using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net.Http.Json; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using System.Web; using ArcaneLibs.Extensions; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec; using LibMatrix.EventTypes.Spec.State; using LibMatrix.Extensions; using LibMatrix.Homeservers; using LibMatrix.Interfaces; namespace LibMatrix.RoomTypes; public class GenericRoom { internal readonly AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric Homeserver; internal readonly MatrixHttpClient _httpClient; public GenericRoom(AuthenticatedHomeserverGeneric homeserver, string roomId) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roomId)) throw new ArgumentException("Room ID cannot be null or whitespace", nameof(roomId)); Homeserver = homeserver; _httpClient = homeserver.ClientHttpClient; RoomId = roomId; if (GetType() != typeof(SpaceRoom)) AsSpace = new SpaceRoom(homeserver, RoomId); } public string RoomId { get; set; } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetFullStateAsync() { var result = _httpClient.GetAsyncEnumerableFromJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/state"); await foreach (var resp in result) { yield return resp; } } public async Task> GetFullStateAsListAsync() { return await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync>($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/state"); } public async Task GetStateAsync(string type, string stateKey = "") { var url = $"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/state"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) url += $"/{type}"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stateKey)) url += $"/{stateKey}"; try { #if DEBUG && false var resp = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync(url); try { _homeServer._httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync( "http://localhost:5116/validate/" + typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName, resp); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("[!!] Checking state response failed: " + e); } return resp.Deserialize(); #else var resp = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync(url); return resp; #endif } catch (MatrixException e) { // if (e is not { ErrorCodode: "M_NOT_FOUND" }) { throw; // } // Console.WriteLine(e); // return default; } } public async Task GetStateOrNullAsync(string type, string stateKey = "") { try { return await GetStateAsync(type, stateKey); } catch (MatrixException e) { if (e.ErrorCode == "M_NOT_FOUND") return default; throw; } } public async Task GetMessagesAsync(string from = "", int? limit = null, string dir = "b", string filter = "") { var url = $"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/messages?dir={dir}"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(from)) url += $"&from={from}"; if (limit is not null) url += $"&limit={limit}"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter)) url += $"&filter={filter}"; var res = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync(url); return res ?? new MessagesResponse(); } /// /// Same as , except keeps fetching more responses until the beginning of the room is found, or the target message limit is reached /// public async IAsyncEnumerable GetManyMessagesAsync(string from = "", int limit = 100, string dir = "b", string filter = "", bool includeState = true, bool fixForward = false) { if (dir == "f" && fixForward) { var concat = new List(); while (true) { var resp = await GetMessagesAsync(from, int.MaxValue, "b", filter); concat.Add(resp); if (!includeState) resp.State.Clear(); from = resp.End; if (resp.End is null) break; } concat.Reverse(); foreach (var eventResponse in concat) { limit -= eventResponse.State.Count + eventResponse.Chunk.Count; while (limit < 0) { if (eventResponse.State.Count > 0 && eventResponse.State.Max(x => x.OriginServerTs) > eventResponse.Chunk.Max(x => x.OriginServerTs)) eventResponse.State.Remove(eventResponse.State.MaxBy(x => x.OriginServerTs)); else eventResponse.Chunk.Remove(eventResponse.Chunk.MaxBy(x => x.OriginServerTs)); limit++; } eventResponse.Chunk.Reverse(); eventResponse.State.Reverse(); yield return eventResponse; if (limit <= 0) yield break; } } else { while (limit > 0) { var resp = await GetMessagesAsync(from, limit, dir, filter); if (!includeState) resp.State.Clear(); limit -= resp.Chunk.Count + resp.State.Count; from = resp.End; yield return resp; if (resp.End is null) { Console.WriteLine("End is null"); yield break; } } } Console.WriteLine("End of GetManyAsync"); } public async Task GetNameAsync() => (await GetStateAsync(""))?.Name; public async Task JoinAsync(string[]? homeservers = null, string? reason = null, bool checkIfAlreadyMember = true) { if (checkIfAlreadyMember) { try { var ce = await GetCreateEventAsync(); return new() { RoomId = RoomId }; } catch { } //ignore } var join_url = $"/_matrix/client/v3/join/{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(RoomId)}"; Console.WriteLine($"Calling {join_url} with {homeservers?.Length ?? 0} via's..."); if (homeservers == null || homeservers.Length == 0) homeservers = new[] { RoomId.Split(':')[1] }; var fullJoinUrl = $"{join_url}?server_name=" + string.Join("&server_name=", homeservers); var res = await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(fullJoinUrl, new { reason }); return await res.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync() ?? throw new Exception("Failed to join room?"); } public async IAsyncEnumerable GetMembersAsync(bool joinedOnly = true) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var res = await _httpClient.GetAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/members"); Console.WriteLine($"Members call responded in {sw.GetElapsedAndRestart()}"); var resText = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Console.WriteLine($"Members call response read in {sw.GetElapsedAndRestart()}"); var result = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync(await res.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(), new JsonSerializerOptions() { TypeInfoResolver = ChunkedStateEventResponseSerializerContext.Default }); Console.WriteLine($"Members call deserialised in {sw.GetElapsedAndRestart()}"); foreach (var resp in result.Chunk) { if (resp?.Type != "") continue; if (joinedOnly && (resp.TypedContent as RoomMemberEventContent)?.Membership is not "join") continue; yield return resp; } Console.WriteLine($"Members call iterated in {sw.GetElapsedAndRestart()}"); } #region Utility shortcuts public async Task SendMessageEventAsync(RoomMessageEventContent content) => await SendTimelineEventAsync("", content); public async Task?> GetAliasesAsync() { var res = await GetStateAsync(""); return res.Aliases; } public async Task GetCanonicalAliasAsync() => await GetStateAsync(""); public async Task GetTopicAsync() => await GetStateAsync(""); public async Task GetAvatarUrlAsync() => await GetStateAsync(""); public async Task GetJoinRuleAsync() => await GetStateAsync(""); public async Task GetHistoryVisibilityAsync() => await GetStateAsync(""); public async Task GetGuestAccessAsync() => await GetStateAsync(""); public async Task GetCreateEventAsync() => await GetStateAsync(""); public async Task GetRoomType() { var res = await GetStateAsync(""); return res.Type; } public async Task GetPowerLevelsAsync() => await GetStateAsync(""); public async Task GetNameOrFallbackAsync(int maxMemberNames = 2) { try { return await GetNameAsync(); } catch { try { var members = GetMembersAsync(); var memberList = new List(); int memberCount = 0; await foreach (var member in members) memberList.Add((member.TypedContent is RoomMemberEventContent memberEvent ? memberEvent.DisplayName : "") ?? ""); memberCount = memberList.Count; memberList.RemoveAll(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace); memberList = memberList.OrderBy(x => x).ToList(); if (memberList.Count > maxMemberNames) return string.Join(", ", memberList.Take(maxMemberNames)) + " and " + (memberCount - maxMemberNames) + " others."; return string.Join(", ", memberList); } catch { return RoomId; } } } public async Task InviteUsersAsync(IEnumerable users, string? reason = null, bool skipExisting = true) { var tasks = users.Select(x => InviteUserAsync(x, reason, skipExisting)).ToList(); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); } #endregion #region Simple calls public async Task ForgetAsync() => await _httpClient.PostAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/forget", null); public async Task LeaveAsync(string? reason = null) => await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/leave", new { reason }); public async Task KickAsync(string userId, string? reason = null) => await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/kick", new UserIdAndReason { UserId = userId, Reason = reason }); public async Task BanAsync(string userId, string? reason = null) => await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/ban", new UserIdAndReason { UserId = userId, Reason = reason }); public async Task UnbanAsync(string userId) => await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/unban", new UserIdAndReason { UserId = userId }); public async Task InviteUserAsync(string userId, string? reason = null, bool skipExisting = true) { if (skipExisting && await GetStateAsync("", userId) is not null) return; await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/invite", new UserIdAndReason(userId, reason)); } #endregion #region Events public async Task SendStateEventAsync(string eventType, object content) => await (await _httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/state/{eventType}", content)) .Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(); public async Task SendStateEventAsync(string eventType, string stateKey, object content) => await (await _httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/state/{eventType}/{stateKey}", content)) .Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(); public async Task SendTimelineEventAsync(string eventType, TimelineEventContent content) { var res = await _httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync( $"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/send/{eventType}/" + Guid.NewGuid(), content, new JsonSerializerOptions { DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull }); return await res.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(); } public async Task SendFileAsync(string fileName, Stream fileStream, string messageType = "m.file", string contentType = "application/octet-stream") { var url = await Homeserver.UploadFile(fileName, fileStream); var content = new RoomMessageEventContent() { MessageType = messageType, Url = url, Body = fileName, FileName = fileName, FileInfo = new() { Size = fileStream.Length, MimeType = contentType } }; return await SendTimelineEventAsync("", content); } public async Task GetRoomAccountDataAsync(string key) { var res = await _httpClient.GetAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/user/{Homeserver.UserId}/rooms/{RoomId}/account_data/{key}"); if (!res.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get room account data: {await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}"); throw new InvalidDataException($"Failed to get room account data: {await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}"); } return await res.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(); } public async Task SetRoomAccountDataAsync(string key, object data) { var res = await _httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/user/{Homeserver.UserId}/rooms/{RoomId}/account_data/{key}", data); if (!res.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to set room account data: {await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}"); throw new InvalidDataException($"Failed to set room account data: {await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}"); } } public async Task GetEventAsync(string eventId) { return await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync($"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/event/{eventId}"); } public async Task RedactEventAsync(string eventToRedact, string reason) { var data = new { reason }; return (await (await _httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync( $"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/redact/{eventToRedact}/{Guid.NewGuid()}", data)).Content.ReadFromJsonAsync())!; } #endregion #region Utilities public async Task>> GetMembersByHomeserverAsync(bool joinedOnly = true) { if (Homeserver is AuthenticatedHomeserverMxApiExtended mxaeHomeserver) return await Homeserver.ClientHttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync>>( $"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{RoomId}/members_by_homeserver?joined_only={joinedOnly}"); Dictionary> roomHomeservers = new(); var members = GetMembersAsync(); await foreach (var member in members) { string memberHs = member.StateKey.Split(':', 2)[1]; roomHomeservers.TryAdd(memberHs, new()); roomHomeservers[memberHs].Add(member.StateKey); } Console.WriteLine($"Finished processing {RoomId}"); return roomHomeservers; } #endregion public readonly SpaceRoom AsSpace; #region Disband room public async Task DisbandRoomAsync() { var states = GetFullStateAsync(); List stateTypeIgnore = new() { "", "", "", "", "", "", }; await foreach (var state in states) { if (state is null || state.RawContent is not { Count: > 0 }) continue; if (state.Type == "" && state.StateKey != Homeserver.UserId) try { await BanAsync(state.StateKey, "Disbanding room"); } catch (MatrixException e) { if (e.ErrorCode != "M_FORBIDDEN") throw; } if (stateTypeIgnore.Contains(state.Type)) continue; await SendStateEventAsync(state.Type, state.StateKey, new()); } } #endregion } public class RoomIdResponse { [JsonPropertyName("room_id")] public string RoomId { get; set; } = null!; }