#include "mongoStub.hpp" mongoStub::mongoStub() { if (this->client) { this->db = client["fosscord"]; if (this->db) { this->col = db["events"]; } else { std::cout << "db not found"; exit(-1); } } else { std::cout << "Client couldn't be initialized"; exit(-1); } } // Too slow for my liking std::vector mongoStub::getNewMessages( mongocxx::change_stream* colCs) { std::vector retVec; for (auto&& event : *colCs) { mongoStub::mongoMessage returnValue; std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(event) << std::endl; // Only listen to insert events (to avoid "precondition failed: data" // exception) if (event["operationType"].get_utf8().value.to_string() != "insert") { continue; } std::string evName = event["fullDocument"]["event"].get_utf8().value.to_string(); if(evName.substr(0, 7)=="VSERVER"){ continue; } //Ignore the event if it's been emited by a voice server if (evName == "UDP_CONNECTION") { handleUdpRequest( event["fullDocument"]["data"]["d"]["address"].get_utf8().value.to_string(), event["fullDocument"]["data"]["d"]["port"].get_int32().value, event["fullDocument"]["data"]["d"]["mode"].get_utf8().value.to_string() ); } else if (evName == "VOICE_REQUEST") { //TODO continue; } returnValue.eventName = evName; retVec.push_back(returnValue); } return retVec; } void mongoStub::handleUdpRequest(std::string address, int port, std::string mode) { using bsoncxx::builder::basic::kvp; using bsoncxx::builder::basic::sub_array; using bsoncxx::builder::basic::sub_document; auto builder = bsoncxx::builder::basic::document{}; //Handle UDP socket stuff (later tho) builder.append(kvp("event", "VSERVER_UDP_RESPONSE")); builder.append(kvp("op", "4")); builder.append(kvp("d", [](sub_document subdoc) { subdoc.append(kvp("mode", "CRYPT_MODE")), subdoc.append(kvp("secret_key", [](sub_array subarr) { subarr.append(1, 2, 3, 5); // HOW DO I GEN A SKEY? })); })); bsoncxx::stdx::optional r= col.insert_one(builder.view()); } void mongoStub::handleVoiceRequest() { //Is this really needed? idk }