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path: root/src/util/entities/Channel.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/entities/Channel.ts')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Channel.ts b/src/util/entities/Channel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b17fdba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Channel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, OneToMany, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { DmChannelDTO } from "../dtos";
+import { ChannelCreateEvent, ChannelRecipientRemoveEvent } from "../interfaces";
+import { containsAll, emitEvent, getPermission, InvisibleCharacters, Snowflake, trimSpecial } from "../util";
+import { HTTPError } from "../util/imports/HTTPError";
+import { OrmUtils } from "../util/imports/OrmUtils";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { Invite } from "./Invite";
+import { Message } from "./Message";
+import { ReadState } from "./ReadState";
+import { Recipient } from "./Recipient";
+import { PublicUserProjection, User } from "./User";
+import { VoiceState } from "./VoiceState";
+import { Webhook } from "./Webhook";
+export enum ChannelType {
+	GUILD_TEXT = 0, // a text channel within a guild
+	DM = 1, // a direct message between users
+	GUILD_VOICE = 2, // a voice channel within a guild
+	GROUP_DM = 3, // a direct message between multiple users
+	GUILD_CATEGORY = 4, // an organizational category that contains zero or more channels
+	GUILD_NEWS = 5, // a channel that users can follow and crosspost into a guild or route
+	GUILD_STORE = 6, // a channel in which game developers can sell their things
+	ENCRYPTED = 7, // end-to-end encrypted channel
+	ENCRYPTED_THREAD = 8, // end-to-end encrypted thread channel
+	TRANSACTIONAL = 9, // event chain style transactional channel
+	GUILD_NEWS_THREAD = 10, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_NEWS channel
+	GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD = 11, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel
+	GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD = 12, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel that is only viewable by those invited and those with the MANAGE_THREADS permission
+	GUILD_STAGE_VOICE = 13, // a voice channel for hosting events with an audience
+	DIRECTORY = 14, // guild directory listing channel
+	GUILD_FORUM = 15, // forum composed of IM threads
+	TICKET_TRACKER = 33, // ticket tracker, individual ticket items shall have type 12
+	KANBAN = 34, // confluence like kanban board
+	VOICELESS_WHITEBOARD = 35, // whiteboard but without voice (whiteboard + voice is the same as stage)
+	CUSTOM_START = 64, // start custom channel types from here
+	UNHANDLED = 255 // unhandled unowned pass-through channel type
+export class Channel extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	created_at: Date;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	name?: string;
+	@Column({ type: "text", nullable: true })
+	icon?: string | null;
+	@Column({ type: "int" })
+	type: ChannelType;
+	@OneToMany(() => Recipient, (recipient: Recipient) =>, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete"
+	})
+	recipients?: Recipient[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	last_message_id: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.guild)
+	guild_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE"
+	})
+	guild: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.parent)
+	parent_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "parent_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel)
+	parent?: Channel;
+	// for group DMs and owned custom channel types
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.owner)
+	owner_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "owner_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	owner: User;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	last_pin_timestamp?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	default_auto_archive_duration?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	position?: number;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	permission_overwrites?: ChannelPermissionOverwrite[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	video_quality_mode?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	bitrate?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	user_limit?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	nsfw?: boolean;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	rate_limit_per_user?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	topic?: string;
+	@OneToMany(() => Invite, (invite: Invite) =>, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete"
+	})
+	invites?: Invite[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	retention_policy_id?: string;
+	@OneToMany(() => Message, (message: Message) =>, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete"
+	})
+	messages?: Message[];
+	@OneToMany(() => VoiceState, (voice_state: VoiceState) =>, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete"
+	})
+	voice_states?: VoiceState[];
+	@OneToMany(() => ReadState, (read_state: ReadState) =>, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete"
+	})
+	read_states?: ReadState[];
+	@OneToMany(() => Webhook, (webhook: Webhook) =>, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete"
+	})
+	webhooks?: Webhook[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	flags?: number = 0;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	default_thread_rate_limit_per_user?: number = 0;
+	// TODO: DM channel
+	static async createChannel(
+		channel: Partial<Channel>,
+		user_id: string = "0",
+		opts?: {
+			keepId?: boolean;
+			skipExistsCheck?: boolean;
+			skipPermissionCheck?: boolean;
+			skipEventEmit?: boolean;
+			skipNameChecks?: boolean;
+		}
+	) {
+		if (!opts?.skipPermissionCheck) {
+			// Always check if user has permission first
+			const permissions = await getPermission(user_id, channel.guild_id);
+			permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_CHANNELS");
+		}
+		if (!opts?.skipNameChecks) {
+			const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel.guild_id } });
+			if (!guild.features.includes("ALLOW_INVALID_CHANNEL_NAMES") && {
+				for (let character of InvisibleCharacters)
+					if ( throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot include invalid characters", 403);
+				// Categories and voice skip these checks on
+				const skipChecksTypes = [ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY, ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE];
+				if ((channel.type && !skipChecksTypes.includes(channel.type)) || guild.features.includes("IRC_LIKE_CHANNEL_NAMES")) {
+					if (" ")) throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot include invalid characters", 403);
+					if (\-\-+/g)) throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot include multiple adjacent dashes.", 403);
+					if ( === "-" || - 1) === "-")
+						throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot start/end with dash.", 403);
+				} else =; //category names are trimmed client side on
+			}
+			if (!guild.features.includes("ALLOW_UNNAMED_CHANNELS")) {
+				if (! throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot be empty.", 403);
+			}
+		}
+		switch (channel.type) {
+			case ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT:
+			case ChannelType.GUILD_NEWS:
+			case ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE:
+				if (channel.parent_id && !opts?.skipExistsCheck) {
+					const exists = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel.parent_id } });
+					if (!exists) throw new HTTPError("Parent id channel doesn't exist", 400);
+					if (exists.guild_id !== channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("The category channel needs to be in the guild");
+				}
+				break;
+			case ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY:
+			case ChannelType.UNHANDLED:
+				break;
+			case ChannelType.DM:
+			case ChannelType.GROUP_DM:
+				throw new HTTPError("You can't create a dm channel in a guild");
+			case ChannelType.GUILD_STORE:
+			default:
+				throw new HTTPError("Not yet supported");
+		}
+		if (!channel.permission_overwrites) channel.permission_overwrites = [];
+		// TODO: eagerly auto generate position of all guild channels
+		channel = {
+			...(!opts?.keepId && { id: Snowflake.generate() }),
+			created_at: new Date(),
+			position: (channel.type === ChannelType.UNHANDLED ? 0 : channel.position) || 0
+		};
+		await Promise.all([
+			OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Channel(), channel).save(),
+			!opts?.skipEventEmit
+				? emitEvent({
+						event: "CHANNEL_CREATE",
+						data: channel,
+						guild_id: channel.guild_id
+				  } as ChannelCreateEvent)
+				: Promise.resolve()
+		]);
+		return channel;
+	}
+	static async createDMChannel(recipients: string[], creator_user_id: string, name?: string) {
+		recipients = recipients.unique().filter((x) => x !== creator_user_id);
+		const otherRecipientsUsers = await User.find({ where: => ({ id: x })) });
+		// TODO: check config for max number of recipients
+		/** if you want to disallow note to self channels, uncomment the conditional below
+		if (otherRecipientsUsers.length !== recipients.length) {
+			throw new HTTPError("Recipient/s not found");
+		}
+		**/
+		const type = recipients.length > 1 ? ChannelType.GROUP_DM : ChannelType.DM;
+		let channel = null;
+		const channelRecipients = [...recipients, creator_user_id];
+		const userRecipients = await Recipient.find({
+			where: { user_id: creator_user_id },
+			relations: ["channel", "channel.recipients"]
+		});
+		for (let ur of userRecipients) {
+			let re =!.map((r) => r.user_id);
+			if (re.length === channelRecipients.length) {
+				if (containsAll(re, channelRecipients)) {
+					if (channel == null) {
+						channel =;
+						ur = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(ur, { closed: false });
+						await;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (channel == null) {
+			name = trimSpecial(name);
+			channel = await (
+				OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Channel(), {
+					name,
+					type,
+					owner_id: type === ChannelType.DM ? undefined : null, // 1:1 DMs are ownerless in fosscord-server
+					created_at: new Date(),
+					last_message_id: null,
+					recipients: =>
+						OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Recipient(), {
+							user_id: x,
+							closed: !(type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM || x === creator_user_id)
+						})
+					)
+				}) as Channel
+			).save();
+		}
+		const channel_dto = await DmChannelDTO.from(channel);
+		if (type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM) {
+			for (let recipient of channel.recipients!) {
+				await emitEvent({
+					event: "CHANNEL_CREATE",
+					data: channel_dto.excludedRecipients([recipient.user_id]),
+					user_id: recipient.user_id
+				});
+			}
+		} else {
+			await emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_CREATE", data: channel_dto, user_id: creator_user_id });
+		}
+		if (recipients.length === 1) return channel_dto;
+		else return channel_dto.excludedRecipients([creator_user_id]);
+	}
+	static async removeRecipientFromChannel(channel: Channel, user_id: string) {
+		await Recipient.delete({ channel_id:, user_id: user_id });
+		channel.recipients = channel.recipients?.filter((r) => r.user_id !== user_id);
+		if (channel.recipients?.length === 0) {
+			await Channel.deleteChannel(channel);
+			await emitEvent({
+				event: "CHANNEL_DELETE",
+				data: await DmChannelDTO.from(channel, [user_id]),
+				user_id: user_id
+			});
+			return;
+		}
+		await emitEvent({
+			event: "CHANNEL_DELETE",
+			data: await DmChannelDTO.from(channel, [user_id]),
+			user_id: user_id
+		});
+		//If the owner leave the server user is the new owner
+		if (channel.owner_id === user_id) {
+			channel.owner_id = "1"; // The channel is now owned by the server user
+			await emitEvent({
+				event: "CHANNEL_UPDATE",
+				data: await DmChannelDTO.from(channel, [user_id]),
+				channel_id:
+			});
+		}
+		await;
+		await emitEvent({
+			data: {
+				channel_id:,
+				user: await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: user_id }, select: PublicUserProjection })
+			},
+			channel_id:
+		} as ChannelRecipientRemoveEvent);
+	}
+	static async deleteChannel(channel: Channel) {
+		await Message.delete({ channel_id: }); //TODO we should also delete the attachments from the cdn but to do that we need to move cdn.ts in util
+		//TODO before deleting the channel we should check and delete other relations
+		await Channel.delete({ id: });
+	}
+	isDm() {
+		return this.type === ChannelType.DM || this.type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM;
+	}
+	// Does the channel support sending messages ( eg categories do not )
+	isWritable() {
+		const disallowedChannelTypes = [ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY, ChannelType.GUILD_STAGE_VOICE, ChannelType.VOICELESS_WHITEBOARD];
+		return disallowedChannelTypes.indexOf(this.type) == -1;
+	}
+export interface ChannelPermissionOverwrite {
+	allow: string;
+	deny: string;
+	id: string;
+	type: ChannelPermissionOverwriteType;
+export enum ChannelPermissionOverwriteType {
+	role = 0,
+	member = 1,
+	group = 2