// different version of lambert-server instanceOf with discord error format import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express"; import { Tuple } from "lambert-server"; import "missing-native-js-functions"; export const OPTIONAL_PREFIX = "$"; export const EMAIL_REGEX = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; export function check(schema: any) { return (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => { try { const result = instanceOf(schema, req.body, { path: "body", req, ref: { obj: null, key: "" } }); if (result === true) return next(); throw result; } catch (error) { return res.status(400).json({ code: 50035, message: "Invalid Form Body", success: false, errors: error }); } }; } export function FieldErrors(fields: Record) { return new FieldError( 50035, "Invalid Form Body", fields.map(({ message, code }) => ({ _errors: [ { message, code: code || "BASE_TYPE_INVALID" } ] })) ); } // TODO: implement Image data type: Data URI scheme that supports JPG, GIF, and PNG formats. An example Data URI format is: _ENCODED_JPEG_IMAGE_DATA // Ensure you use the proper content type (image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif) that matches the image data being provided. export class FieldError extends Error { constructor(public code: string | number, public message: string, public errors?: any) { super(message); } } export class Email { constructor(public email: string) {} check() { return !!this.email.match(EMAIL_REGEX); } } export class Length { constructor(public type: any, public min: number, public max: number) {} check(value: string) { if (typeof value === "string" || Array.isArray(value)) return value.length >= this.min && value.length <= this.max; if (typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "bigint") return value >= this.min && value <= this.max; return false; } } export function instanceOf( type: any, value: any, { path = "", optional = false, errors = {}, req, ref }: { path?: string; optional?: boolean; errors?: any; req: Request; ref?: { key: string | number; obj: any } } ): Boolean { if (!ref) ref = { obj: null, key: "" }; if (!path) path = "body"; if (!type) return true; // no type was specified try { if (value == null) { if (optional) return true; throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED")); } switch (type) { case String: value = `${value}`; ref.obj[ref.key] = value; if (typeof value === "string") return true; throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_STRING", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_STRING")); case Number: value = Number(value); ref.obj[ref.key] = value; if (typeof value === "number" && !isNaN(value)) return true; throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_NUMBER", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_NUMBER")); case BigInt: try { value = BigInt(value); ref.obj[ref.key] = value; if (typeof value === "bigint") return true; } catch (error) {} throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_BIGINT", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_BIGINT")); case Boolean: if (value == "true") value = true; if (value == "false") value = false; ref.obj[ref.key] = value; if (typeof value === "boolean") return true; throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_BOOLEAN", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_BOOLEAN")); case Email: if (new Email(value).check()) return true; throw new FieldError("EMAIL_TYPE_INVALID_EMAIL", req.t("common:field.EMAIL_TYPE_INVALID_EMAIL")); case Date: value = new Date(value); ref.obj[ref.key] = value; // value.getTime() can be < 0, if it is before 1970 if (!isNaN(value)) return true; throw new FieldError("DATE_TYPE_PARSE", req.t("common:field.DATE_TYPE_PARSE")); } if (typeof type === "object") { if (Array.isArray(type)) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_ARRAY", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_ARRAY")); if (!type.length) return true; // type array didn't specify any type return ( value.every((val, i) => { errors[i] = {}; if ( instanceOf(type[0], val, { path: `${path}[${i}]`, optional, errors: errors[i], req, ref: { key: i, obj: value } }) === true ) { delete errors[i]; return true; } return false; }) || errors ); } else if (type?.constructor?.name != "Object") { if (type instanceof Tuple) { if ((type).types.some((x) => instanceOf(x, value, { path, optional, errors, req, ref }))) return true; throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_CHOICES", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_CHOICES", { types: type.types })); } else if (type instanceof Length) { let length = type; if (instanceOf(length.type, value, { path, optional, req, ref, errors }) !== true) return errors; let val = ref.obj[ref.key]; if ((type).check(val)) return true; throw new FieldError( "BASE_TYPE_BAD_LENGTH", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_BAD_LENGTH", { length: `${type.min} - ${type.max}` }) ); } try { if (value instanceof type) return true; } catch (error) { throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_CLASS", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_CLASS", { type })); } } if (typeof value !== "object") throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_OBJECT", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_OBJECT")); const diff = Object.keys(value).missing( Object.keys(type).map((x) => (x.startsWith(OPTIONAL_PREFIX) ? x.slice(OPTIONAL_PREFIX.length) : x)) ); if (diff.length) throw new FieldError("UNKOWN_FIELD", req.t("common:field.UNKOWN_FIELD", { key: diff })); return ( Object.keys(type).every((key) => { let newKey = key; const OPTIONAL = key.startsWith(OPTIONAL_PREFIX); if (OPTIONAL) newKey = newKey.slice(OPTIONAL_PREFIX.length); errors[newKey] = {}; if ( instanceOf(type[key], value[newKey], { path: `${path}.${newKey}`, optional: OPTIONAL, errors: errors[newKey], req, ref: { key: newKey, obj: value } }) === true ) { delete errors[newKey]; return true; } return false; }) || errors ); } else if (typeof type === "number" || typeof type === "string" || typeof type === "boolean") { if (value === type) return true; throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_CONSTANT", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_CONSTANT", { value: type })); } else if (typeof type === "bigint") { if (BigInt(value) === type) return true; throw new FieldError("BASE_TYPE_CONSTANT", req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_CONSTANT", { value: type })); } return type == value; } catch (error) { let e = error as FieldError; errors._errors = [{ message: e.message, code: e.code }]; return errors; } }