/* Fosscord: A FOSS re-implementation and extension of the Discord.com backend. Copyright (C) 2023 Fosscord and Fosscord Contributors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server"; import { route } from "@fosscord/api"; import { isTextChannel } from "./messages"; import { FindManyOptions, Between, Not } from "typeorm"; import { Channel, Config, emitEvent, getPermission, getRights, Message, MessageDeleteBulkEvent, PurgeSchema, } from "@fosscord/util"; import { Router, Response, Request } from "express"; const router: Router = Router(); export default router; /** TODO: apply the delete bit by bit to prevent client and database stress **/ router.post( "/", route({ /*body: "PurgeSchema",*/ }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const { channel_id } = req.params; const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, }); if (!channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("Can't purge dm channels", 400); isTextChannel(channel.type); const rights = await getRights(req.user_id); if (!rights.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) { const permissions = await getPermission( req.user_id, channel.guild_id, channel_id, ); permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_MESSAGES"); permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_CHANNELS"); } const { before, after } = req.body as PurgeSchema; // TODO: send the deletion event bite-by-bite to prevent client stress var query: FindManyOptions & { where: { id?: any } } = { order: { id: "ASC" }, // take: limit, where: { channel_id, id: Between(after, before), // the right way around author_id: rights.has("SELF_DELETE_MESSAGES") ? undefined : Not(req.user_id), // if you lack the right of self-deletion, you can't delete your own messages, even in purges }, relations: [ "author", "webhook", "application", "mentions", "mention_roles", "mention_channels", "sticker_items", "attachments", ], }; const messages = await Message.find(query); const endpoint = Config.get().cdn.endpointPublic; if (messages.length == 0) { res.sendStatus(304); return; } await Message.delete(messages.map((x) => x.id)); await emitEvent({ event: "MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK", channel_id, data: { ids: messages.map((x) => x.id), channel_id, guild_id: channel.guild_id, }, } as MessageDeleteBulkEvent); res.sendStatus(204); }, );