summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/src
diff options
authorMadeline <>2022-08-22 22:08:22 +1000
committerMadeline <>2022-08-22 22:08:22 +1000
commit975c414434ee08622126bdeb4060532029413c18 (patch)
treea46b7f33a150963f6b8d3515225574610325713f /src
parentMerge branch 'master' into fix/claim_accounts (diff)
parentMerge remote-tracking branch 'Puyodead1/patch/prettier-config' into staging (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/staging' into fix/claim_accounts
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
379 files changed, 150826 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Server.ts b/src/Server.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d5d6422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Server.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+process.on("unhandledRejection", console.error);
+process.on("uncaughtException", console.error);
+import http from "http";
+import * as Api from "@fosscord/api";
+import * as Gateway from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { CDNServer } from "@fosscord/cdn";
+import express from "express";
+import { green, bold, yellow } from "picocolors";
+import { Config, getOrInitialiseDatabase } from "@fosscord/util";
+import * as Sentry from "@sentry/node";
+import * as Tracing from "@sentry/tracing";
+// import { PluginLoader } from "@fosscord/util";
+const app = express();
+const server = http.createServer();
+const port = Number(process.env.PORT) || 3001;
+const production = process.env.NODE_ENV == "development" ? false : true;
+server.on("request", app);
+// @ts-ignore
+const api = new Api.FosscordServer({ server, port, production, app });
+// @ts-ignore
+const cdn = new CDNServer({ server, port, production, app });
+// @ts-ignore
+const gateway = new Gateway.Server({ server, port, production });
+//this is what has been added for the /stop API route
+process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
+	setTimeout(()=>process.exit(0), 3000)
+	server.close(() => {
+		console.log("Stop API has been successfully POSTed, SIGTERM sent")
+	})
+//this is what has been added for the /stop API route
+async function main() {
+	server.listen(port);
+	await getOrInitialiseDatabase();
+	await Config.init();
+	// only set endpointPublic, if not already set
+	await Config.set({
+		cdn: {
+			endpointClient: "${}",
+			endpointPrivate: `http://localhost:${port}`,
+		},
+		gateway: {
+			endpointClient:
+				'${location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss://" : "ws://"}${}',
+			endpointPrivate: `ws://localhost:${port}`,
+			...(!Config.get().gateway.endpointPublic && {
+				endpointPublic: `ws://localhost:${port}`,
+			}),
+		},
+		// regions: {
+		// 	default: "fosscord",
+		// 	useDefaultAsOptimal: true,
+		// 	available: [
+		// 		{
+		// 			id: "fosscord",
+		// 			name: "Fosscord",
+		// 			endpoint: "",
+		// 			vip: false,
+		// 			custom: false,
+		// 			deprecated: false,
+		// 		},
+		// 	],
+		// },
+	} as any);
+	//Sentry
+	if (Config.get().sentry.enabled) {
+		console.log(
+			`[Bundle] ${yellow("You are using Sentry! This may slightly impact performance on large loads!")}`
+		);
+		Sentry.init({
+			dsn: Config.get().sentry.endpoint,
+			integrations: [
+				new Sentry.Integrations.Http({ tracing: true }),
+				new Tracing.Integrations.Express({ app }),
+			],
+			tracesSampleRate: Config.get().sentry.traceSampleRate,
+			environment: Config.get().sentry.environment
+		});
+		app.use(Sentry.Handlers.requestHandler());
+		app.use(Sentry.Handlers.tracingHandler());
+	}
+	await Promise.all([api.start(), cdn.start(), gateway.start()]);
+	if (Config.get().sentry.enabled) {
+		app.use(Sentry.Handlers.errorHandler());
+		app.use(function onError(err: any, req: any, res: any, next: any) {
+			res.statusCode = 500;
+			res.end(res.sentry + "\n");
+		});
+	}
+	console.log(`[Server] ${green(`listening on port ${bold(port)}`)}`);
+	// PluginLoader.loadPlugins();
diff --git a/src/api/Server.ts b/src/api/Server.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..136f9814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/Server.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import { Server, ServerOptions } from "lambert-server";
+import { Authentication, CORS } from "./middlewares/";
+import { Config, getOrInitialiseDatabase, initEvent, registerRoutes } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { ErrorHandler } from "./middlewares/ErrorHandler";
+import { BodyParser } from "./middlewares/BodyParser";
+import { Router, Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
+import path from "path";
+import { initRateLimits } from "./middlewares/RateLimit";
+import TestClient from "./middlewares/TestClient";
+import { initTranslation } from "./middlewares/Translation";
+import morgan from "morgan";
+import { initInstance } from "./util/handlers/Instance";
+import { red } from "picocolors"
+export interface FosscordServerOptions extends ServerOptions {}
+declare global {
+	namespace Express {
+		interface Request {
+			// @ts-ignore
+			server: FosscordServer;
+		}
+	}
+export class FosscordServer extends Server {
+	public declare options: FosscordServerOptions;
+	constructor(opts?: Partial<FosscordServerOptions>) {
+		// @ts-ignore
+		super({ ...opts, errorHandler: false, jsonBody: false });
+	}
+	async start() {
+		await getOrInitialiseDatabase();
+		await Config.init();
+		await initEvent();
+		await initInstance();
+		let logRequests = process.env["LOG_REQUESTS"] != undefined;
+		if (logRequests) {
+				morgan("combined", {
+					skip: (req, res) => {
+						let skip = !(process.env["LOG_REQUESTS"]?.includes(res.statusCode.toString()) ?? false);
+						if (process.env["LOG_REQUESTS"]?.charAt(0) == "-") skip = !skip;
+						return skip;
+					}
+				})
+			);
+		}
+{ inflate: true, limit: "10mb" }));
+		const app =;
+		const api = Router(); // @ts-ignore
+ = api;
+		api.use(Authentication);
+		await initRateLimits(api);
+		await initTranslation(api);
+		this.routes = await registerRoutes(this, path.join(__dirname, "routes", "/"));
+		api.use("*", (error: any, req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
+			if (error) return next(error);
+			res.status(404).json({
+				message: "404 endpoint not found",
+				code: 0
+			});
+			next();
+		});
+ = app;
+		//app.use("/__development", )
+		//app.use("/__internals", )
+		app.use("/api/v6", api);
+		app.use("/api/v7", api);
+		app.use("/api/v8", api);
+		app.use("/api/v9", api);
+		app.use("/api", api); // allow unversioned requests
+		TestClient(;
+		if (logRequests) console.log(red(`Warning: Request logging is enabled! This will spam your console!\nTo disable this, unset the 'LOG_REQUESTS' environment variable!`));
+		return super.start();
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/global.d.ts b/src/api/global.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7751af8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/global.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+declare global {
+	namespace Express {
+		interface Request {
+			user_id: any;
+			token: any;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/api/index.ts b/src/api/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adc7649c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export * from "./Server";
+export * from "./middlewares/";
+export * from "./util/";
diff --git a/src/api/middlewares/Authentication.ts b/src/api/middlewares/Authentication.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d9ccf57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/middlewares/Authentication.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { checkToken, Config, Rights } from "@fosscord/util";
+	// Authentication routes
+	"/auth/login",
+	"/auth/register",
+	"/auth/location-metadata",
+	"/auth/mfa/totp",
+	// Routes with a seperate auth system
+	"/webhooks/",
+	// Public information endpoints 
+	"/ping",
+	"/gateway",
+	"/experiments",
+	"/updates",
+	"/downloads/",
+	"/scheduled-maintenances/upcoming.json",
+	// Public kubernetes integration
+	"/-/readyz",
+	"/-/healthz",
+	// Client analytics
+	"/science",
+	"/track",
+	// Public policy pages
+	"/policies/instance",
+	// Asset delivery
+	/\/guilds\/\d+\/widget\.(json|png)/
+export const API_PREFIX = /^\/api(\/v\d+)?/;
+export const API_PREFIX_TRAILING_SLASH = /^\/api(\/v\d+)?\//;
+declare global {
+	namespace Express {
+		interface Request {
+			user_id: string;
+			user_bot: boolean;
+			token: string;
+			rights: Rights;
+		}
+	}
+export async function Authentication(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
+	if (req.method === "OPTIONS") return res.sendStatus(204);
+	const url = req.url.replace(API_PREFIX, "");
+	if (url.startsWith("/invites") && req.method === "GET") return next();
+	if (
+			if (typeof x === "string") return url.startsWith(x);
+			return x.test(url);
+		})
+	)
+		return next();
+	if (!req.headers.authorization) return next(new HTTPError("Missing Authorization Header", 401));
+	try {
+		const { jwtSecret } = Config.get().security;
+		const { decoded, user }: any = await checkToken(req.headers.authorization, jwtSecret);
+		req.token = decoded;
+		req.user_id =;
+		req.user_bot =;
+		req.rights = new Rights(Number(user.rights));
+		return next();
+	} catch (error: any) {
+		return next(new HTTPError(error?.toString(), 400));
+	}
diff --git a/src/api/middlewares/BodyParser.ts b/src/api/middlewares/BodyParser.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35db3c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/middlewares/BodyParser.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import bodyParser, { OptionsJson } from "body-parser";
+import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+export function BodyParser(opts?: OptionsJson) {
+	const jsonParser = bodyParser.json(opts);
+	return (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
+		if (!req.headers["content-type"]) req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json";
+		jsonParser(req, res, (err) => {
+			if (err) {
+				// TODO: different errors for body parser (request size limit, wrong body type, invalid body, ...)
+				return next(new HTTPError("Invalid Body", 400));
+			}
+			next();
+		});
+	};
diff --git a/src/api/middlewares/CORS.ts b/src/api/middlewares/CORS.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20260cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/middlewares/CORS.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
+// TODO: config settings
+export function CORS(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
+	res.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
+	// TODO: use better CSP
+	res.set(
+		"Content-security-policy",
+		"default-src *  data: blob: filesystem: about: ws: wss: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; script-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline'; img-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src * data: blob: ; style-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline'; font-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline';"
+	);
+	res.set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", req.header("Access-Control-Request-Headers") || "*");
+	res.set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", req.header("Access-Control-Request-Methods") || "*");
+	next();
diff --git a/src/api/middlewares/ErrorHandler.ts b/src/api/middlewares/ErrorHandler.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a046e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/middlewares/ErrorHandler.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { ApiError, FieldError } from "@fosscord/util";
+const EntityNotFoundErrorRegex = /"(\w+)"/;
+export function ErrorHandler(error: Error, req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
+	if (!error) return next();
+	try {
+		let code = 400;
+		let httpcode = code;
+		let message = error?.toString();
+		let errors = undefined;
+		if (error instanceof HTTPError && error.code) code = httpcode = error.code;
+		else if (error instanceof ApiError) {
+			code = error.code;
+			message = error.message;
+			httpcode = error.httpStatus;
+		} else if ( === "EntityNotFoundError") {
+			message = `${error.message.match(EntityNotFoundErrorRegex)?.[1] || "Item"} could not be found`;
+			code = httpcode = 404;
+		} else if (error instanceof FieldError) {
+			code = Number(error.code);
+			message = error.message;
+			errors = error.errors;
+		} else {
+			console.error(`[Error] ${code} ${req.url}\n`, errors || error, "\nbody:", req.body);
+			if (req.server?.options?.production) {
+				// don't expose internal errors to the user, instead human errors should be thrown as HTTPError
+				message = "Internal Server Error";
+			}
+			code = httpcode = 500;
+		}
+		if (httpcode > 511) httpcode = 400;
+		res.status(httpcode).json({ code: code, message, errors });
+	} catch (error) {
+		console.error(`[Internal Server Error] 500`, error);
+		return res.status(500).json({ code: 500, message: "Internal Server Error" });
+	}
diff --git a/src/api/middlewares/RateLimit.ts b/src/api/middlewares/RateLimit.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47180b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/middlewares/RateLimit.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+import { Config, getRights, listenEvent, Rights } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { NextFunction, Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { getIpAdress } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { API_PREFIX_TRAILING_SLASH } from "./Authentication";
+// Docs:
+// TODO: use better caching (e.g. redis) as else it creates to much pressure on the database
+? bucket limit? Max actions/sec per bucket?
+(ANSWER: a small fosscord instance might not need a complex rate limiting system)
+TODO: delay database requests to include multiple queries
+TODO: different for methods (GET/POST)
+> IP addresses that make too many invalid HTTP requests are automatically and temporarily restricted from accessing the Discord API. Currently, this limit is 10,000 per 10 minutes. An invalid request is one that results in 401, 403, or 429 statuses.
+> All bots can make up to 50 requests per second to our API. This is independent of any individual rate limit on a route. If your bot gets big enough, based on its functionality, it may be impossible to stay below 50 requests per second during normal operations.
+type RateLimit = {
+	id: "global" | "error" | string;
+	executor_id: string;
+	hits: number;
+	blocked: boolean;
+	expires_at: Date;
+let Cache = new Map<string, RateLimit>();
+const EventRateLimit = "RATELIMIT";
+export default function rateLimit(opts: {
+	bucket?: string;
+	window: number;
+	count: number;
+	bot?: number;
+	webhook?: number;
+	oauth?: number;
+	GET?: number;
+	MODIFY?: number;
+	error?: boolean;
+	success?: boolean;
+	onlyIp?: boolean;
+}): any {
+	return async (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction): Promise<any> => {
+		// exempt user? if so, immediately short circuit
+		if (req.user_id) {
+			const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+			if (rights.has("BYPASS_RATE_LIMITS")) return;
+		}
+		const bucket_id = opts.bucket || req.originalUrl.replace(API_PREFIX_TRAILING_SLASH, "");
+		let executor_id = getIpAdress(req);
+		if (!opts.onlyIp && req.user_id) executor_id = req.user_id;
+		let max_hits = opts.count;
+		if ( && req.user_bot) max_hits =;
+		if (opts.GET && ["GET", "OPTIONS", "HEAD"].includes(req.method)) max_hits = opts.GET;
+		else if (opts.MODIFY && ["POST", "DELETE", "PATCH", "PUT"].includes(req.method)) max_hits = opts.MODIFY;
+		let offender = Cache.get(executor_id + bucket_id);
+		if (offender) {
+			let reset = offender.expires_at.getTime();
+			let resetAfterMs = reset -;
+			let resetAfterSec = Math.ceil(resetAfterMs / 1000);
+			if (resetAfterMs <= 0) {
+				offender.hits = 0;
+				offender.expires_at = new Date( + opts.window * 1000);
+				offender.blocked = false;
+				Cache.delete(executor_id + bucket_id);
+			}
+			if (offender.blocked) {
+				const global = bucket_id === "global";
+				// each block violation pushes the expiry one full window further
+				reset += opts.window * 1000;
+				offender.expires_at = new Date(offender.expires_at.getTime() + opts.window * 1000);
+				resetAfterMs = reset -;
+				resetAfterSec = Math.ceil(resetAfterMs / 1000);
+				console.log("blocked bucket: " + bucket_id, { resetAfterMs });
+				return (
+					res
+						.status(429)
+						.set("X-RateLimit-Limit", `${max_hits}`)
+						.set("X-RateLimit-Remaining", "0")
+						.set("X-RateLimit-Reset", `${reset}`)
+						.set("X-RateLimit-Reset-After", `${resetAfterSec}`)
+						.set("X-RateLimit-Global", `${global}`)
+						.set("Retry-After", `${Math.ceil(resetAfterSec)}`)
+						.set("X-RateLimit-Bucket", `${bucket_id}`)
+						// TODO: error rate limit message translation
+						.send({ message: "You are being rate limited.", retry_after: resetAfterSec, global })
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		next();
+		const hitRouteOpts = { bucket_id, executor_id, max_hits, window: opts.window };
+		if (opts.error || opts.success) {
+			res.once("finish", () => {
+				// check if error and increment error rate limit
+				if (res.statusCode >= 400 && opts.error) {
+					return hitRoute(hitRouteOpts);
+				} else if (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300 && opts.success) {
+					return hitRoute(hitRouteOpts);
+				}
+			});
+		} else {
+			return hitRoute(hitRouteOpts);
+		}
+	};
+export async function initRateLimits(app: Router) {
+	const { routes, global, ip, error, disabled } = Config.get().limits.rate;
+	if (disabled) return;
+	await listenEvent(EventRateLimit, (event) => {
+		Cache.set(event.channel_id as string,;
+		event.acknowledge?.();
+	});
+	// await RateLimit.delete({ expires_at: LessThan(new Date().toISOString()) }); // cleans up if not already deleted, morethan -> older date
+	// const limits = await RateLimit.find({ blocked: true });
+	// limits.forEach((limit) => {
+	// 	Cache.set(limit.executor_id, limit);
+	// });
+	setInterval(() => {
+		Cache.forEach((x, key) => {
+			if (new Date() > x.expires_at) {
+				Cache.delete(key);
+				// RateLimit.delete({ executor_id: key });
+			}
+		});
+	}, 1000 * 60);
+	app.use(
+		rateLimit({
+			bucket: "global",
+			onlyIp: true,
+			...ip
+		})
+	);
+	app.use(rateLimit({ bucket: "global", }));
+	app.use(
+		rateLimit({
+			bucket: "error",
+			error: true,
+			onlyIp: true,
+			...error
+		})
+	);
+	app.use("/guilds/:id", rateLimit(routes.guild));
+	app.use("/webhooks/:id", rateLimit(routes.webhook));
+	app.use("/channels/:id", rateLimit(;
+	app.use("/auth/login", rateLimit(routes.auth.login));
+	app.use("/auth/register", rateLimit({ onlyIp: true, success: true, ...routes.auth.register }));
+async function hitRoute(opts: { executor_id: string; bucket_id: string; max_hits: number; window: number; }) {
+	const id = opts.executor_id + opts.bucket_id;
+	let limit = Cache.get(id);
+	if (!limit) {
+		limit = {
+			id: opts.bucket_id,
+			executor_id: opts.executor_id,
+			expires_at: new Date( + opts.window * 1000),
+			hits: 0,
+			blocked: false
+		};
+		Cache.set(id, limit);
+	}
+	limit.hits++;
+	if (limit.hits >= opts.max_hits) {
+		limit.blocked = true;
+	}
+	/*
+	let ratelimit = await RateLimit.findOne({ where: { id: opts.bucket_id, executor_id: opts.executor_id } });
+	if (!ratelimit) {
+		ratelimit = new RateLimit({
+			id: opts.bucket_id,
+			executor_id: opts.executor_id,
+			expires_at: new Date( + opts.window * 1000),
+			hits: 0,
+			blocked: false
+		});
+	}
+	ratelimit.hits++;
+	const updateBlock = !ratelimit.blocked && ratelimit.hits >= opts.max_hits;
+	if (updateBlock) {
+		ratelimit.blocked = true;
+		Cache.set(opts.executor_id + opts.bucket_id, ratelimit);
+		await emitEvent({
+			channel_id: EventRateLimit,
+			event: EventRateLimit,
+			data: ratelimit
+		});
+	} else {
+		Cache.delete(opts.executor_id);
+	}
+	await;
+	*/
diff --git a/src/api/middlewares/TestClient.ts b/src/api/middlewares/TestClient.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8ea57f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/middlewares/TestClient.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import express, { Request, Response, Application } from "express";
+import fs from "fs";
+import path from "path";
+import fetch, { Response as FetchResponse, Headers } from "node-fetch";
+import ProxyAgent from 'proxy-agent';
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { AssetCacheItem } from "../util/entities/AssetCacheItem"
+import { green } from "picocolors";
+const AssetsPath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "assets")
+export default function TestClient(app: Application) {
+	const agent = new ProxyAgent();
+	//build client page
+	let html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(AssetsPath, "index.html"), { encoding: "utf8" });
+	html = applyEnv(html);
+	html = applyInlinePlugins(html);
+	html = applyPlugins(html);
+	html = applyPreloadPlugins(html);
+	//load asset cache
+	let newAssetCache: Map<string, AssetCacheItem> = new Map<string, AssetCacheItem>();
+	let assetCacheDir = path.join(AssetsPath, "cache");
+	if(process.env.ASSET_CACHE_DIR)
+		assetCacheDir = process.env.ASSET_CACHE_DIR
+	console.log(`[TestClient] ${green(`Using asset cache path: ${assetCacheDir}`)}`)
+	if(!fs.existsSync(assetCacheDir)) {
+		fs.mkdirSync(assetCacheDir);
+	}
+	if(fs.existsSync(path.join(assetCacheDir, "index.json"))) {
+		let rawdata = fs.readFileSync(path.join(assetCacheDir, "index.json"));
+		newAssetCache = new Map<string, AssetCacheItem>(Object.entries(JSON.parse(rawdata.toString())));
+	}
+	app.use("/assets", express.static(path.join(AssetsPath)));	
+	app.get("/assets/:file", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		delete;
+		let response: FetchResponse;
+		let buffer: Buffer;
+		let assetCacheItem: AssetCacheItem = new AssetCacheItem(req.params.file);
+		if(newAssetCache.has(req.params.file)){
+			assetCacheItem = newAssetCache.get(req.params.file)!;
+			assetCacheItem.Headers.forEach((value: any, name: any) => {
+				res.set(name, value);
+			});
+		}
+		else {
+			console.log(`[TestClient] Downloading file not yet cached! Asset file: ${req.params.file}`);
+			response = await fetch(`${req.params.file}`, {
+				agent,
+				// @ts-ignore
+				headers: {
+					...req.headers
+				}
+			});
+			//set cache info
+			assetCacheItem.Headers = Object.fromEntries(stripHeaders(response.headers));
+			assetCacheItem.FilePath = path.join(assetCacheDir, req.params.file);
+			assetCacheItem.Key = req.params.file;
+			//add to cache and save
+			newAssetCache.set(req.params.file, assetCacheItem);
+			fs.writeFileSync(path.join(assetCacheDir, "index.json"), JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(newAssetCache), null, 4));
+			//download file
+			fs.writeFileSync(assetCacheItem.FilePath, await response.buffer());
+		}
+		assetCacheItem.Headers.forEach((value: string, name: string) => {
+			res.set(name, value);
+		});
+		return res.send(fs.readFileSync(assetCacheItem.FilePath));
+	});
+	app.get("/developers*", (_req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { useTestClient } = Config.get().client;
+		res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=" + 60 * 60 * 24);
+		res.set("content-type", "text/html");
+		if(!useTestClient) return res.send("Test client is disabled on this instance. Use a stand-alone client to connect this instance.")
+		res.send(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "assets", "developers.html"), { encoding: "utf8" }));
+	});
+	app.get("*", (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { useTestClient } = Config.get().client;
+		res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=" + 60 * 60 * 24);
+		res.set("content-type", "text/html");
+		if(req.url.startsWith("/api") || req.url.startsWith("/__development")) return;
+		if(!useTestClient) return res.send("Test client is disabled on this instance. Use a stand-alone client to connect this instance.")
+		if (req.url.startsWith("/invite")) return res.send(html.replace("9b2b7f0632acd0c5e781", "9f24f709a3de09b67c49"));
+		res.send(html);
+	});
+function applyEnv(html: string): string {
+	const CDN_ENDPOINT = (Config.get().cdn.endpointClient || Config.get()?.cdn.endpointPublic || process.env.CDN || "").replace(
+		/(https?)?(:\/\/?)/g,
+		""
+	);
+	const GATEWAY_ENDPOINT = Config.get().gateway.endpointClient || Config.get()?.gateway.endpointPublic || process.env.GATEWAY || "";
+		html = html.replace(/CDN_HOST: .+/, `CDN_HOST: \`${CDN_ENDPOINT}\`,`);
+	}
+		html = html.replace(/GATEWAY_ENDPOINT: .+/, `GATEWAY_ENDPOINT: \`${GATEWAY_ENDPOINT}\`,`);
+	}
+	return html;
+function applyPlugins(html: string): string {
+	// plugins
+	let files = fs.readdirSync(path.join(AssetsPath, "plugins"));
+	let plugins = "";
+	files.forEach(x =>{if(x.endsWith(".js")) plugins += `<script src='/assets/plugins/${x}'></script>\n`; });
+	return html.replaceAll("<!-- plugin marker -->", plugins);
+function applyInlinePlugins(html: string): string{
+	// inline plugins
+	let files = fs.readdirSync(path.join(AssetsPath, "inline-plugins"));
+	let plugins = "";
+	files.forEach(x =>{if(x.endsWith(".js")) plugins += `<script src='/assets/inline-plugins/${x}'></script>\n\n`; });
+	return html.replaceAll("<!-- inline plugin marker -->", plugins);
+function applyPreloadPlugins(html: string): string{
+	//preload plugins
+	let files = fs.readdirSync(path.join(AssetsPath, "preload-plugins"));
+	let plugins = "";
+	files.forEach(x =>{if(x.endsWith(".js")) plugins += `<script>${fs.readFileSync(path.join(AssetsPath, "preload-plugins", x))}</script>\n`; });
+	return html.replaceAll("<!-- preload plugin marker -->", plugins);
+function stripHeaders(headers: Headers): Headers {
+	[
+		"content-length",
+		"content-security-policy",
+		"strict-transport-security",
+		"set-cookie",
+		"transfer-encoding",
+		"expect-ct",
+		"access-control-allow-origin",
+		"content-encoding"
+	].forEach(headerName => {
+		headers.delete(headerName);
+	});
+	return headers;
diff --git a/src/api/middlewares/Translation.ts b/src/api/middlewares/Translation.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64b03bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/middlewares/Translation.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import fs from "fs";
+import path from "path";
+import i18next from "i18next";
+import i18nextMiddleware from "i18next-http-middleware";
+import i18nextBackend from "i18next-node-fs-backend";
+import { Router } from "express";
+export async function initTranslation(router: Router) {
+	const languages = fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "assets", "locales"));
+	const namespaces = fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "assets", "locales", "en"));
+	const ns = namespaces.filter((x) => x.endsWith(".json")).map((x) => x.slice(0, x.length - 5));
+	await i18next
+		.use(i18nextBackend)
+		.use(i18nextMiddleware.LanguageDetector)
+		.init({
+			preload: languages,
+			// debug: true,
+			fallbackLng: "en",
+			ns,
+			backend: {
+				loadPath: __dirname + "/../../../assets/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json"
+			},
+			load: "all"
+		});
+	router.use(i18nextMiddleware.handle(i18next, {}));
diff --git a/src/api/middlewares/index.ts b/src/api/middlewares/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0c50dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/middlewares/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export * from "./Authentication";
+export * from "./BodyParser";
+export * from "./CORS";
+export * from "./ErrorHandler";
+export * from "./RateLimit";
diff --git a/src/api/routes/-/healthz.ts b/src/api/routes/-/healthz.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7bcfebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/-/healthz.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { getConnection } from "typeorm";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	try {
+		// test that the database is alive & responding
+		getConnection();
+		return res.sendStatus(200);
+	} catch (e) {
+		res.sendStatus(503);
+	}
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/-/readyz.ts b/src/api/routes/-/readyz.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7bcfebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/-/readyz.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { getConnection } from "typeorm";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	try {
+		// test that the database is alive & responding
+		getConnection();
+		return res.sendStatus(200);
+	} catch (e) {
+		res.sendStatus(503);
+	}
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/applications/#id/bot/index.ts b/src/api/routes/applications/#id/bot/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cae5215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/applications/#id/bot/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Application, Config, FieldErrors, generateToken, OrmUtils, Snowflake, trimSpecial, User, handleFile } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server";
+import { verifyToken } from "node-2fa";
+const router: Router = Router();
+"/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const app = await Application.findOne({where: {id:}});
+	if(!app) return res.status(404);
+	const username = trimSpecial(;
+	const discriminator = await User.generateDiscriminator(username);
+	if (!discriminator) {
+		// We've failed to generate a valid and unused discriminator
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			username: {
+				message: req?.t("auth:register.USERNAME_TOO_MANY_USERS"),
+			},
+		});
+	}
+	const user = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new User(), {
+		created_at: new Date(),
+		username: username,
+		discriminator,
+		id:,
+		bot: true,
+		system: false,
+		premium_since: null,
+		desktop: false,
+		mobile: false,
+		premium: false,
+		premium_type: 0,
+		bio: app.description,
+		mfa_enabled: true,
+		totp_secret: "",
+		totp_backup_codes: [],
+		verified: true,
+		disabled: false,
+		deleted: false,
+		email: null,
+		rights: Config.get().register.defaultRights,
+		nsfw_allowed: true,
+		public_flags: "0",
+		flags: "0",
+		data: {
+			hash: null,
+			valid_tokens_since: new Date(),
+		},
+		settings: {},
+		extended_settings: {},
+		fingerprints: [],
+		notes: {},
+	});
+	await;
+ = user;
+	await;
+	res.send().status(204)
+"/reset", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let bot = await User.findOne({where: {id:}});
+	let owner = await User.findOne({where: {id: req.user_id}});
+	if(!bot) return res.status(404);
+	if(owner?.totp_secret && (!req.body.code || verifyToken(owner.totp_secret, req.body.code))) {
+		throw new HTTPError(req.t("auth:login.INVALID_TOTP_CODE"), 60008);
+	}
+ = { hash: undefined, valid_tokens_since: new Date() };
+	await;
+	let token = await generateToken(;
+	res.json({token}).status(200);
+router.patch("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	if (req.body.avatar) req.body.avatar = await handleFile(`/avatars/${}`, req.body.avatar as string);
+	let app = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(await User.findOne({where: {id:}}), req.body);
+	await;
+	res.json(app).status(200);
+export default router;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/routes/applications/#id/entitlements.ts b/src/api/routes/applications/#id/entitlements.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfcfe40f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/applications/#id/entitlements.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	//const { exclude_consumed } = req.query;
+	res.status(200).send([]);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/applications/#id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/applications/#id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0aced582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/applications/#id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Application, OrmUtils, Team, trimSpecial, User } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let results = await Application.findOne({where: {id:}, relations: ["owner", "bot"] });
+	res.json(results).status(200);
+router.patch("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	delete req.body.icon;
+	let app = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(await Application.findOne({where: {id:}, relations: ["owner", "bot"]}), req.body);
+	if( {
+ = req.body.description
+	}
+	if(req.body.tags) app.tags = req.body.tags;
+	await;
+	res.json(app).status(200);
+"/delete", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	await Application.delete(;
+	res.send().status(200);
+export default router;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/routes/applications/#id/skus.ts b/src/api/routes/applications/#id/skus.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b667f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/applications/#id/skus.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Application, OrmUtils, Team, trimSpecial, User } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/routes/applications/detectable.ts b/src/api/routes/applications/detectable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28ce42da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/applications/detectable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.send([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/applications/index.ts b/src/api/routes/applications/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..033dcc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/applications/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Application, OrmUtils, Team, trimSpecial, User } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+export interface ApplicationCreateSchema {
+	name: string;
+	team_id?: string | number;
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	let results = await Application.find({where: {owner: {id: req.user_id}}, relations: ["owner", "bot"] });
+	res.json(results).status(200);
+"/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as ApplicationCreateSchema;
+	const user = await User.findOne({where: {id: req.user_id}})
+	if(!user) res.status(420);
+	let app = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Application(), {
+		name: trimSpecial(,
+		description: "",
+		bot_public: true,
+		owner: user,
+		verify_key: "IMPLEMENTME",
+		flags: 0
+	});
+	await;
+	res.json(app).status(200);
+export default router;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/routes/auth/location-metadata.ts b/src/api/routes/auth/location-metadata.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4c2bd16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/auth/location-metadata.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { getIpAdress, IPAnalysis } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/",route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+    //TODO
+    //Note: It's most likely related to legal. At the moment Discord hasn't finished this too
+    const country_code = (await IPAnalysis(getIpAdress(req))).country_code;
+	res.json({ consent_required: false, country_code: country_code, promotional_email_opt_in: { required: true, pre_checked: false}});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/auth/login.ts b/src/api/routes/auth/login.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fc5924d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/auth/login.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
+import { Config, User, generateToken, adjustEmail, FieldErrors, LoginSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import crypto from "crypto";
+const router: Router = Router();
+export default router;
+"/", route({ body: "LoginSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { login, password, captcha_key, undelete } = req.body as LoginSchema;
+	const email = adjustEmail(login);
+	const config = Config.get();
+	if (config.login.requireCaptcha && {
+		if (!captcha_key) {
+			const { sitekey, service } =;
+			return res.status(400).json({
+				captcha_key: ["captcha-required"],
+				captcha_sitekey: sitekey,
+				captcha_service: service
+			});
+		}
+		// TODO: check captcha
+	}
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({
+		where: [{ phone: login }, { email: login }],
+		select: ["data", "id", "disabled", "deleted", "settings", "totp_secret", "mfa_enabled"]
+	}).catch((e) => {
+		throw FieldErrors({ login: { message: req.t("auth:login.INVALID_LOGIN"), code: "INVALID_LOGIN" } });
+	});
+	if (undelete) {
+		// undelete refers to un'disable' here
+		if (user.disabled) await User.update({ id: }, { disabled: false });
+		if (user.deleted) await User.update({ id: }, { deleted: false });
+	} else {
+		if (user.deleted) return res.status(400).json({ message: "This account is scheduled for deletion.", code: 20011 });
+		if (user.disabled) return res.status(400).json({ message: req.t("auth:login.ACCOUNT_DISABLED"), code: 20013 });
+	}
+	// the salt is saved in the password refer to bcrypt docs
+	const same_password = await, || "");
+	if (!same_password) {
+		throw FieldErrors({ password: { message: req.t("auth:login.INVALID_PASSWORD"), code: "INVALID_PASSWORD" } });
+	}
+	if (user.mfa_enabled) {
+		// TODO: This is not a ticket. I'm not sure what it is but I'm lazy
+		const ticket = crypto.randomBytes(40).toString("hex");
+		await User.update({ id: }, { totp_last_ticket: ticket });
+		return res.json({
+			ticket: ticket,
+			mfa: true,
+			sms: false,	// TODO
+			token: null,
+		})
+	}
+	const token = await generateToken(;
+	// Notice this will have a different token structure, than discord
+	// Discord header is just the user id as string, which is not possible with npm-jsonwebtoken package
+	//
+	res.json({ token, settings: user.settings });
+ * POST /auth/login
+ * @argument { login: "", password: "cleartextpassword", undelete: false, captcha_key: null, login_source: null, gift_code_sku_id: null, }
+ * MFA required:
+ * @returns {"token": null, "mfa": true, "sms": true, "ticket": "SOME TICKET JWT TOKEN"}
+ * Captcha required:
+ * @returns {"captcha_key": ["captcha-required"], "captcha_sitekey": null, "captcha_service": "recaptcha"}
+ * Sucess:
+ * @returns {"token": "USERTOKEN", "settings": {"locale": "en", "theme": "dark"}}
+ */
diff --git a/src/api/routes/auth/mfa/totp.ts b/src/api/routes/auth/mfa/totp.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..421dbafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/auth/mfa/totp.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { BackupCode, FieldErrors, generateToken, TotpSchema, User } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { verifyToken } from "node-2fa";
+import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({ body: "TotpSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { code, ticket, gift_code_sku_id, login_source } = req.body as TotpSchema;
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({
+		where: {
+			totp_last_ticket: ticket,
+		},
+		select: [
+			"id",
+			"totp_secret",
+			"settings",
+		],
+	});
+	const backup = await BackupCode.findOne({ where: { code: code, expired: false, consumed: false, user: { id: } } });
+	if (!backup) {
+		const ret = verifyToken(user.totp_secret!, code);
+		if (!ret || != 0)
+			throw new HTTPError(req.t("auth:login.INVALID_TOTP_CODE"), 60008);
+	}
+	else {
+		backup.consumed = true;
+		await;
+	}
+	await User.update({ id: }, { totp_last_ticket: "" });
+	return res.json({
+		token: await generateToken(,
+		user_settings: user.settings,
+	});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/auth/register.ts b/src/api/routes/auth/register.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c4f6050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/auth/register.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Config, generateToken, Invite, FieldErrors, User, adjustEmail, RegisterSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route, getIpAdress, IPAnalysis, isProxy } from "@fosscord/api";
+import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+"/", route({ body: "RegisterSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as RegisterSchema;
+	const { register, security } = Config.get();
+	const ip = getIpAdress(req);
+	// email will be slightly modified version of the user supplied email -> e.g. protection against GMail Trick
+	let email = adjustEmail(;
+	// check if registration is allowed
+	if (!register.allowNewRegistration) {
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			email: { code: "REGISTRATION_DISABLED", message: req.t("auth:register.REGISTRATION_DISABLED") }
+		});
+	}
+	// check if the user agreed to the Terms of Service
+	if (!body.consent) {
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			consent: { code: "CONSENT_REQUIRED", message: req.t("auth:register.CONSENT_REQUIRED") }
+		});
+	}
+	if (register.disabled) {
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			email: {
+				code: "DISABLED",
+				message: "registration is disabled on this instance"
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	if (!register.allowGuests) {
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			email: { code: "GUESTS_DISABLED", message: req.t("auth:register.GUESTS_DISABLED") }
+		});
+	}
+	if (register.requireCaptcha && security.captcha.enabled) {
+		if (!body.captcha_key) {
+			const { sitekey, service } = security.captcha;
+			return res?.status(400).json({
+				captcha_key: ["captcha-required"],
+				captcha_sitekey: sitekey,
+				captcha_service: service
+			});
+		}
+		// TODO: check captcha
+	}
+	if (!register.allowMultipleAccounts) {
+		// TODO: check if fingerprint was eligible generated
+		const exists = await User.findOne({ where: { fingerprints: body.fingerprint }, select: ["id"] });
+		if (exists) {
+			throw FieldErrors({
+				email: {
+					message: req.t("auth:register.EMAIL_ALREADY_REGISTERED")
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	if (register.blockProxies) {
+		if (isProxy(await IPAnalysis(ip))) {
+			console.log(`proxy ${ip} blocked from registration`);
+			throw new HTTPError("Your IP is blocked from registration");
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO: gift_code_sku_id?
+	// TODO: check password strength
+	if (email) {
+		// replace all dots and chars after +, if its a email
+		if (!email) {
+			throw FieldErrors({ email: { code: "INVALID_EMAIL", message: req?.t("auth:register.INVALID_EMAIL") } });
+		}
+		// check if there is already an account with this email
+		const exists = await User.findOne({ where: { email: email } });
+		if (exists) {
+			throw FieldErrors({
+				email: {
+					message: req.t("auth:register.EMAIL_ALREADY_REGISTERED")
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	} else if ( {
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			email: { code: "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED") }
+		});
+	}
+	// If no password is provided, this is a guest account
+	if (register.dateOfBirth.required && (!body.date_of_birth && body.password)) {
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			date_of_birth: { code: "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED") }
+		});
+	} else if (register.dateOfBirth.required && register.dateOfBirth.minimum) {
+		const minimum = new Date();
+		minimum.setFullYear(minimum.getFullYear() - register.dateOfBirth.minimum);
+		body.date_of_birth = new Date(body.date_of_birth as Date);
+		// higher is younger
+		if (body.date_of_birth > minimum) {
+			throw FieldErrors({
+				date_of_birth: {
+					message: req.t("auth:register.DATE_OF_BIRTH_UNDERAGE", { years: register.dateOfBirth.minimum })
+				}
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	if (body.password) {
+		// the salt is saved in the password refer to bcrypt docs
+		body.password = await bcrypt.hash(body.password, 12);
+	} else if (register.password.required) {
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			password: { code: "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED") }
+		});
+	}
+	if (!body.invite && (register.requireInvite || (register.guestsRequireInvite && ! {
+		// require invite to register -> e.g. for organizations to send invites to their employees
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			email: { code: "INVITE_ONLY", message: req.t("auth:register.INVITE_ONLY") }
+		});
+	}
+	const user = await User.register({ ...body, req });
+	if (body.invite) {
+		// await to fail if the invite doesn't exist (necessary for requireInvite to work properly) (username only signups are possible)
+		await Invite.joinGuild(, body.invite);
+	}
+	return res.json({ token: await generateToken( });
+export default router;
+ * POST /auth/register
+ * @argument { "fingerprint":"805826570869932034.wR8vi8lGlFBJerErO9LG5NViJFw", "email":"", "username":"qp39gr98", "password":"wtp9gep9gw", "invite":null, "consent":true, "date_of_birth":"2000-04-04", "gift_code_sku_id":null, "captcha_key":null}
+ *
+ * Field Error
+ * @returns { "code": 50035, "errors": { "consent": { "_errors": [{ "code": "CONSENT_REQUIRED", "message": "You must agree to Discord's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy." }]}}, "message": "Invalid Form Body"}
+ *
+ * Success 200:
+ * @returns {token: "OMITTED"}
+ */
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/followers.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/followers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..641af4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/followers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+const router: Router = Router();
+// TODO:
+export default router;
+ *
+ * @param {"webhook_channel_id":"754001514330062952"}
+ *
+ * Creates a WebHook in the channel and returns the id of it
+ *
+ * @returns {"channel_id": "816382962056560690", "webhook_id": "834910735095037962"}
+ */
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb8b868b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import {
+	Channel,
+	ChannelDeleteEvent,
+	ChannelPermissionOverwriteType,
+	ChannelType,
+	ChannelUpdateEvent,
+	emitEvent,
+	Recipient,
+	handleFile,
+	ChannelModifySchema
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+// TODO: delete channel
+// TODO: Get channel
+router.get("/", route({ permission: "VIEW_CHANNEL" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	return res.send(channel);
+router.delete("/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_CHANNELS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, relations: ["recipients"] });
+	if (channel.type === ChannelType.DM) {
+		const recipient = await Recipient.findOneOrFail({ where: { channel_id, user_id: req.user_id } });
+		recipient.closed = true;
+		await Promise.all([
+			emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_DELETE", data: channel, user_id: req.user_id } as ChannelDeleteEvent)
+		]);
+	} else if (channel.type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM) {
+		await Channel.removeRecipientFromChannel(channel, req.user_id);
+	} else {
+		await Promise.all([
+			Channel.delete({ id: channel_id }),
+			emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_DELETE", data: channel, channel_id } as ChannelDeleteEvent)
+		]);
+	}
+	res.send(channel);
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "ChannelModifySchema", permission: "MANAGE_CHANNELS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let payload = req.body as ChannelModifySchema;
+	const { channel_id } = req.params;
+	if (payload.icon) payload.icon = await handleFile(`/channel-icons/${channel_id}`, payload.icon);
+	let channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	channel = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(channel, payload);
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "CHANNEL_UPDATE",
+			data: channel,
+			channel_id
+		} as ChannelUpdateEvent)
+	]);
+	res.send(channel);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/invites.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/invites.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5c65c0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/invites.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { random } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Channel, Invite, InviteCreateEvent, emitEvent, User, Guild, PublicInviteRelation } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { isTextChannel } from "./messages";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+"/", route({ body: "InviteCreateSchema", permission: "CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE", right: "CREATE_INVITES" }),
+			async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { user_id } = req;
+	const { channel_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, select: ["id", "name", "type", "guild_id"] });
+	isTextChannel(channel.type);
+	if (!channel.guild_id) {
+		throw new HTTPError("This channel doesn't exist", 404);
+	}
+	const { guild_id } = channel;
+	const expires_at = new Date(req.body.max_age * 1000 +;
+	const invite = await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Invite(),{
+		temporary: req.body.temporary || true,
+		max_uses: req.body.max_uses,
+		max_age: req.body.max_age,
+		expires_at,
+		guild_id,
+		channel_id,
+		inviter_id: user_id
+	}).save();
+	//TODO: check this, removed toJSON call
+	const data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(invite));
+	data.inviter = await User.getPublicUser(req.user_id);
+	data.guild = await Guild.findOne({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+ = channel;
+	await emitEvent({ event: "INVITE_CREATE", data, guild_id } as InviteCreateEvent);
+	res.status(201).send(data);
+router.get("/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_CHANNELS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	if (!channel.guild_id) {
+		throw new HTTPError("This channel doesn't exist", 404);
+	}
+	const { guild_id } = channel;
+	const invites = await Invite.find({ where: { guild_id }, relations: PublicInviteRelation });
+	res.status(200).send(invites);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/ack.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/ack.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..041f4d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/ack.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { emitEvent, getPermission, MessageAckEvent, ReadState, Snowflake } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({ body: "MessageAcknowledgeSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id, message_id } = req.params;
+	const permission = await getPermission(req.user_id, undefined, channel_id);
+	permission.hasThrow("VIEW_CHANNEL");
+	let read_state = await ReadState.findOne({ where: { user_id: req.user_id, channel_id } });
+	if (!read_state) read_state = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new ReadState(), { user_id: req.user_id, channel_id }) as ReadState;
+	read_state.last_message_id = message_id;
+	await;
+	await emitEvent({
+		event: "MESSAGE_ACK",
+		user_id: req.user_id,
+		data: {
+			channel_id,
+			message_id,
+			version: 3763
+		}
+	} as MessageAckEvent);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/crosspost.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/crosspost.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2cb6763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/crosspost.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_MESSAGES" }), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.json({
+		id: "",
+		type: 0,
+		content: "",
+		channel_id: "",
+		author: { id: "", username: "", avatar: "", discriminator: "", public_flags: 64 },
+		attachments: [],
+		embeds: [],
+		mentions: [],
+		mention_roles: [],
+		pinned: false,
+		mention_everyone: false,
+		tts: false,
+		timestamp: "",
+		edited_timestamp: null,
+		flags: 1,
+		components: []
+	}).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7e27062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+import {
+	Attachment,
+	Channel,
+	Embed,
+	DiscordApiErrors,
+	emitEvent,
+	FosscordApiErrors,
+	getPermission,
+	getRights,
+ 	Message,
+	MessageCreateEvent,
+	MessageDeleteEvent,
+	MessageUpdateEvent,
+	Snowflake,
+	uploadFile, 
+	MessageCreateSchema
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import multer from "multer";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { handleMessage, postHandleMessage } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+// TODO: message content/embed string length limit
+const messageUpload = multer({
+	limits: {
+		fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 100,
+		fields: 10,
+		files: 1
+	},
+	storage: multer.memoryStorage()
+}); // max upload 50 mb
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "MessageCreateSchema", permission: "SEND_MESSAGES", right: "SEND_MESSAGES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { message_id, channel_id } = req.params;
+	let body = req.body as MessageCreateSchema;
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id, channel_id }, relations: ["attachments"] });
+	const permissions = await getPermission(req.user_id, undefined, channel_id);
+	const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+	if ((req.user_id !== message.author_id)) {
+		if (!rights.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) {
+			permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_MESSAGES");
+			body = { flags: body.flags };
+// guild admins can only suppress embeds of other messages, no such restriction imposed to instance-wide admins
+		}
+	} else rights.hasThrow("SELF_EDIT_MESSAGES");
+	const new_message = await handleMessage({
+		...message,
+		// TODO: should message_reference be overridable?
+		// @ts-ignore
+		message_reference: message.message_reference,
+		...body,
+		author_id: message.author_id,
+		channel_id,
+		id: message_id,
+		edited_timestamp: new Date()
+	});
+	await Promise.all([
+		new_message!.save(),
+		await emitEvent({
+			event: "MESSAGE_UPDATE",
+			channel_id,
+			data: { ...new_message, nonce: undefined }
+		} as MessageUpdateEvent)
+	]);
+	postHandleMessage(message);
+	return res.json(message);
+// Backfill message with specific timestamp
+	"/",
+	messageUpload.single("file"),
+	async (req, res, next) => {
+		if (req.body.payload_json) {
+			req.body = JSON.parse(req.body.payload_json);
+		}
+		next();
+	},
+	route({ body: "MessageCreateSchema", permission: "SEND_MESSAGES", right: "SEND_BACKDATED_EVENTS" }),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { channel_id, message_id } = req.params;
+		let body = req.body as MessageCreateSchema;
+		const attachments: Attachment[] = [];
+		const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+		rights.hasThrow("SEND_MESSAGES");
+		// regex to check if message contains anything other than numerals ( also no decimals )
+		if (!message_id.match(/^\+?\d+$/)) {
+			throw new HTTPError("Message IDs must be positive integers", 400);
+		}
+		const snowflake = Snowflake.deconstruct(message_id)
+		if ( < snowflake.timestamp) {
+			// message is in the future
+			throw FosscordApiErrors.CANNOT_BACKFILL_TO_THE_FUTURE;
+		}
+		const exists = await Message.findOne({ where: { id: message_id, channel_id: channel_id }});
+		if (exists) {
+			throw FosscordApiErrors.CANNOT_REPLACE_BY_BACKFILL;
+		}
+		if (req.file) {
+			try {
+				const file: any = await uploadFile(`/attachments/${req.params.channel_id}`, req.file);
+				attachments.push({ ...file, proxy_url: file.url });
+			} catch (error) {
+				return res.status(400).json(error);
+			}
+		}
+		const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, relations: ["recipients", "recipients.user"] });
+		const embeds = body.embeds || [];
+		if (body.embed) embeds.push(body.embed);
+		let message = await handleMessage({
+			...body,
+			type: 0,
+			pinned: false,
+			author_id: req.user_id,
+			id: message_id,
+			embeds,
+			channel_id,
+			attachments,
+			edited_timestamp: undefined,
+			timestamp: new Date(snowflake.timestamp),
+		});
+		//Fix for the client bug
+		delete message.member
+		await Promise.all([
+			emitEvent({ event: "MESSAGE_CREATE", channel_id: channel_id, data: message } as MessageCreateEvent),
+		]);
+		postHandleMessage(message).catch((e) => { }); // no await as it shouldnt block the message send function and silently catch error
+		return res.json(message);
+	}
+router.get("/", route({ permission: "VIEW_CHANNEL" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { message_id, channel_id } = req.params;
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id, channel_id }, relations: ["attachments"] });
+	const permissions = await getPermission(req.user_id, undefined, channel_id);
+	if (message.author_id !== req.user_id) permissions.hasThrow("READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY");
+	return res.json(message);
+router.delete("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { message_id, channel_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id } });
+	const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+	if ((message.author_id !== req.user_id)) {
+		if (!rights.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) {
+			const permission = await getPermission(req.user_id, channel.guild_id, channel_id);
+			permission.hasThrow("MANAGE_MESSAGES");
+		}
+	} else rights.hasThrow("SELF_DELETE_MESSAGES");
+	await Message.delete({ id: message_id });
+	await emitEvent({
+		event: "MESSAGE_DELETE",
+		channel_id,
+		data: {
+			id: message_id,
+			channel_id,
+			guild_id: channel.guild_id
+		}
+	} as MessageDeleteEvent);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/reactions.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/reactions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0ab35bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/#message_id/reactions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+import {
+	Channel,
+	emitEvent,
+	Emoji,
+	getPermission,
+	Member,
+	Message,
+	MessageReactionAddEvent,
+	MessageReactionRemoveAllEvent,
+	MessageReactionRemoveEmojiEvent,
+	MessageReactionRemoveEvent,
+	PartialEmoji,
+	PublicUserProjection,
+	User
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { In } from "typeorm";
+const router = Router();
+// TODO: check if emoji is really an unicode emoji or a prperly encoded external emoji
+function getEmoji(emoji: string): PartialEmoji {
+	emoji = decodeURIComponent(emoji);
+	const parts = emoji.includes(":") && emoji.split(":");
+	if (parts)
+		return {
+			name: parts[0],
+			id: parts[1]
+		};
+	return {
+		id: undefined,
+		name: emoji
+	};
+router.delete("/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_MESSAGES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { message_id, channel_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	await Message.update({ id: message_id, channel_id }, { reactions: [] });
+	await emitEvent({
+		channel_id,
+		data: {
+			channel_id,
+			message_id,
+			guild_id: channel.guild_id
+		}
+	} as MessageReactionRemoveAllEvent);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+router.delete("/:emoji", route({ permission: "MANAGE_MESSAGES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { message_id, channel_id } = req.params;
+	const emoji = getEmoji(req.params.emoji);
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id, channel_id } });
+	const already_added = message.reactions.find((x) => ( === && || ===;
+	if (!already_added) throw new HTTPError("Reaction not found", 404);
+	message.reactions.remove(already_added);
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			channel_id,
+			data: {
+				channel_id,
+				message_id,
+				guild_id: message.guild_id,
+				emoji
+			}
+		} as MessageReactionRemoveEmojiEvent)
+	]);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+router.get("/:emoji", route({ permission: "VIEW_CHANNEL" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { message_id, channel_id } = req.params;
+	const emoji = getEmoji(req.params.emoji);
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id, channel_id } });
+	const reaction = message.reactions.find((x) => ( === && || ===;
+	if (!reaction) throw new HTTPError("Reaction not found", 404);
+	const users = await User.find({
+		where: {
+			id: In(reaction.user_ids)
+		},
+		select: PublicUserProjection
+	});
+	res.json(users);
+router.put("/:emoji/:user_id", route({ permission: "READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY", right: "SELF_ADD_REACTIONS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { message_id, channel_id, user_id } = req.params;
+	if (user_id !== "@me") throw new HTTPError("Invalid user");
+	const emoji = getEmoji(req.params.emoji);
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id, channel_id } });
+	const already_added = message.reactions.find((x) => ( === && || ===;
+	if (!already_added) req.permission!.hasThrow("ADD_REACTIONS");
+	if ( {
+		const external_emoji = await Emoji.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: } });
+		if (!already_added) req.permission!.hasThrow("USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS");
+		emoji.animated = external_emoji.animated;
+ =;
+	}
+	if (already_added) {
+		if (already_added.user_ids.includes(req.user_id)) return res.sendStatus(204); // Do not throw an error ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ as discord also doesn't throw any error
+		already_added.count++;
+	} else message.reactions.push({ count: 1, emoji, user_ids: [req.user_id] });
+	await;
+	const member = channel.guild_id && (await Member.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id } }));
+	await emitEvent({
+		channel_id,
+		data: {
+			user_id: req.user_id,
+			channel_id,
+			message_id,
+			guild_id: channel.guild_id,
+			emoji,
+			member
+		}
+	} as MessageReactionAddEvent);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+router.delete("/:emoji/:user_id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let { message_id, channel_id, user_id } = req.params;
+	const emoji = getEmoji(req.params.emoji);
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id, channel_id } });
+	if (user_id === "@me") user_id = req.user_id;
+	else {
+		const permissions = await getPermission(req.user_id, undefined, channel_id);
+		permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_MESSAGES");
+	}
+	const already_added = message.reactions.find((x) => ( === && || ===;
+	if (!already_added || !already_added.user_ids.includes(user_id)) throw new HTTPError("Reaction not found", 404);
+	already_added.count--;
+	if (already_added.count <= 0) message.reactions.remove(already_added);
+	await;
+	await emitEvent({
+		channel_id,
+		data: {
+			user_id: req.user_id,
+			channel_id,
+			message_id,
+			guild_id: channel.guild_id,
+			emoji
+		}
+	} as MessageReactionRemoveEvent);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/bulk-delete.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/bulk-delete.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af44b522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/bulk-delete.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { Channel, Config, emitEvent, getPermission, getRights, MessageDeleteBulkEvent, Message } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { In } from "typeorm";
+const router: Router = Router();
+export default router;
+// should users be able to bulk delete messages or only bots? ANSWER: all users
+// should this request fail, if you provide messages older than 14 days/invalid ids? ANSWER: NO
+//"/", route({ body: "BulkDeleteSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({where:{ id: channel_id} });
+	if (!channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("Can't bulk delete dm channel messages", 400);
+	const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+	rights.hasThrow("SELF_DELETE_MESSAGES");
+	let superuser = rights.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES");
+	const permission = await getPermission(req.user_id, channel?.guild_id, channel_id);
+	const { maxBulkDelete } = Config.get().limits.message;
+	const { messages } = req.body as { messages: string[] };
+	if (messages.length === 0) throw new HTTPError("You must specify messages to bulk delete");
+	if (!superuser) {
+		permission.hasThrow("MANAGE_MESSAGES");
+		if (messages.length > maxBulkDelete) throw new HTTPError(`You cannot delete more than ${maxBulkDelete} messages`);
+	}
+	await Message.delete({ id: In(messages) });
+	await emitEvent({
+		channel_id,
+		data: { ids: messages, channel_id, guild_id: channel.guild_id }
+	} as MessageDeleteBulkEvent);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/index.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ab0d97d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/messages/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import {
+	Attachment,
+	Channel,
+	ChannelType,
+	Config,
+	DmChannelDTO,
+	emitEvent,
+	getPermission,
+	getRights,
+	Message,
+	MessageCreateEvent,
+	Snowflake,
+	uploadFile,
+	Member,
+	MessageCreateSchema
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { handleMessage, postHandleMessage, route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import multer from "multer";
+import { FindManyOptions, LessThan, MoreThan } from "typeorm";
+import { URL } from "url";
+const router: Router = Router();
+export default router;
+export function isTextChannel(type: ChannelType): boolean {
+	switch (type) {
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_STORE:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_STAGE_VOICE:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_FORUM:
+		case ChannelType.DIRECTORY:
+			throw new HTTPError("not a text channel", 400);
+		case ChannelType.DM:
+		case ChannelType.GROUP_DM:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_NEWS:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_NEWS_THREAD:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD:
+		case ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT:
+		case ChannelType.ENCRYPTED:
+		case ChannelType.ENCRYPTED_THREAD:
+			return true;
+		default:
+			throw new HTTPError("unimplemented", 400);
+	}
+// get messages
+router.get("/", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const channel_id = req.params.channel_id;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	if (!channel) throw new HTTPError("Channel not found", 404);
+	isTextChannel(channel.type);
+	const around = req.query.around ? `${req.query.around}` : undefined;
+	const before = req.query.before ? `${req.query.before}` : undefined;
+	const after = req.query.after ? `${req.query.after}` : undefined;
+	const limit = Number(req.query.limit) || 50;
+	if (limit < 1 || limit > 100) throw new HTTPError("limit must be between 1 and 100", 422);
+	let halfLimit = Math.floor(limit / 2);
+	const permissions = await getPermission(req.user_id, channel.guild_id, channel_id);
+	permissions.hasThrow("VIEW_CHANNEL");
+	if (!permissions.has("READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY")) return res.json([]);
+	let query: FindManyOptions<Message> & { where: { id?: any; }; } = {
+		order: { id: "DESC" },
+		take: limit,
+		where: { channel_id },
+		relations: ["author", "webhook", "application", "mentions", "mention_roles", "mention_channels", "sticker_items", "attachments"]
+	};
+	if (after) {
+		if (after > new Snowflake()) return res.status(422);
+ = MoreThan(after);
+	}
+	else if (before) { 
+		if (before < req.params.channel_id) return res.status(422);
+ = LessThan(before);
+	}
+	else if (around) {
+ = [
+			MoreThan((BigInt(around) - BigInt(halfLimit)).toString()),
+			LessThan((BigInt(around) + BigInt(halfLimit)).toString())
+		];
+	}
+	const messages = await Message.find(query);
+	const endpoint = Config.get().cdn.endpointPublic;
+	return res.json(
+ any) => {
+			(x.reactions || []).forEach((x: any) => {
+				// @ts-ignore
+				if ((x.user_ids || []).includes(req.user_id)) = true;
+				// @ts-ignore
+				delete x.user_ids;
+			});
+			// @ts-ignore
+			if (! = { id: "4", discriminator: "0000", username: "Fosscord Ghost", public_flags: "0", avatar: null };
+			x.attachments?.forEach((y: any) => {
+				// dynamically set attachment proxy_url in case the endpoint changed
+				const uri = y.proxy_url.startsWith("http") ? y.proxy_url : `${y.proxy_url}`;
+				y.proxy_url = `${endpoint == null ? "" : endpoint}${new URL(uri).pathname}`;
+			});
+			/**
+			Some clients ( discord.js ) only check if a property exists within the response,
+			which causes erorrs when, say, the `application` property is `null`.
+			**/
+			for (let curr in x) {
+				if (x[curr] === null)
+					delete x[curr];
+			}
+			return x;
+		})
+	);
+// TODO: config max upload size
+const messageUpload = multer({
+	limits: {
+		fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 100,
+		fields: 10,
+		// files: 1
+	},
+	storage: multer.memoryStorage()
+}); // max upload 50 mb
+ TODO: dynamically change limit of MessageCreateSchema with config
+ TODO: text channel slowdown (per-user and across-users)
+ Q: trim and replace message content and every embed field A: NO, given this cannot be implemented in E2EE channels
+ TODO: only dispatch notifications for mentions denoted in allowed_mentions
+// Send message
+	"/",
+	messageUpload.any(),
+	async (req, res, next) => {
+		if (req.body.payload_json) {
+			req.body = JSON.parse(req.body.payload_json);
+		}
+		next();
+	},
+	route({ body: "MessageCreateSchema", permission: "SEND_MESSAGES", right: "SEND_MESSAGES" }),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { channel_id } = req.params;
+		let body = req.body as MessageCreateSchema;
+		const attachments: Attachment[] = [];
+		const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, relations: ["recipients", "recipients.user"] });
+		if (!channel.isWritable()) {
+			throw new HTTPError(`Cannot send messages to channel of type ${channel.type}`, 400)
+		}
+		const files = req.files as Express.Multer.File[] ?? [];
+		for (let currFile of files) {
+			try {
+				const file: any = await uploadFile(`/attachments/${}`, currFile);
+				attachments.push({ ...file, proxy_url: file.url });
+			}
+			catch (error) {
+				return res.status(400).json(error);
+			}
+		}
+		const embeds = body.embeds || [];
+		if (body.embed) embeds.push(body.embed);
+		let message = await handleMessage({
+			...body,
+			type: 0,
+			pinned: false,
+			author_id: req.user_id,
+			embeds,
+			channel_id,
+			attachments,
+			edited_timestamp: undefined,
+			timestamp: new Date()
+		});
+		channel.last_message_id =;
+		if (channel.isDm()) {
+			const channel_dto = await DmChannelDTO.from(channel);
+			// Only one recipients should be closed here, since in group DMs the recipient is deleted not closed
+			Promise.all(
+				channel.recipients!.map((recipient) => {
+					if (recipient.closed) {
+						recipient.closed = false;
+						return Promise.all([
+							emitEvent({
+								event: "CHANNEL_CREATE",
+								data: channel_dto.excludedRecipients([recipient.user_id]),
+								user_id: recipient.user_id
+							})
+						]);
+					}
+				})
+			);
+		}
+	    //Defining member fields
+		var member = await Member.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, relations: ["roles"] });
+		// TODO: This doesn't work either
+        // member.roles = member.roles.filter((role) => {
+		// 	return !== role.guild_id;
+		// }).map((role) => {
+		// 	return;
+		// });
+		message.member = member;
+		// TODO: Figure this out
+		// delete message.member.last_message_id;
+		// delete message.member.index;
+		await Promise.all([
+			emitEvent({ event: "MESSAGE_CREATE", channel_id: channel_id, data: message } as MessageCreateEvent),
+			message.guild_id ? Member.update({ id: req.user_id, guild_id: message.guild_id }, { last_message_id: }) : null,
+		]);
+		postHandleMessage(message).catch((e) => { }); // no await as it shouldnt block the message send function and silently catch error
+		return res.json(message);
+	}
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/permissions.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/permissions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34052fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/permissions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import {
+	Channel,
+	ChannelPermissionOverwrite,
+	ChannelPermissionOverwriteSchema,
+	ChannelPermissionOverwriteType,
+	ChannelUpdateEvent,
+	emitEvent,
+	getPermission,
+	Member,
+	Role
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+	"/:overwrite_id",
+	route({ body: "ChannelPermissionOverwriteSchema", permission: "MANAGE_ROLES" }),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { channel_id, overwrite_id } = req.params;
+		const body = req.body as ChannelPermissionOverwriteSchema;
+		let channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: {id: channel_id} });
+		if (!channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("Channel not found", 404);
+		if (body.type === 0) {
+			if (!(await Role.count({ where: { id: overwrite_id } }))) throw new HTTPError("role not found", 404);
+		} else if (body.type === 1) {
+			if (!(await Member.count({ where: { id: overwrite_id } }))) throw new HTTPError("user not found", 404);
+		} else throw new HTTPError("type not supported", 501);
+		// @ts-ignore
+		let overwrite: ChannelPermissionOverwrite = channel.permission_overwrites.find((x) => === overwrite_id);
+		if (!overwrite) {
+			// @ts-ignore
+			overwrite = {
+				id: overwrite_id,
+				type: body.type
+			};
+			channel.permission_overwrites!.push(overwrite);
+		}
+		overwrite.allow = String(req.permission!.bitfield & (BigInt(body.allow) || BigInt("0")));
+		overwrite.deny = String(req.permission!.bitfield & (BigInt(body.deny) || BigInt("0")));
+		await Promise.all([
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "CHANNEL_UPDATE",
+				channel_id,
+				data: channel
+			} as ChannelUpdateEvent)
+		]);
+		return res.sendStatus(204);
+	}
+// TODO: check permission hierarchy
+router.delete("/:overwrite_id", route({ permission: "MANAGE_ROLES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id, overwrite_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	if (!channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("Channel not found", 404);
+	channel.permission_overwrites = channel.permission_overwrites!.filter((x) => === overwrite_id);
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "CHANNEL_UPDATE",
+			channel_id,
+			data: channel
+		} as ChannelUpdateEvent)
+	]);
+	return res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/pins.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/pins.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..003638c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/pins.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import {
+	Channel,
+	ChannelPinsUpdateEvent,
+	Config,
+	emitEvent,
+	getPermission,
+	Message,
+	MessageUpdateEvent,
+	DiscordApiErrors
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.put("/:message_id", route({ permission: "VIEW_CHANNEL" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id, message_id } = req.params;
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id } });
+	// * in dm channels anyone can pin messages -> only check for guilds
+	if (message.guild_id) req.permission!.hasThrow("MANAGE_MESSAGES");
+	const pinned_count = await Message.count({ where: { channel: { id: channel_id }, pinned: true } });
+	const { maxPins } = Config.get();
+	if (pinned_count >= maxPins) throw DiscordApiErrors.MAXIMUM_PINS.withParams(maxPins);
+	await Promise.all([
+		Message.update({ id: message_id }, { pinned: true }),
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "MESSAGE_UPDATE",
+			channel_id,
+			data: message
+		} as MessageUpdateEvent),
+		emitEvent({
+			channel_id,
+			data: {
+				channel_id,
+				guild_id: message.guild_id,
+				last_pin_timestamp: undefined
+			}
+		} as ChannelPinsUpdateEvent)
+	]);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+router.delete("/:message_id", route({ permission: "VIEW_CHANNEL" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id, message_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	if (channel.guild_id) req.permission!.hasThrow("MANAGE_MESSAGES");
+	const message = await Message.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: message_id } });
+	message.pinned = false;
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "MESSAGE_UPDATE",
+			channel_id,
+			data: message
+		} as MessageUpdateEvent),
+		emitEvent({
+			channel_id,
+			data: {
+				channel_id,
+				guild_id: channel.guild_id,
+				last_pin_timestamp: undefined
+			}
+		} as ChannelPinsUpdateEvent)
+	]);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+router.get("/", route({ permission: ["READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY"] }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id } = req.params;
+	let pins = await Message.find({ where: { channel_id, pinned: true } });
+	res.send(pins);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/purge.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/purge.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ef6e1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/purge.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { HTTPError, PurgeSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { isTextChannel } from "./messages";
+import { FindManyOptions, Between, Not } from "typeorm";
+import { Channel, Config, emitEvent, getPermission, getRights, Message, MessageDeleteBulkEvent } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { In } from "typeorm";
+const router: Router = Router();
+export default router;
+TODO: apply the delete bit by bit to prevent client and database stress
+**/"/",route({ /*body: "PurgeSchema",*/ }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { channel_id } = req.params;
+		const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+		if (!channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("Can't purge dm channels", 400);
+		isTextChannel(channel.type);
+		const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+		if (!rights.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) {
+			const permissions = await getPermission(req.user_id, channel.guild_id, channel_id);
+			permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_MESSAGES");
+			permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_CHANNELS");
+		}
+		const { before, after } = req.body as PurgeSchema;
+		// TODO: send the deletion event bite-by-bite to prevent client stress
+		let query: FindManyOptions<Message> & { where: { id?: any } } = {
+			order: { id: "ASC" },
+			// take: limit,
+			where: {
+				channel_id,
+				id: Between(after, before), // the right way around
+				author_id: rights.has("SELF_DELETE_MESSAGES") ? undefined : Not(req.user_id)
+				// if you lack the right of self-deletion, you can't delete your own messages, even in purges
+			},
+			relations: ["author", "webhook", "application", "mentions", "mention_roles", "mention_channels", "sticker_items", "attachments"]
+		};
+		const messages = await Message.find(query);
+		const endpoint = Config.get().cdn.endpointPublic;
+		if (messages.length == 0) {
+			res.sendStatus(304);
+			return;
+		}
+		await Message.delete({ id: In(messages) });
+		await emitEvent({
+			channel_id,
+			data: { ids: =>, channel_id, guild_id: channel.guild_id }
+		} as MessageDeleteBulkEvent);
+		res.sendStatus(204);
+	}
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/recipients.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/recipients.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..069212e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/recipients.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import {
+	Channel,
+	ChannelRecipientAddEvent,
+	ChannelType,
+	DiscordApiErrors,
+	DmChannelDTO,
+	emitEvent,
+	PublicUserProjection,
+	Recipient,
+	User
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.put("/:user_id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id, user_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, relations: ["recipients"] });
+	if (channel.type !== ChannelType.GROUP_DM) {
+		const recipients = [!.map((r) => r.user_id), user_id].unique();
+		const new_channel = await Channel.createDMChannel(recipients, req.user_id);
+		return res.status(201).json(new_channel);
+	} else {
+		if (channel.recipients!.map((r) => r.user_id).includes(user_id)) {
+			throw DiscordApiErrors.INVALID_RECIPIENT; //TODO is this the right error?
+		}
+		channel.recipients!.push(OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Recipient(), { channel_id, user_id: user_id }));
+		await;
+		await emitEvent({
+			event: "CHANNEL_CREATE",
+			data: await DmChannelDTO.from(channel, [user_id]),
+			user_id: user_id
+		});
+		await emitEvent({
+			data: {
+				channel_id: channel_id,
+				user: await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: user_id }, select: PublicUserProjection })
+			},
+			channel_id: channel_id
+		} as ChannelRecipientAddEvent);
+		return res.sendStatus(204);
+	}
+router.delete("/:user_id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id, user_id } = req.params;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id }, relations: ["recipients"] });
+	if (!(channel.type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM && (channel.owner_id === req.user_id || user_id === req.user_id)))
+		throw DiscordApiErrors.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;
+	if (!channel.recipients!.map((r) => r.user_id).includes(user_id)) {
+		throw DiscordApiErrors.INVALID_RECIPIENT; //TODO is this the right error?
+	}
+	await Channel.removeRecipientFromChannel(channel, user_id);
+	return res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/typing.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/typing.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99460f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/typing.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { Channel, emitEvent, Member, TypingStartEvent } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+const router: Router = Router();
+"/", route({ permission: "SEND_MESSAGES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { channel_id } = req.params;
+	const user_id = req.user_id;
+	const timestamp =;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	const member = await Member.findOne({ where: { id: user_id, guild_id: channel.guild_id }, relations: ["roles", "user"] });
+	await emitEvent({
+		event: "TYPING_START",
+		channel_id: channel_id,
+		data: {
+			...(member ? { member: { ...member, roles: member?.roles?.map((x) => } } : null),
+			channel_id,
+			timestamp,
+			user_id,
+			guild_id: channel.guild_id
+		}
+	} as TypingStartEvent);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/webhooks.ts b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/webhooks.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b11c8eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/channels/#channel_id/webhooks.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Channel, Config, getPermission, trimSpecial, Webhook } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { isTextChannel } from "./messages/index";
+import { DiscordApiErrors } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+//TODO: implement webhooks
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json([]);
+// TODO: use Image Data Type for avatar instead of String"/", route({ body: "WebhookCreateSchema", permission: "MANAGE_WEBHOOKS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const channel_id = req.params.channel_id;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel_id } });
+	isTextChannel(channel.type);
+	if (!channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("Not a guild channel", 400);
+	const webhook_count = await Webhook.count({ where: { channel_id } });
+	const { maxWebhooks } = Config.get();
+	if (webhook_count > maxWebhooks) throw DiscordApiErrors.MAXIMUM_WEBHOOKS.withParams(maxWebhooks);
+	let { avatar, name } = req.body as { name: string; avatar?: string };
+	name = trimSpecial(name);
+	if (name === "clyde") throw new HTTPError("Invalid name", 400);
+	// TODO: save webhook in database and send response
+	res.json(new Webhook());
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/discoverable-guilds.ts b/src/api/routes/discoverable-guilds.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35ecf28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/discoverable-guilds.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { Guild, Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "..";
+import { Like } from "typeorm";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { offset, limit, categories } = req.query;
+	let showAllGuilds = Config.get().guild.discovery.showAllGuilds;
+	let configLimit = Config.get().guild.discovery.limit;
+	// ! this only works using SQL querys
+	// const guilds = await Guild.find({ where: { features: "DISCOVERABLE" } }); //, take: Math.abs(Number(limit)) });
+	let guilds;
+	if (categories == undefined) {
+		guilds = showAllGuilds
+			? await Guild.find({ take: Math.abs(Number(limit || configLimit)) })
+			: await Guild.find({ where: { features: Like("%DISCOVERABLE%") }, take: Math.abs(Number(limit || configLimit)) });
+	} else {
+		guilds = showAllGuilds
+			? await Guild.find({ where: { primary_category_id: Number(categories) }, take: Math.abs(Number(limit || configLimit)) })
+			: await Guild.find({
+					where: { primary_category_id: Number(categories), features: Like("%DISCOVERABLE%") },
+					take: Math.abs(Number(limit || configLimit))
+			  });
+	}
+	const total = guilds ? guilds.length : undefined;
+	res.send({
+		total: total,
+		guilds: guilds,
+		offset: Number(offset || Config.get().guild.discovery.offset),
+		limit: Number(limit || configLimit)
+	});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/discovery.ts b/src/api/routes/discovery.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30c418c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/discovery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { Categories } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "..";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/categories", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	// Get locale instead
+	const { locale, primary_only } = req.query;
+	const out = primary_only ? await Categories.find() : await Categories.find({ where: {is_primary: true} });
+	res.send(out);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/downloads.ts b/src/api/routes/downloads.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44530353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/downloads.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "..";
+import { Release, Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/:branch", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { client } = Config.get();
+	const { branch } = req.params;
+	const { platform } = req.query;
+	//TODO
+	if(!platform || !["linux", "osx", "win"].includes(platform.toString())) return res.status(404)
+	const release = await Release.findOneOrFail({ where: { name: client.releases.upstreamVersion } });
+	res.redirect(release[`win_url`]);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/experiments.ts b/src/api/routes/experiments.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcbd9271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/experiments.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "..";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.send({ fingerprint: "", assignments: [], guild_experiments:[] });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/gateway/bot.ts b/src/api/routes/gateway/bot.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1dbb9df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/gateway/bot.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route, RouteOptions } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+export interface GatewayBotResponse {
+	url: string;
+	shards: number;
+	session_start_limit: {
+		total: number;
+		remaining: number;
+		reset_after: number;
+		max_concurrency: number;
+	};
+const options: RouteOptions = {
+	test: {
+		response: {
+			body: "GatewayBotResponse"
+		}
+	}
+router.get("/", route(options), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { endpointPublic } = Config.get().gateway;
+	res.json({
+		url: endpointPublic || process.env.GATEWAY || "ws://localhost:3002",
+		shards: 1,
+		session_start_limit: {
+			total: 1000,
+			remaining: 999,
+			reset_after: 14400000,
+			max_concurrency: 1
+		}
+	});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/gateway/index.ts b/src/api/routes/gateway/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bad7478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/gateway/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route, RouteOptions } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+export interface GatewayResponse {
+	url: string;
+const options: RouteOptions = {
+	test: {
+		response: {
+			body: "GatewayResponse"
+		}
+	}
+router.get("/", route(options), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { endpointPublic } = Config.get().gateway;
+	res.json({ url: endpointPublic || process.env.GATEWAY || "ws://localhost:3002" });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/gifs/search.ts b/src/api/routes/gifs/search.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1099dc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/gifs/search.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import fetch from "node-fetch";
+import ProxyAgent from 'proxy-agent';
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { getGifApiKey, parseGifResult } from "./trending";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO: Custom providers
+	const { q, media_format, locale } = req.query;
+	const apiKey = getGifApiKey();
+	const agent = new ProxyAgent();
+	const response = await fetch(`${q}&media_format=${media_format}&locale=${locale}&key=${apiKey}`, {
+		agent,
+		method: "get",
+		headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
+	});
+	const { results } = await response.json() as any;
+	res.json(;
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/gifs/trending-gifs.ts b/src/api/routes/gifs/trending-gifs.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b28d9d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/gifs/trending-gifs.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import fetch from "node-fetch";
+import ProxyAgent from 'proxy-agent';
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { getGifApiKey, parseGifResult } from "./trending";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO: Custom providers
+	const { media_format, locale } = req.query;
+	const apiKey = getGifApiKey();
+	const agent = new ProxyAgent();
+	const response = await fetch(`${media_format}&locale=${locale}&key=${apiKey}`, {
+		agent,
+		method: "get",
+		headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
+	});
+	const { results } = await response.json() as any;
+	res.json(;
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/gifs/trending.ts b/src/api/routes/gifs/trending.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61eb76c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/gifs/trending.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import fetch from "node-fetch";
+import ProxyAgent from 'proxy-agent';
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+export function parseGifResult(result: any) {
+	return {
+		id:,
+		title: result.title,
+		url: result.itemurl,
+		src:[0].mp4.url,
+		gif_src:[0].gif.url,
+		width:[0].mp4.dims[0],
+		height:[0].mp4.dims[1],
+		preview:[0].mp4.preview
+	};
+export function getGifApiKey() {
+	const { enabled, provider, apiKey } = Config.get().gif;
+	if (!enabled) throw new HTTPError(`Gifs are disabled`);
+	if (provider !== "tenor" || !apiKey) throw new HTTPError(`${provider} gif provider not supported`);
+	return apiKey;
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO: Custom providers
+	// TODO: return gifs as mp4
+	const { media_format, locale } = req.query;
+	const apiKey = getGifApiKey();
+	const agent = new ProxyAgent();
+	const [responseSource, trendGifSource] = await Promise.all([
+		fetch(`${locale}&key=${apiKey}`, {
+			agent,
+			method: "get",
+			headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
+		}),
+		fetch(`${locale}&key=${apiKey}`, {
+			agent,
+			method: "get",
+			headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
+		})
+	]);
+	const { tags } = await responseSource.json() as any;
+	const { results } = await trendGifSource.json() as any;
+	res.json({
+		categories: any) => ({ name: x.searchterm, src: x.image })),
+		gifs: [parseGifResult(results[0])]
+	}).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guild-recommendations.ts b/src/api/routes/guild-recommendations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd0140d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guild-recommendations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { Guild, Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "..";
+import {Like} from "typeorm"
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { limit, personalization_disabled } = req.query;
+	let showAllGuilds = Config.get().guild.discovery.showAllGuilds;
+	// ! this only works using SQL querys
+	// TODO: implement this with default typeorm query
+	// const guilds = await Guild.find({ where: { features: "DISCOVERABLE" } }); //, take: Math.abs(Number(limit)) });
+	const genLoadId = (size: Number) => [...Array(size)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join('');
+	const guilds = showAllGuilds
+		? await Guild.find({ take: Math.abs(Number(limit || 24)) })
+		: await Guild.find({ where: { features: Like('%DISCOVERABLE%') }, take: Math.abs(Number(limit || 24)) });
+	res.send({ recommended_guilds: guilds, load_id: `server_recs/${genLoadId(32)}`}).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/audit-logs.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/audit-logs.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b54835fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/audit-logs.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+//TODO: implement audit logs
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json({
+		audit_log_entries: [],
+		users: [],
+		integrations: [],
+		webhooks: [],
+		guild_scheduled_events: [],
+		threads: [],
+		application_commands: []
+	});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/bans.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/bans.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d405344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/bans.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { DiscordApiErrors, emitEvent, getPermission, GuildBanAddEvent, GuildBanRemoveEvent, Guild, Ban, User, Member, BanRegistrySchema, BanModeratorSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { getIpAdress, route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+/* TODO: Deleting the secrets is just a temporary go-around. Views should be implemented for both safety and better handling. */
+router.get("/", route({ permission: "BAN_MEMBERS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	let bans = await Ban.find({ where: { guild_id } });
+	let promisesToAwait: object[] = [];
+	const bansObj: object[] = [];
+	bans.filter((ban) => ban.user_id !== ban.executor_id); // pretend self-bans don't exist to prevent victim chasing
+	bans.forEach((ban) => {
+		promisesToAwait.push(User.getPublicUser(ban.user_id));
+	});
+	const bannedUsers: object[] = await Promise.all(promisesToAwait);
+	bans.forEach((ban, index) => {
+		const user = bannedUsers[index] as User;
+		bansObj.push({
+			reason: ban.reason,
+			user: {
+				username: user.username,
+				discriminator: user.discriminator,
+				id:,
+				avatar: user.avatar,
+				public_flags: user.public_flags
+			}
+		});
+	});
+	return res.json(bansObj);
+router.get("/:user", route({ permission: "BAN_MEMBERS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const user_id = req.params.ban;
+	let ban = await Ban.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id, user_id } }) as BanRegistrySchema;
+	if (ban.user_id === ban.executor_id) throw DiscordApiErrors.UNKNOWN_BAN;
+	// pretend self-bans don't exist to prevent victim chasing
+	/* Filter secret from registry. */
+	ban = ban as BanModeratorSchema;
+	delete ban.ip
+	return res.json(ban);
+router.put("/:user_id", route({ body: "BanCreateSchema", permission: "BAN_MEMBERS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const banned_user_id = req.params.user_id;
+	if ( (req.user_id === banned_user_id) && (banned_user_id === req.permission!.cache.guild?.owner_id))
+		throw new HTTPError("You are the guild owner, hence can't ban yourself", 403);
+	if (req.permission!.cache.guild?.owner_id === banned_user_id) throw new HTTPError("You can't ban the owner", 400);
+	const banned_user = await User.getPublicUser(banned_user_id);
+	const ban = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Ban(),{
+		user_id: banned_user_id,
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		ip: getIpAdress(req),
+		executor_id: req.user_id,
+		reason: req.body.reason // || otherwise empty
+	});
+	await Promise.all([
+		Member.removeFromGuild(banned_user_id, guild_id),
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "GUILD_BAN_ADD",
+			data: {
+				guild_id: guild_id,
+				user: banned_user
+			},
+			guild_id: guild_id
+		} as GuildBanAddEvent)
+	]);
+	return res.json(ban);
+router.put("/@me", route({ body: "BanCreateSchema"}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const banned_user = await User.getPublicUser(req.params.user_id);
+	if (req.permission!.cache.guild?.owner_id === req.params.user_id) 
+		throw new HTTPError("You are the guild owner, hence can't ban yourself", 403);
+	const ban = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Ban(), {
+		user_id: req.params.user_id,
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		ip: getIpAdress(req),
+		executor_id: req.params.user_id,
+		reason: req.body.reason // || otherwise empty
+	});
+	await Promise.all([
+		Member.removeFromGuild(req.user_id, guild_id),
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "GUILD_BAN_ADD",
+			data: {
+				guild_id: guild_id,
+				user: banned_user
+			},
+			guild_id: guild_id
+		} as GuildBanAddEvent)
+	]);
+	return res.json(ban);
+router.delete("/:user_id", route({ permission: "BAN_MEMBERS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, user_id } = req.params;
+	let ban = await Ban.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id, user_id } });
+	if (ban.user_id === ban.executor_id) throw DiscordApiErrors.UNKNOWN_BAN;
+	// make self-bans irreversible and hide them from view to avoid victim chasing
+	const banned_user = await User.getPublicUser(user_id);
+	await Promise.all([
+		Ban.delete({
+			user_id: user_id,
+			guild_id
+		}),
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "GUILD_BAN_REMOVE",
+			data: {
+				guild_id,
+				user: banned_user
+			},
+			guild_id
+		} as GuildBanRemoveEvent)
+	]);
+	return res.status(204).send();
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/channels.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/channels.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f2d3643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/channels.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { Channel, ChannelUpdateEvent, getPermission, emitEvent, ChannelModifySchema, ChannelReorderSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const channels = await Channel.find({ where: { guild_id } });
+	res.json(channels);
+"/", route({ body: "ChannelModifySchema", permission: "MANAGE_CHANNELS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// creates a new guild channel
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const body = req.body as ChannelModifySchema;
+	const channel = await Channel.createChannel({ ...body, guild_id }, req.user_id);
+	res.status(201).json(channel);
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "ChannelReorderSchema", permission: "MANAGE_CHANNELS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// changes guild channel position
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const body = req.body as ChannelReorderSchema;
+	await Promise.all([
+ (x) => {
+			if (x.position == null && !x.parent_id) throw new HTTPError(`You need to at least specify position or parent_id`, 400);
+			const opts: any = {};
+			if (x.position != null) opts.position = x.position;
+			if (x.parent_id) {
+				opts.parent_id = x.parent_id;
+				const parent_channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({
+					where: { id: x.parent_id, guild_id },
+					select: ["permission_overwrites"]
+				});
+				if (x.lock_permissions) {
+					opts.permission_overwrites = parent_channel.permission_overwrites;
+				}
+			}
+			await Channel.update({ guild_id, id: }, opts);
+			const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id, id: } });
+			await emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_UPDATE", data: channel, channel_id:, guild_id } as ChannelUpdateEvent);
+		})
+	]);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/delete.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/delete.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2624651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/delete.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { Channel, emitEvent, GuildDeleteEvent, Guild, Member, Message, Role, Invite, Emoji } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+// discord prefixes this route with /delete instead of using the delete method
+// docs are wrong"/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id }, select: ["owner_id"] });
+	if (guild.owner_id !== req.user_id) throw new HTTPError("You are not the owner of this guild", 401);
+	await Promise.all([
+		Guild.delete({ id: guild_id }), // this will also delete all guild related data
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "GUILD_DELETE",
+			data: {
+				id: guild_id
+			},
+			guild_id: guild_id
+		} as GuildDeleteEvent)
+	]);
+	return res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/discovery-requirements.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/discovery-requirements.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad20633f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/discovery-requirements.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { Guild, Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;	
+    // TODO:
+    // Load from database
+    // Admin control, but for now it allows anyone to be discoverable
+	res.send({
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		safe_environment: true,
+        healthy: true,
+        health_score_pending: false,
+        size: true,
+        nsfw_properties: {},
+        protected: true,
+        sufficient: true,
+        sufficient_without_grace_period: true,
+        valid_rules_channel: true,
+        retention_healthy: true,
+        engagement_healthy: true,
+        age: true,
+        minimum_age: 0,
+        health_score: {
+            avg_nonnew_participators: 0,
+            avg_nonnew_communicators: 0,
+            num_intentful_joiners: 0,
+            perc_ret_w1_intentful: 0
+        },
+        minimum_size: 0
+	});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/emojis.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/emojis.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bf4bdcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/emojis.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { Config, DiscordApiErrors, emitEvent, Emoji, EmojiCreateSchema, EmojiModifySchema, GuildEmojisUpdateEvent, handleFile, Member, Snowflake, User } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	const emojis = await Emoji.find({ where: { guild_id: guild_id }, relations: ["user"] });
+	return res.json(emojis);
+router.get("/:emoji_id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, emoji_id } = req.params;
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	const emoji = await Emoji.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id: guild_id, id: emoji_id }, relations: ["user"] });
+	return res.json(emoji);
+"/", route({ body: "EmojiCreateSchema", permission: "MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const body = req.body as EmojiCreateSchema;
+	const id = Snowflake.generate();
+	const emoji_count = await Emoji.count({ where: { guild_id } });
+	const { maxEmojis } = Config.get().limits.guild;
+	if (emoji_count >= maxEmojis) throw DiscordApiErrors.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_EMOJIS_REACHED.withParams(maxEmojis);
+	if (body.require_colons == null) body.require_colons = true;
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id } });
+	body.image = (await handleFile(`/emojis/${id}`, body.image)) as string;
+	const emoji = await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Emoji(), {
+		id: id,
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		...body,
+		user: user,
+		managed: false,
+		animated: false, // TODO: Add support animated emojis
+		available: true,
+		roles: []
+	}).save();
+	await emitEvent({
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		data: {
+			guild_id: guild_id,
+			emojis: await Emoji.find({ where: { guild_id } })
+		}
+	} as GuildEmojisUpdateEvent);
+	return res.status(201).json(emoji);
+	"/:emoji_id",
+	route({ body: "EmojiModifySchema", permission: "MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS" }),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { emoji_id, guild_id } = req.params;
+		const body = req.body as EmojiModifySchema;
+		const emoji = await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Emoji(), { ...body, id: emoji_id, guild_id: guild_id }).save();
+		await emitEvent({
+			guild_id: guild_id,
+			data: {
+				guild_id: guild_id,
+				emojis: await Emoji.find({ where: { guild_id } })
+			}
+		} as GuildEmojisUpdateEvent);
+		return res.json(emoji);
+	}
+router.delete("/:emoji_id", route({ permission: "MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { emoji_id, guild_id } = req.params;
+	await Emoji.delete({
+		id: emoji_id,
+		guild_id: guild_id
+	});
+	await emitEvent({
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		data: {
+			guild_id: guild_id,
+			emojis: await Emoji.find({ where: { guild_id } })
+		}
+	} as GuildEmojisUpdateEvent);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9712c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { DiscordApiErrors, emitEvent, getPermission, getRights, Guild, GuildUpdateEvent, GuildUpdateSchema, handleFile, Member } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const [guild, member] = await Promise.all([
+		Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } }),
+		Member.findOne({ where: { guild_id, id: req.user_id } })
+	]);
+	if (!member) throw new HTTPError("You are not a member of the guild you are trying to access", 401);
+	// @ts-ignore
+	guild.joined_at = member?.joined_at;
+	return res.send(guild);
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "GuildUpdateSchema"}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as GuildUpdateSchema;
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+	const permission = await getPermission(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	if (!rights.has("MANAGE_GUILDS")||!permission.has("MANAGE_GUILD"))
+		throw DiscordApiErrors.MISSING_PERMISSIONS.withParams("MANAGE_GUILD");
+	// TODO: guild update check image
+	if (body.icon) body.icon = await handleFile(`/icons/${guild_id}`, body.icon);
+	if (body.banner) body.banner = await handleFile(`/banners/${guild_id}`, body.banner);
+	if (body.splash) body.splash = await handleFile(`/splashes/${guild_id}`, body.splash);
+	let guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({
+		where: { id: guild_id },
+		relations: ["emojis", "roles", "stickers"]
+	});
+	// TODO: check if body ids are valid
+	guild = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(guild, body);
+	//TODO: check this, removed toJSON call
+	const data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(guild));
+	// TODO: guild hashes
+	// TODO: fix vanity_url_code, template_id
+	delete data.vanity_url_code;
+	delete data.template_id;
+	await Promise.all([, emitEvent({ event: "GUILD_UPDATE", data, guild_id } as GuildUpdateEvent)]);
+	return res.json(data);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/integrations.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/integrations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90650111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/integrations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { Channel, ChannelUpdateEvent, getPermission, emitEvent } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+//TODO: implement integrations list
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json([]);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/invites.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/invites.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7534e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/invites.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { getPermission, Invite, PublicInviteRelation } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const invites = await Invite.find({ where: { guild_id }, relations: PublicInviteRelation });
+	return res.json(invites);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..794369d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Member, getPermission, getRights, Role, GuildMemberUpdateEvent, emitEvent, Sticker, Emoji, Rights, Guild, MemberChangeSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, member_id } = req.params;
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	const member = await Member.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: member_id, guild_id } });
+	return res.json(member);
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "MemberChangeSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let { guild_id, member_id } = req.params;
+	if (member_id === "@me") member_id = req.user_id;
+	const body = req.body as MemberChangeSchema;
+	const member = await Member.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: member_id, guild_id }, relations: ["roles", "user"] });
+	const permission = await getPermission(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	const everyone = await Role.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id: guild_id, name: "@everyone", position: 0 } });
+	if (body.roles) {
+		permission.hasThrow("MANAGE_ROLES");
+		if (body.roles.indexOf( === -1) body.roles.push(;
+		member.roles = => OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Role(), { id: x })); // foreign key constraint will fail if role doesn't exist
+	}
+	await;
+	member.roles = member.roles.filter((x) => !==;
+	// do not use promise.all as we have to first write to db before emitting the event to catch errors
+	await emitEvent({
+		guild_id,
+		data: { ...member, roles: => }
+	} as GuildMemberUpdateEvent);
+	res.json(member);
+router.put("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO: Lurker mode
+	const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+	let { guild_id, member_id } = req.params;
+	if (member_id === "@me") {
+		member_id = req.user_id;
+		rights.hasThrow("JOIN_GUILDS");
+	} else {
+		// TODO: join others by controller	
+	}
+	let guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({
+		where: { id: guild_id }
+	});
+	let emoji = await Emoji.find({
+		where: { guild_id: guild_id }
+	});
+	let roles = await Role.find({
+		where: { guild_id: guild_id }
+	});
+	let stickers = await Sticker.find({
+		where: { guild_id: guild_id }
+	});
+	await Member.addToGuild(member_id, guild_id);
+	res.send({ ...guild, emojis: emoji, roles: roles, stickers: stickers });
+router.delete("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const permission = await getPermission(req.user_id);
+	const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+	const { guild_id, member_id } = req.params;
+	if (member_id !== "@me" || member_id === req.user_id) {
+		// TODO: unless force-joined
+		rights.hasThrow("SELF_LEAVE_GROUPS");
+	} else {
+		rights.hasThrow("KICK_BAN_MEMBERS");
+		permission.hasThrow("KICK_MEMBERS");
+	}
+	await Member.removeFromGuild(member_id, guild_id);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/nick.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/nick.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6c71333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/nick.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { getPermission, Member, PermissionResolvable } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+const router = Router();
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "MemberNickChangeSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let { guild_id, member_id } = req.params;
+	let permissionString: PermissionResolvable = "MANAGE_NICKNAMES";
+	if (member_id === "@me") {
+		member_id = req.user_id;
+		permissionString = "CHANGE_NICKNAME";
+	}
+	const perms = await getPermission(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	perms.hasThrow(permissionString);
+	await Member.changeNickname(member_id, guild_id, req.body.nick);
+	res.status(200).send();
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/roles/#role_id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/roles/#role_id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f5ca7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/#member_id/roles/#role_id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import { getPermission, Member } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+const router = Router();
+router.delete("/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_ROLES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, role_id, member_id } = req.params;
+	await Member.removeRole(member_id, guild_id, role_id);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+router.put("/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_ROLES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, role_id, member_id } = req.params;
+	await Member.addRole(member_id, guild_id, role_id);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ed28bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/members/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Guild, Member, PublicMemberProjection } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { MoreThan } from "typeorm";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+// TODO: send over websocket
+// TODO: check for GUILD_MEMBERS intent
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const limit = Number(req.query.limit) || 1;
+	if (limit > 1000 || limit < 1) throw new HTTPError("Limit must be between 1 and 1000");
+	const after = `${req.query.after}`;
+	const query = after ? { id: MoreThan(after) } : {};
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	const members = await Member.find({
+		where: { guild_id, ...query },
+		select: PublicMemberProjection,
+		take: limit,
+		order: { id: "ASC" }
+	});
+	return res.json(members);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/premium.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/premium.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75361ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/premium.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/subscriptions", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.json([]);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/prune.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/prune.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..673f022f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/prune.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { Guild, Member, Snowflake } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { LessThan, IsNull } from "typeorm";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+//Returns all inactive members, respecting role hierarchy
+export const inactiveMembers = async (guild_id: string, user_id: string, days: number, roles: string[] = []) => {
+	let date = new Date();
+	date.setDate(date.getDate() - days);
+	//Snowflake should have `generateFromTime` method? Or similar?
+	let minId = BigInt(date.valueOf() - Snowflake.EPOCH) << BigInt(22);
+	/**
+	idea: ability to customise the cutoff variable
+	possible candidates: public read receipt, last presence, last VC leave
+	**/
+	let members = await Member.find({
+		where: [
+			{
+				guild_id,
+				last_message_id: LessThan(minId.toString())
+			},
+			{
+				last_message_id: IsNull()
+			}
+		],
+		relations: ["roles"]
+	});
+	console.log(members);
+	if (!members.length) return [];
+	//I'm sure I can do this in the above db query ( and it would probably be better to do so ), but oh well.
+	if (roles.length && members.length) members = members.filter((user) => user.roles?.some((role) => roles.includes(;
+	const me = await Member.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: user_id, guild_id }, relations: ["roles"] });
+	const myHighestRole = Math.max(...(me.roles?.map((x) => x.position) || []));
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	members = members.filter(
+		(member) =>
+ !== guild.owner_id && //can't kick owner
+			member.roles?.some(
+				(role) =>
+					role.position < myHighestRole || //roles higher than me can't be kicked
+ === guild.owner_id //owner can kick anyone
+			)
+	);
+	return members;
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const days = parseInt(req.query.days as string);
+	let roles = req.query.include_roles;
+	if (typeof roles === "string") roles = [roles]; //express will return array otherwise
+	const members = await inactiveMembers(req.params.guild_id, req.user_id, days, roles as string[]);
+	res.send({ pruned: members.length });
+"/", route({ permission: "KICK_MEMBERS", right: "KICK_BAN_MEMBERS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const days = parseInt(req.body.days);
+	let roles = req.query.include_roles;
+	if (typeof roles === "string") roles = [roles];
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const members = await inactiveMembers(guild_id, req.user_id, days, roles as string[]);
+	await Promise.all( => Member.removeFromGuild(, guild_id)));
+	res.send({ purged: members.length });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/regions.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/regions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..308d5ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/regions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { Config, Guild, Member } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { getVoiceRegions, route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { getIpAdress } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	//TODO we should use an enum for guild's features and not hardcoded strings
+	return res.json(await getVoiceRegions(getIpAdress(req), guild.features.includes("VIP_REGIONS")));
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/roles/#role_id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/roles/#role_id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4422a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/roles/#role_id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { Role, Member, GuildRoleUpdateEvent, GuildRoleDeleteEvent, emitEvent, handleFile, RoleModifySchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, role_id } = req.params;
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	const role = await Role.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id, id: role_id } });
+	return res.json(role);
+router.delete("/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_ROLES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, role_id } = req.params;
+	if (role_id === guild_id) throw new HTTPError("You can't delete the @everyone role");
+	await Promise.all([
+		Role.delete({
+			id: role_id,
+			guild_id: guild_id
+		}),
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "GUILD_ROLE_DELETE",
+			guild_id,
+			data: {
+				guild_id,
+				role_id
+			}
+		} as GuildRoleDeleteEvent)
+	]);
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+// TODO: check role hierarchy
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "RoleModifySchema", permission: "MANAGE_ROLES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { role_id, guild_id } = req.params;
+	const body = req.body as RoleModifySchema;
+	if (body.icon) body.icon = await handleFile(`/role-icons/${role_id}`, body.icon as string);
+	const role = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Role(), {
+		...body,
+		id: role_id,
+		guild_id,
+		permissions: String(req.permission!.bitfield & BigInt(body.permissions || "0"))
+	});
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE",
+			guild_id,
+			data: {
+				guild_id,
+				role
+			}
+		} as GuildRoleUpdateEvent)
+	]);
+	res.json(role);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/roles/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/roles/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17f0b5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/roles/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import {
+	Role,
+	getPermission,
+	Member,
+	GuildRoleCreateEvent,
+	GuildRoleUpdateEvent,
+	GuildRoleDeleteEvent,
+	emitEvent,
+	Config,
+	DiscordApiErrors,
+	handleFile,
+	RoleModifySchema,
+	RolePositionUpdateSchema
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const guild_id = req.params.guild_id;
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	const roles = await Role.find({ where: { guild_id } });
+	return res.json(roles);
+"/", route({ body: "RoleModifySchema", permission: "MANAGE_ROLES" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const guild_id = req.params.guild_id;
+	const body = req.body as RoleModifySchema;
+	const role_count = await Role.count({ where: { guild_id } });
+	const { maxRoles } = Config.get().limits.guild;
+	if (role_count > maxRoles) throw DiscordApiErrors.MAXIMUM_ROLES.withParams(maxRoles);
+	let role: Role = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Role(),{
+		// values before ...body are default and can be overriden
+		position: 0,
+		hoist: false,
+		color: 0,
+		mentionable: false,
+		...body,
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		managed: false,
+		permissions: String(req.permission!.bitfield & BigInt(body.permissions || "0")),
+		tags: undefined,
+		icon: null,
+		unicode_emoji: null
+	});
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "GUILD_ROLE_CREATE",
+			guild_id,
+			data: {
+				guild_id,
+				role: role
+			}
+		} as GuildRoleCreateEvent)
+	]);
+	res.json(role);
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "RolePositionUpdateSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const body = req.body as RolePositionUpdateSchema;
+	const perms = await getPermission(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	perms.hasThrow("MANAGE_ROLES");
+	await Promise.all( (x) => Role.update({ guild_id, id: }, { position: x.position })));
+	const roles = await Role.find({ where: => ({ id:, guild_id })) });
+	await Promise.all(
+ =>
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE",
+				guild_id,
+				data: {
+					guild_id,
+					role: x
+				}
+			} as GuildRoleUpdateEvent)
+		)
+	);
+	res.json(roles);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/stickers.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/stickers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71c9dfcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/stickers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import {
+	emitEvent,
+	GuildStickersUpdateEvent,
+	handleFile,
+	Member,
+	ModifyGuildStickerSchema,
+	Snowflake,
+	Sticker,
+	StickerFormatType,
+	StickerType,
+	uploadFile
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import multer from "multer";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	res.json(await Sticker.find({ where: { guild_id } }));
+const bodyParser = multer({
+	limits: {
+		fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 100,
+		fields: 10,
+		files: 1
+	},
+	storage: multer.memoryStorage()
+	"/",
+	bodyParser,
+	route({ permission: "MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS", body: "ModifyGuildStickerSchema" }),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		if (!req.file) throw new HTTPError("missing file");
+		const { guild_id } = req.params;
+		const body = req.body as ModifyGuildStickerSchema;
+		const id = Snowflake.generate();
+		const [sticker] = await Promise.all([
+			OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Sticker(), {
+				...body,
+				guild_id,
+				id,
+				type: StickerType.GUILD,
+				format_type: getStickerFormat(req.file.mimetype),
+				available: true
+			}).save(),
+			uploadFile(`/stickers/${id}`, req.file)
+		]);
+		await sendStickerUpdateEvent(guild_id);
+		res.json(sticker);
+	}
+export function getStickerFormat(mime_type: string) {
+	switch (mime_type) {
+		case "image/apng":
+			return StickerFormatType.APNG;
+		case "application/json":
+			return StickerFormatType.LOTTIE;
+		case "image/png":
+			return StickerFormatType.PNG;
+		case "image/gif":
+			return StickerFormatType.GIF;
+		default:
+			throw new HTTPError("invalid sticker format: must be png, apng or lottie");
+	}
+router.get("/:sticker_id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, sticker_id } = req.params;
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	res.json(await Sticker.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id, id: sticker_id } }));
+	"/:sticker_id",
+	route({ body: "ModifyGuildStickerSchema", permission: "MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS" }),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { guild_id, sticker_id } = req.params;
+		const body = req.body as ModifyGuildStickerSchema;
+		const sticker = await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Sticker(), { ...body, guild_id, id: sticker_id }).save();
+		await sendStickerUpdateEvent(guild_id);
+		return res.json(sticker);
+	}
+async function sendStickerUpdateEvent(guild_id: string) {
+	return emitEvent({
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		data: {
+			guild_id: guild_id,
+			stickers: await Sticker.find({ where: { guild_id } })
+		}
+	} as GuildStickersUpdateEvent);
+router.delete("/:sticker_id", route({ permission: "MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id, sticker_id } = req.params;
+	await Sticker.delete({ guild_id, id: sticker_id });
+	await sendStickerUpdateEvent(guild_id);
+	return res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/templates.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/templates.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c79692d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/templates.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Guild, Template } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { generateCode } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+const TemplateGuildProjection: (keyof Guild)[] = [
+	"name",
+	"description",
+	"region",
+	"verification_level",
+	"default_message_notifications",
+	"explicit_content_filter",
+	"preferred_locale",
+	"afk_timeout",
+	"roles",
+	// "channels",
+	"afk_channel_id",
+	"system_channel_id",
+	"system_channel_flags",
+	"icon"
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	let templates = await Template.find({ where: { source_guild_id: guild_id } });
+	return res.json(templates);
+"/", route({ body: "TemplateCreateSchema", permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id }, select: TemplateGuildProjection });
+	const exists = await Template.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } }).catch((e) => {});
+	if (exists) throw new HTTPError("Template already exists", 400);
+	const template = await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Template(), {
+		...req.body,
+		code: generateCode(),
+		creator_id: req.user_id,
+		created_at: new Date(),
+		updated_at: new Date(),
+		source_guild_id: guild_id,
+		serialized_source_guild: guild
+	}).save();
+	res.json(template);
+router.delete("/:code", route({ permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { code, guild_id } = req.params;
+	const template = await Template.delete({
+		code,
+		source_guild_id: guild_id
+	});
+	res.json(template);
+router.put("/:code", route({ permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { code, guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id }, select: TemplateGuildProjection });
+	const template = await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Template(), { code, serialized_source_guild: guild }).save();
+	res.json(template);
+router.patch("/:code", route({ body: "TemplateModifySchema", permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { code, guild_id } = req.params;
+	const { name, description } = req.body;
+	const template = await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Template(), { code, name: name, description: description, source_guild_id: guild_id }).save();
+	res.json(template);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/vanity-url.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/vanity-url.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff92ce8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/vanity-url.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import { Channel, ChannelType, getPermission, Guild, Invite, trimSpecial, VanityUrlSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+const InviteRegex = /\W/g;
+router.get("/", route({ permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	if (!guild.features.includes("ALIASABLE_NAMES")) {
+		const invite = await Invite.findOne({ where: { guild_id: guild_id, vanity_url: true } });
+		if (!invite) return res.json({ code: null });
+		return res.json({ code: invite.code, uses: invite.uses });
+	} else {
+		const invite = await Invite.find({ where: { guild_id: guild_id, vanity_url: true } });
+		if (!invite || invite.length == 0) return res.json({ code: null });
+		return res.json( => ({ code: x.code, uses: x.uses })));
+	}
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "VanityUrlSchema", permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const body = req.body as VanityUrlSchema;
+	const code = body.code?.replace(InviteRegex, "");
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	if (!guild.features.includes("VANITY_URL")) throw new HTTPError("Your guild doesn't support vanity urls");
+	if (!code || code.length === 0) throw new HTTPError("Code cannot be null or empty");
+	const invite = await Invite.findOne({ where: { code } });
+	if (invite) throw new HTTPError("Invite already exists");
+	const { id } = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id, type: ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT } });
+	await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Invite(), {
+		vanity_url: true,
+		code: code,
+		temporary: false,
+		uses: 0,
+		max_uses: 0,
+		max_age: 0,
+		created_at: new Date(),
+		expires_at: new Date(),
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		channel_id: id
+	}).save();
+	return res.json({ where: { code } });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/voice-states/#user_id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/voice-states/#user_id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28a9e8c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/voice-states/#user_id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import { Channel, ChannelType, DiscordApiErrors, emitEvent, getPermission, VoiceState, VoiceStateUpdateEvent, VoiceStateUpdateSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "VoiceStateUpdateSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as VoiceStateUpdateSchema;
+	let { guild_id, user_id } = req.params;
+	if (user_id === "@me") user_id = req.user_id;
+	const perms = await getPermission(req.user_id, guild_id, body.channel_id);
+	/*
+	From
+	You must have the MUTE_MEMBERS permission to unsuppress others. You can always suppress yourself.
+	You must have the REQUEST_TO_SPEAK permission to request to speak. You can always clear your own request to speak.
+	 */
+	if (body.suppress && user_id !== req.user_id) {
+		perms.hasThrow("MUTE_MEMBERS");
+	}
+	if (!body.suppress) body.request_to_speak_timestamp = new Date();
+	if (body.request_to_speak_timestamp) perms.hasThrow("REQUEST_TO_SPEAK");
+	let voice_state = await VoiceState.findOne({
+		where: {
+			guild_id,
+			channel_id: body.channel_id,
+			user_id
+		}
+	});
+	if (!voice_state) throw DiscordApiErrors.UNKNOWN_VOICE_STATE;
+	voice_state = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(voice_state, body) as VoiceState;
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { guild_id, id: body.channel_id } });
+	if (channel.type !== ChannelType.GUILD_STAGE_VOICE) {
+	}
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "VOICE_STATE_UPDATE",
+			data: voice_state,
+			guild_id
+		} as VoiceStateUpdateEvent)
+	]);
+	return res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/webhooks.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/webhooks.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8c1eb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/webhooks.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { Channel, ChannelUpdateEvent, getPermission, emitEvent } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+//TODO: implement webhooks
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json([]);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/welcome_screen.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/welcome_screen.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d08300ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/welcome_screen.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Guild, getPermission, Snowflake, Member, GuildUpdateWelcomeScreenSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const guild_id = req.params.guild_id;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	await Member.IsInGuildOrFail(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	res.json(guild.welcome_screen);
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "GuildUpdateWelcomeScreenSchema", permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const guild_id = req.params.guild_id;
+	const body = req.body as GuildUpdateWelcomeScreenSchema;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	if (!guild.welcome_screen.enabled) throw new HTTPError("Welcome screen disabled", 400);
+	if (body.welcome_channels) guild.welcome_screen.welcome_channels = body.welcome_channels; // TODO: check if they exist and are valid
+	if (body.description) guild.welcome_screen.description = body.description;
+	if (body.enabled != null) guild.welcome_screen.enabled = body.enabled;
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.json.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.json.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37739418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.json.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Config, Permissions, Guild, Invite, Channel, Member } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { random, route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+// Undocumented API notes:
+// An invite is created for the widget_channel_id on request (only if an existing one created by the widget doesn't already exist)
+// This invite created doesn't include an inviter object like user created ones and has a default expiry of 24 hours
+// Missing user object information is intentional (
+// channels returns voice channel objects where @everyone has the CONNECT permission
+// members (max 100 returned) is a sample of all members, and bots par invisible status, there exists some alphabetical distribution pattern between the members returned
+// TODO: Cache the response for a guild for 5 minutes regardless of response
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	if (!guild.widget_enabled) throw new HTTPError("Widget Disabled", 404);
+	// Fetch existing widget invite for widget channel
+	let invite = await Invite.findOne({ where: { channel_id: guild.widget_channel_id } });
+	if (guild.widget_channel_id && !invite) {
+		// Create invite for channel if none exists
+		// TODO: Refactor invite create code to a shared function
+		const max_age = 86400; // 24 hours
+		const expires_at = new Date(max_age * 1000 +;
+		const body = {
+			code: random(),
+			temporary: false,
+			uses: 0,
+			max_uses: 0,
+			max_age: max_age,
+			expires_at,
+			created_at: new Date(),
+			guild_id,
+			channel_id: guild.widget_channel_id,
+			inviter_id: null
+		};
+		invite = await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Invite(), body).save();
+	}
+	// Fetch voice channels, and the @everyone permissions object
+	const channels = [] as any[];
+	(await Channel.find({ where: { guild_id: guild_id, type: 2 }, order: { position: "ASC" } })).filter((doc) => {
+		// Only return channels where @everyone has the CONNECT permission
+		if (
+			doc.permission_overwrites === undefined ||
+			Permissions.channelPermission(doc.permission_overwrites, Permissions.FLAGS.CONNECT) === Permissions.FLAGS.CONNECT
+		) {
+			channels.push({
+				id:,
+				name:,
+				position: doc.position
+			});
+		}
+	});
+	// Fetch members
+	// TODO: Understand how Discord's max 100 random member sample works, and apply to here (see top of this file)
+	let members = await Member.find({ where: { guild_id } });
+	// Construct object to respond with
+	const data = {
+		id: guild_id,
+		name:,
+		instant_invite: invite?.code,
+		channels: channels,
+		members: members,
+		presence_count: guild.presence_count
+	};
+	res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=300");
+	return res.json(data);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.png.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.png.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a61d938d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.png.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Guild } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import fs from "fs";
+import path from "path";
+const router: Router = Router();
+// TODO: use svg templates instead of node-canvas for improved performance and to change it easily
+// TODO: Cache the response
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	if (!guild.widget_enabled) throw new HTTPError("Unknown Guild", 404);
+	// Fetch guild information
+	const icon = guild.icon;
+	const name =;
+	const presence = guild.presence_count + " ONLINE";
+	// Fetch parameter
+	const style = || "shield";
+	if (!["shield", "banner1", "banner2", "banner3", "banner4"].includes(style)) {
+		throw new HTTPError("Value must be one of ('shield', 'banner1', 'banner2', 'banner3', 'banner4').", 400);
+	}
+	// Setup canvas
+	const { createCanvas } = require("canvas");
+	const { loadImage } = require("canvas");
+	const sizeOf = require("image-size");
+	// TODO: Widget style templates need Fosscord branding
+	const source = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "..", "..", "assets", "widget", `${style}.png`);
+	if (!fs.existsSync(source)) {
+		throw new HTTPError("Widget template does not exist.", 400);
+	}
+	// Create base template image for parameter
+	const { width, height } = await sizeOf(source);
+	const canvas = createCanvas(width, height);
+	const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
+	const template = await loadImage(source);
+	ctx.drawImage(template, 0, 0);
+	// Add the guild specific information to the template asset image
+	switch (style) {
+		case "shield":
+			ctx.textAlign = "center";
+			await drawText(ctx, 73, 13, "#FFFFFF", "thin 10px Verdana", presence);
+			break;
+		case "banner1":
+			if (icon) await drawIcon(ctx, 20, 27, 50, icon);
+			await drawText(ctx, 83, 51, "#FFFFFF", "12px Verdana", name, 22);
+			await drawText(ctx, 83, 66, "#C9D2F0FF", "thin 11px Verdana", presence);
+			break;
+		case "banner2":
+			if (icon) await drawIcon(ctx, 13, 19, 36, icon);
+			await drawText(ctx, 62, 34, "#FFFFFF", "12px Verdana", name, 15);
+			await drawText(ctx, 62, 49, "#C9D2F0FF", "thin 11px Verdana", presence);
+			break;
+		case "banner3":
+			if (icon) await drawIcon(ctx, 20, 20, 50, icon);
+			await drawText(ctx, 83, 44, "#FFFFFF", "12px Verdana", name, 27);
+			await drawText(ctx, 83, 58, "#C9D2F0FF", "thin 11px Verdana", presence);
+			break;
+		case "banner4":
+			if (icon) await drawIcon(ctx, 21, 136, 50, icon);
+			await drawText(ctx, 84, 156, "#FFFFFF", "13px Verdana", name, 27);
+			await drawText(ctx, 84, 171, "#C9D2F0FF", "thin 12px Verdana", presence);
+			break;
+		default:
+			throw new HTTPError("Value must be one of ('shield', 'banner1', 'banner2', 'banner3', 'banner4').", 400);
+	}
+	// Return final image
+	const buffer = canvas.toBuffer("image/png");
+	res.set("Content-Type", "image/png");
+	res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=3600");
+	return res.send(buffer);
+async function drawIcon(canvas: any, x: number, y: number, scale: number, icon: string) {
+	// @ts-ignore
+	const img = new require("canvas").Image();
+	img.src = icon;
+	// Do some canvas clipping magic!
+	canvas.beginPath();
+	const r = scale / 2; // use scale to determine radius
+	canvas.arc(x + r, y + r, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); // start circle at x, and y coords + radius to find center
+	canvas.clip();
+	canvas.drawImage(img, x, y, scale, scale);
+	canvas.restore();
+async function drawText(canvas: any, x: number, y: number, color: string, font: string, text: string, maxcharacters?: number) {
+	canvas.fillStyle = color;
+	canvas.font = font;
+	if (text.length > (maxcharacters || 0) && maxcharacters) text = text.slice(0, maxcharacters) + "...";
+	canvas.fillText(text, x, y);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbb4cc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/#guild_id/widget.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Guild, WidgetModifySchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id } });
+	return res.json({ enabled: guild.widget_enabled || false, channel_id: guild.widget_channel_id || null });
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "WidgetModifySchema", permission: "MANAGE_GUILD" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as WidgetModifySchema;
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	await Guild.update({ id: guild_id }, { widget_enabled: body.enabled, widget_channel_id: body.channel_id });
+	// Widget invite for the widget_channel_id gets created as part of the /guilds/{}/widget.json request
+	return res.json(body);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4d66192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { Role, Guild, Snowflake, Config, getRights, Member, Channel, DiscordApiErrors, handleFile, GuildCreateSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+//TODO: create default channel
+"/", route({ body: "GuildCreateSchema", right: "CREATE_GUILDS" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as GuildCreateSchema;
+	const { maxGuilds } = Config.get().limits.user;
+	const guild_count = await Member.count({ where: { id: req.user_id } });
+	const rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+	if ((guild_count >= maxGuilds)&&!rights.has("MANAGE_GUILDS")) {
+		throw DiscordApiErrors.MAXIMUM_GUILDS.withParams(maxGuilds);
+	}
+	const guild = await Guild.createGuild({ ...body, owner_id: req.user_id });
+	const { autoJoin } = Config.get().guild;
+	if (autoJoin.enabled && !autoJoin.guilds?.length) {
+		// @ts-ignore
+		await Config.set({ guild: { autoJoin: { guilds: [] } } });
+	}
+	await Member.addToGuild(req.user_id,;
+	res.status(201).json({ id: });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/guilds/templates/index.ts b/src/api/routes/guilds/templates/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a0de9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/guilds/templates/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Template, Guild, Role, Snowflake, Config, User, Member, DiscordApiErrors, OrmUtils, GuildTemplateCreateSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import fetch from "node-fetch";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/:code", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { allowDiscordTemplates, allowRaws, enabled } = Config.get().templates;
+	if (!enabled) res.json({ code: 403, message: "Template creation & usage is disabled on this instance." }).sendStatus(403);
+	const { code } = req.params;
+	if (code.startsWith("discord:")) {
+		if (!allowDiscordTemplates)	return res.json({ code: 403, message: "Discord templates cannot be used on this instance." }).sendStatus(403);
+		const discordTemplateID = code.split("discord:", 2)[1];
+		const discordTemplateData = await fetch(`${discordTemplateID}`, {
+			method: "get",
+			headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
+		});
+		return res.json(await discordTemplateData.json());
+	}
+	if (code.startsWith("external:")) {
+		if (!allowRaws)	return res.json({ code: 403, message: "Importing raws is disabled on this instance." }).sendStatus(403);
+		return res.json(code.split("external:", 2)[1]);
+	}
+	const template = await Template.findOneOrFail({ where: { code } });
+	res.json(template);
+"/:code", route({ body: "GuildTemplateCreateSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { enabled, allowTemplateCreation, allowDiscordTemplates, allowRaws } = Config.get().templates;
+	if (!enabled) return res.json({ code: 403, message: "Template creation & usage is disabled on this instance." }).sendStatus(403);
+	if (!allowTemplateCreation) return res.json({ code: 403, message: "Template creation is disabled on this instance." }).sendStatus(403);
+	const { code } = req.params;
+	const body = req.body as GuildTemplateCreateSchema;
+	const { maxGuilds } = Config.get().limits.user;
+	const guild_count = await Member.count({ where: { id: req.user_id } });
+	if (guild_count >= maxGuilds) {
+		throw DiscordApiErrors.MAXIMUM_GUILDS.withParams(maxGuilds);
+	}
+	const template = await Template.findOneOrFail({ where: { code } });
+	const guild_id = Snowflake.generate();
+	const [guild, role] = await Promise.all([
+		OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Guild(), {
+			...body,
+			...template.serialized_source_guild,
+			id: guild_id,
+			owner_id: req.user_id
+		}).save(),
+		(OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Role(), {
+			id: guild_id,
+			guild_id: guild_id,
+			color: 0,
+			hoist: false,
+			managed: true,
+			mentionable: true,
+			name: "@everyone",
+			permissions: BigInt("2251804225"),
+			position: 0,
+			tags: null
+		}) as Role).save()
+	]);
+	await Member.addToGuild(req.user_id, guild_id);
+	res.status(201).json({ id: });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/invites/index.ts b/src/api/routes/invites/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b434505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/invites/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { emitEvent, getPermission, Guild, Invite, InviteDeleteEvent, User, PublicInviteRelation } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/:code", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { code } = req.params;
+	const invite = await Invite.findOneOrFail({ where: { code }, relations: PublicInviteRelation });
+	res.status(200).send(invite);
+"/:code", route({right: "USE_MASS_INVITES"}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { code } = req.params;
+    const { guild_id } = await Invite.findOneOrFail({ where: { code } })
+	const { features } = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id} });
+	const { public_flags } = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id } });
+	if(features.includes("INTERNAL_EMPLOYEE_ONLY") && (public_flags & 1) !== 1) throw new HTTPError("Only intended for the staff of this server.", 401);
+	if(features.includes("INVITES_CLOSED")) throw new HTTPError("Sorry, this guild has joins closed.", 403);
+	const invite = await Invite.joinGuild(req.user_id, code);
+	res.json(invite);
+// * cant use permission of route() function because path doesn't have guild_id/channel_id
+router.delete("/:code", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { code } = req.params;
+	const invite = await Invite.findOneOrFail({ where: { code } });
+	const { guild_id, channel_id } = invite;
+	const permission = await getPermission(req.user_id, guild_id, channel_id);
+	if (!permission.has("MANAGE_GUILD") && !permission.has("MANAGE_CHANNELS"))
+		throw new HTTPError("You missing the MANAGE_GUILD or MANAGE_CHANNELS permission", 401);
+	await Promise.all([
+		Invite.delete({ code }),
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "INVITE_DELETE",
+			guild_id: guild_id,
+			data: {
+				channel_id: channel_id,
+				guild_id: guild_id,
+				code: code
+			}
+		} as InviteDeleteEvent)
+	]);
+	res.json({ invite: invite });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/oauth2/tokens.ts b/src/api/routes/oauth2/tokens.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd284221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/oauth2/tokens.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.json([]);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/outbound-promotions.ts b/src/api/routes/outbound-promotions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..411e95bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/outbound-promotions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/partners/#guild_id/requirements.ts b/src/api/routes/partners/#guild_id/requirements.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..545c5c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/partners/#guild_id/requirements.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import { Guild, Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;	
+    // TODO:
+    // Load from database
+    // Admin control, but for now it allows anyone to be discoverable
+	res.send({
+		guild_id: guild_id,
+		safe_environment: true,
+        healthy: true,
+        health_score_pending: false,
+        size: true,
+        nsfw_properties: {},
+        protected: true,
+        sufficient: true,
+        sufficient_without_grace_period: true,
+        valid_rules_channel: true,
+        retention_healthy: true,
+        engagement_healthy: true,
+        age: true,
+        minimum_age: 0,
+        health_score: {
+            avg_nonnew_participators: 0,
+            avg_nonnew_communicators: 0,
+            num_intentful_joiners: 0,
+            perc_ret_w1_intentful: 0
+        },
+        minimum_size: 0
+	});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/ping.ts b/src/api/routes/ping.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c1da2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/ping.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { general } = Config.get();
+	res.send({
+		ping: "pong!",
+		instance: {
+			id: general.instanceId,
+			name: general.instanceName,
+			description: general.instanceDescription,
+			image: general.image,
+			correspondenceEmail: general.correspondenceEmail,
+			correspondenceUserID: general.correspondenceUserID,
+			frontPage: general.frontPage,
+			tosPage: general.tosPage,
+		},
+	});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/policies/instance/domains.ts b/src/api/routes/policies/instance/domains.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20cd07ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/policies/instance/domains.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { config } from "dotenv"
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/",route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+    const { cdn, gateway } = Config.get();
+    const IdentityForm = {
+        cdn: cdn.endpointPublic || process.env.CDN || "http://localhost:3001",
+        gateway: gateway.endpointPublic || process.env.GATEWAY || "ws://localhost:3002"
+    };
+	res.json(IdentityForm);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/policies/instance/index.ts b/src/api/routes/policies/instance/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3da014f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/policies/instance/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/",route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { general } = Config.get();
+	res.json(general);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/policies/instance/limits.ts b/src/api/routes/policies/instance/limits.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7de1476b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/policies/instance/limits.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/",route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { limits } = Config.get();
+	res.json(limits);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/scheduled-maintenances/upcoming_json.ts b/src/api/routes/scheduled-maintenances/upcoming_json.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83092e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/scheduled-maintenances/upcoming_json.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/scheduled-maintenances/upcoming.json",route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json({
+  "page": {},
+  "scheduled_maintenances": {}
+  });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/science.ts b/src/api/routes/science.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8556a3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/science.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/stage-instances.ts b/src/api/routes/stage-instances.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..411e95bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/stage-instances.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/sticker-packs/index.ts b/src/api/routes/sticker-packs/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6560d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/sticker-packs/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { StickerPack } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const sticker_packs = await StickerPack.find({ relations: ["stickers"] });
+	res.json({ sticker_packs });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/stickers/#sticker_id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/stickers/#sticker_id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b484a7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/stickers/#sticker_id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Sticker } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { sticker_id } = req.params;
+	res.json(await Sticker.find({ where: { id: sticker_id } }));
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/stop.ts b/src/api/routes/stop.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f8b78ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/stop.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { User } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+"/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//EXPERIMENTAL: have an "OPERATOR" platform permission implemented for this API route
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, select: ["rights"] });
+	if((Number(user.rights) << Number(0))%Number(2)==Number(1)) {
+		console.log("user that POSTed to the API was ALLOWED");
+		console.log(user.rights);
+		res.sendStatus(200)
+		process.kill(, 'SIGTERM')
+	}
+	else {
+		console.log("operation failed");
+		console.log(user.rights);
+		res.sendStatus(403)
+	}
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/applications.ts b/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/applications.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..060a4c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/applications.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/:id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	const id =;
+	res.json({
+		id: "",
+		summary: "",
+		sku: {
+			id: "",
+			type: 1,
+			dependent_sku_id: null,
+			application_id: "",
+			manifets_labels: [],
+			access_type: 2,
+			name: "",
+			features: [],
+			release_date: "",
+			premium: false,
+			slug: "",
+			flags: 4,
+			genres: [],
+			legal_notice: "",
+			application: {
+				id: "",
+				name: "",
+				icon: "",
+				description: "",
+				summary: "",
+				cover_image: "",
+				primary_sku_id: "",
+				hook: true,
+				slug: "",
+				guild_id: "",
+				bot_public: "",
+				bot_require_code_grant: false,
+				verify_key: "",
+				publishers: [
+					{
+						id: "",
+						name: ""
+					}
+				],
+				developers: [
+					{
+						id: "",
+						name: ""
+					}
+				],
+				system_requirements: {},
+				show_age_gate: false,
+				price: {
+					amount: 0,
+					currency: "EUR"
+				},
+				locales: []
+			},
+			tagline: "",
+			description: "",
+			carousel_items: [
+				{
+					asset_id: ""
+				}
+			],
+			header_logo_dark_theme: {}, //{id: "", size: 4665, mime_type: "image/gif", width 160, height: 160}
+			header_logo_light_theme: {},
+			box_art: {},
+			thumbnail: {},
+			header_background: {},
+			hero_background: {},
+			assets: []
+		}
+	}).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/applications/#id/subscription-plans.ts b/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/applications/#id/subscription-plans.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54151ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/applications/#id/subscription-plans.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.json([
+		{
+			id: "",
+			name: "",
+			interval: 1,
+			interval_count: 1,
+			tax_inclusive: true,
+			sku_id: "",
+			fallback_price: 499,
+			fallback_currency: "eur",
+			currency: "eur",
+			price: 4199,
+			price_tier: null
+		}
+	]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/skus.ts b/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/skus.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..060a4c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/skus.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/:id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	const id =;
+	res.json({
+		id: "",
+		summary: "",
+		sku: {
+			id: "",
+			type: 1,
+			dependent_sku_id: null,
+			application_id: "",
+			manifets_labels: [],
+			access_type: 2,
+			name: "",
+			features: [],
+			release_date: "",
+			premium: false,
+			slug: "",
+			flags: 4,
+			genres: [],
+			legal_notice: "",
+			application: {
+				id: "",
+				name: "",
+				icon: "",
+				description: "",
+				summary: "",
+				cover_image: "",
+				primary_sku_id: "",
+				hook: true,
+				slug: "",
+				guild_id: "",
+				bot_public: "",
+				bot_require_code_grant: false,
+				verify_key: "",
+				publishers: [
+					{
+						id: "",
+						name: ""
+					}
+				],
+				developers: [
+					{
+						id: "",
+						name: ""
+					}
+				],
+				system_requirements: {},
+				show_age_gate: false,
+				price: {
+					amount: 0,
+					currency: "EUR"
+				},
+				locales: []
+			},
+			tagline: "",
+			description: "",
+			carousel_items: [
+				{
+					asset_id: ""
+				}
+			],
+			header_logo_dark_theme: {}, //{id: "", size: 4665, mime_type: "image/gif", width 160, height: 160}
+			header_logo_light_theme: {},
+			box_art: {},
+			thumbnail: {},
+			header_background: {},
+			hero_background: {},
+			assets: []
+		}
+	}).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/skus/#sku_id/subscription-plans.ts b/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/skus/#sku_id/subscription-plans.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7f44ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/store/published-listings/skus/#sku_id/subscription-plans.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+const skus = new Map([
+	[
+		"521842865731534868",
+		[
+			{
+				id: "511651856145973248",
+				name: "Individual Premium Tier 2 Monthly (Legacy)",
+				interval: 1,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "521842865731534868",
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			},
+			{
+				id: "511651860671627264",
+				name: "Individiual Premium Tier 2 Yearly (Legacy)",
+				interval: 2,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "521842865731534868",
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			}
+		]
+	],
+	[
+		"521846918637420545",
+		[
+			{
+				id: "511651871736201216",
+				name: "Individual Premium Tier 1 Monthly",
+				interval: 1,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "521846918637420545",
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			},
+			{
+				id: "511651876987469824",
+				name: "Individual Premum Tier 1 Yearly",
+				interval: 2,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "521846918637420545",
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			},
+			{
+				id: "978380684370378761",
+				name: "Individual Premum Tier 0",
+				interval: 2,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "521846918637420545",
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			}
+		]
+	],
+	[
+		"521847234246082599",
+		[
+			{
+				id: "642251038925127690",
+				name: "Individual Premium Tier 2 Quarterly",
+				interval: 1,
+				interval_count: 3,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "521847234246082599",
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			},
+			{
+				id: "511651880837840896",
+				name: "Individual Premium Tier 2 Monthly",
+				interval: 1,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "521847234246082599",
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			},
+			{
+				id: "511651885459963904",
+				name: "Individual Premium Tier 2 Yearly",
+				interval: 2,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "521847234246082599",
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			}
+		]
+	],
+	[
+		"590663762298667008",
+		[
+			{
+				id: "590665532894740483",
+				name: "Crowd Premium Monthly",
+				interval: 1,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "590663762298667008",
+				discount_price: 0,
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			},
+			{
+				id: "590665538238152709",
+				name: "Crowd Premium Yearly",
+				interval: 2,
+				interval_count: 1,
+				tax_inclusive: true,
+				sku_id: "590663762298667008",
+				discount_price: 0,
+				currency: "eur",
+				price: 0,
+				price_tier: null
+			}
+		]
+	]
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO: add the ability to add custom
+	const { sku_id } = req.params;
+	if (!skus.has(sku_id)) {
+		console.log(`Request for invalid SKU ${sku_id}! Please report this!`);
+		res.sendStatus(404);
+	} else {
+		res.json(skus.get(sku_id)).status(200);
+	}
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/teams.ts b/src/api/routes/teams.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ce3abcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/teams.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.send([]);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/template.ts.disabled b/src/api/routes/template.ts.disabled
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcc59ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/template.ts.disabled
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+//TODO: this is a template for a generic route
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/",route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json({});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/track.ts b/src/api/routes/track.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8556a3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/track.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/updates.ts b/src/api/routes/updates.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a24e94c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/updates.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { Config, Release } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { client } = Config.get();
+    const release = await Release.findOneOrFail({ where: { name: client.releases.upstreamVersion } })
+	res.json({
+        name:,
+        pub_date: release.pub_date,
+        url: release.url,
+        notes: release.notes
+    });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/#id/index.ts b/src/api/routes/users/#id/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdb1060f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/#id/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { User } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { id } = req.params;
+	res.json(await User.getPublicUser(id));
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/#id/profile.ts b/src/api/routes/users/#id/profile.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a995a8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/#id/profile.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { PublicConnectedAccount, PublicUser, User, UserPublic, Member } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+export interface UserProfileResponse {
+	user: UserPublic;
+	connected_accounts: PublicConnectedAccount;
+	premium_guild_since?: Date;
+	premium_since?: Date;
+router.get("/", route({ test: { response: { body: "UserProfileResponse" } } }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	if ( === "@me") = req.user_id;
+	const user = await User.getPublicUser(, { relations: ["connected_accounts"] });
+	let mutual_guilds: object[] = [];
+	let premium_guild_since;
+	const requested_member = await Member.find( { where: { id:, } })
+	const self_member = await Member.find( { where: { id: req.user_id, } })
+	for(const rmem of requested_member) {
+		if(rmem.premium_since) {
+			if(premium_guild_since){
+				if(premium_guild_since > rmem.premium_since) {
+					premium_guild_since = rmem.premium_since;
+				}
+			} else {
+				premium_guild_since = rmem.premium_since;
+			}
+		}
+		for(const smem of self_member) {
+			if (smem.guild_id === rmem.guild_id) {
+				mutual_guilds.push({id: rmem.guild_id, nick: rmem.nick})
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	res.json({
+		connected_accounts: user.connected_accounts,
+		premium_guild_since: premium_guild_since, // TODO
+		premium_since: user.premium_since, // TODO
+		mutual_guilds: mutual_guilds, // TODO {id: "", nick: null} when ?with_mutual_guilds=true
+		user: {
+			username: user.username,
+			discriminator: user.discriminator,
+			id:,
+			public_flags: user.public_flags,
+			avatar: user.avatar,
+			accent_color: user.accent_color,
+			banner: user.banner,
+			bio: req.user_bot ? null :,
+			bot:
+		}
+	});
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/#id/relationships.ts b/src/api/routes/users/#id/relationships.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61655c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/#id/relationships.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { User } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+export interface UserRelationsResponse {
+	object: {
+		id?: string,
+		username?: string,
+		avatar?: string, 
+		discriminator?: string, 
+		public_flags?: number
+	}
+router.get("/", route({ test: { response: { body: "UserRelationsResponse" } } }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let mutual_relations: object[] = [];
+    const requested_relations = await User.findOneOrFail({
+		where: { id: },
+		relations: ["relationships"]
+	});
+    const self_relations = await User.findOneOrFail({
+		where: { id: req.user_id },
+		relations: ["relationships"]
+	});
+    for(const rmem of requested_relations.relationships) {
+		for(const smem of self_relations.relationships)
+		if (rmem.to_id === smem.to_id && rmem.type === 1 && rmem.to_id !== req.user_id) {
+			let relation_user = await User.getPublicUser(rmem.to_id)
+			mutual_relations.push({id:, username: relation_user.username, avatar: relation_user.avatar, discriminator: relation_user.discriminator, public_flags: relation_user.public_flags})
+		}
+	}
+	res.json(mutual_relations)
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/activities/statistics/applications.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/activities/statistics/applications.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..014df8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/activities/statistics/applications.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/affinities/guilds.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/affinities/guilds.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d744744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/affinities/guilds.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.status(200).send({ guild_affinities: [] });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/affinities/users.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/affinities/users.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d4e4991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/affinities/users.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.status(200).send({ user_affinities: [], inverse_user_affinities: [] });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/applications/#app_id/entitlements.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/applications/#app_id/entitlements.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..411e95bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/applications/#app_id/entitlements.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/country-code.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/country-code.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33d40796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/country-code.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.json({ country_code: "US" }).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/payment-sources.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/payment-sources.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..014df8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/payment-sources.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/subscriptions.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/subscriptions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..411e95bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/billing/subscriptions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/channels.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/channels.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad483529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/channels.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { Recipient, DmChannelDTO, Channel, DmChannelCreateSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const recipients = await Recipient.find({
+		where: { user_id: req.user_id, closed: false },
+		relations: ["channel", "channel.recipients"]
+	});
+	res.json(await Promise.all( => DmChannelDTO.from(, [req.user_id]))));
+"/", route({ body: "DmChannelCreateSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as DmChannelCreateSchema;
+	res.json(await Channel.createDMChannel(body.recipients, req.user_id,;
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/connections.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/connections.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..411e95bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/connections.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	//TODO
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/delete.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/delete.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d81c2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/delete.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { Guild, Member, User } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, select: ["data"] }); //User object
+	let correctpass = true;
+	if ( {
+		// guest accounts can delete accounts without password
+		correctpass = await,;
+		if (!correctpass) {
+			throw new HTTPError(req.t("auth:login.INVALID_PASSWORD"));
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO: decrement guild member count
+	if (correctpass) {
+		await Promise.all([User.delete({ id: req.user_id }), Member.delete({ id: req.user_id })]);
+		res.sendStatus(204);
+	} else {
+		res.sendStatus(401);
+	}
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/devices.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/devices.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8556a3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/devices.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/disable.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/disable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4aff3774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/disable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { User } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, select: ["data"] }); //User object
+	let correctpass = true;
+	if ( {
+		// guest accounts can delete accounts without password
+		correctpass = await,; //Not sure if user typed right password :/
+	}
+	if (correctpass) {
+		await User.update({ id: req.user_id }, { disabled: true });
+		res.sendStatus(204);
+	} else {
+		res.status(400).json({ message: "Password does not match", code: 50018 });
+	}
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/email-settings.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/email-settings.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3114984e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/email-settings.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.json({
+		categories: {
+			social: true,
+			communication: true,
+			tips: false,
+			updates_and_announcements: false,
+			recommendations_and_events: false
+		},
+		initialized: false
+	}).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/entitlements.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/entitlements.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..341e2b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/entitlements.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/gifts", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/guilds.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/guilds.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d4fccd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/guilds.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { Guild, Member, User, GuildDeleteEvent, GuildMemberRemoveEvent, emitEvent, Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const members = await Member.find({ relations: ["guild"], where: { id: req.user_id } });
+	let guild = => x.guild);
+	if ("with_counts" in req.query && req.query.with_counts == "true") {
+		guild = []; // TODO: Load guilds with user role permissions number
+	}
+	res.json(guild);
+// user send to leave a certain guild
+router.delete("/:guild_id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { autoJoin } = Config.get().guild;
+	const { guild_id } = req.params;
+	const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: guild_id }, select: ["owner_id"] });
+	if (!guild) throw new HTTPError("Guild doesn't exist", 404);
+	if (guild.owner_id === req.user_id) throw new HTTPError("You can't leave your own guild", 400);
+	if (autoJoin.enabled && autoJoin.guilds.includes(guild_id) && !autoJoin.canLeave) {
+		throw new HTTPError("You can't leave instance auto join guilds", 400);
+	}
+	await Promise.all([
+		Member.delete({ id: req.user_id, guild_id: guild_id }),
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "GUILD_DELETE",
+			data: {
+				id: guild_id
+			},
+			user_id: req.user_id
+		} as GuildDeleteEvent)
+	]);
+	const user = await User.getPublicUser(req.user_id);
+	await emitEvent({
+		data: {
+			guild_id: guild_id,
+			user: user
+		},
+		guild_id: guild_id
+	} as GuildMemberRemoveEvent);
+	return res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/guilds/premium/subscription-slots.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/guilds/premium/subscription-slots.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..014df8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/guilds/premium/subscription-slots.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.json([]).status(200);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/index.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d7da35d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { User, PrivateUserProjection, emitEvent, UserUpdateEvent, handleFile, FieldErrors, UserModifySchema, adjustEmail, Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
+import { OrmUtils, generateToken } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json(await User.findOne({ select: PrivateUserProjection, where: { id: req.user_id } }));
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "UserModifySchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	var token = null as any;
+	const body = req.body as UserModifySchema;
+	if (body.avatar) body.avatar = await handleFile(`/avatars/${req.user_id}`, body.avatar as string);
+	if (body.banner) body.banner = await handleFile(`/banners/${req.user_id}`, body.banner as string);
+	let user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, select: [...PrivateUserProjection, "data"] });
+	if (body.password) {
+		if ( {
+			const same_password = await, || "");
+			if (!same_password) {
+				throw FieldErrors({ password: { message: req.t("auth:login.INVALID_PASSWORD"), code: "INVALID_PASSWORD" } });
+			}
+		} else {
+ = await bcrypt.hash(body.password, 12);
+		}
+	}
+	if ( {
+ = adjustEmail(;
+		if (! && Config.get()
+			throw FieldErrors({ email: { message: req.t("auth:register.EMAIL_INVALID"), code: "EMAIL_INVALID" } });
+		if (!body.password)
+			throw FieldErrors({ password: { message: req.t("auth:register.INVALID_PASSWORD"), code: "INVALID_PASSWORD" } });
+	}
+	if (body.new_password) {
+		if (!body.password && ! {
+			throw FieldErrors({
+				password: { code: "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED") }
+			});
+		}
+ = await bcrypt.hash(body.new_password, 12);
+ = new Date();
+		token = await generateToken( as string;
+	}
+	if (body.username) {
+		let check_username = body?.username?.replace(/\s/g, '');
+		if (!check_username) {
+			throw FieldErrors({
+				username: { code: "BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED", message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED") }
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	user = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(user, body);
+	await;
+	// @ts-ignore
+	delete;
+	// TODO: send update member list event in gateway
+	await emitEvent({
+		event: "USER_UPDATE",
+		user_id: req.user_id,
+		data: user
+	} as UserUpdateEvent);
+	res.json({
+		...user,
+		token
+	});
+export default router;
+// {"message": "Invalid two-factor code", "code": 60008}
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/library.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/library.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ac13bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/library.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	// TODO:
+	res.status(200).send([]);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/codes.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/codes.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4224a1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/codes.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { BackupCode, Config, FieldErrors, generateMfaBackupCodes, MfaCodesSchema, User } from "@fosscord/util";
+import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
+const router = Router();
+// TODO: This route is replaced with users/@me/mfa/codes-verification in newer clients
+"/", route({ body: "MfaCodesSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { password, regenerate } = req.body as MfaCodesSchema;
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, select: ["data"] });
+	if (!await, || "")) {
+		throw FieldErrors({ password: { message: req.t("auth:login.INVALID_PASSWORD"), code: "INVALID_PASSWORD" } });
+	}
+	var codes: BackupCode[];
+	if (regenerate && Config.get().security.twoFactor.generateBackupCodes) {
+		await BackupCode.update(
+			{ user: { id: req.user_id } },
+			{ expired: true }
+		);
+		codes = generateMfaBackupCodes(req.user_id);
+		await Promise.all( =>;
+	}
+	else {
+		codes = await BackupCode.find({
+			where: {
+				user: {
+					id: req.user_id,
+				},
+				expired: false
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	return res.json({
+		backup_codes: => ({ ...x, expired: undefined })),
+	})
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/totp/disable.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/totp/disable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fe9355c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/totp/disable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { verifyToken } from 'node-2fa';
+import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server";
+import { User, generateToken, BackupCode, TotpDisableSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({ body: "TotpDisableSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as TotpDisableSchema;
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, select: ["totp_secret"] });
+	const backup = await BackupCode.findOne({ where: { code: body.code } });
+	if (!backup) {
+		const ret = verifyToken(user.totp_secret!, body.code);
+		if (!ret || != 0)
+			throw new HTTPError(req.t("auth:login.INVALID_TOTP_CODE"), 60008);
+	}
+	await User.update(
+		{ id: req.user_id },
+		{
+			mfa_enabled: false,
+			totp_secret: "",
+		},
+	);
+	await BackupCode.update(
+		{ user: { id: req.user_id } },
+		{
+			expired: true,
+		}
+	);
+	return res.json({
+		token: await generateToken(,
+	});
+export default router;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/totp/enable.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/totp/enable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac668d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/mfa/totp/enable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { User, generateToken, BackupCode, generateMfaBackupCodes, Config, TotpEnableSchema } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import bcrypt from "bcrypt";
+import { HTTPError } from "lambert-server";
+import { verifyToken } from 'node-2fa';
+const router = Router();
+"/", route({ body: "TotpEnableSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as TotpEnableSchema;
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, select: ["data"] });
+	// TODO: Are guests allowed to enable 2fa?
+	if ( {
+		if (!await, {
+			throw new HTTPError(req.t("auth:login.INVALID_PASSWORD"));
+		}
+	}
+	if (!body.secret)
+		throw new HTTPError(req.t("auth:login.INVALID_TOTP_SECRET"), 60005);
+	if (!body.code)
+		throw new HTTPError(req.t("auth:login.INVALID_TOTP_CODE"), 60008);
+	if (verifyToken(body.secret, body.code)?.delta != 0)
+		throw new HTTPError(req.t("auth:login.INVALID_TOTP_CODE"), 60008);
+	let backup_codes: BackupCode[] = [];
+	if (Config.get().security.twoFactor.generateBackupCodes) {
+		backup_codes = generateMfaBackupCodes(req.user_id);
+		await Promise.all( =>;
+	}
+	await User.update(
+		{ id: req.user_id },
+		{ mfa_enabled: true, totp_secret: body.secret }
+	);
+	res.send({
+		token: await generateToken(,
+		backup_codes: => ({ ...x, expired: undefined })),
+	});
+export default router;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/notes.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/notes.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f938f088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/notes.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import { Request, Response, Router } from "express";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { User, Note, emitEvent, Snowflake } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/:id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { id } = req.params;
+	const note = await Note.findOneOrFail({
+		where: {
+			owner: { id: req.user_id },
+			target: { id: id },
+		}
+	});
+	return res.json({
+		note: note?.content,
+		note_user_id: id,
+		user_id: req.user_id,
+	});
+router.put("/:id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { id } = req.params;
+	const owner = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id } });
+	const target = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: id } });		//if noted user does not exist throw
+	const { note } = req.body;
+	if (note && note.length) {
+		// upsert a note
+		if (await Note.findOne({ where: { owner: { id: }, target: { id: } } })) {
+			Note.update(
+				{ owner: { id: }, target: { id: } },
+				{ owner, target, content: note }
+			);
+		}
+		else {
+			Note.insert(
+				{ id: Snowflake.generate(), owner, target, content: note }
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		await Note.delete({ owner: { id: }, target: { id: } });
+	}
+	await emitEvent({
+		event: "USER_NOTE_UPDATE",
+		data: {
+			note: note,
+			id:
+		},
+		user_id:,
+	});
+	return res.status(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/relationships.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/relationships.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7464b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/relationships.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+import {
+	RelationshipAddEvent,
+	User,
+	PublicUserProjection,
+	RelationshipType,
+	RelationshipRemoveEvent,
+	emitEvent,
+	Relationship,
+	Config
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { DiscordApiErrors } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const router = Router();
+const userProjection: (keyof User)[] = ["relationships", ...PublicUserProjection];
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({
+		where: { id: req.user_id },
+		relations: ["relationships", ""],
+		select: ["relationships"]
+	});
+	const related_users = => {
+		return {
+			id:,
+			type: r.type,
+			nickname: null,
+			user:
+		};
+	});
+	return res.json(related_users);
+router.put("/:id", route({ body: "RelationshipPutSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	return await updateRelationship(
+		req,
+		res,
+		await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: }, relations: ["relationships", ""], select: userProjection }),
+		req.body.type ?? RelationshipType.friends
+	);
+"/", route({ body: "RelationshipPostSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	return await updateRelationship(
+		req,
+		res,
+		await User.findOneOrFail({
+			relations: ["relationships", ""],
+			select: userProjection,
+			where: {
+				discriminator: String(req.body.discriminator).padStart(4, "0"), //Discord send the discriminator as integer, we need to add leading zeroes
+				username: req.body.username
+			}
+		}),
+		req.body.type
+	);
+router.delete("/:id", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { id } = req.params;
+	if (id === req.user_id) throw new HTTPError("You can't remove yourself as a friend");
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id }, select: userProjection, relations: ["relationships"] });
+	const friend = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: id }, select: userProjection, relations: ["relationships"] });
+	const relationship = user.relationships.find((x) => x.to_id === id);
+	const friendRequest = friend.relationships.find((x) => x.to_id === req.user_id);
+	if (!relationship) throw new HTTPError("You are not friends with the user", 404);
+	if (relationship?.type === RelationshipType.blocked) {
+		// unblock user
+		await Promise.all([
+			Relationship.delete({ id: }),
+			emitEvent({
+				user_id: req.user_id,
+				data: relationship.toPublicRelationship()
+			} as RelationshipRemoveEvent)
+		]);
+		return res.sendStatus(204);
+	}
+	if (friendRequest && friendRequest.type !== RelationshipType.blocked) {
+		await Promise.all([
+			Relationship.delete({ id: }),
+			await emitEvent({
+				data: friendRequest.toPublicRelationship(),
+				user_id: id
+			} as RelationshipRemoveEvent)
+		]);
+	}
+	await Promise.all([
+		Relationship.delete({ id: }),
+		emitEvent({
+			data: relationship.toPublicRelationship(),
+			user_id: req.user_id
+		} as RelationshipRemoveEvent)
+	]);
+	return res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
+async function updateRelationship(req: Request, res: Response, friend: User, type: RelationshipType) {
+	const id =;
+	if (id === req.user_id) throw new HTTPError("You can't add yourself as a friend");
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({
+		where: { id: req.user_id },
+		relations: ["relationships", ""],
+		select: userProjection
+	});
+	let relationship = user.relationships.find((x) => x.to_id === id);
+	const friendRequest = friend.relationships.find((x) => x.to_id === req.user_id);
+	// TODO: you can add infinitely many blocked users (should this be prevented?)
+	if (type === RelationshipType.blocked) {
+		if (relationship) {
+			if (relationship.type === RelationshipType.blocked) throw new HTTPError("You already blocked the user");
+			relationship.type = RelationshipType.blocked;
+			await;
+		} else {
+			relationship = await (OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Relationship(), { to_id: id, type: RelationshipType.blocked, from_id: req.user_id }) as Relationship).save();
+		}
+		if (friendRequest && friendRequest.type !== RelationshipType.blocked) {
+			await Promise.all([
+				Relationship.delete({ id: }),
+				emitEvent({
+					data: friendRequest.toPublicRelationship(),
+					user_id: id
+				} as RelationshipRemoveEvent)
+			]);
+		}
+		await emitEvent({
+			event: "RELATIONSHIP_ADD",
+			data: relationship.toPublicRelationship(),
+			user_id: req.user_id
+		} as RelationshipAddEvent);
+		return res.sendStatus(204);
+	}
+	const { maxFriends } = Config.get().limits.user;
+	if (user.relationships.length >= maxFriends) throw DiscordApiErrors.MAXIMUM_FRIENDS.withParams(maxFriends);
+	let incoming_relationship = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Relationship(), { nickname: undefined, type: RelationshipType.incoming, to: user, from: friend });
+	let outgoing_relationship = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Relationship(), {
+		nickname: undefined,
+		type: RelationshipType.outgoing,
+		to: friend,
+		from: user
+	});
+	if (friendRequest) {
+		if (friendRequest.type === RelationshipType.blocked) throw new HTTPError("The user blocked you");
+		if (friendRequest.type === RelationshipType.friends) throw new HTTPError("You are already friends with the user");
+		// accept friend request
+		incoming_relationship = friendRequest as any; //TODO: checkme, any cast
+		incoming_relationship.type = RelationshipType.friends;
+	}
+	if (relationship) {
+		if (relationship.type === RelationshipType.outgoing) throw new HTTPError("You already sent a friend request");
+		if (relationship.type === RelationshipType.blocked) throw new HTTPError("Unblock the user before sending a friend request");
+		if (relationship.type === RelationshipType.friends) throw new HTTPError("You are already friends with the user");
+		outgoing_relationship = relationship as any; //TODO: checkme, any cast
+		outgoing_relationship.type = RelationshipType.friends;
+	}
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "RELATIONSHIP_ADD",
+			data: outgoing_relationship.toPublicRelationship(),
+			user_id: req.user_id
+		} as RelationshipAddEvent),
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "RELATIONSHIP_ADD",
+			data: {
+				...incoming_relationship.toPublicRelationship(),
+				should_notify: true
+			},
+			user_id: id
+		} as RelationshipAddEvent)
+	]);
+	return res.sendStatus(204);
diff --git a/src/api/routes/users/@me/settings.ts b/src/api/routes/users/@me/settings.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7578d36e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/users/@me/settings.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { User, UserSettings } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { route } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router = Router();
+router.patch("/", route({ body: "UserSettingsSchema" }), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const body = req.body as UserSettings;
+	if (body.locale === "en") body.locale = "en-US"; // fix discord client crash on unkown locale
+	const user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: req.user_id, bot: false }, relations: ["settings"] });
+	user.settings = { ...user.settings, ...body } as UserSettings;
+	await;
+	res.sendStatus(204);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/routes/voice/regions.ts b/src/api/routes/voice/regions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4de304ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/routes/voice/regions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Router, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { getIpAdress, route } from "@fosscord/api";
+import { getVoiceRegions } from "@fosscord/api";
+const router: Router = Router();
+router.get("/", route({}), async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.json(await getVoiceRegions(getIpAdress(req), true)); //vip true?
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/api/start.ts b/src/api/start.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ba198e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/start.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+process.on("uncaughtException", console.error);
+process.on("unhandledRejection", console.error);
+import { config } from "dotenv";
+import { FosscordServer } from "./Server";
+import cluster from "cluster";
+import os from "os";
+let cores = 1;
+try {
+	cores = Number(process.env.THREADS) || os.cpus().length;
+} catch {
+	console.log("[API] Failed to get thread count! Using 1...")
+if (cluster.isMaster && process.env.NODE_ENV == "production") {
+	console.log(`Primary ${} is running`);
+	// Fork workers.
+	for (let i = 0; i < cores; i++) {
+		cluster.fork();
+	}
+	cluster.on("exit", (worker, code, signal) => {
+		console.log(`worker ${} died, restart worker`);
+		cluster.fork();
+	});
+} else {
+	let port = Number(process.env.PORT) || 3001;
+	const server = new FosscordServer({ port });
+	server.start().catch(console.error);
+	// @ts-ignore
+	global.server = server;
diff --git a/src/api/util/entities/AssetCacheItem.ts b/src/api/util/entities/AssetCacheItem.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..160dece6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/entities/AssetCacheItem.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export class AssetCacheItem {
+	constructor(public Key: string, public FilePath: string = "", public Headers: any = null as any) {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/util/entities/blockedEmailDomains.txt b/src/api/util/entities/blockedEmailDomains.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb88305d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/entities/blockedEmailDomains.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,123978 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/util/entities/trustedEmailDomains.txt b/src/api/util/entities/trustedEmailDomains.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38ffa4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/entities/trustedEmailDomains.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/util/handlers/Instance.ts b/src/api/util/handlers/Instance.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c337270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/handlers/Instance.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { Config, Guild, Session } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { createQueryBuilder } from "typeorm";
+export async function initInstance() {
+	// TODO: clean up database and delete tombstone data
+	// TODO: set first user as instance administrator/or generate one if none exists and output it in the terminal
+	// create default guild and add it to auto join
+	// TODO: check if any current user is not part of autoJoinGuilds
+	const { autoJoin } = Config.get().guild;
+	if (autoJoin.enabled && !autoJoin.guilds?.length) {
+		let guild = await Guild.findOne({where: {}, order: {id: "ASC"}});
+		if (guild) {
+			// @ts-ignore
+			await Config.set({ guild: { autoJoin: { guilds: [] } } });
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO: do no clear sessions for instance cluster
+	await Session.delete({});
diff --git a/src/api/util/handlers/Message.ts b/src/api/util/handlers/Message.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff5ece75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/handlers/Message.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+import {
+	Channel,
+	Embed,
+	emitEvent,
+	Guild,
+	Message,
+	MessageCreateEvent,
+	MessageUpdateEvent,
+	getPermission,
+	getRights,
+	Snowflake,
+	Role,
+	MessageType,
+	User,
+	Application,
+	Webhook,
+	Attachment,
+	Config,
+	MessageCreateSchema,
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import fetch from "node-fetch";
+import cheerio from "cheerio";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+const allow_empty = false;
+// TODO: check webhook, application, system author, stickers
+// TODO: embed gifs/videos/images
+const LINK_REGEX = /https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/g;
+	redirect: "follow",
+	follow: 1,
+	headers: {
+		"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Fosscord/1.0; +"
+	},
+	// size: 1024 * 1024 * 5, 	// grabbed from config later
+	compress: true,
+	method: "GET"
+export async function handleMessage(opts: MessageOptions): Promise<Message> {
+	const channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: opts.channel_id }, relations: ["recipients"] });
+	if (!channel || !opts.channel_id) throw new HTTPError("Channel not found", 404);
+	const message = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Message(), {
+		...opts,
+		sticker_items: opts.sticker_ids?.map((x) => ({ id: x })),
+		guild_id: channel.guild_id,
+		channel_id: opts.channel_id,
+		attachments: opts.attachments || [],
+		embeds: opts.embeds || [],
+		reactions: /*opts.reactions ||*/ [],
+		type: opts.type ?? 0
+	});
+	if (message.content && message.content.length > Config.get().limits.message.maxCharacters) {
+		throw new HTTPError("Content length over max character limit")
+	}
+	if (opts.author_id) {
+ = await User.getPublicUser(opts.author_id);
+		const rights = await getRights(opts.author_id);
+		rights.hasThrow("SEND_MESSAGES");
+	}	
+	if (opts.application_id) {
+		message.application = await Application.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: opts.application_id } });
+	}
+	if (opts.webhook_id) {
+		message.webhook = await Webhook.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: opts.webhook_id } });
+	}
+	const permission = await getPermission(opts.author_id, channel.guild_id, opts.channel_id);
+	permission.hasThrow("SEND_MESSAGES");
+	if (permission.cache.member) {
+		message.member = permission.cache.member;
+	}
+	if (opts.tts) permission.hasThrow("SEND_TTS_MESSAGES");
+	if (opts.message_reference) {
+		permission.hasThrow("READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY");
+		// code below has to be redone when we add custom message routing
+		if (message.guild_id !== null) {
+			const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel.guild_id } });
+			if (!guild.features.includes("CROSS_CHANNEL_REPLIES")) {
+				if (opts.message_reference.guild_id !== channel.guild_id) throw new HTTPError("You can only reference messages from this guild");
+				if (opts.message_reference.channel_id !== opts.channel_id) throw new HTTPError("You can only reference messages from this channel");
+			}
+		}
+		/** Q: should be checked if the referenced message exists? ANSWER: NO
+		 otherwise backfilling won't work **/
+		// @ts-ignore
+		message.type = MessageType.REPLY;
+	}
+	// TODO: stickers/activity
+	if (!allow_empty && (!opts.content && !opts.embeds?.length && !opts.attachments?.length && !opts.sticker_ids?.length)) {
+		throw new HTTPError("Empty messages are not allowed", 50006);
+	}
+	let content = opts.content;
+	let mention_channel_ids = [] as string[];
+	let mention_role_ids = [] as string[];
+	let mention_user_ids = [] as string[];
+	let mention_everyone = false;
+	if (content) { // TODO: explicit-only mentions
+		message.content = content.trim();
+		for (const [_, mention] of content.matchAll(CHANNEL_MENTION)) {
+			if (!mention_channel_ids.includes(mention)) mention_channel_ids.push(mention);
+		}
+		for (const [_, mention] of content.matchAll(USER_MENTION)) {
+			if (!mention_user_ids.includes(mention)) mention_user_ids.push(mention);
+		}
+		await Promise.all(
+			Array.from(content.matchAll(ROLE_MENTION)).map(async ([_, mention]) => {
+				const role = await Role.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: mention, guild_id: channel.guild_id } });
+				if (role.mentionable || permission.has("MANAGE_ROLES")) {
+					mention_role_ids.push(mention);
+				}
+			})
+		);
+		if (permission.has("MENTION_EVERYONE")) {
+			mention_everyone = !!content.match(EVERYONE_MENTION) || !!content.match(HERE_MENTION);
+		}
+	}
+	message.mention_channels = => OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Channel(), { id: x }));
+	message.mention_roles = => OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Role(), { id: x }));
+	message.mentions = => OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new User(), { id: x }));
+	message.mention_everyone = mention_everyone;
+	// TODO: check and put it all in the body
+	return message;
+// TODO: cache link result in db
+export async function postHandleMessage(message: Message) {
+	let links = message.content?.match(LINK_REGEX);
+	if (!links) return;
+	const data = { ...message };
+	data.embeds = data.embeds.filter((x) => x.type !== "link");
+	links = links.slice(0, 20); // embed max 20 links — TODO: make this configurable with instance policies
+	for (const link of links) {
+		try {
+			const request = await fetch(link, {
+				size: Config.get().limits.message.maxEmbedDownloadSize,
+			});
+			const text = await request.text();
+			const $ = cheerio.load(text);
+			const title = $('meta[property="og:title"]').attr("content");
+			const provider_name = $('meta[property="og:site_name"]').text();
+			const author_name = $('meta[property="article:author"]').attr("content");
+			const description = $('meta[property="og:description"]').attr("content") || $('meta[property="description"]').attr("content");
+			const image = $('meta[property="og:image"]').attr("content");
+			const url = $('meta[property="og:url"]').attr("content");
+			// TODO: color
+			const embed: Embed = {
+				provider: {
+					url: link,
+					name: provider_name
+				}
+			};
+			if (author_name) = { name: author_name };
+			if (image) embed.thumbnail = { proxy_url: image, url: image };
+			if (title) embed.title = title;
+			if (url) embed.url = url;
+			if (description) embed.description = description;
+			if (title || description) {
+				data.embeds.push(embed);
+			}
+		} catch (error) {}
+	}
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "MESSAGE_UPDATE",
+			channel_id: message.channel_id,
+			data
+		} as MessageUpdateEvent),
+		Message.update({ id:, channel_id: message.channel_id }, { embeds: data.embeds })
+	]);
+export async function sendMessage(opts: MessageOptions) {
+	const message = await handleMessage({ ...opts, timestamp: new Date() });
+	//TODO: check this, removed toJSON call
+	await Promise.all([
+		Message.insert(message),
+		emitEvent({ event: "MESSAGE_CREATE", channel_id: opts.channel_id, data: message } as MessageCreateEvent)
+	]);
+	postHandleMessage(message).catch((e) => {}); // no await as it should catch error non-blockingly
+	return message;
+interface MessageOptions extends MessageCreateSchema {
+	id?: string;
+	type?: MessageType;
+	pinned?: boolean;
+	author_id?: string;
+	webhook_id?: string;
+	application_id?: string;
+	embeds?: Embed[];
+	channel_id?: string;
+	attachments?: Attachment[];
+	edited_timestamp?: Date;
+	timestamp?: Date;
diff --git a/src/api/util/handlers/Voice.ts b/src/api/util/handlers/Voice.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d60eb91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/handlers/Voice.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { distanceBetweenLocations, IPAnalysis } from "../utility/ipAddress";
+export async function getVoiceRegions(ipAddress: string, vip: boolean) {
+	const regions = Config.get().regions;
+	const availableRegions = regions.available.filter((ar) => (vip ? true : !;
+	let optimalId = regions.default;
+	if (!regions.useDefaultAsOptimal) {
+		const clientIpAnalysis = await IPAnalysis(ipAddress);
+		let min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+		for (let ar of availableRegions) {
+			//TODO the endpoint location should be saved in the database if not already present to prevent IPAnalysis call
+			const dist = distanceBetweenLocations(clientIpAnalysis, ar.location || (await IPAnalysis(ar.endpoint)));
+			if (dist < min) {
+				min = dist;
+				optimalId =;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return => ({
+		id:,
+		name:,
+		custom: ar.custom,
+		deprecated: ar.deprecated,
+		optimal: === optimalId
+	}));
diff --git a/src/api/util/handlers/route.ts b/src/api/util/handlers/route.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71e14955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/handlers/route.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import {
+	DiscordApiErrors,
+	Event,
+	EventData,
+	FieldErrors,
+	FosscordApiErrors,
+	getPermission,
+	getRights,
+	PermissionResolvable,
+	Permissions,
+	RightResolvable,
+	Rights
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
+import fs from "fs";
+import path from "path";
+import Ajv from "ajv";
+import { AnyValidateFunction } from "ajv/dist/core";
+import addFormats from "ajv-formats";
+const SchemaPath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..","..", "assets", "schemas.json");
+const schemas = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(SchemaPath, { encoding: "utf8" }));
+export const ajv = new Ajv({
+	allErrors: true,
+	parseDate: true,
+	allowDate: true,
+	schemas,
+	coerceTypes: true,
+	messages: true,
+	strict: true,
+	strictRequired: true
+declare global {
+	namespace Express {
+		interface Request {
+			permission?: Permissions;
+		}
+	}
+export type RouteResponse = { status?: number; body?: `${string}Response`; headers?: Record<string, string> };
+export interface RouteOptions {
+	permission?: PermissionResolvable;
+	right?: RightResolvable;
+	body?: `${string}Schema`; // typescript interface name
+	test?: {
+		response?: RouteResponse;
+		body?: any;
+		path?: string;
+		event?: EVENT | EVENT[];
+		headers?: Record<string, string>;
+	};
+// Normalizer is introduced to workaround
+// this removes null values as ajv doesn't treat them as undefined
+// normalizeBody allows to handle circular structures without issues
+// taken from (MIT license)
+const normalizeBody = (body: any = {}) => {
+	const normalizedObjectsSet = new WeakSet();
+	const normalizeObject = (object: any) => {
+		if (normalizedObjectsSet.has(object)) return;
+		normalizedObjectsSet.add(object);
+		if (Array.isArray(object)) {
+			for (const [index, value] of object.entries()) {
+				if (typeof value === "object") normalizeObject(value);
+			}
+		} else {
+			for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
+				if (value == null) {
+					if (key === "icon" || key === "avatar" || key === "banner" || key === "splash" || key === "discovery_splash") continue;
+					delete object[key];
+				} else if (typeof value === "object") {
+					normalizeObject(value);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	normalizeObject(body);
+	return body;
+export function route(opts: RouteOptions) {
+	let validate: AnyValidateFunction<any> | undefined;
+	if (opts.body) {
+		validate = ajv.getSchema(opts.body);
+		if (!validate) throw new Error(`Body schema ${opts.body} not found`);
+	}
+	return async (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
+		if (opts.permission) {
+			const required = new Permissions(opts.permission);
+			req.permission = await getPermission(req.user_id, req.params.guild_id, req.params.channel_id);
+			// bitfield comparison: check if user lacks certain permission
+			if (!req.permission.has(required)) {
+				throw DiscordApiErrors.MISSING_PERMISSIONS.withParams(opts.permission as string);
+			}
+		}
+		if (opts.right) {
+			const required = new Rights(opts.right);
+			req.rights = await getRights(req.user_id);
+			if (!req.rights || !req.rights.has(required)) {
+				throw FosscordApiErrors.MISSING_RIGHTS.withParams(opts.right as string);
+			}
+		}
+		if (validate) {
+			const valid = validate(normalizeBody(req.body));
+			if (!valid) {
+				const fields: Record<string, { code?: string; message: string }> = {};
+				if(process.env.LOG_INVALID_BODY) {
+					console.log(`Got invalid request: ${req.method} ${req.originalUrl}`)
+					console.log(req.body)
+					validate.errors?.forEach(x => console.log(x.params))
+				}
+				validate.errors?.forEach((x) => (fields[x.instancePath.slice(1)] = { code: x.keyword, message: x.message || "" }));
+				throw FieldErrors(fields);
+			}
+		}
+		next();
+	};
diff --git a/src/api/util/index.ts b/src/api/util/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3c7559f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+export * from "./entities/AssetCacheItem";
+export * from "./handlers/Message";
+export * from "./handlers/route";
+export * from "./handlers/Voice";
+export * from "./utility/Base64";
+export * from "./utility/ipAddress";
+export * from "./utility/passwordStrength";
+export * from "./utility/RandomInviteID";
+export * from "./utility/String";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/util/utility/Base64.ts b/src/api/util/utility/Base64.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46cff77a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/utility/Base64.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+const alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+";
+// binary to string lookup table
+const b2s = alphabet.split("");
+// string to binary lookup table
+// 123 == 'z'.charCodeAt(0) + 1
+const s2b = new Array(123);
+for (let i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++) {
+	s2b[alphabet.charCodeAt(i)] = i;
+// number to base64
+export const ntob = (n: number): string => {
+	if (n < 0) return `-${ntob(-n)}`;
+	let lo = n >>> 0;
+	let hi = (n / 4294967296) >>> 0;
+	let right = "";
+	while (hi > 0) {
+		right = b2s[0x3f & lo] + right;
+		lo >>>= 6;
+		lo |= (0x3f & hi) << 26;
+		hi >>>= 6;
+	}
+	let left = "";
+	do {
+		left = b2s[0x3f & lo] + left;
+		lo >>>= 6;
+	} while (lo > 0);
+	return left + right;
+// base64 to number
+export const bton = (base64: string) => {
+	let number = 0;
+	const sign = base64.charAt(0) === "-" ? 1 : 0;
+	for (let i = sign; i < base64.length; i++) {
+		number = number * 64 + s2b[base64.charCodeAt(i)];
+	}
+	return sign ? -number : number;
diff --git a/src/api/util/utility/RandomInviteID.ts b/src/api/util/utility/RandomInviteID.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ea344e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/utility/RandomInviteID.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import { Snowflake } from "@fosscord/util";
+export function random(length = 6) {
+	// Declare all characters
+	let chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
+	// Pick characers randomly
+	let str = "";
+	for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+		str += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length));
+	}
+	return str;
+export function snowflakeBasedInvite() {
+	// Declare all characters
+	let chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
+	let base = BigInt(chars.length);
+	let snowflake = Snowflake.generateWorkerProcess();
+	// snowflakes hold ~10.75 characters worth of entropy;
+	// safe to generate a 8-char invite out of them
+	let str = "";
+	for (let i=0; i < 10; i++) {
+		str.concat(chars.charAt(Number(snowflake % base)));
+		snowflake = snowflake / base;
+	}
+	return str.substr(3,8).split("").reverse().join("");
diff --git a/src/api/util/utility/String.ts b/src/api/util/utility/String.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..982b7e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/utility/String.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { Request } from "express";
+import { ntob } from "./Base64";
+import { FieldErrors } from "@fosscord/util";
+export function checkLength(str: string, min: number, max: number, key: string, req: Request) {
+	if (str.length < min || str.length > max) {
+		throw FieldErrors({
+			[key]: {
+				code: "BASE_TYPE_BAD_LENGTH",
+				message: req.t("common:field.BASE_TYPE_BAD_LENGTH", { length: `${min} - ${max}` })
+			}
+		});
+	}
+export function generateCode() {
+	return ntob( + Math.randomIntBetween(0, 10000));
diff --git a/src/api/util/utility/ipAddress.ts b/src/api/util/utility/ipAddress.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d986b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/utility/ipAddress.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Request } from "express";
+// use ipdata package instead of simple fetch because of integrated caching
+import fetch from "node-fetch";
+const exampleData = {
+	ip: "",
+	is_eu: true,
+	city: "",
+	region: "",
+	region_code: "",
+	country_name: "",
+	country_code: "",
+	continent_name: "",
+	continent_code: "",
+	latitude: 0,
+	longitude: 0,
+	postal: "",
+	calling_code: "",
+	flag: "",
+	emoji_flag: "",
+	emoji_unicode: "",
+	asn: {
+		asn: "",
+		name: "",
+		domain: "",
+		route: "",
+		type: "isp"
+	},
+	languages: [
+		{
+			name: "",
+			native: ""
+		}
+	],
+	currency: {
+		name: "",
+		code: "",
+		symbol: "",
+		native: "",
+		plural: ""
+	},
+	time_zone: {
+		name: "",
+		abbr: "",
+		offset: "",
+		is_dst: true,
+		current_time: ""
+	},
+	threat: {
+		is_tor: false,
+		is_proxy: false,
+		is_anonymous: false,
+		is_known_attacker: false,
+		is_known_abuser: false,
+		is_threat: false,
+		is_bogon: false
+	},
+	count: 0,
+	status: 200
+//TODO add function that support both ip and domain names
+export async function IPAnalysis(ip: string): Promise<typeof exampleData> {
+	const { ipdataApiKey } = Config.get().security;
+	if (!ipdataApiKey) return { ...exampleData, ip };
+	return (await fetch(`${ip}?api-key=${ipdataApiKey}`)).json() as any;
+export function isProxy(data: typeof exampleData) {
+	if (!data || !data.asn || !data.threat) return false;
+	if (data.asn.type !== "isp") return true;
+	if (Object.values(data.threat).some((x) => x)) return true;
+	return false;
+export function getIpAdress(req: Request): string {
+	// @ts-ignore
+	return req.headers[Config.get().security.forwadedFor] || req.socket.remoteAddress;
+export function distanceBetweenLocations(loc1: any, loc2: any): number {
+	return distanceBetweenCoords(loc1.latitude, loc1.longitude, loc2.latitude, loc2.longitude);
+//Haversine function
+function distanceBetweenCoords(lat1: number, lon1: number, lat2: number, lon2: number) {
+	const p = 0.017453292519943295; // Math.PI / 180
+	const c = Math.cos;
+	const a = 0.5 - c((lat2 - lat1) * p) / 2 + (c(lat1 * p) * c(lat2 * p) * (1 - c((lon2 - lon1) * p))) / 2;
+	return 12742 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); // 2 * R; R = 6371 km
diff --git a/src/api/util/utility/passwordStrength.ts b/src/api/util/utility/passwordStrength.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8eca63b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util/utility/passwordStrength.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import { Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+const reNUMBER = /[0-9]/g;
+const reUPPERCASELETTER = /[A-Z]/g;
+const reSYMBOLS = /[A-Z,a-z,0-9]/g;
+const blocklist: string[] = []; // TODO: update ones passwordblocklist is stored in db
+ *
+ * password must meet following criteria, to be perfect:
+ *  - min <n> chars
+ *  - min <n> numbers
+ *  - min <n> symbols
+ *  - min <n> uppercase chars
+ *  - shannon entropy folded into [0, 1) interval
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 > pw > 1
+ */
+export function checkPassword(password: string): number {
+	const { minLength, minNumbers, minUpperCase, minSymbols } = Config.get().register.password;
+	let strength = 0;
+	// checks for total password len
+	if (password.length >= minLength - 1) {
+		strength += 0.05;
+	}
+	// checks for amount of Numbers
+	if (password.count(reNUMBER) >= minNumbers - 1) {
+		strength += 0.05;
+	}
+	// checks for amount of Uppercase Letters
+	if (password.count(reUPPERCASELETTER) >= minUpperCase - 1) {
+		strength += 0.05;
+	}
+	// checks for amount of symbols
+	if (password.replace(reSYMBOLS, "").length >= minSymbols - 1) {
+		strength += 0.05;
+	}
+	// checks if password only consists of numbers or only consists of chars
+	if (password.length == password.count(reNUMBER) || password.length === password.count(reUPPERCASELETTER)) {
+		strength = 0;
+	}
+	let entropyMap: { [key: string]: number } = {};
+	for (let i = 0; i < password.length; i++) {
+		if (entropyMap[password[i]]) entropyMap[password[i]]++;
+		else entropyMap[password[i]] = 1;
+	}
+	let entropies = Object.values(entropyMap);
+ => (x / entropyMap.length));
+	strength += entropies.reduceRight((a: number, x: number) => a - (x * Math.log2(x))) / Math.log2(password.length);	
+	return strength;
diff --git a/src/cdn/Server.ts b/src/cdn/Server.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b27d3321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/Server.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import { Server, ServerOptions } from "lambert-server";
+import { Config, getOrInitialiseDatabase, registerRoutes } from "@fosscord/util";
+import path from "path";
+import avatarsRoute from "./routes/avatars";
+import iconsRoute from "./routes/role-icons";
+import bodyParser from "body-parser";
+export interface CDNServerOptions extends ServerOptions {}
+export class CDNServer extends Server {
+	public declare options: CDNServerOptions;
+	constructor(options?: Partial<CDNServerOptions>) {
+		super(options);
+	}
+	async start() {
+		await getOrInitialiseDatabase();
+		await Config.init();
+, res, next) => {
+			res.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
+			// TODO: use better CSP policy
+			res.set(
+				"Content-security-policy",
+				"default-src *  data: blob: filesystem: about: ws: wss: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; script-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline'; img-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src * data: blob: ; style-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline'; font-src * data: blob: 'unsafe-inline';"
+			);
+			res.set(
+				"Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
+				req.header("Access-Control-Request-Headers") || "*"
+			);
+			res.set(
+				"Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
+				req.header("Access-Control-Request-Methods") || "*"
+			);
+			next();
+		});
+{ inflate: true, limit: "10mb" }));
+		await registerRoutes(this, path.join(__dirname, "routes/"));
+"/icons/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /icons registered");
+"/role-icons/", iconsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /role-icons registered");
+"/emojis/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /emojis registered");
+"/stickers/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /stickers registered");
+"/banners/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /banners registered");
+"/splashes/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /splashes registered");
+"/app-icons/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /app-icons registered");
+"/app-assets/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /app-assets registered");
+"/discover-splashes/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /discover-splashes registered");
+"/team-icons/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /team-icons registered");
+"/channel-icons/", avatarsRoute);
+		this.log("verbose", "[Server] Route /channel-icons registered");
+		return super.start();
+	}
+	async stop() {
+		return super.stop();
+	}
diff --git a/src/cdn/index.ts b/src/cdn/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a24300d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export * from "./Server";
+export * from "./util/FileStorage";
+export * from "./util/Storage";
+export * from "./util/multer";
diff --git a/src/cdn/routes/attachments.ts b/src/cdn/routes/attachments.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..723a6c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/routes/attachments.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { Config, Snowflake } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { storage } from "../util/Storage";
+import FileType from "file-type";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { multer } from "../util/multer";
+import imageSize from "image-size";
+const router = Router();
+	"text/html",
+	"text/mhtml",
+	"multipart/related",
+	"application/xhtml+xml",
+	"/:channel_id",
+	multer.single("file"),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		if (req.headers.signature !== Config.get().security.requestSignature)
+			throw new HTTPError("Invalid request signature");
+		if (!req.file) throw new HTTPError("file missing");
+		const { buffer, mimetype, size, originalname, fieldname } = req.file;
+		const { channel_id } = req.params;
+		const filename = originalname
+			.replaceAll(" ", "_")
+			.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9._]+/g, "");
+		const id = Snowflake.generate();
+		const path = `attachments/${channel_id}/${id}/${filename}`;
+		const endpoint =
+			Config.get()?.cdn.endpointPublic || "http://localhost:3003";
+		await storage.set(path, buffer);
+		let width;
+		let height;
+		if (mimetype.includes("image")) {
+			const dimensions = imageSize(buffer);
+			if (dimensions) {
+				width = dimensions.width;
+				height = dimensions.height;
+			}
+		}
+		const file = {
+			id,
+			content_type: mimetype,
+			filename: filename,
+			size,
+			url: `${endpoint}/${path}`,
+			width,
+			height,
+		};
+		return res.json(file);
+	}
+	"/:channel_id/:id/:filename",
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		const { channel_id, id, filename } = req.params;
+		const file = await storage.get(
+			`attachments/${channel_id}/${id}/${filename}`
+		);
+		if (!file) throw new HTTPError("File not found");
+		const type = await FileType.fromBuffer(file);
+		let content_type = type?.mime || "application/octet-stream";
+		if (SANITIZED_CONTENT_TYPE.includes(content_type)) {
+			content_type = "application/octet-stream";
+		}
+		res.set("Content-Type", content_type);
+		res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000");
+		return res.send(file);
+	}
+	"/:channel_id/:id/:filename",
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		if (req.headers.signature !== Config.get().security.requestSignature)
+			throw new HTTPError("Invalid request signature");
+		const { channel_id, id, filename } = req.params;
+		const path = `attachments/${channel_id}/${id}/${filename}`;
+		await storage.delete(path);
+		return res.send({ success: true });
+	}
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/cdn/routes/avatars.ts b/src/cdn/routes/avatars.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40705b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/routes/avatars.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { Config, Snowflake } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { storage } from "../util/Storage";
+import FileType from "file-type";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import crypto from "crypto";
+import { multer } from "../util/multer";
+// TODO: check premium and animated pfp are allowed in the config
+// TODO: generate different sizes of icon
+// TODO: generate different image types of icon
+// TODO: delete old icons
+const ANIMATED_MIME_TYPES = ["image/apng", "image/gif", "image/gifv"];
+	"image/png",
+	"image/jpeg",
+	"image/webp",
+	"image/svg+xml",
+	"image/svg",
+const router = Router();
+	"/:user_id",
+	multer.single("file"),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		if (req.headers.signature !== Config.get().security.requestSignature)
+			throw new HTTPError("Invalid request signature");
+		if (!req.file) throw new HTTPError("Missing file");
+		const { buffer, mimetype, size, originalname, fieldname } = req.file;
+		const { user_id } = req.params;
+		let hash = crypto
+			.createHash("md5")
+			.update(Snowflake.generate())
+			.digest("hex");
+		const type = await FileType.fromBuffer(buffer);
+		if (!type || !ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES.includes(type.mime))
+			throw new HTTPError("Invalid file type");
+		if (ANIMATED_MIME_TYPES.includes(type.mime)) hash = `a_${hash}`; // animated icons have a_ infront of the hash
+		const path = `avatars/${user_id}/${hash}`;
+		const endpoint =
+			Config.get().cdn.endpointPublic || "http://localhost:3003";
+		await storage.set(path, buffer);
+		return res.json({
+			id: hash,
+			content_type: type.mime,
+			size,
+			url: `${endpoint}${req.baseUrl}/${user_id}/${hash}`,
+		});
+	}
+router.get("/:user_id", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let { user_id } = req.params;
+	user_id = user_id.split(".")[0]; // remove .file extension
+	const path = `avatars/${user_id}`;
+	const file = await storage.get(path);
+	if (!file) throw new HTTPError("not found", 404);
+	const type = await FileType.fromBuffer(file);
+	res.set("Content-Type", type?.mime);
+	res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000");
+	return res.send(file);
+router.get("/:user_id/:hash", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let { user_id, hash } = req.params;
+	hash = hash.split(".")[0]; // remove .file extension
+	const path = `avatars/${user_id}/${hash}`;
+	const file = await storage.get(path);
+	if (!file) throw new HTTPError("not found", 404);
+	const type = await FileType.fromBuffer(file);
+	res.set("Content-Type", type?.mime);
+	res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000");
+	return res.send(file);
+router.delete("/:user_id/:id", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	if (req.headers.signature !== Config.get().security.requestSignature)
+		throw new HTTPError("Invalid request signature");
+	const { user_id, id } = req.params;
+	const path = `avatars/${user_id}/${id}`;
+	await storage.delete(path);
+	return res.send({ success: true });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/cdn/routes/external.ts b/src/cdn/routes/external.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9441fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/routes/external.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import fetch from "node-fetch";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Snowflake, Config } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { storage } from "../util/Storage";
+import FileType from "file-type";
+// TODO: somehow handle the deletion of images posted to the /external route
+const router = Router();
+	redirect: "follow",
+	follow: 1,
+	headers: {
+		"user-agent":
+			"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible Fosscordbot/0.1; +",
+	},
+	size: 1024 * 1024 * 8,
+	compress: true,
+	method: "GET",
+"/", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	if (req.headers.signature !== Config.get().security.requestSignature)
+		throw new HTTPError("Invalid request signature");
+	if (!req.body) throw new HTTPError("Invalid Body");
+	const { url } = req.body;
+	if (!url || typeof url !== "string") throw new HTTPError("Invalid url");
+	const id = Snowflake.generate();
+	try {
+		const response = await fetch(url, DEFAULT_FETCH_OPTIONS);
+		const buffer = await response.buffer();
+		await storage.set(`/external/${id}`, buffer);
+		res.send({ id });
+	} catch (error) {
+		throw new HTTPError("Couldn't fetch website");
+	}
+router.get("/:id", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	const { id } = req.params;
+	const file = await storage.get(`/external/${id}`);
+	if (!file) throw new HTTPError("File not found");
+	const result = await FileType.fromBuffer(file);
+	res.set("Content-Type", result?.mime);
+	return res.send(file);
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/cdn/routes/ping.ts b/src/cdn/routes/ping.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38daf81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/routes/ping.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+const router = Router();
+router.get("/", (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	res.send("pong");
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/cdn/routes/role-icons.ts b/src/cdn/routes/role-icons.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e5c42dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/routes/role-icons.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import { Router, Response, Request } from "express";
+import { Config, Snowflake } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { storage } from "../util/Storage";
+import FileType from "file-type";
+import { HTTPError } from "@fosscord/util";
+import crypto from "crypto";
+import { multer } from "../util/multer";
+//Role icons ---> avatars.ts modified
+// TODO: check user rights and perks and animated pfp are allowed in the policies
+// TODO: generate different sizes of icon
+// TODO: generate different image types of icon
+	"image/png",
+	"image/jpeg",
+	"image/webp",
+	"image/svg+xml",
+	"image/svg",
+const router = Router();
+	"/:role_id",
+	multer.single("file"),
+	async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+		if (req.headers.signature !== Config.get().security.requestSignature)
+			throw new HTTPError("Invalid request signature");
+		if (!req.file) throw new HTTPError("Missing file");
+		const { buffer, mimetype, size, originalname, fieldname } = req.file;
+		const { role_id } = req.params;
+		let hash = crypto
+			.createHash("md5")
+			.update(Snowflake.generate())
+			.digest("hex");
+		const type = await FileType.fromBuffer(buffer);
+		if (!type || !ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES.includes(type.mime))
+			throw new HTTPError("Invalid file type");
+		const path = `role-icons/${role_id}/${hash}.png`;
+		const endpoint =
+			Config.get().cdn.endpointPublic || "http://localhost:3003";
+		await storage.set(path, buffer);
+		return res.json({
+			id: hash,
+			content_type: type.mime,
+			size,
+			url: `${endpoint}${req.baseUrl}/${role_id}/${hash}`,
+		});
+	}
+router.get("/:role_id", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let { role_id } = req.params;
+	//role_id = role_id.split(".")[0]; // remove .file extension
+	const path = `role-icons/${role_id}`;
+	const file = await storage.get(path);
+	if (!file) throw new HTTPError("not found", 404);
+	const type = await FileType.fromBuffer(file);
+	res.set("Content-Type", type?.mime);
+	res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, must-revalidate");
+	return res.send(file);
+router.get("/:role_id/:hash", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	let { role_id, hash } = req.params;
+	//hash = hash.split(".")[0]; // remove .file extension
+	const path = `role-icons/${role_id}/${hash}`;
+	const file = await storage.get(path);
+	if (!file) throw new HTTPError("not found", 404);
+	const type = await FileType.fromBuffer(file);
+	res.set("Content-Type", type?.mime);
+	res.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, must-revalidate");
+	return res.send(file);
+router.delete("/:role_id/:id", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
+	if (req.headers.signature !== Config.get().security.requestSignature)
+		throw new HTTPError("Invalid request signature");
+	const { role_id, id } = req.params;
+	const path = `role-icons/${role_id}/${id}`;
+	await storage.delete(path);
+	return res.send({ success: true });
+export default router;
diff --git a/src/cdn/start.ts b/src/cdn/start.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71681b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/start.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import dotenv from "dotenv";
+import { CDNServer } from "./Server";
+const server = new CDNServer({ port: Number(process.env.PORT) || 3003 });
+	.start()
+	.then(() => {
+		console.log("[Server] started on :" + server.options.port);
+	})
+	.catch((e) => console.error("[Server] Error starting: ", e));
+module.exports = server;
diff --git a/src/cdn/util/FileStorage.ts b/src/cdn/util/FileStorage.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aee9d345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/util/FileStorage.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import { Storage } from "./Storage";
+import fs from "fs";
+import { join, relative, dirname } from "path";
+import { Readable } from "stream";
+//import ExifTransformer = require("exif-be-gone");
+import ExifTransformer from "exif-be-gone";
+// TODO: split stored files into separate folders named after cloned route
+function getPath(path: string) {
+	// STORAGE_LOCATION has a default value in start.ts
+	const root = process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION || "../";
+	let filename = join(root, path);
+	if (path.indexOf("\0") !== -1 || !filename.startsWith(root))
+		throw new Error("invalid path");
+	return filename;
+export class FileStorage implements Storage {
+	async get(path: string): Promise<Buffer | null> {
+		path = getPath(path);
+		try {
+			return fs.readFileSync(path);
+		} catch (error) {
+			try {
+				const files = fs.readdirSync(path);
+				if (!files.length) return null;
+				return fs.readFileSync(join(path, files[0]));
+			} catch (error) {
+				return null;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	async set(path: string, value: any) {
+		path = getPath(path);
+		//fse.ensureDirSync(dirname(path));
+		fs.mkdirSync(dirname(path), {recursive: true});
+		value = Readable.from(value);
+		const cleaned_file = fs.createWriteStream(path);
+		return value.pipe(new ExifTransformer()).pipe(cleaned_file);
+	}
+	async delete(path: string) {
+		//TODO we should delete the parent directory if empty
+		fs.unlinkSync(getPath(path));
+	}
diff --git a/src/cdn/util/S3Storage.ts b/src/cdn/util/S3Storage.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4066817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/util/S3Storage.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import { S3 } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";
+import { Readable } from "stream";
+import { Storage } from "./Storage";
+const readableToBuffer = (readable: Readable): Promise<Buffer> =>
+	new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+		const chunks: Buffer[] = [];
+		readable.on("data", (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk));
+		readable.on("error", reject);
+		readable.on("end", () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)));
+	});
+export class S3Storage implements Storage {
+	public constructor(
+		private client: S3,
+		private bucket: string,
+		private basePath?: string
+	) {}
+	/**
+	 * Always return a string, to ensure consistency.
+	 */
+	get bucketBasePath() {
+		return this.basePath ?? "";
+	}
+	async set(path: string, data: Buffer): Promise<void> {
+		await this.client.putObject({
+			Bucket: this.bucket,
+			Key: `${this.bucketBasePath}${path}`,
+			Body: data,
+		});
+	}
+	async get(path: string): Promise<Buffer | null> {
+		try {
+			const s3Object = await this.client.getObject({
+				Bucket: this.bucket,
+				Key: `${this.bucketBasePath ?? ""}${path}`,
+			});
+			if (!s3Object.Body) return null;
+			const body = s3Object.Body;
+			return await readableToBuffer(<Readable>body);
+		} catch (err) {
+			console.error(`[CDN] Unable to get S3 object at path ${path}.`);
+			console.error(err);
+			return null;
+		}
+	}
+	async delete(path: string): Promise<void> {
+		await this.client.deleteObject({
+			Bucket: this.bucket,
+			Key: `${this.bucketBasePath}${path}`,
+		});
+	}
diff --git a/src/cdn/util/Storage.ts b/src/cdn/util/Storage.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..728804a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/util/Storage.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { FileStorage } from "./FileStorage";
+import path from "path";
+//import fse from "fs-extra";
+import fs from "fs";
+import { bgCyan, black } from "picocolors";
+import { S3 } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";
+import { S3Storage } from "./S3Storage";
+export interface Storage {
+	set(path: string, data: Buffer): Promise<void>;
+	get(path: string): Promise<Buffer | null>;
+	delete(path: string): Promise<void>;
+let storage: Storage;
+if (process.env.STORAGE_PROVIDER === "file" || !process.env.STORAGE_PROVIDER) {
+	let location = process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION;
+	if (location) {
+		location = path.resolve(location);
+	} else {
+		location = path.join(process.cwd(), "files");
+	}
+	console.log(`[CDN] storage location: ${bgCyan(`${black(location)}`)}`);
+	//fse.ensureDirSync(location);
+	fs.mkdirSync(location, {recursive: true});
+	process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION = location;
+	storage = new FileStorage();
+} else if (process.env.STORAGE_PROVIDER === "s3") {
+	const region = process.env.STORAGE_REGION,
+		bucket = process.env.STORAGE_BUCKET;
+	if (!region) {
+		console.error(
+			`[CDN] You must provide a region when using the S3 storage provider.`
+		);
+		process.exit(1);
+	}
+	if (!bucket) {
+		console.error(
+			`[CDN] You must provide a bucket when using the S3 storage provider.`
+		);
+		process.exit(1);
+	}
+	// in the S3 provider, this should be the root path in the bucket
+	let location = process.env.STORAGE_LOCATION;
+	if (!location) {
+		console.warn(
+			`[CDN] STORAGE_LOCATION unconfigured for S3 provider, defaulting to the bucket root...`
+		);
+		location = undefined;
+	}
+	const client = new S3({ region });
+	storage = new S3Storage(client, bucket, location);
+export { storage };
diff --git a/src/cdn/util/index.ts b/src/cdn/util/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07a5c31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/util/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export * from "./FileStorage";
+export * from "./multer";
+export * from "./Storage";
diff --git a/src/cdn/util/multer.ts b/src/cdn/util/multer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfdf6aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdn/util/multer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import multerConfig from "multer";
+export const multer = multerConfig({
+	storage: multerConfig.memoryStorage(),
+	limits: {
+		fields: 10,
+		files: 10,
+		fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 100, // 100 mb
+	},
diff --git a/src/gateway/Server.ts b/src/gateway/Server.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82fbeba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/Server.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import dotenv from "dotenv";
+import { closeDatabase, Config, getOrInitialiseDatabase, initEvent } from "@fosscord/util";
+import ws from "ws";
+import { Connection } from "./events/Connection";
+import http from "http";
+export class Server {
+	public ws: ws.Server;
+	public port: number;
+	public server: http.Server;
+	public production: boolean;
+	constructor({
+		port,
+		server,
+		production,
+	}: {
+		port: number;
+		server?: http.Server;
+		production?: boolean;
+	}) {
+		this.port = port;
+		this.production = production || false;
+		if (server) this.server = server;
+		else {
+			this.server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
+				res.writeHead(200).end("Online");
+			});
+		}
+		this.server.on("upgrade", (request, socket, head) => {
+			// @ts-ignore
+, socket, head, (socket) => {
+"connection", socket, request);
+			});
+		});
+ = new ws.Server({
+			maxPayload: 4096,
+			noServer: true,
+		});
+"connection", Connection);
+"error", console.error);
+	}
+	async start(): Promise<void> {
+		await getOrInitialiseDatabase();
+		await Config.init();
+		await initEvent();
+		if (!this.server.listening) {
+			this.server.listen(this.port);
+			console.log(`[Gateway] online on${this.port}`);
+		}
+	}
+	async stop() {
+		closeDatabase();
+		this.server.close();
+	}
diff --git a/src/gateway/events/Close.ts b/src/gateway/events/Close.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b7c512c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/events/Close.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import { WebSocket } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import {
+	emitEvent,
+	PresenceUpdateEvent,
+	PrivateSessionProjection,
+	Session,
+	SessionsReplace,
+	User,
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+export async function Close(this: WebSocket, code: number, reason: string) {
+	console.log("[WebSocket] closed", code, reason);
+	if (this.heartbeatTimeout) clearTimeout(this.heartbeatTimeout);
+	if (this.readyTimeout) clearTimeout(this.readyTimeout);
+	this.deflate?.close();
+	this.removeAllListeners();
+	if (this.session_id) {
+		await Session.delete({ session_id: this.session_id });
+		const sessions = await Session.find({
+			where: { user_id: this.user_id },
+			select: PrivateSessionProjection,
+		});
+		await emitEvent({
+			event: "SESSIONS_REPLACE",
+			user_id: this.user_id,
+			data: sessions,
+		} as SessionsReplace);
+		const session = sessions.first() || {
+			activities: [],
+			client_info: {},
+			status: "offline",
+		};
+		await emitEvent({
+			event: "PRESENCE_UPDATE",
+			user_id: this.user_id,
+			data: {
+				user: await User.getPublicUser(this.user_id),
+				activities: session.activities,
+				client_status: session?.client_info,
+				status: session.status,
+			},
+		} as PresenceUpdateEvent);
+	}
diff --git a/src/gateway/events/Connection.ts b/src/gateway/events/Connection.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..508b4741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/events/Connection.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import WS from "ws";
+import { WebSocket } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { Send } from "../util/Send";
+import { CLOSECODES, OPCODES } from "../util/Constants";
+import { setHeartbeat } from "../util/Heartbeat";
+import { IncomingMessage } from "http";
+import { Close } from "./Close";
+import { Message } from "./Message";
+import { createDeflate } from "zlib";
+import { URL } from "url";
+let erlpack: any;
+try {
+	erlpack = require("@yukikaze-bot/erlpack");
+} catch (error) {}
+// TODO: check rate limit
+// TODO: specify rate limit in config
+// TODO: check msg max size
+export async function Connection(
+	this: WS.Server,
+	socket: WebSocket,
+	request: IncomingMessage
+) {
+	try {
+		// @ts-ignore
+		socket.on("close", Close);
+		// @ts-ignore
+		socket.on("message", Message);
+		if(process.env.WS_LOGEVENTS)
+		[
+			"close",
+			"error",
+			"upgrade",
+			//"message",
+			"open",
+			"ping",
+			"pong",
+			"unexpected-response"
+		].forEach(x=>{
+			socket.on(x, y => console.log(x, y));
+		});
+		console.log(`[Gateway] Connections: ${this.clients.size}`);
+		const { searchParams } = new URL(`http://localhost${request.url}`);
+		// @ts-ignore
+		socket.encoding = searchParams.get("encoding") || "json";
+		if (!["json", "etf"].includes(socket.encoding)) {
+			if (socket.encoding === "etf" && erlpack) {
+				throw new Error(
+					"Erlpack is not installed: 'npm i @yukikaze-bot/erlpack'"
+				);
+			}
+			return socket.close(CLOSECODES.Decode_error);
+		}
+		// @ts-ignore
+		socket.version = Number(searchParams.get("version")) || 8;
+		if (socket.version != 8)
+			return socket.close(CLOSECODES.Invalid_API_version);
+		// @ts-ignore
+		socket.compress = searchParams.get("compress") || "";
+		if (socket.compress) {
+			if (socket.compress !== "zlib-stream")
+				return socket.close(CLOSECODES.Decode_error);
+			socket.deflate = createDeflate({ chunkSize: 65535 });
+			socket.deflate.on("data", (chunk) => socket.send(chunk));
+		}
+ = {};
+		socket.member_events = {};
+		socket.permissions = {};
+		socket.sequence = 0;
+		setHeartbeat(socket);
+		await Send(socket, {
+			op: OPCODES.Hello,
+			d: {
+				heartbeat_interval: 1000 * 30,
+			},
+		});
+		socket.readyTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+			return socket.close(CLOSECODES.Session_timed_out);
+		}, 1000 * 30);
+	} catch (error) {
+		console.error(error);
+		return socket.close(CLOSECODES.Unknown_error);
+	}
diff --git a/src/gateway/events/Message.ts b/src/gateway/events/Message.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..569f5fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/events/Message.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import { CLOSECODES } from "../util/Constants";
+import { WebSocket, Payload } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+let erlpack: any;
+try {
+	erlpack = require("@yukikaze-bot/erlpack");
+} catch (error) {}
+import OPCodeHandlers from "../opcodes";
+import { check } from "../opcodes/instanceOf";
+const PayloadSchema = {
+	op: Number,
+	$d: Object || Number, // or number for heartbeat sequence
+	$s: Number,
+	$t: String,
+export async function Message(this: WebSocket, buffer: Buffer) {
+	// TODO: compression
+	let data: Payload;
+	if (this.encoding === "etf" && buffer instanceof Buffer)
+		data = erlpack.unpack(buffer);
+	else if (this.encoding === "json")
+		data = JSON.parse(buffer as unknown as string); //TODO: is this even correct?? seems to work for web clients...
+	else if(/--debug|--inspect/.test(process.execArgv.join(' '))) {
+		debugger;
+		return;
+	}
+	else {
+		console.log("Invalid gateway connection! Use a debugger to inspect!");
+		return;
+	}
+	if(process.env.WS_VERBOSE)
+		console.log(`[Websocket] Incomming message: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
+	if(data.op !== 1)
+, PayloadSchema, data);
+	else { //custom validation for numbers, because heartbeat
+		if(data.s || data.t || (typeof data.d !== "number" && data.d)) {
+			console.log("Invalid heartbeat...");
+			this.close(CLOSECODES.Decode_error);
+		}
+	}
+	// @ts-ignore
+	const OPCodeHandler = OPCodeHandlers[data.op];
+	if (!OPCodeHandler) {
+		console.error("[Gateway] Unkown opcode " + data.op);
+		// TODO: if all opcodes are implemented comment this out:
+		// this.close(CLOSECODES.Unknown_opcode);
+		return;
+	}
+	try {
+		return await, data);
+	} catch (error) {
+		console.error(error);
+		if (!this.CLOSED && this.CLOSING)
+			return this.close(CLOSECODES.Unknown_error);
+	}
diff --git a/src/gateway/index.ts b/src/gateway/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d77ce931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export * from "./Server";
+export * from "./util/";
+export * from "./opcodes/";
+export * from "./listener/listener";
diff --git a/src/gateway/listener/listener.ts b/src/gateway/listener/listener.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c69e193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/listener/listener.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+import {
+	getPermission,
+	Permissions,
+	RabbitMQ,
+	listenEvent,
+	EventOpts,
+	ListenEventOpts,
+	Member,
+	EVENTEnum,
+	Relationship,
+	RelationshipType,
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { OPCODES } from "../util/Constants";
+import { Send } from "../util/Send";
+import { WebSocket } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { Channel as AMQChannel } from "amqplib";
+import { Recipient } from "@fosscord/util";
+// TODO: close connection on Invalidated Token
+// TODO: check intent
+// TODO: Guild Member Update is sent for current-user updates regardless of whether the GUILD_MEMBERS intent is set.
+// Sharding: calculate if the current shard id matches the formula: shard_id = (guild_id >> 22) % num_shards
+export function handlePresenceUpdate(
+	this: WebSocket,
+	{ event, acknowledge, data }: EventOpts
+) {
+	acknowledge?.();
+	if (event === EVENTEnum.PresenceUpdate) {
+		return Send(this, {
+			op: OPCODES.Dispatch,
+			t: event,
+			d: data,
+			s: this.sequence++,
+		});
+	}
+// TODO: use already queried guilds/channels of Identify and don't fetch them again
+export async function setupListener(this: WebSocket) {
+	const [members, recipients, relationships] = await Promise.all([
+		Member.find({
+			where: { id: this.user_id },
+			relations: ["guild", "guild.channels"],
+		}),
+		Recipient.find({
+			where: { user_id: this.user_id, closed: false },
+			relations: ["channel"],
+		}),
+		Relationship.find({ where: {
+			from_id: this.user_id,
+			type: RelationshipType.friends,
+		} }),
+	]);
+	const guilds = => x.guild);
+	const dm_channels = =>;
+	const opts: { acknowledge: boolean; channel?: AMQChannel } = {
+		acknowledge: true,
+	};
+	this.listen_options = opts;
+	const consumer = consume.bind(this);
+	if (RabbitMQ.connection) {
+ = await RabbitMQ.connection.createChannel();
+		// @ts-ignore
+ = {};
+	}
+[this.user_id] = await listenEvent(this.user_id, consumer, opts);
+	relationships.forEach(async (relationship) => {
+[relationship.to_id] = await listenEvent(
+			relationship.to_id,
+			handlePresenceUpdate.bind(this),
+			opts
+		);
+	});
+	dm_channels.forEach(async (channel) => {
+[] = await listenEvent(, consumer, opts);
+	});
+	guilds.forEach(async (guild) => {
+		const permission = await getPermission(this.user_id,;
+		this.permissions[] = permission;
+[] = await listenEvent(, consumer, opts);
+		guild.channels.forEach(async (channel) => {
+			if (
+				permission
+					.overwriteChannel(channel.permission_overwrites!)
+					.has("VIEW_CHANNEL")
+			) {
+[] = await listenEvent(
+					consumer,
+					opts
+				);
+			}
+		});
+	});
+	this.once("close", () => {
+		if (;
+		else {
+			Object.values( => x());
+			Object.values(this.member_events).forEach((x) => x());
+		}
+	});
+// TODO: only subscribe for events that are in the connection intents
+async function consume(this: WebSocket, opts: EventOpts) {
+	const { data, event } = opts;
+	let id = as string;
+	const permission = this.permissions[id] || new Permissions("ADMINISTRATOR"); // default permission for dm
+	const consumer = consume.bind(this);
+	const listenOpts = opts as ListenEventOpts;
+	opts.acknowledge?.();
+	// console.log("event", event);
+	// subscription managment
+	switch (event) {
+			this.member_events[]?.();
+			delete this.member_events[];
+			if (this.member_events[]) break; // already subscribed
+			this.member_events[] = await listenEvent(
+				handlePresenceUpdate.bind(this),
+				this.listen_options
+			);
+			break;
+			if (!this.member_events[]) break;
+			this.member_events[]();
+			break;
+		case "GUILD_DELETE":
+			delete[id];
+			opts.cancel();
+			break;
+			if (
+				!permission
+					.overwriteChannel(data.permission_overwrites)
+					.has("VIEW_CHANNEL")
+			) {
+				return;
+			}
+[id] = await listenEvent(id, consumer, listenOpts);
+			break;
+[] = await listenEvent(
+				handlePresenceUpdate.bind(this),
+				this.listen_options
+			);
+			break;
+		case "GUILD_CREATE":
+[id] = await listenEvent(id, consumer, listenOpts);
+			break;
+			const exists =[id];
+			// @ts-ignore
+			if (
+				permission
+					.overwriteChannel(data.permission_overwrites)
+					.has("VIEW_CHANNEL")
+			) {
+				if (exists) break;
+[id] = await listenEvent(id, consumer, listenOpts);
+			} else {
+				if (!exists) return; // return -> do not send channel update events for hidden channels
+				opts.cancel(id);
+				delete[id];
+			}
+			break;
+	}
+	// permission checking
+	switch (event) {
+		case "INVITE_CREATE":
+		case "INVITE_DELETE":
+			if (!permission.has("MANAGE_GUILD")) return;
+			break;
+			if (!permission.has("MANAGE_WEBHOOKS")) return;
+			break;
+		// only send them, if the user subscribed for this part of the member list, or is a bot
+		case "PRESENCE_UPDATE": // exception if user is friend
+			break;
+		case "GUILD_BAN_ADD":
+			if (!permission.has("BAN_MEMBERS")) break;
+			break;
+		case "TYPING_START":
+			// only gets send if the user is alowed to view the current channel
+			if (!permission.has("VIEW_CHANNEL")) return;
+			break;
+		case "GUILD_CREATE":
+		case "GUILD_DELETE":
+		case "GUILD_UPDATE":
+		case "READY": // will be sent by the gateway
+		case "USER_UPDATE":
+		default:
+			// always gets sent
+			// Any events not defined in an intent are considered "passthrough" and will always be sent
+			break;
+	}
+	Send(this, {
+		op: OPCODES.Dispatch,
+		t: event,
+		d: data,
+		s: this.sequence++,
+	});
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/Heartbeat.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/Heartbeat.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42b72d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/Heartbeat.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Payload, WebSocket } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { setHeartbeat } from "../util/Heartbeat";
+import { Send } from "../util/Send";
+export async function onHeartbeat(this: WebSocket, _data: Payload) {
+	// TODO: validate payload
+	setHeartbeat(this);
+	await Send(this, { op: 11 });
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/Identify.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/Identify.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44db598c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/Identify.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+import { WebSocket, Payload } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import {
+	checkToken,
+	Intents,
+	Member,
+	ReadyEventData,
+	User,
+	Session,
+	EVENTEnum,
+	Config,
+	PublicMember,
+	PublicUser,
+	PrivateUserProjection,
+	ReadState,
+	Application,
+	emitEvent,
+	SessionsReplace,
+	PrivateSessionProjection,
+	MemberPrivateProjection,
+	PresenceUpdateEvent,
+	UserSettings,
+	IdentifySchema,
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Send } from "../util/Send";
+import { CLOSECODES, OPCODES } from "../util/Constants";
+import { genSessionId } from "../util/SessionUtils";
+import { setupListener } from "../listener/listener";
+// import experiments from "./experiments.json";
+const experiments: any = [];
+import { check } from "./instanceOf";
+import { Recipient } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+// TODO: user sharding
+// TODO: check privileged intents, if defined in the config
+// TODO: check if already identified
+export async function onIdentify(this: WebSocket, data: Payload) {
+	clearTimeout(this.readyTimeout);
+, IdentifySchema, data.d);
+	const identify: IdentifySchema = data.d;
+	try {
+		const { jwtSecret } = Config.get().security;
+		var { decoded } = await checkToken(identify.token, jwtSecret); // will throw an error if invalid
+	} catch (error) {
+		console.error("invalid token", error);
+		return this.close(CLOSECODES.Authentication_failed);
+	}
+	this.user_id =;
+	const session_id = genSessionId();
+	this.session_id = session_id; //Set the session of the WebSocket object
+	const [user, read_states, members, recipients, session, application] =
+		await Promise.all([
+			User.findOneOrFail({
+				where: { id: this.user_id },
+				relations: ["relationships", "", "settings"],
+				select: [...PrivateUserProjection, "relationships"],
+			}),
+			ReadState.find({ where: { user_id: this.user_id } }),
+			Member.find({
+				where: { id: this.user_id },
+				select: MemberPrivateProjection,
+				relations: [
+					"guild",
+					"guild.channels",
+					"guild.emojis",
+					"guild.emojis.user",
+					"guild.roles",
+					"guild.stickers",
+					"user",
+					"roles",
+				],
+			}),
+			Recipient.find({
+				where: { user_id: this.user_id, closed: false },
+				relations: [
+					"channel",
+					"channel.recipients",
+					"channel.recipients.user",
+				],
+				// TODO: public user selection
+			}),
+			// save the session and delete it when the websocket is closed
+			await OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Session(), {
+				user_id: this.user_id,
+				session_id: session_id,
+				// TODO: check if status is only one of: online, dnd, offline, idle
+				status: identify.presence?.status || "offline", //does the session always start as online?
+				client_info: {
+					//TODO read from identity
+					client: "desktop",
+					os:,
+					version: 0,
+				},
+				activities: [],
+			}).save(),
+			Application.findOne({ where: { id: this.user_id } }),
+		]);
+	if (!user) return this.close(CLOSECODES.Authentication_failed);
+	if (!user.settings) { //settings may not exist after updating...
+		user.settings = new UserSettings();
+ =;
+		//await (user.settings as UserSettings).save();
+	}
+	if (!identify.intents) identify.intents = "30064771071";
+	this.intents = new Intents(identify.intents);
+	if (identify.shard) {
+		this.shard_id = identify.shard[0];
+		this.shard_count = identify.shard[1];
+		if (
+			this.shard_count == null ||
+			this.shard_id == null ||
+			this.shard_id >= this.shard_count ||
+			this.shard_id < 0 ||
+			this.shard_count <= 0
+		) {
+			console.log(identify.shard);
+			return this.close(CLOSECODES.Invalid_shard);
+		}
+	}
+	let users: PublicUser[] = [];
+	const merged_members = Member) => {
+		return [
+			{
+				...x,
+				roles: =>,
+				settings: undefined,
+				guild: undefined,
+			},
+		];
+	}) as PublicMember[][];
+	let guilds = => ({ ...x.guild, joined_at: x.joined_at }));
+	// @ts-ignore
+	guilds = => {
+		if ( {
+			setTimeout(() => {
+				Send(this, {
+					op: OPCODES.Dispatch,
+					t: EVENTEnum.GuildCreate,
+					s: this.sequence++,
+					d: guild,
+				});
+			}, 500);
+			return { id:, unavailable: true };
+		}
+		return guild;
+	});
+	const user_guild_settings_entries = => x.settings);
+	const channels = => {
+		// @ts-ignore
+ = => x.user);
+		//TODO is this needed? check if users in group dm that are not friends are sent in the READY event
+		users = users.concat( as unknown as User[]);
+		if ( {
+ =!.filter(
+				(x) => !== this.user_id
+			);
+		}
+		return;
+	});
+	for (let relation of user.relationships) {
+		const related_user =;
+		const public_related_user = {
+			username: related_user.username,
+			discriminator: related_user.discriminator,
+			id:,
+			public_flags: related_user.public_flags,
+			avatar: related_user.avatar,
+			bot:,
+			bio:,
+			premium_since: user.premium_since
+		};
+		users.push(public_related_user);
+	}
+	setImmediate(async () => {
+		// run in seperate "promise context" because ready payload is not dependent on those events
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "SESSIONS_REPLACE",
+			user_id: this.user_id,
+			data: await Session.find({
+				where: { user_id: this.user_id },
+				select: PrivateSessionProjection,
+			}),
+		} as SessionsReplace);
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "PRESENCE_UPDATE",
+			user_id: this.user_id,
+			data: {
+				user: await User.getPublicUser(this.user_id),
+				activities: session.activities,
+				client_status: session?.client_info,
+				status: session.status,
+			},
+		} as PresenceUpdateEvent);
+	});
+	read_states.forEach((s: any) => {
+ = s.channel_id;
+		delete s.user_id;
+		delete s.channel_id;
+	});
+	const privateUser = {
+		avatar: user.avatar,
+		mobile:,
+		desktop: user.desktop,
+		discriminator: user.discriminator,
+		email:,
+		flags: user.flags,
+		id:,
+		mfa_enabled: user.mfa_enabled,
+		nsfw_allowed: user.nsfw_allowed,
+		phone:,
+		premium: user.premium,
+		premium_type: user.premium_type,
+		public_flags: user.public_flags,
+		username: user.username,
+		verified: user.verified,
+		bot:,
+		accent_color: user.accent_color || 0,
+		banner: user.banner,
+		bio:,
+		premium_since: user.premium_since
+	};
+	const d: ReadyEventData = {
+		v: 8,
+		application: {id: application?.id??'', flags: application?.flags??0}, //TODO: check this code!
+		user: privateUser,
+		user_settings: user.settings,
+		// @ts-ignore
+		guilds: => {
+			// @ts-ignore
+			x.guild_hashes = {}; // @ts-ignore
+			x.guild_scheduled_events = []; // @ts-ignore
+			x.threads = [];
+			return x;
+		}),
+		guild_experiments: [], // TODO
+		geo_ordered_rtc_regions: [], // TODO
+		relationships: => x.toPublicRelationship()),
+		read_state: {
+			entries: read_states,
+			partial: false,
+			version: 304128,
+		},
+		user_guild_settings: {
+			entries: user_guild_settings_entries,
+			partial: false, // TODO partial
+			version: 642,
+		},
+		private_channels: channels,
+		session_id: session_id,
+		analytics_token: "", // TODO
+		connected_accounts: [], // TODO
+		consents: {
+			personalization: {
+				consented: false, // TODO
+			},
+		},
+		country_code: user.settings.locale,
+		friend_suggestion_count: 0, // TODO
+		// @ts-ignore
+		experiments: experiments, // TODO
+		guild_join_requests: [], // TODO what is this?
+		users: users.filter((x) => x).unique(),
+		merged_members: merged_members,
+		// shard // TODO: only for user sharding
+	};
+	// TODO: send real proper data structure
+	await Send(this, {
+		op: OPCODES.Dispatch,
+		t: EVENTEnum.Ready,
+		s: this.sequence++,
+		d,
+	});
+	//TODO send VOICE_STATE_UPDATE to let the client know if another device is already connected to a voice channel
+	await;
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/LazyRequest.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/LazyRequest.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74996f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/LazyRequest.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import { getPermission, listenEvent, Member, Role, getOrInitialiseDatabase, LazyRequest } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Send } from "../util/Send";
+import { OPCODES } from "../util/Constants";
+import { WebSocket, Payload, handlePresenceUpdate } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { check } from "./instanceOf";
+import { getRepository } from "typeorm";
+// TODO: only show roles/members that have access to this channel
+// TODO: config: to list all members (even those who are offline) sorted by role, or just those who are online
+// TODO: rewrite typeorm
+async function getMembers(guild_id: string, range: [number, number]) {
+	if (!Array.isArray(range) || range.length !== 2) {
+		throw new Error("range is not a valid array");
+	}
+	// TODO: wait for typeorm to implement ordering for .find queries
+	// TODO: rewrite this, released in 0.3.0
+	let members: Member[] = await (await getOrInitialiseDatabase()).getRepository(Member)
+		.createQueryBuilder("member")
+		.where("member.guild_id = :guild_id", { guild_id })
+		.leftJoinAndSelect("member.roles", "role")
+		.leftJoinAndSelect("member.user", "user")
+		.leftJoinAndSelect("user.sessions", "session")
+		.addSelect(
+			"CASE WHEN session.status = 'offline' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END",
+			"_status"
+		)
+		.orderBy("role.position", "DESC")
+		.addOrderBy("_status", "DESC")
+		.addOrderBy("user.username", "ASC")
+		.offset(Number(range[0]) || 0)
+		.limit(Number(range[1]) || 100)
+		.getMany();
+	const groups = [] as any[];
+	const items = [];
+	const member_roles = members
+		.map((m) => m.roles)
+		.flat()
+		.unique((r: Role) =>;
+	const offlineItems = [];
+	for (const role of member_roles) {
+		// @ts-ignore
+		const [role_members, other_members] = partition(members, (m: Member) =>
+			m.roles.find((r) => ===
+		);
+		const group = {
+			count: role_members.length,
+			id: === guild_id ? "online" :,
+		};
+		items.push({ group });
+		groups.push(group);
+		for (const member of role_members) {
+			const roles = member.roles
+				.filter((x: Role) => !== guild_id)
+				.map((x: Role) =>;
+			const session = member.user.sessions.first();
+			// TODO: properly mock/hide offline/invisible status
+			const item = {
+				member: {
+					...member,
+					roles,
+					user: { ...member.user, sessions: undefined },
+					presence: {
+						...session,
+						activities: session?.activities || [],
+						user: { id: },
+					},
+				},
+			}
+			if (!member?.user?.sessions || !member.user.sessions.length) {
+				offlineItems.push(item);
+				group.count--;
+				continue;
+			}
+			items.push(item);
+		}
+		members = other_members;
+	}
+	if (offlineItems.length) {
+		const group = {
+			count: offlineItems.length,
+			id: "offline",
+		};
+		items.push({ group });
+		groups.push(group);
+		items.push(...offlineItems);
+	}
+	return {
+		items,
+		groups,
+		range,
+		members: => 'member' in x ? x.member : undefined).filter(x => !!x),
+	};
+export async function onLazyRequest(this: WebSocket, { d }: Payload) {
+	// TODO: check data
+, LazyRequest, d);
+	const { guild_id, typing, channels, activities } = d as LazyRequest;
+	const channel_id = Object.keys(channels || {}).first();
+	if (!channel_id) return;
+	const permissions = await getPermission(this.user_id, guild_id, channel_id);
+	permissions.hasThrow("VIEW_CHANNEL");
+	const ranges = channels![channel_id];
+	if (!Array.isArray(ranges)) throw new Error("Not a valid Array");
+	const member_count = await Member.count({ where: { guild_id } });
+	const ops = await Promise.all( => getMembers(guild_id, x)));
+	// TODO: unsubscribe member_events that are not in op.members
+	ops.forEach((op) => {
+		op.members.forEach(async (member) => {
+			if ([]) return; // already subscribed as friend
+			if (this.member_events[]) return; // already subscribed in member list
+			this.member_events[] = await listenEvent(
+				handlePresenceUpdate.bind(this),
+				this.listen_options
+			);
+		});
+	});
+	return Send(this, {
+		op: OPCODES.Dispatch,
+		s: this.sequence++,
+		d: {
+			ops: => ({
+				items: x.items,
+				op: "SYNC",
+				range: x.range,
+			})),
+			online_count: member_count,
+			member_count,
+			id: "everyone",
+			guild_id,
+			groups: ops
+				.map((x) => x.groups)
+				.flat()
+				.unique(),
+		},
+	});
+function partition<T>(array: T[], isValid: Function) {
+	// @ts-ignore
+	return array.reduce(
+		// @ts-ignore
+		([pass, fail], elem) => {
+			return isValid(elem)
+				? [[...pass, elem], fail]
+				: [pass, [, elem]];
+		},
+		[[], []]
+	);
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/PresenceUpdate.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/PresenceUpdate.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f31c9161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/PresenceUpdate.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { WebSocket, Payload } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { ActivitySchema, emitEvent, PresenceUpdateEvent, Session, User } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { check } from "./instanceOf";
+export async function onPresenceUpdate(this: WebSocket, { d }: Payload) {
+, ActivitySchema, d);
+	const presence = d as ActivitySchema;
+	await Session.update(
+		{ session_id: this.session_id },
+		{ status: presence.status, activities: presence.activities }
+	);
+	await emitEvent({
+		event: "PRESENCE_UPDATE",
+		user_id: this.user_id,
+		data: {
+			user: await User.getPublicUser(this.user_id),
+			activities: presence.activities,
+			client_status: {}, // TODO:
+			status: presence.status,
+		},
+	} as PresenceUpdateEvent);
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/RequestGuildMembers.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/RequestGuildMembers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b80721dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/RequestGuildMembers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import { Payload, WebSocket } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+export function onRequestGuildMembers(this: WebSocket, data: Payload) {
+	// return this.close(CLOSECODES.Unknown_error);
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/Resume.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/Resume.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42dc586d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/Resume.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { WebSocket, Payload } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { Send } from "../util/Send";
+export async function onResume(this: WebSocket, data: Payload) {
+	console.log("Got Resume -> cancel not implemented");
+	await Send(this, {
+		op: 9,
+		d: false,
+	});
+	// return this.close(CLOSECODES.Invalid_session);
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/VoiceStateUpdate.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/VoiceStateUpdate.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4297a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/VoiceStateUpdate.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import { Payload, WebSocket } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { genVoiceToken } from "../util/SessionUtils";
+import { check } from "./instanceOf";
+import {
+	Config,
+	emitEvent,
+	Guild,
+	Member,
+	VoiceServerUpdateEvent,
+	VoiceState,
+	VoiceStateUpdateEvent,
+	VoiceStateUpdateSchema,
+} from "@fosscord/util";
+import { OrmUtils } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { Region } from "@fosscord/util";
+// TODO: check if a voice server is setup
+// Notice: Bot users respect the voice channel's user limit, if set. When the voice channel is full, you will not receive the Voice State Update or Voice Server Update events in response to your own Voice State Update. Having MANAGE_CHANNELS permission bypasses this limit and allows you to join regardless of the channel being full or not.
+export async function onVoiceStateUpdate(this: WebSocket, data: Payload) {
+, VoiceStateUpdateSchema, data.d);
+	const body = data.d as VoiceStateUpdateSchema;
+	if(body.guild_id == null) {
+		console.log(`[Gateway] VoiceStateUpdate called with guild_id == null by user ${this.user_id}!`);
+		return;
+	}
+	let voiceState: VoiceState;
+	try {
+		voiceState = await VoiceState.findOneOrFail({
+			where: { user_id: this.user_id },
+		});
+		if (
+			voiceState.session_id !== this.session_id &&
+			body.channel_id === null
+		) {
+			//Should we also check guild_id === null?
+			//changing deaf or mute on a client that's not the one with the same session of the voicestate in the database should be ignored
+			return;
+		}
+		//If a user change voice channel between guild we should send a left event first
+		if (
+			voiceState.guild_id !== body.guild_id &&
+			voiceState.session_id === this.session_id
+		) {
+			await emitEvent({
+				event: "VOICE_STATE_UPDATE",
+				data: { ...voiceState, channel_id: null },
+				guild_id: voiceState.guild_id,
+			});
+		}
+		//The event send by Discord's client on channel leave has both guild_id and channel_id as null
+		if (body.guild_id === null) body.guild_id = voiceState.guild_id;
+		voiceState = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(voiceState, body);
+	} catch (error) {
+		voiceState = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new VoiceState(), {
+			...body,
+			user_id: this.user_id,
+			deaf: false,
+			mute: false,
+			suppress: false,
+		});
+	}
+	//TODO the member should only have these properties: hoisted_role, deaf, joined_at, mute, roles, user
+	//TODO the member.user should only have these properties: avatar, discriminator, id, username
+	//TODO this may fail
+	voiceState.member = await Member.findOneOrFail({
+		where: { id: voiceState.user_id, guild_id: voiceState.guild_id },
+		relations: ["user", "roles"],
+	});
+	//If the session changed we generate a new token
+	if (voiceState.session_id !== this.session_id)
+		voiceState.token = genVoiceToken();
+	voiceState.session_id = this.session_id;
+	const { id, ...newObj } = voiceState;
+	await Promise.all([
+		emitEvent({
+			event: "VOICE_STATE_UPDATE",
+			data: newObj,
+			guild_id: voiceState.guild_id,
+		} as VoiceStateUpdateEvent),
+	]);
+	//If it's null it means that we are leaving the channel and this event is not needed
+	if (voiceState.channel_id !== null) {
+		const guild = await Guild.findOne({ where: { id: voiceState.guild_id } });
+		const regions = Config.get().regions;
+		let guildRegion: Region;
+		if (guild && guild.region) {
+			guildRegion = regions.available.filter(
+				(r) => === guild.region
+			)[0];
+		} else {
+			guildRegion = regions.available.filter(
+				(r) => === regions.default
+			)[0];
+		}
+		await emitEvent({
+			data: {
+				token: voiceState.token,
+				guild_id: voiceState.guild_id,
+				endpoint: guildRegion.endpoint,
+			},
+			guild_id: voiceState.guild_id,
+		} as VoiceServerUpdateEvent);
+	}
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/experiments.json b/src/gateway/opcodes/experiments.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0370b5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/experiments.json
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+	[4047587481, 0, 0, -1, 0],
+	[1509401575, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1865079242, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1962538549, 1, 0, -1, 0],
+	[3816091942, 3, 2, -1, 0],
+	[4130837190, 0, 10, -1, 0],
+	[1861568052, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2290910058, 6, 2, -1, 0],
+	[1578940118, 1, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1571676964, 0, 1, -1, 2],
+	[3640172371, 0, 2, -1, 2],
+	[1658164312, 2, 1, -1, 0],
+	[98883956, 1, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3114091169, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2570684145, 4, 1, -1, 2],
+	[4007615411, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3665310159, 2, 1, -1, 1],
+	[852550504, 3, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2333572067, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[935994771, 1, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1127795596, 1, 1, -1, 0],
+	[4168223991, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[18585280, 0, 1, -1, 1],
+	[327482016, 0, 1, -1, 2],
+	[3458098201, 7, 1, -1, 0],
+	[478613943, 2, 1, -1, 1],
+	[2792197902, 0, 1, -1, 2],
+	[284670956, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2099185390, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1202202685, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2122174751, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3633864632, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3103053065, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[820624960, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1134479292, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2511257455, 3, 1, -1, 3],
+	[2599708267, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[613180822, 1, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2885186814, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[221503477, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1054317075, 0, 1, -1, 3],
+	[683872522, 0, 1, -1, 1],
+	[1739278764, 0, 2, -1, 0],
+	[2855249023, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3721841948, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1285203515, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1365487849, 6, 1, -1, 0],
+	[955229746, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3128009767, 0, 10, -1, 0],
+	[441885003, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3433971238, 0, 1, -1, 2],
+	[1038765354, 3, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1174347196, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3649806352, 1, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2973729510, 2, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2571931329, 1, 6, -1, 0],
+	[3884442008, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[978673395, 1, 1, -1, 0],
+	[4050927174, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[1260103069, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[4168894280, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[4045587091, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2003494159, 1, 1, -1, 0],
+	[51193042, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[2634540382, 3, 1, -1, 0],
+	[886364171, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3898604944, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3388129398, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3964382884, 2, 1, -1, 1],
+	[3305874255, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[156590431, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[3106485751, 0, 0, -1, 0],
+	[3035674767, 0, 1, -1, 0],
+	[851697110, 0, 1, -1, 0]
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/index.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..027739db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import { WebSocket, Payload } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { onHeartbeat } from "./Heartbeat";
+import { onIdentify } from "./Identify";
+import { onLazyRequest } from "./LazyRequest";
+import { onPresenceUpdate } from "./PresenceUpdate";
+import { onRequestGuildMembers } from "./RequestGuildMembers";
+import { onResume } from "./Resume";
+import { onVoiceStateUpdate } from "./VoiceStateUpdate";
+export type OPCodeHandler = (this: WebSocket, data: Payload) => any;
+export default {
+	1: onHeartbeat,
+	2: onIdentify,
+	3: onPresenceUpdate,
+	4: onVoiceStateUpdate,
+	// 5: Voice Server Ping
+	6: onResume,
+	// 7: Reconnect: You should attempt to reconnect and resume immediately.
+	8: onRequestGuildMembers,
+	// 9: Invalid Session
+	// 10: Hello
+	// 13: Dm_update
+	14: onLazyRequest,
diff --git a/src/gateway/opcodes/instanceOf.ts b/src/gateway/opcodes/instanceOf.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb6f6ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/opcodes/instanceOf.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { instanceOf } from "@fosscord/util";
+import { WebSocket } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+import { CLOSECODES } from "../util/Constants";
+export function check(this: WebSocket, schema: any, data: any) {
+	try {
+		const error = instanceOf(schema, data, { path: "body" });
+		if (error !== true) {
+			throw error;
+		}
+		return true;
+	} catch (error) {
+		console.error(error);
+		// invalid payload
+		this.close(CLOSECODES.Decode_error);
+		throw error;
+	}
diff --git a/src/gateway/start.ts b/src/gateway/start.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2000522a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/start.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+process.on("uncaughtException", console.error);
+process.on("unhandledRejection", console.error);
+import { Server } from "./Server";
+import { config } from "dotenv";
+let port = Number(process.env.PORT);
+if (isNaN(port)) port = 3002;
+const server = new Server({
+	port,
diff --git a/src/gateway/util/Constants.ts b/src/gateway/util/Constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..692f9028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/util/Constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+export enum OPCODES {
+	Dispatch = 0,
+	Heartbeat = 1,
+	Identify = 2,
+	Presence_Update = 3,
+	Voice_State_Update = 4,
+	Voice_Server_Ping = 5, // ? What is opcode 5?
+	Resume = 6,
+	Reconnect = 7,
+	Request_Guild_Members = 8,
+	Invalid_Session = 9,
+	Hello = 10,
+	Heartbeat_ACK = 11,
+	Guild_Sync = 12,
+	DM_Update = 13,
+	Lazy_Request = 14,
+	Lobby_Connect = 15,
+	Lobby_Disconnect = 16,
+	Lobby_Voice_States_Update = 17,
+	Stream_Create = 18,
+	Stream_Delete = 19,
+	Stream_Watch = 20,
+	Stream_Ping = 21,
+	Stream_Set_Paused = 22,
+	Request_Application_Commands = 24,
+export enum CLOSECODES {
+	Unknown_error = 4000,
+	Unknown_opcode,
+	Decode_error,
+	Not_authenticated,
+	Authentication_failed,
+	Already_authenticated,
+	Invalid_session,
+	Invalid_seq,
+	Rate_limited,
+	Session_timed_out,
+	Invalid_shard,
+	Sharding_required,
+	Invalid_API_version,
+	Invalid_intent,
+	Disallowed_intent,
+export interface Payload {
+	op: OPCODES;
+	d?: any;
+	s?: number;
+	t?: string;
diff --git a/src/gateway/util/Heartbeat.ts b/src/gateway/util/Heartbeat.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6871cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/util/Heartbeat.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { CLOSECODES } from "./Constants";
+import { WebSocket } from "./WebSocket";
+// TODO: make heartbeat timeout configurable
+export function setHeartbeat(socket: WebSocket) {
+	if (socket.heartbeatTimeout) clearTimeout(socket.heartbeatTimeout);
+	socket.heartbeatTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+		return socket.close(CLOSECODES.Session_timed_out);
+	}, 1000 * 45);
diff --git a/src/gateway/util/Send.ts b/src/gateway/util/Send.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a28d8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/util/Send.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+let erlpack: any;
+try {
+	erlpack = require("@yukikaze-bot/erlpack");
+} catch (error) {
+	console.log("Missing @yukikaze-bot/erlpack, electron-based desktop clients designed for will not be able to connect!");
+import { Payload, WebSocket } from "@fosscord/gateway";
+export async function Send(socket: WebSocket, data: Payload) {
+	if(process.env.WS_VERBOSE)
+		console.log(`[Websocket] Outgoing message: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
+	let buffer: Buffer | string;
+	if (socket.encoding === "etf") buffer = erlpack.pack(data);
+	// TODO: encode circular object
+	else if (socket.encoding === "json") buffer = JSON.stringify(data);
+	else return;
+	// TODO: compression
+	if (socket.deflate) {
+		socket.deflate.write(buffer);
+		socket.deflate.flush();
+		return;
+	}
+	return new Promise((res, rej) => {
+		if (socket.readyState !== 1) {
+			return rej("socket not open");
+		}
+		socket.send(buffer, (err: any) => {
+			if (err) return rej(err);
+			return res(null);
+		});
+	});
diff --git a/src/gateway/util/SessionUtils.ts b/src/gateway/util/SessionUtils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf854042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/util/SessionUtils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+export function genSessionId() {
+	return genRanHex(32);
+export function genVoiceToken() {
+	return genRanHex(16);
+function genRanHex(size: number) {
+	return [...Array(size)]
+		.map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16))
+		.join("");
diff --git a/src/gateway/util/WebSocket.ts b/src/gateway/util/WebSocket.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9496da85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/util/WebSocket.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { Intents, Permissions } from "@fosscord/util";
+import WS from "ws";
+import { Deflate } from "zlib";
+export interface WebSocket extends WS {
+	version: number;
+	user_id: string;
+	session_id: string;
+	encoding: "etf" | "json";
+	compress?: "zlib-stream";
+	shard_count?: number;
+	shard_id?: number;
+	deflate?: Deflate;
+	heartbeatTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout;
+	readyTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout;
+	intents: Intents;
+	sequence: number;
+	permissions: Record<string, Permissions>;
+	events: Record<string, Function>;
+	member_events: Record<string, Function>;
+	listen_options: any;
diff --git a/src/gateway/util/index.ts b/src/gateway/util/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0be5ecee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gateway/util/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export * from "./Constants";
+export * from "./Send";
+export * from "./SessionUtils";
+export * from "./Heartbeat";
+export * from "./WebSocket";
diff --git a/src/plugins/example-plugin/ b/src/plugins/example-plugin/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1b36607b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/example-plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#rm -rf dist/
+#mkdir dist
+rm -rfv *.js *
+ln -s ../../bundle/node_modules node_modules
+tsc -p .
diff --git a/src/plugins/example-plugin/index.ts b/src/plugins/example-plugin/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5db6563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/example-plugin/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/*import { Plugin } from "@fosscord/util"
+export default class TestPlugin extends Plugin {
+    onPluginLoaded(): void {
+        console.log("Hello from test plugin! IT WORKS!!!!!!!");
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/plugins/example-plugin/plugin.json b/src/plugins/example-plugin/plugin.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..980edbdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/example-plugin/plugin.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+    "id": "example-plugin",
+    "name": "Fosscord example plugin",
+    "authors": [
+        "The Arcane Brony"
+    ],
+    "repository": "",
+    "license": ""
diff --git a/src/plugins/example-plugin/tsconfig.json b/src/plugins/example-plugin/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7efe9434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/example-plugin/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@

+	"include": ["./**/*.ts"],

+	"exclude": [],

+	"compilerOptions": {


+		/* Basic Options */

+		"incremental": false /* Enable incremental compilation */,

+		"target": "ESNext" /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */,

+		"module": "commonjs" /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */,

+		"lib": [

+			"ESNext"

+		] /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */,

+		"allowJs": true /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */,

+		"checkJs": true /* Report errors in .js files. */,

+		// "jsx": "preserve",                     /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */

+		"declaration": false /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */,

+		"declarationMap": false /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */,

+		"sourceMap": true /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */,

+		// "outFile": "./",                       /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */

+		"outDir": "./dist/" /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */,

+		"rootDir": "./" /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */,

+		// "composite": true,                     /* Enable project compilation */

+		// "tsBuildInfoFile": "./",               /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */

+		// "removeComments": true,                /* Do not emit comments to output. */

+		// "noEmit": true,                        /* Do not emit outputs. */

+		// "importHelpers": true,                 /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */

+		// "downlevelIteration": true,            /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */

+		// "isolatedModules": true,               /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */


+		/* Strict Type-Checking Options */

+		"strict": true /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */,

+		"noImplicitAny": true /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */,

+		"strictNullChecks": true /* Enable strict null checks. */,

+		// "strictFunctionTypes": true,           /* Enable strict checking of function types. */

+		// "strictBindCallApply": true,           /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */

+		"strictPropertyInitialization": false /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */,

+		// "noImplicitThis": true,                /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */

+		"alwaysStrict": true /* Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. */,


+		/* Additional Checks */

+		// "noUnusedLocals": true,                /* Report errors on unused locals. */

+		// "noUnusedParameters": true,            /* Report errors on unused parameters. */

+		// "noImplicitReturns": true,             /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */

+		// "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,    /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */


+		/* Module Resolution Options */

+		"moduleResolution": "node",            /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */

+		// "rootDirs": [],                        /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */

+		// "typeRoots": [],                       /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */

+		"types": [

+			"node"

+		] /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */,

+		// "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,  /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */

+		"esModuleInterop": true /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */,

+		// "preserveSymlinks": true,              /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */

+		// "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true,          /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */


+		/* Source Map Options */

+		// "sourceRoot": "",                      /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */

+		// "mapRoot": "",                         /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */

+		// "inlineSourceMap": true,               /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */

+		// "inlineSources": true,                 /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */


+		/* Experimental Options */

+		// "experimentalDecorators": true,        /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */

+		// "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,         /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */


+		/* Advanced Options */

+		"skipLibCheck": true /* Skip type checking of declaration files. */,

+		"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */,

+		"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,

+		"experimentalDecorators": true,

+		"resolveJsonModule": true,

+		"baseUrl": "../../bundle/dist/",

+		"paths": {

+			"@fosscord/api": ["../../api/src/index"],

+			"@fosscord/gateway": ["../../gateway/src/index"],

+			"@fosscord/cdn": ["../../cdn/src/index"],

+			"@fosscord/util": ["../../util/src/index"]

+		},

+		"plugins": [{ "transform": "@ovos-media/ts-transform-paths" }],

+		"noEmitHelpers": true,

+		"importHelpers": true

+	}


diff --git a/src/start.ts b/src/start.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a20581c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/start.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// process.env.MONGOMS_DEBUG = "true";
+import "reflect-metadata";
+import cluster, { Worker } from "cluster";
+import os from "os";
+import { red, bold, yellow, cyan } from "picocolors";
+import { initStats } from "./stats";
+import { config } from "dotenv";
+import { execSync } from "child_process";
+// TODO: add socket event transmission
+let cores = 1;
+try {
+	cores = Number(process.env.THREADS) || os.cpus().length;
+} catch {
+	console.log("[API] Failed to get thread count! Using 1...")
+if (cluster.isMaster) {
+	function getCommitOrFail() {
+		try {
+			return execSync("git rev-parse HEAD").toString().trim();
+		} catch (e) {
+			return null;
+		}
+	}
+	const commit = getCommitOrFail();
+	console.log(
+		bold(`
+███████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗███████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗
+█████╗  ██║   ██║███████╗███████╗██║     ██║   ██║██████╔╝██║  ██║
+██╔══╝  ██║   ██║╚════██║╚════██║██║     ██║   ██║██╔══██╗██║  ██║
+██║     ╚██████╔╝███████║███████║╚██████╗╚██████╔╝██║  ██║██████╔╝
+╚═╝      ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝
+		fosscord-server | ${yellow(
+			`Pre-release (${
+				commit !== null
+					? commit.slice(0, 7)
+					: "Unknown (Git cannot be found)"
+			})`
+		)}
+Commit Hash: ${
+			commit !== null
+				? `${cyan(commit)} (${yellow(commit.slice(0, 7))})`
+				: "Unknown (Git cannot be found)"
+		}
+Cores: ${cyan(os.cpus().length)} (Using ${cores} thread(s).)
+	);
+	if (commit == null) {
+		console.log(yellow(`Warning: Git is not installed or not in PATH.`));
+	}
+	initStats();
+	console.log(`[Process] starting with ${cores} threads`);
+	if (cores === 1) {
+		require("./Server");
+	} else {
+		process.env.EVENT_TRANSMISSION = "process";
+		// Fork workers.
+		for (let i = 0; i < cores; i++) {
+			// Delay each worker start if using sqlite database to prevent locking it
+			let delay = process.env.DATABASE?.includes("://") ? 0 : i * 1000;
+			setTimeout(() => {
+				cluster.fork();
+				console.log(`[Process] worker ${cyan(i)} started.`);
+			}, delay);
+		}
+		cluster.on("message", (sender: Worker, message: any) => {
+			for (const id in cluster.workers) {
+				const worker = cluster.workers[id];
+				if (worker === sender || !worker) continue;
+				worker.send(message);
+			}
+		});
+		cluster.on("exit", (worker: any, code: any, signal: any) => {
+			console.log(
+				`[Worker] ${red(
+					`died with PID: ${} , restarting ...`
+				)}`
+			);
+			cluster.fork();
+		});
+	}
+} else {
+	require("./Server");
diff --git a/src/stats.ts b/src/stats.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..654e0a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stats.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import os from "os";
+import { red } from "picocolors";
+export function initStats() {
+	console.log(`[Path] running in ${__dirname}`);
+	try {
+		console.log(`[CPU] ${os.cpus()[0].model} Cores x${os.cpus().length}`);
+	}
+	catch {
+		console.log('[CPU] Failed to get cpu model!')
+	}
+	console.log(`[System] ${os.platform()} ${os.arch()}`);
+	console.log(`[Process] running with PID: ${}`);
+	if (process.getuid && process.getuid() === 0) {
+		console.warn(
+			red(
+				`[Process] Warning fosscord is running as root, this highly discouraged and might expose your system vulnerable to attackers. Please run fosscord as a user without root privileges.`
+			)
+		);
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/config/Config.ts b/src/util/config/Config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7aee1775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/Config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { ApiConfiguration, ClientConfiguration, DefaultsConfiguration, EndpointConfiguration, GeneralConfiguration, GifConfiguration, GuildConfiguration, KafkaConfiguration, LimitsConfiguration, LoginConfiguration, MetricsConfiguration, RabbitMQConfiguration, RegionConfiguration, RegisterConfiguration, SecurityConfiguration, SentryConfiguration, TemplateConfiguration } from ".";
+export class ConfigValue {
+	gateway: EndpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration();
+	cdn: EndpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration();
+	api: ApiConfiguration = new ApiConfiguration();
+	general: GeneralConfiguration = new GeneralConfiguration();
+	limits: LimitsConfiguration = new LimitsConfiguration();
+	security: SecurityConfiguration = new SecurityConfiguration();
+	login: LoginConfiguration = new LoginConfiguration();
+	register: RegisterConfiguration = new RegisterConfiguration();
+	regions: RegionConfiguration = new RegionConfiguration();
+	guild: GuildConfiguration = new GuildConfiguration();
+	gif: GifConfiguration = new GifConfiguration();
+	rabbitmq: RabbitMQConfiguration = new RabbitMQConfiguration();
+	kafka: KafkaConfiguration = new KafkaConfiguration();
+	templates: TemplateConfiguration = new TemplateConfiguration();
+	client: ClientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
+	metrics: MetricsConfiguration = new MetricsConfiguration();
+	sentry: SentryConfiguration = new SentryConfiguration();
+	defaults: DefaultsConfiguration = new DefaultsConfiguration();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/index.ts b/src/util/config/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a9b58ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from "./Config";
+export * from "./types/index";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/ApiConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/ApiConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16b1efba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/ApiConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export class ApiConfiguration {
+	defaultVersion: string = "9";
+	activeVersions: string[] = ["6", "7", "8", "9"];
+	useFosscordEnhancements: boolean = true;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/ClientConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/ClientConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1adda1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/ClientConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import { ClientReleaseConfiguration } from ".";
+export class ClientConfiguration {
+    //classes
+    releases: ClientReleaseConfiguration = new ClientReleaseConfiguration();
+    //base types
+    useTestClient: boolean = true;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/DefaultsConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/DefaultsConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b02a590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/DefaultsConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import { GuildDefaults, UserDefaults } from ".";
+export class DefaultsConfiguration {
+    guild: GuildDefaults = new GuildDefaults();
+    user: UserDefaults = new UserDefaults();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/EndpointConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/EndpointConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87baea31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/EndpointConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export class EndpointConfiguration {
+	endpointClient: string | null = null;
+	endpointPrivate: string | null = null;
+	endpointPublic: string | null = null;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/GeneralConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/GeneralConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55848b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/GeneralConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { Snowflake } from "../../util";
+export class GeneralConfiguration {
+	instanceName: string = "Fosscord Instance";
+	instanceDescription: string | null = "This is a Fosscord instance made in the pre-release days";
+	frontPage: string | null = null;
+	tosPage: string | null = null;
+	correspondenceEmail: string | null = "noreply@localhost.local";
+	correspondenceUserID: string | null = null;
+	image: string | null = null;
+	instanceId: string = Snowflake.generate();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/GifConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/GifConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a2d520d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/GifConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export class GifConfiguration {
+    enabled: boolean = true;
+    provider: "tenor" = "tenor"; // more coming soon
+    apiKey?: string = "LIVDSRZULELA";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/GuildConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/GuildConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d43b368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/GuildConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import { DiscoveryConfiguration, AutoJoinConfiguration } from ".";
+export class GuildConfiguration {
+    discovery: DiscoveryConfiguration = new DiscoveryConfiguration();
+    autoJoin: AutoJoinConfiguration = new AutoJoinConfiguration();
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/KafkaConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/KafkaConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7932f49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/KafkaConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import { KafkaBroker } from ".";
+export class KafkaConfiguration {
+    brokers: KafkaBroker[] | null = null;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/LimitConfigurations.ts b/src/util/config/types/LimitConfigurations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcc2e7e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/LimitConfigurations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { ChannelLimits, GuildLimits, MessageLimits, RateLimits, UserLimits } from ".";
+export class LimitsConfiguration {
+	user: UserLimits = new UserLimits();
+	guild: GuildLimits = new GuildLimits();
+	message: MessageLimits = new MessageLimits();
+	channel: ChannelLimits = new ChannelLimits();
+	rate: RateLimits = new RateLimits();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/LoginConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/LoginConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..255c9451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/LoginConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export class LoginConfiguration {
+    requireCaptcha: boolean = false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/MetricsConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/MetricsConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7cd4937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/MetricsConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export class MetricsConfiguration {
+    timeout: number = 30000;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/RabbitMQConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/RabbitMQConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce4a9123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/RabbitMQConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export class RabbitMQConfiguration {
+    host: string | null = null;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/RegionConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/RegionConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09d9271c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/RegionConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { Region } from ".";
+export class RegionConfiguration {
+    default: string = "fosscord";
+    useDefaultAsOptimal: boolean = true;
+    available: Region[] = [
+        {
+            id: "fosscord",
+            name: "Fosscord",
+            endpoint: "",
+            vip: false,
+            custom: false,
+            deprecated: false,
+        },
+    ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/RegisterConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/RegisterConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56488e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/RegisterConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { DateOfBirthConfiguration, EmailConfiguration, PasswordConfiguration } from ".";
+export class RegisterConfiguration {
+    //classes
+    email: EmailConfiguration = new EmailConfiguration();
+    dateOfBirth: DateOfBirthConfiguration = new DateOfBirthConfiguration();
+    password: PasswordConfiguration = new PasswordConfiguration();
+    //base types
+    disabled: boolean = false;
+    requireCaptcha: boolean = true;
+    requireInvite: boolean = false;
+	allowGuests: boolean = true;
+    guestsRequireInvite: boolean = true;
+    allowNewRegistration: boolean = true;
+    allowMultipleAccounts: boolean = true;
+    blockProxies: boolean = true;
+    incrementingDiscriminators: boolean = false; // random otherwise
+    defaultRights: string = "0";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/SecurityConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/SecurityConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..405b86ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/SecurityConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import crypto from "crypto";
+import { CaptchaConfiguration, TwoFactorConfiguration } from ".";
+export class SecurityConfiguration {
+    //classes
+    captcha: CaptchaConfiguration = new CaptchaConfiguration();
+    twoFactor: TwoFactorConfiguration = new TwoFactorConfiguration();
+    //base types
+    autoUpdate: boolean | number = true;
+    requestSignature: string = crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("base64");
+    jwtSecret: string = crypto.randomBytes(256).toString("base64");
+    // header to get the real user ip address
+    // X-Forwarded-For for nginx/reverse proxies
+    // CF-Connecting-IP for cloudflare
+    forwadedFor: string | null = null;
+    ipdataApiKey: string | null = "eca677b284b3bac29eb72f5e496aa9047f26543605efe99ff2ce35c9";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/SentryConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/SentryConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..836094a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/SentryConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import { hostname } from "os";
+export class SentryConfiguration {
+    enabled: boolean = false;
+    endpoint: string = "";
+    traceSampleRate: number = 1.0;
+    environment: string = hostname();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/TemplateConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/TemplateConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a9aa8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/TemplateConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export class TemplateConfiguration {
+    enabled: boolean = true;
+    allowTemplateCreation: boolean = true;
+    allowDiscordTemplates: boolean = true;
+    allowRaws: boolean = true;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..608503a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+export * from "./ApiConfiguration";
+export * from "./ClientConfiguration";
+export * from "./DefaultsConfiguration";
+export * from "./EndpointConfiguration";
+export * from "./GeneralConfiguration";
+export * from "./GifConfiguration";
+export * from "./GuildConfiguration";
+export * from "./KafkaConfiguration";
+export * from "./LimitConfigurations";
+export * from "./LoginConfiguration";
+export * from "./MetricsConfiguration";
+export * from "./RabbitMQConfiguration";
+export * from "./RegionConfiguration";
+export * from "./RegisterConfiguration";
+export * from "./SecurityConfiguration";
+export * from "./SentryConfiguration";
+export * from "./TemplateConfiguration";
+export * from "./subconfigurations/index";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/client/ClientReleaseConfiguration.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/client/ClientReleaseConfiguration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54e7f365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/client/ClientReleaseConfiguration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export class ClientReleaseConfiguration {
+    useLocalRelease: boolean = true; //TODO
+    upstreamVersion: string = "0.0.264";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/client/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/client/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96bbb0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/client/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from "./ClientReleaseConfiguration";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/GuildDefaults.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/GuildDefaults.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6ff7697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/GuildDefaults.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export class GuildDefaults {
+    maxPresences: number = 250000;
+    maxVideoChannelUsers: number = 200;
+    afkTimeout: number = 300;
+    defaultMessageNotifications: number = 1;
+    explicitContentFilter: number = 0;
+    test: number = 123;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/UserDefaults.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/UserDefaults.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4481c011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/UserDefaults.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export class UserDefaults {
+    premium: boolean = false;
+    premium_type: number = 2;
+    verified: boolean = true;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50258d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/defaults/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from "./GuildDefaults";
+export * from "./UserDefaults";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/AutoJoin.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/AutoJoin.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47dfe5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/AutoJoin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export class AutoJoinConfiguration {
+    enabled: boolean = true;
+    guilds: string[] = [];
+    canLeave: boolean = true;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/Discovery.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/Discovery.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59d8a8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/Discovery.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export class DiscoveryConfiguration {
+    showAllGuilds: boolean = false;
+    useRecommendation: boolean = false; // TODO: Recommendation, privacy concern?
+    offset: number = 0;
+    limit: number = 24;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9614856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/guild/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from "./AutoJoin";
+export * from "./Discovery";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfbadc92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export * from "./client/index";
+export * from "./defaults/index";
+export * from "./guild/index";
+export * from "./kafka/index";
+export * from "./limits/index";
+export * from "./region/index";
+export * from "./register/index";
+export * from "./security/index";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/kafka/KafkaBroker.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/kafka/KafkaBroker.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f9a5e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/kafka/KafkaBroker.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export interface KafkaBroker {
+	ip: string;
+	port: number;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/kafka/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/kafka/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c633950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/kafka/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from "./KafkaBroker";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ChannelLimits.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ChannelLimits.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f8f9485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ChannelLimits.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export class ChannelLimits {
+    maxPins: number = 500;
+    maxTopic: number = 1024;
+    maxWebhooks: number = 100;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/GuildLimits.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/GuildLimits.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91ad39ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/GuildLimits.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export class GuildLimits {
+    maxRoles: number = 1000;
+    maxEmojis: number = 2000;
+    maxMembers: number = 25000000;
+    maxChannels: number = 65535;
+    maxChannelsInCategory: number = 65535;
+    hideOfflineMember: number = 3;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/MessageLimits.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/MessageLimits.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51576b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/MessageLimits.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export class MessageLimits {
+    maxCharacters: number = 1048576;
+    maxTTSCharacters: number = 160;
+    maxReactions: number = 2048;
+    maxAttachmentSize: number = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+    maxBulkDelete: number = 1000;
+    maxEmbedDownloadSize: number = 1024 * 1024 * 5;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/RateLimits.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/RateLimits.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25e7a1e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/RateLimits.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { RouteRateLimit, RateLimitOptions } from ".";
+export class RateLimits {
+    disabled: boolean = true;
+    ip: Omit<RateLimitOptions, "bot_count"> = {
+        count: 500,
+        window: 5
+    };
+    global: RateLimitOptions = {
+        count: 250,
+        window: 5
+    };
+    error: RateLimitOptions = {
+        count: 10,
+        window: 5
+    };
+    routes: RouteRateLimit;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/UserLimits.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/UserLimits.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d10e0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/UserLimits.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export class UserLimits {
+    maxGuilds: number = 1048576;
+    maxUsername: number = 127;
+    maxFriends: number = 5000;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b7304f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export * from "./ChannelLimits";
+export * from "./GuildLimits";
+export * from "./MessageLimits";
+export * from "./RateLimits";
+export * from "./UserLimits";
+export * from "./ratelimits/index";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/Auth.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/Auth.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df171044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/Auth.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { RateLimitOptions } from "./RateLimitOptions";
+export class AuthRateLimit {
+    login: RateLimitOptions = {
+        count: 5,
+        window: 60
+    };
+    register: RateLimitOptions = {
+        count: 2,
+        window: 60 * 60 * 12
+    };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/RateLimitOptions.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/RateLimitOptions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7089e28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/RateLimitOptions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export interface RateLimitOptions {
+	bot?: number;
+	count: number;
+	window: number;
+	onyIp?: boolean;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/Route.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/Route.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..844b1b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/Route.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { AuthRateLimit } from "./Auth";
+import { RateLimitOptions } from "./RateLimitOptions";
+export class RouteRateLimit {
+    guild: RateLimitOptions = {
+        count: 5,
+        window: 5
+    };
+    webhook: RateLimitOptions = {
+        count: 10,
+        window: 5
+    };
+    channel: RateLimitOptions = {
+        count: 10,
+        window: 5
+    };
+    auth: AuthRateLimit;
+    // TODO: rate limit configuration for all routes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..432eb601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/limits/ratelimits/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export * from "./Auth";
+export * from "./RateLimitOptions";
+export * from "./Route";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/region/Region.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/region/Region.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8717e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/region/Region.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+export interface Region {
+	id: string;
+	name: string;
+	endpoint: string;
+	location?: {
+		latitude: number;
+		longitude: number;
+	};
+	vip: boolean;
+	custom: boolean;
+	deprecated: boolean;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/region/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/region/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2beb8de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/region/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from "./Region";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/DateOfBirth.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/DateOfBirth.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a3c4e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/DateOfBirth.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export class DateOfBirthConfiguration {
+    required: boolean = true;
+    minimum: number = 13; // in years
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/Email.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/Email.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..115d49e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/Email.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export class EmailConfiguration {
+    required: boolean = false;
+    allowlist: boolean = false;
+    blocklist: boolean = true;
+    domains: string[] = [];// TODO: efficiently save domain blocklist in database
+    // domains: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/blockedEmailDomains.txt", { encoding: "utf8" }).split("\n"),
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/Password.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/Password.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..977473ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/Password.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export class PasswordConfiguration {
+    required: boolean = false;
+    minLength: number = 8;
+    minNumbers: number = 2;
+    minUpperCase: number =2;
+    minSymbols: number = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9738120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/register/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export * from "./DateOfBirth";
+export * from "./Email";
+export * from "./Password";
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/Captcha.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/Captcha.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad6aa762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/Captcha.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export class CaptchaConfiguration {
+    enabled: boolean = false;
+    service: "recaptcha" | "hcaptcha" | null = null; // TODO: hcaptcha, custom
+    sitekey: string | null = null;
+    secret: string | null = null;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/TwoFactor.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/TwoFactor.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33a47385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/TwoFactor.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export class TwoFactorConfiguration {
+    generateBackupCodes: boolean = true;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/index.ts b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17619589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/config/types/subconfigurations/security/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from "./Captcha";
+export * from "./TwoFactor";
diff --git a/src/util/dtos/DmChannelDTO.ts b/src/util/dtos/DmChannelDTO.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..226b2f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/dtos/DmChannelDTO.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { MinimalPublicUserDTO } from "./UserDTO";
+import { Channel, PublicUserProjection, User } from "../entities";
+export class DmChannelDTO {
+	icon: string | null;
+	id: string;
+	last_message_id: string | null;
+	name: string | null;
+	origin_channel_id: string | null;
+	owner_id?: string;
+	recipients: MinimalPublicUserDTO[];
+	type: number;
+	static async from(channel: Channel, excluded_recipients: string[] = [], origin_channel_id?: string) {
+		const obj = new DmChannelDTO();
+		obj.icon = channel.icon || null;
+ =;
+		obj.last_message_id = channel.last_message_id || null;
+ = || null;
+		obj.origin_channel_id = origin_channel_id || null;
+		obj.owner_id = channel.owner_id;
+		obj.type = channel.type;
+		obj.recipients = (
+			await Promise.all(
+				channel
+					.recipients!.filter((r) => !excluded_recipients.includes(r.user_id))
+					.map(async (r) => {
+						return await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: r.user_id }, select: PublicUserProjection });
+					})
+			)
+		).map((u) => new MinimalPublicUserDTO(u));
+		return obj;
+	}
+	excludedRecipients(excluded_recipients: string[]): DmChannelDTO {
+		return {
+			...this,
+			recipients: this.recipients.filter((r) => !excluded_recipients.includes(,
+		};
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/dtos/UserDTO.ts b/src/util/dtos/UserDTO.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee2752a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/dtos/UserDTO.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { User } from "../entities";
+export class MinimalPublicUserDTO {
+	avatar?: string | null;
+	discriminator: string;
+	id: string;
+	public_flags: number;
+	username: string;
+	constructor(user: User) {
+		this.avatar = user.avatar;
+		this.discriminator = user.discriminator;
+ =;
+		this.public_flags = user.public_flags;
+		this.username = user.username;
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/dtos/index.ts b/src/util/dtos/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e8f8459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/dtos/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from "./DmChannelDTO";
+export * from "./UserDTO";
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Application.ts b/src/util/entities/Application.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..103f8e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Application.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, OneToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { Team } from "./Team";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export class Application extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	icon?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	description: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	summary: string = "";
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	type?: any;
+	@Column()
+	hook: boolean = true;
+	@Column()
+	bot_public?: boolean = true;
+	@Column()
+	bot_require_code_grant?: boolean = false;
+	@Column()
+	verify_key: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "owner_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	owner: User;
+	@Column()
+	flags: number = 0;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array", nullable: true })
+	redirect_uris: string[] = [];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	rpc_application_state: number = 0;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	store_application_state: number = 1;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	verification_state: number = 1;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	interactions_endpoint_url?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	integration_public: boolean = true;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	integration_require_code_grant: boolean = false;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	discoverability_state: number = 1;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	discovery_eligibility_flags: number = 2240;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "bot_user_id" })
+	@OneToOne(() => User)
+	bot?: User;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array", nullable: true })
+	tags?: string[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	cover_image?: string; // the application's default rich presence invite cover image hash
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	install_params?: {scopes: string[], permissions: string};
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	terms_of_service_url?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	privacy_policy_url?: string;
+	//just for us
+	//@Column({ type: "simple-array", nullable: true })
+	//rpc_origins?: string[];
+	//@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	//@ManyToOne(() => Guild)
+	//guild?: Guild; // if this application is a game sold, this field will be the guild to which it has been linked
+	//@Column({ nullable: true })
+	//primary_sku_id?: string; // if this application is a game sold, this field will be the id of the "Game SKU" that is created,
+	//@Column({ nullable: true })
+	//slug?: string; // if this application is a game sold, this field will be the URL slug that links to the store page
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "team_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Team, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+		nullable: true
+	})
+	team?: Team;
+  }
+export interface ApplicationCommand {
+	id: string;
+	application_id: string;
+	name: string;
+	description: string;
+	options?: ApplicationCommandOption[];
+export interface ApplicationCommandOption {
+	type: ApplicationCommandOptionType;
+	name: string;
+	description: string;
+	required?: boolean;
+	choices?: ApplicationCommandOptionChoice[];
+	options?: ApplicationCommandOption[];
+export interface ApplicationCommandOptionChoice {
+	name: string;
+	value: string | number;
+export enum ApplicationCommandOptionType {
+	STRING = 3,
+	INTEGER = 4,
+	BOOLEAN = 5,
+	USER = 6,
+	CHANNEL = 7,
+	ROLE = 8,
+export interface ApplicationCommandInteractionData {
+	id: string;
+	name: string;
+	options?: ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption[];
+export interface ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption {
+	name: string;
+	value?: any;
+	options?: ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption[];
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Attachment.ts b/src/util/entities/Attachment.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b4b17eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Attachment.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import { BeforeRemove, Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { URL } from "url";
+import { deleteFile } from "../util/cdn";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+export class Attachment extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	filename: string; // name of file attached
+	@Column()
+	size: number; // size of file in bytes
+	@Column()
+	url: string; // source url of file
+	@Column()
+	proxy_url: string; // a proxied url of file
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	height?: number; // height of file (if image)
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	width?: number; // width of file (if image)
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	content_type?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((attachment: Attachment) => attachment.message)
+	message_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "message_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => require("./Message").Message, (message: import("./Message").Message) => message.attachments, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	message: import("./Message").Message;
+	@BeforeRemove()
+	onDelete() {
+		return deleteFile(new URL(this.url).pathname);
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/entities/AuditLog.ts b/src/util/entities/AuditLog.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b003e7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/AuditLog.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { ChannelPermissionOverwrite } from "./Channel";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export enum AuditLogEvents {
+	// guild level
+	// join-leave
+	USER_JOIN = 6, 
+	// channels
+	// permission overrides
+	// kick and ban
+	MEMBER_KICK = 20, 
+	// member updates
+	BOT_ADD = 28,
+	// roles
+	ROLE_SWAP = 33,
+	// invites
+	// webhooks
+	// custom emojis
+	EMOJI_SWAP = 63,
+	// deletion
+	MESSAGE_CREATE = 70, // messages sent using non-primary seat of the user only
+	MESSAGE_EDIT = 71, // non-self edits only
+	// pinning
+	// integrations
+	// stage actions
+	// stickers
+	// threads
+	// application commands
+	// automod
+	MESSAGE_BLOCKED_BY_POLICIES = 143,  // in fosscord, blocked messages are stealth-dropped
+	// instance policies affecting the guild
+	// message moves
+	// message routing
+	ROUTE_CREATE = 225, 
+export class AuditLog extends BaseClass {
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "target_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	target?: User;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((auditlog: AuditLog) => auditlog.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, (user: User) =>
+	user: User;
+	@Column({ type: "int" })
+	action_type: AuditLogEvents;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	options?: {
+		delete_member_days?: string;
+		members_removed?: string;
+		channel_id?: string;
+		messaged_id?: string;
+		count?: string;
+		id?: string;
+		type?: string;
+		role_name?: string;
+	};
+	@Column()
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+	changes: AuditLogChange[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	reason?: string;
+export interface AuditLogChange {
+	new_value?: AuditLogChangeValue;
+	old_value?: AuditLogChangeValue;
+	key: string;
+export interface AuditLogChangeValue {
+	name?: string;
+	description?: string;
+	icon_hash?: string;
+	splash_hash?: string;
+	discovery_splash_hash?: string;
+	banner_hash?: string;
+	owner_id?: string;
+	region?: string;
+	preferred_locale?: string;
+	afk_channel_id?: string;
+	afk_timeout?: number;
+	rules_channel_id?: string;
+	public_updates_channel_id?: string;
+	mfa_level?: number;
+	verification_level?: number;
+	explicit_content_filter?: number;
+	default_message_notifications?: number;
+	vanity_url_code?: string;
+	$add?: {}[];
+	$remove?: {}[];
+	prune_delete_days?: number;
+	widget_enabled?: boolean;
+	widget_channel_id?: string;
+	system_channel_id?: string;
+	position?: number;
+	topic?: string;
+	bitrate?: number;
+	permission_overwrites?: ChannelPermissionOverwrite[];
+	nsfw?: boolean;
+	application_id?: string;
+	rate_limit_per_user?: number;
+	permissions?: string;
+	color?: number;
+	hoist?: boolean;
+	mentionable?: boolean;
+	allow?: string;
+	deny?: string;
+	code?: string;
+	channel_id?: string;
+	inviter_id?: string;
+	max_uses?: number;
+	uses?: number;
+	max_age?: number;
+	temporary?: boolean;
+	deaf?: boolean;
+	mute?: boolean;
+	nick?: string;
+	avatar_hash?: string;
+	id?: string;
+	type?: number;
+	enable_emoticons?: boolean;
+	expire_behavior?: number;
+	expire_grace_period?: number;
+	user_limit?: number;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/BackupCodes.ts b/src/util/entities/BackupCodes.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9092c14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/BackupCodes.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export class BackupCode extends BaseClass {
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, { onDelete: "CASCADE" })
+	user: User;
+	@Column()
+	code: string;
+	@Column()
+	consumed: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	expired: boolean;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Ban.ts b/src/util/entities/Ban.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9504bd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Ban.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export class Ban extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((ban: Ban) => ban.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: User;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((ban: Ban) => ban.guild)
+	guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((ban: Ban) => ban.executor)
+	executor_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "executor_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	executor: User;
+	@Column()
+	ip: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	reason?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/BaseClass.ts b/src/util/entities/BaseClass.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aecc2465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/BaseClass.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import "reflect-metadata";
+import { BaseEntity, ObjectIdColumn, PrimaryColumn, SaveOptions } from "typeorm";
+import { Snowflake } from "../util/Snowflake";
+export class BaseClassWithoutId extends BaseEntity {
+	constructor() {
+		super();
+	}
+export const PrimaryIdColumn = process.env.DATABASE?.startsWith("mongodb") ? ObjectIdColumn : PrimaryColumn;
+export class BaseClass extends BaseClassWithoutId {
+	@PrimaryIdColumn()
+	id: string;
+	constructor() {
+		super();
+		if (! = Snowflake.generate();
+	}
+	save(options?: SaveOptions | undefined): Promise<this> {
+		if (! = Snowflake.generate();
+		return;
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Categories.ts b/src/util/entities/Categories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81fbc303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Categories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { PrimaryColumn, Column, Entity} from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClassWithoutId } from "./BaseClass";
+// TODO: categories:
+// [{
+// 	"id": 16,
+// 	"default": "Anime & Manga",
+// 	"localizations": {
+// 			"de": "Anime & Manga",
+// 			"fr": "Anim\u00e9s et mangas",
+// 			"ru": "\u0410\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0435 \u0438 \u043c\u0430\u043d\u0433\u0430"
+// 		}
+// 	},
+// 	"is_primary": false/true
+// }]
+// Also populate discord default categories
+export class Categories extends BaseClassWithoutId { // Not using snowflake
+    @PrimaryColumn()
+	id: number;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    name: string;
+    @Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+    localizations: string;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    is_primary: boolean;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Channel.ts b/src/util/entities/Channel.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a576d7af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Channel.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, OneToMany, RelationId } from "typeorm";

+import { OrmUtils } from "../util/imports/OrmUtils";

+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";

+import { Guild } from "./Guild";

+import { PublicUserProjection, User } from "./User";

+import { HTTPError } from "../util/imports/HTTPError";

+import { containsAll, emitEvent, getPermission, Snowflake, trimSpecial, InvisibleCharacters } from "../util";

+import { ChannelCreateEvent, ChannelRecipientRemoveEvent } from "../interfaces";

+import { Recipient } from "./Recipient";

+import { Message } from "./Message";

+import { ReadState } from "./ReadState";

+import { Invite } from "./Invite";

+import { VoiceState } from "./VoiceState";

+import { Webhook } from "./Webhook";

+import { DmChannelDTO } from "../dtos";


+export enum ChannelType {

+	GUILD_TEXT = 0, // a text channel within a guild

+	DM = 1, // a direct message between users

+	GUILD_VOICE = 2, // a voice channel within a guild

+	GROUP_DM = 3, // a direct message between multiple users

+	GUILD_CATEGORY = 4, // an organizational category that contains zero or more channels

+	GUILD_NEWS = 5, // a channel that users can follow and crosspost into a guild or route

+	GUILD_STORE = 6, // a channel in which game developers can sell their things

+	ENCRYPTED = 7, // end-to-end encrypted channel

+	ENCRYPTED_THREAD = 8, // end-to-end encrypted thread channel

+	TRANSACTIONAL = 9, // event chain style transactional channel

+	GUILD_NEWS_THREAD = 10, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_NEWS channel

+	GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD = 11, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel

+	GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD = 12, // a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel that is only viewable by those invited and those with the MANAGE_THREADS permission

+	GUILD_STAGE_VOICE = 13, // a voice channel for hosting events with an audience

+	DIRECTORY = 14, // guild directory listing channel

+	GUILD_FORUM = 15, // forum composed of IM threads

+	TICKET_TRACKER = 33, // ticket tracker, individual ticket items shall have type 12

+	KANBAN = 34, // confluence like kanban board

+	VOICELESS_WHITEBOARD = 35, // whiteboard but without voice (whiteboard + voice is the same as stage)

+	CUSTOM_START = 64, // start custom channel types from here

+	UNHANDLED = 255, // unhandled unowned pass-through channel type




+export class Channel extends BaseClass {

+	@Column()

+	created_at: Date;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	name?: string;


+	@Column({ type: "text", nullable: true })

+	icon?: string | null;


+	@Column({ type: "int" })

+	type: ChannelType;


+	@OneToMany(() => Recipient, (recipient: Recipient) =>, {

+		cascade: true,

+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",

+	})

+	recipients?: Recipient[];


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	last_message_id: string;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	@RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.guild)

+	guild_id?: string;


+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })

+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {

+		onDelete: "CASCADE",

+	})

+	guild: Guild;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	@RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.parent)

+	parent_id: string;


+	@JoinColumn({ name: "parent_id" })

+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel)

+	parent?: Channel;


+	// for group DMs and owned custom channel types

+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	@RelationId((channel: Channel) => channel.owner)

+	owner_id: string;


+	@JoinColumn({ name: "owner_id" })

+	@ManyToOne(() => User)

+	owner: User;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	last_pin_timestamp?: number;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	default_auto_archive_duration?: number;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	position?: number;


+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })

+	permission_overwrites?: ChannelPermissionOverwrite[];


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	video_quality_mode?: number;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	bitrate?: number;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	user_limit?: number;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	nsfw?: boolean;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	rate_limit_per_user?: number;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	topic?: string;


+	@OneToMany(() => Invite, (invite: Invite) =>, {

+		cascade: true,

+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",

+	})

+	invites?: Invite[];


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	retention_policy_id?: string;


+	@OneToMany(() => Message, (message: Message) =>, {

+		cascade: true,

+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",

+	})

+	messages?: Message[];


+	@OneToMany(() => VoiceState, (voice_state: VoiceState) =>, {

+		cascade: true,

+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",

+	})

+	voice_states?: VoiceState[];


+	@OneToMany(() => ReadState, (read_state: ReadState) =>, {

+		cascade: true,

+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",

+	})

+	read_states?: ReadState[];


+	@OneToMany(() => Webhook, (webhook: Webhook) =>, {

+		cascade: true,

+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",

+	})

+	webhooks?: Webhook[];


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	flags?: number = 0;


+	@Column({ nullable: true })

+	default_thread_rate_limit_per_user?: number = 0;



+	// TODO: DM channel

+	static async createChannel(

+		channel: Partial<Channel>,

+		user_id: string = "0",

+		opts?: {

+			keepId?: boolean;

+			skipExistsCheck?: boolean;

+			skipPermissionCheck?: boolean;

+			skipEventEmit?: boolean;

+			skipNameChecks?: boolean;

+		}

+	) {

+		if (!opts?.skipPermissionCheck) {

+			// Always check if user has permission first

+			const permissions = await getPermission(user_id, channel.guild_id);

+			permissions.hasThrow("MANAGE_CHANNELS");

+		}


+		if (!opts?.skipNameChecks) {

+			const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel.guild_id } });

+			if (!guild.features.includes("ALLOW_INVALID_CHANNEL_NAMES") && {

+				for (let character of InvisibleCharacters)

+					if (

+						throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot include invalid characters", 403);


+				if (\-\-+/g))

+					throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot include multiple adjacent dashes.", 403);


+				if ( === "-" || - 1) === "-")

+					throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot start/end with dash.", 403);

+			}


+			if (!guild.features.includes("ALLOW_UNNAMED_CHANNELS")) {

+				if (! throw new HTTPError("Channel name cannot be empty.", 403);

+			}

+		}


+		switch (channel.type) {

+			case ChannelType.GUILD_TEXT:

+			case ChannelType.GUILD_NEWS:

+			case ChannelType.GUILD_VOICE:

+				if (channel.parent_id && !opts?.skipExistsCheck) {

+					const exists = await Channel.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: channel.parent_id } });

+					if (!exists) throw new HTTPError("Parent id channel doesn't exist", 400);

+					if (exists.guild_id !== channel.guild_id)

+						throw new HTTPError("The category channel needs to be in the guild");

+				}

+				break;

+			case ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY:

+			case ChannelType.UNHANDLED:

+				break;

+			case ChannelType.DM:

+			case ChannelType.GROUP_DM:

+				throw new HTTPError("You can't create a dm channel in a guild");

+			case ChannelType.GUILD_STORE:

+			default:

+				throw new HTTPError("Not yet supported");

+		}


+		if (!channel.permission_overwrites) channel.permission_overwrites = [];

+		// TODO: eagerly auto generate position of all guild channels


+		channel = {


+			...(!opts?.keepId && { id: Snowflake.generate() }),

+			created_at: new Date(),

+			position: (channel.type === ChannelType.UNHANDLED ? 0 : channel.position) || 0,

+		};


+		await Promise.all([

+			OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Channel(), channel).save(),

+			!opts?.skipEventEmit

+				? emitEvent({

+						event: "CHANNEL_CREATE",

+						data: channel,

+						guild_id: channel.guild_id,

+				  } as ChannelCreateEvent)

+				: Promise.resolve(),

+		]);


+		return channel;

+	}


+	static async createDMChannel(recipients: string[], creator_user_id: string, name?: string) {

+		recipients = recipients.unique().filter((x) => x !== creator_user_id);

+		const otherRecipientsUsers = await User.find({ where: => ({ id: x })) });


+		// TODO: check config for max number of recipients

+		/** if you want to disallow note to self channels, uncomment the conditional below

+		if (otherRecipientsUsers.length !== recipients.length) {

+			throw new HTTPError("Recipient/s not found");

+		}

+		**/


+		const type = recipients.length > 1 ? ChannelType.GROUP_DM : ChannelType.DM;


+		let channel = null;


+		const channelRecipients = [...recipients, creator_user_id];


+		const userRecipients = await Recipient.find({

+			where: { user_id: creator_user_id },

+			relations: ["channel", "channel.recipients"],

+		});


+		for (let ur of userRecipients) {

+			let re =!.map((r) => r.user_id);

+			if (re.length === channelRecipients.length) {

+				if (containsAll(re, channelRecipients)) {

+					if (channel == null) {

+						channel =;

+						ur = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(ur, { closed: false });

+						await;

+					}

+				}

+			}

+		}


+		if (channel == null) {

+			name = trimSpecial(name);


+			channel = await (

+				OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Channel(), {

+					name,

+					type,

+					owner_id: type === ChannelType.DM ? undefined : null, // 1:1 DMs are ownerless in fosscord-server

+					created_at: new Date(),

+					last_message_id: null,

+					recipients: =>

+						OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Recipient(), {

+							user_id: x,

+							closed: !(type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM || x === creator_user_id),

+						})

+					),

+				}) as Channel

+			).save();

+		}


+		const channel_dto = await DmChannelDTO.from(channel);


+		if (type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM) {

+			for (let recipient of channel.recipients!) {

+				await emitEvent({

+					event: "CHANNEL_CREATE",

+					data: channel_dto.excludedRecipients([recipient.user_id]),

+					user_id: recipient.user_id,

+				});

+			}

+		} else {

+			await emitEvent({ event: "CHANNEL_CREATE", data: channel_dto, user_id: creator_user_id });

+		}


+		if (recipients.length === 1) return channel_dto;

+		else return channel_dto.excludedRecipients([creator_user_id]);

+	}


+	static async removeRecipientFromChannel(channel: Channel, user_id: string) {

+		await Recipient.delete({ channel_id:, user_id: user_id });

+		channel.recipients = channel.recipients?.filter((r) => r.user_id !== user_id);


+		if (channel.recipients?.length === 0) {

+			await Channel.deleteChannel(channel);

+			await emitEvent({

+				event: "CHANNEL_DELETE",

+				data: await DmChannelDTO.from(channel, [user_id]),

+				user_id: user_id,

+			});

+			return;

+		}


+		await emitEvent({

+			event: "CHANNEL_DELETE",

+			data: await DmChannelDTO.from(channel, [user_id]),

+			user_id: user_id,

+		});


+		//If the owner leave the server user is the new owner

+		if (channel.owner_id === user_id) {

+			channel.owner_id = "1"; // The channel is now owned by the server user

+			await emitEvent({

+				event: "CHANNEL_UPDATE",

+				data: await DmChannelDTO.from(channel, [user_id]),

+				channel_id:,

+			});

+		}


+		await;


+		await emitEvent({


+			data: {

+				channel_id:,

+				user: await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: user_id }, select: PublicUserProjection }),

+			},

+			channel_id:,

+		} as ChannelRecipientRemoveEvent);

+	}


+	static async deleteChannel(channel: Channel) {

+		await Message.delete({ channel_id: }); //TODO we should also delete the attachments from the cdn but to do that we need to move cdn.ts in util

+		//TODO before deleting the channel we should check and delete other relations

+		await Channel.delete({ id: });

+	}


+	isDm() {

+		return this.type === ChannelType.DM || this.type === ChannelType.GROUP_DM;

+	}


+	// Does the channel support sending messages ( eg categories do not )

+	isWritable() {

+		const disallowedChannelTypes = [

+			ChannelType.GUILD_CATEGORY,

+			ChannelType.GUILD_STAGE_VOICE,


+		];

+		return disallowedChannelTypes.indexOf(this.type) == -1;

+	}



+export interface ChannelPermissionOverwrite {

+	allow: string;

+	deny: string;

+	id: string;

+	type: ChannelPermissionOverwriteType;



+export enum ChannelPermissionOverwriteType {

+	role = 0,

+	member = 1,

+	group = 2,


diff --git a/src/util/entities/ClientRelease.ts b/src/util/entities/ClientRelease.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5afd307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/ClientRelease.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { Column, Entity} from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+export class Release extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column()
+	pub_date: string;
+	@Column()
+	url: string;
+	@Column()
+	deb_url: string;
+	@Column()
+	osx_url: string;
+	@Column()
+	win_url: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	notes?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Config.ts b/src/util/entities/Config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..606fe901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Column, Entity } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClassWithoutId, PrimaryIdColumn } from "./BaseClass";
+export class ConfigEntity extends BaseClassWithoutId {
+	@PrimaryIdColumn()
+	key: string;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	value: number | boolean | null | string | undefined;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/entities/ConnectedAccount.ts b/src/util/entities/ConnectedAccount.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09ae30ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/ConnectedAccount.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export interface PublicConnectedAccount extends Pick<ConnectedAccount, "name" | "type" | "verified"> {}
+export class ConnectedAccount extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((account: ConnectedAccount) => account.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: User;
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	access_token: string;
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	friend_sync: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	revoked: boolean;
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	show_activity: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	type: string;
+	@Column()
+	verified: boolean;
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	visibility: number;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Emoji.ts b/src/util/entities/Emoji.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3615b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Emoji.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { User } from ".";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { Role } from "./Role";
+export class Emoji extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	animated: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	available: boolean; // whether this emoji can be used, may be false due to various reasons
+	@Column()
+	guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((emoji: Emoji) => emoji.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	user: User;
+	@Column()
+	managed: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column()
+	require_colons: boolean;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array" })
+	roles: string[]; // roles this emoji is whitelisted to (new discord feature?)
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array", nullable: true })
+	groups: string[]; // user groups this emoji is whitelisted to (Fosscord extension)
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Encryption.ts b/src/util/entities/Encryption.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b578d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Encryption.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, OneToMany, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { PublicUserProjection, User } from "./User";
+import { HTTPError } from "..";
+import { containsAll, emitEvent, getPermission, Snowflake, trimSpecial, InvisibleCharacters } from "../util";
+import { BitField, BitFieldResolvable, BitFlag } from "../util/BitField";
+import { Recipient } from "./Recipient";
+import { Message } from "./Message";
+import { ReadState } from "./ReadState";
+import { Invite } from "./Invite";
+import { DmChannelDTO } from "../dtos";
+export class SecuritySettings extends BaseClass {
+  @Column({nullable: true})
+  guild_id: Snowflake;
+  @Column({nullable: true})
+  channel_id: Snowflake;
+  @Column()
+  encryption_permission_mask: BitField;
+  @Column()
+  allowed_algorithms: string[];
+  @Column()
+  current_algorithm: string;
+  @Column({nullable: true})
+  used_since_message: Snowflake;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Group.ts b/src/util/entities/Group.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b24d38cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Group.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+export class UserGroup extends BaseClass {
+  @Column({ nullable: true })
+  parent?: BigInt;
+	@Column()
+	color: number;
+	@Column()
+	hoist: boolean;
+ 	@Column()
+	mentionable: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column()
+	rights: BigInt;
+	@Column()
+	position: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	icon: BigInt;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	unicode_emoji: BigInt;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Guild.ts b/src/util/entities/Guild.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d146e577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Guild.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToMany, ManyToOne, OneToMany, OneToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { OrmUtils } from "../util/imports/OrmUtils";
+import { Config, handleFile, Snowflake } from "..";
+import { Ban } from "./Ban";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Channel } from "./Channel";
+import { Emoji } from "./Emoji";
+import { Invite } from "./Invite";
+import { Member } from "./Member";
+import { Role } from "./Role";
+import { Sticker } from "./Sticker";
+import { Template } from "./Template";
+import { User } from "./User";
+import { VoiceState } from "./VoiceState";
+import { Webhook } from "./Webhook";
+// TODO: application_command_count, application_command_counts: {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
+// TODO: guild_scheduled_events
+// TODO: stage_instances
+// TODO: threads
+// TODO:
+// "keywords": [
+// 		"Genshin Impact",
+// 		"Paimon",
+// 		"Honkai Impact",
+// 		"ARPG",
+// 		"Open-World",
+// 		"Waifu",
+// 		"Anime",
+// 		"Genshin",
+// 		"miHoYo",
+// 		"Gacha"
+// 	],
+export const PublicGuildRelations = [
+	"channels",
+	"emojis",
+	"members",
+	"roles",
+	"stickers",
+	"voice_states",
+	"members.user",
+export class Guild extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.afk_channel)
+	afk_channel_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "afk_channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel)
+	afk_channel?: Channel;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	afk_timeout?: number = Config.get().defaults.guild.afkTimeout;
+	// * commented out -> use owner instead
+	// application id of the guild creator if it is bot-created
+	// @Column({ nullable: true })
+	// application?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "ban_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Ban, (ban: Ban) => ban.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	bans: Ban[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	banner?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	default_message_notifications?: number = Config.get().defaults.guild.defaultMessageNotifications;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	description?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	discovery_splash?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	explicit_content_filter?: number = Config.get().defaults.guild.explicitContentFilter;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array" })
+	features: string[]; //TODO use enum
+	//TODO:
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	primary_category_id: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	icon?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	large?: boolean;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	max_members?: number = Config.get().limits.guild.maxMembers; // e.g. default 100.000
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	max_presences?: number = Config.get().defaults.guild.maxPresences;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	max_video_channel_users?: number = Config.get().defaults.guild.maxVideoChannelUsers; // ? default: 25, is this max 25 streaming or watching
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	member_count?: number = 0;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	presence_count?: number = 0; // users online
+	@OneToMany(() => Member, (member: Member) => member.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	members: Member[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "role_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Role, (role: Role) => role.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	roles: Role[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "channel_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Channel, (channel: Channel) => channel.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	channels: Channel[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.template)
+	template_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "template_id", referencedColumnName: "id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Template)
+	template: Template;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "emoji_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Emoji, (emoji: Emoji) => emoji.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	emojis: Emoji[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "sticker_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Sticker, (sticker: Sticker) => sticker.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	stickers: Sticker[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "invite_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Invite, (invite: Invite) => invite.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	invites: Invite[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "voice_state_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => VoiceState, (voicestate: VoiceState) => voicestate.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	voice_states: VoiceState[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "webhook_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Webhook, (webhook: Webhook) => webhook.guild, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	webhooks: Webhook[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	mfa_level?: number;
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.owner)
+	owner_id?: string; // optional to allow for ownerless guilds
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "owner_id", referencedColumnName: "id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	owner?: User; // optional to allow for ownerless guilds
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	preferred_locale?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	premium_subscription_count?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	premium_tier?: number; // crowd premium level
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.public_updates_channel)
+	public_updates_channel_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "public_updates_channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel)
+	public_updates_channel?: Channel;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.rules_channel)
+	rules_channel_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "rules_channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel)
+	rules_channel?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	region?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	splash?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.system_channel)
+	system_channel_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "system_channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel)
+	system_channel?: Channel;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	system_channel_flags?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	unavailable?: boolean;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	verification_level?: number;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+	welcome_screen: {
+		enabled: boolean;
+		description: string;
+		welcome_channels: {
+			description: string;
+			emoji_id?: string;
+			emoji_name: string;
+			channel_id: string;
+		}[];
+	};
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((guild: Guild) => guild.widget_channel)
+	widget_channel_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "widget_channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel)
+	widget_channel?: Channel;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	widget_enabled?: boolean;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	nsfw_level?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	nsfw?: boolean;
+	// TODO: nested guilds
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	parent?: string;
+	// only for developer portal
+	permissions?: number;
+	//new guild settings, 11/08/2022:
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	premium_progress_bar_enabled: boolean = false;
+	static async createGuild(body: {
+		name?: string;
+		icon?: string | null;
+		owner_id?: string;
+		channels?: Partial<Channel>[];
+	}) {
+		const guild_id = Snowflake.generate();
+		const guild: Guild = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Guild(), {
+			name: || "Fosscord",
+			icon: await handleFile(`/icons/${guild_id}`, body.icon as string),
+			region: Config.get().regions.default,
+			owner_id: body.owner_id, // TODO: need to figure out a way for ownerless guilds and multiply-owned guilds
+			afk_timeout: 300,
+			default_message_notifications: 1, // defaults effect: setting the push default at mentions-only will save a lot
+			explicit_content_filter: 0,
+			features: [],
+			primary_category_id: null,
+			id: guild_id,
+			max_members: 250000,
+			max_presences: 250000,
+			max_video_channel_users: 200,
+			presence_count: 0,
+			member_count: 0, // will automatically be increased by addMember()
+			mfa_level: 0,
+			preferred_locale: "en-US",
+			premium_subscription_count: 0,
+			premium_tier: 0,
+			system_channel_flags: 4, // defaults effect: suppress the setup tips to save performance
+			unavailable: false,
+			nsfw: false,
+			nsfw_level: 0,
+			verification_level: 0,
+			welcome_screen: {
+				enabled: false,
+				description: "Fill in your description",
+				welcome_channels: [],
+			},
+			widget_enabled: true, // NB: don't set it as false to prevent artificial restrictions
+		});
+		await;
+		// we have to create the role _after_ the guild because else we would get a "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed" error
+		// TODO: make the @everyone a pseudorole that is dynamically generated at runtime so we can save storage
+		let role: Role = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Role(), {
+			id: guild_id,
+			guild_id: guild_id,
+			color: 0,
+			hoist: false,
+			managed: false,
+			// NB: in Fosscord, every role will be non-managed, as we use user-groups instead of roles for managed groups
+			mentionable: false,
+			name: "@everyone",
+			permissions: String("2251804225"),
+			position: 0,
+			icon: null,
+			unicode_emoji: null,
+		});
+		await;
+		if (!body.channels || !body.channels.length) body.channels = [{ id: "01", type: 0, name: "general" }];
+		const ids = new Map();
+		body.channels.forEach((x) => {
+			if ( {
+				ids.set(, Snowflake.generate());
+			}
+		});
+		for (const channel of body.channels?.sort((a, b) => (a.parent_id ? 1 : -1))) {
+			let id = ids.get( || Snowflake.generate();
+			let parent_id = ids.get(channel.parent_id);
+			await Channel.createChannel({, guild_id, id, parent_id }, body.owner_id, {
+				keepId: true,
+				skipExistsCheck: true,
+				skipPermissionCheck: true,
+				skipEventEmit: true,
+			});
+		}
+		return guild;
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Invite.ts b/src/util/entities/Invite.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e0ebe52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Invite.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId, PrimaryColumn } from "typeorm";
+import { Member } from "./Member";
+import { BaseClassWithoutId } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Channel } from "./Channel";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { User } from "./User";
+import { random } from "@fosscord/api";
+export const PublicInviteRelation = ["inviter", "guild", "channel"];
+export class Invite extends BaseClassWithoutId {
+	@PrimaryColumn()
+	code: string = random();
+	@Column()
+	temporary: boolean = true;
+	@Column()
+	uses: number = 0;
+	@Column()
+	max_uses: number;
+	@Column()
+	max_age: number;
+	@Column()
+	created_at: Date = new Date();
+	@Column()
+	expires_at: Date;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((invite: Invite) => invite.guild)
+	guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((invite: Invite) =>
+	channel_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	channel: Channel;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((invite: Invite) => invite.inviter)
+	inviter_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "inviter_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE"
+	})
+	inviter: User;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((invite: Invite) => invite.target_user)
+	target_user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "target_user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	target_user?: string; // could be used for "User specific invites"
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	target_user_type?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	vanity_url?: boolean;
+	static async joinGuild(user_id: string, code: string) {
+		const invite = await Invite.findOneOrFail({ where: { code } });
+		if (invite.uses++ >= invite.max_uses && invite.max_uses !== 0) await Invite.delete({ code });
+		else await;
+		await Member.addToGuild(user_id, invite.guild_id);
+		return invite;
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Member.ts b/src/util/entities/Member.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baac58ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Member.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+import { PublicUser, User } from "./User";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import {
+	Column,
+	Entity,
+	Index,
+	JoinColumn,
+	JoinTable,
+	ManyToMany,
+	ManyToOne,
+	PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
+	RelationId,
+} from "typeorm";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { Config, emitEvent } from "../util";
+import {
+	GuildCreateEvent,
+	GuildDeleteEvent,
+	GuildMemberAddEvent,
+	GuildMemberRemoveEvent,
+	GuildMemberUpdateEvent,
+} from "../interfaces";
+import { HTTPError } from "../util/imports/HTTPError";
+import { Role } from "./Role";
+import { BaseClassWithoutId } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Ban, PublicGuildRelations } from ".";
+import { DiscordApiErrors } from "../util/Constants";
+import { OrmUtils } from "../util/imports/OrmUtils";
+export const MemberPrivateProjection: (keyof Member)[] = [
+	"id",
+	"guild",
+	"guild_id",
+	"deaf",
+	"joined_at",
+	"last_message_id",
+	"mute",
+	"nick",
+	"pending",
+	"premium_since",
+	"roles",
+	"settings",
+	"user",
+@Index(["id", "guild_id"], { unique: true })
+export class Member extends BaseClassWithoutId {
+	@PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
+	index: string;
+	@Column()
+	@RelationId((member: Member) => member.user)
+	id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: User;
+	@Column()
+	@RelationId((member: Member) => member.guild)
+	guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	nick?: string;
+	@JoinTable({
+		name: "member_roles",
+		joinColumn: { name: "index", referencedColumnName: "index" },
+		inverseJoinColumn: {
+			name: "role_id",
+			referencedColumnName: "id",
+		},
+	})
+	@ManyToMany(() => Role, { cascade: true })
+	roles: Role[];
+	@Column()
+	joined_at: Date;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	premium_since?: Date;
+	@Column()
+	deaf: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	mute: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	pending: boolean;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", select: false })
+	settings: UserGuildSettings;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	last_message_id?: string;
+	/**
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "DO NOTHING",
+	// do not auto-kick force-joined members just because their joiners left the server
+	}) **/
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	joined_by?: string;
+	// TODO: add this when we have proper read receipts
+	// @Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+	// read_state: ReadState;
+	static async IsInGuildOrFail(user_id: string, guild_id: string) {
+		if (await Member.count({ where: { id: user_id, guild: { id: guild_id } } })) return true;
+		throw new HTTPError("You are not member of this guild", 403);
+	}
+	static async removeFromGuild(user_id: string, guild_id: string) {
+		const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({ select: ["owner_id", "member_count"], where: { id: guild_id } });
+		if (guild.owner_id === user_id) throw new Error("The owner cannot be removed of the guild");
+		const member = await Member.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: user_id, guild_id }, relations: ["user"] });
+		// use promise all to execute all promises at the same time -> save time
+		//TODO: check for bugs
+		if (guild.member_count) guild.member_count--;
+		return Promise.all([
+			Member.delete({
+				id: user_id,
+				guild_id,
+			}),
+			//Guild.decrement({ id: guild_id }, "member_count", -1),
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "GUILD_DELETE",
+				data: {
+					id: guild_id,
+				},
+				user_id: user_id,
+			} as GuildDeleteEvent),
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE",
+				data: { guild_id, user: member.user },
+				guild_id,
+			} as GuildMemberRemoveEvent),
+		]);
+	}
+	static async addRole(user_id: string, guild_id: string, role_id: string) {
+		const [member, role] = await Promise.all([
+			// @ts-ignore
+			Member.findOneOrFail({
+				where: { id: user_id, guild_id },
+				relations: ["user", "roles"], // we don't want to load  the role objects just the ids
+				select: ["index"],
+			}),
+			Role.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: role_id, guild_id }, select: ["id"] }),
+		]);
+		member.roles.push(OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Role(), { id: role_id }));
+		await Promise.all([
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE",
+				data: {
+					guild_id,
+					user: member.user,
+					roles: =>,
+				},
+				guild_id,
+			} as GuildMemberUpdateEvent),
+		]);
+	}
+	static async removeRole(user_id: string, guild_id: string, role_id: string) {
+		const [member] = await Promise.all([
+			// @ts-ignore
+			Member.findOneOrFail({
+				where: { id: user_id, guild_id },
+				relations: ["user", "roles"], // we don't want to load  the role objects just the ids
+				select: ["index"],
+			}),
+			await Role.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: role_id, guild_id } }),
+		]);
+		member.roles = member.roles.filter((x) => == role_id);
+		await Promise.all([
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE",
+				data: {
+					guild_id,
+					user: member.user,
+					roles: =>,
+				},
+				guild_id,
+			} as GuildMemberUpdateEvent),
+		]);
+	}
+	static async changeNickname(user_id: string, guild_id: string, nickname: string) {
+		const member = await Member.findOneOrFail({
+			where: {
+				id: user_id,
+				guild_id,
+			},
+			relations: ["user"],
+		});
+		member.nick = nickname;
+		await Promise.all([
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE",
+				data: {
+					guild_id,
+					user: member.user,
+					nick: nickname,
+				},
+				guild_id,
+			} as GuildMemberUpdateEvent),
+		]);
+	}
+	static async addToGuild(user_id: string, guild_id: string) {
+		const user = await User.getPublicUser(user_id);
+		const isBanned = await Ban.count({ where: { guild_id, user_id } });
+		if (isBanned) {
+			throw DiscordApiErrors.USER_BANNED;
+		}
+		const { maxGuilds } = Config.get().limits.user;
+		const guild_count = await Member.count({ where: { id: user_id } });
+		if (guild_count >= maxGuilds) {
+			throw new HTTPError(`You are at the ${maxGuilds} server limit.`, 403);
+		}
+		const guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({
+			where: {
+				id: guild_id,
+			},
+			relations: PublicGuildRelations,
+		});
+		if (await Member.count({ where: { id:, guild: { id: guild_id } } }))
+			throw new HTTPError("You are already a member of this guild", 400);
+		const member = {
+			id: user_id,
+			guild_id,
+			nick: undefined,
+			roles: [guild_id], // @everyone role
+			joined_at: new Date(),
+			premium_since: null,
+			deaf: false,
+			mute: false,
+			pending: false,
+		};
+		//TODO: check for bugs
+		if (guild.member_count) guild.member_count++;
+		await Promise.all([
+			OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Member(), {
+				...member,
+				roles: [OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new Role(), { id: guild_id })],
+				// read_state: {},
+				settings: {
+					channel_overrides: [],
+					message_notifications: 0,
+					mobile_push: true,
+					muted: false,
+					suppress_everyone: false,
+					suppress_roles: false,
+					version: 0,
+				},
+				// is needed because else the roles relations wouldn't be updated
+			}).save(),
+			//Guild.increment({ id: guild_id }, "member_count", 1),
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "GUILD_MEMBER_ADD",
+				data: {
+					...member,
+					user,
+					guild_id,
+				},
+				guild_id,
+			} as GuildMemberAddEvent),
+			emitEvent({
+				event: "GUILD_CREATE",
+				data: {
+					...guild,
+					members: [...guild.members, { ...member, user }],
+					member_count: (guild.member_count || 0) + 1,
+					guild_hashes: {},
+					guild_scheduled_events: [],
+					joined_at: member.joined_at,
+					presences: [],
+					stage_instances: [],
+					threads: [],
+				},
+				user_id,
+			} as GuildCreateEvent),
+		]);
+	}
+export interface UserGuildSettings {
+	channel_overrides: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		message_notifications: number;
+		mute_config: MuteConfig;
+		muted: boolean;
+	}[];
+	message_notifications: number;
+	mobile_push: boolean;
+	mute_config: MuteConfig;
+	muted: boolean;
+	suppress_everyone: boolean;
+	suppress_roles: boolean;
+	version: number;
+export interface MuteConfig {
+	end_time: number;
+	selected_time_window: number;
+export type PublicMemberKeys =
+	| "id"
+	| "guild_id"
+	| "nick"
+	| "roles"
+	| "joined_at"
+	| "pending"
+	| "deaf"
+	| "mute"
+	| "premium_since";
+export const PublicMemberProjection: PublicMemberKeys[] = [
+	"id",
+	"guild_id",
+	"nick",
+	"roles",
+	"joined_at",
+	"pending",
+	"deaf",
+	"mute",
+	"premium_since",
+// @ts-ignore
+export type PublicMember = Pick<Member, Omit<PublicMemberKeys, "roles">> & {
+	user: PublicUser;
+	roles: string[]; // only role ids not objects
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Message.ts b/src/util/entities/Message.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba3d4f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Message.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+import { User } from "./User";
+import { Member } from "./Member";
+import { Role } from "./Role";
+import { Channel } from "./Channel";
+import { InteractionType } from "../interfaces/Interaction";
+import { Application } from "./Application";
+import {
+	Column,
+	CreateDateColumn,
+	Entity,
+	Index,
+	JoinColumn,
+	JoinTable,
+	ManyToMany,
+	ManyToOne,
+	OneToMany,
+	RelationId,
+	RemoveOptions,
+	UpdateDateColumn,
+} from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { Webhook } from "./Webhook";
+import { Sticker } from "./Sticker";
+import { Attachment } from "./Attachment";
+export enum MessageType {
+	DEFAULT = 0,
+	CALL = 3,
+	ACTION = 13, // /me messages
+	REPLY = 19,
+	APPLICATION_COMMAND = 20, // application command or self command invocation
+	ROUTE_ADDED = 41, // custom message routing: new route affecting that channel
+	ROUTE_DISABLED = 42, // custom message routing: given route no longer affecting that channel
+	SELF_COMMAND_SCRIPT = 43, // self command scripts
+@Index(["channel_id", "id"], { unique: true })
+export class Message extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((message: Message) =>
+	@Index()
+	channel_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	channel: Channel;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((message: Message) => message.guild)
+	guild_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild?: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((message: Message) =>
+	@Index()
+	author_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "author_id", referencedColumnName: "id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	author?: User;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((message: Message) => message.member)
+	member_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "member_id", referencedColumnName: "id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	member?: Member;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((message: Message) => message.webhook)
+	webhook_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "webhook_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Webhook)
+	webhook?: Webhook;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((message: Message) => message.application)
+	application_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "application_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Application)
+	application?: Application;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	content?: string;
+	@Column()
+	@CreateDateColumn()
+	timestamp: Date;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	edited_timestamp?: Date;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	tts?: boolean;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	mention_everyone?: boolean;
+	@JoinTable({ name: "message_user_mentions" })
+	@ManyToMany(() => User)
+	mentions: User[];
+	@JoinTable({ name: "message_role_mentions" })
+	@ManyToMany(() => Role)
+	mention_roles: Role[];
+	@JoinTable({ name: "message_channel_mentions" })
+	@ManyToMany(() => Channel)
+	mention_channels: Channel[];
+	@JoinTable({ name: "message_stickers" })
+	@ManyToMany(() => Sticker, { cascade: true, onDelete: "CASCADE" })
+	sticker_items?: Sticker[];
+	@OneToMany(() => Attachment, (attachment: Attachment) => attachment.message, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	attachments?: Attachment[];
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+	embeds: Embed[];
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+	reactions: Reaction[];
+	@Column({ type: "text", nullable: true })
+	nonce?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	pinned?: boolean;
+	@Column({ type: "int" })
+	type: MessageType;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	activity?: {
+		type: number;
+		party_id: string;
+	};
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	flags?: string;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	message_reference?: {
+		message_id: string;
+		channel_id?: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+	};
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "message_reference_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Message)
+	referenced_message?: Message;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	interaction?: {
+		id: string;
+		type: InteractionType;
+		name: string;
+		user_id: string; // the user who invoked the interaction
+		// user: User; // TODO: autopopulate user
+	};
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	components?: MessageComponent[];
+export interface MessageComponent {
+	type: number;
+	style?: number;
+	label?: string;
+	emoji?: PartialEmoji;
+	custom_id?: string;
+	url?: string;
+	disabled?: boolean;
+	components: MessageComponent[];
+export enum MessageComponentType {
+	Script = 0, // self command script
+	ActionRow = 1,
+	Button = 2,
+export interface Embed {
+	title?: string; //title of embed
+	type?: EmbedType; // type of embed (always "rich" for webhook embeds)
+	description?: string; // description of embed
+	url?: string; // url of embed
+	timestamp?: Date; // timestamp of embed content
+	color?: number; // color code of the embed
+	footer?: {
+		text: string;
+		icon_url?: string;
+		proxy_icon_url?: string;
+	}; // footer object	footer information
+	image?: EmbedImage; // image object	image information
+	thumbnail?: EmbedImage; // thumbnail object	thumbnail information
+	video?: EmbedImage; // video object	video information
+	provider?: {
+		name?: string;
+		url?: string;
+	}; // provider object	provider information
+	author?: {
+		name?: string;
+		url?: string;
+		icon_url?: string;
+		proxy_icon_url?: string;
+	}; // author object	author information
+	fields?: {
+		name: string;
+		value: string;
+		inline?: boolean;
+	}[];
+export enum EmbedType {
+	rich = "rich",
+	image = "image",
+	video = "video",
+	gifv = "gifv",
+	article = "article",
+	link = "link",
+export interface EmbedImage {
+	url?: string;
+	proxy_url?: string;
+	height?: number;
+	width?: number;
+export interface Reaction {
+	count: number;
+	//// not saved in the database // me: boolean; // whether the current user reacted using this emoji
+	emoji: PartialEmoji;
+	user_ids: string[];
+export interface PartialEmoji {
+	id?: string;
+	name: string;
+	animated?: boolean;
+export interface AllowedMentions {
+	parse?: ("users" | "roles" | "everyone")[];
+	roles?: string[];
+	users?: string[];
+	replied_user?: boolean;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Migration.ts b/src/util/entities/Migration.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f39ae72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Migration.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { Column, Entity, ObjectIdColumn, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClassWithoutId } from ".";
+export const PrimaryIdAutoGenerated = process.env.DATABASE?.startsWith("mongodb")
+	? ObjectIdColumn
+	: PrimaryGeneratedColumn;
+export class Migration extends BaseClassWithoutId {
+	@PrimaryIdAutoGenerated()
+	id: number;
+	@Column({ type: "bigint" })
+	timestamp: number;
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Note.ts b/src/util/entities/Note.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36017c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Note.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, Unique } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { User } from "./User";
+@Unique(["owner", "target"])
+export class Note extends BaseClass {
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "owner_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, { onDelete: "CASCADE" })
+	owner: User;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "target_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, { onDelete: "CASCADE" })
+	target: User;
+	@Column()
+	content: string;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/entities/RateLimit.ts b/src/util/entities/RateLimit.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5916f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/RateLimit.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { Column, Entity } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+export class RateLimit extends BaseClass {
+	@Column() // no relation as it also
+	executor_id: string;
+	@Column()
+	hits: number;
+	@Column()
+	blocked: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	expires_at: Date;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/ReadState.ts b/src/util/entities/ReadState.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b915573b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/ReadState.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import { Column, Entity, Index, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Channel } from "./Channel";
+import { Message } from "./Message";
+import { User } from "./User";
+// for read receipts
+// notification cursor and public read receipt need to be forwards-only (the former to prevent re-pinging when marked as unread, and the latter to be acceptable as a legal acknowledgement in criminal proceedings), and private read marker needs to be advance-rewind capable
+// public read receipt ≥ notification cursor ≥ private fully read marker
+@Index(["channel_id", "user_id"], { unique: true })
+export class ReadState extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	@RelationId((read_state: ReadState) =>
+	channel_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	channel: Channel;
+	@Column()
+	@RelationId((read_state: ReadState) => read_state.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: User;
+	// fully read marker
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	last_message_id: string; 
+	// public read receipt
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	public_ack: string;
+	// notification cursor / private read receipt
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	notifications_cursor: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	last_pin_timestamp?: Date;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	mention_count: number;
+	// @Column({ nullable: true })
+	// TODO: derive this from (last_message_id=notifications_cursor=public_ack)=true
+	manual: boolean;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Recipient.ts b/src/util/entities/Recipient.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a945f938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Recipient.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+export class Recipient extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	@RelationId((recipient: Recipient) =>
+	channel_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => require("./Channel").Channel, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	channel: import("./Channel").Channel;
+	@Column()
+	@RelationId((recipient: Recipient) => recipient.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => require("./User").User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: import("./User").User;
+	@Column({ default: false })
+	closed: boolean;
+	// TODO: settings/mute/nick/added at/encryption keys/read_state
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Relationship.ts b/src/util/entities/Relationship.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3592c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Relationship.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import { Column, Entity, Index, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export enum RelationshipType {
+	outgoing = 4,
+	incoming = 3,
+	blocked = 2,
+	friends = 1,
+@Index(["from_id", "to_id"], { unique: true })
+export class Relationship extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({})
+	@RelationId((relationship: Relationship) => relationship.from)
+	from_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "from_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	from: User;
+	@Column({})
+	@RelationId((relationship: Relationship) =>
+	to_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "to_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	to: User;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	nickname?: string;
+	@Column({ type: "int" })
+	type: RelationshipType;
+	toPublicRelationship() {
+		return {
+			id: || this.to_id,
+			type: this.type,
+			nickname: this.nickname,
+			user:,
+		};
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Role.ts b/src/util/entities/Role.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b721b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Role.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+export class Role extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((role: Role) => role.guild)
+	guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild: Guild;
+	@Column()
+	color: number;
+	@Column()
+	hoist: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	managed: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	mentionable: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column()
+	permissions: string;
+	@Column()
+	position: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	icon: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	unicode_emoji: string;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	tags?: {
+		bot_id?: string;
+		integration_id?: string;
+		premium_subscriber?: boolean;
+	};
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Session.ts b/src/util/entities/Session.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..969efa89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Session.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import { User } from "./User";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { Status } from "../interfaces/Status";
+import { Activity } from "../interfaces/Activity";
+//TODO we need to remove all sessions on server start because if the server crashes without closing websockets it won't delete them
+export class Session extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((session: Session) => session.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: User;
+	//TODO check, should be 32 char long hex string
+	@Column({ nullable: false, select: false })
+	session_id: string;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", nullable: true })
+	activities: Activity[];
+	// TODO client_status
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", select: false })
+	client_info: {
+		client: string;
+		os: string;
+		version: number;
+	};
+	@Column({ nullable: false, type: "varchar" })
+	status: Status; //TODO enum
+export const PrivateSessionProjection: (keyof Session)[] = [
+	"user_id",
+	"session_id",
+	"activities",
+	"client_info",
+	"status",
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Sticker.ts b/src/util/entities/Sticker.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37bc6fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Sticker.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { User } from "./User";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+export enum StickerType {
+	GUILD = 2,
+export enum StickerFormatType {
+	GIF = 0, // gif is a custom format type and not in discord spec
+	PNG = 1,
+	APNG = 2,
+	LOTTIE = 3,
+export class Sticker extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	description?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	available?: boolean;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	tags?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((sticker: Sticker) => sticker.pack)
+	pack_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "pack_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => require("./StickerPack").StickerPack, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+		nullable: true,
+	})
+	pack: import("./StickerPack").StickerPack;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	guild_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild?: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	user_id?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user?: User;
+	@Column({ type: "int" })
+	type: StickerType;
+	@Column({ type: "int" })
+	format_type: StickerFormatType;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/StickerPack.ts b/src/util/entities/StickerPack.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec8c69a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/StickerPack.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, OneToMany, OneToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { Sticker } from ".";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+export class StickerPack extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	description?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	banner_asset_id?: string;
+	@OneToMany(() => Sticker, (sticker: Sticker) => sticker.pack, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	stickers: Sticker[];
+	// sku_id: string
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((pack: StickerPack) => pack.cover_sticker)
+	cover_sticker_id?: string;
+	@ManyToOne(() => Sticker, { nullable: true })
+	@JoinColumn()
+	cover_sticker?: Sticker;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Team.ts b/src/util/entities/Team.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22140b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Team.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToMany, ManyToOne, OneToMany, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { TeamMember } from "./TeamMember";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export class Team extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	icon?: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "member_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => TeamMember, (member: TeamMember) =>, {
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	members: TeamMember[];
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((team: Team) => team.owner_user)
+	owner_user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "owner_user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	owner_user: User;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/TeamMember.ts b/src/util/entities/TeamMember.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b726e1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/TeamMember.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export enum TeamMemberState {
+	INVITED = 1,
+export class TeamMember extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ type: "int" })
+	membership_state: TeamMemberState;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array" })
+	permissions: string[];
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((member: TeamMember) =>
+	team_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "team_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => require("./Team").Team, (team: import("./Team").Team) => team.members, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	team: import("./Team").Team;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((member: TeamMember) => member.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: User;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Template.ts b/src/util/entities/Template.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d952283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Template.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export class Template extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ unique: true })
+	code: string;
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	description?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	usage_count?: number;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((template: Template) => template.creator)
+	creator_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "creator_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	creator: User;
+	@Column()
+	created_at: Date;
+	@Column()
+	updated_at: Date;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((template: Template) => template.source_guild)
+	source_guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "source_guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild)
+	source_guild: Guild;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+	serialized_source_guild: Guild;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/User.ts b/src/util/entities/User.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5432f298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/User.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+import { Column, Entity, FindOneOptions, FindOptionsSelectByString, JoinColumn, OneToMany, OneToOne } from "typeorm";
+import { OrmUtils } from "../util/imports/OrmUtils";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { BitField } from "../util/BitField";
+import { Relationship } from "./Relationship";
+import { ConnectedAccount } from "./ConnectedAccount";
+import { Config, FieldErrors, Snowflake, trimSpecial } from "..";
+import { Member, Session, UserSettings } from ".";
+export enum PublicUserEnum {
+	username,
+	discriminator,
+	id,
+	public_flags,
+	avatar,
+	accent_color,
+	banner,
+	bio,
+	bot,
+	premium_since,
+export type PublicUserKeys = keyof typeof PublicUserEnum;
+export enum PrivateUserEnum {
+	flags,
+	mfa_enabled,
+	email,
+	phone,
+	verified,
+	nsfw_allowed,
+	premium,
+	premium_type,
+	disabled,
+	settings,
+	// locale
+export type PrivateUserKeys = keyof typeof PrivateUserEnum | PublicUserKeys;
+export const PublicUserProjection = Object.values(PublicUserEnum).filter(
+	(x) => typeof x === "string"
+) as PublicUserKeys[];
+export const PrivateUserProjection = [
+	...PublicUserProjection,
+	...Object.values(PrivateUserEnum).filter((x) => typeof x === "string"),
+] as PrivateUserKeys[];
+// Private user data that should never get sent to the client
+export type PublicUser = Pick<User, PublicUserKeys>;
+export interface UserPublic extends Pick<User, PublicUserKeys> {}
+export interface UserPrivate extends Pick<User, PrivateUserKeys> {
+	locale: string;
+// TODO: add purchased_flags, premium_usage_flags
+export class User extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	username: string; // username max length 32, min 2 (should be configurable)
+	@Column()
+	discriminator: string; // opaque string: 4 digits on
+	setDiscriminator(val: string) {
+		const number = Number(val);
+		if (isNaN(number)) throw new Error("invalid discriminator");
+		if (number <= 0 || number >= 10000) throw new Error("discriminator must be between 1 and 9999");
+		this.discriminator = val.toString().padStart(4, "0");
+	}
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	avatar?: string; // hash of the user avatar
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	accent_color?: number; // banner color of user
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	banner?: string; // hash of the user banner
+	@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
+	phone?: string; // phone number of the user
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	desktop: boolean = false; // if the user has desktop app installed
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	mobile: boolean = false; // if the user has mobile app installed
+	@Column()
+	premium: boolean = Config.get().defaults.user.premium; // if user bought individual premium
+	@Column()
+	premium_type: number = Config.get().defaults.user.premium_type; // individual premium level
+	@Column()
+	bot: boolean = false; // if user is bot
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	bio: string; // short description of the user (max 190 chars -> should be configurable)
+	@Column()
+	system: boolean = false; // shouldn't be used, the api sends this field type true, if the generated message comes from a system generated author
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	nsfw_allowed: boolean = true; // if the user can do age-restricted actions (NSFW channels/guilds/commands) // TODO: depending on age
+	@Column({ select: false, nullable: true })
+	mfa_enabled: boolean; // if multi factor authentication is enabled
+	@Column({ select: false, nullable: true })
+	totp_secret?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
+	totp_last_ticket?: string;
+	@Column()
+	created_at: Date = new Date(); // registration date
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	premium_since: Date = new Date(); // premium date
+	@Column({ select: false })
+	verified: boolean = Config.get().defaults.user.verified; // if the user is offically verified
+	@Column()
+	disabled: boolean = false; // if the account is disabled
+	@Column()
+	deleted: boolean = false; // if the user was deleted
+	@Column({ nullable: true, select: false })
+	email?: string; // email of the user
+	@Column()
+	flags: string = "0"; // UserFlags // TODO: generate
+	@Column()
+	public_flags: number = 0;
+	@Column({ type: "bigint" })
+	rights: string = Config.get().register.defaultRights; // Rights
+	@OneToMany(() => Session, (session: Session) => session.user)
+	sessions: Session[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "relationship_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => Relationship, (relationship: Relationship) => relationship.from, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	relationships: Relationship[];
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "connected_account_ids" })
+	@OneToMany(() => ConnectedAccount, (account: ConnectedAccount) => account.user, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+	})
+	connected_accounts: ConnectedAccount[];
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", select: false })
+	data: {
+		valid_tokens_since: Date; // all tokens with a previous issue date are invalid
+		hash?: string; // hash of the password, salt is saved in password (bcrypt)
+	};
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array", select: false })
+	fingerprints: string[] = []; // array of fingerprints -> used to prevent multiple accounts
+	@OneToOne(()=> UserSettings, {
+		cascade: true,
+		orphanedRowAction: "delete",
+		eager: false
+	})
+	@JoinColumn()
+	settings: UserSettings;
+	// workaround to prevent fossord-unaware clients from deleting settings not used by them
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json", select: false })
+	extended_settings: string = "{}";
+	@Column({ type: "simple-json" })
+	notes: { [key: string]: string } = {}; //key is ID of user
+	async save(): Promise<any> {
+		if(!this.settings) this.settings = new UserSettings();
+ =;
+		//await;
+		return;
+	}
+	toPublicUser() {
+		const user: any = {};
+		PublicUserProjection.forEach((x) => {
+			user[x] = this[x];
+		});
+		return user as PublicUser;
+	}
+	static async getPublicUser(user_id: string, opts?: FindOneOptions<User>) {
+		return await User.findOneOrFail({
+			where: { id: user_id },
+			select: [...PublicUserProjection, ...((opts?.select as FindOptionsSelectByString<User>) || [])],
+			...opts,
+		});
+	}
+	public static async generateDiscriminator(username: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
+		if (Config.get().register.incrementingDiscriminators) {
+			// discriminator will be incrementally generated
+			// First we need to figure out the currently highest discrimnator for the given username and then increment it
+			const users = await User.find({ where: { username }, select: ["discriminator"] });
+			const highestDiscriminator = Math.max(0, => Number(u.discriminator)));
+			const discriminator = highestDiscriminator + 1;
+			if (discriminator >= 10000) {
+				return undefined;
+			}
+			return discriminator.toString().padStart(4, "0");
+		} else {
+			// discriminator will be randomly generated
+			// randomly generates a discriminator between 1 and 9999 and checks max five times if it already exists
+			// TODO: is there any better way to generate a random discriminator only once, without checking if it already exists in the database?
+			for (let tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) {
+				const discriminator = Math.randomIntBetween(1, 9999).toString().padStart(4, "0");
+				const exists = await User.findOne({ where: { discriminator, username: username }, select: ["id"] });
+				if (!exists) return discriminator;
+			}
+			return undefined;
+		}
+	}
+	static async register({
+		email,
+		username,
+		password,
+		date_of_birth,
+		req,
+	}: {
+		username: string;
+		password?: string;
+		email?: string;
+		date_of_birth?: Date; // "2000-04-03"
+		req?: any;
+	}) {
+		// trim special uf8 control characters -> Backspace, Newline, ...
+		username = trimSpecial(username);
+		const discriminator = await User.generateDiscriminator(username);
+		if (!discriminator) {
+			// We've failed to generate a valid and unused discriminator
+			throw FieldErrors({
+				username: {
+					message: req?.t("auth:register.USERNAME_TOO_MANY_USERS"),
+				},
+			});
+		}
+		// TODO: save date_of_birth
+		// appearently discord doesn't save the date of birth and just calculate if nsfw is allowed
+		// if nsfw_allowed is null/undefined it'll require date_of_birth to set it to true/false
+		const language = req?.language === "en" ? "en-US" : req?.language || "en-US";
+		const user = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new User(), {
+			//required:
+			username: username,
+			discriminator,
+			id: Snowflake.generate(),
+			email: email,
+			data: {
+				hash: password,
+				valid_tokens_since: new Date(),
+			},
+			settings: { UserSettings(), locale: language }
+		});
+		//await (user.settings as UserSettings).save();
+		await;
+		setImmediate(async () => {
+			if (Config.get().guild.autoJoin.enabled) {
+				for (const guild of Config.get().guild.autoJoin.guilds || []) {
+					await Member.addToGuild(, guild).catch((e) => {});
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		return user;
+	}
+export const CUSTOM_USER_FLAG_OFFSET = BigInt(1) << BigInt(32);
+export class UserFlags extends BitField {
+	static FLAGS = {
+		DISCORD_EMPLOYEE: BigInt(1) << BigInt(0),
+		PARTNERED_SERVER_OWNER: BigInt(1) << BigInt(1),
+		HYPESQUAD_EVENTS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(2),
+		BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_1: BigInt(1) << BigInt(3),
+		MFA_SMS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(4),
+		PREMIUM_PROMO_DISMISSED: BigInt(1) << BigInt(5),
+		HOUSE_BRAVERY: BigInt(1) << BigInt(6),
+		HOUSE_BRILLIANCE: BigInt(1) << BigInt(7),
+		HOUSE_BALANCE: BigInt(1) << BigInt(8),
+		EARLY_SUPPORTER: BigInt(1) << BigInt(9),
+		TEAM_USER: BigInt(1) << BigInt(10),
+		TRUST_AND_SAFETY: BigInt(1) << BigInt(11),
+		SYSTEM: BigInt(1) << BigInt(12),
+		HAS_UNREAD_URGENT_MESSAGES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(13),
+		BUGHUNTER_LEVEL_2: BigInt(1) << BigInt(14),
+		UNDERAGE_DELETED: BigInt(1) << BigInt(15),
+		VERIFIED_BOT: BigInt(1) << BigInt(16),
+		CERTIFIED_MODERATOR: BigInt(1) << BigInt(18),
+		BOT_HTTP_INTERACTIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(19),
+	};
diff --git a/src/util/entities/UserGroup.ts b/src/util/entities/UserGroup.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..709b9d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/UserGroup.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export class UserGroup extends BaseClass {
+	@Column()
+	color: number;
+	@Column()
+	hoist: boolean;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "controller", referencedColumnName: "id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User)
+	controller?: User;
+	@Column()
+	mentionable_by?: string;
+	@Column()
+	name: string;
+	@Column()
+	rights: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	icon: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	parent?: string;
+	@Column({ type: "simple-array", nullable: true})
+	associciations: string[];
diff --git a/src/util/entities/UserSettings.ts b/src/util/entities/UserSettings.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef6f95af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/UserSettings.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClassWithoutId, PrimaryIdColumn } from ".";
+export class UserSettings extends BaseClassWithoutId {
+    @PrimaryIdColumn()
+	id: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+    afk_timeout: number = 3600;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+    allow_accessibility_detection: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    animate_emoji: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    animate_stickers: number = 0;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    contact_sync_enabled: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    convert_emoticons: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true, type: "simple-json" })
+    custom_status: CustomStatus | null = null;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    default_guilds_restricted: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    detect_platform_accounts: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    developer_mode: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    disable_games_tab: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    enable_tts_command: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    explicit_content_filter: number = 0;
+    @Column({ nullable: true, type: "simple-json" })
+    friend_source_flags: FriendSourceFlags = { all: true };
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    gateway_connected: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    gif_auto_play: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true, type: "simple-json" })
+    guild_folders: GuildFolder[] = []; // every top guild is displayed as a "folder"
+    @Column({ nullable: true, type: "simple-json" })
+    guild_positions: string[] = []; // guild ids ordered by position
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    inline_attachment_media: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    inline_embed_media: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    locale: string = "en-US"; // en_US
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    message_display_compact: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    native_phone_integration_enabled: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    render_embeds: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    render_reactions: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true, type: "simple-json" })
+    restricted_guilds: string[] = [];
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    show_current_game: boolean = true;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    status: "online" | "offline" | "dnd" | "idle" | "invisible" = "online";
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    stream_notifications_enabled: boolean = false;
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    theme: "dark" | "white" = "dark"; // dark
+    @Column({ nullable: true })
+    timezone_offset: number = 0; // e.g -60
+interface CustomStatus {
+    emoji_id?: string;
+    emoji_name?: string;
+    expires_at?: number;
+    text?: string;
+interface GuildFolder {
+    color: number;
+    guild_ids: string[];
+    id: number;
+    name: string;
+interface FriendSourceFlags { 
+    all: boolean
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/entities/VoiceState.ts b/src/util/entities/VoiceState.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75748a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/VoiceState.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Channel } from "./Channel";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { User } from "./User";
+import { Member } from "./Member";
+export class VoiceState extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((voice_state: VoiceState) => voice_state.guild)
+	guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild?: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((voice_state: VoiceState) =>
+	channel_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	channel: Channel;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((voice_state: VoiceState) => voice_state.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: User;
+	// @JoinColumn([{ name: "user_id", referencedColumnName: "id" },{ name: "guild_id", referencedColumnName: "guild_id" }])
+	// @ManyToOne(() => Member, {
+	// 	onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	// })
+	//TODO find a way to make it work without breaking Guild.voice_states
+	member: Member;
+	@Column()
+	session_id: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	token: string;
+	@Column()
+	deaf: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	mute: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	self_deaf: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	self_mute: boolean;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	self_stream?: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	self_video: boolean;
+	@Column()
+	suppress: boolean; // whether this user is muted by the current user
+	@Column({ nullable: true, default: null })
+	request_to_speak_timestamp?: Date;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/Webhook.ts b/src/util/entities/Webhook.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89538417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/Webhook.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import { Column, Entity, JoinColumn, ManyToOne, RelationId } from "typeorm";
+import { Application } from "./Application";
+import { BaseClass } from "./BaseClass";
+import { Channel } from "./Channel";
+import { Guild } from "./Guild";
+import { User } from "./User";
+export enum WebhookType {
+	Incoming = 1,
+	ChannelFollower = 2,
+export class Webhook extends BaseClass {
+	@Column({ type: "int" })
+	type: WebhookType;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	name?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	avatar?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	token?: string;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((webhook: Webhook) => webhook.guild)
+	guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	guild: Guild;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((webhook: Webhook) =>
+	channel_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "channel_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Channel, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	channel: Channel;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((webhook: Webhook) => webhook.application)
+	application_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "application_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Application, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	application: Application;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((webhook: Webhook) => webhook.user)
+	user_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "user_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => User, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	user: User;
+	@Column({ nullable: true })
+	@RelationId((webhook: Webhook) => webhook.guild)
+	source_guild_id: string;
+	@JoinColumn({ name: "source_guild_id" })
+	@ManyToOne(() => Guild, {
+		onDelete: "CASCADE",
+	})
+	source_guild: Guild;
diff --git a/src/util/entities/index.ts b/src/util/entities/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6f12022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/entities/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+export * from "./Application";
+export * from "./Attachment";
+export * from "./AuditLog";
+export * from "./Ban";
+export * from "./BaseClass";
+export * from "./Categories";
+export * from "./Channel";
+export * from "./Config";
+export * from "./ConnectedAccount";
+export * from "./Emoji";
+export * from "./Guild";
+export * from "./Invite";
+export * from "./Member";
+export * from "./Message";
+export * from "./Migration";
+export * from "./RateLimit";
+export * from "./ReadState";
+export * from "./Recipient";
+export * from "./Relationship";
+export * from "./Role";
+export * from "./Session";
+export * from "./Sticker";
+export * from "./StickerPack";
+export * from "./Team";
+export * from "./TeamMember";
+export * from "./Template";
+export * from "./User";
+export * from "./VoiceState";
+export * from "./Webhook";
+export * from "./ClientRelease";
+export * from "./BackupCodes";
+export * from "./Note";
+export * from "./UserSettings";
diff --git a/src/util/index.ts b/src/util/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d944dc49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import "reflect-metadata";
+export * from "./util/index";
+export * from "./config/index";
+export * from "./interfaces/index";
+export * from "./entities/index";
+export * from "./dtos/index";
+export * from "./util/MFA";
+export * from "./schemas";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/interfaces/Activity.ts b/src/util/interfaces/Activity.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43984afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/interfaces/Activity.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+export interface Activity {
+	name: string; // the activity's name
+	type: ActivityType; // activity type // TODO: check if its between range 0-5
+	url?: string; // stream url, is validated when type is 1
+	created_at?: number; // unix timestamp of when the activity was added to the user's session
+	timestamps?: {
+		// unix timestamps for start and/or end of the game
+		start: number;
+		end: number;
+	};
+	application_id?: string; // application id for the game
+	details?: string;
+	state?: string;
+	emoji?: {
+		name: string;
+		id?: string;
+		animated: boolean;
+	};
+	party?: {
+		id?: string;
+		size?: [number]; // used to show the party's current and maximum size // TODO: array length 2
+	};
+	assets?: {
+		large_image?: string; // the id for a large asset of the activity, usually a snowflake
+		large_text?: string; // text displayed when hovering over the large image of the activity
+		small_image?: string; // the id for a small asset of the activity, usually a snowflake
+		small_text?: string; // text displayed when hovering over the small image of the activity
+	};
+	secrets?: {
+		join?: string; // the secret for joining a party
+		spectate?: string; // the secret for spectating a game
+		match?: string; // the secret for a specific instanced match
+	};
+	instance?: boolean;
+	flags: string; // activity flags OR d together, describes what the payload includes
+export enum ActivityType {
+	GAME = 0,
+	CUSTOM = 4,
diff --git a/src/util/interfaces/Event.ts b/src/util/interfaces/Event.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be66c62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/interfaces/Event.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+import { PublicUser, User } from "../entities/User";
+import { Channel } from "../entities/Channel";
+import { Guild } from "../entities/Guild";
+import { Member, PublicMember, UserGuildSettings } from "../entities/Member";
+import { Emoji } from "../entities/Emoji";
+import { Role } from "../entities/Role";
+import { Invite } from "../entities/Invite";
+import { Message, PartialEmoji } from "../entities/Message";
+import { VoiceState } from "../entities/VoiceState";
+import { ApplicationCommand } from "../entities/Application";
+import { Interaction } from "./Interaction";
+import { ConnectedAccount } from "../entities/ConnectedAccount";
+import { Relationship, RelationshipType } from "../entities/Relationship";
+import { Presence } from "./Presence";
+import { Sticker, UserSettings } from "..";
+import { Activity, Status } from ".";
+export interface Event {
+	guild_id?: string;
+	user_id?: string;
+	channel_id?: string;
+	created_at?: Date;
+	event: EVENT;
+	data?: any;
+// ! Custom Events that shouldn't get sent to the client but processed by the server
+export interface InvalidatedEvent extends Event {
+	event: "INVALIDATED";
+export interface PublicRelationship {
+	id: string;
+	user: PublicUser;
+	type: RelationshipType;
+// ! END Custom Events that shouldn't get sent to the client but processed by the server
+export interface ReadyEventData {
+	v: number;
+	user: PublicUser & {
+		mobile: boolean;
+		desktop: boolean;
+		email: string | undefined;
+		flags: string;
+		mfa_enabled: boolean;
+		nsfw_allowed: boolean;
+		phone: string | undefined;
+		premium: boolean;
+		premium_type: number;
+		verified: boolean;
+		bot: boolean;
+	};
+	private_channels: Channel[]; // this will be empty for bots
+	session_id: string; // resuming
+	guilds: Guild[];
+	analytics_token?: string;
+	connected_accounts?: ConnectedAccount[];
+	consents?: {
+		personalization?: {
+			consented?: boolean;
+		};
+	};
+	country_code?: string; // e.g. DE
+	friend_suggestion_count?: number;
+	geo_ordered_rtc_regions?: string[]; // ["europe","russie","india","us-east","us-central"]
+	experiments?: [number, number, number, number, number][];
+	guild_experiments?: [
+		// ? what are guild_experiments?
+		// this is the structure of it:
+		number,
+		null,
+		number,
+		[[number, { e: number; s: number }[]]],
+		[number, [[number, [number, number]]]],
+		{ b: number; k: bigint[] }[]
+	][];
+	guild_join_requests?: any[]; // ? what is this? this is new
+	shard?: [number, number];
+	user_settings?: UserSettings;
+	relationships?: PublicRelationship[]; // TODO
+	read_state: {
+		entries: any[]; // TODO
+		partial: boolean;
+		version: number;
+	};
+	user_guild_settings?: {
+		entries: UserGuildSettings[];
+		version: number;
+		partial: boolean;
+	};
+	application?: {
+		id: string;
+		flags: number;
+	};
+	merged_members?: PublicMember[][];
+	// probably all users who the user is in contact with
+	users?: PublicUser[];
+export interface ReadyEvent extends Event {
+	event: "READY";
+	data: ReadyEventData;
+export interface ChannelCreateEvent extends Event {
+	event: "CHANNEL_CREATE";
+	data: Channel;
+export interface ChannelUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	event: "CHANNEL_UPDATE";
+	data: Channel;
+export interface ChannelDeleteEvent extends Event {
+	event: "CHANNEL_DELETE";
+	data: Channel;
+export interface ChannelPinsUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id?: string;
+		channel_id: string;
+		last_pin_timestamp?: number;
+	};
+export interface ChannelRecipientAddEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		user: User;
+	};
+export interface ChannelRecipientRemoveEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		user: User;
+	};
+export interface GuildCreateEvent extends Event {
+	event: "GUILD_CREATE";
+	data: Guild & {
+		joined_at: Date;
+		// TODO: add them to guild
+		guild_scheduled_events: never[];
+		guild_hashes: {};
+		presences: never[];
+		stage_instances: never[];
+		threads: never[];
+	};
+export interface GuildUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	event: "GUILD_UPDATE";
+	data: Guild;
+export interface GuildDeleteEvent extends Event {
+	event: "GUILD_DELETE";
+	data: {
+		id: string;
+		unavailable?: boolean;
+	};
+export interface GuildBanAddEvent extends Event {
+	event: "GUILD_BAN_ADD";
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		user: User;
+	};
+export interface GuildBanRemoveEvent extends Event {
+	event: "GUILD_BAN_REMOVE";
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		user: User;
+	};
+export interface GuildEmojisUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		emojis: Emoji[];
+	};
+export interface GuildStickersUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		stickers: Sticker[];
+	};
+export interface GuildIntegrationUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+	};
+export interface GuildMemberAddEvent extends Event {
+	event: "GUILD_MEMBER_ADD";
+	data: PublicMember & {
+		guild_id: string;
+	};
+export interface GuildMemberRemoveEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		user: User;
+	};
+export interface GuildMemberUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		roles: string[];
+		user: User;
+		nick?: string;
+		joined_at?: Date;
+		premium_since?: number;
+		pending?: boolean;
+	};
+export interface GuildMembersChunkEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		members: PublicMember[];
+		chunk_index: number;
+		chunk_count: number;
+		not_found: string[];
+		presences: Presence[];
+		nonce?: string;
+	};
+export interface GuildRoleCreateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		role: Role;
+	};
+export interface GuildRoleUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		role: Role;
+	};
+export interface GuildRoleDeleteEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		role_id: string;
+	};
+export interface InviteCreateEvent extends Event {
+	event: "INVITE_CREATE";
+	data: Omit<Invite, "guild" | "channel"> & {
+		channel_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+	};
+export interface InviteDeleteEvent extends Event {
+	event: "INVITE_DELETE";
+	data: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+		code: string;
+	};
+export interface MessageCreateEvent extends Event {
+	event: "MESSAGE_CREATE";
+	data: Message;
+export interface MessageUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	event: "MESSAGE_UPDATE";
+	data: Message;
+export interface MessageDeleteEvent extends Event {
+	event: "MESSAGE_DELETE";
+	data: {
+		id: string;
+		channel_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+	};
+export interface MessageDeleteBulkEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		ids: string[];
+		channel_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+	};
+export interface MessageReactionAddEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		user_id: string;
+		channel_id: string;
+		message_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+		member?: PublicMember;
+		emoji: PartialEmoji;
+	};
+export interface MessageReactionRemoveEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		user_id: string;
+		channel_id: string;
+		message_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+		emoji: PartialEmoji;
+	};
+export interface MessageReactionRemoveAllEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		message_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+	};
+export interface MessageReactionRemoveEmojiEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		message_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+		emoji: PartialEmoji;
+	};
+export interface PresenceUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: Presence;
+export interface TypingStartEvent extends Event {
+	event: "TYPING_START";
+	data: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		user_id: string;
+		timestamp: number;
+		guild_id?: string;
+		member?: PublicMember;
+	};
+export interface UserUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	event: "USER_UPDATE";
+	data: User;
+export interface VoiceStateUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: VoiceState & {
+		member: PublicMember;
+	};
+export interface VoiceServerUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		token: string;
+		guild_id: string;
+		endpoint: string;
+	};
+export interface WebhooksUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: {
+		guild_id: string;
+		channel_id: string;
+	};
+export type ApplicationCommandPayload = ApplicationCommand & {
+	guild_id: string;
+export interface ApplicationCommandCreateEvent extends Event {
+	data: ApplicationCommandPayload;
+export interface ApplicationCommandUpdateEvent extends Event {
+	data: ApplicationCommandPayload;
+export interface ApplicationCommandDeleteEvent extends Event {
+	data: ApplicationCommandPayload;
+export interface InteractionCreateEvent extends Event {
+	data: Interaction;
+export interface MessageAckEvent extends Event {
+	event: "MESSAGE_ACK";
+	data: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		message_id: string;
+		version?: number;
+		manual?: boolean;
+		mention_count?: number;
+	};
+export interface RelationshipAddEvent extends Event {
+	data: PublicRelationship & {
+		should_notify?: boolean;
+		user: PublicUser;
+	};
+export interface RelationshipRemoveEvent extends Event {
+	data: Omit<PublicRelationship, "nickname">;
+export interface SessionsReplace extends Event {
+	data: {
+		activities: Activity[];
+		client_info: {
+			version: number;
+			os: string;
+			client: string;
+		};
+		status: Status;
+	}[];
+export interface GuildMemberListUpdate extends Event {
+	data: {
+		groups: { id: string; count: number }[];
+		guild_id: string;
+		id: string;
+		member_count: number;
+		online_count: number;
+		ops: {
+			index: number;
+			item: {
+				member?: PublicMember & { presence: Presence };
+				group?: { id: string; count: number }[];
+			};
+		}[];
+	};
+export type EventData =
+	| InvalidatedEvent
+	| ReadyEvent
+	| ChannelCreateEvent
+	| ChannelUpdateEvent
+	| ChannelDeleteEvent
+	| ChannelPinsUpdateEvent
+	| ChannelRecipientAddEvent
+	| ChannelRecipientRemoveEvent
+	| GuildCreateEvent
+	| GuildUpdateEvent
+	| GuildDeleteEvent
+	| GuildBanAddEvent
+	| GuildBanRemoveEvent
+	| GuildEmojisUpdateEvent
+	| GuildIntegrationUpdateEvent
+	| GuildMemberAddEvent
+	| GuildMemberRemoveEvent
+	| GuildMemberUpdateEvent
+	| GuildMembersChunkEvent
+	| GuildMemberListUpdate
+	| GuildRoleCreateEvent
+	| GuildRoleUpdateEvent
+	| GuildRoleDeleteEvent
+	| InviteCreateEvent
+	| InviteDeleteEvent
+	| MessageCreateEvent
+	| MessageUpdateEvent
+	| MessageDeleteEvent
+	| MessageDeleteBulkEvent
+	| MessageReactionAddEvent
+	| MessageReactionRemoveEvent
+	| MessageReactionRemoveAllEvent
+	| MessageReactionRemoveEmojiEvent
+	| PresenceUpdateEvent
+	| TypingStartEvent
+	| UserUpdateEvent
+	| VoiceStateUpdateEvent
+	| VoiceServerUpdateEvent
+	| WebhooksUpdateEvent
+	| ApplicationCommandCreateEvent
+	| ApplicationCommandUpdateEvent
+	| ApplicationCommandDeleteEvent
+	| InteractionCreateEvent
+	| MessageAckEvent
+	| RelationshipAddEvent
+	| RelationshipRemoveEvent;
+// located in collection events
+export enum EVENTEnum {
+	Ready = "READY",
+	ChannelCreate = "CHANNEL_CREATE",
+	ChannelUpdate = "CHANNEL_UPDATE",
+	ChannelDelete = "CHANNEL_DELETE",
+	ChannelPinsUpdate = "CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE",
+	ChannelRecipientAdd = "CHANNEL_RECIPIENT_ADD",
+	ChannelRecipientRemove = "CHANNEL_RECIPIENT_REMOVE",
+	GuildCreate = "GUILD_CREATE",
+	GuildUpdate = "GUILD_UPDATE",
+	GuildDelete = "GUILD_DELETE",
+	GuildBanAdd = "GUILD_BAN_ADD",
+	GuildBanRemove = "GUILD_BAN_REMOVE",
+	GuildEmojUpdate = "GUILD_EMOJI_UPDATE",
+	GuildIntegrationsUpdate = "GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE",
+	GuildMemberAdd = "GUILD_MEMBER_ADD",
+	GuildMemberRempve = "GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE",
+	GuildMemberUpdate = "GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE",
+	GuildMemberSpeaking = "GUILD_MEMBER_SPEAKING",
+	GuildMembersChunk = "GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK",
+	GuildMemberListUpdate = "GUILD_MEMBER_LIST_UPDATE",
+	GuildRoleCreate = "GUILD_ROLE_CREATE",
+	GuildRoleDelete = "GUILD_ROLE_DELETE",
+	GuildRoleUpdate = "GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE",
+	InviteCreate = "INVITE_CREATE",
+	InviteDelete = "INVITE_DELETE",
+	MessageCreate = "MESSAGE_CREATE",
+	MessageUpdate = "MESSAGE_UPDATE",
+	MessageDelete = "MESSAGE_DELETE",
+	MessageDeleteBulk = "MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK",
+	MessageReactionAdd = "MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD",
+	MessageReactionRemove = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE",
+	MessageReactionRemoveAll = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL",
+	MessageReactionRemoveEmoji = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI",
+	PresenceUpdate = "PRESENCE_UPDATE",
+	TypingStart = "TYPING_START",
+	UserUpdate = "USER_UPDATE",
+	WebhooksUpdate = "WEBHOOKS_UPDATE",
+	InteractionCreate = "INTERACTION_CREATE",
+	VoiceStateUpdate = "VOICE_STATE_UPDATE",
+	VoiceServerUpdate = "VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE",
+	ApplicationCommandCreate = "APPLICATION_COMMAND_CREATE",
+	ApplicationCommandUpdate = "APPLICATION_COMMAND_UPDATE",
+	ApplicationCommandDelete = "APPLICATION_COMMAND_DELETE",
+	SessionsReplace = "SESSIONS_REPLACE",
+export type EVENT =
+	| "READY"
+	// TODO: add a new event: bulk add reaction:
diff --git a/src/util/interfaces/Interaction.ts b/src/util/interfaces/Interaction.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d3aae24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/interfaces/Interaction.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { AllowedMentions, Embed } from "../entities/Message";
+export interface Interaction {
+	id: string;
+	type: InteractionType;
+	data?: {};
+	guild_id: string;
+	channel_id: string;
+	member_id: string;
+	token: string;
+	version: number;
+export enum InteractionType {
+	SelfCommand = 0,
+	Ping = 1,
+	ApplicationCommand = 2,
+export enum InteractionResponseType {
+	SelfCommandResponse = 0,
+	Pong = 1,
+	Acknowledge = 2,
+	ChannelMessage = 3,
+	ChannelMessageWithSource = 4,
+	AcknowledgeWithSource = 5,
+export interface InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackData {
+	tts?: boolean;
+	content: string;
+	embeds?: Embed[];
+	allowed_mentions?: AllowedMentions;
diff --git a/src/util/interfaces/Presence.ts b/src/util/interfaces/Presence.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7663891a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/interfaces/Presence.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { ClientStatus, Status } from "./Status";
+import { Activity } from "./Activity";
+import { PublicUser } from "../entities/User";
+export interface Presence {
+	user: PublicUser;
+	guild_id?: string;
+	status: Status;
+	activities: Activity[];
+	client_status: ClientStatus;
+	// TODO: game
diff --git a/src/util/interfaces/Status.ts b/src/util/interfaces/Status.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d2e1bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/interfaces/Status.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export type Status = "idle" | "dnd" | "online" | "offline" | "invisible";
+export interface ClientStatus {
+	desktop?: string; // e.g. Windows/Linux/Mac
+	mobile?: string; // e.g. iOS/Android
+	web?: string; // e.g. browser, bot account
diff --git a/src/util/interfaces/index.ts b/src/util/interfaces/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab7fa429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/interfaces/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export * from "./Activity";
+export * from "./Presence";
+export * from "./Interaction";
+export * from "./Event";
+export * from "./Status";
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1659901151025-initial.ts b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1659901151025-initial.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d15e0add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1659901151025-initial.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1219 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class initial1659901151025 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'initial1659901151025'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`config\` (
+                \`key\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`value\` text NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`key\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`relationships\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`from_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`to_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`nickname\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`type\` int NOT NULL,
+                UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17\` (\`from_id\`, \`to_id\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`connected_accounts\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`access_token\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`friend_sync\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`revoked\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`show_activity\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`type\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`verified\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`visibility\` int NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`users\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`username\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`discriminator\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`avatar\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`accent_color\` int NULL,
+                \`banner\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`phone\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`desktop\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`mobile\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`premium\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`premium_type\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`bot\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`bio\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`system\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`nsfw_allowed\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`mfa_enabled\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`totp_secret\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`totp_last_ticket\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`created_at\` datetime NOT NULL,
+                \`premium_since\` datetime NULL,
+                \`verified\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`disabled\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`deleted\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`email\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`flags\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`public_flags\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`rights\` bigint NOT NULL,
+                \`data\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`fingerprints\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`settings\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`extended_settings\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`notes\` text NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`backup_codes\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`code\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`consumed\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`expired\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`bans\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`executor_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`ip\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`reason\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`recipients\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`channel_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`closed\` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`roles\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`color\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`hoist\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`managed\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`mentionable\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`permissions\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`position\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`icon\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`unicode_emoji\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`tags\` text NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`members\` (
+                \`index\` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`nick\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`joined_at\` datetime NOT NULL,
+                \`premium_since\` bigint NULL,
+                \`deaf\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`mute\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`pending\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`settings\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`last_message_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`joined_by\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3\` (\`id\`, \`guild_id\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`index\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`webhooks\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`type\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`avatar\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`token\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`application_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`source_guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`stickers\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`description\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`available\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`tags\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`pack_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`type\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`format_type\` int NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`attachments\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`filename\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`size\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`url\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`proxy_url\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`height\` int NULL,
+                \`width\` int NULL,
+                \`content_type\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`message_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`messages\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`author_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`member_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`webhook_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`application_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`content\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`timestamp\` datetime(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6),
+                \`edited_timestamp\` datetime NULL,
+                \`tts\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`mention_everyone\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`embeds\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`reactions\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`nonce\` text NULL,
+                \`pinned\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`type\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`activity\` text NULL,
+                \`flags\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`message_reference\` text NULL,
+                \`interaction\` text NULL,
+                \`components\` text NULL,
+                \`message_reference_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                INDEX \`IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6\` (\`channel_id\`),
+                INDEX \`IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d\` (\`author_id\`),
+                UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b\` (\`channel_id\`, \`id\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`read_states\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`channel_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`last_message_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`public_ack\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`notifications_cursor\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`last_pin_timestamp\` datetime NULL,
+                \`mention_count\` int NULL,
+                UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a\` (\`channel_id\`, \`user_id\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`invites\` (
+                \`code\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`temporary\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`uses\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`max_uses\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`max_age\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`created_at\` datetime NOT NULL,
+                \`expires_at\` datetime NOT NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`inviter_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`target_user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`target_user_type\` int NULL,
+                \`vanity_url\` tinyint NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`code\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`voice_states\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`session_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`token\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`deaf\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`mute\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`self_deaf\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`self_mute\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`self_stream\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`self_video\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`suppress\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`request_to_speak_timestamp\` datetime NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`channels\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`created_at\` datetime NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`icon\` text NULL,
+                \`type\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`last_message_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`parent_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`owner_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`last_pin_timestamp\` int NULL,
+                \`default_auto_archive_duration\` int NULL,
+                \`position\` int NULL,
+                \`permission_overwrites\` text NULL,
+                \`video_quality_mode\` int NULL,
+                \`bitrate\` int NULL,
+                \`user_limit\` int NULL,
+                \`nsfw\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`rate_limit_per_user\` int NULL,
+                \`topic\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`retention_policy_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`emojis\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`animated\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`available\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`managed\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`require_colons\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`roles\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`groups\` text NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`templates\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`code\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`description\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`usage_count\` int NULL,
+                \`creator_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`created_at\` datetime NOT NULL,
+                \`updated_at\` datetime NOT NULL,
+                \`source_guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`serialized_source_guild\` text NOT NULL,
+                UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb5\` (\`code\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`guilds\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`afk_channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`afk_timeout\` int NULL,
+                \`banner\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`default_message_notifications\` int NULL,
+                \`description\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`discovery_splash\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`explicit_content_filter\` int NULL,
+                \`features\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`primary_category_id\` int NULL,
+                \`icon\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`large\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`max_members\` int NULL,
+                \`max_presences\` int NULL,
+                \`max_video_channel_users\` int NULL,
+                \`member_count\` int NULL,
+                \`presence_count\` int NULL,
+                \`template_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`mfa_level\` int NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`owner_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`preferred_locale\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`premium_subscription_count\` int NULL,
+                \`premium_tier\` int NULL,
+                \`public_updates_channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`rules_channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`region\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`splash\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`system_channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`system_channel_flags\` int NULL,
+                \`unavailable\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`verification_level\` int NULL,
+                \`welcome_screen\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`widget_channel_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`widget_enabled\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`nsfw_level\` int NULL,
+                \`nsfw\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`parent\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`team_members\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`membership_state\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`permissions\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`team_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`teams\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`icon\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`owner_user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`applications\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`icon\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`description\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`rpc_origins\` text NULL,
+                \`bot_public\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`bot_require_code_grant\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`terms_of_service_url\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`privacy_policy_url\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`summary\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`verify_key\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`primary_sku_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`slug\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`cover_image\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`flags\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`owner_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`team_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`audit_logs\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`action_type\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`options\` text NULL,
+                \`changes\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`reason\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`target_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`categories\` (
+                \`id\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`localizations\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`is_primary\` tinyint NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`rate_limits\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`executor_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`hits\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`blocked\` tinyint NOT NULL,
+                \`expires_at\` datetime NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`sessions\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`user_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`session_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`activities\` text NULL,
+                \`client_info\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`status\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`sticker_packs\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`description\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`banner_asset_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`cover_sticker_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`coverStickerId\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`client_release\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`name\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`pub_date\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`url\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`deb_url\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`osx_url\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`win_url\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`notes\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`notes\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`content\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`owner_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`target_id\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150\` (\`owner_id\`, \`target_id\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`member_roles\` (
+                \`index\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`role_id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                INDEX \`IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772\` (\`index\`),
+                INDEX \`IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c\` (\`role_id\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`index\`, \`role_id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`message_user_mentions\` (
+                \`messagesId\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`usersId\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                INDEX \`IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23\` (\`messagesId\`),
+                INDEX \`IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f\` (\`usersId\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`messagesId\`, \`usersId\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`message_role_mentions\` (
+                \`messagesId\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`rolesId\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                INDEX \`IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b\` (\`messagesId\`),
+                INDEX \`IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074\` (\`rolesId\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`messagesId\`, \`rolesId\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`message_channel_mentions\` (
+                \`messagesId\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`channelsId\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                INDEX \`IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092\` (\`messagesId\`),
+                INDEX \`IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9\` (\`channelsId\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`messagesId\`, \`channelsId\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`message_stickers\` (
+                \`messagesId\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`stickersId\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                INDEX \`IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2\` (\`messagesId\`),
+                INDEX \`IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1\` (\`stickersId\`),
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`messagesId\`, \`stickersId\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`relationships\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_9af4194bab1250b1c584ae4f1d7\` FOREIGN KEY (\`from_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`relationships\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_9c7f6b98a9843b76dce1b0c878b\` FOREIGN KEY (\`to_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`connected_accounts\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_f47244225a6a1eac04a3463dd90\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`backup_codes\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_70066ea80d2f4b871beda32633b\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`bans\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_5999e8e449f80a236ff72023559\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`bans\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_9d3ab7dd180ebdd245cdb66ecad\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`bans\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_07ad88c86d1f290d46748410d58\` FOREIGN KEY (\`executor_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`recipients\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_2f18ee1ba667f233ae86c0ea60e\` FOREIGN KEY (\`channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`recipients\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_6157e8b6ba4e6e3089616481fe2\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`roles\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_c32c1ab1c4dc7dcb0278c4b1b8b\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`members\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404\` FOREIGN KEY (\`id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`members\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_487a7af59d189f744fe394368fc\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_df528cf77e82f8032230e7e37d8\` FOREIGN KEY (\`channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_c3e5305461931763b56aa905f1c\` FOREIGN KEY (\`application_id\`) REFERENCES \`applications\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_0d523f6f997c86e052c49b1455f\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_3a285f4f49c40e0706d3018bc9f\` FOREIGN KEY (\`source_guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`stickers\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_e7cfa5cefa6661b3fb8fda8ce69\` FOREIGN KEY (\`pack_id\`) REFERENCES \`sticker_packs\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`stickers\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_193d551d852aca5347ef5c9f205\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`stickers\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_8f4ee73f2bb2325ff980502e158\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`attachments\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_623e10eec51ada466c5038979e3\` FOREIGN KEY (\`message_id\`) REFERENCES \`messages\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6d\` FOREIGN KEY (\`channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_b193588441b085352a4c0109423\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d3\` FOREIGN KEY (\`author_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_b0525304f2262b7014245351c76\` FOREIGN KEY (\`member_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_f83c04bcf1df4e5c0e7a52ed348\` FOREIGN KEY (\`webhook_id\`) REFERENCES \`webhooks\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_5d3ec1cb962de6488637fd779d6\` FOREIGN KEY (\`application_id\`) REFERENCES \`applications\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_61a92bb65b302a76d9c1fcd3174\` FOREIGN KEY (\`message_reference_id\`) REFERENCES \`messages\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`read_states\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_40da2fca4e0eaf7a23b5bfc5d34\` FOREIGN KEY (\`channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`read_states\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_195f92e4dd1254a4e348c043763\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6\` FOREIGN KEY (\`channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f\` FOREIGN KEY (\`inviter_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59\` FOREIGN KEY (\`target_user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`voice_states\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_03779ef216d4b0358470d9cb748\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`voice_states\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_9f8d389866b40b6657edd026dd4\` FOREIGN KEY (\`channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`voice_states\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_5fe1d5f931a67e85039c640001b\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80\` FOREIGN KEY (\`parent_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b\` FOREIGN KEY (\`owner_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`emojis\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_4b988e0db89d94cebcf07f598cc\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`emojis\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_fa7ddd5f9a214e28ce596548421\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`templates\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_d7374b7f8f5fbfdececa4fb62e1\` FOREIGN KEY (\`creator_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`templates\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_445d00eaaea0e60a017a5ed0c11\` FOREIGN KEY (\`source_guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6\` FOREIGN KEY (\`afk_channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325\` FOREIGN KEY (\`template_id\`) REFERENCES \`templates\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394\` FOREIGN KEY (\`owner_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0\` FOREIGN KEY (\`public_updates_channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396\` FOREIGN KEY (\`rules_channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce\` FOREIGN KEY (\`system_channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99\` FOREIGN KEY (\`widget_channel_id\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`team_members\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_fdad7d5768277e60c40e01cdcea\` FOREIGN KEY (\`team_id\`) REFERENCES \`teams\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`team_members\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_c2bf4967c8c2a6b845dadfbf3d4\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`teams\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_13f00abf7cb6096c43ecaf8c108\` FOREIGN KEY (\`owner_user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8\` FOREIGN KEY (\`owner_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424\` FOREIGN KEY (\`team_id\`) REFERENCES \`teams\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`audit_logs\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_3cd01cd3ae7aab010310d96ac8e\` FOREIGN KEY (\`target_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`audit_logs\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_bd2726fd31b35443f2245b93ba0\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`sessions\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_085d540d9f418cfbdc7bd55bb19\` FOREIGN KEY (\`user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`sticker_packs\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_448fafba4355ee1c837bbc865f1\` FOREIGN KEY (\`coverStickerId\`) REFERENCES \`stickers\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`notes\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_f9e103f8ae67cb1787063597925\` FOREIGN KEY (\`owner_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`notes\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_23e08e5b4481711d573e1abecdc\` FOREIGN KEY (\`target_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`member_roles\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772e\` FOREIGN KEY (\`index\`) REFERENCES \`members\`(\`index\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`member_roles\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c1\` FOREIGN KEY (\`role_id\`) REFERENCES \`roles\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_user_mentions\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_a343387fc560ef378760681c236\` FOREIGN KEY (\`messagesId\`) REFERENCES \`messages\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_user_mentions\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f8\` FOREIGN KEY (\`usersId\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_role_mentions\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b4\` FOREIGN KEY (\`messagesId\`) REFERENCES \`messages\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_role_mentions\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074b\` FOREIGN KEY (\`rolesId\`) REFERENCES \`roles\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_channel_mentions\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a4360921\` FOREIGN KEY (\`messagesId\`) REFERENCES \`messages\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_channel_mentions\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9d\` FOREIGN KEY (\`channelsId\`) REFERENCES \`channels\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_stickers\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d28\` FOREIGN KEY (\`messagesId\`) REFERENCES \`messages\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_stickers\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1f\` FOREIGN KEY (\`stickersId\`) REFERENCES \`stickers\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`query-result-cache\` (
+                \`id\` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
+                \`identifier\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`time\` bigint NOT NULL,
+                \`duration\` int NOT NULL,
+                \`query\` text NOT NULL,
+                \`result\` text NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`query-result-cache\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_stickers\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1f\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_stickers\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d28\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_channel_mentions\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9d\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_channel_mentions\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a4360921\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_role_mentions\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074b\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_role_mentions\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b4\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_user_mentions\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f8\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`message_user_mentions\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_a343387fc560ef378760681c236\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`member_roles\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c1\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`member_roles\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772e\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`notes\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_23e08e5b4481711d573e1abecdc\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`notes\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_f9e103f8ae67cb1787063597925\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`sticker_packs\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_448fafba4355ee1c837bbc865f1\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`sessions\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_085d540d9f418cfbdc7bd55bb19\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`audit_logs\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_bd2726fd31b35443f2245b93ba0\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`audit_logs\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_3cd01cd3ae7aab010310d96ac8e\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`teams\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_13f00abf7cb6096c43ecaf8c108\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`team_members\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_c2bf4967c8c2a6b845dadfbf3d4\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`team_members\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_fdad7d5768277e60c40e01cdcea\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`templates\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_445d00eaaea0e60a017a5ed0c11\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`templates\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_d7374b7f8f5fbfdececa4fb62e1\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`emojis\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_fa7ddd5f9a214e28ce596548421\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`emojis\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_4b988e0db89d94cebcf07f598cc\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`voice_states\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_5fe1d5f931a67e85039c640001b\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`voice_states\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_9f8d389866b40b6657edd026dd4\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`voice_states\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_03779ef216d4b0358470d9cb748\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`read_states\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_195f92e4dd1254a4e348c043763\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`read_states\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_40da2fca4e0eaf7a23b5bfc5d34\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_61a92bb65b302a76d9c1fcd3174\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_5d3ec1cb962de6488637fd779d6\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_f83c04bcf1df4e5c0e7a52ed348\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_b0525304f2262b7014245351c76\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d3\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_b193588441b085352a4c0109423\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`messages\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6d\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`attachments\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_623e10eec51ada466c5038979e3\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`stickers\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_8f4ee73f2bb2325ff980502e158\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`stickers\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_193d551d852aca5347ef5c9f205\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`stickers\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_e7cfa5cefa6661b3fb8fda8ce69\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_3a285f4f49c40e0706d3018bc9f\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_0d523f6f997c86e052c49b1455f\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_c3e5305461931763b56aa905f1c\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_df528cf77e82f8032230e7e37d8\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`webhooks\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_487a7af59d189f744fe394368fc\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`members\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`members\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`roles\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_c32c1ab1c4dc7dcb0278c4b1b8b\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`recipients\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_6157e8b6ba4e6e3089616481fe2\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`recipients\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_2f18ee1ba667f233ae86c0ea60e\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`bans\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_07ad88c86d1f290d46748410d58\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`bans\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_9d3ab7dd180ebdd245cdb66ecad\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`bans\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_5999e8e449f80a236ff72023559\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`backup_codes\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_70066ea80d2f4b871beda32633b\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`connected_accounts\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_f47244225a6a1eac04a3463dd90\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`relationships\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_9c7f6b98a9843b76dce1b0c878b\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`relationships\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_9af4194bab1250b1c584ae4f1d7\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1\` ON \`message_stickers\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2\` ON \`message_stickers\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`message_stickers\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9\` ON \`message_channel_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092\` ON \`message_channel_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`message_channel_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074\` ON \`message_role_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b\` ON \`message_role_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`message_role_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f\` ON \`message_user_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23\` ON \`message_user_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`message_user_mentions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c\` ON \`member_roles\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772\` ON \`member_roles\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`member_roles\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150\` ON \`notes\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`notes\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`client_release\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`sticker_packs\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`sessions\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`rate_limits\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`categories\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`audit_logs\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`applications\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`teams\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`team_members\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`guilds\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb5\` ON \`templates\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`templates\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`emojis\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`channels\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`voice_states\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`invites\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a\` ON \`read_states\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`read_states\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b\` ON \`messages\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d\` ON \`messages\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6\` ON \`messages\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`messages\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`attachments\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`stickers\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`webhooks\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3\` ON \`members\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`members\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`roles\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`recipients\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`bans\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`backup_codes\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`users\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`connected_accounts\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17\` ON \`relationships\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`relationships\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`config\`
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1659921859145-premium_since_as_date.ts b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1659921859145-premium_since_as_date.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de173cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1659921859145-premium_since_as_date.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class premiumSinceAsDate1659921859145 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'premiumSinceAsDate1659921859145'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`members\` DROP COLUMN \`premium_since\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`members\`
+            ADD \`premium_since\` datetime NULL
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`members\` DROP COLUMN \`premium_since\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`members\`
+            ADD \`premium_since\` bigint NULL
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660130586602-updated-applications.ts b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660130586602-updated-applications.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec574416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660130586602-updated-applications.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class updatedApplications1660130586602 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'updatedApplications1660130586602'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`rpc_origins\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`primary_sku_id\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`slug\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`guild_id\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`type\` text NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`hook\` tinyint NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`redirect_uris\` text NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`rpc_application_state\` int NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`store_application_state\` int NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`verification_state\` int NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`interactions_endpoint_url\` varchar(255) NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`integration_public\` tinyint NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`integration_require_code_grant\` tinyint NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`discoverability_state\` int NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`discovery_eligibility_flags\` int NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`tags\` text NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`install_params\` text NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`bot_user_id\` varchar(255) NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a64\` (\`bot_user_id\`)
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` CHANGE \`description\` \`description\` varchar(255) NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`flags\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`flags\` int NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \`REL_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a64\` ON \`applications\` (\`bot_user_id\`)
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a647\` FOREIGN KEY (\`bot_user_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a647\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`REL_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a64\` ON \`applications\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`flags\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`flags\` varchar(255) NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` CHANGE \`description\` \`description\` varchar(255) NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP INDEX \`IDX_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a64\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`bot_user_id\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`install_params\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`tags\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`discovery_eligibility_flags\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`discoverability_state\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`integration_require_code_grant\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`integration_public\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`interactions_endpoint_url\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`verification_state\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`store_application_state\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`rpc_application_state\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`redirect_uris\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`hook\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\` DROP COLUMN \`type\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`guild_id\` varchar(255) NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`slug\` varchar(255) NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`primary_sku_id\` varchar(255) NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD \`rpc_origins\` text NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`applications\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba\` FOREIGN KEY (\`guild_id\`) REFERENCES \`guilds\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660131942703-apps_nullable_team.ts b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660131942703-apps_nullable_team.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac445772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660131942703-apps_nullable_team.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class appsNullableTeam1660131942703 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'appsNullableTeam1660131942703'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a64\` ON \`applications\`
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a64\` ON \`applications\` (\`bot_user_id\`)
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660540527213-sync_migrations.ts b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660540527213-sync_migrations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cc1d2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660540527213-sync_migrations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class syncMigrations1660540527213 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'syncMigrations1660540527213'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` CHANGE \`settings\` \`settingsId\` text NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE \`user_settings\` (
+                \`id\` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+                \`afk_timeout\` int NULL,
+                \`allow_accessibility_detection\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`animate_emoji\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`animate_stickers\` int NULL,
+                \`contact_sync_enabled\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`convert_emoticons\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`custom_status\` text NULL,
+                \`default_guilds_restricted\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`detect_platform_accounts\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`developer_mode\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`disable_games_tab\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`enable_tts_command\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`explicit_content_filter\` int NULL,
+                \`friend_source_flags\` text NULL,
+                \`gateway_connected\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`gif_auto_play\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`guild_folders\` text NULL,
+                \`guild_positions\` text NULL,
+                \`inline_attachment_media\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`inline_embed_media\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`locale\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`message_display_compact\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`native_phone_integration_enabled\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`render_embeds\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`render_reactions\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`restricted_guilds\` text NULL,
+                \`show_current_game\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`status\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`stream_notifications_enabled\` tinyint NULL,
+                \`theme\` varchar(255) NULL,
+                \`timezone_offset\` int NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`)
+            ) ENGINE = InnoDB
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\`
+            ADD \`flags\` int NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\`
+            ADD \`default_thread_rate_limit_per_user\` int NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\`
+            ADD \`premium_progress_bar_enabled\` tinyint NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` DROP COLUMN \`settingsId\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\`
+            ADD \`settingsId\` varchar(255) NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\`
+            ADD UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8c\` (\`settingsId\`)
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \`REL_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8c\` ON \`users\` (\`settingsId\`)
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf\` FOREIGN KEY (\`settingsId\`) REFERENCES \`user_settings\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f\` FOREIGN KEY (\`inviter_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` DROP FOREIGN KEY \`FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`REL_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8c\` ON \`users\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` DROP INDEX \`IDX_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8c\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` DROP COLUMN \`settingsId\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\`
+            ADD \`settingsId\` text NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`guilds\` DROP COLUMN \`premium_progress_bar_enabled\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\` DROP COLUMN \`default_thread_rate_limit_per_user\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`channels\` DROP COLUMN \`flags\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE \`user_settings\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` CHANGE \`settingsId\` \`settings\` text NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`invites\`
+            ADD CONSTRAINT \`FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f\` FOREIGN KEY (\`inviter_id\`) REFERENCES \`users\`(\`id\`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660549252130-fix_nullables.ts b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660549252130-fix_nullables.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9456b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/mariadb/1660549252130-fix_nullables.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class fixNullables1660549252130 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'fixNullables1660549252130'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX \`IDX_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8c\` ON \`users\`
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` CHANGE \`bio\` \`bio\` varchar(255) NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` CHANGE \`mfa_enabled\` \`mfa_enabled\` tinyint NULL
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` CHANGE \`mfa_enabled\` \`mfa_enabled\` tinyint NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE \`users\` CHANGE \`bio\` \`bio\` varchar(255) NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \`IDX_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8c\` ON \`users\` (\`settingsId\`)
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1659899687168-initial.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1659899687168-initial.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ffb897d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1659899687168-initial.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class initial1659899687168 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'initial1659899687168'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "config" (
+                "key" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "value" text,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_26489c99ddbb4c91631ef5cc791" PRIMARY KEY ("key")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "relationships" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "from_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "to_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "nickname" character varying,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_ba20e2f5cf487408e08e4dcecaf" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17" ON "relationships" ("from_id", "to_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "connected_accounts" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                "access_token" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "friend_sync" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "revoked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "show_activity" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "type" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "visibility" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_70416f1da0be645bb31da01c774" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "username" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" character varying,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" character varying,
+                "phone" character varying,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" character varying,
+                "totp_last_ticket" character varying,
+                "created_at" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" TIMESTAMP,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" character varying,
+                "flags" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_a3ffb1c0c8416b9fc6f907b7433" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "backup_codes" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "code" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "consumed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expired" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_34ab957382dbc57e8fb53f1638f" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "bans" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                "executor_id" character varying,
+                "ip" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "reason" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_a4d6f261bffa4615c62d756566a" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "recipients" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "closed" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_de8fc5a9c364568f294798fe1e9" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "roles" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                "color" integer NOT NULL,
+                "hoist" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mentionable" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "position" integer NOT NULL,
+                "icon" character varying,
+                "unicode_emoji" character varying,
+                "tags" text,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_c1433d71a4838793a49dcad46ab" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" SERIAL NOT NULL,
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "nick" character varying,
+                "joined_at" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" character varying,
+                "joined_by" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_b4a6b8c2478e5df990909c6cf6a" PRIMARY KEY ("index")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "webhooks" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying,
+                "avatar" character varying,
+                "token" character varying,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                "channel_id" character varying,
+                "application_id" character varying,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                "source_guild_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_9e8795cfc899ab7bdaa831e8527" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "stickers" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "description" character varying,
+                "available" boolean,
+                "tags" character varying,
+                "pack_id" character varying,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "format_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_e1dafa4063a5532645cc2810374" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "attachments" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "filename" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "size" integer NOT NULL,
+                "url" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "proxy_url" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "height" integer,
+                "width" integer,
+                "content_type" character varying,
+                "message_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_5e1f050bcff31e3084a1d662412" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "messages" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" character varying,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                "author_id" character varying,
+                "member_id" character varying,
+                "webhook_id" character varying,
+                "application_id" character varying,
+                "content" character varying,
+                "timestamp" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+                "edited_timestamp" TIMESTAMP,
+                "tts" boolean,
+                "mention_everyone" boolean,
+                "embeds" text NOT NULL,
+                "reactions" text NOT NULL,
+                "nonce" text,
+                "pinned" boolean,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "activity" text,
+                "flags" character varying,
+                "message_reference" text,
+                "interaction" text,
+                "components" text,
+                "message_reference_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_18325f38ae6de43878487eff986" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6" ON "messages" ("channel_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d" ON "messages" ("author_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b" ON "messages" ("channel_id", "id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "read_states" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" character varying,
+                "public_ack" character varying,
+                "notifications_cursor" character varying,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" TIMESTAMP,
+                "mention_count" integer,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_e6956a804978f01b713b1ed58e2" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a" ON "read_states" ("channel_id", "user_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                "channel_id" character varying,
+                "inviter_id" character varying,
+                "target_user_id" character varying,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_33fd8a248db1cd832baa8aa25bf" PRIMARY KEY ("code")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "voice_states" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                "channel_id" character varying,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                "session_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "token" character varying,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_stream" boolean,
+                "self_video" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "suppress" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp" TIMESTAMP,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_ada09a50c134fad1369b510e3ce" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "channels" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" character varying,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                "parent_id" character varying,
+                "owner_id" character varying,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" character varying,
+                "retention_policy_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_bc603823f3f741359c2339389f9" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "emojis" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "animated" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "available" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "require_colons" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "roles" text NOT NULL,
+                "groups" text,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_9adb96a675f555c6169bad7ba62" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "templates" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "code" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "description" character varying,
+                "usage_count" integer,
+                "creator_id" character varying,
+                "created_at" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                "updated_at" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                "source_guild_id" character varying,
+                "serialized_source_guild" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb55" UNIQUE ("code"),
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_515948649ce0bbbe391de702ae5" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" character varying,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" character varying,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" character varying,
+                "discovery_splash" character varying,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" character varying,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" character varying,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" character varying,
+                "preferred_locale" character varying,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" character varying,
+                "rules_channel_id" character varying,
+                "region" character varying,
+                "splash" character varying,
+                "system_channel_id" character varying,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" character varying,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_e7e7f2a51bd6d96a9ac2aa560f9" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "team_members" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "membership_state" integer NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" text NOT NULL,
+                "team_id" character varying,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_ca3eae89dcf20c9fd95bf7460aa" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "teams" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "icon" character varying,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "owner_user_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_7e5523774a38b08a6236d322403" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "icon" character varying,
+                "description" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" character varying,
+                "privacy_policy_url" character varying,
+                "summary" character varying,
+                "verify_key" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" character varying,
+                "slug" character varying,
+                "cover_image" character varying,
+                "flags" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" character varying,
+                "team_id" character varying,
+                "guild_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_938c0a27255637bde919591888f" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "audit_logs" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                "action_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "options" text,
+                "changes" text NOT NULL,
+                "reason" character varying,
+                "target_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_1bb179d048bbc581caa3b013439" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "categories" (
+                "id" integer NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying,
+                "localizations" text NOT NULL,
+                "is_primary" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_24dbc6126a28ff948da33e97d3b" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "rate_limits" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "executor_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "hits" integer NOT NULL,
+                "blocked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_3b4449f1f5fc167d921ee619f65" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sessions" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" character varying,
+                "session_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "activities" text,
+                "client_info" text NOT NULL,
+                "status" character varying NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_3238ef96f18b355b671619111bc" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sticker_packs" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "description" character varying,
+                "banner_asset_id" character varying,
+                "cover_sticker_id" character varying,
+                "coverStickerId" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_a27381efea0f876f5d3233af655" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "client_release" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "name" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "pub_date" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "url" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "deb_url" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "osx_url" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "win_url" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "notes" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_4c4ea258342d2d6ba1be0a71a43" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "notes" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "content" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" character varying,
+                "target_id" character varying,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150b" UNIQUE ("owner_id", "target_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_af6206538ea96c4e77e9f400c3d" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "member_roles" (
+                "index" integer NOT NULL,
+                "role_id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_951c1d72a0fd1da8760b4a1fd66" PRIMARY KEY ("index", "role_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772" ON "member_roles" ("index")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c" ON "member_roles" ("role_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_user_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "usersId" character varying NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_9b9b6e245ad47a48dbd7605d4fb" PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "usersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23" ON "message_user_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f" ON "message_user_mentions" ("usersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_role_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "rolesId" character varying NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_74dba92cc300452a6e14b83ed44" PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b" ON "message_role_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074" ON "message_role_mentions" ("rolesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_channel_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "channelsId" character varying NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_85cb45351497cd9d06a79ced65e" PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("channelsId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_stickers" (
+                "messagesId" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "stickersId" character varying NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_ed820c4093d0b8cd1d2bcf66087" PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2" ON "message_stickers" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1" ON "message_stickers" ("stickersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "relationships"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_9af4194bab1250b1c584ae4f1d7" FOREIGN KEY ("from_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "relationships"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_9c7f6b98a9843b76dce1b0c878b" FOREIGN KEY ("to_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "connected_accounts"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_f47244225a6a1eac04a3463dd90" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "backup_codes"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_70066ea80d2f4b871beda32633b" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "bans"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_5999e8e449f80a236ff72023559" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "bans"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_9d3ab7dd180ebdd245cdb66ecad" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "bans"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_07ad88c86d1f290d46748410d58" FOREIGN KEY ("executor_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "recipients"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_2f18ee1ba667f233ae86c0ea60e" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "recipients"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_6157e8b6ba4e6e3089616481fe2" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "roles"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c32c1ab1c4dc7dcb0278c4b1b8b" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_487a7af59d189f744fe394368fc" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_df528cf77e82f8032230e7e37d8" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c3e5305461931763b56aa905f1c" FOREIGN KEY ("application_id") REFERENCES "applications"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_0d523f6f997c86e052c49b1455f" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3a285f4f49c40e0706d3018bc9f" FOREIGN KEY ("source_guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "stickers"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e7cfa5cefa6661b3fb8fda8ce69" FOREIGN KEY ("pack_id") REFERENCES "sticker_packs"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "stickers"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_193d551d852aca5347ef5c9f205" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "stickers"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_8f4ee73f2bb2325ff980502e158" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "attachments"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_623e10eec51ada466c5038979e3" FOREIGN KEY ("message_id") REFERENCES "messages"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6d" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b193588441b085352a4c0109423" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d3" FOREIGN KEY ("author_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b0525304f2262b7014245351c76" FOREIGN KEY ("member_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_f83c04bcf1df4e5c0e7a52ed348" FOREIGN KEY ("webhook_id") REFERENCES "webhooks"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_5d3ec1cb962de6488637fd779d6" FOREIGN KEY ("application_id") REFERENCES "applications"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_61a92bb65b302a76d9c1fcd3174" FOREIGN KEY ("message_reference_id") REFERENCES "messages"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "read_states"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_40da2fca4e0eaf7a23b5bfc5d34" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "read_states"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_195f92e4dd1254a4e348c043763" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "voice_states"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_03779ef216d4b0358470d9cb748" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "voice_states"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_9f8d389866b40b6657edd026dd4" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "voice_states"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_5fe1d5f931a67e85039c640001b" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "emojis"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_4b988e0db89d94cebcf07f598cc" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "emojis"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_fa7ddd5f9a214e28ce596548421" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "templates"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_d7374b7f8f5fbfdececa4fb62e1" FOREIGN KEY ("creator_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "templates"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_445d00eaaea0e60a017a5ed0c11" FOREIGN KEY ("source_guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "team_members"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_fdad7d5768277e60c40e01cdcea" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "team_members"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_c2bf4967c8c2a6b845dadfbf3d4" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "teams"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_13f00abf7cb6096c43ecaf8c108" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "audit_logs"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3cd01cd3ae7aab010310d96ac8e" FOREIGN KEY ("target_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "audit_logs"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_bd2726fd31b35443f2245b93ba0" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "sessions"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_085d540d9f418cfbdc7bd55bb19" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "sticker_packs"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_448fafba4355ee1c837bbc865f1" FOREIGN KEY ("coverStickerId") REFERENCES "stickers"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "notes"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_f9e103f8ae67cb1787063597925" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "notes"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_23e08e5b4481711d573e1abecdc" FOREIGN KEY ("target_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "member_roles"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772e" FOREIGN KEY ("index") REFERENCES "members"("index") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "member_roles"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c1" FOREIGN KEY ("role_id") REFERENCES "roles"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_a343387fc560ef378760681c236" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f8" FOREIGN KEY ("usersId") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b4" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074b" FOREIGN KEY ("rolesId") REFERENCES "roles"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a4360921" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9d" FOREIGN KEY ("channelsId") REFERENCES "channels"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_stickers"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d28" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_stickers"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1f" FOREIGN KEY ("stickersId") REFERENCES "stickers"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "query-result-cache" (
+                "id" SERIAL NOT NULL,
+                "identifier" character varying,
+                "time" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "duration" integer NOT NULL,
+                "query" text NOT NULL,
+                "result" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_6a98f758d8bfd010e7e10ffd3d3" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "query-result-cache"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_stickers" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_stickers" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d28"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_channel_mentions" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_channel_mentions" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a4360921"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_role_mentions" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_role_mentions" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b4"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_user_mentions" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f8"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_user_mentions" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_a343387fc560ef378760681c236"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "member_roles" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "member_roles" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772e"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "notes" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_23e08e5b4481711d573e1abecdc"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "notes" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_f9e103f8ae67cb1787063597925"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "sticker_packs" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_448fafba4355ee1c837bbc865f1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "sessions" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_085d540d9f418cfbdc7bd55bb19"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "audit_logs" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_bd2726fd31b35443f2245b93ba0"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "audit_logs" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3cd01cd3ae7aab010310d96ac8e"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "teams" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_13f00abf7cb6096c43ecaf8c108"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "team_members" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_c2bf4967c8c2a6b845dadfbf3d4"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "team_members" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_fdad7d5768277e60c40e01cdcea"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "templates" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_445d00eaaea0e60a017a5ed0c11"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "templates" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_d7374b7f8f5fbfdececa4fb62e1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "emojis" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_fa7ddd5f9a214e28ce596548421"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "emojis" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_4b988e0db89d94cebcf07f598cc"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "voice_states" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_5fe1d5f931a67e85039c640001b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "voice_states" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_9f8d389866b40b6657edd026dd4"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "voice_states" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_03779ef216d4b0358470d9cb748"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "read_states" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_195f92e4dd1254a4e348c043763"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "read_states" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_40da2fca4e0eaf7a23b5bfc5d34"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_61a92bb65b302a76d9c1fcd3174"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_5d3ec1cb962de6488637fd779d6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_f83c04bcf1df4e5c0e7a52ed348"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_b0525304f2262b7014245351c76"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_b193588441b085352a4c0109423"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "attachments" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_623e10eec51ada466c5038979e3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "stickers" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_8f4ee73f2bb2325ff980502e158"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "stickers" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_193d551d852aca5347ef5c9f205"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "stickers" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e7cfa5cefa6661b3fb8fda8ce69"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3a285f4f49c40e0706d3018bc9f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_0d523f6f997c86e052c49b1455f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_c3e5305461931763b56aa905f1c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_df528cf77e82f8032230e7e37d8"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_487a7af59d189f744fe394368fc"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "roles" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_c32c1ab1c4dc7dcb0278c4b1b8b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "recipients" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_6157e8b6ba4e6e3089616481fe2"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "recipients" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_2f18ee1ba667f233ae86c0ea60e"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "bans" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_07ad88c86d1f290d46748410d58"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "bans" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_9d3ab7dd180ebdd245cdb66ecad"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "bans" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_5999e8e449f80a236ff72023559"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "backup_codes" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_70066ea80d2f4b871beda32633b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "connected_accounts" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_f47244225a6a1eac04a3463dd90"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "relationships" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_9c7f6b98a9843b76dce1b0c878b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "relationships" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_9af4194bab1250b1c584ae4f1d7"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "client_release"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "rate_limits"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "categories"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "config"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1659921826567-premium_since_as_date.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1659921826567-premium_since_as_date.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac1e2edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1659921826567-premium_since_as_date.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class premiumSinceAsDate1659921826567 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'premiumSinceAsDate1659921826567'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members" DROP COLUMN "premium_since"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+            ADD "premium_since" TIMESTAMP
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members" DROP COLUMN "premium_since"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+            ADD "premium_since" bigint
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660130561959-updated-applications.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660130561959-updated-applications.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fab54c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660130561959-updated-applications.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class updatedApplications1660130561959 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'updatedApplications1660130561959'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "rpc_origins"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "primary_sku_id"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "slug"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "guild_id"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "type" text
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "hook" boolean NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "redirect_uris" text
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "rpc_application_state" integer
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "store_application_state" integer
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "verification_state" integer
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "interactions_endpoint_url" character varying
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "integration_public" boolean
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "integration_require_code_grant" boolean
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "discoverability_state" integer
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "tags" text
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "install_params" text
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "bot_user_id" character varying
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a647" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ALTER COLUMN "description" DROP NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "flags"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "flags" integer NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a647" FOREIGN KEY ("bot_user_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a647"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "flags"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "flags" character varying NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ALTER COLUMN "description"
+            SET NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP CONSTRAINT "UQ_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a647"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "bot_user_id"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "install_params"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "tags"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "discovery_eligibility_flags"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "discoverability_state"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "integration_require_code_grant"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "integration_public"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "interactions_endpoint_url"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "verification_state"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "store_application_state"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "rpc_application_state"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "redirect_uris"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "hook"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications" DROP COLUMN "type"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "guild_id" character varying
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "slug" character varying
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "primary_sku_id" character varying
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD "rpc_origins" text
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660257815436-CodeCleanup2.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660257815436-CodeCleanup2.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..511c2f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660257815436-CodeCleanup2.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup21660257815436 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup21660257815436'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "user_settings" (
+                "id" character varying NOT NULL,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "allow_accessibility_detection" boolean,
+                "animate_emoji" boolean,
+                "animate_stickers" integer,
+                "contact_sync_enabled" boolean,
+                "convert_emoticons" boolean,
+                "custom_status" text,
+                "default_guilds_restricted" boolean,
+                "detect_platform_accounts" boolean,
+                "developer_mode" boolean,
+                "disable_games_tab" boolean,
+                "enable_tts_command" boolean,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "friend_source_flags" text,
+                "gateway_connected" boolean,
+                "gif_auto_play" boolean,
+                "guild_folders" text,
+                "guild_positions" text,
+                "inline_attachment_media" boolean,
+                "inline_embed_media" boolean,
+                "locale" character varying,
+                "message_display_compact" boolean,
+                "native_phone_integration_enabled" boolean,
+                "render_embeds" boolean,
+                "render_reactions" boolean,
+                "restricted_guilds" text,
+                "show_current_game" boolean,
+                "status" character varying,
+                "stream_notifications_enabled" boolean,
+                "theme" character varying,
+                "timezone_offset" integer,
+                CONSTRAINT "PK_00f004f5922a0744d174530d639" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+            ADD "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds" DROP COLUMN "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "user_settings"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660258372154-CodeCleanup3.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660258372154-CodeCleanup3.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2823a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660258372154-CodeCleanup3.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup31660258372154 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup31660258372154'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users" DROP COLUMN "settings"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+            ADD "settings" text NOT NULL
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660260565996-CodeCleanup4.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660260565996-CodeCleanup4.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0aaf7197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660260565996-CodeCleanup4.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup41660260565996 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup41660260565996'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+            ADD "settingsId" character varying
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "UQ_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf" UNIQUE ("settingsId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf" FOREIGN KEY ("settingsId") REFERENCES "user_settings"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users" DROP CONSTRAINT "UQ_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users" DROP COLUMN "settingsId"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660265907544-CodeCleanup5.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660265907544-CodeCleanup5.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..157d686a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660265907544-CodeCleanup5.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup51660265907544 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup51660265907544'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+            ADD "flags" integer
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+            ADD "default_thread_rate_limit_per_user" integer
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels" DROP COLUMN "default_thread_rate_limit_per_user"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels" DROP COLUMN "flags"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660416055566-InvitersAreDeletable.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660416055566-InvitersAreDeletable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6101318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660416055566-InvitersAreDeletable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class InvitersAreDeletable1660416055566 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'InvitersAreDeletable1660416055566'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+            ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users"("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660549242936-fix_nullables.ts b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660549242936-fix_nullables.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9a0194d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/postgres/1660549242936-fix_nullables.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class fixNullables1660549242936 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'fixNullables1660549242936'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+            ALTER COLUMN "bio" DROP NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+            ALTER COLUMN "mfa_enabled" DROP NOT NULL
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+            ALTER COLUMN "mfa_enabled"
+            SET NOT NULL
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+            ALTER COLUMN "bio"
+            SET NOT NULL
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659899662635-initial.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659899662635-initial.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f82e7b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659899662635-initial.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3529 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class initial1659899662635 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'initial1659899662635'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "config" ("key" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "value" text)
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "relationships" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "from_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "to_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nickname" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17" ON "relationships" ("from_id", "to_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "connected_accounts" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "access_token" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "friend_sync" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "revoked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "show_activity" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "type" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "visibility" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "backup_codes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "consumed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expired" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "bans" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "executor_id" varchar,
+                "ip" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "recipients" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "closed" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "roles" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "color" integer NOT NULL,
+                "hoist" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mentionable" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "position" integer NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "unicode_emoji" varchar,
+                "tags" text
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "webhooks" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "stickers" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "available" boolean,
+                "tags" varchar,
+                "pack_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "format_type" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "attachments" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "filename" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "size" integer NOT NULL,
+                "url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "proxy_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "height" integer,
+                "width" integer,
+                "content_type" varchar,
+                "message_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "messages" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "author_id" varchar,
+                "member_id" varchar,
+                "webhook_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "content" varchar,
+                "timestamp" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')),
+                "edited_timestamp" datetime,
+                "tts" boolean,
+                "mention_everyone" boolean,
+                "embeds" text NOT NULL,
+                "reactions" text NOT NULL,
+                "nonce" text,
+                "pinned" boolean,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "activity" text,
+                "flags" varchar,
+                "message_reference" text,
+                "interaction" text,
+                "components" text,
+                "message_reference_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6" ON "messages" ("channel_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d" ON "messages" ("author_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b" ON "messages" ("channel_id", "id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "read_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "public_ack" varchar,
+                "notifications_cursor" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" datetime,
+                "mention_count" integer
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a" ON "read_states" ("channel_id", "user_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "voice_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_stream" boolean,
+                "self_video" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "suppress" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp" datetime
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "emojis" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "animated" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "available" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "require_colons" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "roles" text NOT NULL,
+                "groups" text
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "templates" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "usage_count" integer,
+                "creator_id" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar,
+                "serialized_source_guild" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb55" UNIQUE ("code")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "team_members" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "membership_state" integer NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" text NOT NULL,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "teams" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "audit_logs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "action_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "options" text,
+                "changes" text NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "categories" (
+                "id" integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "localizations" text NOT NULL,
+                "is_primary" boolean
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "rate_limits" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "executor_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "hits" integer NOT NULL,
+                "blocked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sessions" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "activities" text,
+                "client_info" text NOT NULL,
+                "status" varchar NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sticker_packs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "banner_asset_id" varchar,
+                "cover_sticker_id" varchar,
+                "coverStickerId" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "client_release" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "pub_date" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "deb_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "osx_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "win_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "notes" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "notes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "content" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150b" UNIQUE ("owner_id", "target_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "member_roles" (
+                "index" integer NOT NULL,
+                "role_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("index", "role_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772" ON "member_roles" ("index")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c" ON "member_roles" ("role_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_user_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "usersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "usersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23" ON "message_user_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f" ON "message_user_mentions" ("usersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_role_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rolesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b" ON "message_role_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074" ON "message_role_mentions" ("rolesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_channel_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "channelsId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("channelsId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_stickers" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "stickersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2" ON "message_stickers" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1" ON "message_stickers" ("stickersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_relationships" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "from_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "to_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nickname" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9af4194bab1250b1c584ae4f1d7" FOREIGN KEY ("from_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9c7f6b98a9843b76dce1b0c878b" FOREIGN KEY ("to_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_relationships"("id", "from_id", "to_id", "nickname", "type")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "from_id",
+                "to_id",
+                "nickname",
+                "type"
+            FROM "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_relationships"
+                RENAME TO "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17" ON "relationships" ("from_id", "to_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_connected_accounts" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "access_token" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "friend_sync" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "revoked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "show_activity" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "type" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "visibility" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f47244225a6a1eac04a3463dd90" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_connected_accounts"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "access_token",
+                    "friend_sync",
+                    "name",
+                    "revoked",
+                    "show_activity",
+                    "type",
+                    "verified",
+                    "visibility"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "access_token",
+                "friend_sync",
+                "name",
+                "revoked",
+                "show_activity",
+                "type",
+                "verified",
+                "visibility"
+            FROM "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_connected_accounts"
+                RENAME TO "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_backup_codes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "consumed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expired" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_70066ea80d2f4b871beda32633b" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_backup_codes"("id", "code", "consumed", "expired", "user_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "code",
+                "consumed",
+                "expired",
+                "user_id"
+            FROM "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_backup_codes"
+                RENAME TO "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_bans" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "executor_id" varchar,
+                "ip" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_5999e8e449f80a236ff72023559" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d3ab7dd180ebdd245cdb66ecad" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_07ad88c86d1f290d46748410d58" FOREIGN KEY ("executor_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_bans"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "executor_id",
+                    "ip",
+                    "reason"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "executor_id",
+                "ip",
+                "reason"
+            FROM "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_bans"
+                RENAME TO "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_recipients" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "closed" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_2f18ee1ba667f233ae86c0ea60e" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6157e8b6ba4e6e3089616481fe2" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_recipients"("id", "channel_id", "user_id", "closed")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "closed"
+            FROM "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_recipients"
+                RENAME TO "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_roles" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "color" integer NOT NULL,
+                "hoist" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mentionable" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "position" integer NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "unicode_emoji" varchar,
+                "tags" text,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c32c1ab1c4dc7dcb0278c4b1b8b" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_roles"(
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "color",
+                    "hoist",
+                    "managed",
+                    "mentionable",
+                    "name",
+                    "permissions",
+                    "position",
+                    "icon",
+                    "unicode_emoji",
+                    "tags"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "color",
+                "hoist",
+                "managed",
+                "mentionable",
+                "name",
+                "permissions",
+                "position",
+                "icon",
+                "unicode_emoji",
+                "tags"
+            FROM "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_roles"
+                RENAME TO "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_members"
+                RENAME TO "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_webhooks" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_487a7af59d189f744fe394368fc" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_df528cf77e82f8032230e7e37d8" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c3e5305461931763b56aa905f1c" FOREIGN KEY ("application_id") REFERENCES "applications" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_0d523f6f997c86e052c49b1455f" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3a285f4f49c40e0706d3018bc9f" FOREIGN KEY ("source_guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_webhooks"(
+                    "id",
+                    "type",
+                    "name",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "token",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "application_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "source_guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "type",
+                "name",
+                "avatar",
+                "token",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "application_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "source_guild_id"
+            FROM "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_webhooks"
+                RENAME TO "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_stickers" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "available" boolean,
+                "tags" varchar,
+                "pack_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "format_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e7cfa5cefa6661b3fb8fda8ce69" FOREIGN KEY ("pack_id") REFERENCES "sticker_packs" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_193d551d852aca5347ef5c9f205" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8f4ee73f2bb2325ff980502e158" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_stickers"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "available",
+                    "tags",
+                    "pack_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "format_type"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "available",
+                "tags",
+                "pack_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "type",
+                "format_type"
+            FROM "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_stickers"
+                RENAME TO "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_attachments" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "filename" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "size" integer NOT NULL,
+                "url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "proxy_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "height" integer,
+                "width" integer,
+                "content_type" varchar,
+                "message_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_623e10eec51ada466c5038979e3" FOREIGN KEY ("message_id") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_attachments"(
+                    "id",
+                    "filename",
+                    "size",
+                    "url",
+                    "proxy_url",
+                    "height",
+                    "width",
+                    "content_type",
+                    "message_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "filename",
+                "size",
+                "url",
+                "proxy_url",
+                "height",
+                "width",
+                "content_type",
+                "message_id"
+            FROM "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_attachments"
+                RENAME TO "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_messages" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "author_id" varchar,
+                "member_id" varchar,
+                "webhook_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "content" varchar,
+                "timestamp" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')),
+                "edited_timestamp" datetime,
+                "tts" boolean,
+                "mention_everyone" boolean,
+                "embeds" text NOT NULL,
+                "reactions" text NOT NULL,
+                "nonce" text,
+                "pinned" boolean,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "activity" text,
+                "flags" varchar,
+                "message_reference" text,
+                "interaction" text,
+                "components" text,
+                "message_reference_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6d" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_b193588441b085352a4c0109423" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d3" FOREIGN KEY ("author_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_b0525304f2262b7014245351c76" FOREIGN KEY ("member_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f83c04bcf1df4e5c0e7a52ed348" FOREIGN KEY ("webhook_id") REFERENCES "webhooks" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_5d3ec1cb962de6488637fd779d6" FOREIGN KEY ("application_id") REFERENCES "applications" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_61a92bb65b302a76d9c1fcd3174" FOREIGN KEY ("message_reference_id") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_messages"(
+                    "id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "author_id",
+                    "member_id",
+                    "webhook_id",
+                    "application_id",
+                    "content",
+                    "timestamp",
+                    "edited_timestamp",
+                    "tts",
+                    "mention_everyone",
+                    "embeds",
+                    "reactions",
+                    "nonce",
+                    "pinned",
+                    "type",
+                    "activity",
+                    "flags",
+                    "message_reference",
+                    "interaction",
+                    "components",
+                    "message_reference_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "author_id",
+                "member_id",
+                "webhook_id",
+                "application_id",
+                "content",
+                "timestamp",
+                "edited_timestamp",
+                "tts",
+                "mention_everyone",
+                "embeds",
+                "reactions",
+                "nonce",
+                "pinned",
+                "type",
+                "activity",
+                "flags",
+                "message_reference",
+                "interaction",
+                "components",
+                "message_reference_id"
+            FROM "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_messages"
+                RENAME TO "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6" ON "messages" ("channel_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d" ON "messages" ("author_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b" ON "messages" ("channel_id", "id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_read_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "public_ack" varchar,
+                "notifications_cursor" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" datetime,
+                "mention_count" integer,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_40da2fca4e0eaf7a23b5bfc5d34" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_195f92e4dd1254a4e348c043763" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_read_states"(
+                    "id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "public_ack",
+                    "notifications_cursor",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "mention_count"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "public_ack",
+                "notifications_cursor",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "mention_count"
+            FROM "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_read_states"
+                RENAME TO "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a" ON "read_states" ("channel_id", "user_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_invites"
+                RENAME TO "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_voice_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_stream" boolean,
+                "self_video" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "suppress" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp" datetime,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_03779ef216d4b0358470d9cb748" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9f8d389866b40b6657edd026dd4" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_5fe1d5f931a67e85039c640001b" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_voice_states"(
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "session_id",
+                    "token",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "self_deaf",
+                    "self_mute",
+                    "self_stream",
+                    "self_video",
+                    "suppress",
+                    "request_to_speak_timestamp"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "session_id",
+                "token",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "self_deaf",
+                "self_mute",
+                "self_stream",
+                "self_video",
+                "suppress",
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp"
+            FROM "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_voice_states"
+                RENAME TO "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_channels"(
+                    "id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "type",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "parent_id",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                    "position",
+                    "permission_overwrites",
+                    "video_quality_mode",
+                    "bitrate",
+                    "user_limit",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "rate_limit_per_user",
+                    "topic",
+                    "retention_policy_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "created_at",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "type",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "parent_id",
+                "owner_id",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                "position",
+                "permission_overwrites",
+                "video_quality_mode",
+                "bitrate",
+                "user_limit",
+                "nsfw",
+                "rate_limit_per_user",
+                "topic",
+                "retention_policy_id"
+            FROM "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_channels"
+                RENAME TO "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_emojis" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "animated" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "available" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "require_colons" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "roles" text NOT NULL,
+                "groups" text,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_4b988e0db89d94cebcf07f598cc" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fa7ddd5f9a214e28ce596548421" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_emojis"(
+                    "id",
+                    "animated",
+                    "available",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "managed",
+                    "name",
+                    "require_colons",
+                    "roles",
+                    "groups"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "animated",
+                "available",
+                "guild_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "managed",
+                "name",
+                "require_colons",
+                "roles",
+                "groups"
+            FROM "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_emojis"
+                RENAME TO "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_templates" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "usage_count" integer,
+                "creator_id" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar,
+                "serialized_source_guild" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb55" UNIQUE ("code"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_d7374b7f8f5fbfdececa4fb62e1" FOREIGN KEY ("creator_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_445d00eaaea0e60a017a5ed0c11" FOREIGN KEY ("source_guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_templates"(
+                    "id",
+                    "code",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "usage_count",
+                    "creator_id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "updated_at",
+                    "source_guild_id",
+                    "serialized_source_guild"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "code",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "usage_count",
+                "creator_id",
+                "created_at",
+                "updated_at",
+                "source_guild_id",
+                "serialized_source_guild"
+            FROM "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_templates"
+                RENAME TO "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent"
+            FROM "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+                RENAME TO "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_team_members" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "membership_state" integer NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" text NOT NULL,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fdad7d5768277e60c40e01cdcea" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c2bf4967c8c2a6b845dadfbf3d4" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_team_members"(
+                    "id",
+                    "membership_state",
+                    "permissions",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "membership_state",
+                "permissions",
+                "team_id",
+                "user_id"
+            FROM "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_team_members"
+                RENAME TO "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_teams" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_13f00abf7cb6096c43ecaf8c108" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_teams"("id", "icon", "name", "owner_user_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "icon",
+                "name",
+                "owner_user_id"
+            FROM "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_teams"
+                RENAME TO "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "rpc_origins",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "primary_sku_id",
+                    "slug",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "rpc_origins",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "primary_sku_id",
+                "slug",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "guild_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_audit_logs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "action_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "options" text,
+                "changes" text NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3cd01cd3ae7aab010310d96ac8e" FOREIGN KEY ("target_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_bd2726fd31b35443f2245b93ba0" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_audit_logs"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "action_type",
+                    "options",
+                    "changes",
+                    "reason",
+                    "target_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "action_type",
+                "options",
+                "changes",
+                "reason",
+                "target_id"
+            FROM "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_audit_logs"
+                RENAME TO "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_sessions" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "activities" text,
+                "client_info" text NOT NULL,
+                "status" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_085d540d9f418cfbdc7bd55bb19" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_sessions"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "session_id",
+                    "activities",
+                    "client_info",
+                    "status"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "session_id",
+                "activities",
+                "client_info",
+                "status"
+            FROM "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_sessions"
+                RENAME TO "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_sticker_packs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "banner_asset_id" varchar,
+                "cover_sticker_id" varchar,
+                "coverStickerId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_448fafba4355ee1c837bbc865f1" FOREIGN KEY ("coverStickerId") REFERENCES "stickers" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_sticker_packs"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "banner_asset_id",
+                    "cover_sticker_id",
+                    "coverStickerId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "banner_asset_id",
+                "cover_sticker_id",
+                "coverStickerId"
+            FROM "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_sticker_packs"
+                RENAME TO "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_notes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "content" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150b" UNIQUE ("owner_id", "target_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f9e103f8ae67cb1787063597925" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_23e08e5b4481711d573e1abecdc" FOREIGN KEY ("target_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_notes"("id", "content", "owner_id", "target_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "content",
+                "owner_id",
+                "target_id"
+            FROM "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_notes"
+                RENAME TO "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_member_roles" (
+                "index" integer NOT NULL,
+                "role_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772e" FOREIGN KEY ("index") REFERENCES "members" ("index") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c1" FOREIGN KEY ("role_id") REFERENCES "roles" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("index", "role_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_member_roles"("index", "role_id")
+            SELECT "index",
+                "role_id"
+            FROM "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_member_roles"
+                RENAME TO "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772" ON "member_roles" ("index")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c" ON "member_roles" ("role_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_message_user_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "usersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a343387fc560ef378760681c236" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f8" FOREIGN KEY ("usersId") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "usersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_message_user_mentions"("messagesId", "usersId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "usersId"
+            FROM "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_message_user_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23" ON "message_user_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f" ON "message_user_mentions" ("usersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_message_role_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rolesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b4" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074b" FOREIGN KEY ("rolesId") REFERENCES "roles" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_message_role_mentions"("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "rolesId"
+            FROM "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_message_role_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b" ON "message_role_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074" ON "message_role_mentions" ("rolesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_message_channel_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "channelsId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a4360921" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9d" FOREIGN KEY ("channelsId") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_message_channel_mentions"("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "channelsId"
+            FROM "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_message_channel_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("channelsId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_message_stickers" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "stickersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d28" FOREIGN KEY ("messagesId") REFERENCES "messages" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1f" FOREIGN KEY ("stickersId") REFERENCES "stickers" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_message_stickers"("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "stickersId"
+            FROM "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_message_stickers"
+                RENAME TO "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2" ON "message_stickers" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1" ON "message_stickers" ("stickersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "query-result-cache" (
+                "id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "identifier" varchar,
+                "time" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "duration" integer NOT NULL,
+                "query" text NOT NULL,
+                "result" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "query-result-cache"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_stickers"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_stickers" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "stickersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "message_stickers"("messagesId", "stickersId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "stickersId"
+            FROM "temporary_message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1" ON "message_stickers" ("stickersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2" ON "message_stickers" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_channel_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "channelsId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "message_channel_mentions"("messagesId", "channelsId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "channelsId"
+            FROM "temporary_message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("channelsId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092" ON "message_channel_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_role_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rolesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "message_role_mentions"("messagesId", "rolesId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "rolesId"
+            FROM "temporary_message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074" ON "message_role_mentions" ("rolesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b" ON "message_role_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "message_user_mentions" (
+                "messagesId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "usersId" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("messagesId", "usersId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "message_user_mentions"("messagesId", "usersId")
+            SELECT "messagesId",
+                "usersId"
+            FROM "temporary_message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f" ON "message_user_mentions" ("usersId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23" ON "message_user_mentions" ("messagesId")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "member_roles"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "member_roles" (
+                "index" integer NOT NULL,
+                "role_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                PRIMARY KEY ("index", "role_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "member_roles"("index", "role_id")
+            SELECT "index",
+                "role_id"
+            FROM "temporary_member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c" ON "member_roles" ("role_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772" ON "member_roles" ("index")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "notes"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "notes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "content" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_74e6689b9568cc965b8bfc9150b" UNIQUE ("owner_id", "target_id")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "notes"("id", "content", "owner_id", "target_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "content",
+                "owner_id",
+                "target_id"
+            FROM "temporary_notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "sticker_packs"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sticker_packs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "banner_asset_id" varchar,
+                "cover_sticker_id" varchar,
+                "coverStickerId" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "sticker_packs"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "banner_asset_id",
+                    "cover_sticker_id",
+                    "coverStickerId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "banner_asset_id",
+                "cover_sticker_id",
+                "coverStickerId"
+            FROM "temporary_sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "sessions"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "sessions" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "activities" text,
+                "client_info" text NOT NULL,
+                "status" varchar NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "sessions"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "session_id",
+                    "activities",
+                    "client_info",
+                    "status"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "session_id",
+                "activities",
+                "client_info",
+                "status"
+            FROM "temporary_sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "audit_logs"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "audit_logs" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "action_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "options" text,
+                "changes" text NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar,
+                "target_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "audit_logs"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "action_type",
+                    "options",
+                    "changes",
+                    "reason",
+                    "target_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "action_type",
+                "options",
+                "changes",
+                "reason",
+                "target_id"
+            FROM "temporary_audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "rpc_origins",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "primary_sku_id",
+                    "slug",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "rpc_origins",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "primary_sku_id",
+                "slug",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "guild_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "teams"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "teams" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "teams"("id", "icon", "name", "owner_user_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "icon",
+                "name",
+                "owner_user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "team_members"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "team_members" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "membership_state" integer NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" text NOT NULL,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "team_members"(
+                    "id",
+                    "membership_state",
+                    "permissions",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "membership_state",
+                "permissions",
+                "team_id",
+                "user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent"
+            FROM "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "templates"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "templates" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "usage_count" integer,
+                "creator_id" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar,
+                "serialized_source_guild" text NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_be38737bf339baf63b1daeffb55" UNIQUE ("code")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "templates"(
+                    "id",
+                    "code",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "usage_count",
+                    "creator_id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "updated_at",
+                    "source_guild_id",
+                    "serialized_source_guild"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "code",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "usage_count",
+                "creator_id",
+                "created_at",
+                "updated_at",
+                "source_guild_id",
+                "serialized_source_guild"
+            FROM "temporary_templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "emojis"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "emojis" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "animated" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "available" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "require_colons" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "roles" text NOT NULL,
+                "groups" text
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "emojis"(
+                    "id",
+                    "animated",
+                    "available",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "managed",
+                    "name",
+                    "require_colons",
+                    "roles",
+                    "groups"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "animated",
+                "available",
+                "guild_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "managed",
+                "name",
+                "require_colons",
+                "roles",
+                "groups"
+            FROM "temporary_emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "channels"(
+                    "id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "type",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "parent_id",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                    "position",
+                    "permission_overwrites",
+                    "video_quality_mode",
+                    "bitrate",
+                    "user_limit",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "rate_limit_per_user",
+                    "topic",
+                    "retention_policy_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "created_at",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "type",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "parent_id",
+                "owner_id",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                "position",
+                "permission_overwrites",
+                "video_quality_mode",
+                "bitrate",
+                "user_limit",
+                "nsfw",
+                "rate_limit_per_user",
+                "topic",
+                "retention_policy_id"
+            FROM "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "voice_states"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "voice_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "session_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "self_stream" boolean,
+                "self_video" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "suppress" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp" datetime
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "voice_states"(
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "session_id",
+                    "token",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "self_deaf",
+                    "self_mute",
+                    "self_stream",
+                    "self_video",
+                    "suppress",
+                    "request_to_speak_timestamp"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "session_id",
+                "token",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "self_deaf",
+                "self_mute",
+                "self_stream",
+                "self_video",
+                "suppress",
+                "request_to_speak_timestamp"
+            FROM "temporary_voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "read_states"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "read_states" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "public_ack" varchar,
+                "notifications_cursor" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" datetime,
+                "mention_count" integer
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "read_states"(
+                    "id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "public_ack",
+                    "notifications_cursor",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "mention_count"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "public_ack",
+                "notifications_cursor",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "mention_count"
+            FROM "temporary_read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a" ON "read_states" ("channel_id", "user_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "messages"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "messages" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "author_id" varchar,
+                "member_id" varchar,
+                "webhook_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "content" varchar,
+                "timestamp" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')),
+                "edited_timestamp" datetime,
+                "tts" boolean,
+                "mention_everyone" boolean,
+                "embeds" text NOT NULL,
+                "reactions" text NOT NULL,
+                "nonce" text,
+                "pinned" boolean,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "activity" text,
+                "flags" varchar,
+                "message_reference" text,
+                "interaction" text,
+                "components" text,
+                "message_reference_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "messages"(
+                    "id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "author_id",
+                    "member_id",
+                    "webhook_id",
+                    "application_id",
+                    "content",
+                    "timestamp",
+                    "edited_timestamp",
+                    "tts",
+                    "mention_everyone",
+                    "embeds",
+                    "reactions",
+                    "nonce",
+                    "pinned",
+                    "type",
+                    "activity",
+                    "flags",
+                    "message_reference",
+                    "interaction",
+                    "components",
+                    "message_reference_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "author_id",
+                "member_id",
+                "webhook_id",
+                "application_id",
+                "content",
+                "timestamp",
+                "edited_timestamp",
+                "tts",
+                "mention_everyone",
+                "embeds",
+                "reactions",
+                "nonce",
+                "pinned",
+                "type",
+                "activity",
+                "flags",
+                "message_reference",
+                "interaction",
+                "components",
+                "message_reference_id"
+            FROM "temporary_messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b" ON "messages" ("channel_id", "id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d" ON "messages" ("author_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6" ON "messages" ("channel_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "attachments"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "attachments" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "filename" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "size" integer NOT NULL,
+                "url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "proxy_url" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "height" integer,
+                "width" integer,
+                "content_type" varchar,
+                "message_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "attachments"(
+                    "id",
+                    "filename",
+                    "size",
+                    "url",
+                    "proxy_url",
+                    "height",
+                    "width",
+                    "content_type",
+                    "message_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "filename",
+                "size",
+                "url",
+                "proxy_url",
+                "height",
+                "width",
+                "content_type",
+                "message_id"
+            FROM "temporary_attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "stickers"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "stickers" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "available" boolean,
+                "tags" varchar,
+                "pack_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "format_type" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "stickers"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "description",
+                    "available",
+                    "tags",
+                    "pack_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "format_type"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "description",
+                "available",
+                "tags",
+                "pack_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "type",
+                "format_type"
+            FROM "temporary_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "webhooks"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "webhooks" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "token" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "application_id" varchar,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "source_guild_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "webhooks"(
+                    "id",
+                    "type",
+                    "name",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "token",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "application_id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "source_guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "type",
+                "name",
+                "avatar",
+                "token",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "application_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "source_guild_id"
+            FROM "temporary_webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "roles"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "roles" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "color" integer NOT NULL,
+                "hoist" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "managed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mentionable" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "permissions" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "position" integer NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "unicode_emoji" varchar,
+                "tags" text
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "roles"(
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "color",
+                    "hoist",
+                    "managed",
+                    "mentionable",
+                    "name",
+                    "permissions",
+                    "position",
+                    "icon",
+                    "unicode_emoji",
+                    "tags"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "color",
+                "hoist",
+                "managed",
+                "mentionable",
+                "name",
+                "permissions",
+                "position",
+                "icon",
+                "unicode_emoji",
+                "tags"
+            FROM "temporary_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "recipients"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "recipients" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "channel_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "closed" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "recipients"("id", "channel_id", "user_id", "closed")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "user_id",
+                "closed"
+            FROM "temporary_recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "bans"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "bans" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "executor_id" varchar,
+                "ip" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "reason" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "bans"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "executor_id",
+                    "ip",
+                    "reason"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "executor_id",
+                "ip",
+                "reason"
+            FROM "temporary_bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "backup_codes"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "backup_codes" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "code" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "consumed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "expired" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "backup_codes"("id", "code", "consumed", "expired", "user_id")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "code",
+                "consumed",
+                "expired",
+                "user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "connected_accounts"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "connected_accounts" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "user_id" varchar,
+                "access_token" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "friend_sync" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "revoked" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "show_activity" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "type" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "visibility" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "connected_accounts"(
+                    "id",
+                    "user_id",
+                    "access_token",
+                    "friend_sync",
+                    "name",
+                    "revoked",
+                    "show_activity",
+                    "type",
+                    "verified",
+                    "visibility"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "user_id",
+                "access_token",
+                "friend_sync",
+                "name",
+                "revoked",
+                "show_activity",
+                "type",
+                "verified",
+                "visibility"
+            FROM "temporary_connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "relationships"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "relationships" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "from_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "to_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nickname" varchar,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "relationships"("id", "from_id", "to_id", "nickname", "type")
+            SELECT "id",
+                "from_id",
+                "to_id",
+                "nickname",
+                "type"
+            FROM "temporary_relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17" ON "relationships" ("from_id", "to_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e22a70819d07659c7a71c112a1"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_40bb6f23e7cc133292e92829d2"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bdb8c09e1464cabf62105bf4b9"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_2a27102ecd1d81b4582a436092"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_channel_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_29d63eb1a458200851bc37d074"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a8242cf535337a490b0feaea0b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_role_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_b831eb18ceebd28976239b1e2f"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a343387fc560ef378760681c23"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "message_user_mentions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_e9080e7a7997a0170026d5139c"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_5d7ddc8a5f9c167f548625e772"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "member_roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "notes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "client_release"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sticker_packs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "sessions"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "rate_limits"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "categories"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "audit_logs"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "teams"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "team_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "templates"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "emojis"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "voice_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_0abf8b443321bd3cf7f81ee17a"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "read_states"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_3ed7a60fb7dbe04e1ba9332a8b"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_05535bc695e9f7ee104616459d"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_86b9109b155eb70c0a2ca3b4b6"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "messages"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "attachments"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "stickers"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "webhooks"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "roles"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "recipients"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "bans"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "backup_codes"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "connected_accounts"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_a0b2ff0a598df0b0d055934a17"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "relationships"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "config"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659921722863-premium_since_as_date.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659921722863-premium_since_as_date.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..788be625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1659921722863-premium_since_as_date.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class premiumSinceAsDate1659921722863 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'premiumSinceAsDate1659921722863'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_members"
+                RENAME TO "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_members"
+                RENAME TO "members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "members"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "members" (
+                "index" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,
+                "id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "nick" varchar,
+                "joined_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" bigint,
+                "deaf" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mute" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "pending" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "joined_by" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_16aceddd5b89825b8ed6029ad1c" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_28b53062261b996d9c99fa12404" FOREIGN KEY ("id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "members"(
+                    "index",
+                    "id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "nick",
+                    "joined_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "deaf",
+                    "mute",
+                    "pending",
+                    "settings",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "joined_by"
+                )
+            SELECT "index",
+                "id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "nick",
+                "joined_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "deaf",
+                "mute",
+                "pending",
+                "settings",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "joined_by"
+            FROM "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_members"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "IDX_bb2bf9386ac443afbbbf9f12d3" ON "members" ("id", "guild_id")
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660130536131-updated-applications.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660130536131-updated-applications.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8cbcc33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660130536131-updated-applications.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class updatedApplications1660130536131 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'updatedApplications1660130536131'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "rpc_origins",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "primary_sku_id",
+                    "slug",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "rpc_origins",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "primary_sku_id",
+                "slug",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "guild_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "hook",
+                    "redirect_uris",
+                    "rpc_application_state",
+                    "store_application_state",
+                    "verification_state",
+                    "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                    "integration_public",
+                    "integration_require_code_grant",
+                    "discoverability_state",
+                    "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                    "tags",
+                    "install_params",
+                    "bot_user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "type",
+                "hook",
+                "redirect_uris",
+                "rpc_application_state",
+                "store_application_state",
+                "verification_state",
+                "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                "integration_public",
+                "integration_require_code_grant",
+                "discoverability_state",
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                "tags",
+                "install_params",
+                "bot_user_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_2ce5a55796fe4c2f77ece57a647" FOREIGN KEY ("bot_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "hook",
+                    "redirect_uris",
+                    "rpc_application_state",
+                    "store_application_state",
+                    "verification_state",
+                    "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                    "integration_public",
+                    "integration_require_code_grant",
+                    "discoverability_state",
+                    "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                    "tags",
+                    "install_params",
+                    "bot_user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "type",
+                "hook",
+                "redirect_uris",
+                "rpc_application_state",
+                "store_application_state",
+                "verification_state",
+                "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                "integration_public",
+                "integration_require_code_grant",
+                "discoverability_state",
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                "tags",
+                "install_params",
+                "bot_user_id"
+            FROM "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_applications"
+                RENAME TO "applications"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "hook",
+                    "redirect_uris",
+                    "rpc_application_state",
+                    "store_application_state",
+                    "verification_state",
+                    "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                    "integration_public",
+                    "integration_require_code_grant",
+                    "discoverability_state",
+                    "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                    "tags",
+                    "install_params",
+                    "bot_user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "type",
+                "hook",
+                "redirect_uris",
+                "rpc_application_state",
+                "store_application_state",
+                "verification_state",
+                "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                "integration_public",
+                "integration_require_code_grant",
+                "discoverability_state",
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                "tags",
+                "install_params",
+                "bot_user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "type" text,
+                "hook" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "redirect_uris" text,
+                "rpc_application_state" integer,
+                "store_application_state" integer,
+                "verification_state" integer,
+                "interactions_endpoint_url" varchar,
+                "integration_public" boolean,
+                "integration_require_code_grant" boolean,
+                "discoverability_state" integer,
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags" integer,
+                "tags" text,
+                "install_params" text,
+                "bot_user_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b7f6e13565e920916d902e1f431" UNIQUE ("bot_user_id"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "type",
+                    "hook",
+                    "redirect_uris",
+                    "rpc_application_state",
+                    "store_application_state",
+                    "verification_state",
+                    "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                    "integration_public",
+                    "integration_require_code_grant",
+                    "discoverability_state",
+                    "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                    "tags",
+                    "install_params",
+                    "bot_user_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "type",
+                "hook",
+                "redirect_uris",
+                "rpc_application_state",
+                "store_application_state",
+                "verification_state",
+                "interactions_endpoint_url",
+                "integration_public",
+                "integration_require_code_grant",
+                "discoverability_state",
+                "discovery_eligibility_flags",
+                "tags",
+                "install_params",
+                "bot_user_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "applications"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "applications" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "description" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "rpc_origins" text,
+                "bot_public" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bot_require_code_grant" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "terms_of_service_url" varchar,
+                "privacy_policy_url" varchar,
+                "summary" varchar,
+                "verify_key" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "primary_sku_id" varchar,
+                "slug" varchar,
+                "cover_image" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "team_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e5bf78cdbbe9ba91062d74c5aba" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_a36ed02953077f408d0f3ebc424" FOREIGN KEY ("team_id") REFERENCES "teams" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e57508958bf92b9d9d25231b5e8" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "applications"(
+                    "id",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "description",
+                    "rpc_origins",
+                    "bot_public",
+                    "bot_require_code_grant",
+                    "terms_of_service_url",
+                    "privacy_policy_url",
+                    "summary",
+                    "verify_key",
+                    "primary_sku_id",
+                    "slug",
+                    "cover_image",
+                    "flags",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "team_id",
+                    "guild_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "description",
+                "rpc_origins",
+                "bot_public",
+                "bot_require_code_grant",
+                "terms_of_service_url",
+                "privacy_policy_url",
+                "summary",
+                "verify_key",
+                "primary_sku_id",
+                "slug",
+                "cover_image",
+                "flags",
+                "owner_id",
+                "team_id",
+                "guild_id"
+            FROM "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_applications"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257576211-CodeCleanup1.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257576211-CodeCleanup1.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a61db0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257576211-CodeCleanup1.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup11660257576211 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup11660257576211'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "user_settings" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "allow_accessibility_detection" boolean,
+                "animate_emoji" boolean,
+                "animate_stickers" integer,
+                "contact_sync_enabled" boolean,
+                "convert_emoticons" boolean,
+                "custom_status" text,
+                "default_guilds_restricted" boolean,
+                "detect_platform_accounts" boolean,
+                "developer_mode" boolean,
+                "disable_games_tab" boolean,
+                "enable_tts_command" boolean,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "friend_source_flags" text,
+                "gateway_connected" boolean,
+                "gif_auto_play" boolean,
+                "guild_folders" text,
+                "guild_positions" text,
+                "inline_attachment_media" boolean,
+                "inline_embed_media" boolean,
+                "locale" varchar,
+                "message_display_compact" boolean,
+                "native_phone_integration_enabled" boolean,
+                "render_embeds" boolean,
+                "render_reactions" boolean,
+                "restricted_guilds" text,
+                "show_current_game" boolean,
+                "status" varchar,
+                "stream_notifications_enabled" boolean,
+                "theme" varchar,
+                "timezone_offset" integer
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent"
+            FROM "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+                RENAME TO "guilds"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent"
+            FROM "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "user_settings"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257795259-CodeCleanup2.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257795259-CodeCleanup2.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53698256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660257795259-CodeCleanup2.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup21660257795259 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup21660257795259'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent",
+                    "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent",
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+            FROM "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+                RENAME TO "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent",
+                    "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent",
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+            FROM "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+                RENAME TO "guilds"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent",
+                    "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent",
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+            FROM "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "guilds"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "guilds" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "afk_channel_id" varchar,
+                "afk_timeout" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "default_message_notifications" integer,
+                "description" varchar,
+                "discovery_splash" varchar,
+                "explicit_content_filter" integer,
+                "features" text NOT NULL,
+                "primary_category_id" integer,
+                "icon" varchar,
+                "large" boolean,
+                "max_members" integer,
+                "max_presences" integer,
+                "max_video_channel_users" integer,
+                "member_count" integer,
+                "presence_count" integer,
+                "template_id" varchar,
+                "mfa_level" integer,
+                "name" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "preferred_locale" varchar,
+                "premium_subscription_count" integer,
+                "premium_tier" integer,
+                "public_updates_channel_id" varchar,
+                "rules_channel_id" varchar,
+                "region" varchar,
+                "splash" varchar,
+                "system_channel_id" varchar,
+                "system_channel_flags" integer,
+                "unavailable" boolean,
+                "verification_level" integer,
+                "welcome_screen" text NOT NULL,
+                "widget_channel_id" varchar,
+                "widget_enabled" boolean,
+                "nsfw_level" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "parent" varchar,
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_f591a66b8019d87b0fe6c12dad6" FOREIGN KEY ("afk_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_e2a2f873a64a5cf62526de42325" FOREIGN KEY ("template_id") REFERENCES "templates" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_fc1a451727e3643ca572a3bb394" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_8d450b016dc8bec35f36729e4b0" FOREIGN KEY ("public_updates_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_95828668aa333460582e0ca6396" FOREIGN KEY ("rules_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_cfc3d3ad260f8121c95b31a1fce" FOREIGN KEY ("system_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_9d1d665379eefde7876a17afa99" FOREIGN KEY ("widget_channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "guilds"(
+                    "id",
+                    "afk_channel_id",
+                    "afk_timeout",
+                    "banner",
+                    "default_message_notifications",
+                    "description",
+                    "discovery_splash",
+                    "explicit_content_filter",
+                    "features",
+                    "primary_category_id",
+                    "icon",
+                    "large",
+                    "max_members",
+                    "max_presences",
+                    "max_video_channel_users",
+                    "member_count",
+                    "presence_count",
+                    "template_id",
+                    "mfa_level",
+                    "name",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "preferred_locale",
+                    "premium_subscription_count",
+                    "premium_tier",
+                    "public_updates_channel_id",
+                    "rules_channel_id",
+                    "region",
+                    "splash",
+                    "system_channel_id",
+                    "system_channel_flags",
+                    "unavailable",
+                    "verification_level",
+                    "welcome_screen",
+                    "widget_channel_id",
+                    "widget_enabled",
+                    "nsfw_level",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "parent",
+                    "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "afk_channel_id",
+                "afk_timeout",
+                "banner",
+                "default_message_notifications",
+                "description",
+                "discovery_splash",
+                "explicit_content_filter",
+                "features",
+                "primary_category_id",
+                "icon",
+                "large",
+                "max_members",
+                "max_presences",
+                "max_video_channel_users",
+                "member_count",
+                "presence_count",
+                "template_id",
+                "mfa_level",
+                "name",
+                "owner_id",
+                "preferred_locale",
+                "premium_subscription_count",
+                "premium_tier",
+                "public_updates_channel_id",
+                "rules_channel_id",
+                "region",
+                "splash",
+                "system_channel_id",
+                "system_channel_flags",
+                "unavailable",
+                "verification_level",
+                "welcome_screen",
+                "widget_channel_id",
+                "widget_enabled",
+                "nsfw_level",
+                "nsfw",
+                "parent",
+                "premium_progress_bar_enabled"
+            FROM "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_guilds"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660258351379-CodeCleanup3.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660258351379-CodeCleanup3.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13fba6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660258351379-CodeCleanup3.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup31660258351379 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup31660258351379'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes"
+            FROM "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_users"
+                RENAME TO "users"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes"
+            FROM "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_users"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660260672914-CodeCleanup4.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660260672914-CodeCleanup4.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33f4df03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660260672914-CodeCleanup4.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class CodeCleanup41660260672914 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'CodeCleanup41660260672914'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes"
+            FROM "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_users"
+                RENAME TO "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf" FOREIGN KEY ("settingsId") REFERENCES "user_settings" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes",
+                    "settingsId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes",
+                "settingsId"
+            FROM "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_users"
+                RENAME TO "users"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId")
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes",
+                    "settingsId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes",
+                "settingsId"
+            FROM "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes"
+            FROM "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_users"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660416010862-InvitersAreDeletable.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660416010862-InvitersAreDeletable.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b29e119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660416010862-InvitersAreDeletable.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class InvitersAreDeletable1660416010862 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'InvitersAreDeletable1660416010862'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_invites"
+                RENAME TO "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_invites"
+                RENAME TO "invites"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "invites"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "invites" (
+                "code" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "temporary" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_uses" integer NOT NULL,
+                "max_age" integer NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "expires_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "channel_id" varchar,
+                "inviter_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_id" varchar,
+                "target_user_type" integer,
+                "vanity_url" boolean,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_11a0d394f8fc649c19ce5f16b59" FOREIGN KEY ("target_user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_15c35422032e0b22b4ada95f48f" FOREIGN KEY ("inviter_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_6a15b051fe5050aa00a4b9ff0f6" FOREIGN KEY ("channel_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3f4939aa1461e8af57fea3fb05d" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "invites"(
+                    "code",
+                    "temporary",
+                    "uses",
+                    "max_uses",
+                    "max_age",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "expires_at",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "channel_id",
+                    "inviter_id",
+                    "target_user_id",
+                    "target_user_type",
+                    "vanity_url"
+                )
+            SELECT "code",
+                "temporary",
+                "uses",
+                "max_uses",
+                "max_age",
+                "created_at",
+                "expires_at",
+                "guild_id",
+                "channel_id",
+                "inviter_id",
+                "target_user_id",
+                "target_user_type",
+                "vanity_url"
+            FROM "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_invites"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660538628956-sync_migrations.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660538628956-sync_migrations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cdc064f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660538628956-sync_migrations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class syncMigrations1660538628956 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'syncMigrations1660538628956'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar,
+                "flags" integer,
+                "default_thread_rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_channels"(
+                    "id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "type",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "parent_id",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                    "position",
+                    "permission_overwrites",
+                    "video_quality_mode",
+                    "bitrate",
+                    "user_limit",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "rate_limit_per_user",
+                    "topic",
+                    "retention_policy_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "created_at",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "type",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "parent_id",
+                "owner_id",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                "position",
+                "permission_overwrites",
+                "video_quality_mode",
+                "bitrate",
+                "user_limit",
+                "nsfw",
+                "rate_limit_per_user",
+                "topic",
+                "retention_policy_id"
+            FROM "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_channels"
+                RENAME TO "channels"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "channels"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "channels" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "name" varchar,
+                "icon" text,
+                "type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "last_message_id" varchar,
+                "guild_id" varchar,
+                "parent_id" varchar,
+                "owner_id" varchar,
+                "last_pin_timestamp" integer,
+                "default_auto_archive_duration" integer,
+                "position" integer,
+                "permission_overwrites" text,
+                "video_quality_mode" integer,
+                "bitrate" integer,
+                "user_limit" integer,
+                "nsfw" boolean,
+                "rate_limit_per_user" integer,
+                "topic" varchar,
+                "retention_policy_id" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3873ed438575cce703ecff4fc7b" FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_3274522d14af40540b1a883fc80" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "channels" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_c253dafe5f3a03ec00cd8fb4581" FOREIGN KEY ("guild_id") REFERENCES "guilds" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "channels"(
+                    "id",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "name",
+                    "icon",
+                    "type",
+                    "last_message_id",
+                    "guild_id",
+                    "parent_id",
+                    "owner_id",
+                    "last_pin_timestamp",
+                    "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                    "position",
+                    "permission_overwrites",
+                    "video_quality_mode",
+                    "bitrate",
+                    "user_limit",
+                    "nsfw",
+                    "rate_limit_per_user",
+                    "topic",
+                    "retention_policy_id"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "created_at",
+                "name",
+                "icon",
+                "type",
+                "last_message_id",
+                "guild_id",
+                "parent_id",
+                "owner_id",
+                "last_pin_timestamp",
+                "default_auto_archive_duration",
+                "position",
+                "permission_overwrites",
+                "video_quality_mode",
+                "bitrate",
+                "user_limit",
+                "nsfw",
+                "rate_limit_per_user",
+                "topic",
+                "retention_policy_id"
+            FROM "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_channels"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660549233583-fix_nullables.ts b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660549233583-fix_nullables.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68f650c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/migrations/sqlite/1660549233583-fix_nullables.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
+export class fixNullables1660549233583 implements MigrationInterface {
+    name = 'fixNullables1660549233583'
+    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "temporary_users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf" FOREIGN KEY ("settingsId") REFERENCES "user_settings" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "temporary_users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes",
+                    "settingsId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes",
+                "settingsId"
+            FROM "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "temporary_users"
+                RENAME TO "users"
+        `);
+    }
+    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            ALTER TABLE "users"
+                RENAME TO "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            CREATE TABLE "users" (
+                "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+                "username" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "discriminator" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "avatar" varchar,
+                "accent_color" integer,
+                "banner" varchar,
+                "phone" varchar,
+                "desktop" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mobile" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "premium_type" integer NOT NULL,
+                "bot" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "bio" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "system" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "nsfw_allowed" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "mfa_enabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "totp_secret" varchar,
+                "totp_last_ticket" varchar,
+                "created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
+                "premium_since" datetime,
+                "verified" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "disabled" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "deleted" boolean NOT NULL,
+                "email" varchar,
+                "flags" varchar NOT NULL,
+                "public_flags" integer NOT NULL,
+                "rights" bigint NOT NULL,
+                "data" text NOT NULL,
+                "fingerprints" text NOT NULL,
+                "extended_settings" text NOT NULL,
+                "notes" text NOT NULL,
+                "settingsId" varchar,
+                CONSTRAINT "UQ_b1dd13b6ed980004a795ca184a6" UNIQUE ("settingsId"),
+                CONSTRAINT "FK_76ba283779c8441fd5ff819c8cf" FOREIGN KEY ("settingsId") REFERENCES "user_settings" ("id") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION
+            )
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            INSERT INTO "users"(
+                    "id",
+                    "username",
+                    "discriminator",
+                    "avatar",
+                    "accent_color",
+                    "banner",
+                    "phone",
+                    "desktop",
+                    "mobile",
+                    "premium",
+                    "premium_type",
+                    "bot",
+                    "bio",
+                    "system",
+                    "nsfw_allowed",
+                    "mfa_enabled",
+                    "totp_secret",
+                    "totp_last_ticket",
+                    "created_at",
+                    "premium_since",
+                    "verified",
+                    "disabled",
+                    "deleted",
+                    "email",
+                    "flags",
+                    "public_flags",
+                    "rights",
+                    "data",
+                    "fingerprints",
+                    "extended_settings",
+                    "notes",
+                    "settingsId"
+                )
+            SELECT "id",
+                "username",
+                "discriminator",
+                "avatar",
+                "accent_color",
+                "banner",
+                "phone",
+                "desktop",
+                "mobile",
+                "premium",
+                "premium_type",
+                "bot",
+                "bio",
+                "system",
+                "nsfw_allowed",
+                "mfa_enabled",
+                "totp_secret",
+                "totp_last_ticket",
+                "created_at",
+                "premium_since",
+                "verified",
+                "disabled",
+                "deleted",
+                "email",
+                "flags",
+                "public_flags",
+                "rights",
+                "data",
+                "fingerprints",
+                "extended_settings",
+                "notes",
+                "settingsId"
+            FROM "temporary_users"
+        `);
+        await queryRunner.query(`
+            DROP TABLE "temporary_users"
+        `);
+    }
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/ActivitySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/ActivitySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e18f66c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/ActivitySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import { Activity, Status } from "@fosscord/util";
+export const ActivitySchema = {
+	afk: Boolean,
+	status: String,
+	$activities: [
+		{
+			name: String,
+			type: Number,
+			$url: String,
+			$created_at: Date,
+			$timestamps: {
+				$start: Number,
+				$end: Number,
+			},
+			$application_id: String,
+			$details: String,
+			$state: String,
+			$emoji: {
+				$name: String,
+				$id: String,
+				$animated: Boolean,
+			},
+			$party: {
+				$id: String,
+				$size: [Number, Number],
+			},
+			$assets: {
+				$large_image: String,
+				$large_text: String,
+				$small_image: String,
+				$small_text: String,
+			},
+			$secrets: {
+				$join: String,
+				$spectate: String,
+				$match: String,
+			},
+			$instance: Boolean,
+			$flags: String,
+		},
+	],
+	$since: Number, // unix time (in milliseconds) of when the client went idle, or null if the client is not idle
+export interface ActivitySchema {
+	afk: boolean;
+	status: Status;
+	activities?: Activity[];
+	since?: number; // unix time (in milliseconds) of when the client went idle, or null if the client is not idle
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/BanCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/BanCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64b02943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/BanCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface BanCreateSchema {
+	delete_message_days?: string;
+	reason?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/BanModeratorSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/BanModeratorSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b497d319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/BanModeratorSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export interface BanModeratorSchema {
+	id: string;
+	user_id: string;
+	guild_id: string;
+	executor_id: string;
+	reason?: string | undefined;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/BanRegistrySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/BanRegistrySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..661f934f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/BanRegistrySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+export interface BanRegistrySchema {
+	id: string;
+	user_id: string;
+	guild_id: string;
+	executor_id: string;
+	ip?: string;
+	reason?: string | undefined;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/BulkDeleteSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/BulkDeleteSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26f88374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/BulkDeleteSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export interface BulkDeleteSchema {
+	messages: string[];
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/ChannelModifySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/ChannelModifySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3cfcf7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/ChannelModifySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { ChannelPermissionOverwriteType, ChannelType } from "..";
+export interface ChannelModifySchema {
+	/**
+	 * @maxLength 100
+	 */
+	name?: string;
+	type?: ChannelType;
+	topic?: string;
+	icon?: string | null;
+	bitrate?: number;
+	user_limit?: number;
+	rate_limit_per_user?: number;
+	position?: number;
+	permission_overwrites?: {
+		id: string;
+		type: ChannelPermissionOverwriteType;
+		allow: string;
+		deny: string;
+	}[];
+	parent_id?: string;
+	id?: string; // is not used (only for guild create)
+	nsfw?: boolean;
+	rtc_region?: string;
+	default_auto_archive_duration?: number;
+	flags?: number;
+	default_thread_rate_limit_per_user?: number;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/ChannelPermissionOverwriteSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/ChannelPermissionOverwriteSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe9ba860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/ChannelPermissionOverwriteSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import { ChannelPermissionOverwrite } from "@fosscord/util";
+// TODO: Only permissions your bot has in the guild or channel can be allowed/denied (unless your bot has a MANAGE_ROLES overwrite in the channel)
+export interface ChannelPermissionOverwriteSchema extends ChannelPermissionOverwrite { }
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/ChannelReorderSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/ChannelReorderSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3715f59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/ChannelReorderSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export type ChannelReorderSchema = { id: string; position?: number; lock_permissions?: boolean; parent_id?: string }[];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/DmChannelCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/DmChannelCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5afc6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/DmChannelCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface DmChannelCreateSchema {
+	name?: string;
+	recipients: string[];
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/EmojiCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/EmojiCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d50c419c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/EmojiCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export interface EmojiCreateSchema {
+	name?: string;
+	image: string;
+	require_colons?: boolean | null;
+	roles?: string[];
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/EmojiModifySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/EmojiModifySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5529dbd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/EmojiModifySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface EmojiModifySchema {
+	name?: string;
+	roles?: string[];
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/GuildCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/GuildCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4855119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/GuildCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { ChannelModifySchema } from ".";
+export interface GuildCreateSchema {
+	/**
+	 * @maxLength 100
+	 */
+	name: string;
+	region?: string;
+	icon?: string | null;
+	channels?: ChannelModifySchema[];
+	guild_template_code?: string;
+	system_channel_id?: string;
+	rules_channel_id?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/GuildTemplateCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/GuildTemplateCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1579001e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/GuildTemplateCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface GuildTemplateCreateSchema {
+	name: string;
+	avatar?: string | null;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/GuildUpdateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/GuildUpdateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86527cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/GuildUpdateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { GuildCreateSchema } from ".";
+export interface GuildUpdateSchema extends Omit<GuildCreateSchema, "channels" | "name"> {
+	name?: string;
+	banner?: string | null;
+	splash?: string | null;
+	description?: string;
+	features?: string[];
+	verification_level?: number;
+	default_message_notifications?: number;
+	system_channel_flags?: number;
+	explicit_content_filter?: number;
+	public_updates_channel_id?: string;
+	afk_timeout?: number;
+	afk_channel_id?: string;
+	preferred_locale?: string;
+	premium_progress_bar_enabled?: boolean;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/GuildUpdateWelcomeScreenSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/GuildUpdateWelcomeScreenSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1e36920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/GuildUpdateWelcomeScreenSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+export interface GuildUpdateWelcomeScreenSchema {
+	welcome_channels?: {
+		channel_id: string;
+		description: string;
+		emoji_id?: string;
+		emoji_name: string;
+	}[];
+	enabled?: boolean;
+	description?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/IdentifySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/IdentifySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3d60fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/IdentifySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import { ActivitySchema } from "./ActivitySchema";
+export const IdentifySchema = {
+	token: String,
+	$intents: String, // discord uses a Integer for bitfields we use bigints tho. | instanceOf will automatically convert the Number to a BigInt
+	$properties: Object,
+	// {
+	// 	// discord uses $ in the property key for bots, so we need to double prefix it, because instanceOf treats $ (prefix) as a optional key
+	// 	$os: String,
+	// 	$os_arch: String,
+	// 	$browser: String,
+	// 	$device: String,
+	// 	$$os: String,
+	// 	$$browser: String,
+	// 	$$device: String,
+	// 	$browser_user_agent: String,
+	// 	$browser_version: String,
+	// 	$os_version: String,
+	// 	$referrer: String,
+	// 	$$referrer: String,
+	// 	$referring_domain: String,
+	// 	$$referring_domain: String,
+	// 	$referrer_current: String,
+	// 	$referring_domain_current: String,
+	// 	$release_channel: String,
+	// 	$client_build_number: Number,
+	// 	$client_event_source: String,
+	// 	$client_version: String,
+	// 	$system_locale: String,
+	// 	$window_manager: String,
+	// 	$distro: String,
+	// },
+	$presence: ActivitySchema,
+	$compress: Boolean,
+	$large_threshold: Number,
+	$shard: [Number, Number],
+	$guild_subscriptions: Boolean,
+	$capabilities: Number,
+	$client_state: {
+		$guild_hashes: Object,
+		$highest_last_message_id: String,
+		$read_state_version: Number,
+		$user_guild_settings_version: Number,
+		$user_settings_version: undefined,
+	},
+	$v: Number,
+	$version: Number,
+export interface IdentifySchema {
+	token: string;
+	properties: {
+		// bruh discord really uses $ in the property key, so we need to double prefix it, because instanceOf treats $ (prefix) as a optional key
+		os?: string;
+		os_atch?: string;
+		browser?: string;
+		device?: string;
+		$os?: string;
+		$browser?: string;
+		$device?: string;
+		browser_user_agent?: string;
+		browser_version?: string;
+		os_version?: string;
+		referrer?: string;
+		referring_domain?: string;
+		referrer_current?: string;
+		referring_domain_current?: string;
+		release_channel?: "stable" | "dev" | "ptb" | "canary";
+		client_build_number?: number;
+		client_event_source?: any;
+		client_version?: string;
+		system_locale?: string;
+	};
+	intents?: string; // discord uses a Integer for bitfields we use bigints tho. | instanceOf will automatically convert the Number to a BigInt
+	presence?: ActivitySchema;
+	compress?: boolean;
+	large_threshold?: number;
+	shard?: [number, number];
+	guild_subscriptions?: boolean;
+	capabilities?: number;
+	client_state?: {
+		guild_hashes?: any;
+		highest_last_message_id?: string;
+		read_state_version?: number;
+		user_guild_settings_version?: number;
+		user_settings_version?: number;
+	};
+	v?: number;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/InviteCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/InviteCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f6af338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/InviteCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+export interface InviteCreateSchema {
+	target_user_id?: string;
+	target_type?: string;
+	validate?: string; // ? what is this
+	max_age?: number;
+	max_uses?: number;
+	temporary?: boolean;
+	unique?: boolean;
+	target_user?: string;
+	target_user_type?: number;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/LazyRequestSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/LazyRequestSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fe658bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/LazyRequestSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+export interface LazyRequest {
+	guild_id: string;
+	channels?: Record<string, [number, number][]>;
+	activities?: boolean;
+	threads?: boolean;
+	typing?: true;
+	members?: any[];
+	thread_member_lists?: any[];
+export const LazyRequest = {
+	guild_id: String,
+	$activities: Boolean,
+	$channels: Object,
+	$typing: Boolean,
+	$threads: Boolean,
+	$members: [] as any[],
+	$thread_member_lists: [] as any[],
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/LoginSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/LoginSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..358019a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/LoginSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+export interface LoginSchema {
+	login: string;
+	password: string;
+	undelete?: boolean;
+	captcha_key?: string;
+	login_source?: string;
+	gift_code_sku_id?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/MemberChangeSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/MemberChangeSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a75c0ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/MemberChangeSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export interface MemberChangeSchema {
+	roles?: string[];
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/MemberNickChangeSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/MemberNickChangeSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6a6a007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/MemberNickChangeSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export interface MemberNickChangeSchema {
+	nick: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/MessageAcknowledgeSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/MessageAcknowledgeSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f4eb2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/MessageAcknowledgeSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// TODO: public read receipts & privacy scoping
+// TODO: send read state event to all channel members
+// TODO: advance-only notification cursor
+export interface MessageAcknowledgeSchema {
+	manual?: boolean;
+	mention_count?: number;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/MessageCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/MessageCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b1cc7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/MessageCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { Embed } from "@fosscord/util";
+export interface MessageCreateSchema {
+	type?: number;
+	content?: string;
+	nonce?: string;
+	channel_id?: string;
+	tts?: boolean;
+	flags?: string;
+	embeds?: Embed[];
+	embed?: Embed;
+	// TODO: ^ embed is deprecated in favor of embeds (
+	allowed_mentions?: {
+		parse?: string[];
+		roles?: string[];
+		users?: string[];
+		replied_user?: boolean;
+	};
+	message_reference?: {
+		message_id: string;
+		channel_id: string;
+		guild_id?: string;
+		fail_if_not_exists?: boolean;
+	};
+	payload_json?: string;
+	file?: any;
+	/**
+	TODO: we should create an interface for attachments
+	TODO: OpenWAAO<-->attachment-style metadata conversion
+	**/
+	attachments?: any[];
+	sticker_ids?: string[];
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/MfaCodesSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/MfaCodesSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53230841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/MfaCodesSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface MfaCodesSchema {
+	password: string;
+	regenerate?: boolean;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/ModifyGuildStickerSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/ModifyGuildStickerSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f24e4ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/ModifyGuildStickerSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+export interface ModifyGuildStickerSchema {
+	/**
+	 * @minLength 2
+	 * @maxLength 30
+	 */
+	name: string;
+	/**
+	 * @maxLength 100
+	 */
+	description?: string;
+	/**
+	 * @maxLength 200
+	 */
+	tags: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/PruneSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/PruneSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eebac763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/PruneSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export interface PruneSchema {
+	/**
+	 * @min 0
+	 */
+	days: number;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/PurgeSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/PurgeSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0eeef6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/PurgeSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface PurgeSchema {
+	before: string;
+	after: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/RegisterSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/RegisterSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e53330d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/RegisterSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+export interface RegisterSchema {
+	/**
+	 * @minLength 2
+	 * @maxLength 32
+	 */
+	username: string;
+	/**
+	 * @minLength 1
+	 * @maxLength 72
+	 */
+	password?: string;
+	consent: boolean;
+	/**
+	 * @TJS-format email
+	 */
+	email?: string;
+	fingerprint?: string;
+	invite?: string;
+	/**
+	 * @TJS-type string
+	 */
+	date_of_birth?: Date; // "2000-04-03"
+	gift_code_sku_id?: string;
+	captcha_key?: string;
+	promotional_email_opt_in?: boolean;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/RelationshipPostSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/RelationshipPostSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40093700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/RelationshipPostSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface RelationshipPostSchema {
+	discriminator: string;
+	username: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/RelationshipPutSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/RelationshipPutSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f46966e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/RelationshipPutSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import { RelationshipType } from "@fosscord/util";
+export interface RelationshipPutSchema {
+	type?: RelationshipType;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/RoleModifySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/RoleModifySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d08a5022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/RoleModifySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+export interface RoleModifySchema {
+	name?: string;
+	permissions?: string;
+	color?: number;
+	hoist?: boolean; // whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar
+	mentionable?: boolean; // whether the role should be mentionable
+	position?: number;
+	icon?: string;
+	unicode_emoji?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/RolePositionUpdateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/RolePositionUpdateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1019d504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/RolePositionUpdateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export type RolePositionUpdateSchema = {
+	id: string;
+	position: number;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/TemplateCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/TemplateCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72c19f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/TemplateCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface TemplateCreateSchema {
+	name: string;
+	description?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/TemplateModifySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/TemplateModifySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2231a1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/TemplateModifySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface TemplateModifySchema {
+	name: string;
+	description?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/TotpDisableSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/TotpDisableSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b73db64e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/TotpDisableSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export interface TotpDisableSchema {
+	code: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/TotpEnableSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/TotpEnableSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44d9ebac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/TotpEnableSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export interface TotpEnableSchema {
+	password: string;
+	code?: string;
+	secret?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/TotpSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/TotpSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe54735e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/TotpSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export interface TotpSchema {
+	code: string;
+	ticket: string;
+	gift_code_sku_id?: string | null;
+	login_source?: string | null;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/UserModifySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/UserModifySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8b04cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/UserModifySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+export interface UserModifySchema {
+	/**
+	 * @minLength 1
+	 * @maxLength 100
+	 */
+	username?: string;
+	discriminator?: string;
+	avatar?: string | null;
+	/**
+	 * @maxLength 1024
+	 */
+	bio?: string;
+	accent_color?: number;
+	banner?: string | null;
+	password?: string;
+	new_password?: string;
+	code?: string;
+	email?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/UserSettingsSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/UserSettingsSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b497dff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/UserSettingsSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import { UserSettings } from "@fosscord/util";
+export interface UserSettingsSchema extends Partial<UserSettings> { }
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/VanityUrlSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/VanityUrlSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de32695a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/VanityUrlSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export interface VanityUrlSchema {
+	/**
+	 * @minLength 1
+	 * @maxLength 20
+	 */
+	code?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/VoiceStateUpdateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/VoiceStateUpdateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02bb141b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/VoiceStateUpdateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+export const VoiceStateUpdateSchema = {
+	$guild_id: String,
+	$channel_id: String,
+	self_mute: Boolean,
+	self_deaf: Boolean,
+	self_video: Boolean,
+//TODO need more testing when community guild and voice stage channel are working
+export interface VoiceStateUpdateSchema {
+	channel_id: string;
+	guild_id?: string;
+	suppress?: boolean;
+	request_to_speak_timestamp?: Date;
+	self_mute?: boolean;
+	self_deaf?: boolean;
+	self_video?: boolean;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/WebhookCreateSchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/WebhookCreateSchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12ab1869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/WebhookCreateSchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// TODO: webhooks
+export interface WebhookCreateSchema {
+	/**
+	 * @maxLength 80
+	 */
+	name: string;
+	avatar?: string;
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/WidgetModifySchema.ts b/src/util/schemas/WidgetModifySchema.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..390efc30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/WidgetModifySchema.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export interface WidgetModifySchema {
+	enabled: boolean; // whether the widget is enabled
+	channel_id: string; // the widget channel id
diff --git a/src/util/schemas/index.ts b/src/util/schemas/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a15ab4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/schemas/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+export * from "./ActivitySchema";
+export * from "./BanCreateSchema";
+export * from "./BanModeratorSchema";
+export * from "./BanRegistrySchema";
+export * from "./BulkDeleteSchema";
+export * from "./ChannelModifySchema";
+export * from "./ChannelPermissionOverwriteSchema";
+export * from "./ChannelReorderSchema";
+export * from "./DmChannelCreateSchema";
+export * from "./EmojiCreateSchema";
+export * from "./EmojiModifySchema";
+export * from "./GuildCreateSchema";
+export * from "./GuildTemplateCreateSchema";
+export * from "./GuildUpdateSchema";
+export * from "./GuildUpdateWelcomeScreenSchema";
+export * from "./IdentifySchema";
+export * from "./InviteCreateSchema";
+export * from "./LazyRequestSchema";
+export * from "./LoginSchema";
+export * from "./MemberChangeSchema";
+export * from "./MemberNickChangeSchema";
+export * from "./MessageAcknowledgeSchema";
+export * from "./MessageCreateSchema";
+export * from "./MfaCodesSchema";
+export * from "./ModifyGuildStickerSchema";
+export * from "./PruneSchema";
+export * from "./PurgeSchema";
+export * from "./RegisterSchema";
+export * from "./RelationshipPostSchema";
+export * from "./RelationshipPutSchema";
+export * from "./RoleModifySchema";
+export * from "./RolePositionUpdateSchema";
+export * from "./TemplateCreateSchema";
+export * from "./TemplateModifySchema";
+export * from "./TotpDisableSchema";
+export * from "./TotpEnableSchema";
+export * from "./TotpSchema";
+export * from "./UserModifySchema";
+export * from "./UserSettingsSchema";
+export * from "./VanityUrlSchema";
+export * from "./VoiceStateUpdateSchema";
+export * from "./WebhookCreateSchema";
+export * from "./WidgetModifySchema";
diff --git a/src/util/util/ApiError.ts b/src/util/util/ApiError.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1a9b4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/ApiError.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+export class ApiError extends Error {
+	constructor(
+		readonly message: string,
+		public readonly code: number,
+		public readonly httpStatus: number = 400,
+		public readonly defaultParams?: string[]
+	) {
+		super(message);
+	}
+	withDefaultParams(): ApiError {
+		if (this.defaultParams)
+			return new ApiError(applyParamsToString(this.message, this.defaultParams), this.code, this.httpStatus);
+		return this;
+	}
+	withParams(...params: (string | number)[]): ApiError {
+		return new ApiError(applyParamsToString(this.message, params), this.code, this.httpStatus);
+	}
+export function applyParamsToString(s: string, params: (string | number)[]): string {
+	let newString = s;
+	params.forEach((a) => {
+		newString = newString.replace("{}", "" + a);
+	});
+	return newString;
diff --git a/src/util/util/Array.ts b/src/util/util/Array.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a45d1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Array.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export function containsAll(arr: any[], target: any[]) {
+	return target.every((v) => arr.includes(v));
diff --git a/src/util/util/AutoUpdate.ts b/src/util/util/AutoUpdate.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d020106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/AutoUpdate.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import fetch from "node-fetch";
+import ProxyAgent from 'proxy-agent';
+import readline from "readline";
+import fs from "fs/promises";
+import path from "path";
+const rl = readline.createInterface({
+	input: process.stdin,
+	output: process.stdout,
+export function enableAutoUpdate(opts: {
+	checkInterval: number | boolean;
+	packageJsonLink: string;
+	path: string;
+	downloadUrl: string;
+	downloadType?: "zip";
+}) {
+	if (!opts.checkInterval) return;
+	let interval = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
+	if (typeof opts.checkInterval === "number") opts.checkInterval = 1000 * interval;
+	const i = setInterval(async () => {
+		const currentVersion = await getCurrentVersion(opts.path);
+		const latestVersion = await getLatestVersion(opts.packageJsonLink);
+		if (currentVersion !== latestVersion) {
+			clearInterval(i);
+			console.log(`[Auto Update] Current version (${currentVersion}) is out of date, updating ...`);
+			await download(opts.downloadUrl, opts.path);
+		}
+	}, interval);
+	setImmediate(async () => {
+		const currentVersion = await getCurrentVersion(opts.path);
+		const latestVersion = await getLatestVersion(opts.packageJsonLink);
+		if (currentVersion !== latestVersion) {
+			rl.question(
+				`[Auto Update] Current version (${currentVersion}) is out of date, would you like to update? (yes/no)`,
+				(answer) => {
+					if (answer.toBoolean()) {
+						console.log(`[Auto update] updating ...`);
+						download(opts.downloadUrl, opts.path);
+					} else {
+						console.log(`[Auto update] aborted`);
+					}
+				}
+			);
+		}
+	});
+async function download(url: string, dir: string) {
+	try {
+		// TODO: use file stream instead of buffer (to prevent crash because of high memory usage for big files)
+		// TODO check file hash
+		const agent = new ProxyAgent();
+		const response = await fetch(url, { agent });
+		const buffer = await response.buffer();
+		const tempDir = await fs.mkdtemp("fosscord");
+		fs.writeFile(path.join(tempDir, ""), buffer);
+	} catch (error) {
+		console.error(`[Auto Update] download failed`, error);
+	}
+async function getCurrentVersion(dir: string) {
+	try {
+		const content = await fs.readFile(path.join(dir, "package.json"), { encoding: "utf8" });
+		return JSON.parse(content).version;
+	} catch (error) {
+		throw new Error("[Auto update] couldn't get current version in " + dir);
+	}
+async function getLatestVersion(url: string) {
+	try {
+		const agent = new ProxyAgent();
+		const response = await fetch(url, { agent });
+		const content: any = await response.json();
+		return content.version;
+	} catch (error) {
+		throw new Error("[Auto update] check failed for " + url);
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/util/BitField.ts b/src/util/util/BitField.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bdbf6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/BitField.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+"use strict";
+// Apache License Version 2.0 Copyright 2015 - 2021 Amish Shah
+export type BitFieldResolvable = number | BigInt | BitField | string | BitFieldResolvable[];
+ * Data structure that makes it easy to interact with a bitfield.
+ */
+export class BitField {
+	public bitfield: bigint = BigInt(0);
+	public static FLAGS: Record<string, bigint> = {};
+	constructor(bits: BitFieldResolvable = 0) {
+		this.bitfield =, bits);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Checks whether the bitfield has a bit, or any of multiple bits.
+	 */
+	any(bit: BitFieldResolvable): boolean {
+		return (this.bitfield &, bit)) !== BigInt(0);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Checks if this bitfield equals another
+	 */
+	equals(bit: BitFieldResolvable): boolean {
+		return this.bitfield ===, bit);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Checks whether the bitfield has a bit, or multiple bits.
+	 */
+	has(bit: BitFieldResolvable): boolean {
+		if (Array.isArray(bit)) return bit.every((p) => this.has(p));
+		const BIT =, bit);
+		return (this.bitfield & BIT) === BIT;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets all given bits that are missing from the bitfield.
+	 */
+	missing(bits: BitFieldResolvable) {
+		if (!Array.isArray(bits)) bits = new BitField(bits).toArray();
+		return bits.filter((p) => !this.has(p));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Freezes these bits, making them immutable.
+	 */
+	freeze(): Readonly<BitField> {
+		return Object.freeze(this);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Adds bits to these ones.
+	 * @param {...BitFieldResolvable} [bits] Bits to add
+	 * @returns {BitField} These bits or new BitField if the instance is frozen.
+	 */
+	add(...bits: BitFieldResolvable[]): BitField {
+		let total = BigInt(0);
+		for (const bit of bits) {
+			total |=, bit);
+		}
+		if (Object.isFrozen(this)) return new BitField(this.bitfield | total);
+		this.bitfield |= total;
+		return this;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Removes bits from these.
+	 * @param {...BitFieldResolvable} [bits] Bits to remove
+	 */
+	remove(...bits: BitFieldResolvable[]) {
+		let total = BigInt(0);
+		for (const bit of bits) {
+			total |=, bit);
+		}
+		if (Object.isFrozen(this)) return new BitField(this.bitfield & ~total);
+		this.bitfield &= ~total;
+		return this;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets an object mapping field names to a {@link boolean} indicating whether the
+	 * bit is available.
+	 * @param {...*} hasParams Additional parameters for the has method, if any
+	 */
+	serialize() {
+		const serialized: Record<string, boolean> = {};
+		for (const [flag, bit] of Object.entries(BitField.FLAGS)) serialized[flag] = this.has(bit);
+		return serialized;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets an {@link Array} of bitfield names based on the bits available.
+	 */
+	toArray(): string[] {
+		return Object.keys(BitField.FLAGS).filter((bit) => this.has(bit));
+	}
+	toJSON() {
+		return this.bitfield;
+	}
+	valueOf() {
+		return this.bitfield;
+	}
+	*[Symbol.iterator]() {
+		yield* this.toArray();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Data that can be resolved to give a bitfield. This can be:
+	 * * A bit number (this can be a number literal or a value taken from {@link BitField.FLAGS})
+	 * * An instance of BitField
+	 * * An Array of BitFieldResolvable
+	 * @typedef {number|BitField|BitFieldResolvable[]} BitFieldResolvable
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Resolves bitfields to their numeric form.
+	 * @param {BitFieldResolvable} [bit=0] - bit(s) to resolve
+	 * @returns {number}
+	 */
+	static resolve(bit: BitFieldResolvable = BigInt(0)): bigint {
+		// @ts-ignore
+		const FLAGS = this.FLAGS || this.constructor?.FLAGS;
+		if ((typeof bit === "number" || typeof bit === "bigint") && bit >= BigInt(0)) return BigInt(bit);
+		if (bit instanceof BitField) return bit.bitfield;
+		if (Array.isArray(bit)) {
+			// @ts-ignore
+			const resolve = this.constructor?.resolve || this.resolve;
+			return =>, p)).reduce((prev, p) => BigInt(prev) | BigInt(p), BigInt(0));
+		}
+		if (typeof bit === "string" && typeof FLAGS[bit] !== "undefined") return FLAGS[bit];
+		if (bit === "0") return BigInt(0); //special case: 0
+		if (typeof bit === "string") return BigInt(bit); //last ditch effort...
+		if(/--debug|--inspect/.test(process.execArgv.join(' '))) debugger; //if you're here, we have an invalid bitfield... if bit is 0, thats fine, I guess...
+		throw new RangeError("BITFIELD_INVALID: " + bit);
+	}
+export function BitFlag(x: bigint | number) {
+	return BigInt(1) << BigInt(x);
diff --git a/src/util/util/Categories.ts b/src/util/util/Categories.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3c69da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Categories.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+//TODO: populate default discord categories + init, get and set methods
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/util/Config.ts b/src/util/util/Config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0fb2a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import { ConfigEntity } from "../entities/Config";
+import fs from "fs";
+import { ConfigValue } from "../config";
+import { OrmUtils } from ".";
+// TODO: yaml instead of json
+const overridePath = process.env.CONFIG_PATH ?? "";
+let config: ConfigValue;
+let pairs: ConfigEntity[];
+// TODO: use events to inform about config updates
+// Config keys are separated with _
+export const Config = {
+	init: async function init() {
+		if (config) return config;
+		console.log('[Config] Loading configuration...')
+		pairs = await ConfigEntity.find();
+		config = pairsToConfig(pairs);
+		//config = (config || {}).merge(new ConfigValue());
+		config = OrmUtils.mergeDeep(new ConfigValue(), config)
+		if(process.env.CONFIG_PATH)
+			try {
+				const overrideConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(overridePath, { encoding: "utf8" }));
+				config = overrideConfig.merge(config);
+			} catch (error) {
+				fs.writeFileSync(overridePath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 4));
+			}
+		return this.set(config);
+	},
+	get: function get() {
+		if(!config) {
+			if(/--debug|--inspect/.test(process.execArgv.join(' ')))
+				console.log("Oops.. trying to get config without config existing... Returning defaults... (Is the database still initialising?)");
+			return new ConfigValue();
+		}
+		return config;
+	},
+	set: function set(val: Partial<ConfigValue>) {
+		if (!config || !val) return;
+		config = val.merge(config);
+		return applyConfig(config);
+	},
+function applyConfig(val: ConfigValue) {
+	async function apply(obj: any, key = ""): Promise<any> {
+		if (typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null)
+			return Promise.all(Object.keys(obj).map((k) => apply(obj[k], key ? `${key}_${k}` : k)));
+		let pair = pairs.find((x) => x.key === key);
+		if (!pair) pair = new ConfigEntity();
+		pair.key = key;
+		pair.value = obj;
+		return;
+	}
+	if(process.env.CONFIG_PATH) {
+		if(/--debug|--inspect/.test(process.execArgv.join(' ')))
+			console.log(`Writing config: ${process.env.CONFIG_PATH}`)
+		fs.writeFileSync(overridePath, JSON.stringify(val, null, 4));
+	}
+	return apply(val);
+function pairsToConfig(pairs: ConfigEntity[]) {
+	let value: any = {};
+	pairs.forEach((p) => {
+		const keys = p.key.split("_");
+		let obj = value;
+		let prev = "";
+		let prevObj = obj;
+		let i = 0;
+		for (const key of keys) {
+			if (!isNaN(Number(key)) && !prevObj[prev]?.length) prevObj[prev] = obj = [];
+			if (i++ === keys.length - 1) obj[key] = p.value;
+			else if (!obj[key]) obj[key] = {};
+			prev = key;
+			prevObj = obj;
+			obj = obj[key];
+		}
+	});
+	return value as ConfigValue;
diff --git a/src/util/util/Constants.ts b/src/util/util/Constants.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5d3fcd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Constants.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+import { ApiError } from "./ApiError";
+export const WSCodes = {
+	4004: "TOKEN_INVALID",
+ * The current status of the client. Here are the available statuses:
+ * * READY: 0
+ * * IDLE: 3
+ * * NEARLY: 4
+ * * RESUMING: 8
+ * @typedef {number} Status
+ */
+export const WsStatus = {
+	READY: 0,
+	IDLE: 3,
+	NEARLY: 4,
+ * The current status of a voice connection. Here are the available statuses:
+ * * CONNECTED: 0
+ * @typedef {number} VoiceStatus
+ */
+export const VoiceStatus = {
+export const OPCodes = {
+	RESUME: 6,
+	HELLO: 10,
+export const VoiceOPCodes = {
+	READY: 2,
+	HELLO: 8,
+export const Events = {
+	RATE_LIMIT: "rateLimit",
+	CLIENT_READY: "ready",
+	GUILD_CREATE: "guildCreate",
+	GUILD_DELETE: "guildDelete",
+	GUILD_UPDATE: "guildUpdate",
+	GUILD_UNAVAILABLE: "guildUnavailable",
+	GUILD_AVAILABLE: "guildAvailable",
+	GUILD_MEMBER_ADD: "guildMemberAdd",
+	GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE: "guildMemberRemove",
+	GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE: "guildMemberUpdate",
+	GUILD_MEMBER_AVAILABLE: "guildMemberAvailable",
+	GUILD_MEMBER_SPEAKING: "guildMemberSpeaking",
+	GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK: "guildMembersChunk",
+	GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE: "guildIntegrationsUpdate",
+	GUILD_ROLE_CREATE: "roleCreate",
+	GUILD_ROLE_DELETE: "roleDelete",
+	INVITE_CREATE: "inviteCreate",
+	INVITE_DELETE: "inviteDelete",
+	GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE: "roleUpdate",
+	GUILD_EMOJI_CREATE: "emojiCreate",
+	GUILD_EMOJI_DELETE: "emojiDelete",
+	GUILD_EMOJI_UPDATE: "emojiUpdate",
+	GUILD_BAN_ADD: "guildBanAdd",
+	GUILD_BAN_REMOVE: "guildBanRemove",
+	CHANNEL_CREATE: "channelCreate",
+	CHANNEL_DELETE: "channelDelete",
+	CHANNEL_UPDATE: "channelUpdate",
+	CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE: "channelPinsUpdate",
+	MESSAGE_CREATE: "message",
+	MESSAGE_DELETE: "messageDelete",
+	MESSAGE_UPDATE: "messageUpdate",
+	MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE: "messageDeleteBulk",
+	MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD: "messageReactionAdd",
+	MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE: "messageReactionRemove",
+	MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL: "messageReactionRemoveAll",
+	MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI: "messageReactionRemoveEmoji",
+	USER_UPDATE: "userUpdate",
+	PRESENCE_UPDATE: "presenceUpdate",
+	VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE: "voiceServerUpdate",
+	VOICE_STATE_UPDATE: "voiceStateUpdate",
+	TYPING_START: "typingStart",
+	TYPING_STOP: "typingStop",
+	WEBHOOKS_UPDATE: "webhookUpdate",
+	ERROR: "error",
+	WARN: "warn",
+	DEBUG: "debug",
+	SHARD_DISCONNECT: "shardDisconnect",
+	SHARD_ERROR: "shardError",
+	SHARD_RECONNECTING: "shardReconnecting",
+	SHARD_READY: "shardReady",
+	SHARD_RESUME: "shardResume",
+	INVALIDATED: "invalidated",
+	RAW: "raw",
+export const ShardEvents = {
+	CLOSE: "close",
+	DESTROYED: "destroyed",
+	INVALID_SESSION: "invalidSession",
+	READY: "ready",
+	RESUMED: "resumed",
+	ALL_READY: "allReady",
+ * The type of Structure allowed to be a partial:
+ * * USER
+ * * CHANNEL (only affects DMChannels)
+ * <warn>Partials require you to put checks in place when handling data, read the Partials topic listed in the
+ * sidebar for more information.</warn>
+ * @typedef {string} PartialType
+ */
+export const PartialTypes = keyMirror(["USER", "CHANNEL", "GUILD_MEMBER", "MESSAGE", "REACTION"]);
+ * The type of a websocket message event, e.g. `MESSAGE_CREATE`. Here are the available events:
+ * * READY
+ * @typedef {string} WSEventType
+ */
+export const WSEvents = keyMirror([
+	"READY",
+ * The type of a message, e.g. `DEFAULT`. Here are the available types:
+ * * CALL
+ * * PINS_ADD
+ * * REPLY
+ * @typedef {string} MessageType
+ */
+export const MessageTypes = [
+	"CALL",
+	null,
+	null,
+	null,
+	null,
+	"REPLY",
+ * The types of messages that are `System`. The available types are `MessageTypes` excluding:
+ * * REPLY
+ * @typedef {string} SystemMessageType
+ */
+export const SystemMessageTypes = MessageTypes.filter(
+	(type: string | null) => type && type !== "DEFAULT" && type !== "REPLY"
+ * <info>Bots cannot set a `CUSTOM_STATUS`, it is only for custom statuses received from users</info>
+ * The type of an activity of a users presence, e.g. `PLAYING`. Here are the available types:
+ * @typedef {string} ActivityType
+ */
+export const ChannelTypes = {
+	TEXT: 0,
+	DM: 1,
+	VOICE: 2,
+	GROUP: 3,
+	NEWS: 5,
+	STORE: 6,
+export const ClientApplicationAssetTypes = {
+	SMALL: 1,
+	BIG: 2,
+export const Colors = {
+	DEFAULT: 0x000000,
+	WHITE: 0xffffff,
+	AQUA: 0x1abc9c,
+	GREEN: 0x2ecc71,
+	BLUE: 0x3498db,
+	YELLOW: 0xffff00,
+	PURPLE: 0x9b59b6,
+	GOLD: 0xf1c40f,
+	ORANGE: 0xe67e22,
+	RED: 0xe74c3c,
+	GREY: 0x95a5a6,
+	NAVY: 0x34495e,
+	DARK_AQUA: 0x11806a,
+	DARK_GREEN: 0x1f8b4c,
+	DARK_BLUE: 0x206694,
+	DARK_PURPLE: 0x71368a,
+	DARK_VIVID_PINK: 0xad1457,
+	DARK_GOLD: 0xc27c0e,
+	DARK_ORANGE: 0xa84300,
+	DARK_RED: 0x992d22,
+	DARK_GREY: 0x979c9f,
+	DARKER_GREY: 0x7f8c8d,
+	LIGHT_GREY: 0xbcc0c0,
+	DARK_NAVY: 0x2c3e50,
+	BLURPLE: 0x7289da,
+	GREYPLE: 0x99aab5,
+	DARK_BUT_NOT_BLACK: 0x2c2f33,
+	NOT_QUITE_BLACK: 0x23272a,
+ * The value set for the explicit content filter levels for a guild:
+ * @typedef {string} ExplicitContentFilterLevel
+ */
+export const ExplicitContentFilterLevels = ["DISABLED", "MEMBERS_WITHOUT_ROLES", "ALL_MEMBERS"];
+ * The value set for the verification levels for a guild:
+ * * NONE
+ * * LOW
+ * * MEDIUM
+ * * HIGH
+ * @typedef {string} VerificationLevel
+ */
+export const VerificationLevels = ["NONE", "LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", "VERY_HIGH"];
+ * An error encountered while performing an API request. Here are the potential errors:
+ * @typedef {string} APIError
+ */
+export const DiscordApiErrors = {
+	//
+	GENERAL_ERROR: new ApiError("General error (such as a malformed request body, amongst other things)", 0),
+	UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT: new ApiError("Unknown account", 10001),
+	UNKNOWN_APPLICATION: new ApiError("Unknown application", 10002),
+	UNKNOWN_CHANNEL: new ApiError("Unknown channel", 10003),
+	UNKNOWN_GUILD: new ApiError("Unknown guild", 10004),
+	UNKNOWN_INTEGRATION: new ApiError("Unknown integration", 10005),
+	UNKNOWN_INVITE: new ApiError("Unknown invite", 10006),
+	UNKNOWN_MEMBER: new ApiError("Unknown member", 10007),
+	UNKNOWN_MESSAGE: new ApiError("Unknown message", 10008),
+	UNKNOWN_OVERWRITE: new ApiError("Unknown permission overwrite", 10009),
+	UNKNOWN_PROVIDER: new ApiError("Unknown provider", 10010),
+	UNKNOWN_ROLE: new ApiError("Unknown role", 10011),
+	UNKNOWN_TOKEN: new ApiError("Unknown token", 10012),
+	UNKNOWN_USER: new ApiError("Unknown user", 10013),
+	UNKNOWN_EMOJI: new ApiError("Unknown emoji", 10014),
+	UNKNOWN_WEBHOOK: new ApiError("Unknown webhook", 10015),
+	UNKNOWN_WEBHOOK_SERVICE: new ApiError("Unknown webhook service", 10016),
+	UNKNOWN_SESSION: new ApiError("Unknown session", 10020),
+	UNKNOWN_BAN: new ApiError("Unknown ban", 10026),
+	UNKNOWN_SKU: new ApiError("Unknown SKU", 10027),
+	UNKNOWN_STORE_LISTING: new ApiError("Unknown Store Listing", 10028),
+	UNKNOWN_ENTITLEMENT: new ApiError("Unknown entitlement", 10029),
+	UNKNOWN_BUILD: new ApiError("Unknown build", 10030),
+	UNKNOWN_LOBBY: new ApiError("Unknown lobby", 10031),
+	UNKNOWN_BRANCH: new ApiError("Unknown branch", 10032),
+	UNKNOWN_STORE_DIRECTORY_LAYOUT: new ApiError("Unknown store directory layout", 10033),
+	UNKNOWN_REDISTRIBUTABLE: new ApiError("Unknown redistributable", 10036),
+	UNKNOWN_GIFT_CODE: new ApiError("Unknown gift code", 10038),
+	UNKNOWN_STREAM: new ApiError("Unknown stream", 10049),
+	UNKNOWN_PREMIUM_SERVER_SUBSCRIBE_COOLDOWN: new ApiError("Unknown premium server subscribe cooldown", 10050),
+	UNKNOWN_GUILD_TEMPLATE: new ApiError("Unknown guild template", 10057),
+	UNKNOWN_DISCOVERABLE_SERVER_CATEGORY: new ApiError("Unknown discoverable server category", 10059),
+	UNKNOWN_STICKER: new ApiError("Unknown sticker", 10060),
+	UNKNOWN_INTERACTION: new ApiError("Unknown interaction", 10062),
+	UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_COMMAND: new ApiError("Unknown application command", 10063),
+	UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS: new ApiError("Unknown application command permissions", 10066),
+	UNKNOWN_STAGE_INSTANCE: new ApiError("Unknown Stage Instance", 10067),
+	UNKNOWN_GUILD_MEMBER_VERIFICATION_FORM: new ApiError("Unknown Guild Member Verification Form", 10068),
+	UNKNOWN_GUILD_WELCOME_SCREEN: new ApiError("Unknown Guild Welcome Screen", 10069),
+	UNKNOWN_GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT: new ApiError("Unknown Guild Scheduled Event", 10070),
+	UNKNOWN_GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER: new ApiError("Unknown Guild Scheduled Event User", 10071),
+	BOT_PROHIBITED_ENDPOINT: new ApiError("Bots cannot use this endpoint", 20001),
+	BOT_ONLY_ENDPOINT: new ApiError("Only bots can use this endpoint", 20002),
+		"Explicit content cannot be sent to the desired recipient(s)",
+		20009
+	),
+		"You are not authorized to perform this action on this application",
+		20012
+	),
+	SLOWMODE_RATE_LIMIT: new ApiError("This action cannot be performed due to slowmode rate limit", 20016),
+	ONLY_OWNER: new ApiError("Only the owner of this account can perform this action", 20018),
+	ANNOUNCEMENT_RATE_LIMITS: new ApiError("This message cannot be edited due to announcement rate limits", 20022),
+	CHANNEL_WRITE_RATELIMIT: new ApiError("The channel you are writing has hit the write rate limit", 20028),
+	WORDS_NOT_ALLOWED: new ApiError(
+		"Your Stage topic, server name, server description, or channel names contain words that are not allowed",
+		20031
+	),
+	GUILD_PREMIUM_LEVEL_TOO_LOW: new ApiError("Guild premium subscription level too low", 20035),
+	MAXIMUM_GUILDS: new ApiError("Maximum number of guilds reached ({})", 30001, undefined, ["100"]),
+	MAXIMUM_FRIENDS: new ApiError("Maximum number of friends reached ({})", 30002, undefined, ["1000"]),
+	MAXIMUM_PINS: new ApiError("Maximum number of pins reached for the channel ({})", 30003, undefined, ["50"]),
+	MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_RECIPIENTS_REACHED: new ApiError("Maximum number of recipients reached ({})", 30004, undefined, [
+		"10",
+	]),
+	MAXIMUM_ROLES: new ApiError("Maximum number of guild roles reached ({})", 30005, undefined, ["250"]),
+	MAXIMUM_WEBHOOKS: new ApiError("Maximum number of webhooks reached ({})", 30007, undefined, ["10"]),
+	MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_EMOJIS_REACHED: new ApiError("Maximum number of emojis reached", 30008),
+	MAXIMUM_REACTIONS: new ApiError("Maximum number of reactions reached ({})", 30010, undefined, ["20"]),
+	MAXIMUM_CHANNELS: new ApiError("Maximum number of guild channels reached ({})", 30013, undefined, ["500"]),
+	MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENTS: new ApiError("Maximum number of attachments in a message reached ({})", 30015, undefined, [
+		"10",
+	]),
+	MAXIMUM_INVITES: new ApiError("Maximum number of invites reached ({})", 30016, undefined, ["1000"]),
+	MAXIMUM_ANIMATED_EMOJIS: new ApiError("Maximum number of animated emojis reached", 30018),
+	MAXIMUM_SERVER_MEMBERS: new ApiError("Maximum number of server members reached", 30019),
+		"Maximum number of server categories has been reached ({})",
+		30030,
+		undefined,
+		["5"]
+	),
+	GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_TEMPLATE: new ApiError("Guild already has a template", 30031),
+	MAXIMUM_THREAD_PARTICIPANTS: new ApiError("Max number of thread participants has been reached", 30033),
+		"Maximum number of bans for non-guild members have been exceeded",
+		30035
+	),
+	MAXIMUM_BANS_FETCHES: new ApiError("Maximum number of bans fetches has been reached", 30037),
+	MAXIMUM_STICKERS: new ApiError("Maximum number of stickers reached", 30039),
+	MAXIMUM_PRUNE_REQUESTS: new ApiError("Maximum number of prune requests has been reached. Try again later", 30040),
+	UNAUTHORIZED: new ApiError("Unauthorized. Provide a valid token and try again", 40001),
+		"You need to verify your account in order to perform this action",
+		40002
+	),
+	OPENING_DIRECT_MESSAGES_TOO_FAST: new ApiError("You are opening direct messages too fast", 40003),
+	REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: new ApiError("Request entity too large. Try sending something smaller in size", 40005),
+	FEATURE_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED: new ApiError("This feature has been temporarily disabled server-side", 40006),
+	USER_BANNED: new ApiError("The user is banned from this guild", 40007),
+	TARGET_USER_IS_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_VOICE: new ApiError("Target user is not connected to voice", 40032),
+	ALREADY_CROSSPOSTED: new ApiError("This message has already been crossposted", 40033),
+	APPLICATION_COMMAND_ALREADY_EXISTS: new ApiError("An application command with that name already exists", 40041),
+	MISSING_ACCESS: new ApiError("Missing access", 50001),
+	INVALID_ACCOUNT_TYPE: new ApiError("Invalid account type", 50002),
+	CANNOT_EXECUTE_ON_DM: new ApiError("Cannot execute action on a DM channel", 50003),
+	EMBED_DISABLED: new ApiError("Guild widget disabled", 50004),
+	CANNOT_EDIT_MESSAGE_BY_OTHER: new ApiError("Cannot edit a message authored by another user", 50005),
+	CANNOT_SEND_EMPTY_MESSAGE: new ApiError("Cannot send an empty message", 50006),
+	CANNOT_MESSAGE_USER: new ApiError("Cannot send messages to this user", 50007),
+	CANNOT_SEND_MESSAGES_IN_VOICE_CHANNEL: new ApiError("Cannot send messages in a voice channel", 50008),
+		"Channel verification level is too high for you to gain access",
+		50009
+	),
+	OAUTH2_APPLICATION_BOT_ABSENT: new ApiError("OAuth2 application does not have a bot", 50010),
+	MAXIMUM_OAUTH2_APPLICATIONS: new ApiError("OAuth2 application limit reached", 50011),
+	INVALID_OAUTH_STATE: new ApiError("Invalid OAuth2 state", 50012),
+	MISSING_PERMISSIONS: new ApiError("You lack permissions to perform that action ({})", 50013, undefined, [""]),
+	INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN: new ApiError("Invalid authentication token provided", 50014),
+	NOTE_TOO_LONG: new ApiError("Note was too long", 50015),
+		"Provided too few or too many messages to delete. Must provide at least {} and fewer than {} messages to delete",
+		50016,
+		undefined,
+		["2", "100"]
+	),
+		"A message can only be pinned to the channel it was sent in",
+		50019
+	),
+	INVALID_OR_TAKEN_INVITE_CODE: new ApiError("Invite code was either invalid or taken", 50020),
+	CANNOT_EXECUTE_ON_SYSTEM_MESSAGE: new ApiError("Cannot execute action on a system message", 50021),
+	CANNOT_EXECUTE_ON_THIS_CHANNEL_TYPE: new ApiError("Cannot execute action on this channel type", 50024),
+	INVALID_OAUTH_TOKEN: new ApiError("Invalid OAuth2 access token provided", 50025),
+	MISSING_REQUIRED_OAUTH2_SCOPE: new ApiError("Missing required OAuth2 scope", 50026),
+	INVALID_WEBHOOK_TOKEN_PROVIDED: new ApiError("Invalid webhook token provided", 50027),
+	INVALID_ROLE: new ApiError("Invalid role", 50028),
+	INVALID_RECIPIENT: new ApiError("Invalid Recipient(s)", 50033),
+	BULK_DELETE_MESSAGE_TOO_OLD: new ApiError("A message provided was too old to bulk delete", 50034),
+	INVALID_FORM_BODY: new ApiError(
+		"Invalid form body (returned for both application/json and multipart/form-data bodies), or invalid Content-Type provided",
+		50035
+	),
+		"An invite was accepted to a guild the application's bot is not in",
+		50036
+	),
+	INVALID_API_VERSION: new ApiError("Invalid API version provided", 50041),
+	FILE_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM_SIZE: new ApiError("File uploaded exceeds the maximum size", 50045),
+	INVALID_FILE_UPLOADED: new ApiError("Invalid file uploaded", 50046),
+	CANNOT_SELF_REDEEM_GIFT: new ApiError("Cannot self-redeem this gift", 50054),
+	PAYMENT_SOURCE_REQUIRED: new ApiError("Payment source required to redeem gift", 50070),
+		"Cannot delete a channel required for Community guilds",
+		50074
+	),
+	INVALID_STICKER_SENT: new ApiError("Invalid sticker sent", 50081),
+		"Tried to perform an operation on an archived thread, such as editing a message or adding a user to the thread",
+		50083
+	),
+	INVALID_THREAD_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS: new ApiError("Invalid thread notification settings", 50084),
+		"before value is earlier than the thread creation date",
+		50085
+	),
+	SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_YOUR_LOCATION: new ApiError("This server is not available in your location", 50095),
+		"This server needs monetization enabled in order to perform this action",
+		50097
+	),
+	TWO_FACTOR_REQUIRED: new ApiError("Two factor is required for this operation", 60003),
+	NO_USERS_WITH_DISCORDTAG_EXIST: new ApiError("No users with DiscordTag exist", 80004),
+	REACTION_BLOCKED: new ApiError("Reaction was blocked", 90001),
+	RESOURCE_OVERLOADED: new ApiError("API resource is currently overloaded. Try again a little later", 130000),
+	STAGE_ALREADY_OPEN: new ApiError("The Stage is already open", 150006),
+	THREAD_ALREADY_CREATED_FOR_THIS_MESSAGE: new ApiError("A thread has already been created for this message", 160004),
+	THREAD_IS_LOCKED: new ApiError("Thread is locked", 160005),
+	MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_THREADS: new ApiError("Maximum number of active threads reached", 160006),
+		"Maximum number of active announcement threads reached",
+		160007
+	),
+	INVALID_JSON_FOR_UPLOADED_LOTTIE_FILE: new ApiError("Invalid JSON for uploaded Lottie file", 170001),
+		"Uploaded Lotties cannot contain rasterized images such as PNG or JPEG",
+		170002
+	),
+	STICKER_MAXIMUM_FRAMERATE: new ApiError("Sticker maximum framerate exceeded", 170003),
+	STICKER_MAXIMUM_FRAME_COUNT: new ApiError("Sticker frame count exceeds maximum of {} frames", 170004, undefined, [
+		"1000",
+	]),
+	LOTTIE_ANIMATION_MAXIMUM_DIMENSIONS: new ApiError("Lottie animation maximum dimensions exceeded", 170005),
+		"Sticker frame rate is either too small or too large",
+		170006
+	),
+		"Sticker animation duration exceeds maximum of {} seconds",
+		170007,
+		undefined,
+		["5"]
+	),
+	//Other errors
+	UNKNOWN_VOICE_STATE: new ApiError("Unknown Voice State", 10065, 404),
+ * An error encountered while performing an API request (Fosscord only). Here are the potential errors:
+ */
+export const FosscordApiErrors = {
+	MANUALLY_TRIGGERED_ERROR: new ApiError("This is an artificial error", 1, 500),
+	PREMIUM_DISABLED_FOR_GUILD: new ApiError("This guild cannot be boosted", 25001),
+	NO_FURTHER_PREMIUM: new ApiError("This guild does not receive further boosts", 25002),
+	GUILD_PREMIUM_DISABLED_FOR_YOU: new ApiError("This guild cannot be boosted by you", 25003, 403),
+	CANNOT_FRIEND_SELF: new ApiError("Cannot friend oneself", 25009),
+	USER_SPECIFIC_INVITE_WRONG_RECIPIENT: new ApiError("This invite is not meant for you", 25010),
+	USER_SPECIFIC_INVITE_FAILED: new ApiError("Failed to invite user", 25011),
+	CANNOT_MODIFY_USER_GROUP: new ApiError("This user cannot manipulate this group", 25050, 403),
+	CANNOT_REMOVE_SELF_FROM_GROUP: new ApiError("This user cannot remove oneself from user group", 25051),
+	CANNOT_BAN_OPERATOR: new ApiError("Non-OPERATOR cannot ban OPERATOR from instance", 25052),
+	CANNOT_LEAVE_GUILD: new ApiError("You are not allowed to leave guilds that you joined by yourself", 25059, 403),
+	EDITS_DISABLED: new ApiError("You are not allowed to edit your own messages", 25060, 403),
+	DELETE_MESSAGE_DISABLED: new ApiError("You are not allowed to delete your own messages", 25061, 403),
+	FEATURE_PERMANENTLY_DISABLED: new ApiError("This feature has been disabled server-side", 45006, 501),
+	MISSING_RIGHTS: new ApiError("You lack rights to perform that action ({})", 50013, undefined, [""]),
+	CANNOT_REPLACE_BY_BACKFILL: new ApiError("Cannot backfill to message ID that already exists", 55002, 409),
+	CANNOT_BACKFILL_TO_THE_FUTURE: new ApiError("You cannot backfill messages in the future", 55003),
+	CANNOT_GRANT_PERMISSIONS_EXCEEDING_RIGHTS: new ApiError("You cannot grant permissions exceeding your own rights", 50050),
+	ROUTES_LOOPING: new ApiError("Loops in the route definition ({})", 50060, undefined, [""]),
+	CANNOT_REMOVE_ROUTE: new ApiError("Cannot remove message route while it is in effect and being used", 50061),
+ * The value set for a guild's default message notifications, e.g. `ALL`. Here are the available types:
+ * * ALL
+ * * MUTED (Fosscord extension)
+ * @typedef {string} DefaultMessageNotifications
+ */
+export const DefaultMessageNotifications = ["ALL", "MENTIONS", "MUTED"];
+ * The value set for a team members's membership state:
+ * * INSERTED (Fosscord extension)
+ * @typedef {string} MembershipStates
+ */
+export const MembershipStates = [
+ * The value set for a webhook's type:
+ * * Incoming
+ * * Channel Follower
+ * * Custom (Fosscord extension)
+ * @typedef {string} WebhookTypes
+ */
+export const WebhookTypes = [
+	"Custom",
+	"Incoming",
+	"Channel Follower",
+function keyMirror(arr: string[]) {
+	let tmp = Object.create(null);
+	for (const value of arr) tmp[value] = value;
+	return tmp;
diff --git a/src/util/util/Database.ts b/src/util/util/Database.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84ce473d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Database.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import path from "path";
+import "reflect-metadata";
+import { DataSource, createConnection, DataSourceOptions, PrimaryColumn, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm";
+import * as Models from "../entities";
+import { Migration } from "../entities/Migration";
+import { yellow, green, red } from "picocolors";
+import fs from "fs";
+import { exit } from "process";
+import { BaseClass, BaseClassWithoutId } from "../entities";
+import { config } from "dotenv";
+// UUID extension option is only supported with postgres
+// We want to generate all id's with Snowflakes that's why we have our own BaseEntity class
+let promise: Promise<any>;
+let dataSource: DataSource;
+export async function getOrInitialiseDatabase(): Promise<DataSource> {
+	//if (dataSource) return dataSource; // prevent initalizing multiple times
+	if(dataSource.isInitialized) return dataSource;
+	await dataSource.initialize();
+	console.log(`[Database] ${green("Connected!")}`);
+	await dataSource.runMigrations();
+	console.log(`[Database] ${green("Up to date!")}`);
+	if("DB_MIGRATE" in process.env) {
+		console.log("DB_MIGRATE specified, exiting!")
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	return dataSource;
+export function closeDatabase() {
+	dataSource?.destroy();
+function getDataSourceOptions(): DataSourceOptions {
+	config();
+	//get connection string and check for migrations
+	const dbConnectionString = process.env.DATABASE || path.join(process.cwd(), "database.db");
+	const type = dbConnectionString.includes("://") ? dbConnectionString.split(":")[0]?.replace("+srv", "") : "sqlite" as any;
+	const isSqlite = type.includes("sqlite");
+	const migrationsExist = fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "migrations", type));
+	//read env vars
+	const synchronizeInsteadOfMigrations = "DB_UNSAFE" in process.env;
+	const verboseDb = "DB_VERBOSE" in process.env;
+	if(isSqlite)
+		console.log(`[Database] ${red(`You are running sqlite! Please keep in mind that we recommend setting up a dedicated database!`)}`);
+	if(verboseDb)
+		console.log(`[Database] ${red(`Verbose database logging is enabled, this might impact performance! Unset DB_VERBOSE to disable.`)}`);
+	if(synchronizeInsteadOfMigrations){
+		console.log(`[Database] ${red(`Unsafe database upgrades are enabled! We are not responsible for broken databases! Unset DB_UNSAFE to disable.`)}`);
+	}
+	else if(!migrationsExist) {
+		console.log(`[Database] ${red(`Database engine not supported! Set UNSAFE_DB to bypass.`)}`);
+		console.log(`[Database] ${red(`Please mention this to Fosscord developers, and provide this info:`)}`);
+		console.log(`[Database]\n${red(JSON.stringify({
+			db_type: type,
+			migrations_exist: migrationsExist
+		}, null, 4))}`);
+		if(!("DB_MIGRATE" in process.env)) exit(1);
+	}
+	console.log(`[Database] ${yellow(`Configuring data source to use ${type} database...`)}`);
+	return {
+		type,
+        charset: 'utf8mb4',
+		url: isSqlite ? undefined : dbConnectionString,
+		database: isSqlite ? dbConnectionString : undefined,
+		// @ts-ignore
+		//entities: Object.values(Models).filter((x) => !== "Object" && !== "Array" && !== "BigInt" && x).map(x=>,
+		entities: Object.values(Models).filter((x) => == "Function" && shouldIncludeEntity(,
+		synchronize: synchronizeInsteadOfMigrations,
+		logging: verboseDb,
+		cache: {
+			duration: 1000 * 3, // cache all find queries for 3 seconds
+		},
+		bigNumberStrings: false,
+		supportBigNumbers: true,
+		name: "default",
+		migrations: synchronizeInsteadOfMigrations ? [] : [path.join(__dirname, "..", "migrations", type, "*.js")],
+		migrationsRun: !synchronizeInsteadOfMigrations,
+		//migrationsRun: false,
+		cli: {
+			migrationsDir: `src/migrations/${type}`
+		},
+	} as DataSourceOptions;
+function shouldIncludeEntity(name: string): boolean {
+	return ![
+		BaseClassWithoutId,
+		PrimaryColumn,
+		BaseClass,
+		PrimaryGeneratedColumn
+	].map(x=>;
+export default dataSource = new DataSource(getDataSourceOptions());
diff --git a/src/util/util/Email.ts b/src/util/util/Email.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6885da33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Email.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+export const EMAIL_REGEX =
+	/^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
+export function adjustEmail(email?: string): string | undefined {
+	if (!email) return email;
+	// body parser already checked if it is a valid email
+	const parts = <RegExpMatchArray>email.match(EMAIL_REGEX);
+	// @ts-ignore
+	if (!parts || parts.length < 5) return undefined;
+	const domain = parts[5];
+	const user = parts[1];
+	// TODO: check accounts with uncommon email domains
+	if (domain === "" || domain === "") {
+		// replace .dots and +alternatives -> Gmail Dot Trick and
+		let v = user.replace(/[.]|(\+.*)/g, "") + "";
+	}
+	if (domain === "") {
+		// replace .dots and +alternatives -> Google Staff GMail Dot Trick
+		let v = user.replace(/[.]|(\+.*)/g, "") + "";
+	}
+	return email;
diff --git a/src/util/util/Event.ts b/src/util/util/Event.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90c24347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Event.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import { Channel } from "amqplib";
+import { RabbitMQ } from "./RabbitMQ";
+import EventEmitter from "events";
+import { EVENT, Event } from "../interfaces";
+export const events = new EventEmitter();
+export async function emitEvent(payload: Omit<Event, "created_at">) {
+	const id = (payload.channel_id || payload.user_id || payload.guild_id) as string;
+	if (!id) return console.error("event doesn't contain any id", payload);
+	if (RabbitMQ.connection) {
+		const data = typeof === "object" ? JSON.stringify( :; // use rabbitmq for event transmission
+		await, "fanout", { durable: false });
+		// assertQueue isn't needed, because a queue will automatically created if it doesn't exist
+		const successful =, "", Buffer.from(`${data}`), { type: payload.event });
+		if (!successful) throw new Error("failed to send event");
+	} else if (process.env.EVENT_TRANSMISSION === "process") {
+		process.send?.({ type: "event", event: payload, id } as ProcessEvent);
+	} else {
+		events.emit(id, payload);
+	}
+export async function initEvent() {
+	await RabbitMQ.init(); // does nothing if rabbitmq is not setup
+	if (RabbitMQ.connection) {
+	} else {
+		// use event emitter
+		// use process messages
+	}
+export interface EventOpts extends Event {
+	acknowledge?: Function;
+	channel?: Channel;
+	cancel: Function;
+export interface ListenEventOpts {
+	channel?: Channel;
+	acknowledge?: boolean;
+export interface ProcessEvent {
+	type: "event";
+	event: Event;
+	id: string;
+export async function listenEvent(event: string, callback: (event: EventOpts) => any, opts?: ListenEventOpts) {
+	if (RabbitMQ.connection) {
+		// @ts-ignore
+		return rabbitListen(opts?.channel ||, event, callback, { acknowledge: opts?.acknowledge });
+	} else if (process.env.EVENT_TRANSMISSION === "process") {
+		const cancel = () => {
+			process.removeListener("message", listener);
+			process.setMaxListeners(process.getMaxListeners() - 1);
+		};
+		const listener = (message: any) => {
+			message.type === "event" && === event && callback({ ...message.event, cancel });
+		};
+		process.addListener("message", listener);
+		process.setMaxListeners(process.getMaxListeners() + 1);
+		return cancel;
+	} else {
+		const listener = (opts: any) => callback({ ...opts, cancel });
+		const cancel = () => {
+			events.removeListener(event, listener);
+			events.setMaxListeners(events.getMaxListeners() - 1);
+		};
+		events.setMaxListeners(events.getMaxListeners() + 1);
+		events.addListener(event, listener);
+		return cancel;
+	}
+async function rabbitListen(
+	channel: Channel,
+	id: string,
+	callback: (event: EventOpts) => any,
+	opts?: { acknowledge?: boolean }
+) {
+	await channel.assertExchange(id, "fanout", { durable: false });
+	const q = await channel.assertQueue("", { exclusive: true, autoDelete: true });
+	const cancel = () => {
+		channel.cancel(q.queue);
+		channel.unbindQueue(q.queue, id, "");
+	};
+	channel.bindQueue(q.queue, id, "");
+	channel.consume(
+		q.queue,
+		(opts) => {
+			if (!opts) return;
+			const data = JSON.parse(opts.content.toString());
+			const event = as EVENT;
+			callback({
+				event,
+				data,
+				acknowledge() {
+					channel.ack(opts);
+				},
+				channel,
+				cancel,
+			});
+			// rabbitCh.ack(opts);
+		},
+		{
+			noAck: !opts?.acknowledge,
+		}
+	);
+	return cancel;
diff --git a/src/util/util/FieldError.ts b/src/util/util/FieldError.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49968e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/FieldError.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+export function FieldErrors(fields: Record<string, { code?: string; message: string }>) {
+	return new FieldError(
+		50035,
+		"Invalid Form Body",
+{ message, code }) => ({
+			_errors: [
+				{
+					message,
+					code: code || "BASE_TYPE_INVALID",
+				},
+			],
+		}))
+	);
+// TODO: implement Image data type: Data URI scheme that supports JPG, GIF, and PNG formats. An example Data URI format is: _ENCODED_JPEG_IMAGE_DATA
+// Ensure you use the proper content type (image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif) that matches the image data being provided.
+export class FieldError extends Error {
+	constructor(public code: string | number, public message: string, public errors?: any) {
+		super(message);
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/util/Intents.ts b/src/util/util/Intents.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e840b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Intents.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import { BitField } from "./BitField";
+export class Intents extends BitField {
+	static FLAGS = {
+		GUILDS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(0), // guilds and guild merge-split events affecting the user
+		GUILD_MEMBERS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(1), // memberships
+		GUILD_BANS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(2), // bans and ban lists
+		GUILD_EMOJIS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(3), // custom emojis
+		GUILD_INTEGRATIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(4), // applications
+		GUILD_WEBHOOKS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(5), // webhooks
+		GUILD_INVITES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(6), // mass invites (no user can receive user specific invites of another user)
+		GUILD_VOICE_STATES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(7), // voice updates
+		GUILD_PRESENCES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(8), // presence updates
+		GUILD_MESSAGES_METADATA: BigInt(1) << BigInt(9), // guild message metadata
+		GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(10), // guild message reactions
+		GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING: BigInt(1) << BigInt(11), // guild channel typing notifications
+		DIRECT_MESSAGES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(12), // DM or orphan channels
+		DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(13), // DM or orphan channel message reactions
+		DIRECT_MESSAGE_TYPING: BigInt(1) << BigInt(14), // DM typing notifications
+		GUILD_MESSAGES_CONTENT: BigInt(1) << BigInt(15), // guild message content
+		GUILD_POLICIES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(20), // guild policies
+		GUILD_POLICY_EXECUTION: BigInt(1) << BigInt(21), // guild policy execution
+		LIVE_MESSAGE_COMPOSITION: BigInt(1) << BigInt(32), // allow composing messages using the gateway
+		GUILD_ROUTES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(41), // message routes affecting the guild
+		DIRECT_MESSAGES_THREADS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(42),  // direct message threads
+		JUMBO_EVENTS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(43), // jumbo events (size limits to be defined later)
+		LOBBIES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(44), // lobbies
+		INSTANCE_ROUTES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(60), // all message route changes 
+		INSTANCE_GUILD_CHANGES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(61), // all guild create, guild object patch, split, merge and delete events
+		INSTANCE_POLICY_UPDATES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(62), // all instance policy updates
+		INSTANCE_USER_UPDATES: BigInt(1) << BigInt(63) // all instance user updates
+	};
diff --git a/src/util/util/InvisibleCharacters.ts b/src/util/util/InvisibleCharacters.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b014e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/InvisibleCharacters.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// List from

+export const InvisibleCharacters = [

+	'\u{9}',			//Tab

+	'\u{20}',			//Space

+	'\u{ad}',			//Soft hyphen

+	'\u{34f}',			//Combining grapheme joiner

+	'\u{61c}',			//Arabic letter mark

+	'\u{115f}',			//Hangul choseong filler

+	'\u{1160}',			//Hangul jungseong filler

+	'\u{17b4}',			//Khmer vowel inherent AQ

+	'\u{17b5}',			//Khmer vowel inherent AA

+	'\u{180e}',			//Mongolian vowel separator

+	'\u{2000}',			//En quad

+	'\u{2001}',			//Em quad

+	'\u{2002}',			//En space

+	'\u{2003}',			//Em space

+	'\u{2004}',			//Three-per-em space

+	'\u{2005}',			//Four-per-em space

+	'\u{2006}',			//Six-per-em space

+	'\u{2007}',			//Figure space

+	'\u{2008}',			//Punctuation space

+	'\u{2009}',			//Thin space

+	'\u{200a}',			//Hair space

+	'\u{200b}',			//Zero width space

+	'\u{200c}',			//Zero width non-joiner

+	'\u{200d}',			//Zero width joiner

+	'\u{200e}',			//Left-to-right mark

+	'\u{200f}',			//Right-to-left mark

+	'\u{202f}',			//Narrow no-break space

+	'\u{205f}',			//Medium mathematical space

+	'\u{2060}',			//Word joiner

+	'\u{2061}',			//Function application

+	'\u{2062}',			//Invisible times

+	'\u{2063}',			//Invisible separator

+	'\u{2064}',			//Invisible plus

+	'\u{206a}',			//Inhibit symmetric swapping

+	'\u{206b}',			//Activate symmetric swapping

+	'\u{206c}',			//Inhibit arabic form shaping

+	'\u{206d}',			//Activate arabic form shaping

+	'\u{206e}',			//National digit shapes

+	'\u{206f}',			//Nominal digit shapes

+	'\u{3000}',			//Ideographic space

+	'\u{2800}',			//Braille pattern blank

+	'\u{3164}',			//Hangul filler

+	'\u{feff}',			//Zero width no-break space

+	'\u{ffa0}',			//Haldwidth hangul filler

+	'\u{1d159}',		//Musical symbol null notehead

+	'\u{1d173}',		//Musical symbol begin beam 

+	'\u{1d174}',		//Musical symbol end beam

+	'\u{1d175}',		//Musical symbol begin tie

+	'\u{1d176}',		//Musical symbol end tie

+	'\u{1d177}',		//Musical symbol begin slur

+	'\u{1d178}',		//Musical symbol end slur

+	'\u{1d179}',		//Musical symbol begin phrase

+	'\u{1d17a}'			//Musical symbol end phrase

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/util/MFA.ts b/src/util/util/MFA.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e47b2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/MFA.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import crypto from "crypto";
+import { BackupCode } from "../entities/BackupCodes";
+export function generateMfaBackupCodes(user_id: string) {
+	let backup_codes: BackupCode[] = [];
+	for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+		const code = BackupCode.create({
+			user: { id: user_id },
+			code: crypto.randomBytes(4).toString("hex"),	// 8 characters
+			consumed: false,
+			expired: false,
+		});
+		backup_codes.push(code);
+	}
+	return backup_codes;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/util/MessageFlags.ts b/src/util/util/MessageFlags.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b59295c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/MessageFlags.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// based on
+// Apache License Version 2.0 Copyright 2015 - 2021 Amish Shah, 2022 Erkin Alp Güney
+import { BitField } from "./BitField";
+export class MessageFlags extends BitField {
+	static FLAGS = {
+		CROSSPOSTED: BigInt(1) << BigInt(0),
+		IS_CROSSPOST: BigInt(1) << BigInt(1),
+		SUPPRESS_EMBEDS: BigInt(1) << BigInt(2),
+		// SOURCE_MESSAGE_DELETED: BigInt(1) << BigInt(3), // fosscord will delete them from destination too, making this redundant
+		URGENT: BigInt(1) << BigInt(4),
+		// HAS_THREAD: BigInt(1) << BigInt(5) // does not apply to fosscord due to infrastructural differences
+		PRIVATE_ROUTE: BigInt(1) << BigInt(6), // it that has been routed to only some of the users that can see the channel
+		INTERACTION_WAIT: BigInt(1) << BigInt(7), // calls this LOADING
+		SCRIPT_WAIT: BigInt(1) << BigInt(24), // waiting for the self command to complete
+		IMPORT_WAIT: BigInt(1) << BigInt(25), // latest message of a bulk import, waiting for the rest of the channel to be backfilled
+	};
diff --git a/src/util/util/Permissions.ts b/src/util/util/Permissions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7400303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Permissions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+// Apache License Version 2.0 Copyright 2015 - 2021 Amish Shah
+import { Channel, ChannelPermissionOverwrite, Guild, Member, Role } from "../entities";
+import { BitField, BitFieldResolvable, BitFlag } from "./BitField";
+import { HTTPError } from "..";
+export type PermissionResolvable = bigint | number | Permissions | PermissionResolvable[] | PermissionString;
+type PermissionString = keyof typeof Permissions.FLAGS;
+// BigInt doesn't have a bit limit (
+const CUSTOM_PERMISSION_OFFSET = BigInt(1) << BigInt(64); // 27 permission bits left for discord to add new ones
+export class Permissions extends BitField {
+	cache: PermissionCache = {};
+	constructor(bits: BitFieldResolvable = 0) {
+		super(bits);
+		if (this.bitfield & Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR) {
+			this.bitfield = ALL_PERMISSIONS;
+		}
+	}
+	static FLAGS = {
+		KICK_MEMBERS: BitFlag(1),
+		BAN_MEMBERS: BitFlag(2),
+		MANAGE_GUILD: BitFlag(5),
+		ADD_REACTIONS: BitFlag(6),
+		VIEW_AUDIT_LOG: BitFlag(7),
+		STREAM: BitFlag(9),
+		VIEW_CHANNEL: BitFlag(10),
+		SEND_MESSAGES: BitFlag(11),
+		SEND_TTS_MESSAGES: BitFlag(12),
+		MANAGE_MESSAGES: BitFlag(13),
+		EMBED_LINKS: BitFlag(14),
+		ATTACH_FILES: BitFlag(15),
+		CONNECT: BitFlag(20),
+		SPEAK: BitFlag(21),
+		MUTE_MEMBERS: BitFlag(22),
+		DEAFEN_MEMBERS: BitFlag(23),
+		MOVE_MEMBERS: BitFlag(24),
+		USE_VAD: BitFlag(25),
+		CHANGE_NICKNAME: BitFlag(26),
+		MANAGE_ROLES: BitFlag(28),
+		MANAGE_WEBHOOKS: BitFlag(29),
+		REQUEST_TO_SPEAK: BitFlag(32),
+		// TODO: what is permission 33?
+		MANAGE_THREADS: BitFlag(34),
+		/**
+		 * - allow user to dm members
+		 * - allow user to pin messages (without MANAGE_MESSAGES)
+		 * - allow user to publish messages (without MANAGE_MESSAGES)
+		 */
+	};
+	any(permission: PermissionResolvable, checkAdmin = true) {
+		return (checkAdmin && super.any(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR)) || super.any(permission);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Checks whether the bitfield has a permission, or multiple permissions.
+	 */
+	has(permission: PermissionResolvable, checkAdmin = true) {
+		return (checkAdmin && super.has(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR)) || super.has(permission);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Checks whether the bitfield has a permission, or multiple permissions, but throws an Error if user fails to match auth criteria.
+	 */
+	hasThrow(permission: PermissionResolvable) {
+		if (this.has(permission) && this.has("VIEW_CHANNEL")) return true;
+		// @ts-ignore
+		throw new HTTPError(`You are missing the following permissions ${permission}`, 403);
+	}
+	overwriteChannel(overwrites: ChannelPermissionOverwrite[]) {
+		if (!overwrites) return this;
+		if (!this.cache) throw new Error("permission chache not available");
+		overwrites = overwrites.filter((x) => {
+			if (x.type === 0 && this.cache.roles?.some((r) => === return true;
+			if (x.type === 1 && == this.cache.user_id) return true;
+			return false;
+		});
+		return new Permissions(Permissions.channelPermission(overwrites, this.bitfield));
+	}
+	static channelPermission(overwrites: ChannelPermissionOverwrite[], init?: bigint) {
+		// TODO: do not deny any permissions if admin
+		return overwrites.reduce((permission, overwrite) => {
+			// apply disallowed permission
+			// * permission: current calculated permission (e.g. 010)
+			// * deny contains all denied permissions (e.g. 011)
+			// * allow contains all explicitly allowed permisions (e.g. 100)
+			return (permission & ~BigInt(overwrite.deny)) | BigInt(overwrite.allow);
+			// ~ operator inverts deny (e.g. 011 -> 100)
+			// & operator only allows 1 for both ~deny and permission (e.g. 010 & 100 -> 000)
+			// | operators adds both together (e.g. 000 + 100 -> 100)
+		}, init || BigInt(0));
+	}
+	static rolePermission(roles: Role[]) {
+		// adds all permissions of all roles together (Bit OR)
+		return roles.reduce((permission, role) => permission | BigInt(role.permissions), BigInt(0));
+	}
+	static finalPermission({
+		user,
+		guild,
+		channel,
+	}: {
+		user: { id: string; roles: string[] };
+		guild: { roles: Role[] };
+		channel?: {
+			overwrites?: ChannelPermissionOverwrite[];
+			recipient_ids?: string[] | null;
+			owner_id?: string;
+		};
+	}) {
+		if ( === "0") return new Permissions("ADMINISTRATOR"); // system user id
+		let roles = guild.roles.filter((x) => user.roles.includes(;
+		let permission = Permissions.rolePermission(roles);
+		if (channel?.overwrites) {
+			let overwrites = channel.overwrites.filter((x) => {
+				if (x.type === 0 && user.roles.includes( return true;
+				if (x.type === 1 && == return true;
+				return false;
+			});
+			permission = Permissions.channelPermission(overwrites, permission);
+		}
+		if (channel?.recipient_ids) {
+			if (channel?.owner_id === return new Permissions("ADMINISTRATOR");
+			if (channel.recipient_ids.includes( {
+				// Default dm permissions
+				return new Permissions([
+					"STREAM",
+					"EMBED_LINKS",
+					"CONNECT",
+					"SPEAK",
+				]);
+			}
+			return new Permissions();
+		}
+		return new Permissions(permission);
+	}
+const ALL_PERMISSIONS = Object.values(Permissions.FLAGS).reduce((total, val) => total | val, BigInt(0));
+export type PermissionCache = {
+	channel?: Channel | undefined;
+	member?: Member | undefined;
+	guild?: Guild | undefined;
+	roles?: Role[] | undefined;
+	user_id?: string;
+export async function getPermission(
+	user_id?: string,
+	guild_id?: string,
+	channel_id?: string,
+	opts: {
+		guild_select?: (keyof Guild)[];
+		guild_relations?: string[];
+		channel_select?: (keyof Channel)[];
+		channel_relations?: string[];
+		member_select?: (keyof Member)[];
+		member_relations?: string[];
+	} = {}
+) {
+	if (!user_id) throw new HTTPError("User not found");
+	let channel: Channel | undefined;
+	let member: Member | undefined;
+	let guild: Guild | undefined;
+	if (channel_id) {
+		channel = await Channel.findOneOrFail({
+			where: { id: channel_id },
+			relations: ["recipients", ...(opts.channel_relations || [])],
+			select: [
+				"id",
+				"recipients",
+				"permission_overwrites",
+				"owner_id",
+				"guild_id",
+				// @ts-ignore
+				...(opts.channel_select || []),
+			],
+		});
+		if (channel.guild_id) guild_id = channel.guild_id; // derive guild_id from the channel
+	}
+	if (guild_id) {
+		guild = await Guild.findOneOrFail({
+			where: { id: guild_id },
+			select: [
+				"id",
+				"owner_id",
+				// @ts-ignore
+				...(opts.guild_select || []),
+			],
+			relations: opts.guild_relations,
+		});
+		if (guild.owner_id === user_id) return new Permissions(Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR);
+		member = await Member.findOneOrFail({
+			where: { guild_id, id: user_id },
+			relations: ["roles", ...(opts.member_relations || [])],
+			select: [
+				"id",
+				"roles",
+				"index",
+				// @ts-ignore
+				...(opts.member_select || []),
+			],
+		});
+	}
+	let recipient_ids: any = channel?.recipients?.map((x) => x.user_id);
+	if (!recipient_ids?.length) recipient_ids = null;
+	// TODO: remove guild.roles and convert recipient_ids to recipients
+	let permission = Permissions.finalPermission({
+		user: {
+			id: user_id,
+			roles: member? => || [],
+		},
+		guild: {
+			roles: member?.roles || [],
+		},
+		channel: {
+			overwrites: channel?.permission_overwrites,
+			owner_id: channel?.owner_id,
+			recipient_ids,
+		},
+	});
+	const obj = new Permissions(permission);
+	// pass cache to permission for possible future getPermission calls
+	obj.cache = { guild, member, channel, roles: member?.roles, user_id };
+	return obj;
diff --git a/src/util/util/RabbitMQ.ts b/src/util/util/RabbitMQ.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f5eb6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/RabbitMQ.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import amqp, { Connection, Channel } from "amqplib";
+// import Config from "./Config";
+export const RabbitMQ: { connection: Connection | null; channel: Channel | null; init: () => Promise<void> } = {
+	connection: null,
+	channel: null,
+	init: async function () {
+		return;
+		// const host = Config.get();
+		// if (!host) return;
+		// console.log(`[RabbitMQ] connect: ${host}`);
+		// this.connection = await amqp.connect(host, {
+		// 	timeout: 1000 * 60,
+		// });
+		// console.log(`[RabbitMQ] connected`);
+		// = await this.connection.createChannel();
+		// console.log(`[RabbitMQ] channel created`);
+	},
diff --git a/src/util/util/Regex.ts b/src/util/util/Regex.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83fc9fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Regex.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export const DOUBLE_WHITE_SPACE = /\s\s+/g;
+export const SPECIAL_CHAR = /[@#`:\r\n\t\f\v\p{C}]/gu;
+export const CHANNEL_MENTION = /<#(\d+)>/g;
+export const USER_MENTION = /<@!?(\d+)>/g;
+export const ROLE_MENTION = /<@&(\d+)>/g;
+export const EVERYONE_MENTION = /@everyone/g;
+export const HERE_MENTION = /@here/g;
diff --git a/src/util/util/Rights.ts b/src/util/util/Rights.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c3906fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Rights.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import { BitField, BitFieldResolvable, BitFlag } from "./BitField";
+import { User } from "../entities";
+import { HTTPError } from "..";
+export type RightResolvable = bigint | number | Rights | RightResolvable[] | RightString;
+type RightString = keyof typeof Rights.FLAGS;
+// TODO: just like roles for members, users should have privilidges which combine multiple rights into one and make it easy to assign
+export class Rights extends BitField {
+	constructor(bits: BitFieldResolvable = 0) {
+		super(bits);
+		if (this.bitfield & Rights.FLAGS.OPERATOR) {
+			this.bitfield = ALL_RIGHTS;
+		}
+	}
+	static FLAGS = {
+		OPERATOR: BitFlag(0), // has all rights
+		MANAGE_GUILDS: BitFlag(2),
+		MANAGE_MESSAGES: BitFlag(3), // Can't see other messages but delete/edit them in channels that they can see
+		MANAGE_ROUTING: BitFlag(5), // can create custom message routes to any channel/guild
+		MANAGE_TICKETS: BitFlag(6), // can respond to and resolve support tickets
+		MANAGE_USERS: BitFlag(7),
+		ADD_MEMBERS: BitFlag(8), // can manually add any members in their guilds
+		CREATE_CHANNELS: BitFlag(11), // can create guild channels or threads in the guilds that they have permission
+		CREATE_DMS: BitFlag(12),
+		CREATE_DM_GROUPS: BitFlag(13), // can create group DMs or custom orphan channels
+		CREATE_GUILDS: BitFlag(14),
+		CREATE_INVITES: BitFlag(15), // can create mass invites in the guilds that they have CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE
+		CREATE_ROLES: BitFlag(16),
+		CREATE_WEBHOOKS: BitFlag(18),
+		JOIN_GUILDS: BitFlag(19),
+		PIN_MESSAGES: BitFlag(20),
+		SELF_EDIT_NAME: BitFlag(24),
+		SEND_MESSAGES: BitFlag(25),
+		USE_ACTIVITIES: BitFlag(26), // use (game) activities in voice channels (e.g. Watch together)
+		USE_VIDEO: BitFlag(27),
+		USE_VOICE: BitFlag(28),
+		INVITE_USERS: BitFlag(29), // can create user-specific invites in the guilds that they have INVITE_USERS
+		SELF_DELETE_DISABLE: BitFlag(30), // can disable/delete own account
+		DEBTABLE: BitFlag(31), // can use pay-to-use features
+		CREDITABLE: BitFlag(32), // can receive money from monetisation related features
+		KICK_BAN_MEMBERS: BitFlag(33),
+		// can kick or ban guild or group DM members in the guilds/groups that they have KICK_MEMBERS, or BAN_MEMBERS
+		SELF_LEAVE_GROUPS: BitFlag(34), 
+		// can leave the guilds or group DMs that they joined on their own (one can always leave a guild or group DMs they have been force-added)
+		PRESENCE: BitFlag(35),
+		// inverts the presence confidentiality default (OPERATOR's presence is not routed by default, others' are) for a given user
+		SELF_ADD_DISCOVERABLE: BitFlag(36), // can mark discoverable guilds that they have permissions to mark as discoverable
+		MANAGE_GUILD_DIRECTORY: BitFlag(37), // can change anything in the primary guild directory
+		POGGERS: BitFlag(38), // can send confetti, screenshake, random user mention (@someone)
+		USE_ACHIEVEMENTS: BitFlag(39), // can use achievements and cheers
+		INITIATE_INTERACTIONS: BitFlag(40), // can initiate interactions
+		RESPOND_TO_INTERACTIONS: BitFlag(41), // can respond to interactions
+		SEND_BACKDATED_EVENTS: BitFlag(42), // can send backdated events
+		USE_MASS_INVITES: BitFlag(43), // added per @xnacly's request — can accept mass invites
+		ACCEPT_INVITES: BitFlag(44) // added per @xnacly's request — can accept user-specific invites and DM requests
+	};
+	any(permission: RightResolvable, checkOperator = true) {
+		return (checkOperator && super.any(Rights.FLAGS.OPERATOR)) || super.any(permission);
+	}
+	has(permission: RightResolvable, checkOperator = true) {
+		return (checkOperator && super.has(Rights.FLAGS.OPERATOR)) || super.has(permission);
+	}
+	hasThrow(permission: RightResolvable) {
+		if (this.has(permission)) return true;
+		// @ts-ignore
+		throw new HTTPError(`You are missing the following rights ${permission}`, 403);
+	}
+const ALL_RIGHTS = Object.values(Rights.FLAGS).reduce((total, val) => total | val, BigInt(0));
+export async function getRights(	user_id: string
+	/**, opts: {
+		in_behalf?: (keyof User)[];
+	} = {} **/) {
+	let user = await User.findOneOrFail({ where: { id: user_id } });
+	return new Rights(user.rights);
diff --git a/src/util/util/Snowflake.ts b/src/util/util/Snowflake.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ef178fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Snowflake.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// @ts-nocheck
+import * as cluster from "cluster";
+// Apache License Version 2.0 Copyright 2015 - 2021 Amish Shah
+("use strict");
+// Discord epoch (2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)
+ * A container for useful snowflake-related methods.
+ */
+export class Snowflake {
+	static readonly EPOCH = 1420070400000;
+	static INCREMENT = 0n; // max 4095
+	static processId = BigInt( % 31); // max 31
+	static workerId = BigInt((cluster.worker?.id || 0) % 31); // max 31
+	constructor() {
+		throw new Error(`The ${} class may not be instantiated.`);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * A Twitter-like snowflake, except the epoch is 2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
+	 * ```
+	 * If we have a snowflake '266241948824764416' we can represent it as binary:
+	 *
+	 * 64                                          22     17     12          0
+	 *  000000111011000111100001101001000101000000  00001  00000  000000000000
+	 *       number of ms since Discord epoch       worker  pid    increment
+	 * ```
+	 * @typedef {string} Snowflake
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Transforms a snowflake from a decimal string to a bit string.
+	 * @param  {Snowflake} num Snowflake to be transformed
+	 * @returns {string}
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	static idToBinary(num) {
+		let bin = "";
+		let high = parseInt(num.slice(0, -10)) || 0;
+		let low = parseInt(num.slice(-10));
+		while (low > 0 || high > 0) {
+			bin = String(low & 1) + bin;
+			low = Math.floor(low / 2);
+			if (high > 0) {
+				low += 5000000000 * (high % 2);
+				high = Math.floor(high / 2);
+			}
+		}
+		return bin;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Transforms a snowflake from a bit string to a decimal string.
+	 * @param  {string} num Bit string to be transformed
+	 * @returns {Snowflake}
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	static binaryToID(num) {
+		let dec = "";
+		while (num.length > 50) {
+			const high = parseInt(num.slice(0, -32), 2);
+			const low = parseInt((high % 10).toString(2) + num.slice(-32), 2);
+			dec = (low % 10).toString() + dec;
+			num =
+				Math.floor(high / 10).toString(2) +
+				Math.floor(low / 10)
+					.toString(2)
+					.padStart(32, "0");
+		}
+		num = parseInt(num, 2);
+		while (num > 0) {
+			dec = (num % 10).toString() + dec;
+			num = Math.floor(num / 10);
+		}
+		return dec;
+	}
+	static generateWorkerProcess() { // worker process - returns a number
+		let time = BigInt( - Snowflake.EPOCH) << BigInt(22);
+		let worker = Snowflake.workerId << 17n;
+		let process = Snowflake.processId << 12n;
+		let increment = Snowflake.INCREMENT++;
+		return BigInt(time | worker | process | increment);
+	}
+	static generate() {
+		return Snowflake.generateWorkerProcess().toString();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * A deconstructed snowflake.
+	 * @typedef {Object} DeconstructedSnowflake
+	 * @property {number} timestamp Timestamp the snowflake was created
+	 * @property {Date} date Date the snowflake was created
+	 * @property {number} workerID Worker ID in the snowflake
+	 * @property {number} processID Process ID in the snowflake
+	 * @property {number} increment Increment in the snowflake
+	 * @property {string} binary Binary representation of the snowflake
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Deconstructs a Discord snowflake.
+	 * @param {Snowflake} snowflake Snowflake to deconstruct
+	 * @returns {DeconstructedSnowflake} Deconstructed snowflake
+	 */
+	static deconstruct(snowflake) {
+		const BINARY = Snowflake.idToBinary(snowflake).toString(2).padStart(64, "0");
+		const res = {
+			timestamp: parseInt(BINARY.substring(0, 42), 2) + Snowflake.EPOCH,
+			workerID: parseInt(BINARY.substring(42, 47), 2),
+			processID: parseInt(BINARY.substring(47, 52), 2),
+			increment: parseInt(BINARY.substring(52, 64), 2),
+			binary: BINARY,
+		};
+		Object.defineProperty(res, "date", {
+			get: function get() {
+				return new Date(this.timestamp);
+			},
+			enumerable: true,
+		});
+		return res;
+	}
diff --git a/src/util/util/String.ts b/src/util/util/String.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55f11e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/String.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import { SPECIAL_CHAR } from "./Regex";
+export function trimSpecial(str?: string): string {
+	// @ts-ignore
+	if (!str) return;
+	return str.replace(SPECIAL_CHAR, "").trim();
diff --git a/src/util/util/Token.ts b/src/util/util/Token.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a3922d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/Token.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import jwt, { VerifyOptions } from "jsonwebtoken";
+import { Config } from "./Config";
+import { User } from "../entities";
+export const JWTOptions: VerifyOptions = { algorithms: ["HS256"] };
+export function checkToken(token: string, jwtSecret: string): Promise<any> {
+	return new Promise((res, rej) => {
+		token = token.replace("Bot ", "");
+		/**
+		in fosscord, even with instances that have bot distinction; we won't enforce "Bot" prefix,
+		as we don't really have separate pathways for bots 
+		**/
+		jwt.verify(token, jwtSecret, JWTOptions, async (err, decoded: any) => {
+			if (err || !decoded) return rej("Invalid Token");
+			const user = await User.findOne({
+				where: { id: },
+				select: ["data", "bot", "disabled", "deleted", "rights"] 
+			});
+			if (!user) return rej("Invalid Token");
+			// we need to round it to seconds as it saved as seconds in jwt iat and valid_tokens_since is stored in milliseconds
+			if (decoded.iat * 1000 < new Date(, 0))
+				return rej("Invalid Token");
+			if (user.disabled) return rej("User disabled");
+			if (user.deleted) return rej("User not found");
+			return res({ decoded, user });
+		});
+	});
+export async function generateToken(id: string) {
+	const iat = Math.floor( / 1000);
+	const algorithm = "HS256";
+	return new Promise((res, rej) => {
+		jwt.sign(
+			{ id: id, iat },
+			Config.get().security.jwtSecret,
+			{
+				algorithm,
+			},
+			(err, token) => {
+				if (err) return rej(err);
+				return res(token);
+			}
+		);
+	});
diff --git a/src/util/util/TraverseDirectory.ts b/src/util/util/TraverseDirectory.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d0d6279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/TraverseDirectory.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Server, traverseDirectory } from "lambert-server";
+//if we're using ts-node, use ts files instead of js
+const extension = Symbol.for("ts-node.register.instance") in process ? "ts" : "js"
+const DEFAULT_FILTER = new RegExp("^([^\.].*)(?<!\.d)\.(" + extension + ")$");
+export function registerRoutes(server: Server, root: string) {
+	return traverseDirectory(
+		{ dirname: root, recursive: true, filter: DEFAULT_FILTER },
+		server.registerRoute.bind(server, root)
+	);
diff --git a/src/util/util/cdn.ts b/src/util/util/cdn.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cfe4896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/cdn.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import FormData from "form-data";
+import { HTTPError } from "..";
+import { Config } from "./Config";
+import multer from "multer";
+import fetch from "node-fetch"
+import { nodeModuleNameResolver } from "typescript";
+export async function uploadFile(path: string, file?: Express.Multer.File) {
+	if (!file?.buffer) throw new HTTPError("Missing file in body");
+	const form = new FormData();
+	form.append("file", file.buffer, {
+		contentType: file.mimetype,
+		filename: file.originalname,
+	});
+	const response = await fetch(`${Config.get().cdn.endpointPrivate || "http://localhost:3003"}${path}`, {
+		headers: {
+			signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature,
+			...form.getHeaders(),
+		},
+		method: "POST",
+		body: form,
+	});
+	const result = await response.json();
+	if (response.status !== 200) throw result;
+	return result;
+export async function handleFile(path: string, body?: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
+	if (!body || !body.startsWith("data:")) return undefined;
+	try {
+		const mimetype = body.split(":")[1].split(";")[0];
+		const buffer = Buffer.from(body.split(",")[1], "base64");
+		// @ts-ignore
+		const { id } = await uploadFile(path, { buffer, mimetype, originalname: "banner" });
+		return id;
+	} catch (error) {
+		console.error(error);
+		throw new HTTPError("Invalid " + path);
+	}
+export async function deleteFile(path: string) {
+	const response = await fetch(`${Config.get().cdn.endpointPrivate || "http://localhost:3003"}${path}`, {
+		headers: {
+			signature: Config.get().security.requestSignature,
+		},
+		method: "DELETE",
+	});
+	const result = await response.json();
+	if (response.status !== 200) throw result;
+	return result;
diff --git a/src/util/util/imports/Checks.ts b/src/util/util/imports/Checks.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19a84171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/imports/Checks.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
+import { HTTPError } from ".";
+const OPTIONAL_PREFIX = "$";
+const EMAIL_REGEX =
+	/^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
+export function check(schema: any) {
+	return (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
+		try {
+			const result = instanceOf(schema, req.body, { path: "body" });
+			if (result === true) return next();
+			throw result;
+		} catch (error) {
+			next(new HTTPError((error as any).toString(), 400));
+		}
+	};
+export class Tuple {
+	public types: any[];
+	constructor(...types: any[]) {
+		this.types = types;
+	}
+export class Email {
+	constructor(public email: string) {}
+	check() {
+		return !!;
+	}
+export function instanceOf(
+	type: any,
+	value: any,
+	{ path = "", optional = false }: { path?: string; optional?: boolean } = {}
+): boolean {
+	if (!type) return true; // no type was specified
+	if (value == null) {
+		if (optional) return true;
+		throw `${path} is required`;
+	}
+	switch (type) {
+		case String:
+			if (typeof value === "string") return true;
+			throw `${path} must be a string`;
+		case Number:
+			value = Number(value);
+			if (typeof value === "number" && !isNaN(value)) return true;
+			throw `${path} must be a number`;
+		case BigInt:
+			try {
+				value = BigInt(value);
+				if (typeof value === "bigint") return true;
+			} catch (error) {}
+			throw `${path} must be a bigint`;
+		case Boolean:
+			if (value == "true") value = true;
+			if (value == "false") value = false;
+			if (typeof value === "boolean") return true;
+			throw `${path} must be a boolean`;
+		case Object:
+			if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) return true;
+			throw `${path} must be a object`;
+	}
+	if (typeof type === "object") {
+		if (Array.isArray(type)) {
+			if (!Array.isArray(value)) throw `${path} must be an array`;
+			if (!type.length) return true; // type array didn't specify any type
+			return value.every((val, i) => instanceOf(type[0], val, { path: `${path}[${i}]`, optional }));
+		}
+		if (type?.constructor?.name != "Object") {
+			if (type instanceof Tuple) {
+				if (
+					(<Tuple>type).types.some((x) => {
+						try {
+							return instanceOf(x, value, { path, optional });
+						} catch (error) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					})
+				) {
+					return true;
+				}
+				throw `${path} must be one of ${type.types}`;
+			}
+			if (type instanceof Email) {
+				if ((<Email>type).check()) return true;
+				throw `${path} is not a valid E-Mail`;
+			}
+			if (value instanceof type) return true;
+			throw `${path} must be an instance of ${type}`;
+		}
+		if (typeof value !== "object") throw `${path} must be a object`;
+		const diff = Object.keys(value).missing(
+			Object.keys(type).map((x) => (x.startsWith(OPTIONAL_PREFIX) ? x.slice(OPTIONAL_PREFIX.length) : x))
+		);
+		if (diff.length) throw `Unkown key ${diff}`;
+		return Object.keys(type).every((key) => {
+			let newKey = key;
+			const OPTIONAL = key.startsWith(OPTIONAL_PREFIX);
+			if (OPTIONAL) newKey = newKey.slice(OPTIONAL_PREFIX.length);
+			return instanceOf(type[key], value[newKey], {
+				path: `${path}.${newKey}`,
+				optional: OPTIONAL,
+			});
+		});
+	} else if (typeof type === "number" || typeof type === "string" || typeof type === "boolean") {
+		if (value === type) return true;
+		throw `${path} must be ${value}`;
+	} else if (typeof type === "bigint") {
+		if (BigInt(value) === type) return true;
+		throw `${path} must be ${value}`;
+	}
+	return type == value;
diff --git a/src/util/util/imports/HTTPError.ts b/src/util/util/imports/HTTPError.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56a7dd55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/imports/HTTPError.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export class HTTPError extends Error {
+	constructor(message: string, public code: number = 400) {
+		super(message);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/util/imports/OrmUtils.ts b/src/util/util/imports/OrmUtils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91d88172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/imports/OrmUtils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+export class OrmUtils {
+    // Checks if it's an object made by Object.create(null), {} or new Object()
+    private static isPlainObject(item: any) {
+        if (item === null || item === undefined) {
+            return false
+        }
+        return !item.constructor || item.constructor === Object
+    }
+    private static mergeArrayKey(
+        target: any,
+        key: number,
+        value: any,
+        memo: Map<any, any>,
+    ) {
+        // Have we seen this before?  Prevent infinite recursion.
+        if (memo.has(value)) {
+            target[key] = memo.get(value)
+            return
+        }
+        if (value instanceof Promise) {
+            // Skip promises entirely.
+            // This is a hold-over from the old code & is because we don't want to pull in
+            // the lazy fields.  Ideally we'd remove these promises via another function first
+            // but for now we have to do it here.
+            return
+        }
+        if (!this.isPlainObject(value) && !Array.isArray(value)) {
+            target[key] = value
+            return
+        }
+        if (!target[key]) {
+            target[key] = Array.isArray(value) ? [] : {}
+        }
+        memo.set(value, target[key])
+        this.merge(target[key], value, memo)
+        memo.delete(value)
+    }
+    private static mergeObjectKey(
+        target: any,
+        key: string,
+        value: any,
+        memo: Map<any, any>,
+    ) {
+        // Have we seen this before?  Prevent infinite recursion.
+        if (memo.has(value)) {
+            Object.assign(target, { [key]: memo.get(value) })
+            return
+        }
+        if (value instanceof Promise) {
+            // Skip promises entirely.
+            // This is a hold-over from the old code & is because we don't want to pull in
+            // the lazy fields.  Ideally we'd remove these promises via another function first
+            // but for now we have to do it here.
+            return
+        }
+        if (!this.isPlainObject(value) && !Array.isArray(value)) {
+            Object.assign(target, { [key]: value })
+            return
+        }
+        if (!target[key]) {
+            Object.assign(target, { [key]: value })
+        }
+        memo.set(value, target[key])
+        this.merge(target[key], value, memo)
+        memo.delete(value)
+    }
+    private static merge(
+        target: any,
+        source: any,
+        memo: Map<any, any> = new Map(),
+    ): any {
+        if (Array.isArray(target) && Array.isArray(source)) {
+            for (let key = 0; key < source.length; key++) {
+                this.mergeArrayKey(target, key, source[key], memo)
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            for (const key of Object.keys(source)) {
+                this.mergeObjectKey(target, key, source[key], memo)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deep Object.assign.
+     */
+    static mergeDeep(target: any, ...sources: any[]): any {
+        if (!sources.length) {
+            return target
+        }
+        for (const source of sources) {
+            OrmUtils.merge(target, source)
+        }
+        return target
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/util/imports/index.ts b/src/util/util/imports/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18c47a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/imports/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export * from './Checks';
+export * from './HTTPError';
+export * from './OrmUtils';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/util/index.ts b/src/util/util/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e6059fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/util/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+export * from "./ApiError";
+export * from "./BitField";
+export * from "./Token";
+export * from "./imports/HTTPError";
+export * from "./imports/OrmUtils";
+//export * from "./Categories";
+export * from "./cdn";
+export * from "./Config";
+export * from "./Constants";
+export * from "./Database";
+export * from "./Email";
+export * from "./Event";
+export * from "./FieldError";
+export * from "./Intents";
+export * from "./MessageFlags";
+export * from "./Permissions";
+export * from "./RabbitMQ";
+export * from "./Regex";
+export * from "./Rights";
+export * from "./Snowflake";
+export * from "./String";
+export * from "./Array";
+export * from "./TraverseDirectory";
+export * from "./InvisibleCharacters";
+export * from "./imports/index";