const dotenv = require("dotenv"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); dotenv.config(); // TODO: write unittest to check if FileStorage.ts is working // TODO: write unitest to check if env vars are defined if (!process.env.STORAGE_PROVIDER) process.env.STORAGE_PROVIDER = "file"; // TODO:nodejs path.join trailing slash windows compatible if (process.env.STORAGE_PROVIDER === "file") { if (process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION) { if (!process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION.startsWith("/")) { process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION = path.join( __dirname, "..", process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION, "/" ); } } else { process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION = path.join(__dirname, "..", "files", "/"); } if(!fs.existsSync(process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION)) fs.mkdirSync(process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION, {recursive:true}); } const { CDNServer } = require("../dist/Server"); const { Config } = require("@fosscord/util"); const supertest = require("supertest"); const request = supertest("http://localhost:3003"); const server = new CDNServer({ port: Number(process.env.PORT) || 3003 }); beforeAll(async () => { await server.start(); return server; }); afterAll(() => { return server.stop(); }); describe("/ping", () => { describe("GET", () => { describe("without signature specified", () => { test("route should respond with 200", async () => { let response = await request.get("/ping"); expect(response.text).toBe("pong"); }); }); }); }); describe("/attachments", () => { describe("POST", () => { describe("without signature specified", () => { test("route should respond with 400", async () => { const response = await"/attachments/123456789"); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); }); describe("with signature specified, without file specified", () => { test("route should respond with 400", async () => { const response = await request .post("/attachments/123456789") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); }); describe("with signature specified, with file specified ", () => { test("route should respond with Content-type: application/json, 200 and res.body.url", async () => { const response = await request .post("/attachments/123456789") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .attach("file", __dirname + "/antman.jpg"); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(response.headers["content-type"]).toEqual( expect.stringContaining("json") ); expect(response.body.url).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); describe("GET", () => { describe("getting uploaded image by url returned by POST /attachments", () => { test("route should respond with 200", async () => { let response = await request .post("/attachments/123456789") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .attach("file", __dirname + "/antman.jpg"); request .get(response.body.url.replace("http://localhost:3003", "")) .then((x) => { expect(x.statusCode).toBe(200); }); }); }); }); describe("DELETE", () => { describe("deleting uploaded image by url returned by POST /attachments", () => { test("route should respond with res.body.success", async () => { let response = await request .post("/attachments/123456789") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .attach("file", __dirname + "/antman.jpg"); request .delete( response.body.url.replace("http://localhost:3003", "") ) .then((x) => { expect(x.body.success).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); }); }); describe("/avatars", () => { describe("POST", () => { describe("without signature specified", () => { test("route should respond with 400", async () => { const response = await"/avatars/123456789"); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); }); describe("with signature specified, without file specified", () => { test("route should respond with 400", async () => { const response = await request .post("/avatars/123456789") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); }); describe("with signature specified, with file specified ", () => { test("route should respond with Content-type: application/json, 200 and res.body.url", async () => { const response = await request .post("/avatars/123456789") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .attach("file", __dirname + "/antman.jpg"); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(response.headers["content-type"]).toEqual( expect.stringContaining("json") ); expect(response.body.url).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); describe("GET", () => { describe("getting uploaded image by url returned by POST /avatars", () => { test("route should respond with 200", async () => { let response = await request .post("/avatars/123456789") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .attach("file", __dirname + "/antman.jpg"); request .get(response.body.url.replace("http://localhost:3003", "")) .then((x) => { expect(x.statusCode).toBe(200); }); }); }); }); describe("DELETE", () => { describe("deleting uploaded image by url returned by POST /avatars", () => { test("route should respond with res.body.success", async () => { let response = await request .post("/avatars/123456789") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .attach("file", __dirname + "/antman.jpg"); request .delete( response.body.url.replace("http://localhost:3003", "") ) .then((x) => { expect(x.body.success).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); }); }); describe("/external", () => { describe("POST", () => { describe("without signature specified", () => { test("route should respond with 400", async () => { const response = await"/external"); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); }); describe("with signature specified, without file specified", () => { test("route should respond with 400", async () => { const response = await request .post("/external") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); }); describe("with signature specified, with file specified ", () => { test("route should respond with Content-type: application/json, 200 and res.body.url", async () => { const response = await request .post("/external") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .send({ url: "", }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(response.headers["content-type"]).toEqual( expect.stringContaining("json") ); expect(; }); }); describe("with signature specified, with falsy url specified ", () => { test("route should respond with 400", async () => { const response = await request .post("/external") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .send({ url: "notavalidurl.123", }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); }); }); describe("GET", () => { describe("getting uploaded image by url returned by POST /avatars", () => { test("route should respond with 200", async () => { let response = await request .post("/external") .set({ signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature }) .send({ url: "", }); request.get(`external/${}`).then((x) => { expect(x.statusCode).toBe(200); }); }); }); }); });