using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text.Json.Nodes; using ArcaneLibs.Extensions; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State; using LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Services; using LibMatrix.Responses; using LibMatrix.Services; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace LibMatrix.HomeserverEmulator.Controllers; [ApiController] [Route("/_matrix/client/{version}/")] public class LegacyController(ILogger logger, TokenService tokenService, UserStore userStore, RoomStore roomStore) : ControllerBase { [HttpGet("rooms/{roomId}/initialSync")] [SuppressMessage("ReSharper.DPA", "DPA0011: High execution time of MVC action", Justification = "Endpoint is expected to wait until data is available or timeout.")] public async Task Sync([FromRoute] string roomId, [FromQuery] int limit = 20) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var token = tokenService.GetAccessToken(HttpContext); if (token == null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_MISSING_TOKEN", Error = "Missing token" }; var user = await userStore.GetUserByToken(token); if (user == null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN", Error = "No such user" }; var room = roomStore.GetRoomById(roomId); if (room is null) throw new MatrixException() { ErrorCode = "M_NOT_FOUND", Error = "Room not found." }; var accountData = room.AccountData.GetOrCreate(user.UserId, _ => []); var membership = room.State.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "" && x.StateKey == user.UserId); var timelineChunk = room.Timeline.TakeLast(limit).ToList(); return new { account_data = accountData, membership = (membership?.TypedContent as RoomMemberEventContent)?.Membership ?? "leave", room_id = room.RoomId, state = room.State.ToList(), visibility = "public", messages = new PaginatedChunkedStateEventResponse() { Chunk = timelineChunk, End = timelineChunk.Last().EventId, Start = timelineChunk.Count >= limit ? timelineChunk.First().EventId : null } }; } }