/* Changelogs are baked inside the discord.com web client. To change them, we simply need to update the changelog in a specific file of the client. For v134842, thats 9c4b2d313c6e1c864e89.js, but it'll be different for every version. To find which file the changelog is stored in your client, simply grep for the changelog text given by the client, and update the `CHANGELOG_SCRIPT` variable to use that instead. This grabs the new changelog from `fosscord-server/assets/changelog.txt` */ const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const fs = require("fs/promises"); const path = require("path"); const CACHE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, "..", "assets", "cache"); const CHANGELOG_PATH = path.join(__dirname, "..", "assets", "changelog.txt"); const BASE_URL = "https://discord.com"; const CHANGELOG_SCRIPT = "4ec0b5948572d31df88b.js"; (async () => { const res = await fetch(`${BASE_URL}/assets/${CHANGELOG_SCRIPT}`); const text = await res.text(); const newChangelogText = (await fs.readFile(CHANGELOG_PATH)) .toString() .replaceAll("\r", "") .replaceAll("\n", "\\n") .replaceAll("\'", "\\'"); const index = text.indexOf("t.exports='---changelog---") + 11; const endIndex = text.indexOf("'\n", index); // hmm await fs.writeFile( path.join(CACHE_PATH, CHANGELOG_SCRIPT), text.substring(0, index) + newChangelogText + text.substring(endIndex) ); })();