import { Schema, model, Types, Document } from "mongoose"; import "missing-native-js-functions"; import db, { MongooseCache } from "./Database"; import { Snowflake } from "./Snowflake"; import crypto from "crypto"; var Config = new MongooseCache(db.collection("config"), [], { onlyEvents: false, array: false }); export default { init: async function init(defaultOpts: any = DefaultOptions) { await Config.init(); return this.set(( || {}).merge(defaultOpts)); }, get: function get() { return; }, set: function set(val: any) { return db.collection("config").updateOne({}, { $set: val }, { upsert: true }); }, }; export interface RateLimitOptions { count: number; timespan: number; } export interface DefaultOptions { gateway: { endpoint: string | null; }; cdn: { endpoint: string | null; }; general: { instance_id: string; }; permissions: { user: { createGuilds: boolean; }; }; limits: { user: { maxGuilds: number; maxUsername: number; maxFriends: number; }; guild: { maxRoles: number; maxMembers: number; maxChannels: number; maxChannelsInCategory: number; hideOfflineMember: number; }; message: { maxCharacters: number; maxTTSCharacters: number; maxReactions: number; maxAttachmentSize: number; maxBulkDelete: number; }; channel: { maxPins: number; maxTopic: number; }; rate: { ip: { enabled: boolean; count: number; timespan: number; }; routes: { auth?: { login?: RateLimitOptions; register?: RateLimitOptions; }; // TODO: rate limit configuration for all routes }; }; }; security: { requestSignature: string; jwtSecret: string; forwadedFor: string | null; // header to get the real user ip address captcha: { enabled: boolean; service: "recaptcha" | "hcaptcha" | null; // TODO: hcaptcha, custom sitekey: string | null; secret: string | null; }; ipdataApiKey: string | null; }; login: { requireCaptcha: boolean; }; register: { email: { necessary: boolean; // we have to use necessary instead of required as the cli tool uses json schema and can't use required allowlist: boolean; blocklist: boolean; domains: string[]; }; dateOfBirth: { necessary: boolean; minimum: number; // in years }; requireCaptcha: boolean; requireInvite: boolean; allowNewRegistration: boolean; allowMultipleAccounts: boolean; blockProxies: boolean; password: { minLength: number; minNumbers: number; minUpperCase: number; minSymbols: number; }; }; } export const DefaultOptions: DefaultOptions = { gateway: { endpoint: null, }, cdn: { endpoint: null, }, general: { instance_id: Snowflake.generate(), }, permissions: { user: { createGuilds: true, }, }, limits: { user: { maxGuilds: 100, maxUsername: 32, maxFriends: 1000, }, guild: { maxRoles: 250, maxMembers: 250000, maxChannels: 500, maxChannelsInCategory: 50, hideOfflineMember: 1000, }, message: { maxCharacters: 2000, maxTTSCharacters: 200, maxReactions: 20, maxAttachmentSize: 8388608, maxBulkDelete: 100, }, channel: { maxPins: 50, maxTopic: 1024, }, rate: { ip: { enabled: true, count: 1000, timespan: 1000 * 60 * 10, }, routes: {}, }, }, security: { requestSignature: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("base64"), jwtSecret: crypto.randomBytes(256).toString("base64"), forwadedFor: null, // forwadedFor: "X-Forwarded-For" // nginx/reverse proxy // forwadedFor: "CF-Connecting-IP" // cloudflare: captcha: { enabled: false, service: null, sitekey: null, secret: null, }, ipdataApiKey: "eca677b284b3bac29eb72f5e496aa9047f26543605efe99ff2ce35c9", }, login: { requireCaptcha: false, }, register: { email: { necessary: true, allowlist: false, blocklist: true, domains: [], // TODO: efficiently save domain blocklist in database // domains: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/blockedEmailDomains.txt", { encoding: "utf8" }).split("\n"), }, dateOfBirth: { necessary: true, minimum: 13, }, requireInvite: false, requireCaptcha: true, allowNewRegistration: true, allowMultipleAccounts: true, blockProxies: true, password: { minLength: 8, minNumbers: 2, minUpperCase: 2, minSymbols: 0, }, }, }; export const ConfigSchema = new Schema({}, { strict: false }); export interface DefaultOptionsDocument extends DefaultOptions, Document {} export const ConfigModel = model("Config", ConfigSchema, "config");