import { Request, Response, Router } from "express"; import { Role, getPermission, Member, GuildRoleCreateEvent, GuildRoleUpdateEvent, GuildRoleDeleteEvent, emitEvent, Config, DiscordApiErrors, handleFile } from "@fosscord/util"; import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server"; import { route } from "@fosscord/api"; const router: Router = Router(); export interface RoleModifySchema { name?: string; permissions?: string; color?: number; hoist?: boolean; // whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar mentionable?: boolean; // whether the role should be mentionable position?: number; icon?: string; unicode_emoji?: string; } export type RolePositionUpdateSchema = { id: string; position: number; }[]; router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const guild_id = req.params.guild_id; await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id); const roles = await Role.find({ guild_id: guild_id }); return res.json(roles); });"/", route({ body: "RoleModifySchema", permission: "MANAGE_ROLES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const guild_id = req.params.guild_id; const body = req.body as RoleModifySchema; const role_count = await Role.count({ guild_id }); const { maxRoles } = Config.get().limits.guild; if (role_count > maxRoles) throw DiscordApiErrors.MAXIMUM_ROLES.withParams(maxRoles); const role = new Role({ // values before ...body are default and can be overriden position: 0, hoist: false, color: 0, mentionable: false, ...body, guild_id: guild_id, managed: false, permissions: String(req.permission!.bitfield & BigInt(body.permissions || "0")), tags: undefined, icon: null, unicode_emoji: null }); await Promise.all([, emitEvent({ event: "GUILD_ROLE_CREATE", guild_id, data: { guild_id, role: role } } as GuildRoleCreateEvent) ]); res.json(role); }); router.patch("/", route({ body: "RolePositionUpdateSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const { guild_id } = req.params; const body = req.body as RolePositionUpdateSchema; const perms = await getPermission(req.user_id, guild_id); perms.hasThrow("MANAGE_ROLES"); await Promise.all( (x) => Role.update({ guild_id, id: }, { position: x.position }))); const roles = await Role.find({ where: => ({ id:, guild_id })) }); await Promise.all( => emitEvent({ event: "GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE", guild_id, data: { guild_id, role: x } } as GuildRoleUpdateEvent) ) ); res.json(roles); }); export default router;