@using LibMatrix.Homeservers @using LibMatrix.RoomTypes @using LibMatrix @using LibMatrix.Responses @using MatrixRoomUtils.LibDMSpace @using MatrixRoomUtils.LibDMSpace.StateEvents @using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives @using ArcaneLibs.Extensions DM Space setup tool - stage 1: Configure space

You will need a space to use for DM rooms.

@if (DmSpace is not null) {

Selected space: @foreach (var (id, name) in spaces) { }

Create sub-spaces per user

} else { Error: DmSpaceConfiguration is null! }
Next @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Status)) {


} @code { private string? Status { get => _status; set { _status = value; StateHasChanged(); } } private Dictionary spaces = new() { { "", "New space" } }; private string? _status; [CascadingParameter] public DMSpace? DmSpace { get; set; } public DMSpaceInfo? DmSpaceInfo { get; set; } = new(); protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { await base.OnInitializedAsync(); } SemaphoreSlim _semaphoreSlim = new(1, 1); protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync() { if (DmSpace is null) return; await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(); DmSpace.DmSpaceConfiguration ??= new(); if (spaces.Count == 1) { Status = "Looking for spaces..."; var userRoomsEnum = DmSpace.Homeserver.GetJoinedRoomsByType("m.space"); List userRooms = new(); await foreach (var room in userRoomsEnum) { userRooms.Add(room); } var roomChecks = userRooms.Select(GetFeasibleSpaces).ToAsyncEnumerable(); await foreach(var room in roomChecks) if(room.HasValue) spaces.TryAdd(room.Value.id, room.Value.name); Status = "Done!"; } _semaphoreSlim.Release(); await base.OnParametersSetAsync(); } private async Task Execute() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DmSpace.DmSpaceConfiguration.DMSpaceId)) { var crr = CreateRoomRequest.CreatePrivate(DmSpace.Homeserver, "Direct Messages"); crr._creationContentBaseType.Type = "m.space"; DmSpace.DmSpaceConfiguration.DMSpaceId = (await DmSpace.Homeserver.CreateRoom(crr)).RoomId; } await DmSpace.Homeserver!.SetAccountDataAsync(DMSpaceConfiguration.EventId, DmSpace.DmSpaceConfiguration); var space = DmSpace.Homeserver.GetRoom(DmSpace.DmSpaceConfiguration.DMSpaceId); await space.SendStateEventAsync(DMSpaceInfo.EventId, DmSpaceInfo); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/User/DMSpace/Setup?stage=2"); } public async Task<(string id, string name)?> GetFeasibleSpaces(GenericRoom room) { try { var pls = await room.GetPowerLevelsAsync(); if (!pls.UserHasStatePermission(DmSpace.Homeserver.WhoAmI.UserId, "m.space.child")) { Console.WriteLine($"No permission to send m.space.child in {room.RoomId}..."); return null; } var roomName = await room.GetNameAsync(); Status = $"Found viable space: {roomName}"; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DmSpace.DmSpaceConfiguration.DMSpaceId)) { try { var dsi = await DmSpace.Homeserver.GetRoom(room.RoomId).GetStateOrNullAsync(DMSpaceInfo.EventId) ?? new DMSpaceInfo(); if (await room.GetStateOrNullAsync(DMSpaceInfo.EventId) is not null && dsi is not null) { DmSpace.DmSpaceConfiguration.DMSpaceId = room.RoomId; DmSpaceInfo = dsi; } } catch (MatrixException e) { if (e.ErrorCode == "M_NOT_FOUND") Console.WriteLine($"{room.RoomId} is not a DM space."); else throw; } } return (room.RoomId, roomName); } catch (MatrixException e) { if (e.ErrorCode == "M_NOT_FOUND") Console.WriteLine($"m.room.power_levels does not exist in {room.RoomId}!!!"); else throw; } return null; } }