import { Request, Response, Router } from "express"; import { Config, generateToken, Invite, FieldErrors, User, adjustEmail, trimSpecial } from "@fosscord/util"; import { route, getIpAdress, IPAnalysis, isProxy } from "@fosscord/api"; import "missing-native-js-functions"; import bcrypt from "bcrypt"; import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server"; const router: Router = Router(); export interface RegisterSchema { /** * @minLength 2 * @maxLength 32 */ username: string; /** * @minLength 1 * @maxLength 72 */ password?: string; consent: boolean; /** * @TJS-format email */ email?: string; fingerprint?: string; invite?: string; /** * @TJS-type string */ date_of_birth?: Date; // "2000-04-03" gift_code_sku_id?: string; captcha_key?: string; }"/", route({ body: "RegisterSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const body = req.body as RegisterSchema; const { register, security } = Config.get(); const ip = getIpAdress(req); // email will be slightly modified version of the user supplied email -> e.g. protection against GMail Trick let email = adjustEmail(; // check if registration is allowed if (!register.allowNewRegistration) { throw FieldErrors({ email: { code: "REGISTRATION_DISABLED", message: req.t("auth:register.REGISTRATION_DISABLED") } }); } // check if the user agreed to the Terms of Service if (!body.consent) { throw FieldErrors({ consent: { code: "CONSENT_REQUIRED", message: req.t("auth:register.CONSENT_REQUIRED") } }); } if (register.disabled) { throw FieldErrors({ email: { code: "DISABLED", message: "registration is disabled on this instance" } }); } if (register.requireCaptcha && security.captcha.enabled) { if (!body.captcha_key) { const { sitekey, service } = security.captcha; return res?.status(400).json({ captcha_key: ["captcha-required"], captcha_sitekey: sitekey, captcha_service: service }); } // TODO: check captcha } if (!register.allowMultipleAccounts) { // TODO: check if fingerprint was eligible generated const exists = await User.findOne({ where: { fingerprints: body.fingerprint }, select: ["id"] }); if (exists) { throw FieldErrors({ email: { code: "EMAIL_ALREADY_REGISTERED", message: req.t("auth:register.EMAIL_ALREADY_REGISTERED") } }); } } if (register.blockProxies) { if (isProxy(await IPAnalysis(ip))) { console.log(`proxy ${ip} blocked from registration`); throw new HTTPError("Your IP is blocked from registration"); } } // TODO: gift_code_sku_id? // TODO: check password strength if (email) { // replace all dots and chars after +, if its a email if (!email) { throw FieldErrors({ email: { code: "INVALID_EMAIL", message: req?.t("auth:register.INVALID_EMAIL") } }); } // check if there is already an account with this email const exists = await User.findOne({ email: email }); if (exists) { throw FieldErrors({ email: { code: "EMAIL_ALREADY_REGISTERED", message: req.t("auth:register.EMAIL_ALREADY_REGISTERED") } }); } } else if ( { throw FieldErrors({ email: { code: "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED") } }); } if (register.dateOfBirth.required && !body.date_of_birth) { throw FieldErrors({ date_of_birth: { code: "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED") } }); } else if (register.dateOfBirth.required && register.dateOfBirth.minimum) { const minimum = new Date(); minimum.setFullYear(minimum.getFullYear() - register.dateOfBirth.minimum); body.date_of_birth = new Date(body.date_of_birth as Date); // higher is younger if (body.date_of_birth > minimum) { throw FieldErrors({ date_of_birth: { code: "DATE_OF_BIRTH_UNDERAGE", message: req.t("auth:register.DATE_OF_BIRTH_UNDERAGE", { years: register.dateOfBirth.minimum }) } }); } } if (body.password) { // the salt is saved in the password refer to bcrypt docs body.password = await bcrypt.hash(body.password, 12); } else if (register.password.required) { throw FieldErrors({ password: { code: "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED") } }); } if (!body.invite && (register.requireInvite || (register.guestsRequireInvite && ! { // require invite to register -> e.g. for organizations to send invites to their employees throw FieldErrors({ email: { code: "INVITE_ONLY", message: req.t("auth:register.INVITE_ONLY") } }); } const user = await User.register({ ...body, req }); if (body.invite) { // await to fail if the invite doesn't exist (necessary for requireInvite to work properly) (username only signups are possible) await Invite.joinGuild(, body.invite); } console.log("register",, body.username, ip); return res.json({ token: await generateToken( }); }); export default router; /** * POST /auth/register * @argument { "fingerprint":"805826570869932034.wR8vi8lGlFBJerErO9LG5NViJFw", "email":"", "username":"qp39gr98", "password":"wtp9gep9gw", "invite":null, "consent":true, "date_of_birth":"2000-04-04", "gift_code_sku_id":null, "captcha_key":null} * * Field Error * @returns { "code": 50035, "errors": { "consent": { "_errors": [{ "code": "CONSENT_REQUIRED", "message": "You must agree to Discord's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy." }]}}, "message": "Invalid Form Body"} * * Success 200: * @returns {token: "OMITTED"} */