import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToMany, ManyToOne, OneToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm"; import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass"; import { Channel } from "./Channel"; import { Emoji } from "./Emoji"; import { Invite } from "./Invite"; import { Member } from "./Member"; import { Role } from "./Role"; import { User } from "./User"; import { VoiceState } from "./VoiceState"; @Entity("guilds") export class Guild extends BaseClass { @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.afk_channel) afk_channel_id?: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "afk_channel_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Channel, (channel: Channel) => afk_channel?: Channel; @Column() afk_timeout?: number; // * commented out -> use owner instead // application id of the guild creator if it is bot-created // @Column() // application?: string; @Column() banner?: string; @Column() default_message_notifications?: number; @Column() description?: string; @Column() discovery_splash?: string; @Column() explicit_content_filter?: number; @Column("simple-array") features: string[]; @Column() icon?: string; @Column() large?: boolean; @Column() max_members?: number; // e.g. default 100.000 @Column() max_presences?: number; @Column() max_video_channel_users?: number; // ? default: 25, is this max 25 streaming or watching @Column() member_count?: number; @Column() presence_count?: number; // users online @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.members) member_ids: string[]; @JoinColumn({ name: "member_ids" }) @ManyToMany(() => Member, (member: Member) => members: Member[]; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.roles) role_ids: string[]; @JoinColumn({ name: "role_ids" }) @ManyToMany(() => Role, (role: Role) => roles: Role[]; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.channels) channel_ids: string[]; @JoinColumn({ name: "channel_ids" }) @ManyToMany(() => Channel, (channel: Channel) => channels: Channel[]; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.emojis) emoji_ids: string[]; @JoinColumn({ name: "emoji_ids" }) @ManyToMany(() => Emoji, (emoji: Emoji) => emojis: Emoji[]; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.voice_states) voice_state_ids: string[]; @JoinColumn({ name: "voice_state_ids" }) @ManyToMany(() => VoiceState, (voicestate: VoiceState) => voice_states: VoiceState[]; @Column() mfa_level?: number; @Column() name: string; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.owner) owner_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "owner_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => User, (user: User) => owner: User; @Column() preferred_locale?: string; // only community guilds can choose this @Column() premium_subscription_count?: number; @Column() premium_tier?: number; // nitro boost level @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.public_updates_channel) public_updates_channel_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "public_updates_channel_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Channel, (channel: Channel) => public_updates_channel?: Channel; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.rules_channel) rules_channel_id?: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "rules_channel_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Channel, (channel: Channel) => rules_channel?: string; @Column() region?: string; @Column() splash?: string; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.system_channel) system_channel_id?: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "system_channel_id" }) @ManyToMany(() => Channel, (channel: Channel) => system_channel?: Channel; @Column() system_channel_flags?: number; @Column() unavailable?: boolean; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.vanity_url) vanity_url_code?: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "vanity_url_code" }) @OneToOne(() => Invite, (invite: Invite) => invite.code) vanity_url?: Invite; @Column() verification_level?: number; @Column("simple-json") welcome_screen: { enabled: boolean; description: string; welcome_channels: { description: string; emoji_id?: string; emoji_name: string; channel_id: string; }[]; }; @RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.widget_channel) widget_channel_id?: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "widget_channel_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Channel, (channel: Channel) => widget_channel?: Channel; @Column() widget_enabled?: boolean; }