/* Fosscord: A FOSS re-implementation and extension of the Discord.com backend. Copyright (C) 2023 Fosscord and Fosscord Contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import { Router, Request, Response } from "express"; import { route } from "@fosscord/api"; import { ApiError, Application, ApplicationAuthorizeSchema, getPermission, DiscordApiErrors, Member, Permissions, User, } from "@fosscord/util"; const router = Router(); // TODO: scopes, other oauth types router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { // const { client_id, scope, response_type, redirect_url } = req.query; const { client_id } = req.query; const app = await Application.findOne({ where: { id: client_id as string, }, relations: ["bot"], }); // TODO: use DiscordApiErrors // findOneOrFail throws code 404 if (!app) throw DiscordApiErrors.UNKNOWN_APPLICATION; if (!app.bot) throw DiscordApiErrors.OAUTH2_APPLICATION_BOT_ABSENT; const bot = app.bot; delete app.bot; const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id, bot: false, }, select: ["id", "username", "avatar", "discriminator", "public_flags"], }); const guilds = await Member.find({ where: { user: { id: req.user_id, }, }, relations: ["guild", "roles"], // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore // prettier-ignore select: ["guild.id", "guild.name", "guild.icon", "guild.mfa_level", "guild.owner_id", "roles.id"], }); const guildsWithPermissions = guilds.map((x) => { const perms = x.guild.owner_id === user.id ? new Permissions(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR) : Permissions.finalPermission({ user: { id: user.id, roles: x.roles?.map((x) => x.id) || [], }, guild: { roles: x?.roles || [], }, }); return { id: x.guild.id, name: x.guild.name, icon: x.guild.icon, mfa_level: x.guild.mfa_level, permissions: perms.bitfield.toString(), }; }); return res.json({ guilds: guildsWithPermissions, user: { id: user.id, username: user.username, avatar: user.avatar, avatar_decoration: null, // TODO discriminator: user.discriminator, public_flags: user.public_flags, }, application: { id: app.id, name: app.name, icon: app.icon, description: app.description, summary: app.summary, type: app.type, hook: app.hook, guild_id: null, // TODO support guilds bot_public: app.bot_public, bot_require_code_grant: app.bot_require_code_grant, verify_key: app.verify_key, flags: app.flags, }, bot: { id: bot.id, username: bot.username, avatar: bot.avatar, avatar_decoration: null, // TODO discriminator: bot.discriminator, public_flags: bot.public_flags, bot: true, approximated_guild_count: 0, // TODO }, authorized: false, }); }); router.post( "/", route({ body: "ApplicationAuthorizeSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const body = req.body as ApplicationAuthorizeSchema; // const { client_id, scope, response_type, redirect_url } = req.query; const { client_id } = req.query; // TODO: captcha verification // TODO: MFA verification const perms = await getPermission( req.user_id, body.guild_id, undefined, { member_relations: ["user"] }, ); // getPermission cache won't exist if we're owner if ( Object.keys(perms.cache || {}).length > 0 && perms.cache.member?.user.bot ) throw DiscordApiErrors.UNAUTHORIZED; perms.hasThrow("MANAGE_GUILD"); const app = await Application.findOne({ where: { id: client_id as string, }, relations: ["bot"], }); // TODO: use DiscordApiErrors // findOneOrFail throws code 404 if (!app) throw new ApiError("Unknown Application", 10002, 404); if (!app.bot) throw new ApiError( "OAuth2 application does not have a bot", 50010, 400, ); await Member.addToGuild(app.id, body.guild_id); return res.json({ location: "/oauth2/authorized", // redirect URL }); }, ); export default router;