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path: root/src/util/entities/User.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/entities/User.ts')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/entities/User.ts b/src/util/entities/User.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5432f298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/User.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+import { Column, Entity, FindOneOptions, FindOptionsSelectByString, JoinColumn, OneToMany, OneToOne } from "typeorm";
+import { OrmUtils } from "../util/imports/OrmUtils";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { BitField } from "../util/BitField";
+import { Relationship } from "./Relationship";
+import { ConnectedAccount } from "./ConnectedAccount";
+import { Config, FieldErrors, Snowflake, trimSpecial } from "..";
+import { Member, Session, UserSettings } from ".";
+export enum PublicUserEnum {
+	username,
+	discriminator,
+	id,
+	public_flags,
+	avatar,
+	accent_color,
+	banner,
+	bio,
+	bot,
+	premium_since,
+export type PublicUserKeys = keyof typeof PublicUserEnum;
+export enum PrivateUserEnum {
+	flags,
+	mfa_enabled,
+	email,
+	phone,
+	verified,
+	nsfw_allowed,
+	premium,
+	premium_type,
+	disabled,
+	settings,
+	// locale
+export type PrivateUserKeys = keyof typeof PrivateUserEnum | PublicUserKeys;
+export const PublicUserProjection = Object.values(PublicUserEnum).filter(
+	(x) => typeof x === "string"
+) as PublicUserKeys[];
+export const PrivateUserProjection = [
+	...PublicUserProjection,
+	...Object.values(PrivateUserEnum).filter((x) => typeof x === "string"),
+] as PrivateUserKeys[];
+// Private user data that should never get sent to the client
+export type PublicUser = Pick<User, PublicUserKeys>;
+export interface UserPublic extends Pick<User, PublicUserKeys> {}
+export interface UserPrivate extends Pick<User, PrivateUserKeys> {
+	locale: string;
+// TODO: add purchased_flags, premium_usage_flags
+export class User extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	username: string; // username max length 32, min 2 (should be configurable)
+	@Column()
+	discriminator: string; // opaque string: 4 digits on
+	setDiscriminator(val: string) {
+		const number = Number(val);
+		if (isNaN(number)) throw new Error("invalid discriminator");
+		if (number <= 0 || number >= 10000) throw new Error("discriminator must be between 1 and 9999");
+		this.discriminator = val.toString().padStart(4, "0");
+	}
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	avatar?: string; // hash of the user avatar
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	accent_color?: number; // banner color of user
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	banner?: string; // hash of the user banner
+	@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
+	phone?: string; // phone number of the user
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	desktop: boolean = false; // if the user has desktop app installed
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	mobile: boolean = false; // if the user has mobile app installed
+	@Column()
+	premium: boolean = Config.get().defaults.user.premium; // if user bought individual premium
+	@Column()
+	premium_type: number = Config.get().defaults.user.premium_type; // individual premium level
+	@Column()
+	bot: boolean = false; // if user is bot
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	bio: string; // short description of the user (max 190 chars -> should be configurable)
+	@Column()
+	system: boolean = false; // shouldn't be used, the api sends this field type true, if the generated message comes from a system generated author
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	nsfw_allowed: boolean = true; // if the user can do age-restricted actions (NSFW channels/guilds/commands) // TODO: depending on age
+	@Column({ select: false, nullable: true })
+	mfa_enabled: boolean; // if multi factor authentication is enabled
+	@Column({ select: false, nullable: true })
+	totp_secret?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
+	totp_last_ticket?: string;
+	@Column()
+	created_at: Date = new Date(); // registration date
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	premium_since: Date = new Date(); // premium date
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	verified: boolean = Config.get().defaults.user.verified; // if the user is offically verified
+	@Column()
+	disabled: boolean = false; // if the account is disabled
+	@Column()
+	deleted: boolean = false; // if the user was deleted
+	@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
+	email?: string; // email of the user
+	@Column()
+	flags: string = "0"; // UserFlags // TODO: generate
+	@Column()
+	public_flags: number = 0;
+	@Column({ type: "bigint" })
+	rights: string = Config.get().register.defaultRights; // Rights
+	@OneToMany(() => Session, (session: Session) => session.user)
+	sessions: Session[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "relationship_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Relationship, (relationship: Relationship) => relationship.from, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	relationships: Relationship[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "connected_account_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => ConnectedAccount, (account: ConnectedAccount) => account.user, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	connected_accounts: ConnectedAccount[];
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", select: false })
+	data: {
+		valid_tokens_since: Date; // all tokens with a previous issue date are invalid
+		hash?: string; // hash of the password, salt is saved in password (bcrypt)
+	};
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array", select: false })
+	fingerprints: string[] = []; // array of fingerprints -> used to prevent multiple accounts
+	@OneToOne(()=> UserSettings, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		eager: false
+	})
+	@JoinColumn()
+	settings: UserSettings;
+	// workaround to prevent fossord-unaware clients from deleting settings not used by them
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", select: false })
+	extended_settings: string = "{}";
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+	notes: { [key: string]: string } = {}; //key is ID of user
+	async save(): Promise<any> {
+		if(!this.settings) this.settings = new UserSettings();
+ =;
+		//await;
+		return;
+	}
+	toPublicUser() {
+		const user: any = {};
+		PublicUserProjection.forEach((x) => {
+			user[x] = this[x];
+		});
+		return user as PublicUser;
+	}
+	static async getPublicUser(user_id: string, opts?: FindOneOptions<User>) {
+		return await User.findOneOrFail({
+			where: { id: user_id },
+			select: [...PublicUserProjection, ...((opts?.select as FindOptionsSelectByString<User>) || [])],
+			...opts,
+		});
+	}
+	public static async generateDiscriminator(username: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
+		if (Config.get().register.incrementingDiscriminators) {
+			// discriminator will be incrementally generated
+			// First we need to figure out the currently highest discrimnator for the given username and then increment it
+			const users = await User.find({ where: { username }, select: ["discriminator"] });
+			const highestDiscriminator = Math.max(0, => Number(u.discriminator)));
+			const discriminator = highestDiscriminator + 1;
+			if (discriminator >= 10000) {
+				return undefined;
+			}
+			return discriminator.toString().padStart(4, "0");
+		} else {
+			// discriminator will be randomly generated
+			// randomly generates a discriminator between 1 and 9999 and checks max five times if it already exists
+			// TODO: is there any better way to generate a random discriminator only once, without checking if it already exists in the database?
+			for (let tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) {
+				const discriminator = Math.randomIntBetween(1, 9999).toString().padStart(4, "0");
+				const exists = await User.findOne({ where: { discriminator, username: username }, select: ["id"] });
+				if (!exists) return discriminator;
+			}
+			return undefined;
+		}
+	}
+	static async register({
+		email,
+		username,
+		password,
+		date_of_birth,
+		req,
+	}: {
+		username: string;
+		password?: string;
+		email?: string;
+		date_of_birth?: Date; // "2000-04-03"
+		req?: any;
+	}) {
+		// trim special uf8 control characters -> Backspace, Newline, ...
+		username = trimSpecial(username);
+		const discriminator = await User.generateDiscriminator(username);
+		if (!discriminator) {
+			// We've failed to generate a valid and unused discriminator
+			throw FieldErrors({
+				username: {
+					message: req?.t("auth:register.USERNAME_TOO_MANY_USERS"),
+				},
+			});
+		}
+		// TODO: save date_of_birth
+		// appearently discord doesn't save the date of birth and just calculate if nsfw is allowed
+		// if nsfw_allowed is null/undefined it'll require date_of_birth to set it to true/false
+		const language = req?.language === "en" ? "en-US" : req?.language || "en-US";
+		const user = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new User(), {
+			//required:
+			username: username,
+			discriminator,
+			id: Snowflake.generate(),
+			email: email,
+			data: {
+				hash: password,
+				valid_tokens_since: new Date(),
+			},
+			settings: { UserSettings(), locale: language }
+		});
+		//await (user.settings as UserSettings).save();
+		await;
+		setImmediate(async () => {
+			if (Config.get().guild.autoJoin.enabled) {
+				for (const guild of Config.get().guild.autoJoin.guilds || []) {
+					await Member.addToGuild(, guild).catch((e) => {});
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		return user;
+	}
+export const CUSTOM_USER_FLAG_OFFSET = BigInt(1) << BigInt(32);
+export class UserFlags extends BitField {
+	static FLAGS = {
+		DISCORD_EMPLOYEE: BigInt(1) << BigInt(0),
+		PARTNERED_SERVER_OWNER: BigInt(1) << BigInt(1),
+		HYPESQUAD_EVENTS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(2),
+		BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_1: BigInt(1) << BigInt(3),
+		MFA_SMS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(4),
+		PREMIUM_PROMO_DISMISSED: BigInt(1) << BigInt(5),
+		HOUSE_BRAVERY: BigInt(1) << BigInt(6),
+		HOUSE_BRILLIANCE: BigInt(1) << BigInt(7),
+		HOUSE_BALANCE: BigInt(1) << BigInt(8),
+		EARLY_SUPPORTER: BigInt(1) << BigInt(9),
+		TEAM_USER: BigInt(1) << BigInt(10),
+		TRUST_AND_SAFETY: BigInt(1) << BigInt(11),
+		SYSTEM: BigInt(1) << BigInt(12),
+		HAS_UNREAD_URGENT_MESSAGES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(13),
+		BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_2: BigInt(1) << BigInt(14),
+		UNDERAGE_DELETED: BigInt(1) << BigInt(15),
+		VERIFIED_BOT: BigInt(1) << BigInt(16),
+		CERTIFIED_MODERATOR: BigInt(1) << BigInt(18),
+		BOT_HTTP_INTERACTIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(19),
+	};