[[package]] name = "attrs" version = "21.4.0" description = "Classes Without Boilerplate" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" [package.extras] dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface", "furo", "sphinx", "sphinx-notfound-page", "pre-commit", "cloudpickle"] docs = ["furo", "sphinx", "zope.interface", "sphinx-notfound-page"] tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "zope.interface", "cloudpickle"] tests_no_zope = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "mypy", "pytest-mypy-plugins", "cloudpickle"] [[package]] name = "authlib" version = "0.15.5" description = "The ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers." category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] cryptography = "*" [package.extras] client = ["requests"] [[package]] name = "automat" version = "20.2.0" description = "Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] attrs = ">=19.2.0" six = "*" [package.extras] visualize = ["graphviz (>0.5.1)", "Twisted (>=16.1.1)"] [[package]] name = "bcrypt" version = "3.2.0" description = "Modern password hashing for your software and your servers" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] cffi = ">=1.1" six = ">=1.4.1" [package.extras] tests = ["pytest (>=3.2.1,!=3.3.0)"] typecheck = ["mypy"] [[package]] name = "black" version = "22.3.0" description = "The uncompromising code formatter." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6.2" [package.dependencies] click = ">=8.0.0" mypy-extensions = ">=0.4.3" pathspec = ">=0.9.0" platformdirs = ">=2" tomli = {version = ">=1.1.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""} typed-ast = {version = ">=1.4.2", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\" and implementation_name == \"cpython\""} typing-extensions = {version = ">=", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""} [package.extras] colorama = ["colorama (>=0.4.3)"] d = ["aiohttp (>=3.7.4)"] jupyter = ["ipython (>=7.8.0)", "tokenize-rt (>=3.2.0)"] uvloop = ["uvloop (>=0.15.2)"] [[package]] name = "bleach" version = "4.1.0" description = "An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] packaging = "*" six = ">=1.9.0" webencodings = "*" [[package]] name = "canonicaljson" version = "1.6.0" description = "Canonical JSON" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "~=3.7" [package.dependencies] simplejson = ">=3.14.0" [package.extras] frozendict = ["frozendict (>=1.0)"] [[package]] name = "certifi" version = "2021.10.8" description = "Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "cffi" version = "1.15.0" description = "Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] pycparser = "*" [[package]] name = "charset-normalizer" version = "2.0.12" description = "The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5.0" [package.extras] unicode_backport = ["unicodedata2"] [[package]] name = "click" version = "8.1.1" description = "Composable command line interface toolkit" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.dependencies] colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""} importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} [[package]] name = "click-default-group" version = "1.2.2" description = "Extends click.Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] click = "*" [[package]] name = "colorama" version = "0.4.4" description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" [[package]] name = "commonmark" version = "0.9.1" description = "Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.extras] test = ["flake8 (==3.7.8)", "hypothesis (==3.55.3)"] [[package]] name = "constantly" version = "15.1.0" description = "Symbolic constants in Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "cryptography" version = "36.0.1" description = "cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] cffi = ">=1.12" [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx (>=1.6.5,!=1.8.0,!=3.1.0,!=3.1.1)", "sphinx-rtd-theme"] docstest = ["pyenchant (>=1.6.11)", "twine (>=1.12.0)", "sphinxcontrib-spelling (>=4.0.1)"] pep8test = ["black", "flake8", "flake8-import-order", "pep8-naming"] sdist = ["setuptools_rust (>=0.11.4)"] ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"] test = ["pytest (>=6.2.0)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-subtests", "pytest-xdist", "pretend", "iso8601", "pytz", "hypothesis (>=1.11.4,!=3.79.2)"] [[package]] name = "defusedxml" version = "0.7.1" description = "XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" [[package]] name = "deprecated" version = "1.2.13" description = "Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*" [package.dependencies] wrapt = ">=1.10,<2" [package.extras] dev = ["tox", "bump2version (<1)", "sphinx (<2)", "importlib-metadata (<3)", "importlib-resources (<4)", "configparser (<5)", "sphinxcontrib-websupport (<2)", "zipp (<2)", "PyTest (<5)", "PyTest-Cov (<2.6)", "pytest", "pytest-cov"] [[package]] name = "docutils" version = "0.18.1" description = "Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" [[package]] name = "elementpath" version = "2.5.0" description = "XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.extras] dev = ["tox", "coverage", "lxml", "xmlschema (>=1.8.0)", "sphinx", "memory-profiler", "flake8", "mypy (==0.910)"] [[package]] name = "flake8" version = "4.0.1" description = "the modular source code checker: pep8 pyflakes and co" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] importlib-metadata = {version = "<4.3", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} mccabe = ">=0.6.0,<0.7.0" pycodestyle = ">=2.8.0,<2.9.0" pyflakes = ">=2.4.0,<2.5.0" [[package]] name = "flake8-bugbear" version = "21.3.2" description = "A plugin for flake8 finding likely bugs and design problems in your program. Contains warnings that don't belong in pyflakes and pycodestyle." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] attrs = ">=19.2.0" flake8 = ">=3.0.0" [package.extras] dev = ["coverage", "black", "hypothesis", "hypothesmith"] [[package]] name = "flake8-comprehensions" version = "3.8.0" description = "A flake8 plugin to help you write better list/set/dict comprehensions." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.dependencies] flake8 = ">=3.0,<3.2.0 || >3.2.0" importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} [[package]] name = "frozendict" version = "2.3.3" description = "A simple immutable dictionary" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "gitdb" version = "4.0.9" description = "Git Object Database" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] smmap = ">=3.0.1,<6" [[package]] name = "gitpython" version = "3.1.27" description = "GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.dependencies] gitdb = ">=4.0.1,<5" typing-extensions = {version = ">=", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} [[package]] name = "hiredis" version = "2.0.0" description = "Python wrapper for hiredis" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "hyperlink" version = "21.0.0" description = "A featureful, immutable, and correct URL for Python." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*" [package.dependencies] idna = ">=2.5" [[package]] name = "idna" version = "3.3" description = "Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" [[package]] name = "ijson" version = "3.1.4" description = "Iterative JSON parser with standard Python iterator interfaces" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "importlib-metadata" version = "4.2.0" description = "Read metadata from Python packages" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.6.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} zipp = ">=0.5" [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"] testing = ["pytest (>=4.6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "packaging", "pep517", "pyfakefs", "flufl.flake8", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)"] [[package]] name = "importlib-resources" version = "5.4.0" description = "Read resources from Python packages" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] zipp = {version = ">=3.1.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""} [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"] testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy"] [[package]] name = "incremental" version = "21.3.0" description = "A small library that versions your Python projects." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.extras] scripts = ["click (>=6.0)", "twisted (>=16.4.0)"] [[package]] name = "isort" version = "5.7.0" description = "A Python utility / library to sort Python imports." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6,<4.0" [package.extras] pipfile_deprecated_finder = ["pipreqs", "requirementslib"] requirements_deprecated_finder = ["pipreqs", "pip-api"] colors = ["colorama (>=0.4.3,<0.5.0)"] [[package]] name = "jaeger-client" version = "4.8.0" description = "Jaeger Python OpenTracing Tracer implementation" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.dependencies] opentracing = ">=2.1,<3.0" threadloop = ">=1,<2" thrift = "*" tornado = ">=4.3" [package.extras] tests = ["mock", "pycurl", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "coverage", "pytest-timeout", "pytest-tornado", "pytest-benchmark", "pytest-localserver", "flake8", "flake8-quotes", "flake8-typing-imports", "codecov", "tchannel (==2.1.0)", "opentracing_instrumentation (>=3,<4)", "prometheus_client (==0.11.0)", "mypy"] [[package]] name = "jeepney" version = "0.7.1" description = "Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.extras] test = ["pytest", "pytest-trio", "pytest-asyncio", "testpath", "trio", "async-timeout"] trio = ["trio", "async-generator"] [[package]] name = "jinja2" version = "3.0.3" description = "A very fast and expressive template engine." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] MarkupSafe = ">=2.0" [package.extras] i18n = ["Babel (>=2.7)"] [[package]] name = "jsonschema" version = "4.4.0" description = "An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.dependencies] attrs = ">=17.4.0" importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} importlib-resources = {version = ">=1.4.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.9\""} pyrsistent = ">=0.14.0,<0.17.0 || >0.17.0,<0.17.1 || >0.17.1,<0.17.2 || >0.17.2" typing-extensions = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} [package.extras] format = ["fqdn", "idna", "isoduration", "jsonpointer (>1.13)", "rfc3339-validator", "rfc3987", "uri-template", "webcolors (>=1.11)"] format_nongpl = ["fqdn", "idna", "isoduration", "jsonpointer (>1.13)", "rfc3339-validator", "rfc3986-validator (>0.1.0)", "uri-template", "webcolors (>=1.11)"] [[package]] name = "keyring" version = "23.5.0" description = "Store and access your passwords safely." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.dependencies] importlib-metadata = ">=3.6" jeepney = {version = ">=0.4.2", markers = "sys_platform == \"linux\""} pywin32-ctypes = {version = "<0.1.0 || >0.1.0,<0.1.1 || >0.1.1", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""} SecretStorage = {version = ">=3.2", markers = "sys_platform == \"linux\""} [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)"] testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy"] [[package]] name = "ldap3" version = "2.9.1" description = "A strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] pyasn1 = ">=0.4.6" [[package]] name = "lxml" version = "4.9.1" description = "Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API." category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, != 3.4.*" [package.extras] cssselect = ["cssselect (>=0.7)"] html5 = ["html5lib"] htmlsoup = ["beautifulsoup4"] source = ["Cython (>=0.29.7)"] [[package]] name = "markupsafe" version = "2.1.0" description = "Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [[package]] name = "matrix-common" version = "1.2.1" description = "Common utilities for Synapse, Sydent and Sygnal" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] attrs = "*" importlib-metadata = {version = ">=1.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} [package.extras] dev = ["tox", "twisted", "aiounittest", "mypy (==0.910)", "black (==22.3.0)", "flake8 (==4.0.1)", "isort (==5.9.3)", "build (==0.8.0)", "twine (==4.0.1)"] test = ["tox", "twisted", "aiounittest"] [[package]] name = "matrix-synapse-ldap3" version = "0.2.1" description = "An LDAP3 auth provider for Synapse" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.dependencies] ldap3 = ">=2.8" service-identity = "*" Twisted = ">=15.1.0" [package.extras] dev = ["matrix-synapse", "tox", "ldaptor", "mypy (==0.910)", "types-setuptools", "black (==22.3.0)", "flake8 (==4.0.1)", "isort (==5.9.3)"] [[package]] name = "mccabe" version = "0.6.1" description = "McCabe checker, plugin for flake8" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "msgpack" version = "1.0.3" description = "MessagePack (de)serializer." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "mypy" version = "0.950" description = "Optional static typing for Python" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] mypy-extensions = ">=0.4.3" tomli = {version = ">=1.1.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""} typed-ast = {version = ">=1.4.0,<2", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} typing-extensions = ">=3.10" [package.extras] dmypy = ["psutil (>=4.0)"] python2 = ["typed-ast (>=1.4.0,<2)"] reports = ["lxml"] [[package]] name = "mypy-extensions" version = "0.4.3" description = "Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "mypy-zope" version = "0.3.7" description = "Plugin for mypy to support zope interfaces" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] mypy = "0.950" "zope.interface" = "*" "zope.schema" = "*" [package.extras] test = ["pytest (>=4.6)", "pytest-cov", "lxml"] [[package]] name = "netaddr" version = "0.8.0" description = "A network address manipulation library for Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "opentracing" version = "2.4.0" description = "OpenTracing API for Python. See documentation at http://opentracing.io" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.extras] tests = ["doubles", "flake8", "flake8-quotes", "mock", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock", "sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "six (>=1.10.0,<2.0)", "gevent", "tornado"] [[package]] name = "packaging" version = "21.3" description = "Core utilities for Python packages" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] pyparsing = ">=2.0.2,<3.0.5 || >3.0.5" [[package]] name = "parameterized" version = "0.8.1" description = "Parameterized testing with any Python test framework" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.extras] dev = ["jinja2"] [[package]] name = "pathspec" version = "0.9.0" description = "Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*,>=2.7" [[package]] name = "phonenumbers" version = "8.12.44" description = "Python version of Google's common library for parsing, formatting, storing and validating international phone numbers." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "pillow" version = "9.0.1" description = "Python Imaging Library (Fork)" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [[package]] name = "pkginfo" version = "1.8.2" description = "Query metadatdata from sdists / bdists / installed packages." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.extras] testing = ["coverage", "nose"] [[package]] name = "platformdirs" version = "2.5.1" description = "A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a \"user data dir\"." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.extras] docs = ["Sphinx (>=4)", "furo (>=2021.7.5b38)", "proselint (>=0.10.2)", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints (>=1.12)"] test = ["appdirs (==1.4.4)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-cov (>=2.7)", "pytest-mock (>=3.6)"] [[package]] name = "prometheus-client" version = "0.14.0" description = "Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.extras] twisted = ["twisted"] [[package]] name = "psycopg2" version = "2.9.3" description = "psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "psycopg2cffi" version = "2.9.0" description = ".. image:: https://travis-ci.org/chtd/psycopg2cffi.svg?branch=master" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] cffi = ">=1.0" six = "*" [[package]] name = "psycopg2cffi-compat" version = "1.1" description = "A Simple library to enable psycopg2 compatability" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] psycopg2 = "*" [[package]] name = "pyasn1" version = "0.4.8" description = "ASN.1 types and codecs" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "pyasn1-modules" version = "0.2.8" description = "A collection of ASN.1-based protocols modules." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] pyasn1 = ">=0.4.6,<0.5.0" [[package]] name = "pycodestyle" version = "2.8.0" description = "Python style guide checker" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" [[package]] name = "pycparser" version = "2.21" description = "C parser in Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*" [[package]] name = "pyflakes" version = "2.4.0" description = "passive checker of Python programs" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*" [[package]] name = "pygithub" version = "1.55" description = "Use the full Github API v3" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] deprecated = "*" pyjwt = ">=2.0" pynacl = ">=1.4.0" requests = ">=2.14.0" [package.extras] integrations = ["cryptography"] [[package]] name = "pygments" version = "2.11.2" description = "Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" [[package]] name = "pyjwt" version = "2.4.0" description = "JSON Web Token implementation in Python" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.extras] crypto = ["cryptography (>=3.3.1)"] dev = ["sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "zope.interface", "cryptography (>=3.3.1)", "pytest (>=6.0.0,<7.0.0)", "coverage[toml] (==5.0.4)", "mypy", "pre-commit"] docs = ["sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "zope.interface"] tests = ["pytest (>=6.0.0,<7.0.0)", "coverage[toml] (==5.0.4)"] [[package]] name = "pymacaroons" version = "0.13.0" description = "Macaroon library for Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] PyNaCl = ">=1.1.2,<2.0" six = ">=1.8.0" [[package]] name = "pympler" version = "1.0.1" description = "A development tool to measure, monitor and analyze the memory behavior of Python objects." category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "pynacl" version = "1.5.0" description = "Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] cffi = ">=1.4.1" [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx (>=1.6.5)", "sphinx-rtd-theme"] tests = ["pytest (>=3.2.1,!=3.3.0)", "hypothesis (>=3.27.0)"] [[package]] name = "pyopenssl" version = "22.0.0" description = "Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] cryptography = ">=35.0" [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme"] test = ["flaky", "pretend", "pytest (>=3.0.1)"] [[package]] name = "pyparsing" version = "3.0.7" description = "Python parsing module" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.extras] diagrams = ["jinja2", "railroad-diagrams"] [[package]] name = "pyrsistent" version = "0.18.1" description = "Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [[package]] name = "pysaml2" version = "7.1.2" description = "Python implementation of SAML Version 2 Standard" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "<4,>=3.6" [package.dependencies] cryptography = ">=1.4" defusedxml = "*" importlib-resources = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.9\""} pyOpenSSL = "*" python-dateutil = "*" pytz = "*" requests = ">=1.0.0" six = "*" xmlschema = ">=1.2.1" [package.extras] s2repoze = ["paste", "zope.interface", "repoze.who"] [[package]] name = "python-dateutil" version = "2.8.2" description = "Extensions to the standard Python datetime module" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,>=2.7" [package.dependencies] six = ">=1.5" [[package]] name = "pytz" version = "2021.3" description = "World timezone definitions, modern and historical" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "pywin32-ctypes" version = "0.2.0" description = "" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "pyyaml" version = "6.0" description = "YAML parser and emitter for Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "readme-renderer" version = "33.0" description = "readme_renderer is a library for rendering \"readme\" descriptions for Warehouse" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] bleach = ">=2.1.0" docutils = ">=0.13.1" Pygments = ">=2.5.1" [package.extras] md = ["cmarkgfm (>=0.8.0)"] [[package]] name = "requests" version = "2.27.1" description = "Python HTTP for Humans." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, !=3.5.*" [package.dependencies] certifi = ">=2017.4.17" charset-normalizer = {version = ">=2.0.0,<2.1.0", markers = "python_version >= \"3\""} idna = {version = ">=2.5,<4", markers = "python_version >= \"3\""} urllib3 = ">=1.21.1,<1.27" [package.extras] socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7)", "win-inet-pton"] use_chardet_on_py3 = ["chardet (>=3.0.2,<5)"] [[package]] name = "requests-toolbelt" version = "0.9.1" description = "A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] requests = ">=2.0.1,<3.0.0" [[package]] name = "rfc3986" version = "2.0.0" description = "Validating URI References per RFC 3986" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.extras] idna2008 = ["idna"] [[package]] name = "rust-python-jaeger-reporter" version = "0.1.20" description = "A faster reporter for the python `jaeger-client` that reports spans in a native background thread." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" develop = false [package.source] type = "git" url = "https://github.com/erikjohnston/rust-jaeger-python-client.git" reference = "master" resolved_reference = "27754b5f56b4099374c389f677911f7af852a00e" [[package]] name = "secretstorage" version = "3.3.1" description = "Python bindings to FreeDesktop.org Secret Service API" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] cryptography = ">=2.0" jeepney = ">=0.6" [[package]] name = "sentry-sdk" version = "1.5.11" description = "Python client for Sentry (https://sentry.io)" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] certifi = "*" urllib3 = ">=1.10.0" [package.extras] aiohttp = ["aiohttp (>=3.5)"] beam = ["apache-beam (>=2.12)"] bottle = ["bottle (>=0.12.13)"] celery = ["celery (>=3)"] chalice = ["chalice (>=1.16.0)"] django = ["django (>=1.8)"] falcon = ["falcon (>=1.4)"] flask = ["flask (>=0.11)", "blinker (>=1.1)"] httpx = ["httpx (>=0.16.0)"] pure_eval = ["pure-eval", "executing", "asttokens"] pyspark = ["pyspark (>=2.4.4)"] quart = ["quart (>=0.16.1)", "blinker (>=1.1)"] rq = ["rq (>=0.6)"] sanic = ["sanic (>=0.8)"] sqlalchemy = ["sqlalchemy (>=1.2)"] tornado = ["tornado (>=5)"] [[package]] name = "service-identity" version = "21.1.0" description = "Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL & cryptography." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] attrs = ">=19.1.0" cryptography = "*" pyasn1 = "*" pyasn1-modules = "*" six = "*" [package.extras] dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "pytest", "sphinx", "furo", "idna", "pyopenssl"] docs = ["sphinx", "furo"] idna = ["idna"] tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "pytest"] [[package]] name = "signedjson" version = "1.1.4" description = "Sign JSON with Ed25519 signatures" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] canonicaljson = ">=1.0.0" importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} pynacl = ">=0.3.0" typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.5", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""} unpaddedbase64 = ">=1.0.1" [package.extras] dev = ["typing-extensions (>=3.5)"] [[package]] name = "simplejson" version = "3.17.6" description = "Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.5, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*" [[package]] name = "six" version = "1.16.0" description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*" [[package]] name = "smmap" version = "5.0.0" description = "A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "sortedcontainers" version = "2.4.0" description = "Sorted Containers -- Sorted List, Sorted Dict, Sorted Set" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "systemd-python" version = "234" description = "Python interface for libsystemd" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "threadloop" version = "1.0.2" description = "Tornado IOLoop Backed Concurrent Futures" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] tornado = "*" [[package]] name = "thrift" version = "0.15.0" description = "Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] six = ">=1.7.2" [package.extras] all = ["tornado (>=4.0)", "twisted"] tornado = ["tornado (>=4.0)"] twisted = ["twisted"] [[package]] name = "tomli" version = "1.2.3" description = "A lil' TOML parser" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "tornado" version = "6.1" description = "Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed." category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">= 3.5" [[package]] name = "towncrier" version = "21.9.0" description = "Building newsfiles for your project." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] click = "*" click-default-group = "*" incremental = "*" jinja2 = "*" tomli = {version = "*", markers = "python_version >= \"3.6\""} [package.extras] dev = ["packaging"] [[package]] name = "tqdm" version = "4.63.0" description = "Fast, Extensible Progress Meter" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,>=2.7" [package.dependencies] colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""} [package.extras] dev = ["py-make (>=0.1.0)", "twine", "wheel"] notebook = ["ipywidgets (>=6)"] telegram = ["requests"] [[package]] name = "treq" version = "22.2.0" description = "High-level Twisted HTTP Client API" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] attrs = "*" hyperlink = ">=21.0.0" incremental = "*" requests = ">=2.1.0" Twisted = {version = ">=18.7.0", extras = ["tls"]} [package.extras] dev = ["pep8", "pyflakes", "httpbin (==0.5.0)"] docs = ["sphinx (>=1.4.8)"] [[package]] name = "twine" version = "3.8.0" description = "Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [package.dependencies] colorama = ">=0.4.3" importlib-metadata = ">=3.6" keyring = ">=15.1" pkginfo = ">=1.8.1" readme-renderer = ">=21.0" requests = ">=2.20" requests-toolbelt = ">=0.8.0,<0.9.0 || >0.9.0" rfc3986 = ">=1.4.0" tqdm = ">=4.14" urllib3 = ">=1.26.0" [[package]] name = "twisted" version = "22.4.0" description = "An asynchronous networking framework written in Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6.7" [package.dependencies] attrs = ">=19.2.0" Automat = ">=0.8.0" constantly = ">=15.1" hyperlink = ">=17.1.1" idna = {version = ">=2.4", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"tls\""} incremental = ">=21.3.0" pyopenssl = {version = ">=16.0.0", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"tls\""} service-identity = {version = ">=18.1.0", optional = true, markers = "extra == \"tls\""} twisted-iocpsupport = {version = ">=1.0.2,<2", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""} typing-extensions = ">=3.6.5" "zope.interface" = ">=4.4.2" [package.extras] all_non_platform = ["cython-test-exception-raiser (>=1.0.2,<2)", "PyHamcrest (>=1.9.0)", "pyopenssl (>=16.0.0)", "service-identity (>=18.1.0)", "idna (>=2.4)", "pyasn1", "cryptography (>=2.6)", "appdirs (>=1.4.0)", "bcrypt (>=3.0.0)", "pyserial (>=3.0)", "h2 (>=3.0,<5.0)", "priority (>=1.1.0,<2.0)", "pywin32 (!=226)", "contextvars (>=2.4,<3)"] conch = ["pyasn1", "cryptography (>=2.6)", "appdirs (>=1.4.0)", "bcrypt (>=3.0.0)"] conch_nacl = ["pyasn1", "cryptography (>=2.6)", "appdirs (>=1.4.0)", "bcrypt (>=3.0.0)", "pynacl"] contextvars = ["contextvars (>=2.4,<3)"] dev = ["towncrier (>=19.2,<20.0)", "sphinx-rtd-theme (>=0.5,<1.0)", "readthedocs-sphinx-ext (>=2.1,<3.0)", "sphinx (>=4.1.2,<6)", "pyflakes (>=2.2,<3.0)", "twistedchecker (>=0.7,<1.0)", "coverage (>=6b1,<7)", "python-subunit (>=1.4,<2.0)", "pydoctor (>=21.9.0,<21.10.0)"] dev_release = ["towncrier (>=19.2,<20.0)", "sphinx-rtd-theme (>=0.5,<1.0)", "readthedocs-sphinx-ext (>=2.1,<3.0)", "sphinx (>=4.1.2,<6)", "pydoctor (>=21.9.0,<21.10.0)"] http2 = ["h2 (>=3.0,<5.0)", "priority (>=1.1.0,<2.0)"] macos_platform = ["pyobjc-core", "pyobjc-framework-cfnetwork", "pyobjc-framework-cocoa", "cython-test-exception-raiser (>=1.0.2,<2)", "PyHamcrest (>=1.9.0)", "pyopenssl (>=16.0.0)", "service-identity (>=18.1.0)", "idna (>=2.4)", "pyasn1", "cryptography (>=2.6)", "appdirs (>=1.4.0)", "bcrypt (>=3.0.0)", "pyserial (>=3.0)", "h2 (>=3.0,<5.0)", "priority (>=1.1.0,<2.0)", "pywin32 (!=226)", "contextvars (>=2.4,<3)"] mypy = ["mypy (==0.930)", "mypy-zope (==0.3.4)", "types-setuptools", "types-pyopenssl", "towncrier (>=19.2,<20.0)", "sphinx-rtd-theme (>=0.5,<1.0)", "readthedocs-sphinx-ext (>=2.1,<3.0)", "sphinx (>=4.1.2,<6)", "pyflakes (>=2.2,<3.0)", "twistedchecker (>=0.7,<1.0)", "coverage (>=6b1,<7)", "cython-test-exception-raiser (>=1.0.2,<2)", "PyHamcrest (>=1.9.0)", "pyopenssl (>=16.0.0)", "service-identity (>=18.1.0)", "idna (>=2.4)", "pyasn1", "cryptography (>=2.6)", "appdirs (>=1.4.0)", "bcrypt (>=3.0.0)", "pyserial (>=3.0)", "h2 (>=3.0,<5.0)", "priority (>=1.1.0,<2.0)", "pynacl", "pywin32 (!=226)", "python-subunit (>=1.4,<2.0)", "contextvars (>=2.4,<3)", "pydoctor (>=21.9.0,<21.10.0)"] osx_platform = ["pyobjc-core", "pyobjc-framework-cfnetwork", "pyobjc-framework-cocoa", "cython-test-exception-raiser (>=1.0.2,<2)", "PyHamcrest (>=1.9.0)", "pyopenssl (>=16.0.0)", "service-identity (>=18.1.0)", "idna (>=2.4)", "pyasn1", "cryptography (>=2.6)", "appdirs (>=1.4.0)", "bcrypt (>=3.0.0)", "pyserial (>=3.0)", "h2 (>=3.0,<5.0)", "priority (>=1.1.0,<2.0)", "pywin32 (!=226)", "contextvars (>=2.4,<3)"] serial = ["pyserial (>=3.0)", "pywin32 (!=226)"] test = ["cython-test-exception-raiser (>=1.0.2,<2)", "PyHamcrest (>=1.9.0)"] tls = ["pyopenssl (>=16.0.0)", "service-identity (>=18.1.0)", "idna (>=2.4)"] windows_platform = ["pywin32 (!=226)", "cython-test-exception-raiser (>=1.0.2,<2)", "PyHamcrest (>=1.9.0)", "pyopenssl (>=16.0.0)", "service-identity (>=18.1.0)", "idna (>=2.4)", "pyasn1", "cryptography (>=2.6)", "appdirs (>=1.4.0)", "bcrypt (>=3.0.0)", "pyserial (>=3.0)", "h2 (>=3.0,<5.0)", "priority (>=1.1.0,<2.0)", "pywin32 (!=226)", "contextvars (>=2.4,<3)"] [[package]] name = "twisted-iocpsupport" version = "1.0.2" description = "An extension for use in the twisted I/O Completion Ports reactor." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "txredisapi" version = "1.4.7" description = "non-blocking redis client for python" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] six = "*" twisted = "*" [[package]] name = "typed-ast" version = "1.5.2" description = "a fork of Python 2 and 3 ast modules with type comment support" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "types-bleach" version = "4.1.4" description = "Typing stubs for bleach" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-commonmark" version = "0.9.2" description = "Typing stubs for commonmark" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-cryptography" version = "3.3.15" description = "Typing stubs for cryptography" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] types-enum34 = "*" types-ipaddress = "*" [[package]] name = "types-enum34" version = "1.1.8" description = "Typing stubs for enum34" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-ipaddress" version = "1.0.8" description = "Typing stubs for ipaddress" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-jsonschema" version = "4.4.6" description = "Typing stubs for jsonschema" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-opentracing" version = "2.4.7" description = "Typing stubs for opentracing" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-pillow" version = "9.0.15" description = "Typing stubs for Pillow" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-psycopg2" version = "2.9.9" description = "Typing stubs for psycopg2" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-pyopenssl" version = "22.0.0" description = "Typing stubs for pyOpenSSL" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] types-cryptography = "*" [[package]] name = "types-pyyaml" version = "6.0.4" description = "Typing stubs for PyYAML" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-requests" version = "2.27.11" description = "Typing stubs for requests" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.dependencies] types-urllib3 = "<1.27" [[package]] name = "types-setuptools" version = "57.4.9" description = "Typing stubs for setuptools" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "types-urllib3" version = "1.26.10" description = "Typing stubs for urllib3" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "typing-extensions" version = "4.1.1" description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.6+" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6" [[package]] name = "unpaddedbase64" version = "2.1.0" description = "Encode and decode Base64 without \"=\" padding" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6,<4.0" [[package]] name = "urllib3" version = "1.26.8" description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more." category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, <4" [package.extras] brotli = ["brotlipy (>=0.6.0)"] secure = ["pyOpenSSL (>=0.14)", "cryptography (>=1.3.4)", "idna (>=2.0.0)", "certifi", "ipaddress"] socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7,<2.0)"] [[package]] name = "webencodings" version = "0.5.1" description = "Character encoding aliases for legacy web content" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = "*" [[package]] name = "wrapt" version = "1.13.3" description = "Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching." category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*,>=2.7" [[package]] name = "xmlschema" version = "1.10.0" description = "An XML Schema validator and decoder" category = "main" optional = true python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.dependencies] elementpath = ">=2.5.0,<3.0.0" [package.extras] codegen = ["elementpath (>=2.5.0,<3.0.0)", "jinja2"] dev = ["tox", "coverage", "lxml", "elementpath (>=2.5.0,<3.0.0)", "memory-profiler", "sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "jinja2", "flake8", "mypy", "lxml-stubs"] docs = ["elementpath (>=2.5.0,<3.0.0)", "sphinx", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "jinja2"] [[package]] name = "zipp" version = "3.7.0" description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.7" [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"] testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "jaraco.itertools", "func-timeout", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy"] [[package]] name = "zope.event" version = "4.5.0" description = "Very basic event publishing system" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = "*" [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx"] test = ["zope.testrunner"] [[package]] name = "zope.interface" version = "5.4.0" description = "Interfaces for Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx", "repoze.sphinx.autointerface"] test = ["coverage (>=5.0.3)", "zope.event", "zope.testing"] testing = ["coverage (>=5.0.3)", "zope.event", "zope.testing"] [[package]] name = "zope.schema" version = "6.2.0" description = "zope.interface extension for defining data schemas" category = "dev" optional = false python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" [package.dependencies] "zope.event" = "*" "zope.interface" = ">=5.0.0" [package.extras] docs = ["sphinx", "repoze.sphinx.autointerface"] test = ["zope.i18nmessageid", "zope.testing", "zope.testrunner"] [extras] all = ["matrix-synapse-ldap3", "psycopg2", "psycopg2cffi", "psycopg2cffi-compat", "pysaml2", "authlib", "lxml", "sentry-sdk", "jaeger-client", "opentracing", "txredisapi", "hiredis", "Pympler"] cache_memory = ["Pympler"] jwt = ["authlib"] matrix-synapse-ldap3 = ["matrix-synapse-ldap3"] oidc = ["authlib"] opentracing = ["jaeger-client", "opentracing"] postgres = ["psycopg2", "psycopg2cffi", "psycopg2cffi-compat"] redis = ["txredisapi", "hiredis"] saml2 = ["pysaml2"] sentry = ["sentry-sdk"] systemd = ["systemd-python"] test = ["parameterized", "idna"] url_preview = ["lxml"] [metadata] lock-version = "1.1" python-versions = "^3.7.1" content-hash = "0fc4f4fc7606ac12a18e1e5657f0f45cfa46442d46053ea106e0e28c53bcbaaf" [metadata.files] attrs = [] authlib = [] automat = [] bcrypt = [] black = [] bleach = [] canonicaljson = [] certifi = [] cffi = [] charset-normalizer = [] click = [] click-default-group = [] colorama = [] commonmark = [] constantly = [] cryptography = [] defusedxml = [] deprecated = [] docutils = [] elementpath = [] flake8 = [] flake8-bugbear = [] flake8-comprehensions = [] frozendict = [] gitdb = [] gitpython = [] hiredis = [] hyperlink = [] idna = [] ijson = [] importlib-metadata = [] importlib-resources = [] incremental = [] isort = [] jaeger-client = [] jeepney = [] jinja2 = [] jsonschema 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[] treq = [] twine = [] twisted = [] twisted-iocpsupport = [] txredisapi = [] typed-ast = [] types-bleach = [] types-commonmark = [] types-cryptography = [] types-enum34 = [] types-ipaddress = [] types-jsonschema = [] types-opentracing = [] types-pillow = [] types-psycopg2 = [] types-pyopenssl = [] types-pyyaml = [] types-requests = [] types-setuptools = [] types-urllib3 = [] typing-extensions = [] unpaddedbase64 = [] urllib3 = [] webencodings = [] wrapt = [] xmlschema = [] zipp = [] "zope.event" = [] "zope.interface" = [] "zope.schema" = []