#Fosscord Environment Variables: | NAME | VALUE | DESCRIPTION | | ------------------ | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | LOG_REQUESTS | ports to include, or exclude (-) | logs requests | | PORT | number | sets port number to listen on | | CDN | string | CDN address | | GATEWAY | string | Gateway address | | NODE_ENV | production/development | sets node environment | | DATABASE | database url | points to what database to use | | EVENT_TRANSMISSION | string | event transmission type | | STORAGE_PROVIDER | s3/file | How to store files for CDN | | STORAGE_LOCATION | path | Directory to store files in | | STORAGE_BUCKET | s3 bucket name | S3 bucket name | | DB_UNSAFE | any | Ignores migrations for database, enabled if defined | | DB_VERBOSE | any | Log database queries, enabled if defined | | DB_MIGRATE | any | Exit fosscord after connecting to and migrating database, used internally | | LOG_INVALID_BODY | any | Log request method, path and body if invalid |