import { Config } from "@fosscord/util"; import "missing-native-js-functions"; const reNUMBER = /[0-9]/g; const reUPPERCASELETTER = /[A-Z]/g; const reSYMBOLS = /[A-Z,a-z,0-9]/g; const blocklist: string[] = []; // TODO: update ones passwordblocklist is stored in db /* * * password must meet following criteria, to be perfect: * - min chars * - min numbers * - min symbols * - min uppercase chars * * Returns: 0 > pw > 1 */ export function checkPassword(password: string): number { const { minLength, minNumbers, minUpperCase, minSymbols } = Config.get().register.password; var strength = 0; // checks for total password len if (password.length >= minLength - 1) { strength += 0.25; } // checks for amount of Numbers if (password.count(reNUMBER) >= minNumbers - 1) { strength += 0.25; } // checks for amount of Uppercase Letters if (password.count(reUPPERCASELETTER) >= minUpperCase - 1) { strength += 0.25; } // checks for amount of symbols if (password.replace(reSYMBOLS, "").length >= minSymbols - 1) { strength += 0.25; } // checks if password only consists of numbers or only consists of chars if (password.length == password.count(reNUMBER) || password.length === password.count(reUPPERCASELETTER)) { strength = 0; } return strength; }