// https://mermade.github.io/openapi-gui/# // https://editor.swagger.io/ const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const TJS = require("typescript-json-schema"); require("missing-native-js-functions"); const schemaPath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "assets", "schemas.json"); const settings = { required: true, ignoreErrors: true, excludePrivate: true, defaultNumberType: "integer", noExtraProps: true, defaultProps: false }; const compilerOptions = { strictNullChecks: true }; const Excluded = [ "DefaultSchema", "Schema", "EntitySchema", "ServerResponse", "Http2ServerResponse", "global.Express.Response", "Response", "e.Response", "request.Response", "supertest.Response", // TODO: Figure out how to exclude schemas from node_modules? "SomeJSONSchema", "UncheckedPartialSchema", "PartialSchema", "UncheckedPropertiesSchema", "PropertiesSchema", "AsyncSchema", "AnySchema", ]; function modify(obj) { for (var k in obj) { if (typeof obj[k] === "object" && obj[k] !== null) { modify(obj[k]); } } } function main() { const program = TJS.programFromConfig("tsconfig.json") const generator = TJS.buildGenerator(program, settings); if (!generator || !program) return; let schemas = generator.getUserSymbols().filter((x) => (x.endsWith("Schema") || x.endsWith("Response")) && !Excluded.includes(x)); console.log(schemas); var definitions = {}; for (const name of schemas) { const part = TJS.generateSchema(program, name, settings, [], generator); if (!part) continue; definitions = { ...definitions, [name]: { ...part } }; } modify(definitions); fs.writeFileSync(schemaPath, JSON.stringify(definitions, null, 4)); } main(); function walk(dir) { var results = []; var list = fs.readdirSync(dir); list.forEach(function (file) { file = dir + "/" + file; var stat = fs.statSync(file); if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { /* Recurse into a subdirectory */ results = results.concat(walk(file)); } else { if (!file.endsWith(".ts")) return; results.push(file); } }); return results; }