import { Config, Guild, Session } from "@fosscord/util"; import { createQueryBuilder } from "typeorm"; export async function initInstance() { // TODO: clean up database and delete tombstone data // TODO: set first user as instance administrator/or generate one if none exists and output it in the terminal // create default guild and add it to auto join // TODO: check if any current user is not part of autoJoinGuilds const { autoJoin } = Config.get().guild; if (autoJoin.enabled && !autoJoin.guilds?.length) { let guild = await Guild.findOne({where: {}, order: {id: "ASC"}}); if (guild) { // @ts-ignore await Config.set({ guild: { autoJoin: { guilds: [] } } }); } } // TODO: do no clear sessions for instance cluster await Session.delete({}); }