/* Fosscord: A FOSS re-implementation and extension of the Discord.com backend. Copyright (C) 2023 Fosscord and Fosscord Contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import { WebSocket, Payload } from "@fosscord/gateway"; import { checkToken, Intents, Member, ReadyEventData, User, Session, EVENTEnum, Config, PublicMember, PublicUser, PrivateUserProjection, ReadState, Application, emitEvent, SessionsReplace, PrivateSessionProjection, MemberPrivateProjection, PresenceUpdateEvent, UserSettings, IdentifySchema, DefaultUserGuildSettings, UserGuildSettings, ReadyGuildDTO, Guild, } from "@fosscord/util"; import { Send } from "../util/Send"; import { CLOSECODES, OPCODES } from "../util/Constants"; import { genSessionId } from "../util/SessionUtils"; import { setupListener } from "../listener/listener"; // import experiments from "./experiments.json"; const experiments: any = []; import { check } from "./instanceOf"; import { Recipient } from "@fosscord/util"; // TODO: user sharding // TODO: check privileged intents, if defined in the config // TODO: check if already identified export async function onIdentify(this: WebSocket, data: Payload) { clearTimeout(this.readyTimeout); // TODO: is this needed now that we use `json-bigint`? if (typeof data.d?.client_state?.highest_last_message_id === "number") data.d.client_state.highest_last_message_id += ""; check.call(this, IdentifySchema, data.d); const identify: IdentifySchema = data.d; try { const { jwtSecret } = Config.get().security; var { decoded } = await checkToken(identify.token, jwtSecret); // will throw an error if invalid } catch (error) { console.error("invalid token", error); return this.close(CLOSECODES.Authentication_failed); } this.user_id = decoded.id; let session_id = this.session_id; const [user, read_states, members, recipients, session, application] = await Promise.all([ User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: this.user_id }, relations: ["relationships", "relationships.to", "settings"], select: [...PrivateUserProjection, "relationships"], }), ReadState.find({ where: { user_id: this.user_id } }), Member.find({ where: { id: this.user_id }, select: MemberPrivateProjection, relations: [ "guild", "guild.channels", "guild.emojis", "guild.roles", "guild.stickers", "user", "roles", ], }), Recipient.find({ where: { user_id: this.user_id, closed: false }, relations: [ "channel", "channel.recipients", "channel.recipients.user", ], // TODO: public user selection }), // save the session and delete it when the websocket is closed Session.create({ user_id: this.user_id, session_id: session_id, // TODO: check if status is only one of: online, dnd, offline, idle status: identify.presence?.status || "offline", //does the session always start as online? client_info: { //TODO read from identity client: "desktop", os: identify.properties?.os, version: 0, }, activities: [], }).save(), Application.findOne({ where: { id: this.user_id } }), ]); if (!user) return this.close(CLOSECODES.Authentication_failed); if (!user.settings) { user.settings = new UserSettings(); await user.settings.save(); } if (!identify.intents) identify.intents = BigInt("0x6ffffffff"); this.intents = new Intents(identify.intents); if (identify.shard) { this.shard_id = identify.shard[0]; this.shard_count = identify.shard[1]; if ( this.shard_count == null || this.shard_id == null || this.shard_id >= this.shard_count || this.shard_id < 0 || this.shard_count <= 0 ) { console.log(identify.shard); return this.close(CLOSECODES.Invalid_shard); } } var users: PublicUser[] = []; const merged_members = members.map((x: Member) => { return [ { ...x, roles: x.roles.map((x) => x.id), settings: undefined, guild: undefined, }, ]; }) as PublicMember[][]; let guilds = members.map((x) => ({ ...x.guild, joined_at: x.joined_at })); const pending_guilds: typeof guilds = []; // @ts-ignore guilds = guilds.map((guild) => { if (user.bot) { pending_guilds.push(guild); return { id: guild.id, unavailable: true }; } return guild; }); // TODO: Rewrite this. Perhaps a DTO? const user_guild_settings_entries = members.map((x) => ({ ...DefaultUserGuildSettings, ...x.settings, guild_id: x.guild.id, channel_overrides: Object.entries( x.settings.channel_overrides ?? {}, ).map((y) => ({ ...y[1], channel_id: y[0], })), })) as any as UserGuildSettings[]; const channels = recipients.map((x) => { //@ts-ignore x.channel.recipients = x.channel.recipients?.map((x) => x.user.toPublicUser(), ); //TODO is this needed? check if users in group dm that are not friends are sent in the READY event users = users.concat(x.channel.recipients as unknown as User[]); if (x.channel.isDm()) { x.channel.recipients = x.channel.recipients!.filter( (x) => x.id !== this.user_id, ); } return x.channel; }); for (let relation of user.relationships) { const related_user = relation.to; const public_related_user = { username: related_user.username, discriminator: related_user.discriminator, id: related_user.id, public_flags: related_user.public_flags, avatar: related_user.avatar, bot: related_user.bot, bio: related_user.bio, premium_since: user.premium_since, premium_type: user.premium_type, accent_color: related_user.accent_color, }; users.push(public_related_user); } setImmediate(async () => { // run in seperate "promise context" because ready payload is not dependent on those events emitEvent({ event: "SESSIONS_REPLACE", user_id: this.user_id, data: await Session.find({ where: { user_id: this.user_id }, select: PrivateSessionProjection, }), } as SessionsReplace); emitEvent({ event: "PRESENCE_UPDATE", user_id: this.user_id, data: { user: await User.getPublicUser(this.user_id), activities: session.activities, client_status: session?.client_info, status: session.status, }, } as PresenceUpdateEvent); }); read_states.forEach((s: any) => { s.id = s.channel_id; delete s.user_id; delete s.channel_id; }); const privateUser = { avatar: user.avatar, mobile: user.mobile, desktop: user.desktop, discriminator: user.discriminator, email: user.email, flags: user.flags, id: user.id, mfa_enabled: user.mfa_enabled, nsfw_allowed: user.nsfw_allowed, phone: user.phone, premium: user.premium, premium_type: user.premium_type, public_flags: user.public_flags, premium_usage_flags: user.premium_usage_flags, purchased_flags: user.purchased_flags, username: user.username, verified: user.verified, bot: user.bot, accent_color: user.accent_color, banner: user.banner, bio: user.bio, premium_since: user.premium_since, }; const d: ReadyEventData = { v: 9, application: { id: application?.id ?? "", flags: application?.flags ?? 0, }, //TODO: check this code! user: privateUser, user_settings: user.settings, // @ts-ignore guilds: guilds.map((x) => { return { ...new ReadyGuildDTO(x as Guild & { joined_at: Date }).toJSON(), guild_hashes: {}, joined_at: x.joined_at, }; }), guild_experiments: [], // TODO geo_ordered_rtc_regions: [], // TODO relationships: user.relationships.map((x) => x.toPublicRelationship()), read_state: { entries: read_states, partial: false, version: 304128, }, user_guild_settings: { entries: user_guild_settings_entries, partial: false, // TODO partial version: 642, }, private_channels: channels, session_id: session_id, analytics_token: "", // TODO connected_accounts: [], // TODO consents: { personalization: { consented: false, // TODO }, }, country_code: user.settings.locale, friend_suggestion_count: 0, // TODO // @ts-ignore experiments: experiments, // TODO guild_join_requests: [], // TODO what is this? users: users.filter((x) => x).unique(), merged_members: merged_members, // shard // TODO: only for user sharding sessions: [], // TODO: }; // TODO: send real proper data structure await Send(this, { op: OPCODES.Dispatch, t: EVENTEnum.Ready, s: this.sequence++, d, }); await Promise.all( pending_guilds.map((guild) => Send(this, { op: OPCODES.Dispatch, t: EVENTEnum.GuildCreate, s: this.sequence++, d: guild, })?.catch(console.error), ), ); //TODO send READY_SUPPLEMENTAL //TODO send GUILD_MEMBER_LIST_UPDATE //TODO send SESSIONS_REPLACE //TODO send VOICE_STATE_UPDATE to let the client know if another device is already connected to a voice channel await setupListener.call(this); // console.log(`${this.ipAddress} identified as ${d.user.id}`); }