import { Request, Response, Router } from "express"; import { route } from "@fosscord/api"; import bcrypt from "bcrypt"; import { Config, User, generateToken, adjustEmail, FieldErrors } from "@fosscord/util"; import crypto from "crypto"; const router: Router = Router(); export default router; export interface LoginSchema { login: string; password: string; undelete?: boolean; captcha_key?: string; login_source?: string; gift_code_sku_id?: string; }"/", route({ body: "LoginSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const { login, password, captcha_key, undelete } = req.body as LoginSchema; const email = adjustEmail(login); const config = Config.get(); if (config.login.requireCaptcha && { if (!captcha_key) { const { sitekey, service } =; return res.status(400).json({ captcha_key: ["captcha-required"], captcha_sitekey: sitekey, captcha_service: service }); } // TODO: check captcha } const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: [{ phone: login }, { email: login }], select: ["data", "id", "disabled", "deleted", "settings", "totp_secret", "mfa_enabled"] }).catch((e) => { throw FieldErrors({ login: { message: req.t("auth:login.INVALID_LOGIN"), code: "INVALID_LOGIN" } }); }); if (undelete) { // undelete refers to un'disable' here if (user.disabled) await User.update({ id: }, { disabled: false }); if (user.deleted) await User.update({ id: }, { deleted: false }); } else { if (user.deleted) return res.status(400).json({ message: "This account is scheduled for deletion.", code: 20011 }); if (user.disabled) return res.status(400).json({ message: req.t("auth:login.ACCOUNT_DISABLED"), code: 20013 }); } // the salt is saved in the password refer to bcrypt docs const same_password = await, || ""); if (!same_password) { throw FieldErrors({ password: { message: req.t("auth:login.INVALID_PASSWORD"), code: "INVALID_PASSWORD" } }); } if (user.mfa_enabled) { // TODO: This is not a ticket. I'm not sure what it is but I'm lazy const ticket = crypto.randomBytes(40).toString("hex"); await User.update({ id: }, { totp_last_ticket: ticket }); return res.json({ ticket: ticket, mfa: true, sms: false, // TODO token: null, }) } const token = await generateToken(; // Notice this will have a different token structure, than discord // Discord header is just the user id as string, which is not possible with npm-jsonwebtoken package // res.json({ token, settings: user.settings }); }); /** * POST /auth/login * @argument { login: "", password: "cleartextpassword", undelete: false, captcha_key: null, login_source: null, gift_code_sku_id: null, } * MFA required: * @returns {"token": null, "mfa": true, "sms": true, "ticket": "SOME TICKET JWT TOKEN"} * Captcha required: * @returns {"captcha_key": ["captcha-required"], "captcha_sitekey": null, "captcha_service": "recaptcha"} * Sucess: * @returns {"token": "USERTOKEN", "settings": {"locale": "en", "theme": "dark"}} */