import { Request, Response, Router } from "express"; import { Channel, ChannelRecipientAddEvent, ChannelType, DiscordApiErrors, DmChannelDTO, emitEvent, PublicUserProjection, Recipient, User } from "@fosscord/util"; import { route } from "@fosscord/api" const router: Router = Router(); router.put("/:user_id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const { channel_id, user_id } = req.params; const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, relations: ["recipients"] }); if (channel.type !== ChannelType.GROUP_DM) { const recipients = [!.map(r => r.user_id), user_id ].unique() const new_channel = await Channel.createDMChannel(recipients, req.user_id) return res.status(201).json(new_channel); } else { if (channel.recipients!.map(r => r.user_id).includes(user_id)) { throw DiscordApiErrors.INVALID_RECIPIENT //TODO is this the right error? } channel.recipients!.push(new Recipient({ channel_id: channel_id, user_id: user_id })); await await emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_CREATE", data: await DmChannelDTO.from(channel, [user_id]), user_id: user_id }); await emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_RECIPIENT_ADD", data: { channel_id: channel_id, user: await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: user_id }, select: PublicUserProjection }) }, channel_id: channel_id } as ChannelRecipientAddEvent); return res.sendStatus(204); } }); router.delete("/:user_id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const { channel_id, user_id } = req.params; const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, relations: ["recipients"] }); if (!(channel.type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM && (channel.owner_id === req.user_id || user_id === req.user_id))) throw DiscordApiErrors.MISSING_PERMISSIONS if (!channel.recipients!.map(r => r.user_id).includes(user_id)) { throw DiscordApiErrors.INVALID_RECIPIENT //TODO is this the right error? } await Channel.removeRecipientFromChannel(channel, user_id) return res.sendStatus(204); }); export default router;