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authorMadeline <>2022-10-01 22:22:06 +1000
committerMadeline <>2022-10-01 22:33:23 +1000
commit3d7fd137b49920817cfc10032aa86e889054cbd6 (patch)
parentSlightly better embeds (diff)
Update readme.
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 6aac9e57..1dbdfba7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,18 +1,92 @@
 <p align="center">
-  <img width="100" src="" />
+	<img width="100" src=""/>
-<h1 align="center">Fosscord Server</h1>
+<h1 align="center">Slowcord</h1>
-<p align="center">
-  <a href="">
-    <img src="" />
-  </a>
-  <img src="">
-  <a title="Crowdin" target="_blank" href=""><img src=""></a>
-   <a href="">
-    <img src="">
-  </a>
+### Notice: **DO NOT** ask for support regarding Slowcord in the Fosscord support server.
+This branch hosts the source for [Slowcord]( It is *vastly* different than standard Fosscord, with many new features, bug fixes and improvements.
+If you would like to host Slowcord yourself, you should know:  
+* **You will not receive support**. I am a university student, who works on this in my free time because it's fun. What is not fun is helping people with the same 5 problems.
+* **Slowcord is configured in a very specific way**. There exists parts of the codebase which assume things about your system's configuration which may not be documented here. You **will** need to edit things here to get them to work.
+* **There is no voice/video server, and no admin dashboard** yet. There do not exist on any Fosscord instance.
+Alright, now onto the guide.  
+## The Guide
+The guide assumes:
+* You're using Ubuntu
+* You've got a domain name, and you are NOT using ngrok, cloudflare tunnels, hamachi.
+* With said domain name, you've got DNS records pointing it to your server
+### Installing Slowcord
+# deps make, git, gcc, g++, etc
+sudo apt install build-essential
+# deps for canvas npm package
+sudo apt-get install build-essential libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev librsvg2-dev
+You also need Node, at least version 16. Just go with the latest. It's easiest if you use [node version manager](
+Now to install Slowcord:
+# TODO: once `slowcord-refactor` has been merged into `slowcord`, replace this line.
+git clone -b slowcord-refactor
+cd fosscord-server
+npm i
+npm run build
+# you may now use this last command to start the server
+npm run start
+You should probably run the start command in a `screen`, or with systemd, instead.
+### Installing Nginx, getting an SSL cert
+sudo apt install nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx
+Copy the file at `fosscord-server/src-slowcord/nginx/fosscord` to `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/fosscord` and edit it how you see fit. That is:
+* Edit the `server_name`
+* If you're not using the Slowcord login server, remove the `location` block related to it
+* Remove the Slowcord SSL cert stuff, you'll generate your own later.
+* Also edit the `$host = whatever` line at the bottom., and the server name in that block.
+Now, generate an SSL cert with certbot:
+certbot --nginx
+It'll ask you a bunch of questions, generate a cert, and edit your config to match.
+You may need to run `sudo systemctl restart nginx`.
+At this point, you can probably start Slowcord using `npm run start` in the project root.
+### Configuration
+Almost all config is done through the `config` table of your database. The values are either self explainatory, or have documentation on Slowcord's config provides sane defaults for most things, but you may want to edit:
+* `cdn_endpointPublic`: The CDN url given to clients. Change this to your domain. Protocol is `https`, assuming you've got SSL.
+* `gateway_endpointPublic` See above, but for the gateway. Protocol is `wss`, with SSL.
+* `security_defaultRights` The default rights value is by default. Check the fosscord docs for info about rights.
+* `guild_defaultFeatures_X` The default features of a guild. Used to grant premium features to all guilds on Slowcord. You may want to do the same. [List of guild features]( This value is an array, `X` is a number, starting a `0`.
+* `security_captcha_enabled`, and related values.
+The `.env` file in the project root doesn't have any defaults, but I recommend you use this:
+Not providing a `DATABASE` will set Slowcord to use SQlite, which is not very performant at scale. I recommend Mariadb or Postgresql, as they are quite well-used in the Fosscord community.
+### Some useful scripts
+* `npm run generate:client`. Downloads the full web client and patches it. Edit the script to change what the patches do, such as changing `Discord` -> `Slowcord` and removing Nitro references.
+* `npm run generate:rights`. Shows all-rights values and rights values.
+* `npm run generate:schema`. Generates a new `assets/schemas.json` file. If you edit any schemas, you will need to rerun this.
+### Slowcord additional services
+If you want to run the login server for Discord oauth, use the bot, or use the status reporting service? Just look around in the repo. It's 10:30pm, I'm too tired. Theres example .env files, and you can always look at the codebase to see what they do. They're pretty self explanatory though.
-Branch that []( runs.  
-Generally up to date with master, also contains my fixes/etc that aren't yet merged.
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