summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/src/util/migrations/sqlite
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/migrations/sqlite')
10 files changed, 6856 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659899662635-initial.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659899662635-initial.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f82e7b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659899662635-initial.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3529 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class initial1659899662635 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'initial1659899662635'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "config" ("key" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "value" text)
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "relationships" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "from_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "to_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nickname" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17" ON "relationships" ("from_id", "to_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "connected_accounts" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "access_token" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "friend_sync" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "revoked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "show_activity" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "type" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "visibility" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "backup_codes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "consumed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expired" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "bans" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "executor_id" varchar,
+                "ip" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "recipients" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "closed" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "roles" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "color" integer NOT NULL,
+                "hoist" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mentionable" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "position" integer NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "unicode_emoji" varchar,
+                "tags" text
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "webhooks" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "stickers" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "available" boolean,
+                "tags" varchar,
+                "pack_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "format_type" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "attachments" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "filename" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "size" integer NOT NULL,
+                "url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "proxy_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "height" integer,
+                "width" integer,
+                "content_type" varchar,
+                "message_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "messages" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "author_id" varchar,
+                "member_id" varchar,
+                "webhook_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "content" varchar,
+                "timestamp" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')),
+                "edited_timestamp" datetime,
+                "tts" boolean,
+                "mention_everyone" boolean,
+                "embeds" text NOT NULL,
+                "reactions" text NOT NULL,
+                "nonce" text,
+                "pinned" boolean,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "activity" text,
+                "flags" varchar,
+                "message_reference" text,
+                "interaction" text,
+                "components" text,
+                "message_reference_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6" ON "messages" ("channel_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d" ON "messages" ("author_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b" ON "messages" ("channel_id", "id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "read_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "public_ack" varchar,
+                "notifications_cursor" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" datetime,
+                "mention_count" integer
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a" ON "read_states" ("channel_id", "user_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "voice_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_stream" boolean,
+                "self_video" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "suppress" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp" datetime
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "emojis" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "animated" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "available" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "require_colons" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "roles" text NOT NULL,
+                "groups" text
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "templates" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "usage_count" integer,
+                "creator_id" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar,
+                "serialized_source_guild" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb55" UNIQUE ("code")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "team_members" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "membership_state" integer NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" text NOT NULL,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "teams" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "audit_logs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "action_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "options" text,
+                "changes" text NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "categories" (
+                "id" integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "localizations" text NOT NULL,
+                "is_primary" boolean
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "rate_limits" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "executor_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "hits" integer NOT NULL,
+                "blocked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sessions" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "activities" text,
+                "client_info" text NOT NULL,
+                "status" varchar NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sticker_packs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "banner_asset_id" varchar,
+                "cover_sticker_id" varchar,
+                "coverStickerId" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "client_release" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "pub_date" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "deb_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "osx_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "win_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "notes" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "notes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "content" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150b" UNIQUE ("owner_id", "target_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "member_roles" (
+                "index" integer NOT NULL,
+                "role_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("index", "role_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772" ON "member_roles" ("index")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c" ON "member_roles" ("role_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_user_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "usersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "usersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23" ON "message_user_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f" ON "message_user_mentions" ("usersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_role_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rolesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b" ON "message_role_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074" ON "message_role_mentions" ("rolesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_channel_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "channelsId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("channelsId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_stickers" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "stickersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2" ON "message_stickers" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1" ON "message_stickers" ("stickersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_relationships" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "from_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "to_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nickname" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9af4194bab1250b1c584ae4f1d7" FOREIGN KEY ("from_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9c7f6b98a9843b76dce1b0c878b" FOREIGN KEY ("to_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_relationships"("id", "from_id", "to_id", "nickname", "type")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "from_id",
+                "to_id",
+                "nickname",
+                "type"
+            FROM "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_relationships"
+                RENAME TO "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17" ON "relationships" ("from_id", "to_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_connected_accounts" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "access_token" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "friend_sync" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "revoked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "show_activity" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "type" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "visibility" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f47244225a6a1eac04a3463dd90" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_connected_accounts"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "access_token",
+                    "friend_sync",
+                    "name",
+                    "revoked",
+                    "show_activity",
+                    "type",
+                    "verified",
+                    "visibility"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "access_token",
+                "friend_sync",
+                "name",
+                "revoked",
+                "show_activity",
+                "type",
+                "verified",
+                "visibility"
+            FROM "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_connected_accounts"
+                RENAME TO "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_backup_codes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "consumed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expired" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_70066ea80d2f4b871beda32633b" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_backup_codes"("id", "code", "consumed", "expired", "user_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "code",
+                "consumed",
+                "expired",
+                "user_id"
+            FROM "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_backup_codes"
+                RENAME TO "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_bans" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "executor_id" varchar,
+                "ip" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_5999e8e449f80a236ff72023559" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d3ab7dd180ebdd245cdb66ecad" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_07ad88c86d1f290d46748410d58" FOREIGN KEY ("executor_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_bans"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "executor_id",
+                    "ip",
+                    "reason"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "executor_id",
+                "ip",
+                "reason"
+            FROM "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_bans"
+                RENAME TO "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_recipients" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "closed" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_2f18ee1ba667f233ae86c0ea60e" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6157e8b6ba4e6e3089616481fe2" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_recipients"("id", "channel_id", "user_id", "closed")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "closed"
+            FROM "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_recipients"
+                RENAME TO "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_roles" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "color" integer NOT NULL,
+                "hoist" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mentionable" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "position" integer NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "unicode_emoji" varchar,
+                "tags" text,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c32c1ab1c4dc7dcb0278c4b1b8b" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_roles"(
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "color",
+                    "hoist",
+                    "managed",
+                    "mentionable",
+                    "name",
+                    "permissions",
+                    "position",
+                    "icon",
+                    "unicode_emoji",
+                    "tags"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "color",
+                "hoist",
+                "managed",
+                "mentionable",
+                "name",
+                "permissions",
+                "position",
+                "icon",
+                "unicode_emoji",
+                "tags"
+            FROM "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_roles"
+                RENAME TO "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_members"
+                RENAME TO "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_webhooks" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_487a7af59d189f744fe394368fc" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_df528cf77e82f8032230e7e37d8" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c3e5305461931763b56aa905f1c" FOREIGN KEY ("application_id") REFERENCES "applications" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_0d523f6f997c86e052c49b1455f" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3a285f4f49c40e0706d3018bc9f" FOREIGN KEY ("source_guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_webhooks"(
+                    "id",
+                    "type",
+                    "name",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "token",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "application_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "source_guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "type",
+                "name",
+                "avatar",
+                "token",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "application_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "source_guild_id"
+            FROM "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_webhooks"
+                RENAME TO "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_stickers" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "available" boolean,
+                "tags" varchar,
+                "pack_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "format_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e7cfa5cefa6661b3fb8fda8ce69" FOREIGN KEY ("pack_id") REFERENCES "sticker_packs" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_193d551d852aca5347ef5c9f205" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8f4ee73f2bb2325ff980502e158" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_stickers"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "available",
+                    "tags",
+                    "pack_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "format_type"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "available",
+                "tags",
+                "pack_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "type",
+                "format_type"
+            FROM "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_stickers"
+                RENAME TO "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_attachments" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "filename" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "size" integer NOT NULL,
+                "url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "proxy_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "height" integer,
+                "width" integer,
+                "content_type" varchar,
+                "message_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_623e10eec51ada466c5038979e3" FOREIGN KEY ("message_id") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_attachments"(
+                    "id",
+                    "filename",
+                    "size",
+                    "url",
+                    "proxy_url",
+                    "height",
+                    "width",
+                    "content_type",
+                    "message_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "filename",
+                "size",
+                "url",
+                "proxy_url",
+                "height",
+                "width",
+                "content_type",
+                "message_id"
+            FROM "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_attachments"
+                RENAME TO "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_messages" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "author_id" varchar,
+                "member_id" varchar,
+                "webhook_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "content" varchar,
+                "timestamp" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')),
+                "edited_timestamp" datetime,
+                "tts" boolean,
+                "mention_everyone" boolean,
+                "embeds" text NOT NULL,
+                "reactions" text NOT NULL,
+                "nonce" text,
+                "pinned" boolean,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "activity" text,
+                "flags" varchar,
+                "message_reference" text,
+                "interaction" text,
+                "components" text,
+                "message_reference_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6d" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_b193588441b085352a4c0109423" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d3" FOREIGN KEY ("author_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_b0525304f2262b7014245351c76" FOREIGN KEY ("member_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f83c04bcf1df4e5c0e7a52ed348" FOREIGN KEY ("webhook_id") REFERENCES "webhooks" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_5d3ec1cb962de6488637fd779d6" FOREIGN KEY ("application_id") REFERENCES "applications" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_61a92bb65b302a76d9c1fcd3174" FOREIGN KEY ("message_reference_id") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_messages"(
+                    "id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "author_id",
+                    "member_id",
+                    "webhook_id",
+                    "application_id",
+                    "content",
+                    "timestamp",
+                    "edited_timestamp",
+                    "tts",
+                    "mention_everyone",
+                    "embeds",
+                    "reactions",
+                    "nonce",
+                    "pinned",
+                    "type",
+                    "activity",
+                    "flags",
+                    "message_reference",
+                    "interaction",
+                    "components",
+                    "message_reference_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "author_id",
+                "member_id",
+                "webhook_id",
+                "application_id",
+                "content",
+                "timestamp",
+                "edited_timestamp",
+                "tts",
+                "mention_everyone",
+                "embeds",
+                "reactions",
+                "nonce",
+                "pinned",
+                "type",
+                "activity",
+                "flags",
+                "message_reference",
+                "interaction",
+                "components",
+                "message_reference_id"
+            FROM "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_messages"
+                RENAME TO "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6" ON "messages" ("channel_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d" ON "messages" ("author_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b" ON "messages" ("channel_id", "id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_read_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "public_ack" varchar,
+                "notifications_cursor" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" datetime,
+                "mention_count" integer,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_40da2fca4e0eaf7a23b5bfc5d34" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_195f92e4dd1254a4e348c043763" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_read_states"(
+                    "id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "public_ack",
+                    "notifications_cursor",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "mention_count"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "public_ack",
+                "notifications_cursor",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "mention_count"
+            FROM "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_read_states"
+                RENAME TO "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a" ON "read_states" ("channel_id", "user_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_invites"
+                RENAME TO "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_voice_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_stream" boolean,
+                "self_video" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "suppress" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp" datetime,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_03779ef216d4b0358470d9cb748" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9f8d389866b40b6657edd026dd4" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_5fe1d5f931a67e85039c640001b" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_voice_states"(
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "session_id",
+                    "token",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "self_deaf",
+                    "self_mute",
+                    "self_stream",
+                    "self_video",
+                    "suppress",
+                    "request_to_speak_timestamp"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "session_id",
+                "token",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "self_deaf",
+                "self_mute",
+                "self_stream",
+                "self_video",
+                "suppress",
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp"
+            FROM "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_voice_states"
+                RENAME TO "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_channels"(
+                    "id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "type",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "parent_id",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                    "position",
+                    "permission_overwrites",
+                    "video_quality_mode",
+                    "bitrate",
+                    "user_limit",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "rate_limit_per_user",
+                    "topic",
+                    "retention_policy_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "created_at",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "type",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "parent_id",
+                "owner_id",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                "position",
+                "permission_overwrites",
+                "video_quality_mode",
+                "bitrate",
+                "user_limit",
+                "nsfw",
+                "rate_limit_per_user",
+                "topic",
+                "retention_policy_id"
+            FROM "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_channels"
+                RENAME TO "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_emojis" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "animated" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "available" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "require_colons" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "roles" text NOT NULL,
+                "groups" text,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_4b988e0db89d94cebcf07f598cc" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fa7ddd5f9a214e28ce596548421" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_emojis"(
+                    "id",
+                    "animated",
+                    "available",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "managed",
+                    "name",
+                    "require_colons",
+                    "roles",
+                    "groups"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "animated",
+                "available",
+                "guild_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "managed",
+                "name",
+                "require_colons",
+                "roles",
+                "groups"
+            FROM "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_emojis"
+                RENAME TO "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_templates" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "usage_count" integer,
+                "creator_id" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar,
+                "serialized_source_guild" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb55" UNIQUE ("code"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_d7374b7f8f5fbfdececa4fb62e1" FOREIGN KEY ("creator_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_445d00eaaea0e60a017a5ed0c11" FOREIGN KEY ("source_guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_templates"(
+                    "id",
+                    "code",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "usage_count",
+                    "creator_id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "updated_at",
+                    "source_guild_id",
+                    "serialized_source_guild"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "code",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "usage_count",
+                "creator_id",
+                "created_at",
+                "updated_at",
+                "source_guild_id",
+                "serialized_source_guild"
+            FROM "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_templates"
+                RENAME TO "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent"
+            FROM "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+                RENAME TO "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_team_members" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "membership_state" integer NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" text NOT NULL,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fdad7d5768277e60c40e01cdcea" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c2bf4967c8c2a6b845dadfbf3d4" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_team_members"(
+                    "id",
+                    "membership_state",
+                    "permissions",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "membership_state",
+                "permissions",
+                "team_id",
+                "user_id"
+            FROM "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_team_members"
+                RENAME TO "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_teams" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_13f00abf7cb6096c43ecaf8c108" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_teams"("id", "icon", "name", "owner_user_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "icon",
+                "name",
+                "owner_user_id"
+            FROM "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_teams"
+                RENAME TO "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "rpc_origins",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "primary_sku_id",
+                    "slug",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "rpc_origins",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "primary_sku_id",
+                "slug",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "guild_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_audit_logs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "action_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "options" text,
+                "changes" text NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3cd01cd3ae7aab010310d96ac8e" FOREIGN KEY ("target_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_bd2726fd31b35443f2245b93ba0" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_audit_logs"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "action_type",
+                    "options",
+                    "changes",
+                    "reason",
+                    "target_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "action_type",
+                "options",
+                "changes",
+                "reason",
+                "target_id"
+            FROM "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_audit_logs"
+                RENAME TO "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_sessions" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "activities" text,
+                "client_info" text NOT NULL,
+                "status" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_085d540d9f418cfbdc7bd55bb19" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_sessions"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "session_id",
+                    "activities",
+                    "client_info",
+                    "status"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "session_id",
+                "activities",
+                "client_info",
+                "status"
+            FROM "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_sessions"
+                RENAME TO "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_sticker_packs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "banner_asset_id" varchar,
+                "cover_sticker_id" varchar,
+                "coverStickerId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_448fafba4355ee1c837bbc865f1" FOREIGN KEY ("coverStickerId") REFERENCES "stickers" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_sticker_packs"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "banner_asset_id",
+                    "cover_sticker_id",
+                    "coverStickerId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "banner_asset_id",
+                "cover_sticker_id",
+                "coverStickerId"
+            FROM "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_sticker_packs"
+                RENAME TO "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_notes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "content" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150b" UNIQUE ("owner_id", "target_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f9e103f8ae67cb1787063597925" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_23e08e5b4481711d573e1abecdc" FOREIGN KEY ("target_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_notes"("id", "content", "owner_id", "target_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "content",
+                "owner_id",
+                "target_id"
+            FROM "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_notes"
+                RENAME TO "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_member_roles" (
+                "index" integer NOT NULL,
+                "role_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772e" FOREIGN KEY ("index") REFERENCES "members" ("index") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c1" FOREIGN KEY ("role_id") REFERENCES "roles" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("index", "role_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_member_roles"("index", "role_id")
+            SELECT "index",
+                "role_id"
+            FROM "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_member_roles"
+                RENAME TO "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772" ON "member_roles" ("index")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c" ON "member_roles" ("role_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_message_user_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "usersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a343387fc560ef378760681c236" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f8" FOREIGN KEY ("usersId") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "usersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_message_user_mentions"("messagesId", "usersId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "usersId"
+            FROM "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_message_user_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23" ON "message_user_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f" ON "message_user_mentions" ("usersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_message_role_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rolesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b4" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074b" FOREIGN KEY ("rolesId") REFERENCES "roles" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_message_role_mentions"("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "rolesId"
+            FROM "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_message_role_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b" ON "message_role_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074" ON "message_role_mentions" ("rolesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_message_channel_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "channelsId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a4360921" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9d" FOREIGN KEY ("channelsId") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_message_channel_mentions"("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "channelsId"
+            FROM "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_message_channel_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("channelsId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_message_stickers" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "stickersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d28" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1f" FOREIGN KEY ("stickersId") REFERENCES "stickers" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_message_stickers"("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "stickersId"
+            FROM "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_message_stickers"
+                RENAME TO "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2" ON "message_stickers" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1" ON "message_stickers" ("stickersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "query-result-cache" (
+                "id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "identifier" varchar,
+                "time" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "duration" integer NOT NULL,
+                "query" text NOT NULL,
+                "result" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "query-result-cache"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_stickers"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_stickers" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "stickersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "message_stickers"("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "stickersId"
+            FROM "temporary_message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1" ON "message_stickers" ("stickersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2" ON "message_stickers" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_channel_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "channelsId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "message_channel_mentions"("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "channelsId"
+            FROM "temporary_message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("channelsId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_role_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rolesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "message_role_mentions"("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "rolesId"
+            FROM "temporary_message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074" ON "message_role_mentions" ("rolesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b" ON "message_role_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_user_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "usersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "usersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "message_user_mentions"("messagesId", "usersId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "usersId"
+            FROM "temporary_message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f" ON "message_user_mentions" ("usersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23" ON "message_user_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "member_roles"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "member_roles" (
+                "index" integer NOT NULL,
+                "role_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("index", "role_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "member_roles"("index", "role_id")
+            SELECT "index",
+                "role_id"
+            FROM "temporary_member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c" ON "member_roles" ("role_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772" ON "member_roles" ("index")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "notes"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "notes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "content" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150b" UNIQUE ("owner_id", "target_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "notes"("id", "content", "owner_id", "target_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "content",
+                "owner_id",
+                "target_id"
+            FROM "temporary_notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "sticker_packs"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sticker_packs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "banner_asset_id" varchar,
+                "cover_sticker_id" varchar,
+                "coverStickerId" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "sticker_packs"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "banner_asset_id",
+                    "cover_sticker_id",
+                    "coverStickerId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "banner_asset_id",
+                "cover_sticker_id",
+                "coverStickerId"
+            FROM "temporary_sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "sessions"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sessions" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "activities" text,
+                "client_info" text NOT NULL,
+                "status" varchar NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "sessions"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "session_id",
+                    "activities",
+                    "client_info",
+                    "status"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "session_id",
+                "activities",
+                "client_info",
+                "status"
+            FROM "temporary_sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "audit_logs"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "audit_logs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "action_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "options" text,
+                "changes" text NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "audit_logs"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "action_type",
+                    "options",
+                    "changes",
+                    "reason",
+                    "target_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "action_type",
+                "options",
+                "changes",
+                "reason",
+                "target_id"
+            FROM "temporary_audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "rpc_origins",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "primary_sku_id",
+                    "slug",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "rpc_origins",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "primary_sku_id",
+                "slug",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "guild_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "teams"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "teams" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "teams"("id", "icon", "name", "owner_user_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "icon",
+                "name",
+                "owner_user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "team_members"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "team_members" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "membership_state" integer NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" text NOT NULL,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "team_members"(
+                    "id",
+                    "membership_state",
+                    "permissions",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "membership_state",
+                "permissions",
+                "team_id",
+                "user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent"
+            FROM "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "templates"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "templates" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "usage_count" integer,
+                "creator_id" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar,
+                "serialized_source_guild" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb55" UNIQUE ("code")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "templates"(
+                    "id",
+                    "code",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "usage_count",
+                    "creator_id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "updated_at",
+                    "source_guild_id",
+                    "serialized_source_guild"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "code",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "usage_count",
+                "creator_id",
+                "created_at",
+                "updated_at",
+                "source_guild_id",
+                "serialized_source_guild"
+            FROM "temporary_templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "emojis"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "emojis" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "animated" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "available" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "require_colons" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "roles" text NOT NULL,
+                "groups" text
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "emojis"(
+                    "id",
+                    "animated",
+                    "available",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "managed",
+                    "name",
+                    "require_colons",
+                    "roles",
+                    "groups"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "animated",
+                "available",
+                "guild_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "managed",
+                "name",
+                "require_colons",
+                "roles",
+                "groups"
+            FROM "temporary_emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "channels"(
+                    "id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "type",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "parent_id",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                    "position",
+                    "permission_overwrites",
+                    "video_quality_mode",
+                    "bitrate",
+                    "user_limit",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "rate_limit_per_user",
+                    "topic",
+                    "retention_policy_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "created_at",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "type",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "parent_id",
+                "owner_id",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                "position",
+                "permission_overwrites",
+                "video_quality_mode",
+                "bitrate",
+                "user_limit",
+                "nsfw",
+                "rate_limit_per_user",
+                "topic",
+                "retention_policy_id"
+            FROM "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "voice_states"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "voice_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_stream" boolean,
+                "self_video" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "suppress" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp" datetime
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "voice_states"(
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "session_id",
+                    "token",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "self_deaf",
+                    "self_mute",
+                    "self_stream",
+                    "self_video",
+                    "suppress",
+                    "request_to_speak_timestamp"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "session_id",
+                "token",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "self_deaf",
+                "self_mute",
+                "self_stream",
+                "self_video",
+                "suppress",
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp"
+            FROM "temporary_voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "read_states"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "read_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "public_ack" varchar,
+                "notifications_cursor" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" datetime,
+                "mention_count" integer
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "read_states"(
+                    "id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "public_ack",
+                    "notifications_cursor",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "mention_count"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "public_ack",
+                "notifications_cursor",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "mention_count"
+            FROM "temporary_read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a" ON "read_states" ("channel_id", "user_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "messages" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "author_id" varchar,
+                "member_id" varchar,
+                "webhook_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "content" varchar,
+                "timestamp" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')),
+                "edited_timestamp" datetime,
+                "tts" boolean,
+                "mention_everyone" boolean,
+                "embeds" text NOT NULL,
+                "reactions" text NOT NULL,
+                "nonce" text,
+                "pinned" boolean,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "activity" text,
+                "flags" varchar,
+                "message_reference" text,
+                "interaction" text,
+                "components" text,
+                "message_reference_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "messages"(
+                    "id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "author_id",
+                    "member_id",
+                    "webhook_id",
+                    "application_id",
+                    "content",
+                    "timestamp",
+                    "edited_timestamp",
+                    "tts",
+                    "mention_everyone",
+                    "embeds",
+                    "reactions",
+                    "nonce",
+                    "pinned",
+                    "type",
+                    "activity",
+                    "flags",
+                    "message_reference",
+                    "interaction",
+                    "components",
+                    "message_reference_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "author_id",
+                "member_id",
+                "webhook_id",
+                "application_id",
+                "content",
+                "timestamp",
+                "edited_timestamp",
+                "tts",
+                "mention_everyone",
+                "embeds",
+                "reactions",
+                "nonce",
+                "pinned",
+                "type",
+                "activity",
+                "flags",
+                "message_reference",
+                "interaction",
+                "components",
+                "message_reference_id"
+            FROM "temporary_messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b" ON "messages" ("channel_id", "id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d" ON "messages" ("author_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6" ON "messages" ("channel_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "attachments"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "attachments" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "filename" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "size" integer NOT NULL,
+                "url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "proxy_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "height" integer,
+                "width" integer,
+                "content_type" varchar,
+                "message_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "attachments"(
+                    "id",
+                    "filename",
+                    "size",
+                    "url",
+                    "proxy_url",
+                    "height",
+                    "width",
+                    "content_type",
+                    "message_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "filename",
+                "size",
+                "url",
+                "proxy_url",
+                "height",
+                "width",
+                "content_type",
+                "message_id"
+            FROM "temporary_attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "stickers"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "stickers" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "available" boolean,
+                "tags" varchar,
+                "pack_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "format_type" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "stickers"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "available",
+                    "tags",
+                    "pack_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "format_type"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "available",
+                "tags",
+                "pack_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "type",
+                "format_type"
+            FROM "temporary_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "webhooks" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "webhooks"(
+                    "id",
+                    "type",
+                    "name",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "token",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "application_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "source_guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "type",
+                "name",
+                "avatar",
+                "token",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "application_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "source_guild_id"
+            FROM "temporary_webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "roles"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "roles" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "color" integer NOT NULL,
+                "hoist" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mentionable" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "position" integer NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "unicode_emoji" varchar,
+                "tags" text
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "roles"(
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "color",
+                    "hoist",
+                    "managed",
+                    "mentionable",
+                    "name",
+                    "permissions",
+                    "position",
+                    "icon",
+                    "unicode_emoji",
+                    "tags"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "color",
+                "hoist",
+                "managed",
+                "mentionable",
+                "name",
+                "permissions",
+                "position",
+                "icon",
+                "unicode_emoji",
+                "tags"
+            FROM "temporary_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "recipients"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "recipients" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "closed" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "recipients"("id", "channel_id", "user_id", "closed")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "closed"
+            FROM "temporary_recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "bans"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "bans" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "executor_id" varchar,
+                "ip" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "bans"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "executor_id",
+                    "ip",
+                    "reason"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "executor_id",
+                "ip",
+                "reason"
+            FROM "temporary_bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "backup_codes"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "backup_codes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "consumed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expired" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "backup_codes"("id", "code", "consumed", "expired", "user_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "code",
+                "consumed",
+                "expired",
+                "user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "connected_accounts"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "connected_accounts" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "access_token" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "friend_sync" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "revoked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "show_activity" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "type" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "visibility" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "connected_accounts"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "access_token",
+                    "friend_sync",
+                    "name",
+                    "revoked",
+                    "show_activity",
+                    "type",
+                    "verified",
+                    "visibility"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "access_token",
+                "friend_sync",
+                "name",
+                "revoked",
+                "show_activity",
+                "type",
+                "verified",
+                "visibility"
+            FROM "temporary_connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "relationships"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "relationships" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "from_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "to_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nickname" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "relationships"("id", "from_id", "to_id", "nickname", "type")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "from_id",
+                "to_id",
+                "nickname",
+                "type"
+            FROM "temporary_relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17" ON "relationships" ("from_id", "to_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "client_release"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "rate_limits"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "categories"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "config"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659921722863-premium_since_as_date.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659921722863-premium_since_as_date.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..788be625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659921722863-premium_since_as_date.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class premiumSinceAsDate1659921722863 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'premiumSinceAsDate1659921722863'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_members"
+                RENAME TO "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_members"
+                RENAME TO "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660130536131-updated-applications.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660130536131-updated-applications.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8cbcc33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660130536131-updated-applications.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class updatedApplications1660130536131 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'updatedApplications1660130536131'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "rpc_origins",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "primary_sku_id",
+                    "slug",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "rpc_origins",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "primary_sku_id",
+                "slug",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "guild_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "hook",
+                    "redirect_uris",
+                    "rpc_application_state",
+                    "store_application_state",
+                    "verification_state",
+                    "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                    "integration_public",
+                    "integration_require_code_grant",
+                    "discoverability_state",
+                    "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                    "tags",
+                    "install_params",
+                    "bot_user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "type",
+                "hook",
+                "redirect_uris",
+                "rpc_application_state",
+                "store_application_state",
+                "verification_state",
+                "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                "integration_public",
+                "integration_require_code_grant",
+                "discoverability_state",
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                "tags",
+                "install_params",
+                "bot_user_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a647" FOREIGN KEY ("bot_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "hook",
+                    "redirect_uris",
+                    "rpc_application_state",
+                    "store_application_state",
+                    "verification_state",
+                    "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                    "integration_public",
+                    "integration_require_code_grant",
+                    "discoverability_state",
+                    "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                    "tags",
+                    "install_params",
+                    "bot_user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "type",
+                "hook",
+                "redirect_uris",
+                "rpc_application_state",
+                "store_application_state",
+                "verification_state",
+                "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                "integration_public",
+                "integration_require_code_grant",
+                "discoverability_state",
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                "tags",
+                "install_params",
+                "bot_user_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "hook",
+                    "redirect_uris",
+                    "rpc_application_state",
+                    "store_application_state",
+                    "verification_state",
+                    "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                    "integration_public",
+                    "integration_require_code_grant",
+                    "discoverability_state",
+                    "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                    "tags",
+                    "install_params",
+                    "bot_user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "type",
+                "hook",
+                "redirect_uris",
+                "rpc_application_state",
+                "store_application_state",
+                "verification_state",
+                "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                "integration_public",
+                "integration_require_code_grant",
+                "discoverability_state",
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                "tags",
+                "install_params",
+                "bot_user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "hook",
+                    "redirect_uris",
+                    "rpc_application_state",
+                    "store_application_state",
+                    "verification_state",
+                    "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                    "integration_public",
+                    "integration_require_code_grant",
+                    "discoverability_state",
+                    "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                    "tags",
+                    "install_params",
+                    "bot_user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "type",
+                "hook",
+                "redirect_uris",
+                "rpc_application_state",
+                "store_application_state",
+                "verification_state",
+                "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                "integration_public",
+                "integration_require_code_grant",
+                "discoverability_state",
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                "tags",
+                "install_params",
+                "bot_user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "rpc_origins",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "primary_sku_id",
+                    "slug",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "rpc_origins",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "primary_sku_id",
+                "slug",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "guild_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257576211-CodeCleanup1.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257576211-CodeCleanup1.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a61db0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257576211-CodeCleanup1.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup11660257576211 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup11660257576211'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "user_settings" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "allow_accessibility_detection" boolean,
+                "animate_emoji" boolean,
+                "animate_stickers" integer,
+                "contact_sync_enabled" boolean,
+                "convert_emoticons" boolean,
+                "custom_status" text,
+                "default_guilds_restricted" boolean,
+                "detect_platform_accounts" boolean,
+                "developer_mode" boolean,
+                "disable_games_tab" boolean,
+                "enable_tts_command" boolean,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "friend_source_flags" text,
+                "gateway_connected" boolean,
+                "gif_auto_play" boolean,
+                "guild_folders" text,
+                "guild_positions" text,
+                "inline_attachment_media" boolean,
+                "inline_embed_media" boolean,
+                "locale" varchar,
+                "message_display_compact" boolean,
+                "native_phone_integration_enabled" boolean,
+                "render_embeds" boolean,
+                "render_reactions" boolean,
+                "restricted_guilds" text,
+                "show_current_game" boolean,
+                "status" varchar,
+                "stream_notifications_enabled" boolean,
+                "theme" varchar,
+                "timezone_offset" integer
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent"
+            FROM "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+                RENAME TO "guilds"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent"
+            FROM "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "user_settings"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257795259-CodeCleanup2.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257795259-CodeCleanup2.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53698256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257795259-CodeCleanup2.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup21660257795259 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup21660257795259'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent",
+                    "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent",
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+            FROM "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+                RENAME TO "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent",
+                    "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent",
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+            FROM "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+                RENAME TO "guilds"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent",
+                    "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent",
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+            FROM "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent",
+                    "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent",
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+            FROM "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660258351379-CodeCleanup3.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660258351379-CodeCleanup3.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13fba6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660258351379-CodeCleanup3.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup31660258351379 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup31660258351379'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes"
+            FROM "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_users"
+                RENAME TO "users"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes"
+            FROM "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_users"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660260672914-CodeCleanup4.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660260672914-CodeCleanup4.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33f4df03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660260672914-CodeCleanup4.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup41660260672914 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup41660260672914'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes"
+            FROM "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_users"
+                RENAME TO "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf" FOREIGN KEY ("settingsId") REFERENCES "user_settings" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes",
+                    "settingsId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes",
+                "settingsId"
+            FROM "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_users"
+                RENAME TO "users"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes",
+                    "settingsId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes",
+                "settingsId"
+            FROM "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes"
+            FROM "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_users"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660416010862-InvitersAreDeletable.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660416010862-InvitersAreDeletable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b29e119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660416010862-InvitersAreDeletable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class InvitersAreDeletable1660416010862 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'InvitersAreDeletable1660416010862'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_invites"
+                RENAME TO "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_invites"
+                RENAME TO "invites"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660538628956-sync_migrations.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660538628956-sync_migrations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cdc064f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660538628956-sync_migrations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class syncMigrations1660538628956 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'syncMigrations1660538628956'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar,
+                "flags" integer,
+                "default_thread_rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_channels"(
+                    "id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "type",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "parent_id",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                    "position",
+                    "permission_overwrites",
+                    "video_quality_mode",
+                    "bitrate",
+                    "user_limit",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "rate_limit_per_user",
+                    "topic",
+                    "retention_policy_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "created_at",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "type",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "parent_id",
+                "owner_id",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                "position",
+                "permission_overwrites",
+                "video_quality_mode",
+                "bitrate",
+                "user_limit",
+                "nsfw",
+                "rate_limit_per_user",
+                "topic",
+                "retention_policy_id"
+            FROM "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_channels"
+                RENAME TO "channels"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "channels"(
+                    "id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "type",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "parent_id",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                    "position",
+                    "permission_overwrites",
+                    "video_quality_mode",
+                    "bitrate",
+                    "user_limit",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "rate_limit_per_user",
+                    "topic",
+                    "retention_policy_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "created_at",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "type",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "parent_id",
+                "owner_id",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                "position",
+                "permission_overwrites",
+                "video_quality_mode",
+                "bitrate",
+                "user_limit",
+                "nsfw",
+                "rate_limit_per_user",
+                "topic",
+                "retention_policy_id"
+            FROM "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660549233583-fix_nullables.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660549233583-fix_nullables.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68f650c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660549233583-fix_nullables.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class fixNullables1660549233583 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'fixNullables1660549233583'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf" FOREIGN KEY ("settingsId") REFERENCES "user_settings" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes",
+                    "settingsId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes",
+                "settingsId"
+            FROM "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_users"
+                RENAME TO "users"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf" FOREIGN KEY ("settingsId") REFERENCES "user_settings" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes",
+                    "settingsId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes",
+                "settingsId"
+            FROM "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_users"
+        `);
+    }