using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Frozen; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using ArcaneLibs; using ArcaneLibs.Collections; using ArcaneLibs.Extensions; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State; using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers.Rooms; using LibMatrix.Responses; namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services; public class RoomStore { private readonly ILogger _logger; public ConcurrentBag _rooms = new(); private FrozenDictionary _roomsById = FrozenDictionary.Empty; public RoomStore(ILogger logger, HSEConfiguration config) { _logger = logger; if (config.StoreData) { var path = Path.Combine(config.DataStoragePath, "rooms"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path)) { var room = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(File.ReadAllText(file)); if (room is not null) _rooms.Add(room); } } else Console.WriteLine("Data storage is disabled, not loading rooms from disk"); RebuildIndexes(); } private SemaphoreSlim a = new(1, 1); private void RebuildIndexes() { // a.Wait(); // lock (_roomsById) // _roomsById = new ConcurrentDictionary(_rooms.ToDictionary(u => u.RoomId)); // foreach (var room in _rooms) { // _roomsById.AddOrUpdate(room.RoomId, room, (key, old) => room); // } // // var roomsArr = _rooms.ToArray(); // foreach (var (id, room) in _roomsById) { // if (!roomsArr.Any(x => x.RoomId == id)) // _roomsById.TryRemove(id, out _); // } // _roomsById = new ConcurrentDictionary(_rooms.ToDictionary(u => u.RoomId)); _roomsById = _rooms.ToFrozenDictionary(u => u.RoomId); // a.Release(); } public Room? GetRoomById(string roomId, bool createIfNotExists = false) { if (_roomsById.TryGetValue(roomId, out var room)) { return room; } if (!createIfNotExists) return null; return CreateRoom(new() { }); } public Room CreateRoom(CreateRoomRequest request, UserStore.User? user = null) { var room = new Room(roomId: $"!{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}"); var newCreateEvent = new StateEvent() { Type = RoomCreateEventContent.EventId, RawContent = new() { } }; foreach (var (key, value) in request.CreationContent) { newCreateEvent.RawContent[key] = value.DeepClone(); } if (user != null) { newCreateEvent.RawContent["creator"] = user.UserId; var createEvent = room.SetStateInternal(newCreateEvent, user: user); createEvent.Sender = user.UserId; room.SetStateInternal(new() { Type = RoomMemberEventContent.EventId, StateKey = user.UserId, TypedContent = new RoomMemberEventContent() { Membership = "join", AvatarUrl = (user.Profile.GetOrNull("avatar_url") as JsonObject)?.GetOrNull("avatar_url")?.GetValue(), DisplayName = (user.Profile.GetOrNull("displayname") as string) } }, user: user); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Name)) room.SetStateInternal(new StateEvent() { Type = RoomNameEventContent.EventId, TypedContent = new RoomNameEventContent() { Name = request.Name } }); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.RoomAliasName)) room.SetStateInternal(new StateEvent() { Type = RoomCanonicalAliasEventContent.EventId, TypedContent = new RoomCanonicalAliasEventContent() { Alias = $"#{request.RoomAliasName}:localhost" } }); foreach (var stateEvent in request.InitialState ?? []) { room.SetStateInternal(stateEvent); } _rooms.Add(room); // _roomsById.TryAdd(room.RoomId, room); RebuildIndexes(); return room; } public Room AddRoom(Room room) { _rooms.Add(room); RebuildIndexes(); return room; } public class Room : NotifyPropertyChanged { private CancellationTokenSource _debounceCts = new(); private ObservableCollection _timeline; private ObservableDictionary> _accountData; private ObservableDictionary _readMarkers; private FrozenSet _stateCache; private int _timelineHash; public Room(string roomId) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomId)) throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(roomId)); if (roomId[0] != '!') throw new ArgumentException("Room ID must start with !", nameof(roomId)); RoomId = roomId; Timeline = new(); AccountData = new(); ReadMarkers = new(); } public string RoomId { get; set; } public FrozenSet State => _timelineHash == _timeline.GetHashCode() ? _stateCache : RebuildState(); public ObservableCollection Timeline { get => _timeline; set { if (Equals(value, _timeline)) return; _timeline = new(value); _timeline.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => { // we dont want to do this as it's rebuilt when the state is accessed // if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) { // foreach (StateEventResponse state in args.NewItems) { // if (state.StateKey is not null) // // we want state to be deduplicated by type and key, and we want the latest state to be the one that is returned // RebuildState(); // } // } SaveDebounced(); }; // RebuildState(); OnPropertyChanged(); } } public ObservableDictionary> AccountData { get => _accountData; set { if (Equals(value, _accountData)) return; _accountData = new(value); _accountData.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => SaveDebounced(); OnPropertyChanged(); } } public ImmutableList JoinedMembers => State.Where(s => s is { Type: RoomMemberEventContent.EventId, TypedContent: RoomMemberEventContent { Membership: "join" } }).ToImmutableList(); public ObservableDictionary ReadMarkers { get => _readMarkers; set { if (Equals(value, _readMarkers)) return; _readMarkers = new(value); _readMarkers.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => SaveDebounced(); OnPropertyChanged(); } } internal StateEventResponse SetStateInternal(StateEvent request, string? senderId = null, UserStore.User? user = null) { var state = new StateEventResponse() { Type = request.Type, StateKey = request.StateKey ?? "", EventId = "$" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), RoomId = RoomId, OriginServerTs = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(), Sender = user?.UserId ?? senderId ?? "", RawContent = request.RawContent ?? (request.TypedContent is not null ? new JsonObject() : JsonSerializer.Deserialize(JsonSerializer.Serialize(request.TypedContent))) }; Timeline.Add(state); // if(state.StateKey != null) // RebuildState(); return state; } public StateEventResponse AddUser(string userId) { var state = SetStateInternal(new() { Type = RoomMemberEventContent.EventId, StateKey = userId, TypedContent = new RoomMemberEventContent() { Membership = "join" }, }); state.Sender = userId; return state; } public async Task SaveDebounced() { if (!HSEConfiguration.Current.StoreData) return; await _debounceCts.CancelAsync(); _debounceCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); try { await Task.Delay(250, _debounceCts.Token); // Ensure all state events are in the timeline State.Where(s => !Timeline.Contains(s)).ToList().ForEach(s => Timeline.Add(s)); var path = Path.Combine(HSEConfiguration.Current.DataStoragePath, "rooms", $"{RoomId}.json"); Console.WriteLine($"Saving room {RoomId} to {path}!"); await File.WriteAllTextAsync(path, this.ToJson(ignoreNull: true)); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { } } private SemaphoreSlim stateRebuildSemaphore = new(1, 1); private FrozenSet RebuildState() { stateRebuildSemaphore.Wait(); while (true) try { // ReSharper disable once RedundantEnumerableCastCall - This sometimes happens when the collection is modified during enumeration List? timeline = null; lock (_timeline) { timeline = Timeline.OfType().ToList(); } foreach (var evt in timeline) { if (evt == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Event is null"); } if (evt.EventId == null) { evt.EventId = "$" + Guid.NewGuid(); } else if (!evt.EventId.StartsWith('$')) { evt.EventId = "$" + evt.EventId; Console.WriteLine($"Sanitised invalid event ID {evt.EventId}"); } } _stateCache = timeline //.Where(s => s.Type == state.Type && s.StateKey == state.StateKey) .Where(x => x.StateKey != null) .OrderByDescending(s => s.OriginServerTs) .DistinctBy(x => (x.Type, x.StateKey)) .ToFrozenSet(); _timelineHash = _timeline.GetHashCode(); stateRebuildSemaphore.Release(); return _stateCache; } finally { } } } public List GetRoomsByMember(string userId) { // return _rooms // // .Where(r => r.State.Any(s => s.Type == RoomMemberEventContent.EventId && s.StateKey == userId)) // .Select(r => (Room: r, MemberEvent: r.State.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Type == RoomMemberEventContent.EventId && s.StateKey == userId))) // .Where(r => r.MemberEvent != null) // .ToDictionary(x => x.Room, x => x.MemberEvent!); return _rooms.SelectMany(r => r.State.Where(s => s.Type == RoomMemberEventContent.EventId && s.StateKey == userId)).ToList(); } }