import { ChannelModel, Embed, Message, MessageCreateEvent, MessageUpdateEvent } from "@fosscord/server-util"; import { Snowflake } from "@fosscord/server-util"; import { MessageModel } from "@fosscord/server-util"; import { PublicMemberProjection } from "@fosscord/server-util"; import { toObject } from "@fosscord/server-util"; import { getPermission } from "@fosscord/server-util"; import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; import cheerio from "cheerio"; import { emitEvent } from "./Event"; import { MessageType } from "@fosscord/server-util/dist/util/Constants"; // TODO: check webhook, application, system author const LINK_REGEX = /https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/g; const DEFAULT_FETCH_OPTIONS: any = { redirect: "follow", follow: 1, headers: { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Discordbot/2.0; +" }, size: 1024 * 1024 * 1, compress: true, method: "GET" }; export async function handleMessage(opts: Partial) { const channel = await ChannelModel.findOne( { id: opts.channel_id }, { guild_id: true, type: true, permission_overwrites: true, recipient_ids: true, owner_id: true } ) .lean() // lean is needed, because we don't want to populate .recipients that also auto deletes .recipient_ids .exec(); if (!channel || !opts.channel_id) throw new HTTPError("Channel not found", 404); // TODO: are tts messages allowed in dm channels? should permission be checked? // @ts-ignore const permissions = await getPermission(opts.author_id, channel.guild_id, opts.channel_id, { channel }); permissions.hasThrow("SEND_MESSAGES"); if (opts.tts) permissions.hasThrow("SEND_TTS_MESSAGES"); if (opts.message_reference) { permissions.hasThrow("READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY"); if (opts.message_reference.guild_id !== channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("You can only reference messages from this guild"); if (opts.message_reference.channel_id !== opts.channel_id) throw new HTTPError("You can only reference messages from this channel"); // TODO: should be checked if the referenced message exists? // @ts-ignore opts.type = MessageType.REPLY; } if (!opts.content && !opts.embeds?.length && !opts.attachments?.length && !opts.stickers?.length && !opts.activity) { throw new HTTPError("Empty messages are not allowed", 50006); } // TODO: check and put it all in the body return { ...opts, guild_id: channel.guild_id, channel_id: opts.channel_id, // TODO: generate mentions and check permissions mention_channels_ids: [], mention_role_ids: [], mention_user_ids: [], attachments: opts.attachments || [], // TODO: message attachments embeds: opts.embeds || [], reactions: opts.reactions || [], type: opts.type ?? 0 }; } // TODO: cache link result in db export async function postHandleMessage(message: Message) { var links = message.content?.match(LINK_REGEX); if (!links) return; const data = { ...message }; data.embeds = data.embeds.filter((x) => x.type !== "link"); links = links.slice(0, 5); // embed max 5 links for (const link of links) { try { const request = await fetch(link, DEFAULT_FETCH_OPTIONS); const text = await request.text(); const $ = cheerio.load(text); const title = $('meta[property="og:title"]').attr("content"); const provider_name = $('meta[property="og:site_name"]').text(); const author_name = $('meta[property="article:author"]').attr("content"); const description = $('meta[property="og:description"]').attr("content") || $('meta[property="description"]').attr("content"); const image = $('meta[property="og:image"]').attr("content"); const url = $('meta[property="og:url"]').attr("content"); // TODO: color const embed: Embed = { provider: { url: link, name: provider_name } }; if (author_name) = { name: author_name }; if (image) embed.thumbnail = { proxy_url: image, url: image }; if (title) embed.title = title; if (url) embed.url = url; if (description) embed.description = description; if (title || description) { data.embeds.push(embed); } } catch (error) {} } await Promise.all([ emitEvent({ event: "MESSAGE_UPDATE", guild_id: message.guild_id, channel_id: message.channel_id, data } as MessageUpdateEvent), MessageModel.updateOne({ id:, channel_id: message.channel_id }, data).exec() ]); } export async function sendMessage(opts: Partial) { const message = await handleMessage({ ...opts, id: Snowflake.generate(), timestamp: new Date() }); const data = toObject( await new MessageModel(message).populate({ path: "member", select: PublicMemberProjection }).populate("referenced_message").save() ); await emitEvent({ event: "MESSAGE_CREATE", channel_id: opts.channel_id, data, guild_id: message.guild_id } as MessageCreateEvent); postHandleMessage(data).catch((e) => {}); // no await as it shouldnt block the message send function and silently catch error return data; }