import { ChannelCreateEvent, ChannelModel, ChannelType, emitEvent, getPermission, GuildModel, Snowflake, TextChannel, toObject, VoiceChannel } from "@fosscord/util"; import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server"; // TODO: DM channel export async function createChannel( channel: Partial, user_id: string = "0", opts?: { keepId?: boolean; skipExistsCheck?: boolean; } ) { // Always check if user has permission first const permissions = await getPermission(user_id, channel.guild_id); permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_CHANNELS"); switch (channel.type) { case ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT: case ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE: if (channel.parent_id && !opts?.skipExistsCheck) { const exists = await ChannelModel.findOne({ id: channel.parent_id }, { guild_id: true }).exec(); if (!exists) throw new HTTPError("Parent id channel doesn't exist", 400); if (exists.guild_id !== channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("The category channel needs to be in the guild"); } break; case ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY: break; case ChannelType.DM: case ChannelType.GROUP_DM: throw new HTTPError("You can't create a dm channel in a guild"); // TODO: check if guild is community server case ChannelType.GUILD_STORE: case ChannelType.GUILD_NEWS: default: throw new HTTPError("Not yet supported"); } if (!channel.permission_overwrites) channel.permission_overwrites = []; // TODO: auto generate position channel = await new ChannelModel({, ...(!opts?.keepId && { id: Snowflake.generate() }), created_at: new Date(), // @ts-ignore recipient_ids: null }).save(); await emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_CREATE", data: toObject(channel), guild_id: channel.guild_id } as ChannelCreateEvent); return channel; }