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path: root/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/index.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/index.ts')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/index.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ab0d97d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import {
+	Attachment,
+	Channel,
+	ChannelType,
+	Config,
+	DmChannelDTO,
+	emitEvent,
+	getPermission,
+	getRights,
+	Message,
+	MessageCreateEvent,
+	Snowflake,
+	uploadFile,
+	Member,
+	MessageCreateSchema
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { handleMessage, postHandleMessage, route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import multer from "multer";
+import { FindManyOptions, LessThan, MoreThan } from "typeorm";
+import { URL } from "url";
+const router: Router = Router();
+export default router;
+export function isTextChannel(type: ChannelType): boolean {
+	switch (type) {
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_STORE:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_STAGE_VOICE:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_FORUM:
+		case ChannelType.DIRECTORY:
+			throw new HTTPError("not a text channel", 400);
+		case ChannelType.DM:
+		case ChannelType.GROUP_DM:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_NEWS:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_NEWS_THREAD:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT:
+		case ChannelType.ENCRYPTED:
+		case ChannelType.ENCRYPTED_THREAD:
+			return true;
+		default:
+			throw new HTTPError("unimplemented", 400);
+	}
+// get messages
+router.get("/", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const channel_id = req.params.channel_id;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	if (!channel) throw new HTTPError("Channel not found", 404);
+	isTextChannel(channel.type);
+	const around = req.query.around ? `${req.query.around}` : undefined;
+	const before = req.query.before ? `${req.query.before}` : undefined;
+	const after = req.query.after ? `${req.query.after}` : undefined;
+	const limit = Number(req.query.limit) || 50;
+	if (limit < 1 || limit > 100) throw new HTTPError("limit must be between 1 and 100", 422);
+	let halfLimit = Math.floor(limit / 2);
+	const permissions = await getPermission(req.user_id, channel.guild_id, channel_id);
+	permissions.hasThrow("VIEW_CHANNEL");
+	if (!permissions.has("READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY")) return res.json([]);
+	let query: FindManyOptions<Message> & { where: { id?: any; }; } = {
+		order: { id: "DESC" },
+		take: limit,
+		where: { channel_id },
+		relations: ["author", "webhook", "application", "mentions", "mention_roles", "mention_channels", "sticker_items", "attachments"]
+	};
+	if (after) {
+		if (after > new Snowflake()) return res.status(422);
+ = MoreThan(after);
+	}
+	else if (before) { 
+		if (before < req.params.channel_id) return res.status(422);
+ = LessThan(before);
+	}
+	else if (around) {
+ = [
+			MoreThan((BigInt(around) - BigInt(halfLimit)).toString()),
+			LessThan((BigInt(around) + BigInt(halfLimit)).toString())
+		];
+	}
+	const messages = await Message.find(query);
+	const endpoint = Config.get().cdn.endpointPublic;
+	return res.json(
+ any) => {
+			(x.reactions || []).forEach((x: any) => {
+				// @ts-ignore
+				if ((x.user_ids || []).includes(req.user_id)) = true;
+				// @ts-ignore
+				delete x.user_ids;
+			});
+			// @ts-ignore
+			if (! = { id: "4", discriminator: "0000", username: "Fosscord Ghost", public_flags: "0", avatar: null };
+			x.attachments?.forEach((y: any) => {
+				// dynamically set attachment proxy_url in case the endpoint changed
+				const uri = y.proxy_url.startsWith("http") ? y.proxy_url : `${y.proxy_url}`;
+				y.proxy_url = `${endpoint == null ? "" : endpoint}${new URL(uri).pathname}`;
+			});
+			/**
+			Some clients ( discord.js ) only check if a property exists within the response,
+			which causes erorrs when, say, the `application` property is `null`.
+			**/
+			for (let curr in x) {
+				if (x[curr] === null)
+					delete x[curr];
+			}
+			return x;
+		})
+	);
+// TODO: config max upload size
+const messageUpload = multer({
+	limits: {
+		fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 100,
+		fields: 10,
+		// files: 1
+	},
+	storage: multer.memoryStorage()
+}); // max upload 50 mb
+ TODO: dynamically change limit of MessageCreateSchema with config
+ TODO: text channel slowdown (per-user and across-users)
+ Q: trim and replace message content and every embed field A: NO, given this cannot be implemented in E2EE channels
+ TODO: only dispatch notifications for mentions denoted in allowed_mentions
+// Send message
+	"/",
+	messageUpload.any(),
+	async (req, res, next) => {
+		if (req.body.payload_json) {
+			req.body = JSON.parse(req.body.payload_json);
+		}
+		next();
+	},
+	route({ body: "MessageCreateSchema", permission: "SEND_MESSAGES", right: "SEND_MESSAGES" }),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { channel_id } = req.params;
+		let body = req.body as MessageCreateSchema;
+		const attachments: Attachment[] = [];
+		const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, relations: ["recipients", "recipients.user"] });
+		if (!channel.isWritable()) {
+			throw new HTTPError(`Cannot send messages to channel of type ${channel.type}`, 400)
+		}
+		const files = req.files as Express.Multer.File[] ?? [];
+		for (let currFile of files) {
+			try {
+				const file: any = await uploadFile(`/attachments/${}`, currFile);
+				attachments.push({ ...file, proxy_url: file.url });
+			}
+			catch (error) {
+				return res.status(400).json(error);
+			}
+		}
+		const embeds = body.embeds || [];
+		if (body.embed) embeds.push(body.embed);
+		let message = await handleMessage({
+			...body,
+			type: 0,
+			pinned: false,
+			author_id: req.user_id,
+			embeds,
+			channel_id,
+			attachments,
+			edited_timestamp: undefined,
+			timestamp: new Date()
+		});
+		channel.last_message_id =;
+		if (channel.isDm()) {
+			const channel_dto = await DmChannelDTO.from(channel);
+			// Only one recipients should be closed here, since in group DMs the recipient is deleted not closed
+			Promise.all(
+				channel.recipients!.map((recipient) => {
+					if (recipient.closed) {
+						recipient.closed = false;
+						return Promise.all([
+							emitEvent({
+								event: "CHANNEL_CREATE",
+								data: channel_dto.excludedRecipients([recipient.user_id]),
+								user_id: recipient.user_id
+							})
+						]);
+					}
+				})
+			);
+		}
+	    //Defining member fields
+		var member = await Member.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, relations: ["roles"] });
+		// TODO: This doesn't work either
+        // member.roles = member.roles.filter((role) => {
+		// 	return !== role.guild_id;
+		// }).map((role) => {
+		// 	return;
+		// });
+		message.member = member;
+		// TODO: Figure this out
+		// delete message.member.last_message_id;
+		// delete message.member.index;
+		await Promise.all([
+			emitEvent({ event: "MESSAGE_CREATE", channel_id: channel_id, data: message } as MessageCreateEvent),
+			message.guild_id ? Member.update({ id: req.user_id, guild_id: message.guild_id }, { last_message_id: }) : null,
+		]);
+		postHandleMessage(message).catch((e) => { }); // no await as it shouldnt block the message send function and silently catch error
+		return res.json(message);
+	}