import { User } from "./User"; import { Member } from "./Member"; import { Role } from "./Role"; import { Channel } from "./Channel"; import { InteractionType } from "../interfaces/Interaction"; import { Application } from "./Application"; import { Column, CreateDateColumn, Entity, Index, JoinColumn, JoinTable, ManyToMany, ManyToOne, OneToMany, RelationId, RemoveOptions, UpdateDateColumn, } from "typeorm"; import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass"; import { Guild } from "./Guild"; import { Webhook } from "./Webhook"; import { Sticker } from "./Sticker"; import { Attachment } from "./Attachment"; export enum MessageType { DEFAULT = 0, RECIPIENT_ADD = 1, RECIPIENT_REMOVE = 2, CALL = 3, CHANNEL_NAME_CHANGE = 4, CHANNEL_ICON_CHANGE = 5, CHANNEL_PINNED_MESSAGE = 6, GUILD_MEMBER_JOIN = 7, USER_PREMIUM_GUILD_SUBSCRIPTION = 8, USER_PREMIUM_GUILD_SUBSCRIPTION_TIER_1 = 9, USER_PREMIUM_GUILD_SUBSCRIPTION_TIER_2 = 10, USER_PREMIUM_GUILD_SUBSCRIPTION_TIER_3 = 11, CHANNEL_FOLLOW_ADD = 12, ACTION = 13, // /me messages GUILD_DISCOVERY_DISQUALIFIED = 14, GUILD_DISCOVERY_REQUALIFIED = 15, ENCRYPTED = 16, REPLY = 19, APPLICATION_COMMAND = 20, // application command or self command invocation ROUTE_ADDED = 41, // custom message routing: new route affecting that channel ROUTE_DISABLED = 42, // custom message routing: given route no longer affecting that channel SELF_COMMAND_SCRIPT = 43, // self command scripts ENCRYPTION = 50, CUSTOM_START = 63, UNHANDLED = 255 } @Entity("messages") @Index(["channel_id", "id"], { unique: true }) export class Message extends BaseClass { @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((message: Message) => @Index() channel_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "channel_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Channel, { onDelete: "CASCADE", }) channel: Channel; @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((message: Message) => message.guild) guild_id?: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Guild, { onDelete: "CASCADE", }) guild?: Guild; @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((message: Message) => @Index() author_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "author_id", referencedColumnName: "id" }) @ManyToOne(() => User, { onDelete: "CASCADE", }) author?: User; @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((message: Message) => message.member) member_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "member_id", referencedColumnName: "id" }) @ManyToOne(() => User, { onDelete: "CASCADE", }) member?: Member; @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((message: Message) => message.webhook) webhook_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "webhook_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Webhook) webhook?: Webhook; @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((message: Message) => message.application) application_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "application_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Application) application?: Application; @Column({ nullable: true }) content?: string; @Column() @CreateDateColumn() timestamp: Date; @Column({ nullable: true }) edited_timestamp?: Date; @Column({ nullable: true }) tts?: boolean; @Column({ nullable: true }) mention_everyone?: boolean; @JoinTable({ name: "message_user_mentions" }) @ManyToMany(() => User) mentions: User[]; @JoinTable({ name: "message_role_mentions" }) @ManyToMany(() => Role) mention_roles: Role[]; @JoinTable({ name: "message_channel_mentions" }) @ManyToMany(() => Channel) mention_channels: Channel[]; @JoinTable({ name: "message_stickers" }) @ManyToMany(() => Sticker, { cascade: true, onDelete: "CASCADE" }) sticker_items?: Sticker[]; @OneToMany(() => Attachment, (attachment: Attachment) => attachment.message, { cascade: true, orphanedRowAction: "delete", }) attachments?: Attachment[]; @Column({ type: "simple-json" }) embeds: Embed[]; @Column({ type: "simple-json" }) reactions: Reaction[]; @Column({ type: "text", nullable: true }) nonce?: string; @Column({ nullable: true }) pinned?: boolean; @Column({ type: "int" }) type: MessageType; @Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true }) activity?: { type: number; party_id: string; }; @Column({ nullable: true }) flags?: string; @Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true }) message_reference?: { message_id: string; channel_id?: string; guild_id?: string; }; @JoinColumn({ name: "message_reference_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Message) referenced_message?: Message; @Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true }) interaction?: { id: string; type: InteractionType; name: string; user_id: string; // the user who invoked the interaction // user: User; // TODO: autopopulate user }; @Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true }) components?: MessageComponent[]; } export interface MessageComponent { type: number; style?: number; label?: string; emoji?: PartialEmoji; custom_id?: string; url?: string; disabled?: boolean; components: MessageComponent[]; } export enum MessageComponentType { Script = 0, // self command script ActionRow = 1, Button = 2, } export interface Embed { title?: string; //title of embed type?: EmbedType; // type of embed (always "rich" for webhook embeds) description?: string; // description of embed url?: string; // url of embed timestamp?: Date; // timestamp of embed content color?: number; // color code of the embed footer?: { text: string; icon_url?: string; proxy_icon_url?: string; }; // footer object footer information image?: EmbedImage; // image object image information thumbnail?: EmbedImage; // thumbnail object thumbnail information video?: EmbedImage; // video object video information provider?: { name?: string; url?: string; }; // provider object provider information author?: { name?: string; url?: string; icon_url?: string; proxy_icon_url?: string; }; // author object author information fields?: { name: string; value: string; inline?: boolean; }[]; } export enum EmbedType { rich = "rich", image = "image", video = "video", gifv = "gifv", article = "article", link = "link", } export interface EmbedImage { url?: string; proxy_url?: string; height?: number; width?: number; } export interface Reaction { count: number; //// not saved in the database // me: boolean; // whether the current user reacted using this emoji emoji: PartialEmoji; user_ids: string[]; } export interface PartialEmoji { id?: string; name: string; animated?: boolean; } export interface AllowedMentions { parse?: ("users" | "roles" | "everyone")[]; roles?: string[]; users?: string[]; replied_user?: boolean; }