T?> TryGetFromJsonAsync<T>(string requestUri, JsonSerializerOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {
+ try {
+ return await GetFromJsonAsync<T>(requestUri, options, cancellationToken);
+ }
+ catch (HttpRequestException e) {
+ Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get {requestUri}: {e.Message}");
+ return default;
+ }
+ }
public async Task<T> GetFromJsonAsync<T>(string requestUri, JsonSerializerOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {
options = GetJsonSerializerOptions(options);
// Console.WriteLine($"GetFromJsonAsync called for {requestUri} with json options {options?.ToJson(ignoreNull:true)} and cancellation token {cancellationToken}");
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.cs b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.cs
index 727c0ea..afa6a6c 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.cs
@@ -14,49 +14,35 @@ using LibMatrix.Responses;
using LibMatrix.RoomTypes;
using LibMatrix.Services;
using LibMatrix.Utilities;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
namespace LibMatrix.Homeservers;
-public class AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric(string serverName, string accessToken) : RemoteHomeserver(serverName) {
- public static async Task<T> Create<T>(string serverName, string accessToken, string? proxy = null) where T : AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric =>
- await Create(typeof(T), serverName, accessToken, proxy) as T ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to create instance of {typeof(T).Name}");
- public static async Task<AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric> Create(Type type, string serverName, string accessToken, string? proxy = null) {
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(proxy))
- proxy = null;
- if (!type.IsAssignableTo(typeof(AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric))) throw new ArgumentException("Type must be a subclass of AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric", nameof(type));
- var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type, serverName, accessToken) as AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric
- ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to create instance of {type.Name}");
- instance.ClientHttpClient = new MatrixHttpClient {
- Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15),
- DefaultRequestHeaders = {
- Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken)
- }
- };
- instance.FederationClient = await FederationClient.TryCreate(serverName, proxy);
+public class AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric : RemoteHomeserver {
+ public AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric(string serverName, HomeserverResolverService.WellKnownUris wellKnownUris, ref string? proxy, string accessToken) : base(serverName,
+ wellKnownUris, ref proxy) {
+ AccessToken = accessToken;
+ ClientHttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(proxy)) {
- var urls = await new HomeserverResolverService().ResolveHomeserverFromWellKnown(serverName);
- instance.ClientHttpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(urls?.Client ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to resolve homeserver"));
- }
- else {
- instance.ClientHttpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(proxy);
- instance.ClientHttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("MXAE_UPSTREAM", serverName);
- }
+ NamedCaches = new HsNamedCaches(this);
+ }
+ public async Task Initialise() {
+ WhoAmI = await ClientHttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<WhoAmIResponse>("/_matrix/client/v3/account/whoami");
+ }
- instance.WhoAmI = await instance.ClientHttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<WhoAmIResponse>("/_matrix/client/v3/account/whoami");
- instance.NamedCaches = new HsNamedCaches(instance);
+ private WhoAmIResponse? _whoAmI;
- return instance;
+ public WhoAmIResponse WhoAmI {
+ get => _whoAmI ?? throw new Exception("Initialise was not called or awaited, WhoAmI is null!");
+ private set => _whoAmI = value;
- public WhoAmIResponse WhoAmI { get; set; }
public string UserId => WhoAmI.UserId;
public string UserLocalpart => UserId.Split(":")[0][1..];
public string ServerName => UserId.Split(":", 2)[1];
- public string AccessToken { get; set; } = accessToken;
+ public string AccessToken { get; set; }
public HsNamedCaches NamedCaches { get; set; } = null!;
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended.cs b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended.cs
index f0b5675..f55acb8 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended.cs
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+using LibMatrix.Services;
namespace LibMatrix.Homeservers;
-public class AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended(string baseUrl, string accessToken) : AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric(baseUrl, accessToken);
\ No newline at end of file
+public class AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended(string serverName, HomeserverResolverService.WellKnownUris wellKnownUris, ref string? proxy, string accessToken)
+ : AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric(serverName, wellKnownUris, ref proxy, accessToken);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse.cs b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse.cs
index 8df0c5b..307a226 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse.cs
@@ -1,113 +1,17 @@
using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.Filters;
+using LibMatrix.Homeservers.ImplementationDetails.Synapse;
using LibMatrix.Responses.Admin;
+using LibMatrix.Services;
namespace LibMatrix.Homeservers;
public class AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse : AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric {
- public readonly SynapseAdminApi Admin;
+ public readonly SynapseAdminApiClient Admin;
- public class SynapseAdminApi(AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse authenticatedHomeserver) {
- public async IAsyncEnumerable<AdminRoomListingResult.AdminRoomListingResultRoom> SearchRoomsAsync(int limit = int.MaxValue, string orderBy = "name", string dir = "f",
- string? searchTerm = null, LocalRoomQueryFilter? localFilter = null) {
- AdminRoomListingResult? res = null;
- var i = 0;
- int? totalRooms = null;
- do {
- var url = $"/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms?limit={Math.Min(limit, 100)}&dir={dir}&order_by={orderBy}";
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) url += $"&search_term={searchTerm}";
- if (res?.NextBatch is not null) url += $"&from={res.NextBatch}";
- Console.WriteLine($"--- ADMIN Querying Room List with URL: {url} - Already have {i} items... ---");
- res = await authenticatedHomeserver.ClientHttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<AdminRoomListingResult>(url);
- totalRooms ??= res.TotalRooms;
- Console.WriteLine(res.ToJson(false));
- foreach (var room in res.Rooms) {
- if (localFilter is not null) {
- if (!room.RoomId.Contains(localFilter.RoomIdContains)) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (!room.Name?.Contains(localFilter.NameContains) == true) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (!room.CanonicalAlias?.Contains(localFilter.CanonicalAliasContains) == true) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (!room.Version.Contains(localFilter.VersionContains)) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (!room.Creator.Contains(localFilter.CreatorContains)) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (!room.Encryption?.Contains(localFilter.EncryptionContains) == true) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (!room.JoinRules?.Contains(localFilter.JoinRulesContains) == true) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (!room.GuestAccess?.Contains(localFilter.GuestAccessContains) == true) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (!room.HistoryVisibility?.Contains(localFilter.HistoryVisibilityContains) == true) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (localFilter.CheckFederation && room.Federatable != localFilter.Federatable) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (localFilter.CheckPublic && room.Public != localFilter.Public) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (room.JoinedMembers < localFilter.JoinedMembersGreaterThan || room.JoinedMembers > localFilter.JoinedMembersLessThan) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- if (room.JoinedLocalMembers < localFilter.JoinedLocalMembersGreaterThan || room.JoinedLocalMembers > localFilter.JoinedLocalMembersLessThan) {
- totalRooms--;
- continue;
- }
- }
- // if (contentSearch is not null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentSearch) &&
- // !(
- // room.Name?.Contains(contentSearch, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true ||
- // room.CanonicalAlias?.Contains(contentSearch, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true ||
- // room.Creator?.Contains(contentSearch, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true
- // )
- // ) {
- // totalRooms--;
- // continue;
- // }
- i++;
- yield return room;
- }
- } while (i < Math.Min(limit, totalRooms ?? limit));
- }
+ public AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse(string serverName, HomeserverResolverService.WellKnownUris wellKnownUris, ref string? proxy, string accessToken) : base(serverName,
+ wellKnownUris, ref proxy, accessToken) {
+ Admin = new(this);
- public AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse(string serverName, string accessToken) : base(serverName, accessToken) => Admin = new SynapseAdminApi(this);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/FederationClient.cs b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/FederationClient.cs
index 3926b29..dc0d1f6 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/FederationClient.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/FederationClient.cs
@@ -1,41 +1,19 @@
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using LibMatrix.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.Services;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
namespace LibMatrix.Homeservers;
-public class FederationClient(string baseUrl) {
- public static async Task<FederationClient?> TryCreate(string baseUrl, string? proxy = null) {
- try {
- return await Create(baseUrl, proxy);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- Console.WriteLine($"Failed to create homeserver {baseUrl}: {e.Message}");
- return null;
- }
+public class FederationClient {
+ public FederationClient(string federationEndpoint, string? proxy = null) {
+ HttpClient = new MatrixHttpClient {
+ BaseAddress = new Uri(proxy?.TrimEnd('/') ?? federationEndpoint.TrimEnd('/')),
+ Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)
+ };
+ if (proxy is not null) HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("MXAE_UPSTREAM", federationEndpoint);
- public static async Task<FederationClient> Create(string baseUrl, string? proxy = null) {
- var homeserver = new FederationClient(baseUrl);
- homeserver.WellKnownUris = await new HomeserverResolverService().ResolveHomeserverFromWellKnown(baseUrl);
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(proxy) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(homeserver.WellKnownUris.Client))
- Console.WriteLine($"Failed to resolve homeserver client URI for {baseUrl}");
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(proxy) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(homeserver.WellKnownUris.Server))
- Console.WriteLine($"Failed to resolve homeserver server URI for {baseUrl}");
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(homeserver.WellKnownUris.Server))
- homeserver.HttpClient = new MatrixHttpClient {
- BaseAddress = new Uri(proxy ?? homeserver.WellKnownUris.Server ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to resolve homeserver server URI for {baseUrl}")),
- Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)
- };
- if (proxy is not null) homeserver.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("MXAE_UPSTREAM", baseUrl);
- return homeserver;
- }
- public string BaseUrl { get; } = baseUrl;
public MatrixHttpClient HttpClient { get; set; } = null!;
public HomeserverResolverService.WellKnownUris WellKnownUris { get; set; } = null!;
@@ -46,7 +24,6 @@ public class ServerVersionResponse {
public required ServerInfo Server { get; set; }
- // ReSharper disable once ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
public class ServerInfo {
public string Name { get; set; }
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Responses/Admin/AdminRoomDeleteRequest.cs b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/ImplementationDetails/Synapse/Models/Requests/AdminRoomDeleteRequest.cs
index ceb1b3f..f4c927a 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Responses/Admin/AdminRoomDeleteRequest.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/ImplementationDetails/Synapse/Models/Requests/AdminRoomDeleteRequest.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
-namespace LibMatrix.Responses.Admin;
+namespace LibMatrix.Homeservers.ImplementationDetails.Synapse.Models.Requests;
public class AdminRoomDeleteRequest {
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Responses/Admin/AdminRoomListingResult.cs b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/ImplementationDetails/Synapse/Models/Responses/AdminRoomListingResult.cs
index 7ab96ac..7ab96ac 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Responses/Admin/AdminRoomListingResult.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/ImplementationDetails/Synapse/Models/Responses/AdminRoomListingResult.cs
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/ImplementationDetails/Synapse/SynapseAdminApiClient.cs b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/ImplementationDetails/Synapse/SynapseAdminApiClient.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc055d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/ImplementationDetails/Synapse/SynapseAdminApiClient.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
+using LibMatrix.Filters;
+using LibMatrix.Responses.Admin;
+namespace LibMatrix.Homeservers.ImplementationDetails.Synapse;
+public class SynapseAdminApiClient(AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse authenticatedHomeserver) {
+ public async IAsyncEnumerable<AdminRoomListingResult.AdminRoomListingResultRoom> SearchRoomsAsync(int limit = int.MaxValue, string orderBy = "name", string dir = "f",
+ string? searchTerm = null, LocalRoomQueryFilter? localFilter = null) {
+ AdminRoomListingResult? res = null;
+ var i = 0;
+ int? totalRooms = null;
+ do {
+ var url = $"/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms?limit={Math.Min(limit, 100)}&dir={dir}&order_by={orderBy}";
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) url += $"&search_term={searchTerm}";
+ if (res?.NextBatch is not null) url += $"&from={res.NextBatch}";
+ Console.WriteLine($"--- ADMIN Querying Room List with URL: {url} - Already have {i} items... ---");
+ res = await authenticatedHomeserver.ClientHttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<AdminRoomListingResult>(url);
+ totalRooms ??= res.TotalRooms;
+ Console.WriteLine(res.ToJson(false));
+ foreach (var room in res.Rooms) {
+ if (localFilter is not null) {
+ if (!room.RoomId.Contains(localFilter.RoomIdContains)) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!room.Name?.Contains(localFilter.NameContains) == true) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!room.CanonicalAlias?.Contains(localFilter.CanonicalAliasContains) == true) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!room.Version.Contains(localFilter.VersionContains)) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!room.Creator.Contains(localFilter.CreatorContains)) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!room.Encryption?.Contains(localFilter.EncryptionContains) == true) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!room.JoinRules?.Contains(localFilter.JoinRulesContains) == true) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!room.GuestAccess?.Contains(localFilter.GuestAccessContains) == true) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!room.HistoryVisibility?.Contains(localFilter.HistoryVisibilityContains) == true) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (localFilter.CheckFederation && room.Federatable != localFilter.Federatable) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (localFilter.CheckPublic && room.Public != localFilter.Public) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (room.JoinedMembers < localFilter.JoinedMembersGreaterThan || room.JoinedMembers > localFilter.JoinedMembersLessThan) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (room.JoinedLocalMembers < localFilter.JoinedLocalMembersGreaterThan || room.JoinedLocalMembers > localFilter.JoinedLocalMembersLessThan) {
+ totalRooms--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // if (contentSearch is not null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentSearch) &&
+ // !(
+ // room.Name?.Contains(contentSearch, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true ||
+ // room.CanonicalAlias?.Contains(contentSearch, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true ||
+ // room.Creator?.Contains(contentSearch, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true
+ // )
+ // ) {
+ // totalRooms--;
+ // continue;
+ // }
+ i++;
+ yield return room;
+ }
+ } while (i < Math.Min(limit, totalRooms ?? limit));
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/RemoteHomeServer.cs b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/RemoteHomeServer.cs
index 8cd7ad7..e6d58b1 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Homeservers/RemoteHomeServer.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Homeservers/RemoteHomeServer.cs
@@ -6,50 +6,32 @@ using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.Responses;
using LibMatrix.Services;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
namespace LibMatrix.Homeservers;
-public class RemoteHomeserver(string baseUrl) {
- public static async Task<RemoteHomeserver?> TryCreate(string baseUrl, string? proxy = null) {
- try {
- return await Create(baseUrl, proxy);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- Console.WriteLine($"Failed to create homeserver {baseUrl}: {e.Message}");
- return null;
- }
- }
- public static async Task<RemoteHomeserver> Create(string baseUrl, string? proxy = null) {
+public class RemoteHomeserver {
+ public RemoteHomeserver(string baseUrl, HomeserverResolverService.WellKnownUris wellKnownUris, ref string? proxy) {
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(proxy))
proxy = null;
- var homeserver = new RemoteHomeserver(baseUrl);
- homeserver.WellKnownUris = await new HomeserverResolverService().ResolveHomeserverFromWellKnown(baseUrl);
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(homeserver.WellKnownUris.Client))
- Console.WriteLine($"Failed to resolve homeserver client URI for {baseUrl}");
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(homeserver.WellKnownUris.Server))
- Console.WriteLine($"Failed to resolve homeserver server URI for {baseUrl}");
- Console.WriteLine(homeserver.WellKnownUris.ToJson(ignoreNull: false));
- homeserver.ClientHttpClient = new MatrixHttpClient {
- BaseAddress = new Uri(proxy ?? homeserver.WellKnownUris.Client ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to resolve homeserver client URI for {baseUrl}")),
+ BaseUrl = baseUrl;
+ WellKnownUris = wellKnownUris;
+ ClientHttpClient = new MatrixHttpClient {
+ BaseAddress = new Uri(proxy?.TrimEnd('/') ?? wellKnownUris.Client?.TrimEnd('/') ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"No client URI for {baseUrl}!")),
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300)
- homeserver.FederationClient = await FederationClient.TryCreate(baseUrl, proxy);
- if (proxy is not null) homeserver.ClientHttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("MXAE_UPSTREAM", baseUrl);
- return homeserver;
+ if (proxy is not null) ClientHttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("MXAE_UPSTREAM", baseUrl);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wellKnownUris.Server))
+ FederationClient = new FederationClient(WellKnownUris.Server!, proxy);
private Dictionary<string, object> _profileCache { get; set; } = new();
- public string BaseUrl { get; } = baseUrl;
+ public string BaseUrl { get; }
- public MatrixHttpClient ClientHttpClient { get; set; } = null!;
+ public MatrixHttpClient ClientHttpClient { get; set; }
public FederationClient? FederationClient { get; set; }
- public HomeserverResolverService.WellKnownUris WellKnownUris { get; set; } = null!;
+ public HomeserverResolverService.WellKnownUris WellKnownUris { get; set; }
public async Task<UserProfileResponse> GetProfileAsync(string mxid, bool useCache = false) {
if (mxid is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mxid));
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Responses/LoginResponse.cs b/LibMatrix/Responses/LoginResponse.cs
index 3962fa6..28fb245 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Responses/LoginResponse.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Responses/LoginResponse.cs
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ public class LoginResponse {
public string UserId { get; set; } = null!;
- public async Task<AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric> GetAuthenticatedHomeserver(string? proxy = null) =>
+ // public async Task<AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric> GetAuthenticatedHomeserver(string? proxy = null) {
// var urls = await new HomeserverResolverService().ResolveHomeserverFromWellKnown(Homeserver);
- await AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.Create<AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric>(Homeserver, AccessToken, proxy);
+ // await AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.Create<AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric>(Homeserver, AccessToken, proxy);
+ // }
public class LoginRequest {
diff --git a/LibMatrix/RoomTypes/GenericRoom.cs b/LibMatrix/RoomTypes/GenericRoom.cs
index cf32df8..36abadc 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/RoomTypes/GenericRoom.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/RoomTypes/GenericRoom.cs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State.RoomInfo;
using LibMatrix.Homeservers;
using LibMatrix.Services;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
namespace LibMatrix.RoomTypes;
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ public class GenericRoom {
if (useOriginHomeserver)
try {
var hs = avatar.Url.Split('/', 3)[1];
- return await new HomeserverResolverService().ResolveMediaUri(hs, avatar.Url);
+ return await new HomeserverResolverService(NullLogger<HomeserverResolverService>.Instance).ResolveMediaUri(hs, avatar.Url);
catch (Exception e) {
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Services/HomeserverProviderService.cs b/LibMatrix/Services/HomeserverProviderService.cs
index 8e2e15b..3995a26 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Services/HomeserverProviderService.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Services/HomeserverProviderService.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System.Net.Http.Json;
+using ArcaneLibs.Collections;
using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.Homeservers;
using LibMatrix.Responses;
@@ -6,99 +7,62 @@ using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace LibMatrix.Services;
-public class HomeserverProviderService(ILogger<HomeserverProviderService> logger) {
- private static readonly Dictionary<string, SemaphoreSlim> AuthenticatedHomeserverSemaphore = new();
- private static readonly Dictionary<string, AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric> AuthenticatedHomeserverCache = new();
- private static readonly Dictionary<string, SemaphoreSlim> RemoteHomeserverSemaphore = new();
- private static readonly Dictionary<string, RemoteHomeserver> RemoteHomeserverCache = new();
+public class HomeserverProviderService(ILogger<HomeserverProviderService> logger, HomeserverResolverService hsResolver) {
+ private static SemaphoreCache<AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric> AuthenticatedHomeserverCache = new();
+ private static SemaphoreCache<RemoteHomeserver> RemoteHomeserverCache = new();
public async Task<AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric> GetAuthenticatedWithToken(string homeserver, string accessToken, string? proxy = null, string? impersonatedMxid = null) {
- var cacheKey = homeserver + accessToken + proxy + impersonatedMxid;
- var sem = AuthenticatedHomeserverSemaphore.GetOrCreate(cacheKey, _ => new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1));
- await sem.WaitAsync();
- AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric? hs;
- lock (AuthenticatedHomeserverCache) {
- if (AuthenticatedHomeserverCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out hs)) {
- sem.Release();
- return hs;
- }
- }
- var rhs = await RemoteHomeserver.Create(homeserver, proxy);
- ClientVersionsResponse clientVersions = new();
- try {
- clientVersions = await rhs.GetClientVersionsAsync();
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- logger.LogError(e, "Failed to get client versions for {homeserver}", homeserver);
- }
- if (proxy is not null)
- logger.LogInformation("Homeserver {homeserver} proxied via {proxy}...", homeserver, proxy);
- logger.LogInformation("{homeserver}: {clientVersions}", homeserver, clientVersions.ToJson());
+ return await AuthenticatedHomeserverCache.GetOrAdd($"{homeserver}{accessToken}{proxy}{impersonatedMxid}", async () => {
+ var wellKnownUris = await hsResolver.ResolveHomeserverFromWellKnown(homeserver);
+ var rhs = new RemoteHomeserver(homeserver, wellKnownUris, ref proxy);
- ServerVersionResponse serverVersion;
- try {
- serverVersion = serverVersion = await (rhs.FederationClient?.GetServerVersionAsync() ?? Task.FromResult<ServerVersionResponse?>(null)!);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- logger.LogWarning(e, "Failed to get server version for {homeserver}", homeserver);
- sem.Release();
- throw;
- }
- try {
- if (clientVersions.UnstableFeatures.TryGetValue("gay.rory.mxapiextensions.v0", out var a) && a)
- hs = await AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.Create<AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended>(homeserver, accessToken, proxy);
- else {
- if (serverVersion is { Server.Name: "Synapse" })
- hs = await AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.Create<AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse>(homeserver, accessToken, proxy);
- else
- hs = await AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric.Create<AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric>(homeserver, accessToken, proxy);
+ ClientVersionsResponse? clientVersions = new();
+ try {
+ clientVersions = await rhs.GetClientVersionsAsync();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.LogError(e, "Failed to get client versions for {homeserver}", homeserver);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- logger.LogError(e, "Failed to create authenticated homeserver for {homeserver}", homeserver);
- sem.Release();
- throw;
- }
- if (impersonatedMxid is not null)
- await hs.SetImpersonate(impersonatedMxid);
- lock (AuthenticatedHomeserverCache) {
- AuthenticatedHomeserverCache[cacheKey] = hs;
- }
- sem.Release();
- return hs;
- }
- public async Task<RemoteHomeserver> GetRemoteHomeserver(string homeserver, string? proxy = null) {
- var cacheKey = homeserver + proxy;
- var sem = RemoteHomeserverSemaphore.GetOrCreate(cacheKey, _ => new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1));
- await sem.WaitAsync();
- RemoteHomeserver? hs;
- lock (RemoteHomeserverCache) {
- if (RemoteHomeserverCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out hs)) {
- sem.Release();
- return hs;
+ ServerVersionResponse? serverVersion;
+ try {
+ serverVersion = await (rhs.FederationClient?.GetServerVersionAsync() ?? Task.FromResult<ServerVersionResponse?>(null)!);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.LogWarning(e, "Failed to get server version for {homeserver}", homeserver);
+ throw;
- }
- hs = await RemoteHomeserver.Create(homeserver, proxy);
+ AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric hs;
+ try {
+ if (clientVersions.UnstableFeatures.TryGetValue("gay.rory.mxapiextensions.v0", out var a) && a)
+ hs = new AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended(homeserver, wellKnownUris, ref proxy, accessToken);
+ else {
+ if (serverVersion is { Server.Name: "Synapse" })
+ hs = new AuthenticatedHomeserverSynapse(homeserver, wellKnownUris, ref proxy, accessToken);
+ else
+ hs = new AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric(homeserver, wellKnownUris, ref proxy, accessToken);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ logger.LogError(e, "Failed to create authenticated homeserver for {homeserver}", homeserver);
+ throw;
+ }
- lock (RemoteHomeserverCache) {
- RemoteHomeserverCache[cacheKey] = hs;
- }
+ await hs.Initialise();
- sem.Release();
+ if (impersonatedMxid is not null)
+ await hs.SetImpersonate(impersonatedMxid);
- return hs;
+ return hs;
+ });
+ public async Task<RemoteHomeserver> GetRemoteHomeserver(string homeserver, string? proxy = null) =>
+ await RemoteHomeserverCache.GetOrAdd($"{homeserver}{proxy}", async () => {
+ return new RemoteHomeserver(homeserver, await hsResolver.ResolveHomeserverFromWellKnown(homeserver), ref proxy);
+ });
public async Task<LoginResponse> Login(string homeserver, string user, string password, string? proxy = null) {
var hs = await GetRemoteHomeserver(homeserver, proxy);
var payload = new LoginRequest {
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Services/HomeserverResolverService.cs b/LibMatrix/Services/HomeserverResolverService.cs
index bcef541..42ad0a1 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Services/HomeserverResolverService.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Services/HomeserverResolverService.cs
@@ -1,87 +1,135 @@
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Net.Http.Json;
using System.Text.Json;
+using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+using ArcaneLibs.Collections;
using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.Extensions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
namespace LibMatrix.Services;
-public class HomeserverResolverService(ILogger<HomeserverResolverService>? logger = null) {
+public class HomeserverResolverService {
private readonly MatrixHttpClient _httpClient = new() {
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000)
- private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, WellKnownUris> WellKnownCache = new();
- private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, SemaphoreSlim> WellKnownSemaphores = new();
+ private static readonly SemaphoreCache<WellKnownUris> WellKnownCache = new();
- public async Task<WellKnownUris> ResolveHomeserverFromWellKnown(string homeserver) {
- if (homeserver is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(homeserver));
- WellKnownSemaphores.TryAdd(homeserver, new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1));
- await WellKnownSemaphores[homeserver].WaitAsync();
- if (WellKnownCache.TryGetValue(homeserver, out var known)) {
- WellKnownSemaphores[homeserver].Release();
- return known;
+ private readonly ILogger<HomeserverResolverService> _logger;
+ public HomeserverResolverService(ILogger<HomeserverResolverService> logger) {
+ _logger = logger;
+ if (logger is NullLogger<HomeserverResolverService>) {
+ var stackFrame = new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(1);
+ Console.WriteLine(
+ $"WARN | Null logger provided to HomeserverResolverService!\n{stackFrame.GetMethod().DeclaringType} at {stackFrame.GetFileName()}:{stackFrame.GetFileLineNumber()}");
+ }
+ private static SemaphoreSlim _wellKnownSemaphore = new(1, 1);
+ public async Task<WellKnownUris> ResolveHomeserverFromWellKnown(string homeserver) {
+ ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(homeserver);
- logger?.LogInformation("Resolving homeserver: {}", homeserver);
- var res = new WellKnownUris {
- Client = await _tryResolveFromClientWellknown(homeserver),
- Server = await _tryResolveFromServerWellknown(homeserver)
- };
- WellKnownCache.TryAdd(homeserver, res);
- WellKnownSemaphores[homeserver].Release();
- return res;
+ return await WellKnownCache.GetOrAdd(homeserver, async () => {
+ await _wellKnownSemaphore.WaitAsync();
+ _logger.LogTrace($"Resolving homeserver well-knowns: {homeserver}");
+ var client = _tryResolveClientEndpoint(homeserver);
+ var res = new WellKnownUris();
+ // try {
+ res.Client = await client ?? throw new Exception("Could not resolve client URL.");
+ // }
+ // catch (Exception e) {
+ // _logger.LogError(e, "Error resolving client well-known for {hs}", homeserver);
+ // }
+ var server = _tryResolveServerEndpoint(homeserver);
+ // try {
+ res.Server = await server ?? throw new Exception("Could not resolve server URL.");
+ // }
+ // catch (Exception e) {
+ // _logger.LogError(e, "Error resolving server well-known for {hs}", homeserver);
+ // }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Resolved well-knowns for {hs}: {json}", homeserver, res.ToJson(indent: false));
+ _wellKnownSemaphore.Release();
+ return res;
+ });
- private async Task<string?> _tryResolveFromClientWellknown(string homeserver) {
- if (!homeserver.StartsWith("http")) {
- if (await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"https://{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client"))
- homeserver = "https://" + homeserver;
- else if (await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"http://{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client")) {
- homeserver = "http://" + homeserver;
- }
+ private async Task<string?> _tryResolveClientEndpoint(string homeserver) {
+ ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(homeserver);
+ _logger.LogTrace("Resolving client well-known: {homeserver}", homeserver);
+ ClientWellKnown? clientWellKnown = null;
+ // check if homeserver has a client well-known
+ if (homeserver.StartsWith("https://")) {
+ clientWellKnown = await _httpClient.TryGetFromJsonAsync<ClientWellKnown>($"{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client");
- try {
- var resp = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<JsonElement>($"{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client");
- var hs = resp.GetProperty("m.homeserver").GetProperty("base_url").GetString();
- return hs;
+ else if (homeserver.StartsWith("http://")) {
+ clientWellKnown = await _httpClient.TryGetFromJsonAsync<ClientWellKnown>($"{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client");
- catch {
- // ignored
+ else {
+ clientWellKnown ??= await _httpClient.TryGetFromJsonAsync<ClientWellKnown>($"https://{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client");
+ clientWellKnown ??= await _httpClient.TryGetFromJsonAsync<ClientWellKnown>($"http://{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/client");
+ if (clientWellKnown is null) {
+ if (await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"https://{homeserver}/_matrix/client/versions"))
+ return $"https://{homeserver}";
+ if (await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"http://{homeserver}/_matrix/client/versions"))
+ return $"http://{homeserver}";
+ }
- logger?.LogInformation("No client well-known...");
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientWellKnown?.Homeserver.BaseUrl))
+ return clientWellKnown.Homeserver.BaseUrl;
+ _logger.LogInformation("No client well-known...");
return null;
- private async Task<string?> _tryResolveFromServerWellknown(string homeserver) {
- if (!homeserver.StartsWith("http")) {
- if (await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"https://{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/server"))
- homeserver = "https://" + homeserver;
- else if (await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"http://{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/server")) {
- homeserver = "http://" + homeserver;
- }
+ private async Task<string?> _tryResolveServerEndpoint(string homeserver) {
+ // TODO: implement SRV delegation via DoH: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/doh/json
+ ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(homeserver);
+ _logger.LogTrace($"Resolving server well-known: {homeserver}");
+ ServerWellKnown? serverWellKnown = null;
+ // check if homeserver has a server well-known
+ if (homeserver.StartsWith("https://")) {
+ serverWellKnown = await _httpClient.TryGetFromJsonAsync<ServerWellKnown>($"{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/server");
- try {
- var resp = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<JsonElement>($"{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/server");
- var hs = resp.GetProperty("m.server").GetString();
- if (hs is null) throw new InvalidDataException("m.server is null");
- if (!hs.StartsWithAnyOf("http://", "https://"))
- hs = $"https://{hs}";
- return hs;
+ else if (homeserver.StartsWith("http://")) {
+ serverWellKnown = await _httpClient.TryGetFromJsonAsync<ServerWellKnown>($"{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/server");
+ }
+ else {
+ serverWellKnown ??= await _httpClient.TryGetFromJsonAsync<ServerWellKnown>($"https://{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/server");
+ serverWellKnown ??= await _httpClient.TryGetFromJsonAsync<ServerWellKnown>($"http://{homeserver}/.well-known/matrix/server");
- catch {
- // ignored
+ _logger.LogInformation("Server well-known for {hs}: {json}", homeserver, serverWellKnown?.ToJson() ?? "null");
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverWellKnown?.Homeserver)) {
+ var resolved = serverWellKnown.Homeserver;
+ if (resolved.StartsWith("https://") || resolved.StartsWith("http://"))
+ return resolved;
+ if (await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"https://{resolved}/_matrix/federation/v1/version"))
+ return $"https://{resolved}";
+ if (await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"http://{resolved}/_matrix/federation/v1/version"))
+ return $"http://{resolved}";
+ _logger.LogWarning("Server well-known points to invalid server: {resolved}", resolved);
- // fallback: most servers host these on the same location
- var clientUrl = await _tryResolveFromClientWellknown(homeserver);
+ // fallback: most servers host C2S and S2S on the same domain
+ var clientUrl = await _tryResolveClientEndpoint(homeserver);
if (clientUrl is not null && await _httpClient.CheckSuccessStatus($"{clientUrl}/_matrix/federation/v1/version"))
return clientUrl;
- logger?.LogInformation("No server well-known...");
+ _logger.LogInformation("No server well-known...");
return null;
@@ -97,4 +145,19 @@ public class HomeserverResolverService(ILogger<HomeserverResolverService>? logge
public string? Client { get; set; }
public string? Server { get; set; }
+ public class ClientWellKnown {
+ [JsonPropertyName("m.homeserver")]
+ public WellKnownHomeserver Homeserver { get; set; }
+ public class WellKnownHomeserver {
+ [JsonPropertyName("base_url")]
+ public string BaseUrl { get; set; }
+ }
+ }
+ public class ServerWellKnown {
+ [JsonPropertyName("m.server")]
+ public string Homeserver { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LibMatrix/Services/ServiceInstaller.cs b/LibMatrix/Services/ServiceInstaller.cs
index 0f07b61..06ea9de 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/Services/ServiceInstaller.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/Services/ServiceInstaller.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace LibMatrix.Services;
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ public static class ServiceInstaller {
services.AddSingleton(config ?? new RoryLibMatrixConfiguration());
//Add services
- services.AddSingleton<HomeserverResolverService>();
+ services.AddSingleton<HomeserverResolverService>(sp => new HomeserverResolverService(sp.GetRequiredService<ILogger<HomeserverResolverService>>()));
// if (services.First(x => x.ServiceType == typeof(TieredStorageService)).Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton) {
diff --git a/LibMatrix/StateEvent.cs b/LibMatrix/StateEvent.cs
index 9800c27..26c6a5f 100644
--- a/LibMatrix/StateEvent.cs
+++ b/LibMatrix/StateEvent.cs
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ public class StateEvent {
return dict;
- public static Type GetStateEventType(string? type) => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type) ? typeof(UnknownEventContent) : KnownStateEventTypesByName.GetValueOrDefault(type) ?? typeof(UnknownEventContent);
+ public static Type GetStateEventType(string? type) =>
+ string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type) ? typeof(UnknownEventContent) : KnownStateEventTypesByName.GetValueOrDefault(type) ?? typeof(UnknownEventContent);
public Type MappedType => GetStateEventType(Type);
@@ -67,7 +68,9 @@ public class StateEvent {
set {
if (value is null)
- else RawContent = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonObject>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(value, value.GetType()));
+ else
+ RawContent = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonObject>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(value, value.GetType(),
+ new JsonSerializerOptions() { DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull }));
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/AuthController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/AuthController.cs
index da56ec4..66548e2 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/AuthController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/AuthController.cs
@@ -1,49 +1,69 @@
-using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
-using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
-using LibMatrix.Responses;
-using LibMatrix.Services;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
-namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers;
-public class AuthController(ILogger<AuthController> logger, UserStore userStore, TokenService tokenService) : ControllerBase {
- [HttpPost("login")]
- public async Task<LoginResponse> Login(LoginRequest request) {
- if(!request.Identifier.User.StartsWith('@'))
- request.Identifier.User = $"@{request.Identifier.User}:{tokenService.GenerateServerName(HttpContext)}";
- if(request.Identifier.User.EndsWith("localhost"))
- request.Identifier.User = request.Identifier.User.Replace("localhost", tokenService.GenerateServerName(HttpContext));
- var user = await userStore.GetUserById(request.Identifier.User);
- if(user is null) {
- user = await userStore.CreateUser(request.Identifier.User);
- }
- return user.Login();
- }
- [HttpGet("login")]
- public async Task<LoginFlowsResponse> GetLoginFlows() {
- return new LoginFlowsResponse {
- Flows = ((string[]) [
- "m.login.password",
- "m.login.recaptcha",
- "m.login.sso",
- "m.login.email.identity",
- "m.login.msisdn",
- "m.login.dummy",
- "m.login.registration_token",
- ]).Select(x => new LoginFlowsResponse.LoginFlow { Type = x }).ToList()
- };
- }
-public class LoginFlowsResponse {
- public required List<LoginFlow> Flows { get; set; }
- public class LoginFlow {
- public required string Type { get; set; }
- }
+using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
+using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
+using LibMatrix.Responses;
+using LibMatrix.Services;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
+namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers;
+public class AuthController(ILogger<AuthController> logger, UserStore userStore, TokenService tokenService) : ControllerBase {
+ [HttpPost("login")]
+ public async Task<LoginResponse> Login(LoginRequest request) {
+ if (!request.Identifier.User.StartsWith('@'))
+ request.Identifier.User = $"@{request.Identifier.User}:{tokenService.GenerateServerName(HttpContext)}";
+ if (request.Identifier.User.EndsWith("localhost"))
+ request.Identifier.User = request.Identifier.User.Replace("localhost", tokenService.GenerateServerName(HttpContext));
+ var user = await userStore.GetUserById(request.Identifier.User);
+ if (user is null) {
+ user = await userStore.CreateUser(request.Identifier.User);
+ }
+ return user.Login();
+ }
+ [HttpGet("login")]
+ public async Task<LoginFlowsResponse> GetLoginFlows() {
+ return new LoginFlowsResponse {
+ Flows = ((string[]) [
+ "m.login.password",
+ "m.login.recaptcha",
+ "m.login.sso",
+ "m.login.email.identity",
+ "m.login.msisdn",
+ "m.login.dummy",
+ "m.login.registration_token",
+ ]).Select(x => new LoginFlowsResponse.LoginFlow { Type = x }).ToList()
+ };
+ }
+ [HttpPost("logout")]
+ public async Task<object> Logout() {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token);
+ if (user == null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN",
+ Error = "No such user"
+ };
+ if (!user.AccessTokens.ContainsKey(token))
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = MatrixException.ErrorCodes.M_NOT_FOUND,
+ Error = "Token not found"
+ };
+ user.AccessTokens.Remove(token);
+ return new { };
+ }
+public class LoginFlowsResponse {
+ public required List<LoginFlow> Flows { get; set; }
+ public class LoginFlow {
+ public required string Type { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/LegacyController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/LegacyController.cs
index e3f781b..1fb427e 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/LegacyController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/LegacyController.cs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public class LegacyController(ILogger<LegacyController> logger, TokenService tok
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper.DPA", "DPA0011: High execution time of MVC action", Justification = "Endpoint is expected to wait until data is available or timeout.")]
public async Task<object> Sync([FromRoute] string roomId, [FromQuery] int limit = 20) {
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Media/MediaController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Media/MediaController.cs
index dba36d7..4820a65 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Media/MediaController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Media/MediaController.cs
@@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
+using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
+using LibMatrix.Services;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.Media;
-public class MediaController(ILogger<MediaController> logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase {
+public class MediaController(
+ ILogger<MediaController> logger,
+ TokenService tokenService,
+ UserStore userStore,
+ HSEConfiguration cfg,
+ HomeserverResolverService hsResolver,
+ MediaStore mediaStore)
+ : ControllerBase {
public async Task<object> UploadMedia([FromHeader(Name = "Content-Type")] string ContentType, [FromQuery] string filename, [FromBody] Stream file) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
@@ -21,14 +33,89 @@ public class MediaController(ILogger<MediaController> logger, TokenService token
ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN",
Error = "No such user"
var mediaId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var media = new {
content_uri = $"mxc://{tokenService.GenerateServerName(HttpContext)}/{mediaId}"
return media;
+ }
+ private Dictionary<string, SemaphoreSlim> downloadLocks = new();
+ [HttpGet("download/{serverName}/{mediaId}")]
+ public async Task DownloadMedia(string serverName, string mediaId) {
+ while (true)
+ try {
+ if (cfg.StoreData) {
+ SemaphoreSlim ss;
+ if (!downloadLocks.ContainsKey(serverName + mediaId))
+ downloadLocks[serverName + mediaId] = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
+ ss = downloadLocks[serverName + mediaId];
+ await ss.WaitAsync();
+ var serverMediaPath = Path.Combine(cfg.DataStoragePath, "media", serverName);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(serverMediaPath);
+ var mediaPath = Path.Combine(serverMediaPath, mediaId);
+ if (System.IO.File.Exists(mediaPath)) {
+ ss.Release();
+ await using var stream = new FileStream(mediaPath, FileMode.Open);
+ await stream.CopyToAsync(Response.Body);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ var mediaUrl = await hsResolver.ResolveMediaUri(serverName, $"mxc://{serverName}/{mediaId}");
+ if (mediaUrl is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Media not found"
+ };
+ await using var stream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(mediaPath);
+ using var response = await new HttpClient().GetAsync(mediaUrl);
+ await response.Content.CopyToAsync(stream);
+ await stream.FlushAsync();
+ ss.Release();
+ await DownloadMedia(serverName, mediaId);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var mediaUrl = await hsResolver.ResolveMediaUri(serverName, $"mxc://{serverName}/{mediaId}");
+ if (mediaUrl is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Media not found"
+ };
+ using var response = await new HttpClient().GetAsync(mediaUrl);
+ await response.Content.CopyToAsync(Response.Body);
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ catch (IOException) {
+ //ignored
+ }
+ }
+ [HttpGet("thumbnail/{serverName}/{mediaId}")]
+ public async Task DownloadThumbnail(string serverName, string mediaId) {
+ await DownloadMedia(serverName, mediaId);
+ }
+ [HttpGet("preview_url")]
+ public async Task<JsonObject> GetPreviewUrl([FromQuery] string url) {
+ JsonObject data = new();
+ using var hc = new HttpClient();
+ using var response = await hc.GetAsync(url);
+ var doc = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
+ var match = Regex.Match(doc, "<meta property=\"(.*?)\" content=\"(.*?)\"");
+ while (match.Success) {
+ data[match.Groups[1].Value] = match.Groups[2].Value;
+ match = match.NextMatch();
+ }
+ return data;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomAccountDataController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomAccountDataController.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bac803f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomAccountDataController.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
+namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.Rooms;
+public class RoomAccountDataController(ILogger<RoomAccountDataController> logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase {
+ [HttpPost("read_markers")]
+ public async Task<object> SetReadMarkers(string roomId, [FromBody] ReadMarkersData data) {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token);
+ var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
+ if (room == null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Room not found"
+ };
+ if (!room.JoinedMembers.Any(x => x.StateKey == user.UserId))
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_FORBIDDEN",
+ Error = "User is not in the room"
+ };
+ if (!room.ReadMarkers.ContainsKey(user.UserId))
+ room.ReadMarkers[user.UserId] = new();
+ if (data.FullyRead != null)
+ room.ReadMarkers[user.UserId].FullyRead = data.FullyRead;
+ if (data.Read != null)
+ room.ReadMarkers[user.UserId].Read = data.Read;
+ if (data.ReadPrivate != null)
+ room.ReadMarkers[user.UserId].ReadPrivate = data.ReadPrivate;
+ if (!room.AccountData.ContainsKey(user.UserId))
+ room.AccountData[user.UserId] = new();
+ room.AccountData[user.UserId].Add(new StateEventResponse() {
+ Type = "m.fully_read",
+ StateKey = user.UserId,
+ RawContent = new() {
+ ["event_id"] = data.FullyRead
+ }
+ });
+ room.AccountData[user.UserId].Add(new StateEventResponse() {
+ Type = "m.read",
+ StateKey = user.UserId,
+ RawContent = new() {
+ ["event_id"] = data.Read
+ }
+ });
+ room.AccountData[user.UserId].Add(new StateEventResponse() {
+ Type = "m.read.private",
+ StateKey = user.UserId,
+ RawContent = new() {
+ ["event_id"] = data.ReadPrivate
+ }
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+public class ReadMarkersData {
+ [JsonPropertyName("m.fully_read")]
+ public string? FullyRead { get; set; }
+ [JsonPropertyName("m.read")]
+ public string? Read { get; set; }
+ [JsonPropertyName("m.read.private")]
+ public string? ReadPrivate { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomMembersController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomMembersController.cs
index d5f4217..7d735f7 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomMembersController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomMembersController.cs
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
-using LibMatrix.Responses;
-using LibMatrix.RoomTypes;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
-using Microsoft.OpenApi.Validations.Rules;
namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.Rooms;
-public class RoomMembersController(ILogger<RoomMembersController> logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase {
+public class RoomMembersController(
+ ILogger<RoomMembersController> logger,
+ TokenService tokenService,
+ UserStore userStore,
+ RoomStore roomStore,
+ PaginationTokenResolverService paginationTokenResolver) : ControllerBase {
- public async Task<List<StateEventResponse>> CreateRoom(string roomId, string? at = null, string? membership = null, string? not_membership = null) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ public async Task<List<StateEventResponse>> GetMembers(string roomId, string? at = null, string? membership = null, string? not_membership = null) {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
@@ -26,30 +27,50 @@ public class RoomMembersController(ILogger<RoomMembersController> logger, TokenS
ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN",
Error = "No such user"
var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
if (room == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
Error = "Room not found"
- var members = room.State.Where(x => x.Type == "m.room.member").ToList();
- if(membership != null)
+ var members = room.Timeline.Where(x => x.Type == "m.room.member" && x.StateKey != null).ToList();
+ if (membership != null)
members = members.Where(x => (x.TypedContent as RoomMemberEventContent)?.Membership == membership).ToList();
- if(not_membership != null)
+ if (not_membership != null)
members = members.Where(x => (x.TypedContent as RoomMemberEventContent)?.Membership != not_membership).ToList();
if (at != null) {
- var evt = room.Timeline.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventId == at);
+ StateEventResponse? evt = null;
+ if (at.StartsWith('$'))
+ evt = await paginationTokenResolver.ResolveTokenToEvent(at, room);
+ if (evt is null) {
+ var time = await paginationTokenResolver.ResolveTokenToTimestamp(at);
+ evt = room.Timeline.LastOrDefault(x => x.OriginServerTs <= time);
+ if (evt is null) {
+ logger.LogWarning("Sent empty list of members for room {roomId} at {at}, because there were no events at this time!", roomId, at);
+ return [];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!room.Timeline.Contains(evt)) {
+ evt = room.Timeline.LastOrDefault(x => x.OriginServerTs <= evt.OriginServerTs);
+ if (evt is null) {
+ logger.LogWarning("Sent empty list of members for room {roomId} at {at}, because there were no events at this time!", roomId, at);
+ return [];
+ }
+ }
+ // evt = room.Timeline.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventId == at);
if (evt == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
Error = "Event not found"
members = members.Where(x => x.OriginServerTs <= evt.OriginServerTs).ToList();
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomStateController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomStateController.cs
index cb5f213..3896ac0 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomStateController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomStateController.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.Rooms;
public class RoomStateController(ILogger<RoomStateController> logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase {
public async Task<FrozenSet<StateEventResponse>> GetState(string roomId) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class RoomStateController(ILogger<RoomStateController> logger, TokenServi
ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN",
Error = "No such user"
var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
if (room == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
@@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ public class RoomStateController(ILogger<RoomStateController> logger, TokenServi
return room.State;
- public async Task<StateEventResponse> GetState(string roomId, string eventType) {
- return await GetState(roomId, eventType, "");
+ public async Task<object?> GetState(string roomId, string eventType, [FromQuery] string format = "client") {
+ return await GetState(roomId, eventType, "", format);
- public async Task<StateEventResponse> GetState(string roomId, string eventType, string stateKey) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ public async Task<object?> GetState(string roomId, string eventType, string stateKey, [FromQuery] string format = "client") {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class RoomStateController(ILogger<RoomStateController> logger, TokenServi
ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN",
Error = "No such user"
var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
if (room == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
@@ -68,17 +68,18 @@ public class RoomStateController(ILogger<RoomStateController> logger, TokenServi
ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
Error = "Event not found"
- return stateEvent;
+ // return stateEvent;
+ return format == "event" ? stateEvent : stateEvent.RawContent;
public async Task<EventIdResponse> SetState(string roomId, string eventType, [FromBody] StateEvent request) {
return await SetState(roomId, eventType, "", request);
public async Task<EventIdResponse> SetState(string roomId, string eventType, string stateKey, [FromBody] StateEvent request) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ public class RoomStateController(ILogger<RoomStateController> logger, TokenServi
ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN",
Error = "No such user"
var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
if (room == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ public class RoomStateController(ILogger<RoomStateController> logger, TokenServi
var evt = room.SetStateInternal(request.ToStateEvent(user, room));
evt.Type = eventType;
evt.StateKey = stateKey;
- return new EventIdResponse(){
+ return new EventIdResponse() {
EventId = evt.EventId ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("EventId is null")
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomTimelineController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomTimelineController.cs
index c9bdb57..3d23660 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomTimelineController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomTimelineController.cs
@@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
-using System.Collections.Frozen;
+using System.Collections.Immutable;
+using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
+using ArcaneLibs;
+using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec;
+using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
+using LibMatrix.Helpers;
using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
+using LibMatrix.Responses;
+using LibMatrix.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.Rooms;
-public class RoomTimelineController(ILogger<RoomTimelineController> logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase {
+public class RoomTimelineController(
+ ILogger<RoomTimelineController> logger,
+ TokenService tokenService,
+ UserStore userStore,
+ RoomStore roomStore,
+ HomeserverProviderService hsProvider) : ControllerBase {
public async Task<EventIdResponse> SendMessage(string roomId, string eventType, string txnId, [FromBody] JsonObject content) {
var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token == null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
- Error = "Missing token"
- };
var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token);
- if (user == null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN",
- Error = "No such user"
- };
var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
if (room == null)
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ public class RoomTimelineController(ILogger<RoomTimelineController> logger, Toke
Error = "Room not found"
- if (!room.JoinedMembers.Any(x=>x.StateKey == user.UserId))
+ if (!room.JoinedMembers.Any(x => x.StateKey == user.UserId))
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_FORBIDDEN",
Error = "User is not in the room"
@@ -44,9 +45,272 @@ public class RoomTimelineController(ILogger<RoomTimelineController> logger, Toke
}.ToStateEvent(user, room);
+ if (evt.Type == RoomMessageEventContent.EventId && (evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventContent).Body.StartsWith("!hse"))
+ await HandleHseCommand(evt, room, user);
+ // else
return new() {
EventId = evt.EventId
+ [HttpGet("messages")]
+ public async Task<MessagesResponse> GetMessages(string roomId, [FromQuery] string? from = null, [FromQuery] string? to = null, [FromQuery] int limit = 100,
+ [FromQuery] string? dir = "b") {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token);
+ var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
+ if (room == null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Room not found"
+ };
+ if (!room.JoinedMembers.Any(x => x.StateKey == user.UserId))
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_FORBIDDEN",
+ Error = "User is not in the room"
+ };
+ if (dir == "b") {
+ var timeline = room.Timeline.TakeLast(limit).ToList();
+ return new() {
+ Start = timeline.First().EventId,
+ End = timeline.Last().EventId,
+ Chunk = timeline.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToList(),
+ State = timeline.GetCalculatedState()
+ };
+ }
+ else if (dir == "f") {
+ var timeline = room.Timeline.Take(limit).ToList();
+ return new() {
+ Start = timeline.First().EventId,
+ End = room.Timeline.Last() == timeline.Last() ? null : timeline.Last().EventId,
+ Chunk = timeline
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_BAD_REQUEST",
+ Error = $"Invalid direction '{dir}'"
+ };
+ }
+ [HttpGet("event/{eventId}")]
+ public async Task<StateEventResponse> GetEvent(string roomId, string eventId) {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token);
+ var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
+ if (room == null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Room not found"
+ };
+ if (!room.JoinedMembers.Any(x => x.StateKey == user.UserId))
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_FORBIDDEN",
+ Error = "User is not in the room"
+ };
+ var evt = room.Timeline.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EventId == eventId);
+ if (evt == null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Event not found"
+ };
+ return evt;
+ }
+#region Commands
+ private void InternalSendMessage(RoomStore.Room room, string content) {
+ InternalSendMessage(room, new MessageBuilder().WithBody(content).Build());
+ }
+ private void InternalSendMessage(RoomStore.Room room, RoomMessageEventContent content) {
+ logger.LogInformation("Sending internal message: {content}", content.Body);
+ room.Timeline.Add(new StateEventResponse() {
+ Type = RoomMessageEventContent.EventId,
+ TypedContent = content,
+ Sender = $"@hse:{tokenService.GenerateServerName(HttpContext)}",
+ RoomId = room.RoomId,
+ EventId = "$" + string.Join("", Random.Shared.GetItems("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".ToCharArray(), 100)),
+ OriginServerTs = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()
+ });
+ }
+ private async Task HandleHseCommand(StateEventResponse evt, RoomStore.Room room, UserStore.User user) {
+ try {
+ var msgContent = evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventContent;
+ var parts = msgContent.Body.Split('\n')[0].Split(" ");
+ if (parts.Length < 2) return;
+ var command = parts[1];
+ switch (command) {
+ case "import":
+ await HandleImportCommand(parts[2..], evt, room, user);
+ break;
+ case "import-nheko-profiles":
+ await HandleImportNhekoProfilesCommand(parts[2..], evt, room, user);
+ break;
+ case "clear-sync-states":
+ foreach (var (token, session) in user.AccessTokens) {
+ session.SyncStates.Clear();
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Cleared sync states for {token}.");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "rsp": {
+ await Task.Delay(1000);
+ var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+ // await Task.Delay(100);
+ // InternalSendMessage(room, $"https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=90oZtyvavSk&i={i}");
+ var url = $"https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=";
+ for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) {
+ url += chars[Random.Shared.Next(chars.Length)];
+ }
+ InternalSendMessage(room, url + "&i=" + i);
+ if (i % 5000 == 0 || i == 9999) {
+ Thread.Sleep(5000);
+ do {
+ InternalSendMessage(room,
+ $"Current GC memory: {Util.BytesToString(GC.GetTotalMemory(false))}, total process memory: {Util.BytesToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64)}");
+ GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Aggressive, true, true);
+ GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers();
+ InternalSendMessage(room,
+ $"GC memory: {Util.BytesToString(GC.GetTotalMemory(false))}, total process memory: {Util.BytesToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64)}");
+ await Task.Delay(5000);
+ } while (Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64 >= 1_024_000_000);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case "genrooms": {
+ var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
+ var count = 1000;
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ var crq = new CreateRoomRequest() {
+ Name = "Test room",
+ CreationContent = new() {
+ ["version"] = "11"
+ },
+ InitialState = []
+ };
+ if (Random.Shared.Next(100) > 75) {
+ crq.CreationContent["type"] = "m.space";
+ foreach (var item in Random.Shared.GetItems(roomStore._rooms.ToArray(), 50)) {
+ crq.InitialState!.Add(new StateEvent() {
+ Type = "m.space.child",
+ StateKey = item.RoomId,
+ TypedContent = new SpaceChildEventContent() {
+ Suggested = true,
+ AutoJoin = true,
+ Via = new List<string>()
+ }
+ }.ToStateEvent(user, room));
+ }
+ }
+ var newRoom = roomStore.CreateRoom(crq);
+ newRoom.AddUser(user.UserId);
+ }
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Generated {count} new rooms in {sw.Elapsed}!");
+ break;
+ }
+ case "gc":
+ InternalSendMessage(room,
+ $"Current GC memory: {Util.BytesToString(GC.GetTotalMemory(false))}, total process memory: {Util.BytesToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64)}");
+ GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Aggressive, true, true);
+ GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers();
+ InternalSendMessage(room,
+ $"GC memory: {Util.BytesToString(GC.GetTotalMemory(false))}, total process memory: {Util.BytesToString(Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64)}");
+ break;
+ default:
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Command {command} not found!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex) {
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
+ }
+ }
+ private async Task HandleImportNhekoProfilesCommand(string[] args, StateEventResponse evt, RoomStore.Room room, UserStore.User user) {
+ var msgContent = evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventContent;
+ var parts = msgContent.Body.Split('\n');
+ var data = parts.Where(x => x.Contains(@"\auth\access_token") || x.Contains(@"\auth\home_server")).ToList();
+ if (data.Count < 2) {
+ InternalSendMessage(room, "Invalid data.");
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var line in data) {
+ var processedLine = line.Replace("\\\\", "\\").Replace("\\_", "_");
+ if (!processedLine.Contains(@"\auth\")) continue;
+ var profile = processedLine.Split(@"\auth\")[0];
+ if (!user.AuthorizedSessions.ContainsKey(profile))
+ user.AuthorizedSessions.Add(profile, new());
+ if (processedLine.Contains(@"home_server")) {
+ var server = processedLine.Split('=')[1];
+ user.AuthorizedSessions[profile].Homeserver = server;
+ }
+ else if (processedLine.Contains(@"access_token")) {
+ var token = processedLine.Split('=')[1];
+ user.AuthorizedSessions[profile].AccessToken = token;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var (key, session) in user.AuthorizedSessions.ToList()) {
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.Homeserver) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session.AccessToken)) {
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Invalid profile {key}");
+ user.AuthorizedSessions.Remove(key);
+ continue;
+ }
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Got profile {key} with server {session.AccessToken}");
+ }
+ }
+ private async Task HandleImportCommand(string[] args, StateEventResponse evt, RoomStore.Room room, UserStore.User user) {
+ var roomId = args[0];
+ var profile = args[1];
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Importing room {roomId} through profile {profile}...");
+ if (!user.AuthorizedSessions.ContainsKey(profile)) {
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Profile {profile} not found.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var userProfile = user.AuthorizedSessions[profile];
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Authenticating with {userProfile.Homeserver}...");
+ var hs = await hsProvider.GetAuthenticatedWithToken(userProfile.Homeserver, userProfile.AccessToken);
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Authenticated with {userProfile.Homeserver}.");
+ var hsRoom = hs.GetRoom(roomId);
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Starting import...");
+ var internalRoom = new RoomStore.Room(roomId);
+ var timeline = hsRoom.GetManyMessagesAsync(limit: int.MaxValue, dir: "b", chunkSize: 100000);
+ await foreach (var resp in timeline) {
+ internalRoom.Timeline = new(resp.Chunk.AsEnumerable().Reverse().Concat(internalRoom.Timeline));
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Imported {resp.Chunk.Count} events. Now up to a total of {internalRoom.Timeline.Count} events.");
+ }
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Import complete. Saving and inserting user");
+ roomStore.AddRoom(internalRoom);
+ internalRoom.AddUser(user.UserId);
+ InternalSendMessage(room, $"Import complete. Room is now available.");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomsController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomsController.cs
index b0f5014..6849ff8 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomsController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Rooms/RoomsController.cs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public class RoomsController(ILogger<RoomsController> logger, TokenService token
public async Task<RoomIdResponse> CreateRoom([FromBody] CreateRoomRequest request) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class RoomsController(ILogger<RoomsController> logger, TokenService token
public async Task<object> UpgradeRoom(string roomId, [FromBody] UpgradeRoomRequest request) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public class RoomsController(ILogger<RoomsController> logger, TokenService token
[HttpPost("rooms/{roomId}/leave")] // TODO: implement
public async Task<object> LeaveRoom(string roomId) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext);
if (token == null)
throw new MatrixException() {
ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/SyncController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/SyncController.cs
index afcf711..024d071 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/SyncController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/SyncController.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
+using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
+using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Extensions;
using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
using LibMatrix.Responses;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
@@ -15,11 +17,6 @@ public class SyncController(ILogger<SyncController> logger, TokenService tokenSe
public async Task<SyncResponse> Sync([FromQuery] string? since = null, [FromQuery] int? timeout = 5000) {
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token == null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN",
- Error = "Missing token"
- };
var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token);
if (user == null)
@@ -28,63 +25,67 @@ public class SyncController(ILogger<SyncController> logger, TokenService tokenSe
Error = "No such user"
var session = user.AccessTokens[token];
+ UserStore.User.SessionInfo.UserSyncState newSyncState = new();
+ SyncResponse syncResp;
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(since) || !session.SyncStates.ContainsKey(since))
+ syncResp = InitialSync(user, session);
+ else {
+ var syncState = session.SyncStates[since];
+ newSyncState = syncState.Clone();
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(since))
- return InitialSync(user, session);
+ var newSyncToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
+ do {
+ syncResp = IncrementalSync(user, session, syncState);
+ syncResp.NextBatch = newSyncToken;
+ } while (!await HasDataOrStall(syncResp) && sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < timeout);
- if (!session.SyncStates.TryGetValue(since, out var syncState))
- if (!cfg.UnknownSyncTokenIsInitialSync)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN",
- Error = "Unknown sync token."
+ if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeout) {
+ logger.LogTrace("Sync timed out after {Elapsed}", sw.Elapsed);
+ return new() {
+ NextBatch = since
- else
- return InitialSync(user, session);
+ }
+ }
- var response = new SyncResponse() {
- NextBatch = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
- DeviceOneTimeKeysCount = new()
- };
+ session.SyncStates[syncResp.NextBatch] = RecalculateSyncStates(newSyncState, syncResp);
+ logger.LogTrace("Responding to sync after {totalElapsed}", sw.Elapsed);
+ return syncResp;
+ }
- session.SyncStates.Add(response.NextBatch, new() {
- RoomPositions = syncState.RoomPositions.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => new UserStore.User.SessionInfo.UserSyncState.SyncRoomPosition() {
- TimelinePosition = roomStore._rooms.First(y => y.RoomId == x.Key).Timeline.Count,
- AccountDataPosition = roomStore._rooms.First(y => y.RoomId == x.Key).AccountData[user.UserId].Count
- })
- });
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(since)) {
- while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < timeout && response.Rooms?.Join is not { Count: > 0 }) {
- await Task.Delay(100);
- var rooms = roomStore._rooms.Where(x => x.State.Any(y => y.Type == "m.room.member" && y.StateKey == user.UserId)).ToList();
- foreach (var room in rooms) {
- var roomPositions = syncState.RoomPositions[room.RoomId];
- response.Rooms ??= new();
- response.Rooms.Join ??= new();
- response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId] = new() {
- Timeline = new(events: room.Timeline.Skip(roomPositions.TimelinePosition).ToList(), limited: false),
- AccountData = new(room.AccountData.GetOrCreate(user.UserId, _ => []).Skip(roomPositions.AccountDataPosition).ToList())
- };
- if (response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].Timeline?.Events?.Count > 0)
- response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].State = new(response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].Timeline!.Events.Where(x => x.StateKey != null).ToList());
- session.SyncStates[response.NextBatch].RoomPositions[room.RoomId] = new() {
- TimelinePosition = room.Timeline.Count,
- AccountDataPosition = room.AccountData[user.UserId].Count
- };
+ private UserStore.User.SessionInfo.UserSyncState RecalculateSyncStates(UserStore.User.SessionInfo.UserSyncState newSyncState, SyncResponse sync) {
+ logger.LogTrace("Updating sync state");
+ var syncStateRecalcSw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
+ foreach (var (roomId, roomData) in sync.Rooms?.Join ?? []) {
+ if (!newSyncState.RoomPositions.ContainsKey(roomId))
+ newSyncState.RoomPositions[roomId] = new();
+ var state = newSyncState.RoomPositions[roomId];
- if (response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].State?.Events?.Count == 0 &&
- response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].Timeline?.Events?.Count == 0 &&
- response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId].AccountData?.Events?.Count == 0
- )
- response.Rooms.Join.Remove(room.RoomId);
- }
- }
+ state.TimelinePosition += roomData.Timeline?.Events?.Count ?? 0;
+ state.LastTimelineEventId = roomData.Timeline?.Events?.LastOrDefault()?.EventId ?? state.LastTimelineEventId;
+ state.AccountDataPosition += roomData.AccountData?.Events?.Count ?? 0;
+ state.Joined = true;
- return response;
+ foreach (var (roomId, _) in sync.Rooms?.Invite ?? []) {
+ if (!newSyncState.RoomPositions.ContainsKey(roomId))
+ newSyncState.RoomPositions[roomId] = new() {
+ Joined = false
+ };
+ }
+ foreach (var (roomId, _) in sync.Rooms?.Leave ?? []) {
+ if (newSyncState.RoomPositions.ContainsKey(roomId))
+ newSyncState.RoomPositions.Remove(roomId);
+ }
+ logger.LogTrace("Updated sync state in {Elapsed}", syncStateRecalcSw.Elapsed);
+ return newSyncState;
+#region Initial Sync parts
private SyncResponse InitialSync(UserStore.User user, UserStore.User.SessionInfo session) {
var response = new SyncResponse() {
NextBatch = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
@@ -98,17 +99,174 @@ public class SyncController(ILogger<SyncController> logger, TokenService tokenSe
foreach (var room in rooms) {
response.Rooms ??= new();
response.Rooms.Join ??= new();
response.Rooms.Join[room.RoomId] = new() {
State = new(room.State.ToList()),
Timeline = new(events: room.Timeline.ToList(), limited: false),
AccountData = new(room.AccountData.GetOrCreate(user.UserId, _ => []).ToList())
- session.SyncStates[response.NextBatch].RoomPositions[room.RoomId] = new() {
- TimelinePosition = room.Timeline.Count,
- AccountDataPosition = room.AccountData[user.UserId].Count
- };
return response;
+ private SyncResponse.RoomsDataStructure.JoinedRoomDataStructure GetInitialSyncRoomData(RoomStore.Room room, UserStore.User user) {
+ return new() {
+ State = new(room.State.ToList()),
+ Timeline = new(room.Timeline.ToList(), false),
+ AccountData = new(room.AccountData.GetOrCreate(user.UserId, _ => []).ToList())
+ };
+ }
+ private SyncResponse IncrementalSync(UserStore.User user, UserStore.User.SessionInfo session, UserStore.User.SessionInfo.UserSyncState syncState) {
+ return new SyncResponse {
+ Rooms = GetIncrementalSyncRooms(user, session, syncState)
+ };
+ }
+#region Incremental Sync parts
+ private SyncResponse.RoomsDataStructure GetIncrementalSyncRooms(UserStore.User user, UserStore.User.SessionInfo session, UserStore.User.SessionInfo.UserSyncState syncState) {
+ SyncResponse.RoomsDataStructure data = new() {
+ Join = [],
+ Invite = [],
+ Leave = []
+ };
+ // step 1: check previously synced rooms
+ foreach (var (roomId, roomPosition) in syncState.RoomPositions) {
+ var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId);
+ if (room == null) {
+ // room no longer exists
+ data.Leave[roomId] = new();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (roomPosition.Joined) {
+ var newTimelineEvents = room.Timeline.Skip(roomPosition.TimelinePosition).ToList();
+ var newAccountDataEvents = room.AccountData[user.UserId].Skip(roomPosition.AccountDataPosition).ToList();
+ if (newTimelineEvents.Count == 0 && newAccountDataEvents.Count == 0) continue;
+ data.Join[room.RoomId] = new() {
+ State = new(newTimelineEvents.GetCalculatedState()),
+ Timeline = new(newTimelineEvents, false)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (data.Join.Count > 0) return data;
+ // step 2: check newly joined rooms
+ var untrackedRooms = roomStore._rooms.Where(r => !syncState.RoomPositions.ContainsKey(r.RoomId)).ToList();
+ var allJoinedRooms = roomStore.GetRoomsByMember(user.UserId).ToArray();
+ if (allJoinedRooms.Length == 0) return data;
+ var rooms = Random.Shared.GetItems(allJoinedRooms, Math.Min(allJoinedRooms.Length, 50));
+ foreach (var membership in rooms) {
+ var membershipContent = membership.TypedContent as RoomMemberEventContent ??
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Membership event content is not RoomMemberEventContent");
+ var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(membership.RoomId!);
+ //handle leave
+ if (syncState.RoomPositions.TryGetValue(membership.RoomId!, out var syncPosition)) {
+ // logger.LogTrace("Found sync position {roomId} {value}", room.RoomId, syncPosition.ToJson(indent: false, ignoreNull: false));
+ if (membershipContent.Membership == "join") {
+ var newTimelineEvents = room.Timeline.Skip(syncPosition.TimelinePosition).ToList();
+ var newAccountDataEvents = room.AccountData[user.UserId].Skip(syncPosition.AccountDataPosition).ToList();
+ if (newTimelineEvents.Count == 0 && newAccountDataEvents.Count == 0) continue;
+ data.Join[room.RoomId] = new() {
+ State = new(newTimelineEvents.GetCalculatedState()),
+ Timeline = new(newTimelineEvents, false)
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //syncPosisition = null
+ if (membershipContent.Membership == "join") {
+ var joinData = data.Join[membership.RoomId!] = new() {
+ State = new(room.State.ToList()),
+ Timeline = new(events: room.Timeline.ToList(), limited: false),
+ AccountData = new(room.AccountData.GetOrCreate(user.UserId, _ => []).ToList())
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //handle nonexistant rooms
+ foreach (var roomId in syncState.RoomPositions.Keys) {
+ if (!roomStore._rooms.Any(x => x.RoomId == roomId)) {
+ data.Leave[roomId] = new();
+ session.SyncStates[session.SyncStates.Last().Key].RoomPositions.Remove(roomId);
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ private async Task<bool> HasDataOrStall(SyncResponse resp) {
+ // logger.LogTrace("Checking if sync response has data: {resp}", resp.ToJson(indent: false, ignoreNull: true));
+ // if (resp.AccountData?.Events?.Count > 0) return true;
+ // if (resp.Rooms?.Invite?.Count > 0) return true;
+ // if (resp.Rooms?.Join?.Count > 0) return true;
+ // if (resp.Rooms?.Leave?.Count > 0) return true;
+ // if (resp.Presence?.Events?.Count > 0) return true;
+ // if (resp.DeviceLists?.Changed?.Count > 0) return true;
+ // if (resp.DeviceLists?.Left?.Count > 0) return true;
+ // if (resp.ToDevice?.Events?.Count > 0) return true;
+ //
+ // var hasData =
+ // resp is not {
+ // AccountData: null or {
+ // Events: null or { Count: 0 }
+ // },
+ // Rooms: null or {
+ // Invite: null or { Count: 0 },
+ // Join: null or { Count: 0 },
+ // Leave: null or { Count: 0 }
+ // },
+ // Presence: null or {
+ // Events: null or { Count: 0 }
+ // },
+ // DeviceLists: null or {
+ // Changed: null or { Count: 0 },
+ // Left: null or { Count: 0 }
+ // },
+ // ToDevice: null or {
+ // Events: null or { Count: 0 }
+ // }
+ // };
+ var hasData = resp is {
+ AccountData: {
+ Events: { Count: > 0 }
+ }
+ } or {
+ Presence: {
+ Events: { Count: > 0 }
+ }
+ } or {
+ DeviceLists: {
+ Changed: { Count: > 0 },
+ Left: { Count: > 0 }
+ }
+ } or {
+ ToDevice: {
+ Events: { Count: > 0 }
+ }
+ };
+ if (!hasData) {
+ // hasData =
+ }
+ if (!hasData) {
+ // logger.LogDebug($"Sync response has no data, stalling for 1000ms: {resp.ToJson(indent: false, ignoreNull: true)}");
+ await Task.Delay(10);
+ }
+ return hasData;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/ThirdParty/ThirdPartyController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/ThirdParty/ThirdPartyController.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff006df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/ThirdParty/ThirdPartyController.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
+namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.ThirdParty;
+public class ThirdPartyController(ILogger<ThirdPartyController> logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase {
+ [HttpGet("protocols")]
+ public async Task<object> GetProtocols() {
+ return new { };
+ }
+ [HttpGet("location")]
+ public async Task<List<object>> GetLocations([FromQuery] string alias) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ return [];
+ }
+ [HttpGet("location/{protocol}")]
+ public async Task<List<object>> GetLocation([FromRoute] string protocol) {
+ // TODO: implement
+ return [];
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/AccountDataController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/AccountDataController.cs
index 8cd5c75..a32d283 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/AccountDataController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/AccountDataController.cs
@@ -1,81 +1,68 @@
-using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
-using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
-using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
-using LibMatrix.Filters;
-using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
-using LibMatrix.Responses;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
-namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers;
-public class AccountDataController(ILogger<AccountDataController> logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase {
- [HttpGet("user/{mxid}/account_data/{type}")]
- public async Task<object> GetAccountData(string type) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "No token passed."
- };
- var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
- if (user is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "Invalid token."
- };
- var value = user.AccountData.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Type == type);
- if (value is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
- Error = "Key not found."
- };
- return value;
- }
- [HttpPut("user/{mxid}/account_data/{type}")]
- public async Task<object> SetAccountData(string type, [FromBody] JsonObject data) {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "No token passed."
- };
- var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
- if (user is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "Invalid token."
- };
- user.AccountData.Where(x=>x.Type == type).ToList().ForEach(response => user.AccountData.Remove(response));
- user.AccountData.Add(new() {
- Type = type,
- RawContent = data
- });
- return data;
- }
- // specialised account data...
- [HttpGet("pushrules")]
- public async Task<object> GetPushRules() {
- var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "No token passed."
- };
- var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
- if (user is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "Invalid token."
- };
- return new { };
- }
+using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
+using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
+using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
+using LibMatrix.Filters;
+using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
+using LibMatrix.Responses;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
+namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers;
+public class AccountDataController(ILogger<AccountDataController> logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase {
+ [HttpGet("user/{mxid}/account_data/{type}")]
+ public async Task<object> GetAccountData(string type) {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
+ if (user is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
+ Error = "Invalid token."
+ };
+ var value = user.AccountData.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == type);
+ if (value is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Key not found."
+ };
+ return value;
+ }
+ [HttpPut("user/{mxid}/account_data/{type}")]
+ public async Task<object> SetAccountData(string type, [FromBody] JsonObject data) {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
+ if (user is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
+ Error = "Invalid token."
+ };
+ user.AccountData.Add(new() {
+ Type = type,
+ RawContent = data
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+ // specialised account data...
+ [HttpGet("pushrules")]
+ public async Task<object> GetPushRules() {
+ var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
+ if (token is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
+ Error = "No token passed."
+ };
+ var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
+ if (user is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
+ Error = "Invalid token."
+ };
+ return new { };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/FilterController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/FilterController.cs
index ecbccd4..bdee7bc 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/FilterController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/FilterController.cs
@@ -14,12 +14,6 @@ public class FilterController(ILogger<FilterController> logger, TokenService tok
public async Task<object> CreateFilter(string mxid, [FromBody] SyncFilter filter) {
var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "No token passed."
- };
var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
if (user is null)
throw new MatrixException() {
@@ -36,12 +30,6 @@ public class FilterController(ILogger<FilterController> logger, TokenService tok
public async Task<SyncFilter> GetFilter(string mxid, string filterId) {
var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "No token passed."
- };
var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
if (user is null)
throw new MatrixException() {
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/UserController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/UserController.cs
index e886d46..2be3896 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/UserController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/Users/UserController.cs
@@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ public class UserController(ILogger<UserController> logger, TokenService tokenSe
public async Task<WhoAmIResponse> Login() {
var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "No token passed."
- };
var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, Random.Shared.Next(101) <= 10, tokenService.GenerateServerName(HttpContext));
if (user is null)
throw new MatrixException() {
@@ -36,12 +30,6 @@ public class UserController(ILogger<UserController> logger, TokenService tokenSe
public async Task<object> GetJoinedRooms() {
var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "No token passed."
- };
var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
if (user is null)
throw new MatrixException() {
@@ -60,12 +48,6 @@ public class UserController(ILogger<UserController> logger, TokenService tokenSe
public async Task<DevicesResponse> GetDevices() {
var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext);
- if (token is null)
- throw new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNAUTHORIZED",
- Error = "No token passed."
- };
var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token, false);
if (user is null)
throw new MatrixException() {
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/VersionsController.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/VersionsController.cs
index 704e26b..0c3bde6 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/VersionsController.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Controllers/VersionsController.cs
@@ -1,92 +1,96 @@
-using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
-using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
-using LibMatrix.Homeservers;
-using LibMatrix.Responses;
-using LibMatrix.Services;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
-namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers;
-public class VersionsController(ILogger<WellKnownController> logger) : ControllerBase {
- [HttpGet("client/versions")]
- public async Task<ClientVersionsResponse> GetClientVersions() {
- var clientVersions = new ClientVersionsResponse {
- Versions = new() {
- "r0.0.1",
- "r0.1.0",
- "r0.2.0",
- "r0.3.0",
- "r0.4.0",
- "r0.5.0",
- "r0.6.0",
- "r0.6.1",
- "v1.1",
- "v1.2",
- "v1.3",
- "v1.4",
- "v1.5",
- "v1.6",
- "v1.7",
- "v1.8",
- },
- UnstableFeatures = new()
- };
- return clientVersions;
- }
- [HttpGet("federation/v1/version")]
- public async Task<ServerVersionResponse> GetServerVersions() {
- var clientVersions = new ServerVersionResponse() {
- Server = new() {
- Name = "LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator",
- Version = "0.0.0"
- }
- };
- return clientVersions;
- }
- [HttpGet("client/{version}/capabilities")]
- public async Task<CapabilitiesResponse> GetCapabilities() {
- return new() {
- Capabilities = new() {
- ChangePassword = new() {
- Enabled = false
- },
- RoomVersions = new() {
- Default = "11",
- Available = new() {
- ["11"] = "unstable"
- }
- }
- }
- };
- }
-public class CapabilitiesResponse {
- [JsonPropertyName("capabilities")]
- public CapabilitiesContent Capabilities { get; set; }
- public class CapabilitiesContent {
- [JsonPropertyName("m.room_versions")]
- public RoomVersionsContent RoomVersions { get; set; }
- [JsonPropertyName("m.change_password")]
- public ChangePasswordContent ChangePassword { get; set; }
- public class ChangePasswordContent {
- [JsonPropertyName("enabled")]
- public bool Enabled { get; set; }
- }
- public class RoomVersionsContent {
- [JsonPropertyName("default")]
- public string Default { get; set; }
- [JsonPropertyName("available")]
- public Dictionary<string, string> Available { get; set; }
- }
- }
+using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+using LibMatrix.Homeservers;
+using LibMatrix.Responses;
+using LibMatrix.Services;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
+namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers;
+public class VersionsController(ILogger<WellKnownController> logger) : ControllerBase {
+ [HttpGet("client/versions")]
+ public async Task<ClientVersionsResponse> GetClientVersions() {
+ var clientVersions = new ClientVersionsResponse {
+ Versions = new() {
+ "r0.0.1",
+ "r0.1.0",
+ "r0.2.0",
+ "r0.3.0",
+ "r0.4.0",
+ "r0.5.0",
+ "r0.6.0",
+ "r0.6.1",
+ "v1.1",
+ "v1.2",
+ "v1.3",
+ "v1.4",
+ "v1.5",
+ "v1.6",
+ "v1.7",
+ "v1.8",
+ },
+ UnstableFeatures = new()
+ };
+ return clientVersions;
+ }
+ [HttpGet("federation/v1/version")]
+ public async Task<ServerVersionResponse> GetServerVersions() {
+ var clientVersions = new ServerVersionResponse() {
+ Server = new() {
+ Name = "LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator",
+ Version = "0.0.0"
+ }
+ };
+ return clientVersions;
+ }
+ [HttpGet("client/{version}/capabilities")]
+ public async Task<CapabilitiesResponse> GetCapabilities() {
+ var caps = new CapabilitiesResponse() {
+ Capabilities = new() {
+ ChangePassword = new() {
+ Enabled = false
+ },
+ RoomVersions = new() {
+ Default = "11",
+ Available = []
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
+ caps.Capabilities.RoomVersions.Available.Add(i.ToString(), "stable");
+ }
+ return caps;
+ }
+public class CapabilitiesResponse {
+ [JsonPropertyName("capabilities")]
+ public CapabilitiesContent Capabilities { get; set; }
+ public class CapabilitiesContent {
+ [JsonPropertyName("m.room_versions")]
+ public RoomVersionsContent RoomVersions { get; set; }
+ [JsonPropertyName("m.change_password")]
+ public ChangePasswordContent ChangePassword { get; set; }
+ public class ChangePasswordContent {
+ [JsonPropertyName("enabled")]
+ public bool Enabled { get; set; }
+ }
+ public class RoomVersionsContent {
+ [JsonPropertyName("default")]
+ public string Default { get; set; }
+ [JsonPropertyName("available")]
+ public Dictionary<string, string> Available { get; set; }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Extensions/EventExtensions.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Extensions/EventExtensions.cs
index 1d03d7a..d938b1b 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Extensions/EventExtensions.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Extensions/EventExtensions.cs
@@ -14,5 +14,11 @@ public static class EventExtensions {
OriginServerTs = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()
+ public static List<StateEventResponse> GetCalculatedState(this IEnumerable<StateEventResponse> events) {
+ return events.Where(s => s.StateKey != null)
+ .OrderByDescending(s => s.OriginServerTs)
+ .DistinctBy(x => (x.Type, x.StateKey))
+ .ToList();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.csproj b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.csproj
index 6588675..8fd5503 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.csproj
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.csproj
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
-<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
- <PropertyGroup>
- <TargetFramework>net8.0</TargetFramework>
- <Nullable>enable</Nullable>
- <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings>
- <InvariantGlobalization>true</InvariantGlobalization>
- <LangVersion>preview</LangVersion>
- <GenerateDocumentationFile>true</GenerateDocumentationFile>
- </PropertyGroup>
- <ItemGroup>
- <PackageReference Include="EasyCompressor.LZMA" Version="1.4.0" />
- <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi" Version="8.0.0" />
- <PackageReference Include="Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" Version="6.4.0" />
- </ItemGroup>
- <ItemGroup>
- <ProjectReference Include="..\..\LibMatrix\LibMatrix.csproj" />
- </ItemGroup>
- <ItemGroup>
- <Folder Include="data\rooms\" />
- </ItemGroup>
+<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <TargetFramework>net8.0</TargetFramework>
+ <Nullable>enable</Nullable>
+ <ImplicitUsings>enable</ImplicitUsings>
+ <InvariantGlobalization>true</InvariantGlobalization>
+ <LangVersion>preview</LangVersion>
+ <GenerateDocumentationFile>true</GenerateDocumentationFile>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <PackageReference Include="EasyCompressor.LZMA" Version="1.4.0"/>
+ <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi" Version="8.0.0"/>
+ <PackageReference Include="Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" Version="6.4.0"/>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <ProjectReference Include="..\..\LibMatrix\LibMatrix.csproj"/>
+ <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Utilities\LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot\LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot.csproj"/>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <Folder Include="data\rooms\"/>
+ </ItemGroup>
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Program.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Program.cs
index ddf39c7..91e0f88 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Program.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Program.cs
@@ -1,107 +1,109 @@
-using System.Net.Mime;
-using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
-using LibMatrix;
-using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Timeouts;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
-using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
-var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
-// Add services to the container.
-builder.Services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(options => {
- options.JsonSerializerOptions.DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull;
-builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(c => {
- c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo() {
- Version = "v1",
- Title = "Rory&::LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator",
- Description = "Partial Matrix implementation"
- });
- c.IncludeXmlComments(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.xml"));
-builder.Services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
-builder.Services.AddRequestTimeouts(x => {
- x.DefaultPolicy = new RequestTimeoutPolicy {
- Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
- WriteTimeoutResponse = async context => {
- context.Response.StatusCode = 504;
- context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
- await context.Response.StartAsync();
- await context.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_TIMEOUT",
- Error = "Request timed out"
- }.GetAsJson());
- await context.Response.CompleteAsync();
- }
- };
-builder.Services.AddCors(options => {
- options.AddPolicy(
- "Open",
- policy => policy.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyHeader().AllowAnyMethod());
-var app = builder.Build();
-// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
-if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment() || true)
- app.UseSwagger();
- app.UseSwaggerUI();
-app.UseExceptionHandler(exceptionHandlerApp => {
- exceptionHandlerApp.Run(async context => {
- var exceptionHandlerPathFeature =
- context.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerPathFeature>();
- if(exceptionHandlerPathFeature?.Error is not null)
- Console.WriteLine(exceptionHandlerPathFeature.Error.ToString()!);
- if (exceptionHandlerPathFeature?.Error is MatrixException mxe) {
- context.Response.StatusCode = mxe.ErrorCode switch {
- "M_NOT_FOUND" => StatusCodes.Status404NotFound,
- "M_UNAUTHORIZED" => StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized,
- _ => StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError
- };
- context.Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Json;
- await context.Response.WriteAsync(mxe.GetAsJson()!);
- }
- else {
- context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError;
- context.Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Json;
- await context.Response.WriteAsync(new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN",
- Error = exceptionHandlerPathFeature?.Error.ToString()
- }.GetAsJson());
- }
- });
-app.Map("/_matrix/{*_}", (HttpContext ctx) => {
- Console.WriteLine($"Client hit non-existing route: {ctx.Request.Method} {ctx.Request.Path}");
- ctx.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound;
- ctx.Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Json;
- return ctx.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(new MatrixException() {
- ErrorCode = MatrixException.ErrorCodes.M_UNRECOGNISED,
- Error = "Endpoint not implemented"
- });
+using System.Net.Mime;
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+using LibMatrix;
+using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
+using LibMatrix.Services;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Timeouts;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
+using Microsoft.OpenApi.Models;
+var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
+// Add services to the container.
+builder.Services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(options => { options.JsonSerializerOptions.DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull; });
+builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(c => {
+ c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo() {
+ Version = "v1",
+ Title = "Rory&::LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator",
+ Description = "Partial Matrix homeserver implementation"
+ });
+ c.IncludeXmlComments(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.xml"));
+builder.Services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
+builder.Services.AddRequestTimeouts(x => {
+ x.DefaultPolicy = new RequestTimeoutPolicy {
+ Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
+ WriteTimeoutResponse = async context => {
+ context.Response.StatusCode = 504;
+ context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
+ await context.Response.StartAsync();
+ await context.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_TIMEOUT",
+ Error = "Request timed out"
+ }.GetAsJson());
+ await context.Response.CompleteAsync();
+ }
+ };
+builder.Services.AddCors(options => {
+ options.AddPolicy(
+ "Open",
+ policy => policy.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyHeader().AllowAnyMethod());
+var app = builder.Build();
+// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
+if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment() || true) {
+ app.UseSwagger();
+ app.UseSwaggerUI();
+app.UseExceptionHandler(exceptionHandlerApp => {
+ exceptionHandlerApp.Run(async context => {
+ var exceptionHandlerPathFeature =
+ context.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerPathFeature>();
+ if (exceptionHandlerPathFeature?.Error is not null)
+ Console.WriteLine(exceptionHandlerPathFeature.Error.ToString()!);
+ if (exceptionHandlerPathFeature?.Error is MatrixException mxe) {
+ context.Response.StatusCode = mxe.ErrorCode switch {
+ "M_NOT_FOUND" => StatusCodes.Status404NotFound,
+ "M_UNAUTHORIZED" => StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized,
+ _ => StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError
+ };
+ context.Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Json;
+ await context.Response.WriteAsync(mxe.GetAsJson()!);
+ }
+ else {
+ context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError;
+ context.Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Json;
+ await context.Response.WriteAsync(new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN",
+ Error = exceptionHandlerPathFeature?.Error.ToString()
+ }.GetAsJson());
+ }
+ });
+app.Map("/_matrix/{*_}", (HttpContext ctx, ILogger<Program> logger) => {
+ logger.LogWarning("Client hit non-existing route: {Method} {Path}{Query}", ctx.Request.Method, ctx.Request.Path, ctx.Request.Query);
+ // Console.WriteLine($"Client hit non-existing route: {ctx.Request.Method} {ctx.Request.Path}");
+ ctx.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound;
+ ctx.Response.ContentType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Json;
+ return ctx.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = MatrixException.ErrorCodes.M_UNRECOGNISED,
+ Error = "Endpoint not implemented"
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/MediaStore.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/MediaStore.cs
index e40af89..00f2a42 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/MediaStore.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/MediaStore.cs
@@ -1,29 +1,20 @@
-using System.Collections.Concurrent;
-using System.Collections.Frozen;
-using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
-using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text.Json;
-using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
-using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
-using ArcaneLibs;
-using ArcaneLibs.Collections;
-using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
-using LibMatrix.EventTypes;
-using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
-using LibMatrix.Responses;
+using LibMatrix.Services;
namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
public class MediaStore {
private readonly HSEConfiguration _config;
+ private readonly HomeserverResolverService _hsResolver;
private List<MediaInfo> index = new();
- public MediaStore(HSEConfiguration config) {
+ public MediaStore(HSEConfiguration config, HomeserverResolverService hsResolver) {
_config = config;
+ _hsResolver = hsResolver;
if (config.StoreData) {
var path = Path.Combine(config.DataStoragePath, "media");
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
- if(File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, "index.json")))
+ if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, "index.json")))
index = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<MediaInfo>>(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(path, "index.json")));
@@ -31,17 +22,43 @@ public class MediaStore {
// public async Task<object> UploadMedia(string userId, string mimeType, Stream stream, string? filename = null) {
- // var mediaId = $"mxc://{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}";
- // var path = Path.Combine(_config.DataStoragePath, "media", mediaId);
- // if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
- // var file = Path.Combine(path, filename ?? "file");
- // await using var fs = File.Create(file);
- // await stream.CopyToAsync(fs);
- // index.Add(new() {
- //
- // });
- // return media;
+ // var mediaId = $"mxc://{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}";
+ // var path = Path.Combine(_config.DataStoragePath, "media", mediaId);
+ // if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
+ // var file = Path.Combine(path, filename ?? "file");
+ // await using var fs = File.Create(file);
+ // await stream.CopyToAsync(fs);
+ // index.Add(new() { });
+ // return media;
// }
+ public async Task<Stream> GetRemoteMedia(string serverName, string mediaId) {
+ if (_config.StoreData) {
+ var path = Path.Combine(_config.DataStoragePath, "media", serverName, mediaId);
+ if (!File.Exists(path)) {
+ var mediaUrl = await _hsResolver.ResolveMediaUri(serverName, $"mxc://{serverName}/{mediaId}");
+ if (mediaUrl is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Media not found"
+ };
+ using var client = new HttpClient();
+ var stream = await client.GetStreamAsync(mediaUrl);
+ await using var fs = File.Create(path);
+ await stream.CopyToAsync(fs);
+ }
+ return new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
+ }
+ else {
+ var mediaUrl = await _hsResolver.ResolveMediaUri(serverName, $"mxc://{serverName}/{mediaId}");
+ if (mediaUrl is null)
+ throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ Error = "Media not found"
+ };
+ using var client = new HttpClient();
+ return await client.GetStreamAsync(mediaUrl);
+ }
+ }
public class MediaInfo { }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/PaginationTokenResolverService.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/PaginationTokenResolverService.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0128ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/PaginationTokenResolverService.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
+public class PaginationTokenResolverService(ILogger<PaginationTokenResolverService> logger, RoomStore roomStore, UserStore userStore) {
+ public async Task<long?> ResolveTokenToTimestamp(string token) {
+ logger.LogTrace("ResolveTokenToTimestamp({token})", token);
+ if (token.StartsWith('$')) {
+ //we have an event ID
+ foreach (var room in roomStore._rooms) {
+ var evt = await ResolveTokenToEvent(token, room);
+ if (evt is not null) return evt.OriginServerTs;
+ }
+ // event not found
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ else {
+ // we have a sync token
+ foreach (var user in userStore._users) {
+ foreach (var (_, session) in user.AccessTokens) {
+ if (!session.SyncStates.TryGetValue(token, out var syncState)) continue;
+ long? maxTs = 0;
+ foreach (var room in syncState.RoomPositions) {
+ var roomObj = roomStore.GetRoomById(room.Key);
+ if (roomObj is null)
+ continue;
+ var ts = roomObj.Timeline.Last().OriginServerTs;
+ if (ts > maxTs) maxTs = ts;
+ }
+ return maxTs;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ }
+ public async Task<StateEventResponse?> ResolveTokenToEvent(string token, RoomStore.Room room) {
+ if (token.StartsWith('$')) {
+ //we have an event ID
+ logger.LogTrace("ResolveTokenToEvent(EventId({token}), Room({room})): searching for event...", token, room.RoomId);
+ var evt = room.Timeline.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EventId == token);
+ if (evt is not null) return evt;
+ logger.LogTrace("ResolveTokenToEvent({token}, Room({room})): event not in requested room...", token, room.RoomId);
+ return null;
+ }
+ else {
+ // we have a sync token
+ logger.LogTrace("ResolveTokenToEvent(SyncToken({token}), Room({room}))", token, room.RoomId);
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/RoomStore.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/RoomStore.cs
index d2c9e15..7b36f37 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/RoomStore.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/RoomStore.cs
@@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ using System.Collections.Frozen;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
-using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
-using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using ArcaneLibs;
using ArcaneLibs.Collections;
using ArcaneLibs.Extensions;
-using LibMatrix.EventTypes;
using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State;
+using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.Rooms;
using LibMatrix.Responses;
namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
public class RoomStore {
+ private readonly ILogger<RoomStore> _logger;
public ConcurrentBag<Room> _rooms = new();
private Dictionary<string, Room> _roomsById = new();
- public RoomStore(HSEConfiguration config) {
+ public RoomStore(ILogger<RoomStore> logger, HSEConfiguration config) {
+ _logger = logger;
if (config.StoreData) {
var path = Path.Combine(config.DataStoragePath, "rooms");
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
@@ -50,8 +50,19 @@ public class RoomStore {
return CreateRoom(new() { });
- public Room CreateRoom(CreateRoomRequest request) {
+ public Room CreateRoom(CreateRoomRequest request, UserStore.User? user = null) {
var room = new Room(roomId: $"!{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}");
+ var newCreateEvent = new StateEvent() {
+ Type = RoomCreateEventContent.EventId,
+ RawContent = new() { }
+ };
+ foreach (var (key, value) in request.CreationContent) {
+ newCreateEvent.RawContent[key] = value.DeepClone();
+ }
+ if (user != null) newCreateEvent.RawContent["creator"] = user.UserId;
+ var createEvent = room.SetStateInternal(newCreateEvent);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Name))
room.SetStateInternal(new StateEvent() {
Type = RoomNameEventContent.EventId,
@@ -77,23 +88,33 @@ public class RoomStore {
return room;
+ public Room AddRoom(Room room) {
+ _rooms.Add(room);
+ RebuildIndexes();
+ return room;
+ }
public class Room : NotifyPropertyChanged {
private CancellationTokenSource _debounceCts = new();
private ObservableCollection<StateEventResponse> _timeline;
private ObservableDictionary<string, List<StateEventResponse>> _accountData;
+ private ObservableDictionary<string, ReadMarkersData> _readMarkers;
+ private FrozenSet<StateEventResponse> _stateCache;
+ private int _timelineHash;
public Room(string roomId) {
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomId)) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(roomId));
if (roomId[0] != '!') throw new ArgumentException("Room ID must start with !", nameof(roomId));
RoomId = roomId;
- State = FrozenSet<StateEventResponse>.Empty;
Timeline = new();
AccountData = new();
+ ReadMarkers = new();
public string RoomId { get; set; }
- public FrozenSet<StateEventResponse> State { get; private set; }
+ public FrozenSet<StateEventResponse> State => _timelineHash == _timeline.GetHashCode() ? _stateCache : RebuildState();
public ObservableCollection<StateEventResponse> Timeline {
get => _timeline;
@@ -129,11 +150,21 @@ public class RoomStore {
public ImmutableList<StateEventResponse> JoinedMembers =>
State.Where(s => s is { Type: RoomMemberEventContent.EventId, TypedContent: RoomMemberEventContent { Membership: "join" } }).ToImmutableList();
+ public ObservableDictionary<string, ReadMarkersData> ReadMarkers {
+ get => _readMarkers;
+ set {
+ if (Equals(value, _readMarkers)) return;
+ _readMarkers = new(value);
+ _readMarkers.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => SaveDebounced();
+ OnPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
internal StateEventResponse SetStateInternal(StateEvent request) {
var state = new StateEventResponse() {
Type = request.Type,
- StateKey = request.StateKey,
- EventId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
+ StateKey = request.StateKey ?? "",
+ EventId = "$" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
RoomId = RoomId,
OriginServerTs = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(),
Sender = "",
@@ -142,12 +173,12 @@ public class RoomStore {
: JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonObject>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(request.TypedContent)))
- if (state.StateKey is not null)
- // we want state to be deduplicated by type and key, and we want the latest state to be the one that is returned
- State = Timeline.Where(s => s.StateKey != null)
- .OrderByDescending(s => s.OriginServerTs)
- .DistinctBy(x => (x.Type, x.StateKey))
- .ToFrozenSet();
+ // if (state.StateKey is not null)
+ // we want state to be deduplicated by type and key, and we want the latest state to be the one that is returned
+ // State = Timeline.Where(s => s.StateKey != null)
+ // .OrderByDescending(s => s.OriginServerTs)
+ // .DistinctBy(x => (x.Type, x.StateKey))
+ // .ToFrozenSet();
return state;
@@ -179,12 +210,32 @@ public class RoomStore {
catch (TaskCanceledException) { }
- private void RebuildState() {
- State = Timeline //.Where(s => s.Type == state.Type && s.StateKey == state.StateKey)
+ private FrozenSet<StateEventResponse> RebuildState() {
+ foreach (var evt in Timeline) {
+ if (evt.EventId == null)
+ evt.EventId = "$" + Guid.NewGuid();
+ else if (!evt.EventId.StartsWith('$')) {
+ evt.EventId = "$" + evt.EventId;
+ Console.WriteLine($"Sanitised invalid event ID {evt.EventId}");
+ }
+ }
+ _stateCache = Timeline //.Where(s => s.Type == state.Type && s.StateKey == state.StateKey)
.Where(x => x.StateKey != null)
.OrderByDescending(s => s.OriginServerTs)
.DistinctBy(x => (x.Type, x.StateKey))
+ return _stateCache;
+ public List<StateEventResponse> GetRoomsByMember(string userId) {
+ // return _rooms
+ // // .Where(r => r.State.Any(s => s.Type == RoomMemberEventContent.EventId && s.StateKey == userId))
+ // .Select(r => (Room: r, MemberEvent: r.State.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Type == RoomMemberEventContent.EventId && s.StateKey == userId)))
+ // .Where(r => r.MemberEvent != null)
+ // .ToDictionary(x => x.Room, x => x.MemberEvent!);
+ return _rooms.SelectMany(r => r.State.Where(s => s.Type == RoomMemberEventContent.EventId && s.StateKey == userId)).ToList();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/TokenService.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/TokenService.cs
index 1f59342..cf79aae 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/TokenService.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/TokenService.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services;
public class TokenService{
- public string? GetAccessToken(HttpContext ctx) {
+ public string? GetAccessTokenOrNull(HttpContext ctx) {
if (ctx.Request.Query.TryGetValue("access_token", out var token)) {
return token;
@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ public class TokenService{
return null;
+ public string GetAccessToken(HttpContext ctx) {
+ return GetAccessTokenOrNull(ctx) ?? throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = MatrixException.ErrorCodes.M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN,
+ Error = "Missing token"
+ };
+ }
public string? GenerateServerName(HttpContext ctx) {
return ctx.Request.Host.ToString();
diff --git a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/UserStore.cs b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/UserStore.cs
index 4f238a0..4ce9f92 100644
--- a/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/UserStore.cs
+++ b/Tests/LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator/Services/UserStore.cs
@@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ public class UserStore {
public UserStore(HSEConfiguration config, RoomStore roomStore) {
_roomStore = roomStore;
if (config.StoreData) {
- var path = Path.Combine(config.DataStoragePath, "users");
- if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
- foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path)) {
- var user = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<User>(File.ReadAllText(file));
- if (user is not null) _users.Add(user);
+ var dataDir = Path.Combine(HSEConfiguration.Current.DataStoragePath, "users");
+ if (!Directory.Exists(dataDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dataDir);
+ foreach (var userId in Directory.GetDirectories(dataDir)) {
+ var tokensDir = Path.Combine(dataDir, userId, "tokens.json");
+ var path = Path.Combine(dataDir, userId, $"user.json");
+ var user = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<User>(File.ReadAllText(path));
+ user!.AccessTokens = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ObservableDictionary<string, User.SessionInfo>>(File.ReadAllText(tokensDir))!;
+ _users.Add(user);
Console.WriteLine($"Loaded {_users.Count} users from disk");
@@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ public class UserStore {
return await CreateUser(userId);
- public async Task<User?> GetUserByToken(string token, bool createIfNotExists = false, string? serverName = null) {
+ public async Task<User?> GetUserByTokenOrNull(string token, bool createIfNotExists = false, string? serverName = null) {
if (_users.Any(x => x.AccessTokens.ContainsKey(token)))
return _users.First(x => x.AccessTokens.ContainsKey(token));
@@ -53,6 +57,13 @@ public class UserStore {
return await CreateUser(uid);
+ public async Task<User> GetUserByToken(string token, bool createIfNotExists = false, string? serverName = null) {
+ return await GetUserByTokenOrNull(token, createIfNotExists, serverName) ?? throw new MatrixException() {
+ ErrorCode = MatrixException.ErrorCodes.M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN,
+ Error = "Invalid token."
+ };
+ }
public async Task<User> CreateUser(string userId, Dictionary<string, object>? profile = null) {
profile ??= new();
if (!profile.ContainsKey("displayname")) profile.Add("displayname", userId.Split(":")[0]);
@@ -97,6 +108,7 @@ public class UserStore {
Profile = new();
AccountData = new();
RoomKeys = new();
+ AuthorizedSessions = new();
private CancellationTokenSource _debounceCts = new();
@@ -106,6 +118,7 @@ public class UserStore {
private ObservableDictionary<string, object> _profile;
private ObservableCollection<StateEventResponse> _accountData;
private ObservableDictionary<string, RoomKeysResponse> _roomKeys;
+ private ObservableDictionary<string, AuthorizedSession> _authorizedSessions;
public string UserId {
get => _userId;
@@ -162,15 +175,29 @@ public class UserStore {
+ public ObservableDictionary<string, AuthorizedSession> AuthorizedSessions {
+ get => _authorizedSessions;
+ set {
+ if (value == _authorizedSessions) return;
+ _authorizedSessions = new(value);
+ _authorizedSessions.CollectionChanged += async (sender, args) => await SaveDebounced();
+ OnPropertyChanged();
+ }
+ }
public async Task SaveDebounced() {
if (!HSEConfiguration.Current.StoreData) return;
- _debounceCts.Cancel();
+ await _debounceCts.CancelAsync();
_debounceCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
try {
await Task.Delay(250, _debounceCts.Token);
- var path = Path.Combine(HSEConfiguration.Current.DataStoragePath, "users", $"{_userId}.json");
+ var dataDir = Path.Combine(HSEConfiguration.Current.DataStoragePath, "users", _userId);
+ if (!Directory.Exists(dataDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dataDir);
+ var tokensDir = Path.Combine(dataDir, "tokens.json");
+ var path = Path.Combine(dataDir, $"user.json");
Console.WriteLine($"Saving user {_userId} to {path}!");
await File.WriteAllTextAsync(path, this.ToJson(ignoreNull: true));
+ await File.WriteAllTextAsync(tokensDir, AccessTokens.ToJson(ignoreNull: true));
catch (TaskCanceledException) { }
catch (InvalidOperationException) { } // We don't care about 100% data safety, this usually happens when something is updated while serialising
@@ -187,7 +214,19 @@ public class UserStore {
public class SyncRoomPosition {
public int TimelinePosition { get; set; }
+ public string LastTimelineEventId { get; set; }
public int AccountDataPosition { get; set; }
+ public bool Joined { get; set; }
+ }
+ public UserSyncState Clone() {
+ return new() {
+ FilterId = FilterId,
+ RoomPositions = RoomPositions.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => new SyncRoomPosition() {
+ TimelinePosition = x.Value.TimelinePosition,
+ AccountDataPosition = x.Value.AccountDataPosition
+ })
+ };
@@ -202,5 +241,10 @@ public class UserStore {
UserId = UserId
+ public class AuthorizedSession {
+ public string Homeserver { get; set; }
+ public string AccessToken { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utilities/LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot/Services/CommandListenerHostedService.cs b/Utilities/LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot/Services/CommandListenerHostedService.cs
index 6f22c03..601e598 100644
--- a/Utilities/LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot/Services/CommandListenerHostedService.cs
+++ b/Utilities/LibMatrix.Utilities.Bot/Services/CommandListenerHostedService.cs
@@ -97,21 +97,23 @@ public class CommandListenerHostedService : IHostedService {
if (prefix is null && _config.MentionPrefix) {
var profile = await _hs.GetProfileAsync(_hs.WhoAmI.UserId);
var roomProfile = await _hs.GetRoom(evt.RoomId!).GetStateAsync<RoomMemberEventContent>(RoomMemberEventContent.EventId, _hs.WhoAmI.UserId);
- if(message.StartsWith(_hs.WhoAmI.UserId + ": ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + ": "; // `@bot:server.xyz: `
+ if (message.StartsWith(_hs.WhoAmI.UserId + ": ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + ": "; // `@bot:server.xyz: `
else if (message.StartsWith(_hs.WhoAmI.UserId + " ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + " "; // `@bot:server.xyz `
- else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomProfile?.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(roomProfile.DisplayName + ": ")) prefix = roomProfile.DisplayName + ": "; // `local bot: `
- else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomProfile?.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(roomProfile.DisplayName + " ")) prefix = roomProfile.DisplayName + " "; // `local bot `
+ else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomProfile?.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(roomProfile.DisplayName + ": "))
+ prefix = roomProfile.DisplayName + ": "; // `local bot: `
+ else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomProfile?.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(roomProfile.DisplayName + " "))
+ prefix = roomProfile.DisplayName + " "; // `local bot `
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(profile.DisplayName + ": ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + ": "; // `bot: `
- else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(profile.DisplayName + " ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + " "; // `bot `
+ else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.DisplayName) && message.StartsWith(profile.DisplayName + " ")) prefix = profile.DisplayName + " "; // `bot `
return prefix;
private async Task<CommandResult> InvokeCommand(StateEventResponse evt, string usedPrefix) {
var message = evt.TypedContent as RoomMessageEventContent;
var room = _hs.GetRoom(evt.RoomId!);
var commandWithoutPrefix = message.BodyWithoutReplyFallback[usedPrefix.Length..].Trim();
var ctx = new CommandContext {
Room = room,
@@ -132,7 +134,6 @@ public class CommandListenerHostedService : IHostedService {
if (await command.CanInvoke(ctx))
try {
await command.Invoke(ctx);
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ public class CommandListenerHostedService : IHostedService {
CommandResult.CommandResultType.Failure_InvalidCommand => new RoomMessageEventContent("m.notice", $"Command \"{res.Context.CommandName}\" not found!"),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
await room.SendMessageEventAsync(msg);
\ No newline at end of file