diff --git a/synapse/third_party_rules/access_rules.py b/synapse/third_party_rules/access_rules.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..253bba664b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/third_party_rules/access_rules.py
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2019 New Vector Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import email.utils
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, JoinRules, Membership, RoomCreationPreset
+from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
+from synapse.config._base import ConfigError
+from synapse.types import get_domain_from_id
+ACCESS_RULES_TYPE = "im.vector.room.access_rules"
+# Rules to which we need to apply the power levels restrictions.
+# These are all of the rules that neither:
+# * forbid users from joining based on a server blacklist (which means that there
+# is no need to apply power level restrictions), nor
+# * target direct chats (since we allow both users to be room admins in this case).
+# The power-level restrictions, when they are applied, prevent the following:
+# * the default power level for users (users_default) being set to anything other than 0.
+# * a non-default power level being assigned to any user which would be forbidden from
+# joining a restricted room.
+class RoomAccessRules(object):
+ """Implementation of the ThirdPartyEventRules module API that allows federation admins
+ to define custom rules for specific events and actions.
+ Implements the custom behaviour for the "im.vector.room.access_rules" state event.
+ Takes a config in the format:
+ third_party_event_rules:
+ module: third_party_rules.RoomAccessRules
+ config:
+ # List of domains (server names) that can't be invited to rooms if the
+ # "restricted" rule is set. Defaults to an empty list.
+ domains_forbidden_when_restricted: []
+ # Identity server to use when checking the HS an email address belongs to
+ # using the /info endpoint. Required.
+ id_server: "vector.im"
+ Don't forget to consider if you can invite users from your own domain.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config, http_client):
+ self.http_client = http_client
+ self.id_server = config["id_server"]
+ self.domains_forbidden_when_restricted = config.get(
+ "domains_forbidden_when_restricted", []
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_config(config):
+ if "id_server" in config:
+ return config
+ else:
+ raise ConfigError("No IS for event rules TchapEventRules")
+ def on_create_room(self, requester, config, is_requester_admin):
+ """Implements synapse.events.ThirdPartyEventRules.on_create_room
+ Checks if a im.vector.room.access_rules event is being set during room creation.
+ If yes, make sure the event is correct. Otherwise, append an event with the
+ default rule to the initial state.
+ """
+ is_direct = config.get("is_direct")
+ preset = config.get("preset")
+ access_rule = None
+ join_rule = None
+ # If there's a rules event in the initial state, check if it complies with the
+ # spec for im.vector.room.access_rules and deny the request if not.
+ for event in config.get("initial_state", []):
+ if event["type"] == ACCESS_RULES_TYPE:
+ access_rule = event["content"].get("rule")
+ # Make sure the event has a valid content.
+ if access_rule is None:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid access rule")
+ # Make sure the rule name is valid.
+ if access_rule not in VALID_ACCESS_RULES:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid access rule")
+ # Make sure the rule is "direct" if the room is a direct chat.
+ if (is_direct and access_rule != ACCESS_RULE_DIRECT) or (
+ access_rule == ACCESS_RULE_DIRECT and not is_direct
+ ):
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid access rule")
+ if event["type"] == EventTypes.JoinRules:
+ join_rule = event["content"].get("join_rule")
+ if access_rule is None:
+ # If there's no access rules event in the initial state, create one with the
+ # default setting.
+ if is_direct:
+ default_rule = ACCESS_RULE_DIRECT
+ else:
+ # If the default value for non-direct chat changes, we should make another
+ # case here for rooms created with either a "public" join_rule or the
+ # "public_chat" preset to make sure those keep defaulting to "restricted"
+ if not config.get("initial_state"):
+ config["initial_state"] = []
+ config["initial_state"].append(
+ {
+ "state_key": "",
+ "content": {"rule": default_rule},
+ }
+ )
+ access_rule = default_rule
+ # Check that the preset or the join rule in use is compatible with the access
+ # rule, whether it's a user-defined one or the default one (i.e. if it involves
+ # a "public" join rule, the access rule must be "restricted").
+ if (
+ join_rule == JoinRules.PUBLIC or preset == RoomCreationPreset.PUBLIC_CHAT
+ ) and access_rule != ACCESS_RULE_RESTRICTED:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid access rule")
+ # Check if the creator can override values for the power levels.
+ allowed = self._is_power_level_content_allowed(
+ config.get("power_level_content_override", {}), access_rule
+ )
+ if not allowed:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid power levels content override")
+ # Second loop for events we need to know the current rule to process.
+ for event in config.get("initial_state", []):
+ if event["type"] == EventTypes.PowerLevels:
+ allowed = self._is_power_level_content_allowed(
+ event["content"], access_rule
+ )
+ if not allowed:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid power levels content")
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def check_threepid_can_be_invited(self, medium, address, state_events):
+ """Implements synapse.events.ThirdPartyEventRules.check_threepid_can_be_invited
+ Check if a threepid can be invited to the room via a 3PID invite given the current
+ rules and the threepid's address, by retrieving the HS it's mapped to from the
+ configured identity server, and checking if we can invite users from it.
+ """
+ rule = self._get_rule_from_state(state_events)
+ if medium != "email":
+ defer.returnValue(False)
+ # Only "restricted" requires filtering 3PID invites. We don't need to do
+ # anything for "direct" here, because only "restricted" requires filtering
+ # based on the HS the address is mapped to.
+ defer.returnValue(True)
+ parsed_address = email.utils.parseaddr(address)[1]
+ if parsed_address != address:
+ # Avoid reproducing the security issue described here:
+ # https://matrix.org/blog/2019/04/18/security-update-sydent-1-0-2
+ # It's probably not worth it but let's just be overly safe here.
+ defer.returnValue(False)
+ # Get the HS this address belongs to from the identity server.
+ res = yield self.http_client.get_json(
+ "https://%s/_matrix/identity/api/v1/info" % (self.id_server,),
+ {"medium": medium, "address": address},
+ )
+ # Look for a domain that's not forbidden from being invited.
+ if not res.get("hs"):
+ defer.returnValue(False)
+ if res.get("hs") in self.domains_forbidden_when_restricted:
+ defer.returnValue(False)
+ defer.returnValue(True)
+ def check_event_allowed(self, event, state_events):
+ """Implements synapse.events.ThirdPartyEventRules.check_event_allowed
+ Checks the event's type and the current rule and calls the right function to
+ determine whether the event can be allowed.
+ """
+ if event.type == ACCESS_RULES_TYPE:
+ return self._on_rules_change(event, state_events)
+ # We need to know the rule to apply when processing the event types below.
+ rule = self._get_rule_from_state(state_events)
+ if event.type == EventTypes.PowerLevels:
+ return self._is_power_level_content_allowed(event.content, rule)
+ if event.type == EventTypes.Member or event.type == EventTypes.ThirdPartyInvite:
+ return self._on_membership_or_invite(event, rule, state_events)
+ if event.type == EventTypes.JoinRules:
+ return self._on_join_rule_change(event, rule)
+ if event.type == EventTypes.RoomAvatar:
+ return self._on_room_avatar_change(event, rule)
+ if event.type == EventTypes.Name:
+ return self._on_room_name_change(event, rule)
+ if event.type == EventTypes.Topic:
+ return self._on_room_topic_change(event, rule)
+ return True
+ def _on_rules_change(self, event, state_events):
+ """Implement the checks and behaviour specified on allowing or forbidding a new
+ im.vector.room.access_rules event.
+ Args:
+ event (synapse.events.EventBase): The event to check.
+ state_events (dict[tuple[event type, state key], EventBase]): The state of the
+ room before the event was sent.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ new_rule = event.content.get("rule")
+ # Check for invalid values.
+ if new_rule not in VALID_ACCESS_RULES:
+ return False
+ # We must not allow rooms with the "public" join rule to be given any other access
+ # rule than "restricted".
+ join_rule = self._get_join_rule_from_state(state_events)
+ if join_rule == JoinRules.PUBLIC and new_rule != ACCESS_RULE_RESTRICTED:
+ return False
+ # Make sure we don't apply "direct" if the room has more than two members.
+ if new_rule == ACCESS_RULE_DIRECT:
+ existing_members, threepid_tokens = self._get_members_and_tokens_from_state(
+ state_events
+ )
+ if len(existing_members) > 2 or len(threepid_tokens) > 1:
+ return False
+ prev_rules_event = state_events.get((ACCESS_RULES_TYPE, ""))
+ # Now that we know the new rule doesn't break the "direct" case, we can allow any
+ # new rule in rooms that had none before.
+ if prev_rules_event is None:
+ return True
+ prev_rule = prev_rules_event.content.get("rule")
+ # Currently, we can only go from "restricted" to "unrestricted".
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _on_membership_or_invite(self, event, rule, state_events):
+ """Applies the correct rule for incoming m.room.member and
+ m.room.third_party_invite events.
+ Args:
+ event (synapse.events.EventBase): The event to check.
+ rule (str): The name of the rule to apply.
+ state_events (dict[tuple[event type, state key], EventBase]): The state of the
+ room before the event was sent.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ ret = self._on_membership_or_invite_restricted(event)
+ ret = self._on_membership_or_invite_unrestricted()
+ elif rule == ACCESS_RULE_DIRECT:
+ ret = self._on_membership_or_invite_direct(event, state_events)
+ else:
+ # We currently apply the default (restricted) if we don't know the rule, we
+ # might want to change that in the future.
+ ret = self._on_membership_or_invite_restricted(event)
+ return ret
+ def _on_membership_or_invite_restricted(self, event):
+ """Implements the checks and behaviour specified for the "restricted" rule.
+ "restricted" currently means that users can only invite users if their server is
+ included in a limited list of domains.
+ Args:
+ event (synapse.events.EventBase): The event to check.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ # We're not applying the rules on m.room.third_party_member events here because
+ # the filtering on threepids is done in check_threepid_can_be_invited, which is
+ # called before check_event_allowed.
+ if event.type == EventTypes.ThirdPartyInvite:
+ return True
+ # We only need to process "join" and "invite" memberships, in order to be backward
+ # compatible, e.g. if a user from a blacklisted server joined a restricted room
+ # before the rules started being enforced on the server, that user must be able to
+ # leave it.
+ if event.membership not in [Membership.JOIN, Membership.INVITE]:
+ return True
+ invitee_domain = get_domain_from_id(event.state_key)
+ return invitee_domain not in self.domains_forbidden_when_restricted
+ def _on_membership_or_invite_unrestricted(self):
+ """Implements the checks and behaviour specified for the "unrestricted" rule.
+ "unrestricted" currently means that every event is allowed.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return True
+ def _on_membership_or_invite_direct(self, event, state_events):
+ """Implements the checks and behaviour specified for the "direct" rule.
+ "direct" currently means that no member is allowed apart from the two initial
+ members the room was created for (i.e. the room's creator and their first
+ invitee).
+ Args:
+ event (synapse.events.EventBase): The event to check.
+ state_events (dict[tuple[event type, state key], EventBase]): The state of the
+ room before the event was sent.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ # Get the room memberships and 3PID invite tokens from the room's state.
+ existing_members, threepid_tokens = self._get_members_and_tokens_from_state(
+ state_events
+ )
+ # There should never be more than one 3PID invite in the room state: if the second
+ # original user came and left, and we're inviting them using their email address,
+ # given we know they have a Matrix account binded to the address (so they could
+ # join the first time), Synapse will successfully look it up before attempting to
+ # store an invite on the IS.
+ if len(threepid_tokens) == 1 and event.type == EventTypes.ThirdPartyInvite:
+ # If we already have a 3PID invite in flight, don't accept another one, unless
+ # the new one has the same invite token as its state key. This is because 3PID
+ # invite revocations must be allowed, and a revocation is basically a new 3PID
+ # invite event with an empty content and the same token as the invite it
+ # revokes.
+ return event.state_key in threepid_tokens
+ if len(existing_members) == 2:
+ # If the user was within the two initial user of the room, Synapse would have
+ # looked it up successfully and thus sent a m.room.member here instead of
+ # m.room.third_party_invite.
+ if event.type == EventTypes.ThirdPartyInvite:
+ return False
+ # We can only have m.room.member events here. The rule in this case is to only
+ # allow the event if its target is one of the initial two members in the room,
+ # i.e. the state key of one of the two m.room.member states in the room.
+ return event.state_key in existing_members
+ # We're alone in the room (and always have been) and there's one 3PID invite in
+ # flight.
+ if len(existing_members) == 1 and len(threepid_tokens) == 1:
+ # We can only have m.room.member events here. In this case, we can only allow
+ # the event if it's either a m.room.member from the joined user (we can assume
+ # that the only m.room.member event is a join otherwise we wouldn't be able to
+ # send an event to the room) or an an invite event which target is the invited
+ # user.
+ target = event.state_key
+ is_from_threepid_invite = self._is_invite_from_threepid(
+ event, threepid_tokens[0]
+ )
+ if is_from_threepid_invite or target == existing_members[0]:
+ return True
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _is_power_level_content_allowed(self, content, access_rule):
+ """Check if a given power levels event is permitted under the given access rule.
+ It shouldn't be allowed if it either changes the default PL to a non-0 value or
+ gives a non-0 PL to a user that would have been forbidden from joining the room
+ under a more restrictive access rule.
+ Args:
+ content (dict[]): The content of the m.room.power_levels event to check.
+ access_rule (str): The access rule in place in this room.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ # Check if we need to apply the restrictions with the current rule.
+ return True
+ # If users_default is explicitly set to a non-0 value, deny the event.
+ users_default = content.get("users_default", 0)
+ if users_default:
+ return False
+ users = content.get("users", {})
+ for user_id, power_level in users.items():
+ server_name = get_domain_from_id(user_id)
+ # Check the domain against the blacklist. If found, and the PL isn't 0, deny
+ # the event.
+ if (
+ server_name in self.domains_forbidden_when_restricted
+ and power_level != 0
+ ):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _on_join_rule_change(self, event, rule):
+ """Check whether a join rule change is allowed. A join rule change is always
+ allowed unless the new join rule is "public" and the current access rule isn't
+ "restricted".
+ The rationale is that external users (those whose server would be denied access
+ to rooms enforcing the "restricted" access rule) should always rely on non-
+ external users for access to rooms, therefore they shouldn't be able to access
+ rooms that don't require an invite to be joined.
+ Note that we currently rely on the default access rule being "restricted": during
+ room creation, the m.room.join_rules event will be sent *before* the
+ im.vector.room.access_rules one, so the access rule that will be considered here
+ in this case will be the default "restricted" one. This is fine since the
+ "restricted" access rule allows any value for the join rule, but we should keep
+ that in mind if we need to change the default access rule in the future.
+ Args:
+ event (synapse.events.EventBase): The event to check.
+ rule (str): The name of the rule to apply.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ if event.content.get("join_rule") == JoinRules.PUBLIC:
+ return True
+ def _on_room_avatar_change(self, event, rule):
+ """Check whether a change of room avatar is allowed.
+ The current rule is to forbid such a change in direct chats but allow it
+ everywhere else.
+ Args:
+ event (synapse.events.EventBase): The event to check.
+ rule (str): The name of the rule to apply.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return rule != ACCESS_RULE_DIRECT
+ def _on_room_name_change(self, event, rule):
+ """Check whether a change of room name is allowed.
+ The current rule is to forbid such a change in direct chats but allow it
+ everywhere else.
+ Args:
+ event (synapse.events.EventBase): The event to check.
+ rule (str): The name of the rule to apply.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return rule != ACCESS_RULE_DIRECT
+ def _on_room_topic_change(self, event, rule):
+ """Check whether a change of room topic is allowed.
+ The current rule is to forbid such a change in direct chats but allow it
+ everywhere else.
+ Args:
+ event (synapse.events.EventBase): The event to check.
+ rule (str): The name of the rule to apply.
+ Returns:
+ bool, True if the event can be allowed, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return rule != ACCESS_RULE_DIRECT
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_rule_from_state(state_events):
+ """Extract the rule to be applied from the given set of state events.
+ Args:
+ state_events (dict[tuple[event type, state key], EventBase]): The set of state
+ events.
+ Returns:
+ str, the name of the rule (either "direct", "restricted" or "unrestricted")
+ """
+ access_rules = state_events.get((ACCESS_RULES_TYPE, ""))
+ if access_rules is None:
+ else:
+ rule = access_rules.content.get("rule")
+ return rule
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_join_rule_from_state(state_events):
+ """Extract the room's join rule from the given set of state events.
+ Args:
+ state_events (dict[tuple[event type, state key], EventBase]): The set of state
+ events.
+ Returns:
+ str, the name of the join rule (either "public", or "invite")
+ """
+ join_rule_event = state_events.get((EventTypes.JoinRules, ""))
+ if join_rule_event is None:
+ return None
+ return join_rule_event.content.get("join_rule")
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_members_and_tokens_from_state(state_events):
+ """Retrieves from a list of state events the list of users that have a
+ m.room.member event in the room, and the tokens of 3PID invites in the room.
+ Args:
+ state_events (dict[tuple[event type, state key], EventBase]): The set of state
+ events.
+ Returns:
+ existing_members (list[str]): List of targets of the m.room.member events in
+ the state.
+ threepid_invite_tokens (list[str]): List of tokens of the 3PID invites in the
+ state.
+ """
+ existing_members = []
+ threepid_invite_tokens = []
+ for key, state_event in state_events.items():
+ if key[0] == EventTypes.Member and state_event.content:
+ existing_members.append(state_event.state_key)
+ if key[0] == EventTypes.ThirdPartyInvite and state_event.content:
+ # Don't include revoked invites.
+ threepid_invite_tokens.append(state_event.state_key)
+ return existing_members, threepid_invite_tokens
+ @staticmethod
+ def _is_invite_from_threepid(invite, threepid_invite_token):
+ """Checks whether the given invite follows the given 3PID invite.
+ Args:
+ invite (EventBase): The m.room.member event with "invite" membership.
+ threepid_invite_token (str): The state key from the 3PID invite.
+ """
+ token = (
+ invite.content.get("third_party_invite", {})
+ .get("signed", {})
+ .get("token", "")
+ )
+ return token == threepid_invite_token