import { Request, Response, Router } from "express"; import { Config, Permissions, GuildModel, InviteModel, ChannelModel, MemberModel } from "@fosscord/server-util"; import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server"; import { random } from "../../../util/RandomInviteID"; const router: Router = Router(); // Undocumented API notes: // An invite is created for the widget_channel_id on request (only if an existing one created by the widget doesn't already exist) // This invite created doesn't include an inviter object like user created ones and has a default expiry of 24 hours // Missing user object information is intentional ( // channels returns voice channel objects where @everyone has the CONNECT permission // members (max 100 returned) is a sample of all members, and bots par invisible status, there exists some alphabetical distribution pattern between the members returned // // TODO: Cache the response for a guild for 5 minutes regardless of response router.get("/", async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const { guild_id } = req.params; const guild = await GuildModel.findOne({ id: guild_id }).exec(); if (!guild.widget_enabled) throw new HTTPError("Widget Disabled", 404); // Fetch existing widget invite for widget channel var invite = await InviteModel.findOne({ channel_id: guild.widget_channel_id, inviter_id: { $type: 10 } }).exec(); if (guild.widget_channel_id && !invite) { // Create invite for channel if none exists // TODO: Refactor invite create code to a shared function const max_age = 86400; // 24 hours const expires_at = new Date(max_age * 1000 +; const body = { code: random(), temporary: false, uses: 0, max_uses: 0, max_age: max_age, expires_at, created_at: new Date(), guild_id, channel_id: guild.widget_channel_id, inviter_id: null }; invite = await new InviteModel(body).save(); } // Fetch voice channels, and the @everyone permissions object let channels: any[] = []; await ChannelModel.find({ guild_id: guild_id, type: 2 }, { permission_overwrites: { $elemMatch: { id: guild_id } } }) .lean() .select("id name position permission_overwrites") .sort({ position: 1 }) .cursor() .eachAsync((doc) => { // Only return channels where @everyone has the CONNECT permission if ( doc.permission_overwrites === undefined || Permissions.channelPermission(doc.permission_overwrites, Permissions.FLAGS.CONNECT) === Permissions.FLAGS.CONNECT ) { channels.push({ id:, name:, position: doc.position }); } }); // Fetch members // TODO: Understand how Discord's max 100 random member sample works, and apply to here (see top of this file) let members: any[] = []; await MemberModel.find({ guild_id: guild_id }) .lean() .populate({ path: "user", select: { _id: 0, username: 1, avatar: 1, presence: 1 } }) .select("id user nick deaf mute") .cursor() .eachAsync((doc) => { const status = doc.user?.presence?.status || "offline"; if (status == "offline") return; let item = {}; item = { ...item, id: null, // this is updated during the sort outside of the query username: doc.nick || doc.user?.username, discriminator: "0000", // intended ( avatar: null, // intended, avatar_url below will return a unique guild + user url to the avatar status: status }; const activity = doc.user?.presence?.activities?.[0]; if (activity) { item = { ...item, game: { name: } }; } // TODO: If the member is in a voice channel, return extra widget details // Extra fields returned include deaf, mute, self_deaf, self_mute, supress, and channel_id (voice channel connected to) // Get this from VoiceState // TODO: Implement a widget-avatar endpoint on the CDN, and implement logic here to request it // Get unique avatar url for guild user, cdn to serve the actual avatar image on this url /* const avatar = doc.user?.avatar; if (avatar) { const CDN_HOST = Config.get().cdn.endpoint || "http://localhost:3003"; const avatar_url = "/widget-avatars/" + ; item = { ...item, avatar_url: avatar_url } } */ members.push(item); }); // Sort members, and update ids (Unable to do under the mongoose query due to members = members.sort((first, second) => 0 - (first.username > second.username ? -1 : 1)); members.forEach((x, i) => { = i; }); // Construct object to respond with const data = { id: guild_id, name:, instant_invite: invite?.code, channels: channels, members: members, presence_count: guild.presence_count }; res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=300"); return res.json(data); }); export default router;