import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, JoinTable, ManyToMany, ManyToOne, OneToMany, RelationId } from "typeorm"; import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass"; import { Guild } from "./Guild"; import { Message } from "./Message"; import { User } from "./User"; import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server"; import { emitEvent, getPermission, Snowflake } from "../util"; import { ChannelCreateEvent } from "../interfaces"; import { Recipient } from "./Recipient"; export enum ChannelType { GUILD_TEXT = 0, // a text channel within a server DM = 1, // a direct message between users GUILD_VOICE = 2, // a voice channel within a server GROUP_DM = 3, // a direct message between multiple users GUILD_CATEGORY = 4, // an organizational category that contains up to 50 channels GUILD_NEWS = 5, // a channel that users can follow and crosspost into their own server GUILD_STORE = 6, // a channel in which game developers can sell their game on Discord // TODO: what are channel types between 7-9? GUILD_NEWS_THREAD = 10, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_NEWS channel GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD = 11, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD = 12, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel that is only viewable by those invited and those with the MANAGE_THREADS permission GUILD_STAGE_VOICE = 13, // a voice channel for hosting events with an audience } @Entity("channels") export class Channel extends BaseClass { @Column() created_at: Date; @Column({ nullable: true }) name?: string; @Column({ type: "simple-enum", enum: ChannelType }) type: ChannelType; @OneToMany(() => Recipient, (recipient: Recipient) =>, { cascade: true }) recipients?: Recipient[]; @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.last_message) last_message_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "last_message_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Message) last_message?: Message; @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.guild) guild_id?: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Guild) guild: Guild; @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.parent) parent_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "parent_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => Channel) parent?: Channel; // only for group dms @Column({ nullable: true }) @RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.owner) owner_id: string; @JoinColumn({ name: "owner_id" }) @ManyToOne(() => User) owner: User; @Column({ nullable: true }) last_pin_timestamp?: number; @Column({ nullable: true }) default_auto_archive_duration?: number; @Column({ nullable: true }) position?: number; @Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true }) permission_overwrites?: ChannelPermissionOverwrite[]; @Column({ nullable: true }) video_quality_mode?: number; @Column({ nullable: true }) bitrate?: number; @Column({ nullable: true }) user_limit?: number; @Column({ nullable: true }) nsfw?: boolean; @Column({ nullable: true }) rate_limit_per_user?: number; @Column({ nullable: true }) topic?: string; // TODO: DM channel static async createChannel( channel: Partial, user_id: string = "0", opts?: { keepId?: boolean; skipExistsCheck?: boolean; skipPermissionCheck?: boolean; skipEventEmit?: boolean; } ) { if (!opts?.skipPermissionCheck) { // Always check if user has permission first const permissions = await getPermission(user_id, channel.guild_id); permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_CHANNELS"); } switch (channel.type) { case ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT: case ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE: if (channel.parent_id && !opts?.skipExistsCheck) { const exists = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ id: channel.parent_id }); if (!exists) throw new HTTPError("Parent id channel doesn't exist", 400); if (exists.guild_id !== channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("The category channel needs to be in the guild"); } break; case ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY: break; case ChannelType.DM: case ChannelType.GROUP_DM: throw new HTTPError("You can't create a dm channel in a guild"); // TODO: check if guild is community server case ChannelType.GUILD_STORE: case ChannelType.GUILD_NEWS: default: throw new HTTPError("Not yet supported"); } if (!channel.permission_overwrites) channel.permission_overwrites = []; // TODO: auto generate position channel = {, ...(!opts?.keepId && { id: Snowflake.generate() }), created_at: new Date(), position: channel.position || 0, }; await Promise.all([ new Channel(channel).save(), !opts?.skipEventEmit ? emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_CREATE", data: channel, guild_id: channel.guild_id, } as ChannelCreateEvent) : Promise.resolve(), ]); return channel; } } export interface ChannelPermissionOverwrite { allow: bigint; // for bitfields we use bigints deny: bigint; // for bitfields we use bigints id: string; type: ChannelPermissionOverwriteType; } export enum ChannelPermissionOverwriteType { role = 0, member = 1, }